
What is credit history and what affects it. Credit history bureau - what is it? S credit history basic information

Loans are firmly established in life modern man. However, in some cases, when applying for a loan from financial institution the citizen receives a negative answer. In this case, the bank has the right to refuse to explain the reasons for the refusal. Among the most common, three can be identified:

  • the potential borrower does not have enough high level income;
  • the citizen has a bad credit history;
  • The bank itself has temporary restrictions on work under the selected credit program.

Whatever the reason, the problem can always be solved. However, in order to avoid possible misunderstandings between a potential borrower and financial institutions, it is better to first familiarize yourself with the data contained in credit history citizen.

Why is it necessary to check your credit history?

As a rule, if a person does not encounter any problems when applying for a loan from a bank, then he is not interested in checking his credit history. It is worth paying close attention to the information contained in it, even if you receive a one-time loan refusal.

There is a possibility that the citizen simply does not know about the existence of facts of late repayment of loans or fraudulent activities. It may happen that as a result of erroneous actions by bank employees or a software failure, negative information appears in a citizen’s credit history (and it may not be true).

In order to promptly identify the presence of such facts and try to correct them, you should periodically check your credit history. It should be borne in mind that once a year any citizen can obtain a credit report absolutely free of charge.

Currently, the list of the largest bank accounts in Russia, which store more than 80% of all credit histories of Russians, is as follows:

  • National Bureau of Credit Histories (NBKI). Most Russian banks transmit information to this bureau.
  • Equifax. Just like NBCI, it is the most popular bureau in the country.
  • United Credit Bureau (UCB). This is a subsidiary bureau of Sberbank and therefore if you need to check your credit history specifically for Sberbank loans, it is better to contact this bureau first.
  • BKI "Russian Standard". Subsidiary bureau of Russian Standard Bank. All information on Russian Standard loans can be guaranteed to be checked in this BKI. For loans from some other banks, information may not be available.

TOP 5 ways to find out your credit history

Exist different ways get a credit report. When choosing the best option, it is worth considering the fact that information about the same citizen can be stored in several credit history bureaus at the same time. However, the data in each of them may be different.

Therefore, for a citizen who has previously taken out loans, it is advisable to first find out which bureau stores information about him. To do this, you will need to go to the central catalog of credit history bureaus, which can be done through the website Central Bank. Here, in addition to your passport data, you must indicate the code of the subject of your credit history, which was assigned when you first applied for a loan. If such a code is unknown to the citizen, you can update the code or install it again by writing an application to the bank where you currently have a loan or where you previously had one.

You can call 5 the best ways checking your credit history. Let's look at each of them in more detail.

1. Contact the Credit Bureau directly

If you know where the information is stored, it is best to contact the relevant bureau directly. You can do this in several ways:

  • personal visit to the office;
  • sending a telegram to the bureau address;
  • online, if BKI provides such an opportunity. One of the world's largest bookmakers, Equifax, provides the opportunity register a personal account on the website. After this, you can check your credit history online for the first time for free.

The credit history bureau collects, stores and processes information about borrowers. It also generates and provides credit reports at the request of individuals or financial institutions.

BKI can offer citizens the following range of services:

  1. providing reporting on the client's credit history. According to statistics, this is the most popular service, which is requested by both citizens who want to familiarize themselves with their credit report, and legal entities in order to determine the reliability and reputation of a potential borrower;
  2. if inaccuracies or erroneous information in your credit history are identified, you can challenge your credit rating;
  3. preparation of a certificate with detailed information about all bureaus that have data on the client’s credit history. It may be required if it turns out that information about a citizen’s credit history is available in several databases at the same time. Moreover, one of them may contain negative information, which does not guarantee the presence of corresponding data in all the others;
  4. Bureau employees can also assign or change a credit history number (when making such a request, you will need to provide passport data and their confirmation).

2. At the offices of BKI agent banks

You can also view your credit report through one of the banks - agents of the Credit History Bureau. These include, in particular, the following large banks: Post Bank, Renaissance Credit Bank, B&N Bank, VTB Bank of Moscow, some regional banks. It is better to ask about the availability of such a service directly at the bank’s offices.

In order to obtain your credit history data, you must contact the agent bank office and submit the appropriate application. Typically, preparing a document does not take more than a quarter of an hour. Unlike BKI, representatives of agents charge a fee for preparing a story - as a rule, it is approximately 800-1300 rubles. IN in this case There is no need to notarize the request.

3. In online banks

How to check your credit history online without leaving home? Many people think that it is difficult, and they are wrong. For an online check, it is enough to use the service of ordering a credit report through the Internet banks of well-known credit institutions.

Among the agent banks that provide the opportunity to order a credit report directly in the Internet bank are Sberbank and B&N Bank. For example, to check your credit history in Sberbank Online, you simply need to log in to the system and in the “Other” section, select “Credit History” and click the “Check Credit History” button. The cost of the service is 580 rubles and will be debited from your Sberbank card account.

IN personal account Binbank, like other banks, has approximately the same procedure for ordering a credit report.

It is important to know that banks cooperate with different bank accounts. So, in Sberbank you can get information from the OKB bureau, and in B&N Bank from the NBKI.

4. Order a credit report from Euroset stores

Recently, you can check your credit history using your passport at the Euroset company. To receive such a service, a citizen needs to come to any of the salons and contact the seller. You will not need any documents other than your passport. The provision of this service is paid - the cost is 990 rubles.

In addition to providing a credit history, the company also offers a service called the Ideal Borrower. With its help, you can determine a course of action that will help improve your credit history (if it turns out to be negative). Recommendations can be generated based on the time frame within which the client needs to increase his rating and the scoring score indicated in the credit history report. For such a service you will have to pay 490 rubles.

5. AKRIN service (credit report from NBKI)

Where to find out your credit history online? You can also order the required information through a special service of the Credit Information Agency, which is the largest official representative of NBKI.

The following services can be obtained through a credit information agency:

  • Get a certificate from the Central Catalog of Credit History.
  • Set the credit history subject code.
  • Generate an express statement from NBCH.
  • Order a credit report from NBCI
  • Order a credit report from the Russian Standard credit history bureau (BRS).
  • Find out your credit and borrower scoring.
  • Dispute your credit history data with NBKI.
  • Connect SMS notifications for every change in your credit history.
  • Find out information about pledged cars.

The credit history presented in your personal account is available only to the owner account. If necessary, you can seek advice from specialists from the Credit Information Agency either through email or contact by phone.

The AKRIN service is ideal for those who regularly update the data contained in their credit history. Here you can subscribe to several reports at a significant discount, and also order a short extract from the NBCH, which costs only 60 rubles.

To use the services of the service, you will need to go through the stage of registration and identity confirmation once. You can pay for services different ways, including electronic money (Webmoney, Yandex.Money) and bank card online.

6. Credit history assessment services

IN Lately Services for assessing the credit history of individuals are gaining particular popularity. These services will literally help you get a kind of mini-statement on your credit history in just a few minutes. It contains your borrower rating and important information from your credit history (For example, are there any overdue payments, during what period were they overdue, etc.). But more detailed information, for example, you won’t be able to see which bank you have a loan from or where the overdue payments were.

The advantage of this service is its ease of obtaining and cost, which is 2-3 times lower than the cost of ordering a full credit report from BKI (approximately 300 rubles).

The most popular services are MoneyMan, My Rating, 3BKI.


Many also ask and search on the Internet how they can check their credit history by last name. The answer here is simple - it is impossible to check your credit history using your last name alone. Access to the borrower's credit history information is possible only with passport data and proof of identity.

Experts recommend periodically checking your credit score at least once a year. In this case, if inconsistencies are detected, it is possible to correct the data in a timely manner. If you need a loan for a significant amount, but there is simply no credit history, it is advisable to first create a positive history, and only after that apply to a financial institution for a loan.

To put it simply, a credit history is information about how a particular borrower fulfills his obligations under the loans received. Each such credit history consists of a title, main and additional parts:

  • Title- includes “identifying” information about the borrower: full name, address, passport details (for individual); USRN, name, TIN, etc. (For legal entity).
  • Main- includes information about the borrower’s credit obligations: payment schedule, amount of debt, payment period, presence of arrears, etc.
  • Additional (or closed)- includes information about the users of this credit history and the creditor.

Credit histories are stored and processed in several credit history bureaus (on this moment there are 31 of them in Russia). In this case, the borrower’s data can be transferred to the bureau only if he has given his consent in writing.

What is a credit history bureau (or BKI for short)?

This is a commercial organization registered in accordance with the laws of the Russian Federation that provides certain services: credit histories are formed, processed and stored here, credit reports are issued, and other related services are provided.

But information about all existing (as well as liquidated) credit history credit institutions is stored in the Central Catalog of Credit Histories (in short - TsKKI).

Can a borrower find out his credit history?

This is not so difficult, but first he will have to find out in which of the many bank accounts his credit history “lives”. This information You can find out by contacting the Central Control Committee. How to do it?

  • Knowing the code subject of credit history , it is possible to obtain information from the Central Control Commission directly on the Internet: just go to the Bank of Russia website and leave a request. The answer will be sent to the email specified when filling out the form.

The borrower can generate such a code (a combination of numbers and letters) during the conclusion loan agreement. And on the specified site the code can be changed or even canceled.

  • Without knowing the code, you can get information about the BKI in several ways:

Through a credit institution

You submit your passport to a credit institution, which sends the necessary request to the Central Control Commission (or, having generated and received a code, you yourself send a request via the Internet from the Bank of Russia website). In addition, the bank can cancel or change the code .


You contact any nearest BKI and leave your request. The generation, modification and cancellation of the code is also available here.

Through post offices

With this method, you need to indicate all your data: full name, passport details, email, etc. - for an individual; USRN, full name, email, TIN, etc. - for a legal entity. The client's signature on the telegram must be certified by a postal worker. The answer comes by email.

Through a notary

In this case, the client is identified by a notary, and he retains one copy of the borrower’s written consent to receive a report from the Central Catalog. The person who submitted the application, in turn, is issued a certificate that the application has been submitted.

Within ten days you will receive a response from the CCCI, which will indicate the names and addresses of the BCI where your credit histories are located. Having learned the name of the BKI, you have the right to personally contact them for information. But learn that you can do this for free only once a year, other requests will be for a fee.

You don’t have to go to the BKI, but send the application by mail, but then you will have to have the authenticity of your signature certified by a notary.

Bad credit history

If you (or the people for whom you were a guarantor) periodically made delays, then you need to be prepared for the fact that the bank will refuse to issue a credit card or loan. Contacting other financial institutions does not always help.

But even if any bank agrees to give you a loan, the interest rates can skyrocket, and credit limit, on the contrary, will tend to zero. But over time, by making payments on time, there is a chance to regain confidence in yourself as a borrower. So try it!

Increasingly, banks are being considered loan application study the borrower's credit history. The advantage goes not to those who have not yet borrowed money, but to those who took and repaid money on time.

Credit history is information about the borrower that characterizes the fulfillment of obligations to repay money borrowed from the bank. The purpose of the document is to encourage people to act conscientiously in matters of lending. You should know that if you once received money in a loan but did not repay it, all subsequent creditors will know about it. This institute is regulated Federal law No. 218 “On credit histories” dated December 30, 2004.

As a rule, a credit history is formed when requesting a loan from a bank. You consent to the transfer of information about the loan to third parties (but have the right to refuse). Credit histories are stored in the credit history bureau for 15 years from the date of the last change.

What does it consist of?

Credit history consists of three parts:

  • title part (full name, date and place of birth, passport details, Taxpayer Identification Number, compulsory pension insurance certificate number);
  • main part (place of registration and residence, amount of debt, term of its payment, information about changes in the loan agreement, information about non-fulfillment of obligations, information about legal proceedings, other official information from government agencies, individual rating of the subject of credit history);
  • additional part (information about the source of information, its user and the date of request for information).


Credit histories are conventionally divided into several types:

  • “Zero” means that the person has never applied for a loan from a bank or has refused to generate this document.
  • “Positive” - the borrower took out loans and repaid the debt in full and on time.
  • “Negative” - the borrower had difficulties repaying the loan: late payments, accrued fines or other financial difficulties in relations with the bank.

It is worth noting that banks have different policies regarding credit histories. For example, the lack of a credit history indicates high risks and is perceived as a negative trait of the borrower. A negative story is also subjective, since for one bank late payment may be perceived critically, while for another it can be an unpleasant, but favorable factor for issuing another loan.

Given other factors, credit history may influence interest rate. The better the credit history, the lower the price of the loan when applying to the bank again.

Sravni.ru advice: A bad credit history can be corrected if you borrow small amounts funds and return them on time. A convenient tool for this can be - even with a limit of up to 10 thousand rubles.

If you were denied a loan, weren't given insurance, weren't hired, or are just bored, look at your credit history. Perhaps you will learn a lot of interesting things about yourself in it. In the first article in the series, we will tell you how it works and why you need a credit history.

Antonina Sergeeva


What does it look like

Credit history is a file on you as a borrower. It tells you how much you borrowed and when, whether you paid on time or late, and whether you applied to other banks for loans. The dossier describes all loans since 2005.

There are no rules for what a credit history should look like. But there are required blocks:

Bureau name

Personal information about the client

Summary: how much he took and how he gave it away

Explanation of symbols: how the client repaid the loan

Loan retelling

Overdue: green schedule - no overdue

Multi-colored schedule - there are delays

Loan solutions

Credit History Inquiry Marks

Employees enter basic information into their credit history credit institutions: banks, microfinance organizations and consumer credit cooperatives.

Operators can provide additional information about debts cellular communications And bailiffs due to delays in alimony and housing and communal services.

Why do companies need a credit history?

Credit history is used by lenders, insurers and employers. This is how they look for reliable clients and employees.

Banks decide whether to give a loan or not. The bank must check the borrower: how reliable he is and whether he can return the money. Previously, managers did such a check: they asked clients themselves and called at work. But such a system was too easy to cheat, so now everything is centralized: no matter which bank you go to, they will all see your credit history.

Insurers protect themselves from fraudsters and irresponsible people. If a client is late with payments and has several loans, then he clearly does not have enough money. For their sake, he may fake an accident. Therefore, insurers are ready to increase the cost of the policy for such clients or refuse them insurance altogether.

Employers evaluate an employee: how mature, disciplined and responsible he is. If a person has debt, then he clearly has problems making decisions. Experts from the Izvestia newspaper believe that such an employee will fail the project, will not notice the mistake, or will cheat. Credit history is a litmus test for a position with financial responsibility: director, accountant or supply manager.

From July 1, 2014, any company can request a credit history. To do this, she will have to obtain the written consent of the owner: the credit history is subject to the law on the protection of personal data, so it is not issued to just anyone. This means that if an employer wants to check your credit history, they must ask you to sign a written consent. You can refuse, but then the employer can refuse to employ you.

How does a credit history benefit you?

If the bank does not give you a loan, then something is wrong with your credit history. If you are sure that everything should be fine with it, it may not have been updated yet. For example, a client took out a car loan and repaid it, but the mark has not yet appeared in the credit history. The bank sees the existing loan and refuses a new one.

Companies may also mistype the passport number or initials. If the data matches with another person, then someone else’s debt may fall on you. Banks will not double-check other people's information; they will silently refuse a loan.

In the following articles we will tell you how to get a credit history in five minutes; find and correct errors, regain the trust of banks if they did not pay on time.


  1. Credit history is a description of your loans since 2005: how much you borrowed and how exactly you paid; were the second borrower or guarantor.
  2. Take it seriously: banks, employers and insurers will find out about your delays.
  3. Banks use credit history to evaluate borrowers. It depends on it whether they will give you a loan or not.
  4. Employers may not hire bad story, and insurers - to raise prices for policies.

Obtaining information about the state of the borrower's credit history allows banks to make a decision on issuing a loan or loan. But many borrowers have no idea what a credit history is and how important it is to keep it in order.

About credit history in law

Credit history (CI) is the financial dossier of the borrower. It reflects information about previously received loans and borrowings. All information is securely stored in the credit history bureau and requests for data can be made not only by organizations financial structure, but also the borrowers themselves.

In Russia, the concept of “credit history” appeared in 2005. Law No. 218-FZ of December 30, 2004 was issued at the same time ( latest edition from 2017). It contains information about who is the subject of the credit history, what it contains, how information is provided and stored, describes the rights of borrowers, responsibility for the safety of information, etc. The full text of the Federal Law on credit histories can be viewed on the Internet.

A positive CI is a guarantor of an approved loan application. But if the client missed payments, had or has a large debt, then get new loan on favorable conditions almost impossible.

If a person does not have a credit history, then the likelihood of the application being approved is minimized. The exceptions are borrowers who have recently turned 18 and simply did not have time to earn CI. In this case, banks focus on work experience and level wages. The first loans are usually approved for minimum amounts.

Information about opening a loan and its repayment is transmitted to BKI immediately after signing the agreement. By law, the creditor must meet a five-day deadline for each transaction performed.

It's not just banks that look at your credit history. Insurance companies and even employers can also make a request to the BKI to make sure of a person’s integrity.

How to find out and read your CI

You can make a request to BKI in several ways:

  • in any bank - the cost of the service will be from 300 to 1,500 rubles;
  • on the BKI website - free once a year;
  • through intermediaries - the cost of the service varies from 600 to 2,000 rubles;
  • in Euroset - the service is also paid - from 400 rubles.

Contrary to popular belief, you cannot make a request to the BKI through State Services.

Reading a credit history is quite easy. The first part contains information about the borrower himself. The second part indicates the number and amount of issued loans. The following is information about delays: early repayments and other financial discipline. An example of a credit report can be viewed.

p.1 p.2 p.3 p.4 p.5

It is imperative to take into account the scoring code, which shows banks the overall picture about the borrower. The highest rating is from 690 to 850 points, the lowest is 300-500 points. The higher the score, the higher the likelihood of the application being approved.

Banks also consider the degree of client reliability on a 5-point scale.

  • Risk indicator 5 indicates the client’s reliability; such borrowers can take out a loan from any bank without problems.
  • Risk indicator 4 – the likelihood of the application being approved is less, the terms of the loan may be changed in favor of the bank.
  • Risk indicator 3 – average score, the most common.
  • Risk indicator 2 – low score, assigned, as a rule, to persons without secondary specialized education under the age of 21 and over 65 years.
  • Risk indicator 1 – unreliable client. Persons without education, young or old, men of military age, single adults and other subjective factors.

And the third indicator is an indicator of reliability. It indicates the presence of any information about the borrower in the BKI. If at least one loan was received, the system shows a reliability indicator of 1, if not, 0.

What affects your credit history?

The reason for refusal often lies in a damaged CI. Banks do not provide loans at all or tighten conditions if there were:

  • overdue loans, open court cases due to debt;
  • frequent submission of applications;
  • frequent early repayment;
  • debt restructuring.

The BKI contains information about all types of lending: mortgage, credit card, consumer loan, microloans, refinancing, car loans, etc.

To correct your credit history, you should start by paying off your debts. The most enterprising ones decide to change their passport and end the problem in this way, but this will not change the CI. The document contains information about previously issued passports, for which a request will be made to the BKI, and a variety of scoring models have long ago reached the point of detecting deliberate distortion of personal data in order to obtain a loan. Therefore, changing your last name and parting with the negative CI will not work.

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