
This means the bank has a bad credit history. Is a bad credit history a death sentence? Bad credit history - consequences

A bad credit history is a phrase like a death sentence for a person who is accustomed to living off borrowed funds. A sure sign of its “deterioration” is the refusal to issue a loan (microloan) from banks or microfinance organizations. One borrower can bring his credit history (hereinafter referred to as CI) to such a disrepair that banks will give him a “red light” without exception, while another can get his bearings in time and correct the situation. It all depends on the degree of corruption of the CI, so it is important to promptly diagnose the condition of this important document and understand the reasons that spoil it (including, to understand yourself, because 99.9% of the culprit for the deterioration of his CI is the borrower himself). In the article we will talk about such reasons and their consequences, and answer the question, what should a person do in such a difficult situation?

What is bad credit history?

The credit history itself is an indicator of the borrower’s solvency (conscientiousness). Law No. 218-FZ of December 30, 2004 establishes all the necessary information about the borrower, which will be transmitted to the BKI () by the sources of the CI formation, and stored there for 10 years from the date of the last change in the information in it. All credit institutions are required to transmit information about the fulfillment of obligations undertaken by the borrower: each payment will appear in this document, and if it is not completed on time, i.e. was overdue, it leaves its mark on your CI (like a blot on a blank sheet of paper). The longer the delay, the blacker, wider and more corrosive the dark spot on the blank sheet of paper (metaphor).

The sources of history formation are not only banks, microfinance organizations, credit cooperatives, pawnshops (i.e. credit organizations), but also organizations that provide utilities, communication services, as well as federal executive authorities that monitor the execution of judicial acts (or acts other organs). If a person has not fulfilled a court decision within 10 days to repay the debt for alimony, or for the above-mentioned housing and communal services and communications, then the corresponding entry appears in his credit file.

Thus, a bad credit history is the result of untimely fulfilled or unfulfilled obligations of a person (or legal entity) under credit (loan) agreements or other obligations provided for by Federal Law No. 218-FZ “On Credit Histories”. Essentially, this is an indicator of a person’s unreliability.

In some cases, a “bad” record appears through no fault of the person (more on this later), but this does not exempt him from responsibility, since any citizen can check his CI once a year for free (and as many times as he likes for a fee) and take appropriate actions in case the information found in it does not reflect reality, but is the result of an error.

It is very likely that in the future the law will establish new sources for the formation of CI, and then the financial and social reliability of any person will be in full view of those who have access to it. We, ordinary citizens, will have to think hard before violating the deadlines for paying taxes (for example, for transport or housing), otherwise the planned mortgage, by the way, will be covered with a copper basin.

Note. You may never take out a bank loan, and your CI may be damaged by late tax payments.

The severity of the credit history. When will the bank “forget” about it?

A damaged credit history is always a negative thing. But the bank will definitely pay attention to the frequency and duration of delays. The “status” of the delay is of great importance: closed or open (current). If the payment was late, but still paid, then the banks are ready to turn a blind eye to the fact of delay after some time. It will be even better if subsequent payments (or loans taken later) were repaid on time.

In fact, no one has yet come up with a better way to correct your credit history than by fulfilling your obligations in a timely manner - if they offer you something different, then you have simply fallen for scammers. If the overdue payment on an existing loan has not yet been repaid, or was repaid quite recently, then the refusal is guaranteed for you in a new way - why should the bank take the risk if you cannot even deal with current loans?

So, we can distinguish several “stages of non-fulfillment of obligations”:

1. Delays up to 5 days (technical). Such a story cannot be called ideal; there are still “gray” spots on it. But if there were not very many such cases, the bank will meet halfway and issue a loan to the client. As a rule, eyes are closed when the number of such delays does not exceed three. But even with a larger number, the chances of success remain.

2. Delays up to 1 month (situational). If the duration of the period during which the payment was considered overdue exceeds 5 days, but at the same time fits within the framework of a month, the CI can no longer be called good, but rather satisfactory. But not yet critical. The probability of refusal increases significantly, but there is always a chance to get a loan on more unfavorable terms. For example, a bank may require additional collateral for an upcoming loan - a guarantee or collateral. In addition, the highest interest rates are set for such clients in order to minimize banking risks. Banks are ready to forget about such “sins” after a few (three to five) timely payments.

3. Delays lasting more than a month (problematic) and longer term– this is not just a damaged, but a very bad credit history. There is practically no chance of getting a new loan. And if any financial institution dares to issue a loan to such a client, then its cost will be very, very high, and the conditions will be unfavorable (for example, 1 thousand rubles for 10 days at 3% per day). In this case, it will be much more difficult to justify yourself in the eyes of banks - from 6 months to 2-3 years of timely payments. In such advanced cases, it makes sense to use the services of microfinance organizations that offer special programs for correcting CI (of course, not for free) - we’ll talk about this later.

4. Complete default. This includes cases where the debt under the loan agreement was collected in court. With such a past, there is absolutely no point in going to the bank - there will be an unequivocal refusal. There are only 2 ways out of this situation: take out loans from private owners at crazy interest rates (there is a high risk of falling for scammers) or wait (and this will only happen in 10 years). By the way, information about overdue collections through the court or bankruptcy will not pass without a trace for the borrower. For financial institutions, this is a serious hint of his unreliability for many years.

To understand delays more seriously: you can find out what they threaten the borrower with and what to do in this or that case.

As you can see, your credit history can be a little damaged, bad, or even very bad. It all depends on the behavior of the borrower. And each of these varieties has its own impact on the ability to borrow money in the future. And not only on the opportunity, but also on the conditions that the credit institution can offer you.

Causes and consequences. How to ruin a CI?

Globally, all causes of bad credit history can be divided into 2 groups: those that depend on and those that do not depend on the payment discipline of the borrower. But both of them cause the same inconvenience in the future.

So, your CI may be damaged for the following reasons:

1. Poor debt servicing. This is the most common reason for the formation of poor CI. The borrower, by allowing a delay in repayment of the loan, ensures troubles for himself in the future. This also includes delays in paying taxes, fees, alimony, utility bills, etc.

2. Bank employees' mistakes. Delay of a technical nature occurs when the dates and payment amounts are entered incorrectly. The banal human factor is already at work here. Each of us makes mistakes, and bank employees are the same people who are not immune from errors and inaccuracies in their work.

3. Technical failures when making payments and delays in payment “in transit”. This means paying regular loan installments through payment terminals and various electronic services. If at the time of the transaction there is some kind of malfunction in the system, the money may simply not be sent or go inappropriately. Even if you use standard payment methods, if you do it on the eve of weekends or holidays, the payment may arrive late in your loan account. Here we must take into account that not every bank processes payments on officially non-working days.

4. Fraudulent actions of third parties. A sudden deterioration in your credit history as a result of losing your passport is a very common occurrence. Remember how many cases there were. The scammers then successfully disappeared, and people who were completely uninvolved in the case became the owners of a bad credit history and were forced to deal with creditors and collectors.

5. Litigation. Let us pay attention to this once again. If the case goes to court, but the person is in no hurry to comply with the court decision (see above), then he gets not only problems with the law (and it’s better not to joke with the state), but also with his CI.

6. Applications for credits (loans). All loan applications are reflected in the CI. If, when analyzing your CI, the bank sees a large number of applications submitted by you with subsequent refusal, then it is unlikely to like it. That is why any applicant needs to move away from the practice of submitting applications to the maximum number of credit institutions (for example, online applications to microfinance organizations), and make a choice in favor of several companies.

As you can see, there are many reasons. And even those that we call independent of the actions of the borrower still, to some extent, depend on his vigilance. Agree that a careful person is unlikely to ever lose his passport or go to pay a loan at the last moment, and even through dubious services.

The consequences of a damaged credit history are not yet many - it is the inability to take out a loan in the future. This is unlikely to frighten malicious defaulters, but for the same individual entrepreneur, who periodically develops and improves his business with the help of borrowed funds, a bad credit history can become a real disaster.

If we look at it from a perspective, we cannot rule out the possibility that in the future CIs will be universally checked when applying for a job (when applying for insurance, renting a home, etc.) in order to assess our social and financial responsibility. Abroad, such checks are already a reality, and here too it is already becoming the norm. There is something to think about here...

What to do? How to fix bad credit history?

What to do when various facts indicate a deterioration in your CI? How can I improve the situation? First, get your credit history (this can be done in various online services, bank credit institutions, banks) and analyze it. The CI is sent in the form of a credit report, in which all your “sins” will be visible. If you are sure that some entries are erroneous and have nothing to do with your credit life, then try to challenge them ().

The best thing you can do to correct your CI is to add records to it about the timely repayment of the next payment. Just pay your obligations on time, and gradually the situation will improve. The very first thing you need to start with is to close the overdue payment by any means. If you don’t do this, then all your other actions to correct CI will be simply useless.

After you pay off your debt, you can already think about the next steps to improve your history: try to get a credit card (the likelihood of this is, of course, low) or contact. Do not expect that after taking one or two loans, you will be able to apply to the bank for a new loan as if nothing had happened. Most likely, you will have to undergo a longer course of “rehabilitation”, and only after that you can try to submit applications to banks, where your efforts may be seen.

In the article “How to fix your credit history?” you will learn all the ways to correct, improve and create your CI!

When you get out of the financial hole, be sure to get a credit card - this is the best tool for correcting CI, and it’s also free, except for a few hundred for annual service. Why is this so? At least read it, then everything will become clear.

Bad credit history can occur for various reasons., sometimes even for the most seemingly insignificant things.

  • For example, the borrower made a payment almost right before the payment deadline, but it took several more days to get to the bank. As a result, the bank considered that the borrower was late in payment.
  • Another example. After the final repayment of the loan, the borrower believed that he had paid off the loan in full, however, he “forgot” about some pennies, which he simply had not paid attention to before when making payments. And these pennies, despite the absurdity, are considered an outstanding debt, on which fines are assessed. Over time, the accumulated amount, taking into account fines, can result in a rather tangible and affordable amount.

In this case, formally the bank will be right, since all the nuances are stipulated in the loan agreement, which the borrower personally signed at the very beginning. What’s interesting is that for a long time the borrower himself may not even realize that he has a debt to the bank and that it is growing day by day. There are often cases when banks deliberately stall for time and do not notify the debtor so that the amount of debt accumulates more. This is the harsh truth about loans. Therefore, the borrower needs to keep his eyes open.

Also, a bad credit history can arise if the borrower took out a loan from a bank and was unable to pay for it. For example, after the crisis began, many people lost their jobs and became insolvent. The matter reached the courts and bailiffs, who came to the borrower’s house and seized things to pay off the debt. But in the well-fed pre-crisis times, few could have thought about such a turn in the development of events.

Typically, bad credit loans occur because borrowers have difficulty making the required monthly payments on time. There could be several reasons:

  • I just forgot to make a payment
  • Something unexpected happened in the life of the borrower
  • Delayed salary at work
  • Technical problems making a payment

Naturally, the bank doesn’t care about all these “difficulties of the borrower.” “If you have already received a loan from a bank, then be kind enough to pay the required amount in full on time (otherwise fines will follow)” - this is the position of the banks.

We are trying to correct a bad credit history in the BKI and in the bank

And now the bad news. If the borrower has a history of a loan with a bad credit history, then there is a high probability that it will not be possible to take out a loan from this bank: they simply will not give it. Therefore, it is recommended to immediately inform the bank if difficulties arise with repaying the loan. Banks are also not interested in the growth of non-payments, so they accommodate responsive clients.

You also need to know that many credit history bureaus (BKIs) have recently appeared in Russia, which contain information about the borrower and previously issued loans. The bank can make a request to such a bureau and receive comprehensive information about the borrower’s credit history, which can be either good or bad. This measure may be a scourge for people who like to take out loans from different banks and not repay them. They thus risk earning a very bad credit history for many years, during which not a single bank will issue even a small loan for urgent needs. You need to be more careful with this.

If, nevertheless, the borrower has a bad credit history not only with the bank, but is also blacklisted in the credit history bureau because he did not repay the loan earlier, then the situation can only be corrected by contacting the bank. You need to pay the bank in full, repay all loan debt. After this, the bank needs to contact the BKI and correct the credit history.

A positive credit history in most cases is a guarantee of approval of an application for receiving money from a bank. Even if you don’t have a stable income, you have a chance to get a loan. If you have a bad credit history, then you automatically end up on the so-called “black list”.

Formation of a credit history

According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, all information about borrowers is collected into a single database. A special credit history bureau collects and stores data. Each bank sends information about its clients there. And he also has the opportunity to request it about any borrower.

The following must be remembered:

  • Changing or correcting history is quite difficult (although not impossible);
  • Data is stored for 15 years, so don't expect to be "forgotten";
  • When changing your passport, place of residence, last name, etc., the history is not “reset”;
  • Any bank and any credit organization can get access to information.

Credit history contains not only negative, but also positive aspects. In fact, it is a kind of valuable asset for the borrower. Having earned a good reputation, you can count on more favorable lending conditions. Therefore, you should take care of the “purity” of your credit history.

Checking status

Not only the bank, but also the borrower himself has the right to access information. You can do this in the following ways:

  • Send a request to “your” credit institution. Once a year, everyone can receive information for free;
  • Use a paid service at any bank or any bureau.

There are several organizations involved in collecting and storing information about borrowers. This complicates matters somewhat. You can find out exactly where your credit history is stored on the Central Bank website. There is a special section there - “obtaining information about the Credit History Bureau”.

Credit history information is provided in the form of a three-part report. The title part contains personal information about the borrower. The main one includes information about loans and their repayment. The last one contains information about the lender.

Why is it worth checking your CI?

It is useful to have a credit history on hand. Especially if there is a trial with the bank or you need to challenge the bank’s decision when refusing a loan.

Correcting your credit history

If you have a bad credit history, it becomes difficult to take out a loan. It is necessary to take measures to correct the situation.

If you can prove that there are errors in your credit history, they will correct it for you. Such situations happen. For example, the bank did not credit the borrower’s contribution on time. If delays arose due to your fault, then no one will correct anything.

So how to fix your credit history in this case?

A person must prove his trustworthiness. There are several ways you can use:

  • Prepare certificates of timely loan repayments from other banks;
  • Demonstrate that there are no debts on utility bills;
  • Provide information about a new job with a stable pay.

In this case, even timely paid alimony and fines to the traffic police help. The most important thing is to achieve negotiations with the bank. In other words, you must prove your worth and reliability.

Having ruined his reputation and been refused by several banks, a person begins to wonder how his credit history is adjusted and what to do if he plans to borrow a large amount in the near future.

For 2020, the conditions for correcting a credit history include traditional credit recovery tools, however, there are important nuances that must be taken into account when choosing methods for correcting entries in the credit history book.

Is it possible to change your credit history?

If unpleasant moments have accumulated in the past when it was necessary to resolve the issue of closing an overdue debt, then the issue of correcting the CI is not idle, and the next time you apply, the risks of being refused increase many times over.

The first thing banks pay attention to is an extract from the BKI with the credit dossier of the candidate for a loan. If borrowers spoil the CI by frequent delays, the chances of successful approval rapidly decrease. What to do if banks do not give loans due to a damaged credit score is determined taking into account the individual situation and the reasons that led to the fall in the credit rating.

It is impossible to change your attitude towards yourself within a short period of time after late payments and refusals to repay. You will have to incur additional costs associated with interest overpayments and strict lending conditions. This is the real price to pay for whitewashing your own mistakes. If someone offers to fix the problem in an instant, this at least means trouble with the law. Thus, the client is blacklisted by banks and will not be able to achieve a positive response for a long time.

To avoid unexpected problems, you should periodically check your credit history online. Sometimes this source contains extremely unpleasant information about the presence of outstanding debts, lawsuits, and late collections. This happens when, during information exchange, bank and BKI employees make mistakes, when a negative entry about a namesake is created using the last name of a completely different borrower.

Frequent errors that lead to the need to correct CI are:

  1. Incorrect transfer of the borrower’s personal parameters (city, address, full name) into the BKI database. These errors are identified quickly, and the bank does not object to correction.
  2. Errors in recording the moments of loan repayment. Some lenders, intentionally or not, do not provide information about the closing of a loan debt. BKI considers the debt overdue, and the bank has not been interested in the former client for a long time. Usually mistakes are accompanied by the deprivation of a license and the introduction of a temporary manager.
  3. This is pure fraud, when scammers obtained personal information or used fake documents to obtain cash from a bank in someone else’s name. After some time, the bank begins to worry about the lack of payments, but the scammers disappeared without a trace, instructing the victims to get out of trouble on their own.

There are also cases where the client could not influence the payment deadline in any way (force majeure circumstances arose, and the borrower did everything in his power to transfer the payment on time). Seeing a sincere interest in a peaceful resolution of the issue, the lender is ready to meet the borrower’s request and leave the fact of the overdue payment unnoticed.

If a person is truly not involved in the negative entry that has appeared and has not violated the terms of the loan agreement, he will still have to initiate proceedings with the bank. No one will voluntarily be interested in discrepancies in data if the client himself does not pay attention to it. In a written request, the borrower asks to check the information and make corrections based on updated supporting documents.

Having monitored the registration of the incoming application, the borrower waits for the bank to sort it out and independently remove the negative entries. If the bank insists on the borrower’s involvement, there is nothing left to do but go to court and demand restoration of the CI as part of the lawsuit.

If a negative entry appears in the CI, the bureau (NBKI, OKB or other organization) will store the information for 15 years. It is unlikely that such a correction period will suit future borrowers. There is a desire to quickly remove the yoke of an “unreliable client”, regardless of how much this service costs. On the Internet you can find companies that are ready to make changes to the database right now, canceling negative information about the delay.

The law does not allow stories to be corrected unless there are objective grounds for doing so. If there are no errors in the client’s dossier, no one can officially remove references to delays. Only by gradually and step-by-step repayment of several loans, without delays and claims from the bank, can additions be made about successful repayments. This is the only correct course of action.

If someone suggested solving a problem with a credit dossier, you need to understand that only a limited circle of authorized persons of the bureau have access to the BKI database; the information is reliably protected from penetration by fraudsters. By agreeing to the mechanical deletion of records, the borrower will make a mistake by participating in a criminal act.

Methods for free CI correction

If the borrower has discovered that he can no longer take advantage of favorable lending conditions, and banks refuse one after another, it’s time to think about the reasons that provoked such an attitude of creditors. There are several ways to correct CI for free, using available credit instruments, where the requirements for borrowers are minimal and overpayments are the highest.

The easiest way to restore your credit rating is to start using a credit card and pay your monthly fees on time. In standard situations, 5-6 payments are enough for the former delay to be forgotten. If you have accumulated long-standing debts that are overdue for more than a month, updating your records is not so easy. It may take a year of payments for the story to become good again.

A credit card should be used very carefully, since new non-payments will only aggravate the problems. You can make a profit from issuing a new credit card by saving interest and receiving bonuses if you pay attention to:

  1. Maintenance cost.
  2. Availability of free options.
  3. Connection to Internet banking.
  4. Accumulation of bonus points or rubles, which are then spent on paying for goods and services of bank partners.
  5. Availability of a grace period of 55-60 days for non-cash purchases with a zero interest rate.

With proper setup of work with a credit card, it is possible not only to correct the CI, but also to make money on lending by depositing funds in a timely manner before the grace period expires. It is important to ensure that the balance of available funds on the credit line does not drop to 30-50%. This way the borrower will convince the bank that there is no urgent need for funds and that there is a stable, sufficient income.

An alternative to an open credit card would be participation in one of the existing credit recovery programs. Sovcombank has launched a special program “Credit Doctor”, designed to “treat” bad credit histories. The cooperation scheme offers to improve the reputation of a defaulter free of charge through active participation in short-term loans. By gradually increasing the limit amount, the bank gradually regains lost trust in the client. A step-by-step description of the product is provided on the bank’s online resources.

Credit lines barely exceed 5-10 thousand rubles, and only a few months are allotted for repayment. A serious disadvantage is the high interest rate charged by the lender.

It’s even easier to get a limit agreed upon through a microfinance organization, but a loan from a microfinance organization can hardly be called profitable. When contacting an MFO to restore your credit history, you should first calculate how much it will cost to restore your reputation as a reliable payer. The amount of overpayment is calculated for each day of use of the borrowed amount, and there is practically no time left for repayment.

You should not contact an MFO if:

  • there is no certainty of a full refund of the amount before the expiration of the contract;
  • there are risks of delays in revenues and debt formation;
  • The MFO does not work with BKI and does not transmit information about repaid obligations.

If payment terms are acceptable, strict adherence to the repayment and loan account closure procedures is carefully monitored. The advantage is the possibility of round-the-clock registration within 5-10 minutes.

If an error is identified in the CI and he realizes that he is right, the client files a lawsuit demanding that the record be corrected, eliminating negative reviews. Since the creditor is initially considered responsible for the correction, a pre-trial claim is submitted to the head of the banking institution, where they explain and prove in as much detail as possible why it is necessary to introduce a change in the BKI. The bank itself does not have the right to initiate actions with the file in the credit history bureau without coordinating them with the borrower.

Typically, the reason for invalidation of a record through a court is technical errors, or bank employees themselves make mistakes when indicating the name of the borrower, the amount and payment term. One should not exclude the intervention of fraudsters who obtained passport data and used credit funds at their own discretion.

Open a bank deposit

If the problem with a damaged credit rating is limited to a few late payments in the distant past, it is more profitable to try to gain additional benefit from keeping funds in a bank deposit. If the account has not yet been opened, it is worth contacting a bank with favorable loan programs, hoping to ultimately establish mutually beneficial cooperation and receive an individual offer for lending to an existing client.

When the reason for a bad credit history is related to the need to service several loans at once, it is worth trying to even out the situation through refinancing. The borrower applies to the bank with an application to combine several loans into one loan through a refinancing program.

In addition to the established repayment of inconvenient payments, the borrower saves on overpayments, since most refinancing programs offer a reduced rate. Once back on schedule, it is important to avoid further delays. It will not be possible to refinance the debt again.

If life circumstances have led to the fact that all banks refuse to lend funds, you have to look for alternative options that will help cope with the difficult financial situation by mobilizing other resources. With total delays, there is no point in hoping for a quick restoration of reputation, but there is hope in a couple of years to plan a large purchase, starting to improve from now on.

Sometimes many borrowers miss payment dates or completely stop repaying their loan obligations. In such cases, the concept of bad credit history begins to apply to them. What does this definition mean, how long is such information stored, and what actions can help correct the situation?

A bad credit history is the result of late repayment of debt obligations or a complete cessation of payments on an existing loan. This concept can be applied both to ordinary citizens and to business entities (individual entrepreneurs and LLCs).

Possible reasons why a bad credit history may arise are provided for by Federal Law No. 218 “On Credit Histories” and can be expressed as follows:

  • Late payment. Any loan taken implies the borrower’s agreement with a specific payment schedule, and each such payment has a clearly established amount. In the event that you missed one payment, but it was repaid within 3-5 days and this situation never happened again, it is unlikely that this will be reflected in the history. However, if similar (or more serious) delays are repeated more than once, the information will already be entered into your data and the ability to issue subsequent loans will be difficult.
  • A complete cessation of repayment of obligations and, even worse, an attempt to escape. This fact will certainly be reflected in the borrower’s credit history.
  • Deliberate damage. Such cases are associated with the deliberate introduction of false information by bank employees so that a certain person would not be able to obtain a loan from other structures.
  • Making a mistake. Sometimes a mechanical error in writing one letter or number in a person’s data can ruin the credit history of a completely different citizen.
  • Technical error, program crash. Sometimes situations arise when, upon payment, the required funds do not arrive in the account for reasons beyond the control of the borrower, but are associated solely with system malfunctions. This most often happens when paying through a terminal, when the required report does not reach the bank.
  • Fact of fraud. Such cases are associated with the illegal use of another person’s passport or forgery of a document.

Where is such information found?

To systematize the work of the banking sector, as well as to summarize information about borrowers and their unreliability, the Credit History Bureau was organized, which contains a general register of all borrowers in the Russian Federation.

This register is under the authority of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, which has the right to store and systematize such data. When contacting a banking institution to apply for a loan, its specialists will definitely submit a request for information about the borrower regarding his history. If it contains data on systematic delays, non-payments and other actions that are contrary to the signed loan agreement, not every organization will agree to lend funds. In addition, every citizen has the right to independently request such information about himself once a year if necessary.

When will bad credit history be cleared?

As for how long a bad loan history is stored and whether it is reset after some time, it is worth noting that every bank, regardless of the Credit History Bureau, systematizes and stores data about its clients who have debt obligations. In connection with this factor, we will consider the storage periods for information in each individual structure and at the federal level:

  • Each credit institution stores data about former clients for 35 years - this period is even more related to the requirements of regulations of the Central Bank of Russia aimed at ensuring the integrity of accounting and other documentation related to the activities of banking organizations.
  • In accordance with regulatory legislation, the Credit History Bureau stores such information for 15 years. There are cases when the period was significantly shorter, but this is most likely due to false or incorrectly entered data, as well as situations where loans were obtained using stolen or forged documents.

How to fix bad credit history

A bad loan history can significantly prevent a certain person from applying for any other loans if desired, or even eliminate such an opportunity. In this regard, let's look at ways in which you can try to fix it:

1. First of all, it is necessary to highlight situations in which you have never taken out a loan, which is yours. In such cases, it is necessary to contact law enforcement agencies to clarify the circumstances of the case and remove debt obligations due to fraudulent actions of other persons. After all the circumstances have been clarified, all false data will be automatically deleted from your credit history.
2. If your history has deteriorated due to non-payment or delays in mandatory payments, you can try to improve it in the following ways:

  • urgently pay all outstanding debts and ask for updated data to be entered into your history;
  • try to restructure existing obligations in order to be able to repay them on time;
  • purchase any goods in installments and repay obligations on time - positive data is also entered into history;
  • take out a loan from a regional bank (this is much more difficult to do in other organizations with a bad history) and repay all necessary payments on time;
  • apply for a microloan with minimal interest and also repay it in a timely manner (more about microloans with bad credit history -

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