
Transport tax in the Primorsky Territory canceled. Transport tax benefits in Primorsky Krai

The procedure, rates and terms for payment of transport tax in the Primorsky Krai for 2018-2019 were established by the Law of the Primorsky Territory of 28.11.2002 N 24-KZ "On Transport Tax" (with the relevant changes operating in 2019). It applies to all cities of the edge. The administrative center is the city of Vladivostok. Big cities and settlements: Ussuriysk, Nakhodka, Artyom, Arsenyev, Spassk-Dalnie, Big Stone, Partizansk, Lesozavodsk, Dalnegorsk, Dalnerechensk, Fokino, Radugorsk, Labor, Kavalerovo, Slavyanka, Chernigovka, Chuguevka, Fisherman, Khorol, Pokrovka, Border Guide.

The number of years since the year of release vehicleis determined as of January 1 of the current year in the calendar years since the year following the year of the vehicle release.

Please note, since 2015, increased coefficients of transport tax on expensive cars worth more than three million rubles are applied.

Attention: Due to the fact that the final amount of tax depends on the category and brand of the car, its power, we do not recommend using online calculators. The most faithful calculation is achieved by a simple multiplication of the car's capacity at the tax rate (taking into account the raising coefficients for expensive cars).

Transport tax benefits in Primorsky Krai

The legislation of the region is established preferential categories Citizens and organizations that are exempt from tax pay or pay it in a smaller discount. We will understand who does not pay the transport tax in Vladivostok and Primorsky Krai.

From transport tax exempted The following categories of citizens and organizations:

  1. participants in the Great Patriotic War, war veterans, disabled groups of group I and II in relation to a single car with a capacity of no more than 150 horsepower or one truck no more than 150 horsepower, or one motorcycle (scooter);
  2. Heroes of the Soviet Union, Heroes of Socialist Labor, Heroes Russian Federation, citizens awarded the Order of Fame of Three degrees with respect to one motor vehicle or one motorcycle (Motoroller);
  3. categories of citizens who are influenced by radiation due to the Chernobyl catastrophe ( chernobyls), in relation to one motor vehicle or one motorcycle (scooter);
  4. agricultural producers With regard to trucks registered in agricultural producers and used in agricultural work for the production of agricultural products and transportation of agricultural goods, the proportion of income from the sale of agricultural products in total amount their income in the current tax period is 70% or more.
  5. one of the parents (adoptive parents, adoptive parents, guardians, trustees) in a large familyhaving an average per capita income below twice subsistence minimuminstalled in the Primorsky Territory and registered as large family On the territory of the Primorsky Territory, with respect to a single car with a power of the engine not over 150 horsepower or one cargo vehicle with a motor capacity is not over 150 horsepower, or single bus with engine capacity is not over 200 horsepower (The benefits was introduced by the Law of the Primorsky Territory of 23.11.2018 N 386-KZ);
  6. citizens belonging to the category of children of the Great Patriotic War in accordance with the legislation of the Primorsky Krai, with respect to a single car with a motor capacity of not over 150 horsepower or one cargo vehicle with an engine capacity is not over 150 horsepower, or one motorcycle (motorollar).

Pensioners in old age benefits on the payment of transport tax on the territory of the Primorsky Territory do not have.

To obtain benefits, the appropriate statement and documents should be submitted to the tax authority. In the case of the personality of documents confirming its right to exemption from paying tax, tax authority According to his statement, tax recalculation is carried out within 10 days.

Prepared "Personal Rights"

See also:

Any car owner is obliged to pay the annual transport tax. The faithful count will help to make a transport tax calculator - Primorsky Krai. If two or more vehicles are in your property, the transport tax calculator Primorsky Krai will help calculate the tax on each of them.

Place the cost of transport tax on yourself on the iFrame website:

Result of the calculation

Enter the data...

Rates for calculating the transport tax, which operates in the region - Primorsky Krai, vary from 12 to 150 rubles per 1 hp, based on the power of the car. In particular, for a small chair (up to 100 hp) will have to give about 1,200 rubles per year. And, for example, in St. Petersburg, the tax on the same car will cost approximately 2,400 rubles per year. Very significant difference. In accordance with the law of the city of Moscow "On Transport Tax", individuals We undertake to make transport tax until October 03 of the year following the expired tax period.

What categories of citizens can receive tax benefits? (region Primorsky Krai)

  • Heroes of Russia
  • Heroes of the Soviet Union
  • disabled 1 and 2 groups
  • veterans and disabled WFI and fighting
  • former minor concluded concentration camps
  • one of the parents (adopter, guardian) of a disabled child
  • citizens-owners of a car with a capacity of up to 70 hp
  • other.

According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, several years ago, all vehicles began to be taxed, and if the cost of the car exceeds 3 million rubles, the transport tax increases (the so-called luxury tax). Our transport tax calculator would be created precisely to ensure that the car owners can calculate the amount needed to pay off the tax on the car available in their property.

In our calculator in the region, the Primorsky Krai made all the basic rates in real time, and when you enter the source data calculator will pull out all the basic rates for the selected region, that is, the calculator will help calculate the amount of transport tax, in which region of Russia you are not, and No matter how much horsepower is in your car. As a result, you will get an accurate sum of transport tax. Also, the transport calculator to inform you about the transport tax acting on the same car in 2015, 2016 and of course in 2017.

How to use the Calculator of the Transport Tax (Primorsky Krai)?

All you need to use a calculator - data about your car. So, the first thing you need to introduce is a calculation region. This is a region in which you are and registered, on the address of this region you will receive letters from tax Inspection With a request to pay the tax (for the late payment of the legislation of the Russian Federation obliges to pay a fine). The second paragraph after the choice of the region is the year of the calculation - that year for which you need to calculate the transport tax. If you need to calculate the tax current - note 2017. The next item available to us is a number of possession months. This item will be useful for those who need to calculate the tax in not for the whole year, and in a few months. After all, for example, it may turn out that you sell the car after 6 months of operation. Then it would be necessary to calculate the tax for the whole year, and then the resulting amount was multiplied by 0.5. In our case, the calculator thinks everything himself. The fourth point of the calculator is the vehicle category. Here you choose the vehicle, the tax on which you are interested. After all, except for cars, transport taxes are subject to other vehicles, quadrocycles, motorcycles, snowmobiles and others. The most relevant and urgent question are passenger cars, they have almost everyone. Our calculator is able to calculate the tax absolutely to any vehicle. The next point is the amount of horsepower.

Based on this magnitude, all base rates for different regions are formed. Regional rates act on each of the following intervals: 50-100 hp, 100-150 hp, 150-200 hp, 200-250 hp, more than 250 hp for the region Primorsky region . For example, a bet on cars from 50 to 100 hp - 3 rubles, and on cars from 150 to 200-30 rubles. Horse forces have a direct impact on the amount of transport tax, because it is precisely for horsepower the rate when the tax count using the calculator is multiplied.

The last item in our calculator is the cost of your vehicle. As mentioned at the beginning of the article, if the price of the car exceeds 3 million rubles, the tax on the luxury tax will be charged the increasing coefficient, that is, the tax amount will increase from 1.2 to 2.5 times. After filling out all these items, you can only click the Calculate button, and after a few seconds the calculator will give you an exact sum of transport tax.

Transport tax increased in Primorsky Krai from January 1. Changes will affect car owners, boats and yachts, motorcycles, mopeds and aircraft.

Primorsky deputies accepted Relevant amendments to the Law "On Transport Tax" at the end of November. Such an increase is the first in ten years.

According to innovations, the tax rate will depend on the engine power, the thrust of the reactive motor or the gross capacity of the vehicle per horsepower.

It is important how many years your car is up to three, from three to ten or more than ten. Owners of passenger cars with a capacity of up to 100 "horses" for each horsepower will pay 18 rubles, 8.4 rubles or 6 rubles - the older, the cheaper.

For a passenger car 100-150 hp We'll have to give 26 rubles, 15.6 rubles and 9.1 rubles for each horsepower.
150-200 hp - 42 rubles (up to 3 years), 28 rubles (3 - 10 years), 14 rubles (over 10 years).
200-250 hp - 75 rubles (up to 3 years), 45 rubles (3 - 10 years) and 18 rubles (over 10 years).
Over 250 hp - 150 rubles (up to 3 years), 112.5 rubles (3 - 10 years) and 45 rubles (over 10 years).

Bus owners up to 200 hp We will pay 28 rubles (up to 3 years), 21 rubles (3 - 10 years) and 14 rubles (over 10 years). Over 200 hp - 37.5 rubles, 30 rubles and 22.5 rubles, respectively.

For a truck up to 100 hp It will be necessary to pay 25 rubles (up to 3 years), 18 rubles (3 - 10 years) and 9.6 rubles (over 10 years).
100-150 hp - 40 rubles (up to 3 years), 32.5 rubles (3 - 10 years) and 13 rubles (over 10 years).
150-200 hp - 50 rubles (up to 3 years), 42 rubles (3 - 10 years) and 28 rubles (over 10 years).
200-250 hp - 65 rubles (up to 3 years), 45 rubles (3 - 10 years) and 30 rubles (over 10 years).
Over 250 hp - 75 rubles (up to 3 years), 60 rubles (3 - 10 years) and 45 rubles (over 10 years).

Motorcycle and scooter up to 20 "horses" will cost 6 rubles for every horsepower. 20-35 hp - at 13 rubles, over 35 hp - 30 rubles.

Bulldozers, tanks, tractor on caterpillars and transportation at the pneumatic move "stand" 15 rubles for every horsepower - regardless of the year of production and the number of hp

Snowmobiles and motorcycles up to 50 hp - 16 rubles, more - 33 rubles.

For boats, motorboats and other water transport up to 100 hp The owners will pay 60 rubles, more - 150 rubles.

Yachts and other sailing and motor vessels with engine power up to 100 hp - 150 rubles for each horsepower, more - 180 rubles.

For the hydrocycles - 150 rubles for each "horse".

For non-suitable (towed) vessels, for which the gross capacity is determined (from each register ton of gross capacity) - 47 rubles.

Tax on personal aircraft and helicopters having engines also increased by hitting their owners to pocket. 200 rubles from each horsepower of such specific vehicles will go to the regional budget. The same is for aircraft with jet engines from each kilogram of the force of traction.

300 rubles will pay the owners of "other aquatic and air vehicles that do not have an engine - but not for horsepower, and for each vehicle.

But this is all - for imported cars. For domestic auto industry tax rates differ.

For Russian and Soviet cars up to 100 hp Rate 4.5 rubles for horsepower.
100-150 hp - 7.5 rubles.

For buses of all capacity - 9 rubles.

For motorcycles up to 35 hp - 1.5 rubles, over 35 hp - 3 rubles.

As for domestic boats, motorboats and other water vehicles, the law regulates the tax only on those of them whose power is less than 100 hp. Depends on the age: up to three years - 60 rubles for each L.S., three to ten years - 30 rubles, more than ten years - 15 rubles. For the rest - at the rate of similar foreign cars.

Age in understanding legislators is determined from January 1 of the year following the release of the vehicle of the year. That is, the 2005 Machine on January 1 will be nine years old.

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