
Take out a loan in the Urals ring. Apply for a consumer loan at the bank Ring of the Urals Consumer loan Ring of the Urals

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In this material you can find out how to get a consumer loan in the Ring of the Urals. The lending conditions at this financial institution have a number of features, so we strongly recommend that you study them before applying for a consumer loan.

Applying for a consumer loan at Ring of the Urals Bank

The bank was organized in early 1989 with the aim of accelerating the development of industry in the region. The current name appeared after a change of its owners and the transfer of the bank to the control of the largest mining and metallurgical company in the region.

The main activities of the bank are concentrated in the administrative center of the Sverdlovsk region - the city of Yekaterinburg, where the company's head office and ten additional divisions are located. In addition to Yekaterinburg, offices and ATMs of Ring of the Urals Bank are located in the settlements of Sverdlovsk, Orenburg, Kurgan, Tyumen and Kemerovo regions, as well as in the Krasnoyarsk Territory and Bashkortostan.

The bank offers the following range of banking services to individuals:

  • Lending (cash loans, mortgage loans, refinancing).
  • Placement of deposits.
  • Production and servicing of bank plastic cards.
  • Money transfers.
  • Payment for various services.
  • Foreign currency exchange.
  • Rent of bank cells.
  • Obtaining a credit history.
  • Remote access system.
  • Insurance.

To apply online, you must visit the official website credit financial organization Ring of the Urals, select the desired loan program and use the link provided.

When filling out, indicate the desired loan size, loan term, personal and contact information. After checking the information entered, bank employees will contact you to coordinate all issues. At this point, you can ask them any question if you have one after reading this material.

Posted on the same page credit calculator, with which you can easily calculate the amount of overpayment at the current interest rate. Please note that this information is for informational purposes only and may not correspond to reality, since the size of the consumer loan and interest rate is established individually after checking the documents provided by the borrower.

Terms of loan

You can get cash loans from Ring of the Urals Bank under the following conditions:

  • Loan rate – from 13.9% to 17.5%.
  • The minimum loan amount is 30,000.
  • The maximum loan size is 1,500,000.
  • The loan term is up to seven years.
  • Collateral is not required.
  • The application review period is up to 2 days from the date of receipt bank employees complete set documents.
  • The decision on loan approval is valid for up to 30 days.
  • The form of repayment of a consumer loan at Ring of the Urals Bank - annuity payments.
  • Partial or complete early repayment is carried out without additional commissions or penalties.

Requirements for borrowers and required documents

Since obtaining a loan is always associated with high risks for financial institution, Ring of the Urals puts forward a list of requirements for applicants to receive funds:

  • Citizenship of the Russian Federation.
  • Age – 22-60 years.
  • Permanent registration and actual residence in the bank's service region.
  • Having a permanent source of income.
  • Work experience at the current place of employment is more than 3 months.
  • The borrower must be a holder of a salary card from Ring of the Urals Bank.

Before contacting the bank, you should prepare originals and copies of the following documents:

  • Questionnaire for obtaining a consumer loan.
  • Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation.
  • The borrower's consent to the storage and use of personal data and credit history.
  • Individual taxpayer number.
  • SNILS.
  • Information on income - 2-NDFL certificate or free form from the place of employment, extract from bank account, certificate of receipt of pension for the last three months.
  • For men under 28 years of age - documents confirming military service.
  • If you have a positive credit history with another bank, a free-form certificate certified by that bank, or an extract from the credit history bureau where this information was entered.

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It is no coincidence that loans from the Ring of the Urals are popular among the population, because this bank offers favorable terms of cooperation among all banks, reduced interest rates in 2019 and an abundance of programs for any client’s goals, desires and requirements.

What loans are available to individuals in the Ural Ring?

To take out a loan in the Ring of the Urals, you will have to fill out a short application, having first selected the best banking product. Credit institution gives:

  • consumer loans from 100 thousand rubles, funds can be spent for any purpose;
  • car loans – up to 5 million, you can buy a new or used car;
  • loans for business – in the amount of up to 150 million, which can be used to replenish current assets and develop your business;
  • mortgage, including preferential ones, up to 60 million.

Rates on consumer loans start from 9.40%, and if you want to take out credit cards, the average overpayment will be 26%. However, it is more profitable to take money in cash, having previously calculated the most attractive terms of cooperation for

Among the wide variety of financial organizations, there are many that have already earned the trust of borrowers and depositors. One of such organizations is the Ring of the Urals Bank. Universal commercial organization, considered the oldest bank, celebrated its 27th birthday in February 2018.

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About the bank

The history of Ring of the Urals Bank began in 1989. Having quickly established itself as a reliable partner and financial assistant, the bank brilliantly picked up the pace of development, overcoming economic crises. To this day, the position of the institution is only strengthening.

The ring of the Urals is:

  • 56 bank branches in various cities of Russia;
  • Over 200 ATMs;
  • 43 cities and towns where bank offices are located;
  • Services for individuals and legal entities;
  • Third place in the Sverdlovsk region in terms of the number of deposits and loans issued;
  • Providing various types of consumer loans;
  • Commission services to individuals;
  • Providing deposit and salary products and so on.

Terms of service

If there is a need to take out a cash loan, and your salary comes to the Ural Ring card, then you can choose one of the proposed lending options with the most favorable conditions.

Credit productInterest rateLoan periodBasic conditions
ConsumerFrom 18.5%From 1 year to 7 years· A loan can only be taken with a passport;

· Loan amount from 30 thousand rubles. up to 1 million rubles

Consumer for refinancingFrom 18%From 1 year to 7 years· It is necessary to present a passport and availability of loans;

· Loan amount from 30,000 to 1 million rubles;

· The number of credits that can participate in this program varies from 1 to 5.

Small and smartFrom 14 to 22.5%From 6 months up to 5 years· Available only to residents of three cities: Kuvsh, Sukhoi Log, Kuvandyk;

· The loan amount varies from 10 thousand to 250 thousand rubles;

· Documents you will need are a passport and a second document of your choice from the bank.

Come on, let's take itFrom 18.9%From 1 month up to 5 years· A loan can be taken for any purpose;

· Minimum amount loan 50 thousand rubles, maximum amount – 500 thousand rubles;

· Security is required;

· It is obligatory to provide a certificate 2 of personal income tax;

· Waiting time for a bank decision is up to 6 days.

I want it and I spend itFrom 14 to 22.5%From 6 months up to 7 years· Waiting time for a response from a financial institution is up to 2 days;

· Loan amount – from 500 thousand to 1 million rubles;

· Necessary compulsory insurance borrower;

· There is no need to pay additional account maintenance fees;

· Large fines for missing the next payment.

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How to apply online for a cash loan at Ring of the Urals Bank

The main office of the financial organization is located in Yekaterinburg, and additional branches are in various cities and towns.

In order to apply for a loan, it is not necessary to go to any office, just fill out an online application on the bank’s official website:

  1. The borrower needs to go to the Ring of the Urals website, select the Consumer Loans item;
  2. Among the presented loan programs, you should choose the one you need;
  3. Under the program characteristics there is a button Fill out an application;
  4. In the drop-down window, the borrower fills out the fields of the questionnaire: indicate the citizen’s full name, loan amount, loan period, contact information and cash collection point;
  5. Next, the application is sent and the borrower waits for a call from the manager.

Bank Ring of the Urals, whose online application for a cash loan is most popular among salary clients, plans to expand the list of loan products in the near future.

Requirements for the borrower

On this moment Ring of the Urals issues cash loans only to salary card holders; accordingly, the main requirement for the borrower is the presence of a salary card, to which transfers have been made for at least three months.

Other requirements:

Package of documents

When choosing one of the loan programs at a financial institution, you must submit the following documents:

Certificate 2-NDFL and extracts from pension fund are not required, since the borrower has salary card and that's all necessary information The banking organization will take it upon request from the company’s accounting department.

Loan repayment

There are several ways to repay your next loan payment.:

  1. Bank branch. IN in this case the borrower needs to go to any branch of the creditor bank, present documents and deposit the required amount through the bank’s cash desk. There is no transaction fee and the money is credited to the loan account on the same day;
  2. ATM. Cash can be deposited through a financial institution's ATM. To do this, money is placed on the card and then on the day of the next payment it is automatically debited from it;
  3. Agreement with the bank on automatic debit on payday. Upon conclusion loan agreement you can agree with the bank that credit funds will be debited automatically on the day the salary is calculated. This condition convenient for those who are confident that the employer will not delay payment of money. In such cases, you can play it safe and deposit the required amount yourself;
  4. Payment terminals. The amount of the next payment can be deposited into the credit account using payment terminals, but the borrower must remember that for this operation the machines charge commission fees according to the tariffs of the service companies;
  5. Post office. To make a payment through a post office, you need to have documents and details with you credit account. The post office takes a commission based on the payment amount and its own established tariffs;
  6. Internet banking. Comfortable online service to work with loan payments. Transfer of money is instant and without commissions.

Each bank client must remember that timely repayment of the loan contributes to the formation of a positive credit history, which will be useful in the future for obtaining other loans.

Advantages and disadvantages

As with any bank’s work, the Ural Ring also has both positive and negative sides.

TO on the positive side can be attributed:

  • Low interest rates;
  • Long loan terms;
  • Convenient ways to pay the next loan payment;
  • Availability online account, where you can perform not only actions on a loan, but also on other personal current accounts of the Ring of the Urals Bank;
  • The minimum number of required documents when applying for a loan;
  • Availability credit program on refinancing, which allows you to put everything together existing payments on loans.

Bank Ring of the Urals provides the opportunity to make an online application for minimal costs. This service makes it possible for each member of your family to take out a consumer loan. This makes it easier to optimize family budget, since there is no need to pay for everything at once. Almost all Russian families live this way.

When choosing a bank, you should analyze its stable position on economic market. It's worth getting to know them all possible options. Many of them offer different lending conditions, each has its own interest rate, each offers its own bonuses and promotions. Large banks can offer quite attractive rates with a wide range of services. It's up to the consumer.

A bank whose services the whole family will use must be reliable, trusted, and most importantly loyal. This quality is inherent in the Ring of the Urals bank. Bank Ring of the Urals, through an online application, offers its client the most favorable conditions with a minimum amount of time. What does that require?

Bank Ring of the Urals offers a loan called “I want and spend!”, the amount of which is allowed from 20,000 to 1,000,000 rubles, for a period of up to 7 years at a rate of 14 to 19.9%. To apply for a loan you will need a passport, a copy work book, 2-NDFL, international passport, which indicates travel outside the country Last year. Thanks to online application You do not need to go anywhere and this procedure will take only 3 minutes of your time.

The service provided by UBRD Bank includes: amount - from 20,000 to 1,000,000 rubles, for a period of up to 7 years at a rate of 19%. Necessary documents, which should be provided to the bank are the following: passport, certificate of income for 6 months. You must also have your international passport, driver's license and Taxpayer Identification Number with you.

More favorable conditions are offered by Ring of the Urals Bank - the rate is up to 19.9%, and UBRIR - from 19%. This is the most important difference that plays a role in choosing the appropriate bank. Bank Ring of the Urals - low rate and minimum time spent.

Cash loan from Ring of the Urals Bank is one of convenient ways to solve any financial problems population. Now the Russian population is presented with new opportunities to improve their standard of living.

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It must be said that this banking organization is famous for its 27-year history. It was first registered in 1989, and it was renamed only in 1998, after the bank began to be managed by other persons. In 2003, the owners of the organization changed again, in addition, it came under the control of UMMC.

The main office of the bank is located in Yekaterinburg. Besides, this organization has a whole network of additional offices both in the Urals and beyond. Now branches operate in Kemerovo, Orenburg and the Urals. There is also a network of ATMs, which was developed in Yekaterinburg.

The bank is active in the corporate segment, serving enterprises of the UMMC holding, as well as other organizations. Quite a lot of attention is paid to cash and settlement services enterprises that have access to cheap tariffs.

Among the bank's largest clients are the following organizations:

  • Ural NITI;
  • Uralelectromed;
  • Chelyabinsk Zinc Plant;
  • other organizations that are part of the UMMC holding.

Separate direction banking business– service sector for individuals. Their funds are actively attracted to deposits, in addition, they act as the main sources of funds, since the bank offers them payments, transfers, rental of safes and card products.


Bank Ring of the Urals has very simple and understandable conditions for obtaining a cash loan. This allows the client not to feel any stress in the process of searching for insurance and hidden fees. In order to familiarize yourself with all the conditions and their features, you can use the information on the website.

The maximum period for obtaining a consumer loan in cash in this organization reaches 7 years. By concluding a long-term contract, the amount of monthly payments can be reduced. In this case, the borrower receives the right to early repayment in part or in full in order to save on interest.

The minimum loan amount is 30 thousand rubles, and the maximum the bank is ready to give in installments is 1 million rubles.

Credit conditions will be established in relation to each client individually, taking into account credit history and client's solvency

Considering the term and amount of the loan, the interest rate may be 18.5% per annum. The loan is issued in cash, in addition, it can be used by the borrower at his own discretion. Banking organization does not have the right to limit and control the expenditure of funds on the loan.

Consumer loan, which is issued in cash at the Ring of the Urals Bank, is not secured. This means that the borrower is not required to have collateral or a guarantor. Due to this, getting a loan has become easier and faster. Currently, all checks take about 1 day.

The borrower has the opportunity to sign an agreement voluntarily, which will allow him to receive an insurance contract or SMS notification service. Refusal of such services does not constitute a refusal to provide a loan.

Requirements for a potential borrower
  • IN Lately Banks have a fairly demanding attitude towards their borrowers. This can be explained by the fact that there are now a huge number of delays. However, Ring of the Urals Bank continues to provide loans to the population, including cash loans.
  • Every citizen of the Russian Federation at the age of 22 can borrow money from this financial institution. In this case, the person’s age at the time of repayment of the debt must be no more than 60 years.
  • A prerequisite for obtaining a loan is that you have completed three months of work experience at your last job. At the same time, the bank offers cash loans to every cardholder. This product is not available to other bank clients.
  • Another important requirement is registration. The borrower must have a residence permit in one of the cities where bank branches are located. Since the list of cities is quite large, almost all residents will be able to borrow money settlements, where there are branches and representative offices of the bank.
  • Loans are issued only with a passport. All that is needed from the client is to collect salary certificates, as well as other documents that confirm the presence of official employment and permanent income.
  • Since cash loans are only available to payroll clients, the bank will be able to obtain the necessary data in its system. If you have any additional income, you should definitely tell us about it when filling out the application form. Otherwise, it will not be taken into account when calculating the potential loan amount.
  • A required document to obtain a loan is a passport. Regarding the information about wages, as well as copies of the work book, then Ring of the Urals Bank does not require them.

How to repay a loan in cash at Bank Ring of the Urals

In order to pay off your debt, you can use various monthly payments. They must be credited to the borrower’s account before the date specified in the payment agreement in order to avoid the occurrence of fines.

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