
What to do with large fines on a microloan? What to do if you have debts on a microloan The need to pay off the loan

They became very popular, as for many people they turned out to be the only way to get the necessary amount of money urgently and without unnecessary red tape. Indeed, compared with a bank loan, microloans are easier to get, and there are practically no refusals. But with all the advantages, there is one significant disadvantage: you will have to return a much larger amount than was taken. In addition, microcredit involves relatively short terms, so it often happens that when the time comes to repay the debt, a person is simply not ready to do it.

Reasons for having unclosed microloans

Judging by the number of questions on legal and legal forums such as: “I can’t pay a lot of microloans, what should I do”, “how to get out of microloans, we got a lot” and the like, this problem is quite common. Experts who help in resolving these types of issues note that most often the appearance of several microcredit agreements in a consumer’s arsenal is due to the following reasons:

  • Limited amount of microloans: sometimes financial problems are calculated enough large sums, and microloans, despite their simplicity, are always limited in maximum sizes loans. Therefore, a consumer can become a client of several microfinance organizations at once;
  • Short loan period: microloans are called that not only because they are provided to those in need small amounts, but also due to short loan terms. Therefore, in the presence of global financial problems the client cannot pay a microloan to one company, so he takes it from another so as not to get himself into trouble. Then it turns out that the microfinance organization, with the help of which they tried to solve the problem with the first loan, and so on ad infinitum, has nothing to pay;
  • Reluctance to pay off loans: unfortunately, this is perhaps the most common reason. The phrase “I took out a microloan and don’t pay” often sounds not as a call for help, but as a call to envy. There are not so few people who are accustomed to living at the expense of others. The ease of obtaining microloans often leads to the fact that the organization’s services are used by unscrupulous clients who borrow without initially intending to repay the debt.

Of course, MFOs are not at all interested if you simply tell them - I can’t pay a microloan. This is not a charitable organization, and the desire to receive not only your money, but also profit is quite natural. It’s another matter if your difficulties are temporary, but at the same time you do not stop looking for solutions to how to get out of microloans. In this case, a solution can always be found.

Two ways to repay several microloans

So, you do not belong to the category of those who are trying to find ways to legally avoid paying a microloan, but are putting all your efforts into solving the problem in the least unpleasant way for all parties. As you can find out from the MFO debtors forum, most often defaulters use one of the following two methods of repaying the debt:

  1. Cash loan. Despite the fact that banks are quite picky about the choice of their clients who want to take out a loan, if there are certain nuances (income certificate issued by a specific bank salary card etc.) you can become the owner of a certain amount of cash even for someone who has many microloans and two large loans in different banks. As a rule, loans are issued for a long period and monthly payments much less than in an MFO, so there is a high probability of successfully repaying all debts;
  2. . IN Lately This is the most popular way to get out of microloans. Refinancing does not involve giving you money in cash: it is a targeted loan, all funds from which go strictly to or in other banks.

By and large, any of these methods is better than simply not paying. Remember: the longer the period for which you take out a bank loan, the less monthly payment, however, the greater the overpayment for the funds used. However, if in the near future a solution is expected to the problem due to which you have many microloans and three large loans, what to do - the solution suggests itself: take a cash loan, pay off all debts, and pay off the remaining debt as soon as you solve your financial problems. difficulties.

Transferring a microloan case to court

Many of those who have a lot of microloans. but they have nothing to pay, they don’t even realize that everything is nothing more than an ideal solution for them. But not every employer is in a hurry to resort to this option for solving the problem. Why? It's simple: yours is the growth of their income, but it is suspended.

Moreover, if you have a lot of microloans and have nothing to pay, what to do and what to do can also be decided through the court: if, the result will be a significant reduction in the amount you will have to pay. Therefore, questions about what will happen if you don’t pay an online loan need to be resolved not on your own, but with the help of a qualified lawyer who will not only guide you along the least problematic path, but will also help if controversial issues and situations arise. Remember, the only wrong answer to the question - I have a lot of microloans, what should I do, is the advice to do nothing. The borrowed money will still have to be returned, but how and in what way is another matter.

How to get out of microloans, I have a lot of microloans - I can’t pay them off, the popularity of such questions is increasing every day. Partly, this can be seen as the fault of the MFOs themselves, which have simplified the procedure for receiving cash so much that they have become a source of cash, without thinking about when and how to return it. Of course, we are not talking about all MFO clients. Often the problem of many microloans, how to repay them, arises for those who find themselves really in difficult situation. In this case, we can only advise you to enlist the support of a specialist and solve the problem with the least possible losses.

The share of overdue microloans among Russians is growing every year. All large quantity borrowers cannot repay their loan to the IFC. This is partly due to the deterioration of the economic situation, partly due to unstable work, but there are also those borrowers who, on principle, do not repay their debts to microfinance organizations.

What is a delay?

Delinquency on a microloan is a violation by the borrower of the deadlines for repaying the debt in accordance with the loan obligation (agreement). For example, you took out a microloan with a one-time repayment of the debt on March 25. If the money does not appear in the credit institution’s account on March 25, then the delinquency will begin on March 26.

Often, borrowers consider the loan repayment date under the agreement to be the payment date and deposit money on this day; as a result, they do not have time to reach the microfinance organization on time and the delay begins. It is the borrower's fault.

Almost all credit institutions warn their clients that they need to pay the debt in advance, 2-3 days before the expected repayment date. Only in this case can you guarantee that the money will appear in the lender’s account on time.

What are the types of delays?

There is an unspoken periodization of delays:

  • From 1 to 5 days has virtually no effect on the borrower’s credit history and is considered by many microfinance organizations to be a normal delay in payment upon repayment. This usually happens when borrowers pay same day, and the funds reach the MFO only after 1-3 days. However, almost every company has penalties for late payment, which begin to apply from the first day of late payment.
  • A delay of up to 30 days shows the microfinance organization and other lenders that the borrower had certain financial difficulties, which he resolved and repaid the loan. Typically, if the debt is overdue by up to 30 days, attempts to collect the overdue debt are made directly by the creditor through its collection service, without resorting to the help of debt collectors.
  • Overdue from 30 to 90 days. During this period, the microfinance organization usually decides to entrust the collection of loan debt to collectors. The transaction is concluded under an agency agreement, under which the collectors work for approximately 3-12 months or up to full repayment debt.
  • A delay of more than 90 days in most cases means that the borrower is unlikely to repay the debt, especially if during this time he ignores the creditor and collectors, does not answer calls, does not make contact, etc. The microfinance organization tries to quickly get rid of the debt of such a client, first giving it to collectors under an agency agreement, and then selling it completely under an assignment agreement.

How does an MFO act when the debt is transferred to collectors?

When a microfinance organization transfers a debt to collectors for collection under an agency agreement, it continues to be the sole creditor of the loan, but does not take any action to collect. From the moment the agency agreement is concluded, all responsibilities for collecting debt from the borrower are transferred to the “shoulders” of the collectors. They are the ones who call the client, come home and demand repayment of the debt.

If an MFO sells the borrower’s debt to a collection agency, then from that moment on the MFO has nothing to do with the debt and the borrower at all, and the collection agency becomes the main and only creditor of the client. Collectors will have to repay the debt to the borrower.

Borrowers often similar situations remain in the dark because rarely anyone warns them about a change in lender. Usually the borrower finds out about this when the lender goes to court or too much time has passed.

In any case, collectors act very decisively. They different ways trying to get the money back. First, the borrower is put under remote pressure through calls, SMS messages, and threatening letters.

When communicating, collectors try different methods of collection: persuasion, threats, intimidation. They do not hesitate to call contact persons from the borrower’s profile and threaten complete strangers who have nothing to do with the debt, and often even with the debtor himself.

If remote methods of collecting overdue debt are unsuccessful, a visit will be made to the borrower. special group collectors, who on the spot tries to scare the debtor so that he quickly returns the money.

Depending on the collection agency, its employees may go around the neighbors, talking about the debts of “Vasya Pupkin from apartment 34”, scribble the entrance with unflattering inscriptions, pour paint on the borrower’s car, scratch it, deflate the tires, etc. Their actions are difficult to predict, because much depends on the person himself and the collection agency.

If all methods of collection fail, the creditor or collection agency that purchased the debt under an assignment agreement may apply to the court to enforce the collection of debts. In 99.9% of cases, creditors win in court, and the borrowers are subsequently charged the full amount of the debt. writ of execution. This is what bailiffs do.

When does a borrower's credit history deteriorate?

The borrower’s credit history begins to deteriorate from the first day of delay, but most credit institutions pay attention to delays of 5 days or more. Few people pay attention to payment delays of up to 5 days.

Everyone understands that they are most often caused by the repayment of the loan on the same day and the subsequent delay in the transfer. Thus, the borrower can be considered a debtor only formally; in fact, he did not miss the deadline for repaying the debt. Banks and other lenders take this into account when reviewing a potential client's credit history.

However, every borrower must understand that his credit rating worsens already from the first day of delay. It is in his interest to repay the loan on time. With an increase in the number of days of delay and outstanding loans credit history It gets worse and worse, it gets worse.

To avoid late loan repayments, use a few rules and tips from our experts.

Having debts on microloans, you need to contact the microfinance organization and ask for a deferment, restructuring or cancellation of fines. Often, lenders meet halfway and ease the financial burden of borrowers. Otherwise, the trial proceeds to judiciary, who can also take the side of the debtor.

Actions to reduce microloan debt

When thinking about how to reduce microloan debt, it is necessary to determine the legality of the accumulated debt. It is important to carefully read the contract and evaluate:

  • objectivity of interest calculation;
  • whether the amount of penalties and fines was specified, as well as the procedure for their imposition.
  1. First, let's look at percentages. As a rule, the rate is specified in the contract signed by the borrower and you should not count on a reduction in debt here!
  2. Next comes the most interesting part - penalties and fines. There are cases when the contract specifies one level of sanctions, but in fact another is used. For example, for late payment there is 1% of the total loan amount, and 1.5% is charged. If this practice occurs in your case, then it is 100% illegal and you can safely not pay. With such introductory information, an MFO will never go to court, since it will not only lose the case, but will also lose its license for violating the law.

There is also an option when the penalties are too harsh. For example, for each day of delay you must pay 2% of the total debt. That is, even if you have a loan for 30 tr, and have 3 tr left to repay, then fines will be charged at the rate of 2% of 20 tr. = 600 rubles per day.

Having such a calculation in hand, it is worth going to court to have the fines declared disproportionate to the violation. Based on Article 333 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the court may leave the agreement in force, or may revise the amount of penalties to the current bank refinancing rate. Currently it is equal to 9% per annum!

Restructuring as a way to reduce financial burden

When borrowers notify of a difficult financial situation, lenders often resort to microloan debt restructuring. There are three types of this procedure:

  1. Prolongation. Involves paying interest on reporting period with a deferred payment for the body of the microloan (usually given for a period of up to 3 months).
  2. Credit holidays. For a certain period of time, any payments are stopped so that the debtor can improve his affairs. For this, reasons are needed (loss of job, performance, etc.).
  3. Freezing of all interest, fines and penalties. In this case, the payment period is extended to a year and the entire accumulated amount is paid in small installments. MFOs resort to this solution in extreme cases.

Is it possible to write off debt on a loan?

An MFO can write off a microloan debt when there are no ways to collect money from the borrower. There may be several such situations:

  • objective impossibility of payment due to difficult financial situation;
  • lack of income and personal property to collect against the debt;
  • intentional failure to fulfill financial obligations.

Let's take a closer look at each of the options.

Lack of finances or ability to work.

In this case, you must document your difficult situation by providing:

  • a certificate of deterioration in health, making it impossible to hold a particular position;
  • work book with a record of dismissal;
  • statement of registration at the employment center;
  • rental agreement;
  • documents of dependent children/relatives.

If one or more of the above conditions exist, you can submit an application to the MFO, referring to Article 35 of the Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation. If the lender does not consider it necessary to meet halfway, then invite him to go to court, which very often takes the side of the borrowers.

No property or money.

When a person does not have any sources of income, lenders first try to negotiate with him and then go to court. Next, bailiffs get involved in the case, finding out information about the person’s possible income and property belonging to him. In the absence of the first and second, a statement of impossibility of collection is drawn up. The creditor can re-apply to the court, but most often the debt is recognized as bad.

The borrower hides and does not pay his debts.

In such cases, MFOs, when communicating by telephone with the debtor, mention Articles 177, 165 and 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation related to fraud. But here it is almost impossible to prove the intent not to return the money that existed before the loan was issued. And if at least 200 - 300 rubles were repaid, then this will be a sign of the absence of such intent.

If the debtor is hiding, then collectors (in the case of selling rights to a microcredit) or bailiffs will look for him and his property. After one or two years of thorough searches, the case is closed, and the result turns out to be similar to point 2.

What is the maximum debt on an existing microloan?

Currently, the maximum debt on a microloan is determined by the federal law 07/03/2016 No. 230-FZ. According to this rule of law, interest cannot exceed the amount of the loan by more than three times, and penalties and fines must be charged on the remaining balance of the debt and not exceed it more than twice. These amendments are valid only for contracts concluded from January 1, 2017 and for a period exceeding 1 year.

Now let's present these definitions clearly.

  1. Interest charges. Having received a microloan of 10 tr, interest will accrue until the amount of 30 tr is reached. And then total debt will be 40 tr.
  2. Fines. For example, for the same loan 10 tr. you have already paid 7 tr. The balance is 3 tr. and fines cannot exceed 6 tr.

In this case, the creditor can continue to apply penalties only after partial payment of the debt or interest!

Let's sum it up

Having outstanding microloans, you should not panic and hide from representatives of microfinance organizations. On the contrary, it is necessary to contact the creditor and try to get a reduction in the financial burden or a cancellation of accrued interest. When a case is brought to court, there is a good chance of reducing total debt or get it written off.

Case No. 2-2793/2014


In the name of the Russian Federation


Central District Court composed of:

Presiding judge Chizhova N.A.,

With the participation of the representative of the defendant, FULL NAME2,

With the secretary of the court session Full name3

Having examined it in the open court hearing civil case based on a statement of claim, FULL NAME1, against Excellent Cash - Khabarovsk LLC for termination of the loan agreement, determination of the amount of debt to be returned, collection legal expenses, compensation for moral damage,


FULL NAME1 filed a lawsuit against Excellent Cash - Khabarovsk LLC for termination of the loan agreement, determination of the amount of debt to be repaid, collection of legal expenses, compensation for moral damages, in support of which he indicated that between LLC Excellent Cash - Khabarovsk and FULL NAME1 loan agreement No. dated DD.MM.YYYY was concluded for following conditions: in the amount of 20,000 rubles, for 15 days with a final repayment period until 01/01/2013, and established interest for using the loan in the amount of 4,500 rubles. Within the period established by the agreement, the plaintiff paid the amount of the debt through the defendant’s operating office; the receipt along with the agreement was lost by him. After more than 6 months, calls and SMS notifications began to arrive on his phone, as well as to his contact persons, demanding that he had a certain debt under the loan agreement dated December 17, 2012, without indicating the amount of the debt, as well as the time frame within which he must repay it, in response to his numerous requests, he is not given a certificate of the amount remaining to be repaid or a certificate of the amount of the remaining debt, only continuing to make calls that the amount of the debt will be collected from him collection agencies, and that the amount of debt is constantly growing. Only DD.MM.YYYY on application for legal assistance, his representative received a free-form certificate about the status of the debt 5 times the loan amount, in total amount for 100,900 rubles. At the same time, indicating that the amount is not exact, and again will continue to grow in an incomprehensible amount. Since his copy of the loan agreement was lost, the representative submitted an application from DD.MM.YYYY to the defendant to provide a certified copy of the said agreement. But he was refused a response, on the grounds that he must pay a fee for issuing a copy of the contract in the amount of 3,000 rubles for each sheet in A4 format + VAT (application and response are attached). Believes that the actions of Excellent Cash - Khabarovsk LLC are illegal and have the intent to intentionally increase the loan amount without confirming or providing documented information about the amount of debt to be repaid, and without providing any documents, provided that it is ready to repay the debt, which was repeatedly reported to the defendant, but not in such an amount (in case of a clearly illegal penalty). In turn, “Excellent Cash” continues to send SMS messages and letters with threats, and also makes calls to relatives and friends, thereby exerting psychological pressure. He believes that accrued penalties and fines should be a measure of civil liability and be of a compensatory nature, and therefore cannot serve as a source of enrichment for a person. demanding its payment, which in in this case the defendant is trying to do by continuing to increase the amount of debt. Then, in January 2014, a letter was received from Kreditekspress Finance LLC, which, acting in the interests of Excellent Cash LLC under an agency agreement, threatened to seize property without court decision. Moreover, the defendant himself does not go to court to collect the debt from him, continuing illegal actions to collect the debt, as well as an incomprehensible kind of judicial summons (allegedly, in the Tushinsky District Court for No. a case is being considered to collect the amount of the debt from him, without indicating the name of the judge and dates ), at the same time indicating the amount of debt in the amount of 130,000 rubles, and details for transfer. He believes that in this case the amount of fines accrued to him for late repayment of the principal and interest under the loan agreement is clearly disproportionate to the consequences of violation of obligations. The defendant does not suffer any serious consequences as a result of delay in repaying the debt. In addition, there is a clear disproportion between the amount of interest and the principal debt. Taking into account the above circumstances, he believes that there are grounds for recalculating and reducing the fines accrued to him. He believes that he suffered moral damage as a result of a violation of his rights, which he estimates at 15,000 rubles. To restore his rights, he sought legal help. For consultation, preparation and execution statement of claim, with the settlement of the claim, as well as for representation in court, in total for the services of the representative they paid an amount of 7,000 rubles. Plus, an amount of 1,200 rubles was paid by him for issuing a notarized power of attorney. Agreement, certificates of work performed and receipts for receipt of funds by the representative for legal services encloses. Based on the above, he asks the court to terminate the loan agreement No. “Trust” dated DD.MM.YYYY, to determine the amount of debt to be collected from the plaintiff in favor of Excellent Cash LLC, as well as the amount of penalties and fines, to collect from Excellent Cash LLC if the claims are satisfied, legal costs in the amount of 8,200 rubles. To recover from Excellent Cash LLC, if the claims are satisfied, compensation for moral damage in the amount of 15,000 rubles.

The plaintiff did not appear at the court hearing, was notified of his appearance according to the rules of Chapter 10 of the Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation, did not provide information to the court about the valid reasons for his failure to appear, and did not make any requests to postpone the hearing of the case. In this connection, the court considered it possible to consider the case in accordance with Part 3 of Art. in the absence of the plaintiff.

At the court hearing, the defendant’s representative objected to the claims and, in support of his position, presented the court with a written review, according to which a loan agreement dated DD.MM.YYYY No. 071093010 was concluded between the plaintiff and the defendant, under which Excellent Cash-Khabarovsk LLC, acting in as a Lender, provided the plaintiff with a loan in the amount of RUB 20,000. for consumer purposes with interest accrued at the rate of 1.5% for each day of use of other people's in cash(five hundred forty-eight per annum) in accordance with clause 1.3 of the loan agreement. In accordance with clause 1.7 of the loan agreement, the loan was provided without collateral. The specified interest rate is justified based on the very high degree of risk of the Lender when issuing a loan without collateral, without a detailed check of the Borrower’s solvency and guarantees of third parties. The terms of the loan agreement do not violate the requirements of the article - or other norms of the law, and therefore, the requirement of FULL NAME1 to reduce interest under the agreement is unlawful. LLC "Excellent Cash-Khabarovsk" is not credit institution and carries out its activities in providing loans on the basis of articles -. The specified rules on the loan agreement do not provide for size limit percentage, which must be established by the parties. In addition, the Civil Code of the Russian Federation does not contain a direct rule that could reduce the interest rate that is too high, which infringes on the interests of the borrower. According to the loan agreement, FULL NAME1 received funds in the amount of 20,000 rubles, with the obligation to return the funds, as well as interest for use on 01/01/2013. The plaintiff did not fulfill his obligations, namely, DD.MM.YYYY no funds were received to repay the loan agreement, and to date, FULL NAME1, has not contributed funds. FULL NAME1 had previously repeatedly received loans and repaid them in full within the period specified in the agreement, in connection with which DD.MM.YYYY he was provided with a trust loan at a lower interest rate. At that time, the Plaintiff did not consider the interest to be excessive. If his obligations were properly fulfilled, FULL NAME1 would pay 20,000 rubles - the principal debt and 4,500 rubles - interest for the use of funds. Due to the fact that the Plaintiff did not fulfill his obligations to repay the amount of the debt, Excellent Cash-Khabarovsk LLC continued to accrue interest for the use of funds. As of DD.MM.YYYY, the number of unpaid days was 530 days. 20,000 (principal debt) * 1.5% = 300 rubles. 530 (days) 1300 rub. (percent per day) = 159,000 rubles. Total: 20,000 (Principal debt) + 159,000 (interest for using the loan) + 2,000 (fine) = 181,000 rubles 00 kopecks. Thus, the condition for accruing interest for using a loan complies with current legislation. It should be noted that according to the calculation of the debt from DD.MM.YYYY, the balance of the debt is 181,000 rubles. The borrower has not fulfilled these obligations to date and continues to evade fulfillment, including by filing a claim to terminate the loan agreement and to determine the amount of debt to be repaid. In our case, under loan agreement No. dated DD.MM.YYYY, no penalty was accrued. The plaintiff owes Excellent Cash-Khabarovsk LLC the principal debt, as well as interest for the use of other people's funds in accordance with clause 1.3 of the loan agreement. OOO Excellent Cash-Khabarovsk did not make any claims to FULL NAME1 regarding the accrual of penalties. 3. As for the plaintiff’s claims for compensation for moral damage, he considers these demands to be unfounded, since when signing the loan agreement, the Plaintiff could have calculated how much interest he must pay in case of late payment under the agreement. The Company also repeatedly contacted the plaintiff with a demand to repay the resulting debt, but the plaintiff did not appear to repay the debt. Also, the plaintiff has not proven what kind of moral suffering he experienced and how exactly they were confirmed. To execute the loan agreement No. dated DD.MM.YYYY, the Plaintiff can contact the company’s office and pay the resulting amount of debt, the loan agreement will be closed. Based on the above, he asks the court to refuse to satisfy the claims of FULL NAME1 against OOO Excellent Cash-Khabarovsk in full.

The court, after listening to the explanations of the defendant's representative and studying the case materials, came to the following conclusions.


The claims of FULL NAME1 against OOO Excellent Cash - Khabarovsk for termination of the loan agreement, determination of the amount of debt to be repaid, collection of legal costs, compensation for moral damages are left unsatisfied in full.

The decision can be appealed within a month from the date of the court decision - DD.MM.YYYY to the Central District Court by filing an appeal.

Copy is right.

Judge N.A. Chizhova


Central District Court of Khabarovsk ( Khabarovsk region)

Judges of the case:

Chizhova Natalya Anatolyevna (judge)

Judicial practice on:

Debt under a receipt, under a loan agreement

Arbitrage practice on the application of the norm of Art. 808 Civil Code of the Russian Federation

I took out a loan in excellent cash and did not pay for several years. In September, a letter arrived from the bailiffs. It says that I have a debt N. I did not receive a subpoena. Tell me what to do.


Cancel court order.

You have 10 days to do this from the date of receipt.

You can get it from the magistrate's court or from the bailiffs.

The claimant has the right to then go to court in the manner of claim proceedings, but you will be summoned to a meeting, you can provide evidence and give explanations.

Hello, receive a copy of the court order and file objections regarding its execution along with a petition to restore the missed deadline.

Good luck and all the best


It is necessary to familiarize yourself with the materials enforcement proceedings, take the order and file an objection with a motion to restore the deadline.

Hello, you should obtain a copy of the court order from the bailiff or the magistrate's court and, within 10 days from the date of receipt, file your objections to its cancellation.

You can go to court, familiarize yourself with the case materials and apply to restore the period for appeal. But it’s not a fact that they will restore it, and if they do restore it, the decision is unlikely to change: you took out a loan, you didn’t pay it off, so you will have to pay it back.

Dear site visitor!

In your situation, you can ask the bailiff on the basis of which document the collection is to be made; if it is a court order, then you can cancel it and restore the deadline for appeal.

I took out a loan in excellent cash, but I lost my job, my ionization company closed, I can’t pay back the loan, what should I do!? I was not working officially.


If you can't pay, don't pay. Send them to court. In court, ask for a reduction in interest rates. After the court decision entered into legal force You can contact the court that made the decision with an application and ask to defer and/or installment payment of the debt (Article 434 of the Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation)

Hello, you can contact the bank with a request for restructuring, but carefully check their conditions. They are often predatory. If the conditions do not suit you, it is easier not to pay, because all your payments will only pay fines and penalties, you will not get to the principal debt and interest, wait for the trial and in court you will be able to reduce the amount of the debt on the basis of Art. 333 Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

If you don't have money, you won't do anything. Wait until they go to court. At trial, reduce penalties and forfeits as they will increase tens of times more. Then pay the bailiffs if possible.

Good afternoon Either look for the money and return it, or wait for the trial, through the court you can reduce interest, fines and penalties under 333 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, since if you go and find the money now, they will charge you a lot.

Good afternoon

If you cannot pay the debt and there is interest, it is better to wait until the lender goes to court to collect the debt and petition the court to reduce the interest on the loan.

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