
What benefits are provided for old-age pensioners. Benefits for retirees

According to information published Federal Service statistics, the average pension in Russian Federation for today is 13,700 rubles, the minimum is 4800 rubles. It's pretty small amount, more precisely, very small. It is even difficult to imagine how hard it is for lonely people of retirement age with such a penny payment. And most of them do not even assume that their financial condition can be improved at the expense of the state. You will learn how to rectify the situation, what benefits are offered to pensioners in Moscow and not only by reading the article.

Types of social assistance and benefits

Before moving on to discussing the benefits relying on retirees, it should be noted that the following types of benefits are distinguished:

  1. Federal (obligatory for payment throughout the territory of Russia).
  2. Regional (determined by the authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation).
  3. District (established in accordance with the place of residence of the citizen).

There are not so many privileges that retirees are entitled to; these include:

  1. Tax incentives.
  2. Material benefits, allowances and payments to both retirees and citizens caring for them.
  3. Social privileges and services.

Tax incentives

Citizens of retirement age do not pay income tax on pension accruals, additional social benefits and benefits, in addition, they may not pay property tax for one of the objects of their choice. These rights are enshrined in the relevant chapters of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation and function throughout Russia.

In some regions, retirees are allowed to waive land tax on one of the plots belonging to them, as well as a fee for a car produced by a Russian manufacturer and having an installed capacity.

These benefits apply only to certain regions and are governed by local laws.

Guaranteed payments

Don't know what benefits are available to pensioners in Moscow? With regard to guaranteed support, at the government level, pensioners are entitled to the following payments:

  1. Increasing the fixed part of the pension provision by 2 times upon reaching the age of 80.
  2. In the case when the total income of a pensioner (pension, monthly income, additional benefits, etc.) is less than the subsistence level for the region of residence, he state budget additional payment is made.
  3. Additional charges to the established part of the pension, if there are disabled dependents in the care. For each person, the fixed part is increased by a third, but not more than 100%.
  4. Persons carrying out activities in the North are also entitled to additional payments to their pensions - the amount depends on the regional coefficient and output.
  5. Rural workers with more than 30 years of experience are entitled to an additional payment to a fixed part in the amount of ¼ of the amount.
  6. For a separate category of elderly people (disabled people, a participant in the Great Patriotic War, Heroes of the Soviet Union and others), additional monthly cash payments are provided.
  7. Able-bodied family members caring for people of retirement age who need care due to age or health condition are paid compensation in the amount of 1-2 thousand rubles every month.

Social benefits

Elderly people who are unable to serve themselves, move around and perform other actions required for normal life due to old age, health conditions, disability, can apply for the appointment of personal public assistance to the authorized territorial body. So, what are the benefits for pensioners in Moscow?

  1. Additional emergency payments.
  2. Maintenance services.
  3. Rendering medical services at home.
  4. Help with housekeeping (cleaning, cooking, etc.).
  5. Other services on an individual basis.

The decision on the options and volume of social services for pensioners is made by authorized services based on the results of a personal appeal.

Benefits for working pensioners

Benefits for pensioners in Moscow who continue to exercise labor activity in organizations of the Russian Federation, in accordance with the established Labor Code the following are assumed in order:

  1. Deductions from personal income tax due to other categories of residents, including when purchasing / selling real estate.
  2. Extraordinary free leave upon request.
  3. Recalculation of the already accrued pension every year.
  4. In case of refusal from pension payments for some time, additional pension points are accrued to the citizen.

Benefits for Labor Veterans

Persons of retirement age recognized as labor veterans deserve special attention. Their benefits and rights are controlled by regional legislation, and accordingly, they may change. So, let's consider what benefits are available to pensioners in Moscow:

  1. Free travel on public transport in the city.
  2. Free travel on trains and electric trains in the Moscow region.
  3. Payment for housing and communal services in the amount of 50%.
  4. Material compensation for using a landline phone.
  5. Free dental prosthetics.

Labor veterans in St. Petersburg also have some advantages:

  1. 50% discount for the calculation of housing and communal services.
  2. Travel in city and suburban transport at a reduced cost.
  3. The right to a lump sum payment.
  4. Pensioners living in other regions of Russia also have similar privileges.

To find out about the benefits relying on labor veterans and to use them, you need to contact the social protection service of residents and submit all the necessary documents.

Tax incentives for pensioners in Moscow

Moscow is a city of federal significance with its own Charter and legislation. The tax benefits for people of retirement age in Moscow largely depend on the decision of the local government. So, for example, Articles No. 51, 33, 74 combine the provisions of the Tax Code regarding motor transport, property and land fees.

Property tax for retired Muscovites

So, what benefits will Moscow pensioners have in terms of property in 2018? Ownership is the main criterion by which the Russian taxation system assesses the possibility of assessing contributions.

A pensioner is liable to pay taxes if he owns the following objects:

  1. By means of transport.
  2. Land plot.
  3. Real estate.

For each of the listed objects, the Tax Code provides for separate types of fees, principles of accruals and parameters for establishing taxable objects.

Transport tax

Taxpayers are the persons on whom the vehicle is registered. Privileges regarding pensioners are not provided for by the Federal Law, however, there are exceptions. Moscow pensioners receive transport benefits in the following cases:

  1. If they own a special car equipped for the transportation of disabled people.
  2. The transport was purchased through the social security service, and its capacity is less than 100 liters. with.
  3. The owners of the specified vehicles are exempt from paying fees.

In addition, retirees, in accordance with Law No. 33 of the city of Moscow, get a discount of 100% for transport up to 200 liters. with. if they have:

  1. The title of Hero of the Soviet Union / Russian Federation.
  2. Order of Glory.
  3. A certificate of a veteran or disabled person of the Great Patriotic War / participant in hostilities.
  4. Disability groups 1, 2.
  5. The status of a prisoner of concentration camps or liquidator of the results of nuclear disasters.
  6. By personal transport, the power of which is up to 70 liters. with.
  7. They have a disabled child in their care.

If an elderly citizen does not belong to any of the listed categories, then he pays the transport tax in full.

Land tax

Law No. 74 of the city of Moscow, as well as the Federal Law, does not provide for land tax concessions; accordingly, they need to pay receipts according to the coefficients established for the capital.

A differentiated approach is adopted only for certain categories of citizens, such as veterans of the Great Patriotic War, the disabled, etc. while the Federal legislation provides only 10 thousand rubles. Veterans of the Great Patriotic War, people who received radiation or suffered from radiation sickness have similar benefits.

Heroes of the Soviet Union / Russian Federation and bearers of the Order of Glory are exempt from payment.

These benefits can be applied to only one land plot.

Real estate contributions

Law No. 51 of the city of Moscow does not provide for preferences on contributions for real estate for pensioners. However, persons who have reached retirement age have a 100% discount on 1 property of each type due to federal concessions.

At the initiative of the taxpayer tax office is obliged to apply the exemption to one of the objects:

  1. Apartment.
  2. Garage.
  3. Outbuilding.

Other types of tax benefits for retirees

What other benefits do pensioners in Moscow have? Retired persons are entitled to the following deductions:

  1. Purchase / sale of residential real estate, land for construction.
  2. The costs of individual housing construction.
  3. Repayment of interest on a mortgage.
  4. Undergoing medical treatment and buying prescription drugs.
  5. Getting additional education.

Benefits-2018 for retired Muscovites

What benefits can pensioners expect in Moscow in 2018? The Moscow city government, in addition to the basic pension benefits, provides a number of other advantages that can significantly improve the quality of life of pensioners, all the more useful for those who are not going to reduce their activity. So, Muscovites are entitled to the following privileges:

  1. What are the benefits non-working pensioners in Moscow? For example, undergoing treatment in sanatoriums and resorts, if there is a medical indication. The trip can be provided no more than once a year. In addition, a 100% round-trip travel refund is provided.
  2. Subsidies for utility bills. The discount is provided if the amount of the payment is higher than 10% of the monthly earnings of all family members.
  3. What are the benefits for single pensioners in Moscow? 50% discount on payment for television broadcasts in city networks. This option is available only to single seniors, as well as to those who pay for housing and utilities at a discount.
  4. Free dental prosthetics, except for the cost of cermets and precious metals.
  5. Are provided transport benefits retirees in Moscow? Yes, retirees are provided reduced fare on the public transport cities. In order to take advantage of the privilege, it is enough to have social card Muscovite.
  6. Supply of food and clothing. This help can be used by pensioners who find themselves in a difficult situation.
  7. Reimbursement of expenses for services telephone connection... This benefit is granted to pensioners in Moscow when they have no relatives or children who have not reached the age of majority are dependent.

How to apply for pension benefits

To start receiving the listed benefits and privileges, you will have to run a lot and be mentally prepared for the fact that you will need to prove your own rights.

After receiving a pensioner's certificate, you must contact the regional social protection service with an application and a set of documents, which includes:

  1. Identity card (you must have a photocopy of your own passport and other family members with whom the pensioner lives).
  2. A copy of the title deed for the apartment / house.
  3. Certificate of personal income (issued by the FIU) and income of other family members living with the citizen submitting documents.
  4. Help on the composition of the family.
  5. A copy of the receipt of payment for housing and communal services, to prove the absence of debts.
  6. Information about the bank account for the transfer of subsidies.

In case of refusal, it is necessary to demand a written opinion indicating the reasons and references to the relevant regulations.

When receiving a subsidy, you need to know and remember that it must be renewed every six months. This rule does not apply only to benefits, they are issued once and do not require renewal.

Today, people of retirement age do not have many benefits established at the federal level. But in order to take advantage of the "bonuses" from the state, you need to clearly know about them, since you can get them only when you apply for them.

In other words, the “declarative principle” works here, and if you don’t ask for the required benefit, you won’t get it. In this article we will focus on topical issues related to the issue what are the benefits for pensioners provided at the level of federal legislation.

Among them:

  1. Reimbursement of travel expenses for pensioners living in the northern regions of the country.
  2. Some tax relief.
  3. Additional leave for continuing work retirees.

Property tax relief for pensioners

In Russia, exemption of pensioners from property tax saves them a substantial "penny". This is a good help for citizens who have crossed the retirement age.

Which category of retirees is entitled to this property benefit?

This benefit is provided for:

  • Pensioners who have stopped working.
  • retired citizens who are still working. If you refer to the Tax Code, in particular to paragraphs. 10 p. 1, p. 4, it says that if a pensioner receives a pension assigned in accordance with the procedure established by pension legislation, then he is exempt from property tax if property is assigned to him.

For a pensioner to receive property tax deduction need to contact tax office at the place of residence.

What you need to get a tax credit

The tax will become "zero" if the pensioner has the following types of real estate:

  • House.
  • Room.
  • Apartment.
  • Premises that are used as studios, libraries, workshops for creativity, galleries, ateliers, museums of a non-state format.
  • Garage or space for a car in a common garage.
  • Outbuildings with an area of ​​no more than 50 sq. m, located on land plots, which were allocated for personal subsidiary farming, individual housing construction, country houses.

The privilege will be provided for one taxable item of each of the mentioned types. For example, if a retired citizen owns a garage, apartment and residential building, then property tax for him it will be "zeroed" - that is, he will be completely exempt from paying it. If he owns two residential buildings and a room, then he will be exempt from paying tax on the room, and can take advantage of the tax benefit for only one house. He will have to pay property tax for the second house.

According to Article 407, clause 6 Tax Code Russia, an application for the provision of a tax deduction should be submitted to the branch of the tax authority located at the place of residence. You must have a document confirming the right to receive tax benefits for a pensioner. That is, a pension certificate.

These documents are a pension certificate and a corresponding statement. This is stated in Part 4 of Art. 3 of Law No. 284-FZ dated 04.10.2014.

If a pensioner owns several objects of taxation of the same type (for example, three residential buildings), he must submit an application to tax authority indicating which real estate object (of 3 houses) should not be taxed.

Thus, the pensioner-owner independently chooses the property in order to exercise the right to receive benefits. It is logical to judge that it would be beneficial for a pensioner to take advantage of the federal benefit on the most expensive real estate object, but another choice also takes place for personal reasons.

It should be clearly understood what benefits are provided to pensioners, and most importantly, most of the federal benefits are “declarative” in nature. To use them, you need to personally contact the appropriate institution and write an application.

There are situations when the owner-pensioner does not submit the required application to the tax office, then officials are obliged to independently “automatically” make a “zeroing” of the tax, but only on the property for which the pensioner would have to pay the most. This point is stipulated in paragraph 7 of Art. 407 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

This privilege can only be used by those pensioners who continue to work, receive for their work monetary reward and income tax is withheld from them.

As you know, income tax is not withheld from pension payments in Russia.

This benefit can also be used by pensioners who have stopped working at this point in time, but have retired relatively recently.

That is, the mentioned category of citizens had a salary (that is, they worked) in the previous years before the property was acquired. How is the benefit expressed? Its essence is that a pensioner has the right to transfer the balance of personal income tax to previous tax periods.

Who among the retirees is eligible for a discount when buying real estate

For example, a retired citizen bought or built a house, bought an apartment or other real estate. After he registers ownership, he can return part of the spent funds through property tax deduction.

Speaking more simple language, the pensioner will be partially refunded the amount income tax, which was paid until the moment when he became the owner of the property.

Conditions under which the real estate benefit will be granted to a pensioner

A pensioner can receive a property deduction in the following cases:

  • A land plot was purchased on which the purchased residential building or a share in it is located.
  • A dwelling house, room, apartment was bought or built.
  • One or more shares in these types of real estate have been purchased.
  • Acquired land plot with designated purpose - individual housing construction... On this site, the pensioner will cost a house.

In addition to the fact that property payments apply to the expenditure part related to construction or, the benefit "works" and on the payment of interest on loans (credits) taken for the relevant purposes.

If a pensioner owns a garage, apartment, room and house, then he will be exempt from property tax on each of these properties. According to it, you can get a property deduction in three years.

In other words, these are three tax period preceding the period in which the carry-over balance of property deductions was formed.

What amount of money will be returned to the pensioner when buying real estate

Based on the amount of costs associated with the construction or purchase of real estate, the size will depend property deduction... This principle also works for the amount of interest on a loan that was taken for the purpose of building or buying a home.

According to paragraph 4 of Art. 2 of the Law of 23.07. 2013 No. 212-FZ, the limitation of 3 million rubles of property deduction on the cost of repaying interest on a loan taken for the construction or purchase of real estate applies only to those loans that were received from 1.01. 2014 year.

You should know that, according to paragraphs. 1 p. 3, p. 4, art. 220 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, the maximum deduction amount cannot exceed 2 million rubles. and 3 million rubles, respectively.

Income tax credits for retirees

Personal income tax is not levied on a certain type of income of a pensioner who continues to work.

Tax free:

  • Additional payments to pensions paid in accordance with the legislation of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and the legislation of Russia in general, which are of a social nature. This is stated in clause 2 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation.
  • Insurance pensions.
  • Funded pension.
  • Pension amounts for state pension provision.
  • Fixed payment to the insurance pension after its increase (indexation).
  • Amounts of cash assistance, gifts that the employer provides to retirees who previously worked at the enterprise.
  • Amounts of payment at the expense of their own funds for organizing the cost of treatment and medical care, vouchers to a sanatorium for citizens who previously worked at the enterprise, but retired due to old age or disability. This norm of the law is spelled out in p. 9, 10 Art. 217 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation.
  • Amounts of payment (reimbursement) of costs for the purchase of drugs by employers to their former employees who are currently retired by age.

The amount of income that is not taxed cannot be more than 4000 rubles per calendar year. Moreover, the benefit works for each of the above reasons. This rule is spelled out in paragraph 28 of Art. 217 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

Additional vacation for working pensioners

The conversation is about a vacation that is given to a working pensioner and for which the company does not pay money.

In other words, this is an unpaid vacation.

Which pensioner is entitled to additional leave?

According to, at the request of the employee, the employer in mandatory must provide unpaid leave wages the following categories of pensioners:

  • Working pensioners with disabilities. The vacation period is up to 60 calendar days a year.
  • Participants of the Great Patriotic War. The period of stay on vacation is up to 35 calendar days a year.
  • Citizens who have reached the (old age) who continue to work. They are entitled to up to 14 calendar days a year.

We remind you that these types of leave are unpaid.

There is a federal benefit, expressed in the form of compensation for the cost of paying the cost of travel to the place of rest and back

Which of the retirees can qualify for travel to the place of rest?

If you turn to federal law about guarantees to citizens of the northern regions of Russia, then pensioners who no longer work and receive insurance pension for disability or old age.

In addition, this category citizens must live in the Far North or territories that are climatic conditions equated to it. This moment stipulated in the Law No. 4520-1 dated 19.02.1993 No. 4520-1.

What are the conditions for providing fare for pensioners

Compensation for travel tickets is issued every two years and only within Russian regions.

How to get retirees fare and where to go

This benefit is provided by the territorial body of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. For compensation, you must go to the branch of the Pension Fund at the place of residence where your pension file is located.

There are two options for obtaining compensation:

  • Get ready tickets right away.
  • Buy tickets yourself at your own expense, and then return the money spent. This moment is stipulated in clauses 2,3,6 of the Rules for reimbursement of travel expenses for pensioners, approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 176 of 01. 04. 2005.

Apply to Pension Fund available through the MFC (Multifunctional Center) in your region.

How is reimbursement for pensioners to pay for travel to the place of rest

When a decision has been made to obtain tickets in advance, before leaving the sanatorium, you must document your stay in this institution... It can be a camp site, a recreation center or another place of health improvement and recreation. The document can be a curriculum voucher, a voucher, a residence agreement, and so on.

If tickets were purchased for own funds, then compensation can be obtained upon returning from vacation. To do this, in addition to an application for reimbursement of travel expenses, you will need to attach railway or air tickets.

The state has not provided for any restrictions on carriers, so you can use the services of both state and private companies. Payment for tickets is carried out only within Russia, including Crimea, which became part of the Russian Federation in 2014.

From this it is said in clauses 7, 9 of the Rules No. 176, clauses 13, 19 Administrative Regulations, approved by the Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia No. 331n dated 22.10.2012.

Social assistance to pensioners from the state

On behalf of the state, social assistance is provided to pensioners, average income who do not exceed the minimum subsistence level established in the region where they live, they work here general rule: social supplement to pension, paid once a month, should "reach" the subsistence level if the citizen-pensioner no longer works. In addition, the law stipulates a number of categories of citizens who are entitled to receive the mentioned social assistance. This moment is spelled out in Art. 7 of Law No. 178-FZ of 17.07.1999.

To receive social assistance from the state, a pensioner needs to write a corresponding application. After its consideration, a decision will be made on the appointment of the benefit by the body of social protection of the population located at the place of residence of the applicant. Otherwise, the pensioner applies to this body in the place where he resides. Certain types of social assistance can be appointed by the territorial bodies of the PFR. This moment is stipulated in Part 1, 2 of Art. 8 of the Law of 17.07. 1999 No. 178-FZ.

Regional benefits for pensioners

Among other state "incentives" there are also "material" and tax benefits for people who have retired on a well-deserved retirement. For example, this:

  • Transport tax relief. This is stated in Art. 356 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation.
  • Public transport fare concession.
  • Land tax relief. This point is stipulated in paragraph 2 of Art. 387 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation.
  • Benefits for utility bills.
  • Other benefits.

Information about what benefits a pensioner is entitled to was prepared based on materials from the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation, the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, and the Federal Tax Service. These benefits can be established at the level of local or regional laws. Contact your local social welfare office for a detailed study of regional benefits.

Reading time ≈ 7 minutes

Pensioners are among the most vulnerable group of citizens. These people cannot work due to their age category and live mainly on social payments from the state. Most older people are worried about social subsidies, since every ruble is on their account. The most important question is what privileges are given to pensioners at the legislative level. Therefore, below we will figure out what benefits will be provided to pensioners in Moscow in 2018.

Types of benefits for seniors

Every year the number of elderly people who apply for state social welfare is increasing. Most retirement benefits are depreciated due to inflationary processes in the country. Seniors often cut their needs to minimum purchases. Officials are striving to rectify the current situation, and for this they carry out a number of activities that are aimed at supporting a decent standard of living for the elderly.

There are two types of privilege. Some are provided at the Federation level, while others are financed from the local budget.

It is customary to divide preferences into the following types:

  • tax incentives for Moscow pensioners;
  • discounts on payments for housing and communal services;
  • social, targeted assistance for citizens in need;
  • discounts for the purchase of medicines, for trips in city and intercity transport;
  • partial payment for treatment, purchase of vouchers to sanatoriums.

There are also a number of preferences that older people can take advantage of. They depend on the place of residence of the pensioner.

How to find out benefits for retirees

The Russian state can guarantee the receipt of the following benefits:

  1. Cash payments accrued every month. They are received by the heroes of the Great Patriotic War, veterans of the defense of Moscow and military operations.
  2. In exceptional cases, it is allowed not to charge property taxes.
  3. Some seniors are given benefits or the opportunity to reimburse the cost utilities... They can only partially pay for the overhaul of the house.
  4. When buying real estate, a separate group of retirees receives tax payments.

Pensioners with disabilities in the Moscow region apply for benefits. The state compensates medicines according to the approved list of medicines at the legislative level.

The Russian authorities of a republican scale do not bear the full burden of provided benefits for elderly people. Therefore, social benefits for pensioners in Moscow are in the competence of local officials in 2018.

Local authorities assist the elderly in the following ways:

  1. Receiving material and targeted social assistance.
  2. Calculation of contributions for a land plot and provision of compensation for payment of transport tax.
  3. Getting compensation for using your home phone.
  4. With permission from local officials, you can not pay for garbage collection.
  5. Seniors can count on free service medical personnel at home, if due to health conditions it is not possible to visit the nearest health care institution
  6. Participation in a social program for the provision of dental care.
  7. Elderly persons have the right to visit sanatoriums and health resorts annually in accordance with medical indications.

Thus, tax benefits for pensioners in Moscow are subsidized from the local and republican budgets in 2018, and depend on many factors.

Tax incentives

Benefits for pensioners: legislative regulation

Benefits for pensioners in Moscow in 2018 are enshrined at the legislative level. They are entitled to social protection. You can count on the privilege based on normative documents... Local officials make a decision on the granting of benefits in accordance with the instructions, where the amount of the discount and cash payment is determined:

  1. In 2018, pensioners in Moscow are provided with benefits for housing and communal services. This is provided for by the housing code of the Russian Federation.
  2. Elderly people are entitled to the provision of medical care services at discounted rates
  3. Also, pensioners can receive medicines on preferential terms.
  4. War veterans are treated on a preferential basis.
  5. Government Decree of 2005 guarantees preferential payments for housing and communal services and other payments for living quarters certain categories of elderly people.

In addition, in Moscow, there are privileges for travel by train for pensioners in 2018. Residents of the capital can receive property tax deductions at the time of purchase real estate... Provided that minimum income does not correspond to the subsistence level in Moscow, then pensioners have the right to provide a lump sum payment, as well as payments every month.

Benefits for retirees

Seniors can count on utility bills, gas bills, and major repairs. In some cases, medicines are purchased free of charge or at discounted rates.

Benefits for pensioners in Moscow in 2018 can be provided, including in cinemas. Dentistry, medical service, rehabilitation, payment of travel to places of sanatorium-resort treatment are equally related to social assistance from the Russian state.

Also, elderly people in Moscow in 2018 can apply for benefits, for transport tax. To do this, pensioners need to provide a package of documents to the appropriate authorities, proving the right to such a social privilege.

If pension payment is less than living wage in Moscow, the elderly are entitled to a special supplement. At the level of Federal legislation, a monthly payment is established. In Moscow, as of 2018, it equals more than 11 thousand rubles, and in the Moscow region it is slightly more than 9 thousand rubles. The amount of payment of funds depends on how much the pensioner previously received in the form of targeted assistance and other subsidies.

Persons exempted from transport tax

Subsidies: utilities, telephone, medicines

IN recent times for the elderly, the issue of the possibilities of paying utility bills has become more relevant. Russian authorities the authorities at the federal level make it possible for the elderly to receive benefits for housing and communal services. The citizen must present pension certificate to the appropriate authority with the authority to make decisions on the granting of subsidies. The amount billed for housing and communal services should be from 3 to 10% of the income of an elderly person.

In this case, the level of compensatory payments is determined on an individual basis. Officials take into account the size of the pension, the amount indicated in the receipts for housing and communal services. Compensation is reviewed every six months. Officials can also agree to compensate for the gasification of an elderly person's home, which was carried out at their own expense.

How to find out about benefits

When a pensioner who is registered in Moscow and receives a retirement benefit uses a landline telephone, he is entitled to a benefit when paying for communication services. The discount is about 200 rubles. To obtain such monetary compensation you need to submit an application. The granting of benefits is made on the basis of a pension certificate. Only city calls are subject to compensation.

Moscow officials have established a list of free medicines. While on a well-deserved rest, pensioners can apply for a certain list of medicines. When purchasing an expensive drug at his own expense, a Moscow pensioner can receive compensation once a year. To do this, you need to contact the FSS at the place of residence or registration. The attending physician must familiarize the pensioner with the list of drugs that can be provided to him on preferential terms at the expense of the state.

Elderly people in Moscow are entitled to benefits for medical care. They are eligible for free medical assistance skip the line at polyclinics, the territorial location of which is located in the places of their registration.

According to medical indications, vouchers to sanatoriums and resorts should be provided. Pharmacists are obliged to make a discount when purchasing medicines from pharmacies. If there is a need for technical rehabilitation according to a doctor's prescription, then full or partial compensation for payments must be made.

Citizens recognized as needy, military pensioners and other privileged categories of persons apply for subsidies for utility bills. When organizing overhaul apartment building where such a citizen lives, he will be reimbursed half of the amount spent. If a pensioner has the title of a hero of the USSR or Russia, the amount of compensation is 100% .

The possibility of obtaining a subsidy is regulated. At the same time, the right to use these social support measures for each category of citizens is determined by its own law or order. For example, . The procedure for the provision of benefits and the list of necessary documentation is enshrined in .

The amount of the benefit is calculated on a monthly basis, depending on the size and amount of total income. By general rule the amount of compensation is 50% utility bills. According to housing legislation ( Art. 169 LCD RF) when organizing the overhaul of real estate, the pensioner also receives certain compensation:

  1. Veterans, disabled people, low-income people - 50% .
  2. All citizens over 70 years old - 50% .
  3. After 80 years - 100% .

For providing of this type benefits, you must contact the regional center for social protection or the MFC (multifunctional center), FSS or local government. At the place of appeal, an appropriate application is drawn up, to which the necessary documents are attached.

List of documentation:

  1. Title deeds of ownership of real estate. In the case of its lease - a social, service or other employment contract.
  2. Settlement papers (receipts and checks), confirming the facts of previous payments for utility bills.
  3. A copy of the document certifying the right to receive social support measures (for example, a veteran's certificate).
  4. Information about the income of the applicant and his family members.

The required application and documents can be sent by registered mail via mail or via the Internet on the Unified portal of public services.

Sanatorium treatment for pensioners

Sanatorium treatment for pensioners is included in medical care selected categories persons, and financed from funds federal budget... The list of health-improving social benefits includes:

  • discount when buying medicines at their points retail... Its size is 50% ... This right is exercised upon presentation of a prescription from the attending physician. The document is valid for 10 days;
  • to the place of treatment within the region of residence in the direction of the polyclinic where the pensioner was examined;
  • preferential sanatorium treatment.

Recreational activities are regulated by the relevant by-laws and departmental standards. For example, preferential treatment for veterans of the Great Patriotic War is enshrined in a letter. According to the standard, the procedure is provided with a 10% discount from October 1 to April 30.

To obtain a voucher, you must contact the regional office of the social insurance fund or the Pension Fund of Russia and fill out an application. The application must be accompanied by:

  1. Medical clearance documents.
  2. A copy of your passport.
  3. A document of title confirming the right to a benefit.

Sometimes there is a practice of reimbursing money for not using a spa voucher. Wherein cash transferred from the budget of the FSS.

Medical benefits for retirees

Medical benefits for retirees are in the preferential and free provision of medicines, the preferential right to service and the provision of the opportunity to undergo a wellness course on a voucher once within one or two years.

The specifics of the provision of medicines are regulated by government decrees, orders of the Ministry of Health and its individual departments. For instance:

Medical benefits for pensioners in Moscow in 2018 in the field of preferential dispensing of drugs are regulated.

Pensioners have the right to preferential prosthetics for missing limbs. For veterans, this opportunity is provided free of charge.

You can get medical benefits directly at the clinic itself upon presentation of the appropriate certificate. The drug discount is valid in any private or public pharmacy. For registration, you must visit the department of social protection ( given opportunity granted once every two years if the pensioner is not a veteran).

Transport benefits

Pensioners receive basic benefits set of social services(NSO). It includes compensation for travel on public transport. Its value is different depending on the region of residence of the pensioner and is set by local authorities. If the applicant waives the concessional travel pass, the amount of compensation will be included in the supplemental pension supplement amount. For example, to a monthly cash payment (MAP).

Certain travel benefits for pensioners act:

  • (the amount of the discount is set by the carrier company);
  • when traveling by train;
  • for tickets of Russian Railways.

The receipt of travel benefits occurs at the time of purchase of the corresponding ticket upon presentation of a pension certificate, which, in turn, is issued at the local department of social protection.

Tax incentives

Citizens who have reached old age or have certain privileges that allow them to receive material support for the rest of their lives also have the right to tax benefits and payment of government fees. for retirees:

  1. Income tax exemption.
  2. Cancellation of tax on real estate and other property registered to the pensioner.
  3. Exemption from fees on transport tax for one unit of equipment, capacity not more than 100 hp(valid for most regions of Russia).
  4. Land tax discount. From 2018, the privilege will be valid for plots of no more than 6 acres. The specified value is subtracted from total area a larger plot.
  5. Liberation from state fee payable when filing a claim with judicial authorities... If the claim concerns property of value more than 1 million rubles- the amount of tax is withheld.
  6. Eligibility for a tax deduction when purchasing a residential property.

Obligations of employers


Citizens who have reached old age or have other grounds for receiving a pension are provided with a number of measures social support... What are the benefits old age pensioners?

  1. The right to improve housing conditions if necessary.
  2. Right to payment housing and communal services in the amount of half of their cost.
  3. Reimbursement of overhaul costs after 70 years(pensioner's age) by 50% , after 80 – 100% .
  4. A set of certain social services or the payment of monetary compensation for it.
  5. Free and preferential medical care.
  6. Provision of sanatorium vouchers.
  7. Exemption from certain taxes and the use of a deduction in calculating the amount of personal income tax.
  8. Additional unpaid work leave if the pensioner continues to work.
  9. Preferential dispensing of medicines in a wholesale and retail pharmacy network upon presentation of a pension certificate and a prescription from the attending physician.

The most popular questions and answers to them on benefits for pensioners

Question: Good afternoon. My name is Antonina Sergeevna. I am 70 years old. I am labor veteran... What are latest news O benefits for pensioners in 2018? Will there be a long-awaited indexation of the old-age benefit this year?

Answer: Hello, Antonina Sergeevna. Every pensioner should know that benefits are provided in two directions: federal and regional. The list of government concessions has not changed significantly. The list of regional ones is periodically updated depending on the applicant's place of residence. For example, in Moscow, with a social card in hand, a labor veteran has the right to use railway transport free of charge.

As for the indexation, according to the government officials, the revision of payments will be carried out twice during the year - in February and April.

Citizens of retirement age living in Moscow who own land plots, movable and real estate, can apply for benefits for the payment property taxes in accordance with the provisions of municipal law. In the article, we will analyze whether tax benefits are provided to pensioners in Moscow, what are the conditions for granting benefits to pensioners in the capital.

Tax incentives for pensioners in Moscow

Pensioners of Moscow, like pensioners of the regions, are entitled to receive tax benefits in accordance with federal legislation (read the article "What tax benefits do pensioners have"). In addition, retirees from the capital can apply for additional tax credits or be eligible for full tax exemption, if provided. legislative acts Moscow.

The legislative framework

The circle of persons entitled to receive a tax benefit in Moscow, the conditions and procedure for its appointment are fixed in the following regulatory documents:

According to the documents, citizens who are registered and permanently reside in the territory of Moscow can apply for a privilege in relation to objects located in Moscow (land, real estate), or registered in the capital (vehicles).

Transport tax

Residents of Moscow who are recipients of a social or insurance old-age pension are not eligible for a transport tax benefit. In other words, a person's attainment of retirement age, or the fact that an old-age pension has been granted for a Muscovite car enthusiast, is not a reason for exemption from tax, and also does not provide the right to receive a tax discount.

At the same time, pensioners of special categories have the right to a transport tax concession in Moscow. Based on the Moscow Law "On Transport Tax", complete exemption from tax liabilities provided:

  • Heroes of the USSR, RF, full holders of the Order of Glory;
  • disabled people, veterans of the Second World War;
  • disabled people, war veterans;
  • disabled people of I and II groups;
  • former prisoners of concentration camps, ghettos;
  • citizens affected by man-made disasters and nuclear tests.

If a pensioner does not belong to one of the above categories, he can receive a 100% tax discount if he is a parent (guardian, adoptive parent) of a disabled child or an incapacitated person disabled since childhood.

Besides, owners of cars up to 70 l / s are exempted from taxation. Thus, pensioners (as well as other persons) who own a vehicle within the specified capacity are not required to pay transport tax.

Let's consider an example ... Shchukin, a resident of Moscow, is a pensioner by age, a veteran of the Great Patriotic War. Shchukin owns 2 cars:

  • Hyundai Accent - power 107 l / s;
  • Lada Kalina - power 90 l / s.

In October 2017, Shchukin filed a notice of exemption from tax on Hyundai Accent with the Federal Tax Service. Shchukin is obliged to pay the tax for the Lada Kalina vehicle in full:

90 l / s * 12 rubles. = RUB 1.080

Property tax

In accordance with Art. 407 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, pensioners are completely exempt from tax. Moscow pensioners are no exception in this case. Owners of real estate (house, cottage, apartment, room, garage, etc.) have the right not to pay property tax if they are:

  • old-age pensioners (recipients of social or insurance pensions);
  • invalids of the І, ІІ, ІІI groups, invalids from childhood;
  • participants, veterans of the Second World War;
  • military pensioners (20 years of service or more);
  • parents of servicemen killed in the line of duty.

Likewise general order, pensioners in Moscow can apply for a federal benefit in respect of one property of each type (apartment / room, garage, residential building, utility room / object).

At the same time, the municipal legislation of Moscow grants the right of full tax exemption for pensioners who own garages with an area of ​​up to 25 m 2.

Let's consider an example ... Sidorov is a pensioner by age, a resident of Moscow. Sidorov owns 2 garages (32 m 2 and 24 m 2). Sidorov is completely exempted from paying tax on each of the objects:

  • tax exemption for a garage of 32 m 2 - on the basis of Art. 407 NC;
  • tax exemption for a garage of 24 m 2 - on the basis of the Law of Moscow No. 30 of 28.09.16.

Land tax

For residents of Moscow of certain categories who are owners land plots, tax deduction increased to RUB 1,000,000 ... This benefit can be used by:

  • disabled people of I and II groups;
  • disabled since childhood;
  • veterans of the Second World War, military operations;
  • liquidators of the consequences of the Chernobyl accident;
  • people who have suffered from radiation sickness and other citizens who have suffered as a result of man-made disasters and nuclear tests.

Full land tax exemption provided to pensioners of Moscow who have the status:

  • Hero of the USSR / RF / Socialist Labor;
  • Full Cavalier of the Orders of Glory / Labor Glory / "For Service to the Motherland";

Let's consider an example ... A resident of Moscow Dudkin is a pensioner, a disabled person of the II group. Dudkin owns land plot on the territory of Moscow, which is used for housing construction. Cadastral value the site is 1,040,711 rubles. Let's calculate annual amount land tax for Dudkin, taking into account the benefits:

(1,040,711 rubles - 1,000,000 rubles) * 0.3% = 122.13 rubles.

Conditions for the appointment of tax incentives in Moscow

In order to take advantage of the municipal benefit, a pensioner must permanently reside in the capital and also be registered in Moscow. The benefit for the capital's pensioners is provided in relation to those objects that are located and registered in Moscow, namely:

  • in relation to real estate objects and land plots located on the territory of Moscow;
  • in relation to vehicles that are registered in Moscow.

When applying for a benefit, a Moscow pensioner will need to prepare:

  • identification;
  • a document confirming the Moscow registration;
  • a document certifying the right to benefits (pension certificate, extract from the ITU act on disability, certificate and badge of the Hero of the USSR, etc.);
  • statement;
  • notification indicating the object selected for the assignment of benefits.

Moscow pensioners can apply for benefits:

  • personally;
  • Russian post (letter with notification and a list of attachments);
  • through a representative (on the basis of a valid power of attorney, or other documents;
  • in in electronic format(online application on the website of the Pension Fund of Russia or State Services).

Documents for registration of a pensioner benefit should be submitted to the Federal Tax Service at the place of registration by October 1 of the current year. That is, in order to be exempted from paying tax in 2017, the documents must be submitted before 10/01/17.

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