
Public service standard "Issuing a decision on the reconstruction (redevelopment, re-equipment) of premises (individual parts) of existing buildings that are not associated with changes in load-bearing and enclosing structures, engineering systems and equipment." What is ar

When the decision to build a house has been finally made, and the money, at least for the initial stage, has been set aside, you just want to quickly make the markings and drive that very first starting peg onto the site. Therefore, every necessary document, including architectural and planning assignments, is perceived by the future developer as something useless, invented solely as a 401 way of relatively fair taking of money from the population.

What kind of document is this and is it really needed?

Do you know why in Europe there are streets no more than 60 cm wide? Or why do some buildings tilt, creating a potential threat to neighboring ones? Yes, just because they built it before, where and how they wanted. For example, the pride of Pieza is, in fact, just a mistake by a not very technically competent medieval architect. Although this tower brings in a decent income, it requires considerable investment so that the “leaning” tower does not collapse one day.

Therefore, if you think that even a one-story house built on your own yard can be anything, alas, you are mistaken. Our architects can be blamed for many things: for the construction of typical ugly cities, and for approving permits for the construction of “masterpiece” monuments, etc. But, in general, this city service is necessary and important. The same as issuing an architectural planning assignment.

Imagine what our cities would look like if everyone built what they wanted. Of course, you can picture a dream house in your head. But your house-building fantasies simply must fit into the framework of urban planning requirements. Otherwise, no one will allow you to build what you dream of.

So, the set of requirements for plans, drawings, sketches and other technically important documents related to the architectural part of the house (including its exterior, utilities and road and path networks) is an architectural planning assignment (APZ).

!APZ is regulated on the basis of which, in turn, is based on.!

But developers often confuse this document with a design assignment. In the latter, the developer writes out wishes for the architect, describes the concept of the interior and exterior, or simply explains to the designers how he sees the future house.

But in the architectural design assignment, the chief architect’s service indicates project requirements(and, accordingly, to the future structure). As they say, “feel the difference.”

This is what it looks like

An architectural planning assignment is a document that essentially gives you the “green light” to order (or purchase) a house project!

No, of course, you can buy anything, even a diagram of a Challenger or a 100-story skyscraper. But if you are seriously planning to build a family nest, then, based on each point of the APP, you will be able to see how the potential project complies with local urban planning and architectural requirements.

What is needed to receive an architectural planning assignment?

To obtain such a document, you must order it from the architectural department of the local municipality. To do this you need to provide:

  • application for an APP;
  • extract from the Unified State Register;
  • identification document of the applicant;
  • title documents for the land plot;
  • information about the site entered into the state Real Estate Cadastre.

You can submit documents in person, by mail or electronically (scans). Moreover, in any case, no later than 30 calendar days later, an architectural and planning assignment will be issued, signed by the chief architect of the city (district) or his deputy. Although, it is also possible... refusal.

Refusal is not a death sentence!

Yes, this happens too. But understand that most often the applicant is to blame for the refusal. After all, refusals are issued most often when:

  • the information in the documents provided is distorted or outright untrue;
  • the applicant is an unauthorized (or incapable) person;
  • if the person who applied for the APP suspended his order in writing;
  • if the applicant’s goals contradict legislation, legal acts, urban planning or simply building regulations, local or federal land use rules.

But, suddenly, having received a refusal for an architectural design task, you do not agree with this decision, please - complain! Write your application in any form. In it, justify what, specifically, you disagree with. You will receive a response no later than 15 days. Moreover, it does not always coincide with the previous refusal verdict. In a word, if you feel that Mother Truth is on your side, “knock and it will open!”

How much does the document cost?

Well, now about the pleasant things. This is another document included in the list of free municipal services. For those who have lost their breath from happiness and their consciousness has stopped, let us explain once again:

There is no need to pay for an architectural planning task!!!

As you can see, upon closer examination it turns out that to obtain such paper you do not need to run around the endless bureaucratic arena like a circus horse. It’s quite enough to just collect everything you need and send it to the municipality’s website in a couple of clicks. Yes, gentlemen, fortunately, we live in the electronic age. And although there is plenty of paperwork required, the virtual web can make life a lot easier. Especially when you know a lot...

Footnote. Title as amended by the order of the Minister for Investment and Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated July 4, 2017 No. 438

In accordance with subparagraph 1) of Article 10 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated April 15, 2013 “On Public Services” I ORDER:

1. Approve the attached:

1) “Issue of a certificate to determine the address of real estate on the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan” in accordance with Appendix 1 to this order;

2) standard of public service “Provision of raw materials when developing construction and reconstruction projects (redevelopment and re-equipment)” in accordance with Appendix 2 to this order;

3) standard of public service “Issuing a decision for the reconstruction (redevelopment, re-equipment) of premises (individual parts) of existing buildings not related to changes in load-bearing and enclosing structures, engineering systems and equipment” in accordance with Appendix 3 to this order.

Footnote. Paragraph 1 has been amended in the state language, the text in Russian does not change, in accordance with the order of the Minister of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated July 19, 2016№ 325 (shall be put into effect upon the expiration of ten calendar days after the day of its first official publication); from 04.07.2017№ 438

2. The Committee for Construction, Housing and Communal Services and Land Management shall be provided in the manner prescribed by law:

1) state registration of this order with the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

2) within ten calendar days after the state registration of this order, its submission for official publication in periodicals and in the Adilet information and legal system;

3) placement of this order on the Internet resource of the Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

3. Control over the implementation of this order shall be assigned to the supervising Vice-Minister of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

4. This order comes into force ten calendar days after the day of its first official publication.


Minister of National Economy

Republic of Kazakhstan M.Kusainov


on investments and development

Republic of Kazakhstan

A. Isekeshev

Public service standard
"Issue of a certificate for determining the address
real estate objects on the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan"

Footnote. The title has been amended in the state language, the text in Russian does not change, in accordance with the order of the Minister of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated July 19, 2016 No. 325 (shall be enforced ten calendar days after the day of its first official publication).
Footnote. Standard of public service as amended by the acting order. Minister of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated January 21, 2016 No. 23 (to come into effect from March 1, 2016).

1. General Provisions

1. State service “Issue of a certificate to determine the address of real estate on the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan” (hereinafter referred to as the state service).

Footnote. Clause 2 as amended by the order of the Minister for Investment and Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated July 4, 2017№ 438 (shall come into force twenty-one calendar days after the day of its first official publication).

2) the “electronic government” web portal www.egov.kz (hereinafter referred to as the portal) to obtain information on clarifying the address of real estate objects (if there is no information in the “Address Register” information system, the service recipient contacts the State Corporation).

№ 949 (shall come into force twenty-one calendar days after the day of its first official publication).

2. The procedure for providing public services

1) from the moment of submission of the package of documents:

to the portal:

to the State Corporation:

issuing a certificate to clarify the address of real estate (without history/with history) - 15 (fifteen) minutes;

issuance of a certificate of assignment of the address of a property or issuance of a certificate of abolition of the address of a property, with a visit to the location of the property and with mandatory registration in the information system "Address Register" indicating the registration code of the address - 6 (six) working days or a reasoned refusal - 2 (two) working days.

The day of receipt of documents is not included in the period for the provision of the public service, while the result of the provision of the public service is provided the day before the end of the period for the provision of the public service;

2) the maximum allowable waiting time for submitting a package of documents is 15 (fifteen) minutes;

3) the maximum allowable service time is 20 (twenty) minutes.

Footnote. Clause 4 as amended by the order of the Minister for Investment and Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated December 28, 2018№ 949 (shall come into force twenty-one calendar days after the day of its first official publication).

5. Form of provision of public services: electronic (partially automated) and (or) paper.

6. The result of the provision of public services is:

certificate, certificate of clarification of the address of the property (with history), certificate of assignment of the address of the property, certificate of abolition of the address of the property indicating the registration code of the address in the form, according to Appendix 1

If a service recipient applies for the result of the provision of a public service on paper, the result of the provision of a public service is drawn up in electronic form and printed.

Footnote. Clause 6 as amended by the order of the Minister for Investment and Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated July 4, 2017№ 438 (shall come into force twenty-one calendar days after the day of its first official publication).

8. Work schedule:

If information is available in the "Address Register" information system, reception is carried out at the choice of the service recipient, in the absence of an object at the location of the real estate, in the order of "electronic" queue without expedited service. It is possible to book an electronic queue through the portal;

9. List of documents required for the provision of public services when applying to the service recipient (or an authorized representative: an individual with a notarized power of attorney):

1) to the portal:

to clarify the address of the property (without history/with history):

application in the form in accordance with Appendix 2 to this public service standard;

2) to the State Corporation:

to obtain help clarifying the address of a property (without history/with history):

application in the form in accordance with Appendix 2 to this public service standard;

identification document (to identify the identity of the service recipient);

to obtain information on the assignment or cancellation of the address of a real estate property:

application in the form in accordance with Appendix 2 to this public service standard;

identification document (to identify the identity of the service recipient).

When accepting documents through the State Corporation, the service recipient is issued a receipt for the receipt of the relevant documents provided for in this paragraph.

In the case of an application through the portal, the service recipient is sent to the “personal account” the status of acceptance of the request for a public service, as well as a notification indicating the date and time (if the issuance is on paper, the place of receipt must be indicated) of receiving the result of the public service.

On the portal, an electronic request is received in the “personal account” of the service recipient.

№ 949 (shall come into force twenty-one calendar days after the day of its first official publication).

clause 10 of the Rules for addressing real estate on the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan, approved by the joint order of the Minister of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated December 22, 2015 No. 783 and the Minister for Investment and Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated December 28, 2015 No. 1262 “On approval of the Rules for addressing real estate on the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan" (registered in the Register of State Registration of Normative Legal Acts No. 12938).

If the service recipient submits an incomplete package of documents, according to the list provided for in paragraph 9 of this public service standard, an employee of the State Corporation refuses to accept the application and issues a receipt of refusal to accept documents in the form in accordance with Appendix 3 to this public service standard.

Footnote. Clause 10 as amended by the order of the Minister for Investment and Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated July 4, 2017№ 438 (shall come into force twenty-one calendar days after the day of its first official publication).

3. The procedure for appealing decisions, actions (inaction)
service provider and (or) its officials, State
corporations and (or) their employees regarding the provision of
public services

11. A complaint about the actions (inaction) of an employee of the service provider or the State Corporation is sent to the head of the service provider or the State Corporation at the addresses and telephone numbers specified in paragraph 14 of this public service standard.

12. In cases of disagreement with the results of the public service provided, the service recipient has the right to go to court in the manner established by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

4. Other requirements taking into account the specifics of the provision
public services, including those provided through
State corporation

Ministries: www.mid.gov.kz;

Footnote. Clause 14 as amended by the order of the Minister for Investment and Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated July 4, 2017№ 438 (shall come into force twenty-one calendar days after the day of its first official publication).

15. The service recipient has the opportunity to receive public services in electronic form through the portal, subject to the availability of an electronic signature.

16. The service recipient has the opportunity to obtain information about the procedure for providing public services in remote access mode through the “personal account” of the portal, as well as the Unified Contact Center for the provision of public services.

17. Contact numbers of the service provider’s help desks regarding the provision of public services are posted on the Internet resources of the Ministry: www.mid.gov.kz. Unified contact center for the provision of public services: 1414, 8 800 080 7777.

Footnote. Clause 17 as amended by the order of the Minister for Investment and Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated July 4, 2017№ 438 (shall come into force twenty-one calendar days after the day of its first official publication).

(no history)

turals anyqtama
to clarify the address of the property

Tours to your address:
Permanent registration address:

Mekenzhaidyn Tirkeu codes: Address registration code:

Objects of sipattamas:
Description of the object:

Tirkeu kuni:
Registration date:

Out of nowhere they say:
A document base:

Berilgen kuni: Date of issue:

(with history)


(Republic of manyzy bar kalanyn / oblystyk manyzy bar kalanyn /

audannyn sәulet zәne qala қerylysy baskarmasy / bolimі)

(Department / Department of Architecture and Urban Planning of the city

republican significance / city of regional significance / district)

Zhylzhymaytyn mulik objectisinin mekenzhaiyn naktylau
turals anyqtama
to clarify the address of the property

Mekenzhay Tirkelimi AJ / IS Address Register


(zhylzhymaytyn mulik objectisi / real estate object)

Meragattyk mekenzhay: Archive address:

Kazakhstan Republics, republican manyzy bas qalanyn / oblystyn atauy, audannyn atauy, auyldyk okrugtіn atauy, eldi mekennіn atauy, geonim atauy, mekenzhay elementteri

Republic of Kazakhstan, name of the city of republican significance / region, name of the district, name of the rural district, name of the settlement, name of the geonim, address elements

Changed to:

Kazakhstan Republics, republican manyzy bas qalanyn / oblystyn atauy, audannyn atauy, auyldyk okrugtіn atauy, eldi mekennіn atauy, geonim atauy, mekenzhay elementteri

Republic of Kazakhstan, name of the city of republican significance / region, name of the district, name of the rural district, name of the settlement, name of the geonim, address elements

Mekenjay tirkeu codes: Address registration code:

Objects of sipattamas:
Description of the object:

Cadastral number: Cadastral number:

Tirkeu kuni:
Registration date:

Out of nowhere they say:
A document base:

Berilgen kuni:
Date of issue:


(Republic of manyzy bar kalanyn / oblystyk manyzy bar kalanyn /

audannyn sәulet zәne qala қerylysy baskarmasy / bolimі)

Department/department of architecture and urban planning of the city

republican significance / city of regional significance / district)

Zhylzhymaytyn mulik objectisine mekenzhaiyn take
turals anyqtama
on assigning an address to a property

Mekenzhay Tirkelimi AJ / IS Address Register


Turakty / aldyn ala tirkeu mekenzhayy:

Kazakhstan Republics, republican manyzy bas qalanyn / oblystyn atauy, audannyn atauy, auyldyk okrugtіn atauy, eldi mekennіn atauy, geonim atauy, mekenzhay elementteri

Republic of Kazakhstan, name of the city of republican significance / region, name of the district, name of the rural district, name of the settlement, name of the geonim, address elements

Objects of sipattamas:
Description of the object:

Cadastral number: Cadastral number:

Tirkeu kuni:
Registration date:

In other words: Document basis:

Berilgen kuni:
Date of issue:


(Republic of manyzy bar kalanyn / oblystyk manyzy bar kalanyn /

audanny sәulet zәne қалақерылы whose basқрmasy / bolіmі)

Department/department of architecture and urban planning of the city

republican significance/city of regional significance/district)

Zhylzhymaytyn mulik objectisinin mekenzhaiyn zhoyu
turals anyqtama
On the abolition of an address for a property

Mekenzhay Tirkelimi AJ / IS Address Register


(zhylzhymaytyn mulik nysany / property)

Turakty / aldynala tirkeu mekenzhayy:
Permanent/preliminary registration address:

Kazakhstan Republics, republican manyzy bas qalanyn / oblystyn atauy, audannyn atauy, auyldyk okrugtіn atauy, eldi mekennіn atauy, geonim atauy, mekenzhay elementteri

Republic of Kazakhstan, name of the city of republican significance/region, name of the district, name of the rural district, name of the settlement, name of the geonim, address elements

Mekenjaydy tirkeu codes: Address registration code:

Objects of sipattamas:
Description of the object:

Cadastral number:
Cadastral number:

Zhoyylu kuni:
Date of abolition:

Out of nowhere they say:
A document base:

Berilgen kuni:
Date of issue:


Please clarify (with/without history), assign

(permanent/provisional), cancel address



(Underline whatever applicable)


located at:__________________________________________________________

(region, city (settlement) and location of the object)

I agree to the use of information that constitutes protected

the law is a secret,

"___" _________ 20__ year




or the name of the service recipient organization)


(service recipient address)

about refusal to accept documents

Based on paragraph 2

1) ________________________________________;

2) ________________________________________;

Full name (signature)

Telephone __________

"___" _________ 20__ year

Public service standard "Provision of raw materials in the development of construction and reconstruction projects (redevelopment and re-equipment)"

No. 13 (shall be enforced upon expiration of twenty-one calendar days after the day of its first official publication).

Chapter 1. General provisions

1. State service “Provision of raw materials for the development of construction and reconstruction projects (redevelopment and re-equipment)” (hereinafter referred to as the state service).

2. The public service standard was developed by the Ministry of Investment and Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan (hereinafter referred to as the Ministry).

3. The public service is provided by local executive bodies of the cities of Astana, Almaty and Shymkent, districts and cities of regional significance (hereinafter referred to as the service provider).

Acceptance of documents and issuance of the result of the provision of public services is carried out through:

1) Non-profit joint-stock company "State Corporation "Government for Citizens" (hereinafter - the State Corporation);

22) “electronic government” web portal www.egov.kz (hereinafter referred to as the portal).

Footnote. Clause 3 as amended by the order of the Minister for Investment and Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated December 28, 2018№ 949 (shall come into force twenty-one calendar days after the day of its first official publication).

4. Duration of provision of public services:

1) deadline for consideration of an application for the design of technically and (or) technologically simple objects:

for the issuance of architectural and planning assignments and technical specifications (hereinafter referred to as TS) - 6 (six) working days;

to receive initial materials (architectural and planning assignment, technical specifications, copying from the detailed planning project (hereinafter referred to as the DDP), vertical planning marks, transverse profiles of roads and streets, diagram of external utility network routes) - 15 (fifteen) working days.

Period for consideration of an application for the design of technically and (or) technologically complex objects:

for the issuance of architectural and planning assignments and technical specifications - 15 (fifteen) working days;

to receive initial materials (architectural and planning assignment, technical specifications, copying from the RAP, vertical planning marks, transverse profiles of roads and streets, diagram of external utility network routes) - 17 (seventeen) working days.

The period for consideration of an application for obtaining source materials and permits for reconstruction (redevelopment, re-equipment) of premises (individual parts) of existing buildings is 15 (fifteen) working days from the date of submission of the application.

Reasoned refusal – 5 (five) working days.

The service provider, within 2 (two) working days from the date of receipt of the service recipient’s documents, checks the completeness of the submitted documents.

If it is established that the submitted documents are incomplete and (or) an expired document, the service provider within the specified time frame gives a reasoned refusal to further consider the application.

When applying to the State Corporation, the day of receipt of documents is not included in the period for the provision of the public service, while the result of the provision of the public service is provided the day before the end of the period for the provision of the public service;

2) the maximum allowable waiting time for the service recipient to submit documents to the State Corporation is 15 minutes;

3) the maximum allowable time for servicing a service recipient in the State Corporation is 20 minutes.

5. Form of provision of public services: electronic (partially automated) and (or) paper.

6. Result of providing public services:

architectural and planning task in form, in accordance with Appendix 1 to this public service standard;

technical specifications;

route diagram of external engineering networks;

copying from the detailed planning project;

vertical planning marks;

cross profiles of roads and streets;

decision of local executive bodies for reconstruction (redevelopment, re-equipment);

a reasoned response on refusal to provide a public service in cases and on the grounds provided for in paragraph 10 of this standard.

Form for providing the result of the provision of public services: electronic.

If a service recipient applies to the State Corporation to receive the result of the provision of a public service on paper, the result of the provision of a public service is printed through the portal.

You can check the authenticity of the result of the provision of public services on the portal www.egov.kz.

7. The public service is provided free of charge to individuals and legal entities (hereinafter referred to as the service recipient).

8. Work schedule:

1) State corporation - from Monday to Saturday inclusive, in accordance with the established work schedule from 9-00 to 20-00 hours without a lunch break, with the exception of Sundays and holidays, in accordance with the labor legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Reception is carried out at the location of the real estate, in an “electronic” queue, without expedited service. It is possible to book an electronic queue through the portal;

2) portal - around the clock, with the exception of technical breaks due to repair work (when the service recipient contacts after the end of working hours, on weekends and holidays in accordance with the labor legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, applications are accepted and results of the provision of public services are issued on the next working day).

9. List of documents required for the provision of public services when applying to the service recipient (or an authorized representative:

a legal entity with a document confirming its authority;

of an individual by notarized power of attorney):

1) to the State Corporation:

Appendix 2 to this public service standard;

title document for the land plot (if there is no registration in the state database "Real Estate Register");

Appendix 3 to this public service standard (in case of receipt of technical specifications);

Appendix 4 to this public service standard;

written consent of at least two thirds of the total number of owners of premises (apartments) of a residential building or a protocol of owners of premises (apartments) of a residential building in cases where changes affect the common property of the condominium;

technical passport of the room being changed (if available);

questionnaire for technical conditions for connection to sources of engineering and utilities in the form according to Appendix 3

title document for the land plot (if the reconstruction involves additional allotment (addition) of the land plot) (in the absence of registration in the state database "Real Estate Register");

identity document (for personal identification);

technical project;

in cases where the designer indicates in the technical project that the planned reconstruction (redevelopment, re-equipment) of premises (parts of a residential building) or the transfer of the boundaries of premises affect the interests of the owners of adjacent premises (parts of the house), a notarized written consent of the owners of the premises (parts of the house) adjacent with changing premises (parts of the house), if the planned reconstruction (redevelopment, re-equipment) of the premises (parts of a residential building) or the transfer of the boundaries of the premises affect their interests;

2) to the portal:

to obtain architectural planning assignments and specifications/source materials for new construction:

an application for the provision of source materials/architectural planning assignments and technical specifications in the form, in accordance with Appendix 2 to this public service standard;

an electronic copy of the title document for the land plot (if there is no registration in the state database "Real Estate Register");

Appendix 3 to this public service standard;

to obtain source materials for reconstruction (redevelopment, re-equipment) of premises (individual parts) of existing buildings and structures:

application for obtaining source materials and permits for reconstruction (redevelopment, re-equipment) of premises (individual parts) of existing buildings in the form in accordance with Appendix 4 to this public service standard;

an electronic copy of the written consent of at least two thirds of the total number of owners of premises (apartments) of a residential building or a protocol of the owners of premises (apartments) of a residential building in cases where changes affect the common property of the condominium;

an electronic copy of the technical passport of the room being changed (if available);

an electronic copy of the questionnaire for technical conditions for connection to sources of engineering and utilities in the form in accordance with Appendix 3 to this public service standard (if necessary, additional connection to sources of engineering and utilities and/or increasing loads);

document of title to the land plot (if the reconstruction involves additional allotment (addition) of the land plot) (in the absence of registration in the state database "Real Estate Register");

electronic copy of the technical design;

in cases where the designer indicates in the technical project that the planned reconstruction (redevelopment, re-equipment) of premises (parts of a residential building) or the transfer of the boundaries of premises affect the interests of the owners of adjacent premises (parts of the house), an electronic copy of the notarized written consent of the owners of the premises (parts of the house) is additionally attached , adjacent to the modified premises (parts of the house), if the planned reconstruction (redevelopment, re-equipment) of the premises (parts of a residential building) or the transfer of the boundaries of the premises affect their interests.

Requesting from service recipients documents that can be obtained from information systems is not permitted.

Information on identity documents, on state registration (re-registration) of a legal entity, on registration as an individual entrepreneur, a certificate of registered rights (encumbrances) to real estate and its technical characteristics, the service provider and the employee of the State Corporation receive from the relevant state information systems through e-government gateway.

If the service recipient submits an incomplete package of documents, according to the list provided for in paragraph 9 of this public service standard, an employee of the State Corporation refuses to accept the application and issues a receipt of refusal to accept documents in the form in accordance with Appendix 5 to this public service standard.

An employee of the State Corporation obtains the consent of the service recipient to use information constituting a legally protected secret contained in information systems when providing public services, unless otherwise provided by the laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

When accepting documents, an employee of the State Corporation reproduces electronic copies of the documents, after which he returns the originals to the service recipient.

Confirming the acceptance of the application through the State Corporation, the service recipient is issued a receipt for the receipt of the relevant documents provided for in this paragraph.

The issuance of completed documents through the State Corporation is carried out on the basis of a receipt for the receipt of the relevant documents, upon presentation of an identification document (or an authorized representative: a legal entity under a document confirming authority; an individual under a notarized power of attorney).

The state corporation ensures that the results are stored for one month, after which it transfers them to the service provider for further storage. When the service recipient applies after one month, at the request of the State Corporation, the service provider within one business day sends the completed documents to the State Corporation for issuance to the service recipient.

Footnote. Clause 9 as amended by the order of the Minister for Investment and Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated December 28, 2018№ 949 (shall come into force twenty-one calendar days after the day of its first official publication).

10. The basis for refusal to provide a public service is the non-compliance of the service recipient and (or) the presented materials, objects, data and information necessary for the provision of the public service with the requirements established by paragraphs , , 34-1, 34-2, 34-3, , , 53-1, 53-2 and 53-3

Footnote. Clause 10 as amended by the order of the Minister for Investment and Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated December 28, 2018№ 949 (shall come into force twenty-one calendar days after the day of its first official publication).

Chapter 3. The procedure for appealing decisions, actions (inaction) of the State Corporation (or) their employees regarding the provision of public services

11. A complaint about the actions (inaction) of an employee of the State Corporation is sent to the head of the State Corporation at the addresses and telephone numbers specified in paragraph 13 of this public service standard.

Confirmation of the acceptance of a complaint to the State Corporation, received either by hand or by mail, is its registration (a stamp, entry number and registration date are affixed to the second copy of the complaint or a covering letter to the complaint).

When applying through the portal, information on the appeal procedure can be obtained by calling the single contact center 1414, 8 800 080 7777.

When sending a complaint through the portal, information about the appeal is available to the service recipient from the “personal account”, which is updated during the processing of the appeal by the service provider (marks on delivery, registration, execution, response on consideration or refusal to consider).

In case of disagreement with the results of the public service provided, the service recipient may file a complaint with the authorized body for assessing and monitoring the quality of public services.

A service recipient's complaint received by the authorized body for assessing and monitoring the quality of public services is subject to consideration within 15 (fifteen) working days from the date of its registration.

12. In cases of disagreement with the results of the public service provided, the service recipient goes to court in the manner established by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

13. For service recipients who have a health disorder with a persistent disorder of body functions that limits their life activity, if necessary, documents are accepted for the provision of public services by an employee of the State Corporation with a visit to the place of residence by contacting the Unified Contact Center 1414, 8 800 080 7777 .

14. Addresses of places where public services are provided are posted on Internet resources:

Ministries: www.mid.gov.kz;

State Corporation: www.gov4с.kz.

15. The service recipient has the opportunity to receive public services in electronic form through the portal, subject to the presence of an electronic digital signature.

16. The service recipient has the opportunity to obtain information about the procedure for providing public services in remote access mode through the “personal account” of the portal, as well as the Unified Contact Center for the provision of public services.

17. The contact number of the service provider’s help desk regarding the provision of public services is posted on the Internet resources of the Ministry: www.mid.gov.kz. Unified contact center for the provision of public services: 1414, 8 800 080 7777.

The Republic of Kazakhstan
(name of the body of architecture and urban planning of the republican city
significance, capital, cities of regional significance, districts)
(location, email, phone.)

I affirm:
Chief architect (city, district)
Last name, first name, patronymic (if any)
(hereinafter – full name)
Architectural and planning assignment (hereinafter referred to as APL)
for design
20____zhylgy "____" __________No. ______
No._______ dated "____"_____________20____
Object name:______________________________________________
Customer (developer, investor): _____________________________________
City (settlement), year

Basis for the development of architectural planning specifications (APZ)

Resolution of the city (district) akimat or title document No._______ dated_________ (day, month, year)

1. Characteristics of the site

1. Location of the site

City, district, microdistrict, aul, quarter

2. Presence of development (buildings and structures existing on the site, including communications, engineering structures, landscaping elements and others)

Short description

3. Geodetic knowledge (availability of surveys, their scale)

Short description

4. Engineering-geological knowledge (available materials from engineering-geological, hydrogeological, soil-botanical and other surveys)

Short description

2. Characteristics of the designed object

1. Functional meaning of the object

Short description

2. Number of floors

Short description

3. Planning system

According to the project, taking into account the functional purpose of the object

4. Construction diagram

According to the project

5. Engineering support

Short description

6. Energy efficiency class

3. Urban planning requirements

1. Volume-spatial solution

Link with adjacent objects on the site.

2. Draft master plan

In accordance with the RAP, vertical planning marks of adjacent streets, and the requirements of construction regulatory documents of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

2-1 vertical layout

Link with elevation marks of the adjacent territory

2-2 landscaping and landscaping

Regulatory with brief descriptions

2-3 car parking

Regulatory with brief descriptions

2-4 use of fertile soil layer

Short description

2-5 small architectural forms

Short description

2-6 lighting

Short description

4. Architectural requirements

1. Stylistics of the architectural image

Create an architectural image in accordance with the functional features of the object

2. The nature of the combination with the surrounding buildings

In accordance with the location of the object and urban planning significance

3. Color scheme

According to the agreed preliminary design

4-1 night lighting design

Short description

5. Input nodes

Suggest accentuation of input nodes

6. Creating conditions for the life of people with limited mobility

Provide for measures in accordance with the instructions and requirements of construction regulatory documents of the Republic of Kazakhstan; provide access for disabled people to the building, provide ramps, special access roads and devices for wheelchair access

7. Compliance with conditions for sound and noise indicators

According to the requirements of construction regulatory documents of the Republic of Kazakhstan

5. Requirements for exterior finishing

1. Base

Short description

2. Facade Enclosing structures

Short description

6. Requirements for utility networks

1. Heat supply

According to the technical specifications (No. __and date of issue of the technical specifications (hereinafter - TU)

2. Water supply

3. Sewerage

According to technical specifications (No.__ and date of issue of specifications)

4. Electricity supply

According to technical specifications (No.__ and date of issue of specifications)

5. Gas supply

According to technical specifications (No.__ and date of issue of specifications)

6. Telecommunications and broadcasting

According to the technical specifications (No.__ and date of issue of specifications) and the requirements of regulatory documents

7. Drainage (if necessary) and storm drainage

According to technical specifications (No.__ and date of issue of specifications)

8. Stationary watering systems

According to technical specifications (No. __ and date of issue of specifications)

7. Obligations imposed on the developer

1. According to engineering surveys

It is allowed to begin the development of a land plot after geodetic removal and fixation of its boundaries in kind (on the ground)

2. For demolition (relocation) of existing buildings and structures

Brief description if necessary

3. On the transfer of existing underground and above-ground utilities

According to the technical conditions for transfer (removal) or for carrying out measures to protect networks and structures.

4. Preservation and/or replanting of green spaces

Short description

5. For the construction of temporary fencing of the site

Short description

8. Additional requirements

1. When designing an air conditioning system in a building (in the case where the design does not provide for centralized refrigeration and air conditioning), it is necessary to provide for the placement of external elements of local systems in accordance with the architectural design of the building facades. On the facades of the designed building, provide places (niches, ledges, balconies, etc.) for placing external elements of local air conditioning systems.
2. Apply materials for resource conservation and modern energy-saving technologies.

9. General requirements

1. When developing a project (detailed design), it is necessary to be guided by the norms of the current legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the field of architectural, urban planning and construction activities.
2. Agree with the chief architect of the city (district):
- Preliminary design.


1. APZ and TU are valid for the entire period of the standard duration of construction, approved as part of the design (design and estimate) documentation.

2. If circumstances arise that require a revision of the terms of the APP, changes to it can be made by agreement with the customer.

3. The requirements and conditions set out in the APL are mandatory for all participants in the investment process, regardless of their form of ownership and sources of financing. At the request of the customer or the local executive body of architecture and urban planning, the APZ may be the subject of discussion by the urban planning council, the architectural community, and reviewed by an independent expert.

4. The customer’s disagreement with the requirements contained in the APP can be appealed in court.

on the provision of source materials / architectural and planning assignments and

technical specifications

legal entity)

I ask you to give me

Package 1 (architectural and planning assignment and technical specifications);

Package 2 (architectural and planning task, vertical planning
marks, copied from the detailed planning project, standard transverse
profiles of roads and streets, technical conditions, diagrams of external engineering routes
contained in information systems.


for technical specifications for connection to sources of engineering and

Electricity supply

Additionally during construction in turns

During reconstruction

Required power, kW

Character of load (phase)

Single-phase, three-phase, constant, temporary, seasonal

Maximum load after commissioning by year (cumulatively taking into account the existing load)


from the specified max. loads refer to electrical receivers:

Supposed to install
electric boilers, electric heaters, electric stoves, electric furnaces, electric water heaters (underline as necessary)

in quantity ___pcs., unit power _____kW (kVA)

Transformer power permitted under the contract

In TP No. _________________ kVA
in TP No. _________________ kVA

Water supply

Total water requirement

m 3 /day

m 3 /hour of drinking water

l/sec max.

For household drinking needs

m 3 /day

l/sec max.

For production needs

m 3 /day

l/sec max.

Required fire extinguishing costs


Total amount of wastewater

m 3 /day

m 3 / h. Max


m 3 /day

m 3 / h. Max


m 3 /day

m 3 / h. Max

Conditionally clean discharged to the city sewerage system

m 3 /day

m 3 / h. Max

Qualitative composition and characteristics of industrial wastewater (pH, suspended solids, BG concentration of acids, alkalis, explosives, flammable radioactive substances, etc.)

Heat supply






Hot water supply


Technological needs (steam)

Divide the load between housing and built-in premises

Energy saving event

Storm sewer

Customer's request


Number of OTAs and services by individuals and legal entities

Telephone capacity

Planned telephone sewer

Customer wishes (equipment type, cable type, etc.)

Gas supply

General requirement

M 3 /hour

For cooking

M 3 /hour


M 3 /hour


M 3 /hour


M 3 /hour

Hot water supply during gasification
multi-storey buildings

M 3 /hour

Note *
* If the questionnaire is submitted by a sub-consumer, the note indicates
consumer consent to connect a subconsumer to his networks. At the same time, in
With the consent of the consumer, his data is indicated (individuals - confirm
signature, legal entities - signature and seal).


"___" ________________ 20___ year

to obtain source materials and permits for
reconstruction (redevelopment, refurbishment)mining) premises (separate
parts) of existing buildings
applicant: ________________________________________________________________
(Last name, first name, patronymic (if any) of an individual or name
legal entity)
Address: ____________________________________________________________________
Telephone: _________________________________________________________________
Customer: _________________________________________________________________
Name of the designed object: ________________________________________________
Address of the designed facility: ________________________________________________
I ask you to issue a decision for reconstruction (redevelopment, re-equipment)
premises (separate parts) of existing buildings and structures associated with
changes in load-bearing and enclosing structures, engineering systems and
equipment, architectural and planning assignment, technical conditions and diagrams
routes of external engineering networks (if the applicant submits a questionnaire)
I agree to the use of information that constitutes a secret protected by law,
contained in information systems.
Date: "_____"_______________ 20__
Passed: __________________________


Guided by paragraph 2 of Article 20 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated April 15, 2013
year "On public services", department No.__ branch of the Non-Profit Joint Stock Company
Society "State Corporation "Government for Citizens" (specify address)
refuses to accept documents for the provision of public services (indicate the name
public service in accordance with the public service standard) due to
your submission of an incomplete package of documents according to the list provided
public service standard, namely:
Name of missing documents:

This receipt is made in 2 copies, one for each party.
Full name (signature)
(State Corporation employee)
Performer: Full name___________
Telephone __________
Received: Full name/signature of the service recipient
"___" _________ 20__ year

Public service standard
"Issuing a decision for reconstruction (redevelopment, re-equipment)
premises (separate parts) of existing buildings not connected
with changes in load-bearing and enclosing structures, engineering systems and equipment"

Footnote. The standard is as amended by the order of the Minister for Investment and Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated January 11, 2018 No. 13 (shall be brought into force upon the expiration of twenty-one calendar days after the day of its first official publication).

Chapter 1. General provisions

1. State service “Issuing a decision for the reconstruction (redevelopment, re-equipment) of premises (individual parts) of existing buildings that are not related to changes in load-bearing and enclosing structures, engineering systems and equipment” (hereinafter referred to as the state service).

2. The public service standard was developed by the Ministry of Investment and Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan (hereinafter referred to as the Ministry).

3. The public service is provided by local executive bodies of the cities of Astana, Almaty and Shymkent districts and cities of regional significance (hereinafter referred to as the service provider).

Acceptance of documents and issuance of results of the provision of public services is carried out through the Non-profit Joint Stock Company "State Corporation "Government for Citizens" (hereinafter referred to as the State Corporation).

Footnote. Clause 3 as amended by the order of the Minister for Investment and Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated December 28, 2018№ 949 (shall come into force twenty-one calendar days after the day of its first official publication).

Chapter 2. Procedure for providing public services

4. The period for providing public services is 15 (fifteen) working days.

Reasoned refusal – 5 (five) working days.

The service provider, within two working days from the date of receipt of the service recipient’s documents, checks the completeness of the submitted documents.

If it is established that the submitted documents are incomplete, the service provider, within the specified time frame, gives a reasoned refusal to further consider the application.

The day of receipt of documents is not included in the period of provision of the public service, while the result of the provision of the public service is provided the day before the end of the period for the provision of the public service.

2) the maximum allowable waiting time for submitting a package of documents is 15 (fifteen) minutes.

3) the maximum allowable service time is 20 minutes.

5. Form of provision of public services: paper.

6. The result of the provision of a public service is a decision of the local executive body for reconstruction (redevelopment, re-equipment) or a reasoned response to refuse to provide a public service in the cases and on the grounds provided for in paragraph 10 of this standard.

Form for providing the result of the provision of public services: paper.

7. The public service is provided free of charge to individuals and legal entities (hereinafter referred to as the service recipient).

8. Work schedule:

State corporation - from Monday to Saturday inclusive, in accordance with the established work schedule from 9-00 to 20-00 hours without a lunch break, with the exception of Sundays and holidays, in accordance with the labor legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Reception is carried out at the location of the real estate, in an “electronic” queue, without expedited service. It is possible to book an electronic queue through the portal.

9. List of documents required for the provision of public services when applying to the service recipient (or an authorized representative:

a legal entity with a document confirming its authority;

an individual by notarized power of attorney) to the State Corporation:

application in the form in accordance with Appendix 1 to this public service standard;

identification document (to identify the identity of the service recipient);

written consent of the owner (co-owners) of the object to the planned change and its parameters;

notarized written consent of the owners of other premises (parts of the house) adjacent to the premises (parts of the house) being changed, if the planned reconstruction (redevelopment, re-equipment) of the premises (parts of the residential building) or the transfer of the boundaries of the premises affect their interests;

written consent of at least two thirds of the total number of owners of premises (apartments) of a residential building or a protocol of owners of premises (apartments) of a residential building in cases where changes affect the common property of the condominium object;

technical passport of the applicant’s property for the premises being changed (the original is provided for verification);

conclusion of a technical survey on the possibility of reconstructing premises located in existing buildings in areas of increased seismic hazard or other geological (hydrogeological) and hydraulic conditions;

sketches (dramatic design) with a plan for proposed changes.

Requesting from service recipients documents that can be obtained from information systems is not permitted.

Information on identity documents, on state registration (re-registration) of a legal entity, on registration as an individual entrepreneur, a certificate of registered rights (encumbrances) on real estate and its technical characteristics, the employee of the State Corporation receives from the relevant state information systems through the gateway " e-government".

An employee of the State Corporation obtains the consent of the service recipient to use information constituting a legally protected secret contained in information systems when providing public services, unless otherwise provided by the laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

When accepting documents, an employee of the State Corporation reproduces electronic copies of the documents, after which he returns the originals to the service recipient.

Confirming the acceptance of the application by the State Corporation, the service recipient is issued a receipt for the receipt of the relevant documents provided for in this paragraph.

The issuance of completed documents through the State Corporation is carried out on the basis of a receipt for the receipt of the relevant documents, upon presentation of an identification document (or an authorized representative: a legal entity under a document confirming authority; an individual under a notarized power of attorney).

The state corporation ensures that the results are stored for one month, after which it transfers them to the service provider for further storage. When the service recipient applies after one month, at the request of the State Corporation, the service provider within one business day sends the completed documents to the State Corporation for issuance to the service recipient.

10. The basis for refusal to provide a public service is the non-compliance of the service recipient and (or) the submitted materials, objects, data and information necessary for the provision of the public service with the requirements established by paragraph 53 of the Rules for organizing development and passing permitting procedures in the field of construction, approved by order of the Minister of the national economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated November 30, 2015 No. 750 “On approval of the Rules for organizing development and passing permitting procedures in the field of construction” (registered in the Register of State Registration of Normative Legal Acts No. 12684).

If the service recipient submits an incomplete package of documents, according to the list provided for in paragraph 9 of this public service standard, an employee of the State Corporation refuses to accept the application and issues a receipt of refusal to accept documents in the form in accordance with Appendix 2 to this public service standard.

Chapter 3. The procedure for appealing decisions, actions (inaction) of the State Corporation and (or) their employees regarding the provision of public services

11. A complaint about the actions (inaction) of an employee of the State Corporation is sent to the head of the State Corporation at the addresses and telephone numbers specified in paragraph 13 of this public service standard.

Confirmation of the acceptance of a complaint to the State Corporation, received either by hand or by mail, is its registration (a stamp, entry number and registration date are affixed to the second copy of the complaint or a covering letter to the complaint).

When applying through the portal, information on the appeal procedure can be obtained by calling the single contact center 1414, 8 800 080 7777.

When sending a complaint through the portal, information about the appeal is available to the service recipient from the “personal account”, which is updated during the processing of the appeal by the service provider (marks on delivery, registration, execution, response on consideration or refusal to consider).

In case of disagreement with the results of the public service provided, the service recipient may file a complaint with the authorized body for assessing and monitoring the quality of public services.

A service recipient's complaint received by the authorized body for assessing and monitoring the quality of public services is subject to consideration within 15 (fifteen) working days from the date of its registration.

12. In cases of disagreement with the results of the public service provided, the service recipient has the right to go to court in the manner established by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Chapter 4. Other requirements taking into account the specifics of the provision of public services through the State Corporation

13. For service recipients who have health problems, with a persistent disorder of body functions that limits their vital functions, if necessary, documents are accepted for the provision of public services by an employee of the State Corporation with a visit to their place of residence by contacting the Unified Contact Center 1414, 8 800 080 7777.

14. Addresses of places where public services are provided are posted on Internet resources:

Ministries: www.mid.gov.kz;

State Corporation: www.gov4с.kz.

15. The service recipient has the opportunity to obtain information about the procedure for providing public services in remote access mode through the “personal account” of the portal, as well as the Unified Contact Center for the provision of public services.

16. The contact number of the service provider’s help desk regarding the provision of public services is posted on the Internet resources of the Ministry: www.mid.gov.kz. Unified contact center for the provision of public services: 1414, 8 800 080 7777.

Chief Architect (city
republican significance, capital,
cities of regional significance,
districts) ________________________________
from _______________________________________
(Full name or legal name and (or)
power of attorney)
(Individual identification number (IIN)
or business identification number (BIN)
address ___________________________________
(legal address or place of residence)
contacts ______________________________
(email, phone)

Please allow: _____________________________________________________
(full name of the object)
located at: ___________________________________________________
(location of the object, premises (individual parts) which are subject to
reconstruction (redevelopment, re-equipment)
I agree to the use of information that constitutes a secret protected by law,
contained in information systems.
"___" _________ 20__ year

Appendix 2
to the state standard
services "Issuing a decision on
refurbishment) of premises
(separate parts)
existing buildings, not
related to change
bearing and enclosing
structures, engineering
systems and equipment"
(Last name, first name, if available
patronymic (hereinafter – full name),
or the name of the organization
service recipient)
(service recipient address)

about refusal to accept documents
Guided by paragraph 2 of Article 20 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated April 15, 2013
year "On public services", department No.__ branch of the Non-Profit Joint Stock Company
Society "State Corporation "Government for Citizens" (specify address)
refuses to accept documents for the provision of public services (indicate the name
public service in accordance with the public service standard) due to
your submission of an incomplete package of documents according to the list provided
public service standard, namely:
Name of missing documents:
This receipt is made in 2 copies, one for each party.
Full name (signature)
(State Corporation employee)
Performer: Full name ____________
Telephone __________
Received: Full name / signature of the service recipient
"___" _________ 20__ year

Why is an architectural and planning design assignment created?

What is APZ?

An architectural and planning design assignment is a temporary package of permits received by the owner for the construction, redevelopment or reconstruction of an object. The APP contains requirements for a future architectural project, for the content and design of its plans, drawings, diagrams, specifications, justifications and other technical documents necessary for construction.

The need for APP and its content is regulated by Federal Law No. 169 “On activities in the architectural field in Russia,” adopted back in 1995. In turn, this law is based on SNiP 11-01-95. The APP should in no case be confused with the technical specifications for the design of buildings and structures. In the statement of work, the owner or developer indicates all his personal requirements and wishes for the building, its layout, design and visual characteristics. Architects have to meet these requirements when preparing a project. The APP, on the contrary, specifies the requirements for the project itself.

In fact, an architectural and planning design assignment gives the right to develop a project and build an object on the territory. Only taking into account the APP can it be possible to prepare a construction project that will comply with all local architectural and urban planning rules.

How to get APZ?

Obtaining an APP is not so difficult; all you need to do is submit the appropriate application to the architectural department of the municipality. In order for an application to be considered and an APL issued on its basis, the following documents must be attached to it:

  • extract from the State Register;
  • copy of passport;
  • a copy of the certificate of ownership;
  • a copy of documents on entering the land into the state cadastre.

After accepting the application, municipality staff will review it and check all documents attached to it. Next, the organization’s employees prepare an APP for the owner, and then issue the document to the applicant.

According to the law, you can submit documents for an architectural planning assignment in person or through a request by email; for this, instead of original documents, you will need to attach scans of them to the application. Regardless of the method of submitting the application, within the next month the owner of the land plot will have to receive an APP signed by the deputy chief architect of the locality (or district) and the chief architect.

Naturally, the owner may be refused to issue an APP.

Why are they refusing to issue an APP?

Refusals to obtain an APP are not issued very often, but this also happens. Most often, the owner of the land plot on which it is planned to build a new property is to blame for the refusal. The most common reasons for refusal to issue an APP:

  • providing false or distorted information in submitted documents;
  • the applicant is not the eligible owner;
  • the applicant’s goals contradict current legislation, urban planning regulations, local and federal land use regulations.

If the owner does not agree with the refusal received, he can always appeal the decision made by the local municipality. To do this, it is enough to write the appropriate application in any form. The application must justify why the owner does not agree with the refusal received. Within 15 days from the date of filing such a complaint, the owner will have to receive a response from the responsible services. If the application convincingly substantiates the illegality of the refusal, the owner will finally be able to receive the APP he needs.

It should also be noted that according to the law, there is no need to pay for the issuance of APP for architectural design in St. Petersburg and other Russian cities. The architectural and planning assignment is included in the list of free municipal documents.

Thus, upon closer examination, it turns out that in most cases the owner can obtain an APP for the design and construction of a new property without any problems and completely free of charge. The document will need to be handed over to hired designers so that they can use it to prepare a high-quality architectural project that complies with all current legal standards.

You can find out the price of services from a professional architectural design center using a calculator.

1 Draft design (from RUR 20,000) sq.m. 150
2 Architectural project (AP) (from RUB 30,000) sq.m. 250
3 Structural design (KR) (from RUB 40,000) sq.m. 350
4 Architectural and construction project (AC) (from RUB 70,000) sq.m. 500

Construction is a serious matter that requires careful preparation and thoughtful attitude. Naturally, every developer first imagines what the finished object will look like - he thinks about the appearance, materials, elements, design. But how many people think about how their buildings will fit into the architectural appearance of the whole city? Meanwhile, this is a very important point, because according to urban planning rules, it is necessary to take into account not only aesthetic requirements, but also requirements for hygiene, economics, ecology, and much more.

Any city is developed in accordance with a master development plan, and therefore any buildings must be coordinated with the city department of architecture. To do this, each developer needs to obtain (APZ). In Astana, an architectural and planning task at the request of the customer is issued by the Department of Architecture and Urban Planning of the city of Astana, in Almaty - similarly.

Architectural and planning task (APZ)- one of the main normative documents, which must be obtained before construction begins! Only after government agencies have carefully studied all the data that relates to your construction project and have issued an architectural planning assignment, can you begin construction directly.

IN APZ contains all requirements that must be observed during construction: to the purpose, basic parameters, placement of construction projects, mandatory environmental, technical, sanitary and hygienic and other conditions provided for by law and local development rules. In addition, the architectural and planning task includes requirements for the protection of historical and cultural monuments, the environment, as well as for respecting the legal rights of citizens and legal entities whose interests may be affected during construction on this site.

Of course, decisions regarding architectural and engineering or finishing works that do not contradict the legislation and the general plan of the city always remain with the developer and are not prescribed in the APP.

Architectural and planning task– an important document that is used in the future for the development architectural project and everyone pre-design work. APP is a mandatory component of the initial data for - creation of a set of documentation intended for the construction of a specific facility, its operation or repair. Design is carried out in compliance with all GOSTs, safety requirements, regulatory documents and other standards. Design is carried out by strictly licensed organizations.


Not to be confused APZ With design assignment. In the design brief, the developer describes his own wishes, often developing details together with design organizations. And in the architectural planning task, the chief architect of the city indicates the requirements for the developer’s project, in accordance with the general plan of the city and other necessary characteristics.

In order to get APZ, you must provide the following to the Department of Architecture and Urban Planning set of documents:

  1. A copy of the applicant's identity document.
  2. A copy of the TRN or IIN with the original provided for verification.
  3. Application for obtaining an APP.
  4. A copy of the decision of the akimat on granting the right to land or reconstruction (redevelopment, re-equipment) of the premises.
  5. Design assignment.
  6. Basic parameters for obtaining technical conditions for connecting to utility networks.
  7. For objects located along special routes - coordination with the Security Service of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Applying for receiving an architectural planning assignment, it must be remembered that after issuance, making any changes is possible only with the consent of the customer. Refusal to issue an APP may be caused either by a legislative prohibition of construction work on a given site, or by violations in the preparation of a package of documents. In this case, the documents are returned to the customer for revision and elimination of inconsistencies within three working days.

Naturally, in order to avoid refusals and constant revisions of documentation, it is easier and more profitable to turn to professionals. Our specialists have extensive experience and will help you resolve issues with obtaining architectural and planning assignments quickly and efficiently, without tedious running around, queues and bureaucracy. For detailed advice, contact the specialists of Consulting Stroy Group by sending a request through the online form located next to the article, or by calling the telephone numbers listed at the top of the site. Always happy to help!

Updated: 04/26/2015 21:41

The concept of architectural planning task is defined by Federal Law of November 17, 1995 N 169-FZ “On architectural activities in the Russian Federation”. According to this, the APZ is “a set of requirements for the purpose, main parameters and placement of an architectural object on a specific land plot, as well as mandatory environmental, technical, organizational and other conditions for its design and construction, provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation and the legislation of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.” To receive an architectural planning task (APZ), you must fill out an application from the customer (developer) and provide documents confirming ownership of the land plot. If you are not the owner of the land, you will need permission from the owner of the site to design in this place. After all the documents have been collected and the application has been completed, you can receive an architectural planning assignment (APZ) from the local architecture and urban planning authority. This is stated in the text of Federal Law No. 122-FZ of August 22, 2004. In general, obtaining an architectural planning assignment (APZ) is carried out in full compliance with Russian legislation. Therefore, no difficulties should arise. However, it should be taken into account that the architectural planning task (APZ) is quite demanding in terms of architectural and structural solutions, as well as the internal arrangement of premises, interior decoration and their equipment. The architectural planning assignment (APZ) includes:

  • provisions on approved urban planning documentation
  • environmental, sanitary and hygienic, fire safety requirements for an architectural object
  • requirements for the protection of historical and cultural monuments
  • instructions for construction in special conditions
  • requirements for respecting the rights of citizens and legal entities
  • other requirements, conditions and instructions whose interests are affected during this construction

The architectural planning assignment (APZ) cannot include requirements and conditions that limit the rights of the customer (developer) and the author of the architectural project. This condition is stated in Federal Law No. 122 of August 22, 2004. If any requirements or conditions of the architectural planning task (APZ) contradict the provisions of the current legislation, regulations and urban planning standards, approval of the project and obtaining a construction permit from local authorities may take a long time. Therefore, it is best to prepare in advance documentary justifications that correspond to the planned development of the city, the protection of the natural environment and the preservation of historical and cultural monuments. If there are no contradictions from the point of view of urban planning and legislative standards, the received documentation will be valid for two years. Extension of the validity period of a previously issued architectural planning assignment (APZ) is carried out according to the rules for issuing a new document. An architectural planning assignment (APZ) is issued within 30 days from the date of registration of the application. Within the same time frame, the customer (developer) may be notified of the refusal to issue an architectural planning assignment (APZ).

An architectural planning assignment (APZ) may be needed if you are going to use any external technical means on the facade of the building, namely:

In general, any facade signs, installations on roofs, ground-based advertising media, first of all, are approved and registered with city governments. At the same time, you must have in your hands all the documents confirming the legality of their placement. After you have received an architectural planning assignment (APZ), you will need:

  • permit for excavation work
  • permission for installation work
  • building permit

It should be taken into account that the main body that is authorized to decide whether or not to issue you an architectural planning assignment (APZ) is the local town planning committee. In general, the customer needs to know that any change in the project by more than 10% is made with the permission of the chief architect of the city or district. Therefore, in order to speed up the timing of project approval and commissioning of the facility, the design specifications need to reflect everything that you plan to build immediately. And don’t drag out the streams of formalities that you have to go through before you start building. And yet, if the total area of ​​the object under construction does not exceed 500 meters, you will not need an architectural planning assignment (APZ)! If you are planning to build and don’t know where to start or how to speed up the process of approving a construction project, call!

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