
Manuals in Bashkiria. Baby benefits in Ufa and the Republic of Bashkortostan. Monthly allowance at birth twins, triples and more children

Republic of Bashkiria offers its inhabitants different kinds Payments for children. Some payments are guaranteed at the level of the state, for example, a benefit on the first child. Separate types of support ensures the republic itself local budgets. Most often it is the benefits of needing and large families. Also in this article, consider the issue of providing a benefit for the loss of the breadwinner.

Terms of granting children's benefits to families with children

The payment of regional benefits is provided by means of local budgets. The procedure for granting, the amount of assistance is established by the legislative bodies in the field. Appointment occurs according to these principles:

  • Categoricality. It is understood that assistance is guaranteed to a certain group of persons - wives of military personnel or women who are registered in early terms;
  • Addressibility. It is stated that assistance will receive only individual applicants, corresponding to certain conditions and persons who are guaranteed benefits - orphans, disabled;
  • The need. Assign some types of assistance only to those families who need support from the state.

Fertility in the republic is at a high level. In this regard, there are quite many large families. That is why Bashkiria authorities provide support for this category of population. The region provides payments, benefits, liberation for needy citizens.

So, preferences guarantee such groups of persons:

  • large families;
  • low-income families with minor children;
  • persons with disabled children;
  • students with juvenile children;
  • parents with limited physical abilities;
  • other categories of needy citizens.

The condition for the provision of benefits for children:

  1. Most benefits pay the parent, a person actually with a child.
  2. Apply for help follows the social protection authorities.
  3. The application is considered 10 days.
  4. The presence of citizenship of the Russian Federation is not a limitation if the other is not spelled out in the law.
  5. Payments are subject to indexation, which is held annually.
  6. Payment can be issued on a child permanently residing with the applicant.

In 2017, federal payments were increased by 5.4%. There was an increase of February 1. In the territory of the Republic of Bashkortostan, a district coefficient has been introduced, which add to the residents of the region for complex climatic conditions. State payments in settlements Bashkiria is 15% higher than the size of similar assistance in other subjects of the Federation.

Help on the first child in Bashkiria

A one-time payment in the country in 2017 reached the indicator of 16035 rubles. In Bashkiria, taking into account the size of the raising coefficient of the newly minted parents pay 18,880 rubles. But this is not the whole amount that residents of the region can get.

The Republican head of Rustem Khamitov signed a decree, in accordance with which young families will receive 300 thousand rubles at the birth of the first child. These will be a purchase facilities, housing construction. In such a way of government, the fertility rates increase and contribute to solving the housing issue of young families. The project was created within the framework of the "Family - Strategic Priority of the Republic of Belarus".

Terms of providing assistance:

  1. Target funds. Money is addressed exclusively to improve housing conditions.
  2. The need of improving living conditions.
  3. The first offspring in the family, born in the period from January 1, 2017.
  4. The age of each of the parents is up to 35 years old.
  5. Full family.
  6. Income, sufficient to repay a mortgage, building a house.

Note! Paid benefit family will be able to spend on repayment of the debt balance or buying ready residential premises.

What other regional children's benefits are provided for in 2017 in Bashkortostan

  1. Monthly benefit regional level. They offer it to low-income people, for each child under the age of 16/18. Terminated during the end of study at school. Its size depends on some conditions:
  • 318.78 rubles. - standard size;
  • 637,56 rub. will get lonely mothers;
  • 478.17 rubles. For children, the parent of which serves as a call or is wanted for non-payment of alimony.
  1. Monthly payment of families who have two and more children in the family. This is a governor support that has low-income families (if the income of the newborn below PM in the region). This payment is not indexed, requires constant updating of income references, is paid for each child to achieve 3 years. The amount of payment is 500 rubles.
  2. Financial compensation Monthly type in minors from 1.5 to 3 years. A guide is provided exclusively to citizens of the Russian Federation with income below PM.
  3. Monthly help to families, where 4 and more child are on the upbringing. Allocate republican assistance, provided that the income on each silence is below the children's PM. The amount is allocated for a family, and not every young person separately. 1,500 rubles are paid for four children, 2000 rubles allocate families with five offspring.

In the event of the loss of a close relative, a citizen has the right to apply to the state for help on the loss of the breadwinner. Art. 10 of the Federal Law NO 400-FZ "On Insurance Pensions" consens this issue. The amount of benefits reaches an indicator of 3000 rubles.

Who can get a pension

The right to receive assistance from the state is obtained by persons who were dependent at the deceased citizen. The lack of employment experience is not an obstacle to design. But the presence of labor balls is reflected in the amount of payment, the source of financing. So, two accrual schemes are provided:

  1. If the deceased guardian did not have an employment experience, then his wards would become the recipients of the social pension.
  2. The presence of labor balls is the basis for the payment of the claimant of the insurance pension.

Monthly allowance for the loss of the breadwinner in the Russian Federation is:

  • 4959,85 rub. If the applicant has lost one parent;
  • 9919,73 rub., If a citizen remained complete orphan.

Payment is made before the onset of majority or graduation / occurrence of 23 years (if the recipient is a full-time student learning).

List of recipients labor pension somewhat wider. It may apply for it:

  1. Children of the deceased face under 18;
  2. Children under 23 years / graduation of study on full-time learning;
  3. Non-working spouse (spouse), as well as grandfather and grandmother of the breadwinner, provided that juvenile children of the trustee remained on their provision;
  4. Disabled parents, spouse (spouse). The categories are disabled include:
  • disabled people of any age;
  • men after 65 years;
  • women over 60 years old.

Note! Disabled persons may arrange assistance from the state only if there are no other relatives / trustees that could contain them.

Juvenile children refer to the category of unconditional dependents. The rest of the applicants will have to prove the fact of its detention to a deceased citizen. The elderly relatives may arrange a manual in any period after the death of the trustee, after the onset of conditions for its provision (disability, old age).

Calculation of the insurance pension for the loss of the breadwinner

So because funds on insurance payments According to the loss of the breadwinner, the PF budget is taken, then when calculating the benefit, the level of savings of the deceased citizen is taken into account. An individual coefficient (PC) is taken into account, as well as the cost of each BALA (C).

The indicator "C" is revised annually in February. In 2017, his indicator was 78 rubles and 58 kopecks. The value of PC is assigned to the amount of the pension savings of the deceased person.

Hello! My name is Belova Olga Borisovna. I carry out activities in the field of jurisprudence since 2013. I specialize mainly in civil law. He studied in the North (Arctic) federal University named after M.V. Lomonosov. Faculty: jurisprudence (lawyer).

In 2019, the parents of Bashkiria are entitled both for general and additional. The first is paid from the state budget and apply to all residents of Russia. Unlike them, republican children's payments are installed only at the region level and are charged from the local treasury. In the region, children's payments are accrued in two basic principles:

  • categories (for example, all pregnant women who have just gave birth to women, wives of servicemen, etc.);
  • address and need (Families that in terms of income are low-income or educated children with disabilities, orphans, etc.).

Fertility in Bashkortostane above average in Russia, and the natural population growth is positive. For the same reason, Bashkiria occupies one of the first places in the country in terms of quantity large familiesIn connection with which the social policy of the region is aimed primary on their support. Many parents have three and more children who receive. Also act social contract - The starting capital of the poor, which helps in difficult life situations.

Due to good demographic situation Before the regional authorities, it is not so acute the task of additionally stimulate fertility in the region. However, despite this, there are several additional stimulating "demographic" payments in Bashkortostan:

All benefits are appointed only at a request of one of the parents (not necessarily the mother).

Payment of federal benefits to families with children in Ufa

Residents of Ufa and Bashkortostan as well as other regions of the Russian Federation can count on children's benefits on federal law No. 81-FZ dated 05/19/1995. Size of these payments annually indexed On the inflation rate, which allows in some way to compensate for the rise in prices for the year.

  • State rises 4.3% - on the indicator of actual inflation for the previous year. In January 2019, children's payments were charged on old values.
  • In 2019, and in subsequent years, payments will also be carried out from February 1 (Law No. 444-FZ dated December 19, 2016).
  • TO wages and benefits for children in Bashkortostan applied district coefficientequal to 1.15.

Table of state children's aids in Bashkiria in 2019

Name of federal benefit The size of the manual, rub.
at the federal level from 01.02.2019 in the Republic of Bashkortostan (+ 15%), rub.
11280 - minimum on the minimum wage for each month of decree12972,00
655,49 753,81
, 17479,73 20101,69
27680,97 31833,12
3277,45 - minimum on the first child for the unemployed;

4512.00 - minimum for working

6554,89 - 7538,12
9182.00 - in the amount of subsistence minimum On the child
11863,27 13642,76

Decor and payment schedule for children's manuals

    • From the beginning of pregnancy

      • 12 weeks of pregnancy
    • When they are issued and paid

      28 or 30 weeks of pregnancy

    • When they are issued and paid

      Birth of a child

      • 0.5 years
      • (not limited)
      • 3 years
    • When they are issued and paid

      End of maternity leave

      • 1.5 years
      • 3 years
    • When they are issued and paid

      From birth or from 1.5 years

      • Up to 16 or up to 18 years
    • When they are issued and paid

      Adoption of the child

      • 3 months
      • 1.5 years
      • 3 years
      • 3 years
      • 18 years
      • 6 months after adoption
      • (not limited)
    • When they are issued and paid

      180 days of pregnancy wife of a serviceman

      • End of the urgent service of the child's father
    • When they are issued and paid

      Birth of a child

      • 3 years
    • When they are issued and paid

      The offensive of the death of a serviceman

      • 18 years
    • When they are issued and paid

      Transferring a child to family education

      • 6 months after the transfer
      • 18 years


Schedule for children's manuals in terms of their design and payments

    • 12
    • 28 or 30.
    • Birth
    • the end
    • 0,5
      of the year
    • 1,5
      of the year
    • 3
      of the year
    • 16
    • 18
    • regional benefit
      on baby *
    • One-time payout
    • Monthly payout
    • Payments are possible *

    * The deadlines for the start and end of payment are set at the regions level (most often from 1.5 to 16 years)

    • One-time payout
    • Monthly payout
    • Payments are possible *

    * The deadlines for the start and end of payment are established by regional laws (most often from 1.5 to 16 years), but not earlier than the adoption of the child

    ** The right to receive benefits does not depend on the age of the child at the time of his adoption

    • One-time payout
    • Monthly payout
    • Payments are possible *

    * can be paid since the birth of a child until they reach for 3 years, but no earlier than the beginning and no later than the end of the Father of the Urgent Military Service

    ** is paid from the moment of the death of the serviceman before reaching the child of 18 years or before the end of full-time learning, but no later than 23 years

    • One-time payout
    • Monthly payout
  • Allowance paid for each child before his 3th anniversary.
  • Also provided for adopted and adopted children's custody.
  • Data on parental income will have to be periodically renovated.
  • Payment does not provide indexation.

If the family stands on the improvement of housing conditions and is born at the same time three or more kids, parents are put housing certificate . It gives the right to reimburse part of the funds in case the family will buy an apartment.

Support measures for large families in Bashkortostan

In local laws, with three children and more than 18 years, including adopted under custody or adopted. Older children are not taken into account. Support is carried out on the basis of documents:

  • law number 87-s dated 07.24.2000 "On state support for large families in the Republic of Bashkortostan";
  • resolutions number 68 of 11.03.2002

Help is divided into several types:

  • Medical services:
    • free service in the clinic and treatment in the hospital of children under 18;
    • providing prostheses if necessary for free (only by poor);
    • providing medicines within the framework of the approved list of children up to 3 years;
    • the priority organization of recreation for children within the region.
  • Education support:
    • extraordinary reception in kindergarten;
    • priority provision of schoolchildren with textbooks on approved programs;
    • free food schoolchildren and pupils vocational schools in educational institution Until age 23 years (poor).
  • By providing housing in need of improvement of housing conditions:
    • provision of residential premises in turn;
    • priority granting a subsidy when making a mortgage to build a house or apartment;
    • provision social cards for the purchase of housing For families with 5 or more childrenaccounting as in need of improving housing conditions (housing certificates in the amount of about 3.5 million rubles).
  • Monthly compensation (conscience) for payment communal services - 30% (with 3 children) or 100% (with 4 or more children), provided that the secondary income on a family member does not exceed the subsistence minimum per capita.
  • The priority provision of a land plot under the garden or garden.
  • Providing parents with 9 or more children of a one-time payment of 600,000 rubles. If the family has swelling children, monetary assistance is allocated after the 3 years of their stay with guardians.

The poor in this case is the family in which the average income level does not exceed the amount children's subsistence minimum.

Monthly cash payment (EVER) on the 3rd child from 1.5 to 3 years

For large low-income families There is a special allowance for the third and each next child in the republic. from 1.5 to 3 years. It is designed to help mothers with children who have ceased to receive a state monthly payment for the kid to 1.5 years. Many of them can never go to work or send a child to kindergarten.

Terms of payment of payment:

  • Decree of the President of the Republic of Bashkortostan No. UE-524 dated December 11, 2012 "On measures to improve the legislation of the Republic of Bashkortostan in the sphere of social support for families with children";
  • Resolution No. 132 dated 05.06.2013
The size 3 000 rubles.
Required documents
  • general package of documents;
  • statements from all family members to process their data;
  • marriage certificate;
  • data on the income of adult family members;
  • help that the second parent does not receive hard (if it is registered elsewhere);
  • decision on the establishment of custody and that funds for the content of the child's crucial are not paid (if relevant)
Treatment preferably for 6 months. After completing the child of 1.5 years

It is noteworthy that in most other regions, the allowance is initially paid from the moment of the birth of a third or subsequent child until it reaches the age of 3 years, and in the amount of a regional subsistence minimum on a child (which in Bashkortostan is 3 times more than 3000 rubles). For children born since 2018, this payment will be provided on the same conditions.

Monthly payout for the 3rd child to 3 years since 2018

In 2018, a new payment will be operated in Bashkiria large low-income families. Her parents may be issued, which, starting from 01/01/2018, the third or next child was born. The monthly payment is provided from the birth of the baby to its 3-year-old, provided that there is at least two previous children under the age of 18.

  • The program is yet calculated only for 2018Although it is possible to extend in the future years.
  • In other regions, a similar payment is provided only for children having russian citizenship. In Bashkiria, this moment is not yet agreed (as of January 2018). Probably, it will be introduced in the near future a separate decree.
What regulatory act InstalledDecree of the Head of the Republic No. UG-259 dated December 20, 2017 "On measures to improve social support for large families in the Republic of Bashkortostan"
The size8 993 rub. In 2018 (fixed amount, close to the magnitude of the children's subsistence minimum in 2017)
Required documents
  • a document on the Russian citizenship of the child (not yet exactly, but it is better to prepare it);
  • certificate of the birth of previous children;
  • certificates of parental income for the 3 preceding month;
  • labor book (if someone from parents does not work);
  • standard package of documents
TreatmentAt any moment after the seven can be recognized by the low-income

The task of a new benefit is to stimulate the fertility. In 2016, in Bashkiria, the fertility coefficient was 1.86; Data for 2017 is not yet processed. The policy of the state is aimed at the fact that the coefficient has grown at least up to 2.0.

Monthly benefit to families with 4 children and more

Large parents raising four children or more, can count on a special republican payment. It is provided one for seven., not for every child. Only parents are allocated to parents who in the family have an average per capita income on humans. below child PM. Features of design:

  • When appointing benefits, only children under 16 years old are taken into account, and in training in any educational institution - up to 23 years.
  • Payment is subject to annual indexation.

One-time compensation for the purchase of school uniforms is large

Parents of schoolchildren raising in large families, once every two years Can count on compensation for the purchase of school uniforms. Monetary assistance is issued only to families with average per capita income per person smaller than children's pm (In fact, those who receive a regional child benefit, but this is not a prerequisite).

Some features of payments:

  • in which on September 1 of the current year There is a minimum of three children under 18.
  • Compensation is not granted on kids' walking, if their guardian receives funds from the state to the maintenance of the child.
  • Apply and documents need to apply to schoolwhere the child learns.
  • Money comes to account usually in December.

You can provide checks for the purchase of a child for 2 years. But only compensate for the amount within the above limits.

Footwear costs are not compensated, the return is carried out for such objects:

  • for a boy for 1 pc. - costume, vest, trousers, shirt, tie;
  • for Girls 1 Piece:
    • suit, vest, blouse, tie.
    • pants, skirt, or sundress - one of these items.

Monthly manuals for the maintenance of orphans transferred to the family

Families who took up child-Syrota or lained parental carecan count on monthly help From the state for the content of such children. This refers to the guardian and family receptions. In addition, persons replacing parents can receive remuneration for raising children.

  • Payments are provided until the 18th anniversary Child.
  • For their design, apply to guardianship authorities.
  • Benefits are not provided if the guardian was appointed a child at the request of the parent.
What law is installed
  • № 262-s dated December 28, 2005 "On the procedure and amount of payment money OPECunam (trustees) for the maintenance of the child ";
  • № 129-s dated December 17, 2004 "On remuneration, due to adoptive parents and measures of social support provided by the reception family"
The size
  • 5 460 rub., 5 250 rubles. - for a child before and after 3 years, respectively;
  • 6 552 rub., 6 300 rubles. - younger and older than 3 years, respectively
Remuneration of guardians and receiving parents:
  • 7 750 rub., 6 460 rubles. - for a child before and after 3 years of age;
  • 9 300 rub., 7 752 rub. - for a disabled child or with the peculiarities of the psyche, respectively, before and after the 3th anniversary
Required documents
  • confirmation of the lack of parental guardianship over the child (documents on the death of parents or deprivation of rights);
  • birth certificate;
  • certificate of accommodation child with guardian;
  • extract from the guardianship to establishing care
Treatment at any time, a convenient to the applicant

In addition to the payments, for children who are left without parental care and adopted in the family, there are a number of benefits. Their list should be clarified in the custody bodies.

Regional maternal capital

Republican programs in Bashkortostan as such is not. There is its analogue - a one-time encouragement of families deciding on adoption of the child. The allowance established at the regional level is issued on eVERY Adopted child, and twins are considered for two children - that is, the family can get paid several times.

  • The decision of the court on adoption, which entered into force after 01.01.2011, and for a disabled child - after 01.01.2013
  • The applicant must have Russian citizenship.
  • Apply for payment follows to the republican center of social support for the population.
What law is installed
  • law number 383-s dated 04.28.2011 "On a one-time monetary allowance to citizens who adopted a child (children) in the Republic of Bashkortostan";
  • resolution No. 297 of 08.23.2011 "On the procedure for appointing and paying a one-time monetary benefit to citizens who adopted the child (children) in the Republic of Bashkortostan"
The size
  • 453 026 rub. - in general;
  • 553 026 rub. - on a prepicable child disabled
Required documents
  • general package of documents;
  • court decision on adoption;
  • certificate of disability from ITU (if relevant)
Treatment At any convenient moment before the adventure of the adopted child (up to 23 years, if he continues to study), no matter when he was adopted

Money is not given in cash, but are listed on a bank account. To dispose of funds, you will have to provide additional documents. You can spend money for a number of needs:

  • payment for the treatment of a child (anyone in the family);
  • sanitary-resort treatment of the child;
  • fee for child learning.

Benefits, benefits, free medicines and trips to the sanatorium - all this is only a small part of those benefits that our state is ready to provide mommies with children. True, not all families know what the right to count on.

UFA1 found out what privileges are relying parents and children, and has drawn up a list of benefits.

Waiting for a miracle

When a woman is preparing for the birth of a child, to think about it, what payments it is relying as a future mother.

1. One-time allowance for women who are registered in early deadlines pregnancy. Its size in 2017 is 705 rubles. The women who were dismissed due to the liquidation of the organization or termination of the organization individual entrepreneur. A working future mother will pay benefits in the organization.

Pregnant wife's military personnel who are serving the call, on a period of six months can get 29,776 rubles.

2. Pregnancy and childbirth leaves 70 days. But this is only if the woman is waiting for one child. The future mother of two and more kids is added to the vacation for another 14 days. If childbirth is held with complications, then the time of vacation is increased - up to 86 and 110 days, respectively. Working women for pregnancy and childbirth will calculate on the average monthly salary.

For non-working manual is 705 rubles per month.

3. Specialized foods can get pregnant women from poor families if average income In their family there is less subsistence minimum per person. In the 4th quarter of 2017, the subsistence minimum in Bashkiria is 8924 rubles. per month.

4. Pregnant with the 20th and more weeks of pregnancy, another social allowance is relying - 132 rubles per month. Women claim him, who have all family members from 16 to 60 work, learn from the full-time department or are officially recognized as unemployed.

Birth of a child and his upbringing up to 3 years

5. After childbirth, a woman receives a lump-sum of the birth allowance - 18,802 rubles per baby. It can also claim one of the parents or his face replacing.

6. A monthly child care allowance can get a father or mother. For workers, it is 40% of medium salary Over the past two years of work. The maximum amount of payments at the same time 14 102 rubles. For non-working amount below - only 3,525 rubles. Wives of servicemen are relying 12,761 rubles for each child.

7. Women with children under three years old, and dismissed in connection with the liquidation of the organization also assumes the benefit. Monthly they have the right to receive 57 rubles. The same amount is obtained by working women.

8. Each child relies between a monthly allowance in the following cases:

  • 142 ruble - if the family is poor;
  • 213 rubles - if one of the parents evade the payment of alimony or passes military service;
  • 284 rubles - if the mother raises the baby alone. The manual can be increased, for this you will need additional documents. What exactly - can be found on the website of the Ministry of Labor RB.

9. Pregnant women and nursing mothers from poor families should be provided with specialized food. This has the right one of the parents on children aged 0 to 2 years 11 months 29 days. Food can be obtained in dairy kitchens and pharmacies.

Pregnant and Nursing Free Food

Photo: Timur Sharipkulov

Birth of the second child

10. For the second kid, Mom is assumed to be a certificate for maternity capital. Certificate by fixed amount Give out B. Pension Fund. It is possible to spend money on improving housing conditions, school studies or mom retirement. Monthly payments from February 1, 2017 make up: minimum size manuals - 7 051 ruble, maximum size Manuals for working - 14,102 rubles.

The birth of a third child and follow

11. For the birth of the third baby, the family relies for free land plot For the construction of housing. Stand on line need in the Ministry of Land and Property Relations.

12. For each third and next child between the ages of one and a half to three years, one more payment is relying for many families - one month is 3000 rubles every month.

13. The poor families with three and more children have the right to receive compensation for school uniform Or other clothes in which the child goes to school. To obtain money compensation, you need to provide checks on the purchase of form in the social space.

14. Children from large-scale families are obliged to provide free meals in schools and professional educational organizations until the end of learning. True, until they reach the age of 23 years.

15. Large low-income families can qualify for monthly monetary compensation for housing and communal payment costs. How to calculate the amount of compensation and what documents will be required for this, you can find on the site of the Ministry of Labor.

16. Large, including incomplete families with five or more children, who, moreover, recognized as needed to improve housing conditions, can count on receiving a housing certificate. It is provided in non-cash form.

17. But families where nine and more children are relying than 600,000 rubles.

Parents will receive compensation for the school uniform

Photo: Timur Sharipkulov

Benefits for students of students

18. Lonely matters-students are relying a special social benefit - 250 rubles per month.

20. Students from poor and large families are relying a monthly social benefit. When calculating the amount of benefits take into account the amount of the subsistence minimum, but its maximum size is 132 rubles. To find out which documents are required to receive payments, you can on the website of the Republican Center for Social Support of the Population.

Health and recreation

21. Free trips to the camps and sanatorium provide the guys who are in a difficult life situation, as well as children from large families and poor families, victims of violence and survived the fighting.

22. Children who are registered with narrow specialists, as well as those who need preventive treatment or recovery after surgery may be applied for free treatment.

23. Children under three years have medicines for free. Lists of drugs can be clarified in district polyclinics, as well as in the text of the law? The pediatrician can write down the necessary medicine to the child once a year.

Children are made free trips to the sanatorium

Photo: Timur Sharipkulov

Additional help

24. Incomplete, large families who have a disabled child or family, where parents are disabled, have the right to targeted social assistance on the basis of a social contract (ASPK). It can be obtained for the following goals:

  • no more than 100 thousand rubles for organizing their own business;
  • no more than 50 thousand rubles for personal subsidiary economy;
  • not more than 15 thousand rubles for the passage of thoroughbredation for employment.

25. Incomplete and large familiar families have the right to material assistance. Its size is no more than 2000 rubles. Documents should be submitted to the district center of social support. You can also find out their list.

Kids from large families can eat for free in kindergarten and school

Photo: Timur Sharipkulov

Mom without a penny will not remain

For example, we calculated the benefits for a woman with two children, a pregnant third baby.

So, let's say, the mother does not work and is registered on unemployment. Then:

After registering in the clinic, she every month before childbirth (2 months) will pay 705, 11 kopecks, plus it will at the same time will receive the same allowance if the pregnancy arrives in early terms. Total 705 + 705 + 705 \u003d 2115 rubles.

If the family is poor, then pregnant will provide free meals up to reaching her child for 6 months. We are talking about milk and dairy products.

If all members of the low-income family are employed or learn from the full-time department in universities, pregnant claims for an additional monthly payment in the amount of 132 rubles.

When the third baby appears and his parents will issue a birth certificate, a woman will pay a one-time allowance for childbirth in the amount of 18,802 rubles.

On leave to care for a child, a monthly woman is supposed to receive 7051 rubles within one and a half years. Total: 7051x18 months. \u003d 126 918 rubles.

With the birth of a third child, the family is recognized as many families, so after the child's execution, 1 year 6 months the mother will not be left without a penny - it has 3,000 rubles per third child to reach the age of three years. Total: 3000x18 months \u003d 54 000 rubles.

The kid to three years will receive free food, up to six years old - free medicines, and up to 18 - the opportunity to ride in the sanatorium.

If all three children are minors, the state compensates part of the costs of housing and communal services.

In addition, money will be allocated from the budget and will cover the costs of a large-scale low-income mother for school uniform, and this is an average of 2000-2500 rubles per child.

In school, college or university, a child under the age of 23 will be able to eat for free.

No need to forget that the family in which the third child was born, the land plot for residential construction was laid.

The manual is drawn up on a child aged 1.5 to 3 years (if at birth, then the payment is identical, as at first). This type of help from the republic is primarily intended to help mothers who suspend the charge of the benefit to 1.5 years due to the age of the baby, and they still do not have the opportunity to give it to the garden to get a job.

  • Law No. 132-s, which provides for the dimensions of monthly payments;
  • By decree of the head of the Republic of Bashkortostan No. UE-692, which regulates the issue of additional measures of social assistance for those categories of families who have twins, triple and so on;
  • Decree of the head of the Republic of Bashkortostan No. UE-524 on improving the legislation of the Russian Federation in social sphere support for parents engaged in educating minor citizens;
  • Resolution of the Government of the Republic of Bashkortostan No. 132, regulating issues of monthly benefits to children from 1.5 to 3 years;
  • Law No. 87, which provides for monthly payments to families with four and more pupils.

Payments and benefits for a child in Bashkortostan and Ufa in 2019

It is assigned at the birth or adoption of the first child after January 1, 2019, if the size of the average family income does not exceed the 1.5-fold amount of the subsistence minimum of the working-age population established in the region for the second quarter of the year preceding the year of appeal to the appointment of this payment, in the amount of subsistence minimum for children installed during the same period, in accordance with Federal law N 418-FZ dated December 28, 2019 "On monthly payments to families with children."

Baby benefits Installed by the Federal Law of May 19, 1995 N 81-FZ "On state benefits to citizens who have children". Baby benefits working citizens are paid by the territorial departments of the Fund social insurance Russian Federation At work. Baby benefits are paid to non-working citizens are paid by the territorial departments for the Office of Social Protection of the Population (USZN) at the place of residence.

Currency Courses of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation

From February 1, 2019, the amounts of benefits associated with maternity and childhood increased. Disabled mothers at the birth of a child relies with a lump-sum payment in the amount of 19,273.95 rubles. The minimum size of a monthly care allowance for a child up to one and a half years is: 3,613.68 rubles - care for the first child; 7 227.35 rubles - care for the second and subsequent children.

Also in Bashkiria there is a monthly cash payment to many familial families. Conditions The same - income should not exceed the size of the subsistence minimum for children. Families can get 3,000 rubles for each child born third or subsequent.

Baby benefits in Ufa and the Republic of Bashkortostan in 2019

  1. The basic condition for the participants of the social program is permanent registration within the republic. Juvenile, giving the right to allowance, should be accommodated together with the applicant.
  2. To seek help can any official representative of a minor.
  3. The citizenship of the applicant is not taken into account (there are exceptions).
  4. The application is sent to the organs of social protection in such way:
    • by personal visits to the separation on a territorial basis;
    • through multifunctional centers;
    • through the state service portal.
  5. The decision on the appointment of payments (refusal) is accepted within ten days, as notified by the applicant.

The Republic of Bashkortostan occupies a leading position in the Russian Federation on demographic indicators. It is not necessary to stimulate fertility to stimulate the birth rate. However, children's benefits in 2019 in Bashkortostan are paid on a two-level system, as in the whole country.

Baby benefits in Bashkiria

  • on the child whose parent shies away from paying alimony:
    • help from service bailiffs and the internal affairs bodies that the location of the wanted location is not established;
    • certificates from the relevant institution about the location of their debtor (serving the punishment, is under arrest, on forced treatment, aims to pass the forensic medical examination or on other grounds) and the absence of earnings for the execution of a court decision (judge decree);
    • certificates from the passport and visa service of the internal affairs bodies of a citizen for permanent residence abroad, as well as the report of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on the non-fulfillment of the court decision on the recovery of alimony in the event of a debtor in foreign statewith which the Russian Federation has a legal assistance agreement;
  • on a child of a serviceman passing military service:
    • certificates from the military commissariat on the call of the child's parent for military service;
    • certificates of child parents studies in a military educational institution vocational education indicating the date of concluding a contract (information about the inconclusion of the contract);
  • on the child's lonely mother - birth certificates in the form of the N 25 of the body of records of civil status acts on the introduction of information about the father's father's entry into the record of the Birth Act on the basis of the statement of the child's mother (or the child's birth certificate with the lack of a father's entry).

To address the issue of an additional increase in the size of the monthly child benefit (for 410.0 rubles), certificates for children under the age of 16 inclusive about studying in the state or municipal general education institution (in the future it is annually at the beginning of the school year).

Subsidies to large families in 2019 in Bashkiria

Getting her working women can have an employer, and those who do not have the official place of employment, seek social services at the official registration site. Special attention should be paid to the wives of military personnel, for which the amount of this support has a higher size - 24 500 rubles, and you can receive assistance at the place of service of the husband (father) of the child.

The following categories of citizens are entitled not to work and do not learn; the following categories of citizens: disabled people and disabled children; Pregnant women with 20 weeks of pregnancy; Fobilized family members recognized in the established manner unemployed; Food-bred family members who care for the child under 3 years old, for a disabled child under the age of 18, disabled group I or the elderly who have reached the 80 years; able-bodied members of large families living in countryside.

Currently, few families are being decided to give birth to the second, and even more so, the third child. Every mother is worried about the questions, which relies on the law at the birth of a third child, is it true that the state promises to give 1.5 million rubles.? To begin with, each mother should remember that as soon as she gives birth to his third baby, then her family automatically becomes large. Accordingly, it has full law count on social assistance from the state.

Arithmetic help

Lenar Ivanova: With regard to payments for the Third Child, for the first time Bashkortostan entered the list of regions that will receive co-financing from 2019 federal budget On monthly cash payments from birth to three years on the third or subsequent child in families, the average income in which is lower than the subsistence minimum per child.

Lenar Ivanova: This is not surprising, because more than 70 support measures are provided in Bashkortostan, which are used by 1.1 million citizens, including families with children. To provide social support measures to families with children only on the line of our ministry in 2019, 4.5 billion rubles were provided. The general annual volume of state support to families in the republic is about 10 billion rubles.

Why in Bashkiria is unprofitable to be large

Things are so. From this year, the land - only in need "in the area". It's when for each living no more than 12 square meters Housing at registration. And there is no other property. We are not approaching these criteria. As I was explained in the administration of the Ufa region, we can apply and through the court to prove that we need. To do this, of course, we will not. I also learned that the status of a large family is given in the form of a reference for one year, if the income of the family does not exceed, it seems to be three subsistence minimum. Under these criteria, we also do not fit, so no monthly benefits and benefits (for example, free food for elders in school) are not supposed.

But here is the Russian proverb says: one child is not a child, two children are Painting, three children are a whole child. So, each family should strive to give birth and raise at least three children. And if for the second people they give the maternity capital (sometimes for the third: if he did not receive this program for the second or the adoption of this program), then for the third child - almost nothing. Well, if you, of course, not a poor.

What to count on and what is required at the birth of a third child

According to the terms maternal capital, You may also get help, if he remains the only parent or adopter in the family. For him, the same rules of registration as for mothers. Based on this, to the question of which is based on the birth of a third child, who after birth remains to live with his father, the answer is: for him is also the acting program "Maternal capital".

Indeed, in the territory of Russia, after the third child is born in the family, or he is adopted, young parents receive the certificate "Maternal Capital". On the this moment The amount of the certificate is 475 thousand rubles. If my mother wonders, it should be aware that this certificate can be obtained, provided that she did not make it a second child.

Jun 27, 2018. 6061

Partner Material

Children and money: 77 types of payments, benefits and benefits to families with children in Bashkiria

Since the beginning of May, in Bashkiria, they began to accept statements from families where the first child was born, to receive a one-time social payments of 300 thousand rubles. Now the government of the republic is considering additional measures to support student families with children and special categories Large families. Woman's Day found out what other benefits, payments and help can be obtained if the baby also grows, two-three or ... nine children. Useful links, list necessary documentswhere they need to be submitted and for how long - all in one material.

If the first child was born in the family

1. The family in which the firstborn was born from January 1, 2017 to December 31, 2018 inclusive, can count on one-time social payment in the amount of 300 thousand rubles. Such a decree in early March 2017 signed the President of the Republic of Rustem Khamitov. According to the document, the payment is put to families, where the age of each spouse at the time of the birth of the child does not exceed 35 years; She is recognized as a residential premises (order established by the Government of the Republic); And if the family's income is sufficient to acquire (construction) housing or to receive mortgage loan. One-time subsidy can be spent on:

- payment of the acquired (under construction) residential premises (under the contract of sale, a contract of participation in equity construction);

- construction of an individual residential building, including the completion of the previously started construction of an individual residential building (under construction contract or to pay for the purchase of construction materials purchased under the contract.

- Repayment of the principal amount of debt and payment of interest on the loan (mortgage) contract (loan agreement) for the purchase of housing, a residential premises under construction or the construction of an individual residential building (with the exception of other interests, fines, commissions and penalties for the delay in fulfillment of obligations on these loans or loans ).

To become a member of the program, you need to contact the administration of the municipality at the place of residence. The application can be filed since the beginning of May of this year. You need to do it within six months from the birth of a child.

2. Parents can get 18 802.88 rubles Package of documents and provide them with a branch or to the department of the branch of the Republican Center for Social Support of the population, depending on the place of residence, regional.

3. After the birth of the baby, parents can arrange "social support". The amount of benefits for the care of the first child (from February 1, 2017) is 3 525.54 ruble 3 525.54 ruble, and the maximum size for dismissed during maternity leave or child care leave due to the liquidation of the organization may not exceed the full calendar month 14 102.17 ruble.

4. . The amount of benefits is 142 ruble.More details can be found on the website of the Ministry of Labor RB link.

5. Disabled mothers who were dismissed in connection with the liquidation of the organization, and were at that time on child care leave, and did not receive unemployment benefits before reaching the child for three years, can count on. Its size is 57,50 rub

6. Pregnant and nursing mothers that are under dispensary observation can count on providing. The right to it have pregnant women and nursing mothers who permanently residing in Bashkiria and under dispensary observation in state medical and preventive institutions, in whose families a secondary income below the subsistence minimum per capita, which is quarterly established in the republic. Future mothers get products from next month after registering for pregnancy and before childbirth, as well as nursing mothers, until the child is six months old. The list of necessary documents can be found on the website of the Ministry of Labor RB.

7. free baby food. It is issued from birth to the achievement of a child of three years. Free holidays for baby food, as well as specialized foods for pregnant and nursing mothers, are carried out by medical, pharmaceutical and other organizations, including dairy kitchens, milk-disassembly points and special nutrition points in medical and preventive institutions. The Ministry of Health of the Republic of Belarus is monitored by the organization of the provision of children under the age of three years with special dairy products for baby food. According to the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Republic of Belarus, branches (divisions of the branches) of the Republican Center for Social Support of the population in areas (cities) are issued certificates confirming the attitude of the family of a pregnant woman (nursing mother), or having a child (children) under three years old, Categories of poor. The list of necessary documents for obtaining this reference can be found on the website of the Ministry of Labor RB.

Pregnant women can count on providing specialized food

8. Family that brings up a minor child disabled can count on receipt land plot For individual construction. More information about this type of social support can be found on the website of the Ministry of Land and Property Relations of the Republic of Belarus. Young families have the right to receive a land plot for individual construction, where the age of spouses does not exceed 35 years, in which one or more children are brought up, and which is recognized as in need of housing, and its members are not owners of residential premises. The same right applies to incomplete families (there is one of the parents and its age not older than 35 years at the time of applying).

If you have two children, read the benefits on page 2

If the second child was born in the family

1. Parents have the right to maternal capital. According to the law, families in which they were born (or who were adopted) of the second, third or subsequent child from January 1, 2007 to 2018 were born on this social support. The certificate for maternal (family) capital gives both mom and dad. Father has the right to receive a certificate, regardless of the presence of citizenship of the Russian Federation, if he is the only adoptive of the second, third or subsequent child, and the court decision on the adoption of which entered into legal force After January 1, 2007. And also in the case when the mother has the right to receive maternal capital. The certificate can also be issued on a minor or adult child (children in equal shares), if he studies in part in the educational organization (with the exception of additional education organizations) until the end of training, but not longer than the age of 23 years. This right applies if parents or sole parent (adoptive parents or the only adopter) no right to additional measures state support. Important: registration of guardianship does not give the right to receive the maternal (family) capital.

2. Dad or mom can get one-time benefit at the birth of a child. It is paid to one of the parents (or face. It replaces it) at the place of work or service. If two kids appeared on the light or more, the manual is prescribed and paid for each child. The amount of benefits (from February 1, 2017) is 18 802.88 rubles For each child. To obtain benefits, non-working parents need to collect a package of place of residence, separation of the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation in Belarus.

3. Parents may arrange monthly child care allowance. It is paid until the child is 1 year 6 months. The manual can receive both mom and dad or other relatives and guardians actually caring for a child. This manual is paid at the place of work (service), non-working - in the branch, or in the department of the branch of the Republican Center for Social Support of the population in place of residence. With the list of necessary documents for the appointment of benefits, non-working citizens can be found on the website of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Republic of Belarus, in the "Social Support" section 7 051.08 ruble (for certain categories of persons listed in the link above); either 40% of the average earnings (income) at the place of work for the last 12 calendar months preceding the month of the occurrence of child care leave. At the same time, the minimum amount of benefits for the care of the first child is 7 051.08 ruble 14 102.17 ruble

Women pregnant with a second child can count on specialized food

4. monthly compensation payment . Its size is 57,50 rub. The payment is appointed from the day the child's care leave, if the appeal followed no later than six months from the date of the provision of the specified vacation.

5. Poor families with children under the age of 16 - 18 years, where the average family income is lower than the subsistence minimum per child, have the right monthly child benefit. The amount of benefits is 142 rubles Mintruda RB. Payment can be additionally increased. Who can count on increased benefit, as well as a complete list of documents to be provided to all applicants, can be found in the same link.

6. Women pregnant with the second child, and moms who gave birth to a second child and feed it with breasts, and also under dispensary observation, can count on providing specialized food Mintruda RB.

7. Kids who grow in poor families (where average income is lower than the subsistence minimum per child) free baby food departments.

If you have three children, read on the benefits on page 3

If the third child was born in the family

2. Family can get one-time benefit at the birth of a child. It is paid to one of the parents (or the person replacing it) at the place of work or service. If two kids appeared on the light or more, the manual is prescribed and paid for each child. The amount of benefits (from February 1, 2017) is 18 802.88 rubles For each child. To obtain benefits, non-working parents need to collect a package of documents and provide them with a branch, or to the department of the branch of the Republican Center for Social Support of the population, depending on the place of residence. Women who have worked before resting on the decree in the enterprise (organizations), for the payment of this manual, you need to contact the place of work, because in this case payments produces.

3. Parents may arrange monthly child care allowance. It is paid until the child is 1 year 6 months. The manual can receive both mom and dad or other relatives and guardians actually caring for a child. This manual is paid at the place of work (service), non-working - in the branch, or in the department of the branch of the Republican Center for Social Support of the population in place of residence. With the list of necessary documents for the appointment of benefits, non-working citizens can be found on the website of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Republic of Belarus, in the "Social Support" section. The amount of benefits to care for the second (and subsequent) child from February 1, 2017 is: 7 051.08 ruble (for certain categories of persons listed in the link above); either 40% of the average earnings (income) at the place of work for the last 12 calendar months preceding the month of the occurrence of child care leave. At the same time, the minimum amount of benefits for the care of the first child is 7 051.08 rubleand the maximum size for dismissed due to the liquidation of the organization during maternity leave or childcare leave may not exceed the full calendar month 14 102.17 ruble. If someone from parents or relatives cares for two or more children, then the amount of benefits is summed up and also paid until the kids reach the age of one and a half years.

Families with three and more juvenile children can get a land plot for individual construction

4. Disabled mothers who were dismissed in connection with the liquidation of the organization and were at this time on child care leave and did not receive unemployment benefits before reaching a child for three years, can count on monthly compensation payment. Its size is 57,50 rub. The payment is appointed from the day the child's care leave, if the appeal followed no later than six months from the date of the provision of the specified vacation.

5. Poor families with children under the age of 16 - 18 years, where the average family income is lower than the subsistence minimum per child, have the right monthly child benefit. The amount of benefits is 142 ruble. More details can be found on the website of the Ministry of Labor RB. The amount of benefits can be further increased. Who can count on an increased manual, as well as a complete list of documents that you need to provide all of them, can be found in the same link.

6. monthly cash payment 3000 rubles living place

Women pregnant with a third child can receive specialized food

7. Women pregnant with a third child and mothers who gave birth to a third child and feed his breasts, and also under dispensary observation, can count on providing specialized food. The right to it have pregnant women and nursing mothers who permanently residing in Bashkiria and under dispensary observation in state medical and preventive institutions, in whose families a secondary income below the subsistence minimum per capita, which is quarterly established in the republic. Future mothers get products from the next month after registering for pregnancy and before childbirth, nursing mothers - until the child is six months old. The list of necessary documents can be found on the website of the Ministry of Labor RB.

8. Kids who grow in poor families, (where the average family income is lower than the subsistence minimum per child) free baby food. It is issued from birth to the achievement of a child of three years. Where and how to get this social support, you can find out on the website of the same department.

Large families can count on monthly monetary payments

If the family is recognized as many-fashioned, the following measures are relying:









Mintruda RB.

17. Free food for students of state and municipal general educational organizations, as well as government professional educational institutions Until the graduation (no longer than reaching 23 years old). More details about free food for children in large families can be found.

If you have four children, read on the benefits on page 4

If the fourth child was born in the family

2. Family is appointed one-time benefit at the birth of a child. It is paid to one of the parents (or the person replacing it) at the place of work or service. If two kids appeared on the light or more, the manual is prescribed and paid for each child. The amount of benefits (from February 1, 2017) is 18 802.88 rubles For each child. To obtain benefits, non-working parents need to collect a package of documents and provide them with a branch, or to the department of the branch of the Republican Center for Social Support of the population, depending on the place of residence. Women who, before care, worked at the enterprise (organization), for the payment of this manual, should be applied at the place of work, because in this case the payment is made by the Regional Office of the Social Insurance Fund in the Republic of Belarus.

3. Parents may arrange monthly child care allowance. It is paid until the child is 1 year 6 months. The manual can receive both mom and dad or other relatives and guardians actually caring for a child. This manual is paid at the place of work (service), non-working - in the branch, or in the department of the branch of the Republican Center for Social Support of the population in place of residence. With the list of necessary documents for the appointment of benefits, non-working citizens can be found on the website of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Republic of Belarus, in the "Social Support" section. The amount of benefits to care for the second (and subsequent) child from February 1, 2017 is: 7 051.08 ruble (for certain categories of persons listed in the link above); either 40% of the average earnings (income) at the place of work for the last 12 calendar months preceding the month of the occurrence of child care leave. At the same time, the minimum amount of benefits for the care of the first child is 7 051.08 rubleand the maximum size for dismissed due to the liquidation of the organization during maternity leave or childcare leave may not exceed the full calendar month 14 102.17 rubles. If someone from parents or relatives cares for two or more children, then the amount of benefits is summed up and also paid until the kids reach the age of one and a half years.

4. Disabled mothers who were dismissed in connection with the liquidation of the organization and were at this time on child care leave and did not receive unemployment benefits before reaching a child for three years, can count on monthly compensation payment. Its size is 57,50 rub. The payment is appointed from the day the child's care leave, if the appeal followed no later than six months from the date of the provision of the specified vacation.

5. 142 rubles. More details can be found on the website of the Ministry of Labor RB. The amount of benefits can be further increased. Who can count on an increased manual, as well as a complete list of documents that you need to provide all of them, can be found in the same link.

6. Large low-income families can count on monthly cash payment. It is appointed for each child born third or subsequent, aged one and a half to three years inclusive. The amount of payment is 3000 rubles. To destination payments, you need to contact the branch or to the department of the branch of the Republican Center for Social Support of the population, depending on the place of residence. What documents need to be provided, you can find out.

Kids from poor families have free baby food

7. Families with four and more children can count on monthly allowance for individual categories of large families. The right to allowance has families, the average income of which does not exceed the amount of the subsistence minimum on the child. The manual is paid to one of the parents (adopter, guardian, trustee), raising four children - in the amount of 1500 rubles; Five and more children - in size 2000 rubles. To receive payments, you need to contact the branch or to the department of the branch of the Republican Center for Social Support of the population, depending on the place of residence. The required package of documents can be clarified on the website of the Ministry of Labor RB.

8. Women, pregnant women by the fourth child, and moms who gave birth to a fourth child and feed his breasts, and also under dispensary observation, can count on providing specialized food. The right to it have pregnant women and nursing mothers who permanently residing in Bashkiria and under dispensary observation in state medical and preventive institutions, in whose families a secondary income below the subsistence minimum per capita, which is quarterly established in the republic. Future mothers get products from the next month after registering for pregnancy and before childbirth, nursing mothers - until the child is six months old. The list of necessary documents can be found on the website of the Ministry of Labor RB.

9. Kids who grow in poor families (where average income is lower than the subsistence minimum per child) free baby food. It is issued from birth to the achievement of a child of three years. Where and how to get this social support, you can find out on the website of the same department.

10. Families in which the fourth child grows, is laid

One parents can issue a monthly child allowance

The following social support measures are relying such a large family:

11. Free outpatient polyclinic and stationary assistance in medical organizations children under 18;

12. Free provision of children under 18 years of prosthetic and orthopedic products in accordance with the legislation (in the presence of medical testimony);

13. Free provision of medicines for recipes for children of children under 6 years of age;

14. The priority of children under 18 years in places in children's organizations of therapeutic and sanatorium type, health camps and other wellness organizations (in the presence of medical testimony);

15. Organization of recreation, recovery and free drives of children within the republic to rest and back (first priority);

16. Reception of children out of turn to pre-school educational organizations;

17. Ensuring students of general educational organizations and professional educational organizations with textbooks included in the federal list of textbooks, and teaching benefitsapproved for use in these educational programs;

18. Monetary compensation (every two years) for the acquired school uniform or replacing it a set of children's clothing for visiting school classes (for students of state and municipal general education organizations);

More details about the consideration of social support, as well as on the documents to be provided, can be found on the website of the Ministry of Labor RB.

19. Free meals for students of state and municipal general education organizations, as well as government professional educational institutions before learning (no longer than reaching 23 years).

More details about free food for children in large families can be found.

If you have five or more children, read on the benefits on page 5

If the family was born a fifth child and subsequent children

2. Mothers who gave birth (adopted, who have fallen) and raising (raising) five and more children, subject to one of them after April 16, 1997, residing (registered) in the republic, are awarded medal "Maternal Glory". Employed mothers, conscientious and responsibly belonging to the education of children, leading a healthy lifestyle, providing an appropriate level of care for health, education, physical, spiritual and moral development of children, harmonious identity development, submitting an example in strengthening the institute of the family and raising children.

3. Families (including incomplete) with five and more minor children who live together with their parents and are not in a registered marriage, and also stand on local government bodies as needed housing, provided social payment For the purchase of residential premises - housing certificate. What documents will be needed for its purpose, you can find out in the section dedicated to large families on the website of the Ministry of Labor RB.

4. Individual categories of poor families (large families; incomplete families with children; families who have taken a child (children) under custody (guardianship); families who have a disabled child; families with children in which one or both parents are disabled) Addressive social assistance on the basis of a social contract (ASPC). These families of families have the right to ASPC, if the secondary income in the family is lower than the subsistence minimum per capita, established in the Republic of Bashkortostan. ASPK is provided to the organization of its own business and the implementation of entrepreneurial activities - up to 100 thousand rubles; Personal subsidiary management - up to 50 thousand rubles; Assistance in passage vocational training For further employment - up to 15 thousand rubles. The decision on the provision of ASPC is carried out on the basis of the statement and documents (a list of which can be found at the link, which are submitted to the branch (branch department) of the Republican Center for Social Support of the Population at the place of residence.

5. Family is appointed one-time benefit at the birth of a child. It is paid to one of the parents (or the person replacing it) at the place of work or service. If two kids appeared on the light or more, the manual is prescribed and paid for each child. The amount of benefits (from February 1, 2017) is 18 802.88 rubles For each child. To obtain benefits, non-working parents need to collect a package of documents and provide them with a branch, or to the department of the branch of the Republican Center for Social Support of the population, depending on the place of residence. Women who, before care, worked at the enterprise (organization), for the payment of this manual, should be applied at the place of work, because in this case the payment is made by the Regional Office of the Social Insurance Fund in the Republic of Belarus.

6. Parents may arrange monthly child care allowance. It is paid until the child is 1 year 6 months. The manual can receive both mom and dad or other relatives and guardians actually caring for a child. This manual is paid at the place of work (service), non-working - in the branch, or in the department of the branch of the Republican Center for Social Support of the population in place of residence. With the list of necessary documents for the appointment of benefits, non-working citizens can be found on the website of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Republic of Belarus, in the "Social Support" section. The amount of benefits to care for the second (and subsequent) child from February 1, 2017 is: 7 051.08 ruble (for certain categories of persons listed in the link above); either 40% of the average earnings (income) at the place of work for the last 12 calendar months preceding the month of the occurrence of child care leave. At the same time, the minimum amount of benefits for the care of the first child is 7 051.08 rubleand the maximum size for dismissed due to the liquidation of the organization during maternity leave or childcare leave may not exceed the full calendar month 14 102.17 ruble. If someone from parents or relatives cares for two or more children, then the amount of benefits is summed up and also paid until the kids reach the age of one and a half years.

Disabled mothers can count on monthly compensation pay

7. Disabled mothers who were dismissed in connection with the liquidation of the organization and were at this time on child care leave and did not receive unemployment benefits before reaching a child for three years, can count on monthly compensation payment. Its size is 57.50 rubles. The payment is appointed from the day the child's care leave, if the appeal followed no later than six months from the date of the provision of the specified vacation.

8. The poor families with children under the age of 16 - 18, where the average family income is below the subsistence minimum on the child, have the right monthly benefit on the child. The amount of benefits is 142 rubles. In more detail, you can find on the website of the Ministry of Labor RB. The amount of benefits can be further increased. Who can count on an increased manual, as well as a complete list of documents that you need to provide all of them, can be found in the same link.

9. Large low-income families can count on monthly cash payment. It is appointed for each child born third or subsequent, aged one and a half to three years inclusive. The amount of payment is 3000 rubles. To destination payments, you need to contact the branch or to the department of the branch of the Republican Center for Social Support of the population, depending on the place of residence. What documents need to be provided, you can find out children from poor families

12. Kids who grow in poor families (where average income is lower than the subsistence minimum per child) Free baby food. It is issued from birth to the achievement of a child of three years. Where and how to get this social support, you can find out on the website of the same department.

13. Families in which the fifth child and more children are growing, laid monthly monetary compensation for utility bills. If the family lives in rural areas, a monthly monetary compensation for the cost of paying for residential premises and utilities is appointed.

14. Families in which nine and more children under the age of 18 are appointed one-time cash paymentat the rate of 600 thousand rubles. This type of social support is also applied to families raising adopted (adopted) adopted under custody and guardianship of children. Provided that children live in a family at least 3 years. What documents are needed in order to get paid, you can clarify on the website of the Ministry of Labor RB

18. The priority of children under 18 years in places in children's organizations of therapeutic and sanatorium type, health camps and other wellness organizations (in the presence of medical testimony);

19. Organization of recreation, recovery and free drives of children within the republic to rest and back (first priority);

20. Reception of children out of turn to pre-school educational organizations;

21. Ensuring students of general education organizations and professional educational organizations with textbooks that are members of the federal list of textbooks and teaching benefits admitted to the use in these educational programs;

22. Monetary compensation (every two years) for the acquired school uniform or replacing it a set of children's clothing for visiting school classes (for students of state and municipal general education organizations);

On children can be issued tax deduction from 1400 to 12000 rubles

By the way

The Government of the Republic of Belarus is considering additional measures to support student families with children and individual categories of large families. In particular:

  • establishing a one-time payment at the birth of a child to families of students and graduate students of full-time departments in the amount 100 thousand rubles;
  • increased special benefits to families of students and graduate students who have children with 250 rubles to 3 thousand rubles per month;
  • increased monthly cash payments with 3 to 6 thousand rubles Large families with children aged from one and a half to three years (depending on the middle-wide income of the family);
  • the possibility of establishing large families of republican tax benefits on transport tax.

All these additional support measures will be reviewed in the Government of the Republic of Belarus following the results of budget execution in the first half of 2017.

In addition, it was decided to return parental compensation when paying for a kindergarten to all categories of families: 20% on the first child 50% - for the second kid and 70% - For the third.

The Government of the Republic of Belarus reports that on June 14, 2017, deputies of the State Assembly - Kurultaya RB made changes to the Regional Law "On Education". According to the amendments, compensation payments will be resumed, which residents of the republic received, paying for the stay of children in kindergartens, and which were canceled from March 1, 2017.

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