
Large family can get an apartment. Help in getting housing

The Russian Constitution says that the Russian Federation is a social state, that is, the state, the main policy of which is to achieve the well-being and well-being of its citizens. One of the directions of this policy is to support families, especially multi-fashioned, and these measures are becoming more and more diverse, both at the federal level and at the regional. In this article we will look at what subsidies large families In 2019, you can get and what needs to be done for this.

What family is considered large

First of all, we will focus on what kind of family can be attributed to more. Legislation does not provide a specific definition of multi-way, eliminating this issue to regional authorities (Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 431 dated May 5, 1992 "On measures for social support for large families"), but in most regions, large families include families with three children, provided that That all children live with their parents are minors, learn in the daily form of training or serve in the army.

Conditions for obtaining the status of a large family

Get the status of a large family can both parents under the condition that they are registered. To become the owner of this status can be a lonely parent, as well as the one with whom children live after a divorce. However, you need to remember that clear legislative norms By definition of this status, there are no, and in each region they may differ, therefore, more accurate information can be obtained in social protection bodies at the place of residence of citizens having three and more children.

How to determine whether a large family needs in improving housing conditions

Housing problem B. Russian Federation It is one of the most complex, especially for families with a lot of children, because their income level is usually significantly lower than the average. That is why the state offers the help of large families for the purchase of housing.

But in order to get this help, the family should be recognized as needing improving their housing circumstances. In need, citizens may be recognized under such conditions:

  • no housing under a social hiring agreement or owned;
  • the total area of \u200b\u200btheir residential premises is less than a certain amount. square meters On a family member (in each region, its minimum is established). At the same time, if there are several residential premises at the disposal, their total area is taken into account;
  • they live in housing recognized as unsuitable;
  • the family has a person whose disease is recognized as dangerous to others (for example, tuberculosis).

However, only these factors are not enough to improve housing. Family members should have citizenship of the Russian Federation, and parents (parent) should officially work. In addition, the family should be recognized as poor, that is, have average income below subsistence minimuminstalled in this region.

Complete the sociological survey!

Types of subsidies for large families

In the Russian Federation, there are several programs aimed at maintaining citizens who need social assistance. Unfortunately, not everyone knows what subsidies are laid in large families and where to seek their receipt.

The most significant support is undoubtedly the subsidies for the purchase of housing or the construction of the house, partial compensation of utility payments, allocation money Farming, as well as monetary assistance to parents who have decided to open their own business.

In addition, many regions have regional maternal capitalwhich is paid in addition to the federal. In addition, there is a lot of smaller payments and benefits: free medicines for children, providing free school and sportswear, pay for school food, a kindergarten visits and others.

Subsidies to pay housing and utilities

Housing subsidy

Acquisition of housing in installments

Subsidies to large families in 2019 on housing are quite diverse. One of the ways to improve housing conditions For them is installments. In this case, the region provides in need of housing, the cost of which is set below the market.

According to the contract of sale, families should pay off the city for 10 years, with the first contribution for multi-style is 10%.

In addition, the cost of 30 square meters is subtracted from the total cost of the apartment, and at the birth of subsequent children, the cost decreases by 18 square meters. m. for each of them.

Means instead of land plots

Other state program supports of citizens with the status of many children is to allocate them free land plots. However, not all regions have the possibility of allocating such sites, and citizens are not always interested in them and often sell them after receiving property rights to improve their living conditions.

Subsidy for the construction of the house: the essence of the program

Sometimes citizens with children, especially if there are several of them, prefer to live in apartment house, and in a separate, considering it more comfortable and safe. In this case, large families give money to build a house. This subsidy can be provided in two ways - before building a house or after its end.

In the first case, money is issued for the purchase of all the necessary materials and the subsequent payment construction work, while in the second state, the costs already produced by citizens are compensated. However, in that and in another case, it must be remembered that the money is targeted and a detailed report of all costs produced is required.

The amount allocated in accordance with the State Support Program of the loan to large families for construction can reach 50-100% of family costs and is regulated by regional legislation, that is, it depends on the norms established in the region, the cost of a square meter, the waiting time of the subsidy and other circumstances, while The final amount is directly dependent on the number of juvenile children in the family.

If citizens have three children, they are afraid of half the amount obtained for construction. If the number of children is four, then the amount of the subsidy increases to 70%, and with five or more children, parents can count on the full reimbursement of their costs.

Conditions for setting a subsidy

Despite the constant care of the state on improving the living conditions of citizens having three or more children, not all of them can participate in the construction subsidy program. If a large family wants to build a house, it is necessary to register for registration:

  • have less than 10 square meters per member;
  • reside in the dilapidation, emergency and / or non-substituting sanitary standards of housing;
  • live together with a person who is a carrier of dangerous to surrounding diseases (for example tuberculosis);
  • do not participate in any such programs earlier.

Additional conditions for applicants

When considering the issue of formulation to obtain a subsidy, not only the housing conditions of citizens applying for the aid of the state in the construction of the house are taken into account. There are still a number of conditions that must be observed:

  • all family members must have Russian citizenship without exception;
  • parental marriage must be registered;
  • both mother and father should have the official place of work. In some regions, such a mother requirement is not imposed if it has minors children under 14.

How to get funds

The procedure for obtaining a loan to large families for the construction of the house is quite simple, although it requires a large number of documents. However, there is no need to provide them all at once - it suffices to follow a certain algorithm of action.

Where to contact

To obtain a subsidy, it is necessary to apply to local governments, which, having considered all the documents will decide on the allocation of funds. It should be remembered that it is necessary to contact that administrative body, in whose territory is planned to build a residential building. In addition, citizens who addressed money should be registered in the circulation region for at least a year.


When contacting the municipality, it is necessary to write a corresponding statement that can be compiled in free form. However, it must be kept

  • administrative data,
  • personal data of the applicant,
  • data of his passport
  • description of housing occupied at the time of submission of the application,
  • data on family members living together with the applicant, as well as information about their related links with the application submitter,
  • information about family income, as well as some other information.

Required documents

When submitting an application for a subsidy to it, it is necessary to attach the following documents:

  • passport of each parent;
  • certificate of birth of every child;
  • certificate from the place of residence about the composition of the family, as well as an extract from the house book or the consumers;
  • certificate of the absence of debts on utility payments;
  • a document confirming that the family has a large status;
  • certificates of income of each parent and documents on real estatewho owns the family.
Additional documents

For lending to the construction of the house after registration and receipt of the relevant notification, many children will need to provide a number of documents:

  • documents on land plotwhere construction is planned;
  • permission to carry out construction works on it;
  • estimates for the construction, into which the costs are not included, intended for the wages of the workers and the administration of the developer;
  • the project of the house, performed by the organization licensed for such work;
  • if the house is already built, then it is necessary to provide its cadastral passport and documents confirming the cost of construction.

In addition to the above securities, it is necessary to agree to the processing of personal data of all adult family members. For minor children, such consent gives their legal representatives, that is, parents.

The term of issuance of a certificate of granting a subsidy

The application is seen within a month. In the same period, the calculation of the amount of funds will also be calculated. After that, within five days, the applicant must receive an appropriate notification and then the certificate of granting the grant.

If citizens are treated for compensation for the costs of the already built house, they need to apply to the authorities of the government no later than two months from the date of registration of this building in the registering bodies.

Actions after receiving the certificate

After receiving a certificate confirming the right to receive funds, the applicant must be applied to the bank, which is usually indicated by the municipality. In this bank, an account will be opened in the name of the certificate owner. The account will be targeted and money from it can only be spent on calculations with trade and contractors. In this case, all mutual settlements will be passed only in non-cash form.

Subsidy size for the construction of the house and its use

The benefits of large families in the construction of housing are directly dependent on the composition of the family, the number of children and the cost of a square meter of housing in the application regions. At the same time, the norm, on the basis of which calculations are made, are 42 square meters. m. On three family members and 18 square meters. m. for each subsequent.

However, these criteria are subject to change because they are discussed and set annually at the federal level.

The amount to be reimbursed is usually 10-70% of the cost of housing, while rural residents tend to receive greater compensation than urban.

For a report on the spending subsidy, which is targeted, citizens must be provided payment documentsconfirming the costs, and the cadastral passport on the residential building, which should be obtained no later than three months after the end of construction.

Improving housing conditions with large families

The assistance provided by the state providing subsidies of various kinds to expanding housing conditions with large families is undoubtedly a huge support for them. However, it must be remembered that the money allocated cannot be spent arbitrarily and they will need to report to them.

What benefits are laid in a large family: video

Helping young families in improving living conditions - this is one of the main social projects of the country. To maintain a high standard of living, even without significant payments for 2 and 3 children of this category of citizens will allow state social programs. The government seeks to increase the natural fertility and understands that families raising 3 and more children need decent accommodation. Therefore, from December 29, 2014, a law was introduced, which regulates the provision of housing with large families.

Improving housing conditions for large families can be carried out with the help of various programs: obtaining a land plot for housing, housing subsidy, Acquisition of housing under a social hire agreement.

The innovation of 2019 to improve living conditions is coverage of the cost of living space, if there is no central heating. Federal benefits for improving housing conditions with large families in 2019 did not change significantly. It was previously assumed that Article 57 of the LCD RF will undergo changes and housing can be obtained without becoming a queue, but the bill has not yet entered into force. However, it was noted more than once that it will be reviewed further.

Grounds for receiving the Gulf

Before submitting documents for housing, you need to understand that not everyone can get an apartment from the state. When choosing the following is taken into account.

  • Family revenues. The cost of living in each particular region is different. If the income on each family member is less than the minimum set, then the family is given the status of a poor. Therefore, it is believed to improve housing conditions independently, it cannot and the state provides them with assistance.
  • The need to increase the area or improve living conditions. At this aspect draw special attention Proper services. Entered various RV norms. m per person. For example, in the capital for families with children from 3, the norm is 5 square meters. m, and in St. Petersburg - 9 square meters. m. In other regions, they may also differ.

You can register a family as a large feet only at the birth of the 3rd child. So dictates the law. Then you should not postpone the design of documents and soon get up and in a queue for housing for large families to local authorities at the place of registration. Documents you need to provide:

  • financial documents confirming official income;
  • help help;
  • documents on marriage, divorce, death (if the head of the family is a widower / widow);
  • certificate of birth of each child;
  • documents on the registration of the place of residence of the family (for example, an extract from the house book);
  • a certificate of a large family (it can be taken in the management of social protection);
  • originals and copies (4-5 copies) passports.

If you were already in taking into account as a low-income family, then go to register again. Your chances as a large family getting an apartment will increase.

After considering the information provided by you and register registration, you will be issued a number and will be issued. The law does not regulate the time frame, how to get housing. Next, you can only expect, occasionally come to the appropriate service to learn whether the queue has advanced. It is not excluded that it will last more than 5 years.

In some cities, such as Moscow, St. Petersburg, Voronezh low-rise families With 3 and more children can be issued a temporary residence in a new apartment before they approach their turn or a smaller child will be 16 years old. This provides spacious housing with a small rent. Sometimes it is issued for free depending on the solution of the authorities. After the queue went up, you can change the rented housing for the apartment's own.

How to get a new housing

There are not so many ways, but in large families in 2019 it is easier to solve the housing problem than other categories of citizens. When setting a social housing queue, these categories of citizens fall under preferential programs, then they are transferred to a special list.

A year after registration, the family is obliged to offer social housing programs. Its construction usually starts about a year after the proposal is received.

Another option when large families will receive housing out of turn - this is the inclusion of them in the lists out of the queue to obtain a loan on preferential terms. This category of citizens is given the right to spending credit funds to build a house using benefits, as well as a subsidy for the construction of the house. When it comes to turn, the family will issue a certificate of granting a subsidy for housing. The law regulates that credit funds Give 95% of the total price of housing. Upon exceeding the rules of the square for each family member, the surplus must be paid individually. The remaining 5% are compensated by subsidies for living space. If you choose this method, the preferential conditions apply only to typical houses. The cost of 1 square. m. Determined based on this.

The last option for the receipt of housing for large families in a short term is financial assistance from the state. It partly repays a loan, which is decorated for new housing at the expense of public funds. If there are 3 children in the family, then you can get 50% of the loan, if 4 is 70%. Payments are performed in equal parts.

If the construction of the house is carried out without loan design, this category Citizens has the right to help state. It does not depend on the level of welfare if the family stands in taking into account. If a family with 3 and more children has already used such a right, then it is impossible to use it again. The size of the state's support is 50 subsistence minima. It is possible to arrange it only at the end of registration of ownership of housing.

There are regional regulations that can also facilitate the receipt of an apartment with large families. Some regional authorities can compensate for the cost of housing meals, to provide support in the purchase of building materials for building a house, to give loans to favorable conditions etc.

Obtaining a land plot for building a house

Unfortunately, in 2019 - new YearWhen this program in some regions of the country ceased to effect. The case is in the lack of sites for a non-nice section. From March 1, 2015, the main law has undergone a number of amendments and only the poor families with 3 and more children can apply.

To get the site you need:

  • the presence of 3 or more children up to 18 years or non-working students in universities - up to 23 years;
  • registration of family members in the region from 5 years;
  • marriage certificate;
  • so that all family members were citizens of the Russian Federation;
  • do not have in the territory of the state of another land.

Requirements may differ depending on the place of residence. You can claim a site if one parent is engaged in the education of children. Each family member receives an equal part of the land ownership.

Before applying for a land plot, it is necessary to establish the status of multi-way. To do this, contact the Social Security Department. After that, you need to queue in the municipality at the place of residence. There should be a statement and a set of documents, which differs depending on the region. After checking the documents and when solving in favor of the family, it gives her number and it is taking into account. Within 30 days, the Commission determines which one can allocate. The distribution occurs according to the queue.

The contract for obtaining land, there is an item on the subsequent construction of the house. If you use a plot otherwise, it can take it in judicial order. Therefore, if you are not interested in construction, you should not resort to this option. After the end of the construction of the house, obtaining a certificate of ownership and registration of documents to the property of a large family is transferred to the land, and documents are transformed.

The question of how a large family get an apartment for free, will not leave indifferent nor parents or their relatives. Unfortunately, not everything is able to buy spacious housing, and sometimes parents with several children have to crash in close rooms. IN last years The state increasingly draws attention to the expansion of housing allocated for large families. This is one of the ways to stimulate the growth of fertility, which in conditions of decline in population is particularly relevant.

Recognition of family large families

Federal laws such a concept as a large family is not defined. Each subject develops its own legislative actsThose who decide whether the family is listed. Therefore, the criteria for recognition may differ in the Republic of Ingushetia, Moscow, Kaliningrad. Sometimes such status is obtained where they raise two children, sometimes five. But in most regions, many children recognize the family, where there are three and more juvenile child. Differences are aged children. A family, in which not only their children, but also adopted, as well as steppers and steppes will be brought up.

Therefore, putting a goal in front of them - to get an apartment from the state, you need to explore the laws that are adopted in the region. If, in all conditions, the family is suitable for the status of a large-style, you need to go to the organs of social protection at the place of registration. With you to take:

  • passports of parents;
  • certificates of the birth of children;
  • documents confirming their residence;
  • certificate of marriage parents.

To clarify separate information, employees of social protection can request other references. After consideration of the documents and submitted with them, the family can be recognized as many children. It register it in such a status, and the applicant gives the appropriate certificate. The document can give both mothers and father.

Features of paperwork in some situations

There are cases when parents and children are registered at different addresses that can be in different regions. When making the status of a large family, difficulties may arise due to the differences in regional laws. Therefore, you need to try to prescribe children along with mom in one subject. According to the legislation of this subject, benefits will be provided.

The question of who to issue a certificate of multi-breeding parents is solved on the basis of regional legislation. Usually it receives one of the parents who constantly lives with children. If children alive separately, and with each of the parents left less than three children, claiming the status of large families, family formed can not.

Read also The procedure for obtaining the status of a large family

Parents with children can move to permanent residence in another region. If in this region, criteria for confession of largeness differ, there is a possibility of changing the status of the family. In any case, after registration, you will need to apply to local authorities. It will be necessary to collect full set Documents and re-registered in this area. Family status certificate will be issued already new on the legislation of this settlement.

Regional benefits

The responsibilities of regional executive bodies are assisting in the acquisition of housing with large families. This may be expressed in:

  • providing a preferential loan;
  • allocating a surprising loan;
  • rent compensation for housing;
  • free highlight of the land under construction of the house;
  • providing construction materials.

Important! To take advantage of the law with social guarantees, you need to contact local authorities with a statement. There will be prompting which documents need to be brought, and how to stand on a queue for the improvement of living conditions.

If the state acts in the region housing programThe family can become its member. She will be given the appropriate certificate, and put on the line on the apartment. Despite the existing sequence, large families have the right to get housing first.

Selection of subsidies

One of the ways to solve the problem - state housing certificate (GZHS) at housing for large families. It represents a document on which an apartment or a house for a large family can be bought from budget money. Gzhs gives you the opportunity to get subsidy. The size of the subsidy is determined on the basis of the cost of housing in the region and the area, which is calculated by the accounting standards established by local governments. For a large family, the standard of living space is applied to 18 sq.m. per person. Of course, in the elite area major city Purchase an apartment on this subsidy will be difficult. The surcharge will be a significant share of the cost of an apartment or at home. But in small settlements or away from the center of the apartment of the apartment with large families may pick up by paying by GJD to 90% of the cost. You can use subsidy as initial contribution When making a mortgage. Moreover, large families with mortgage lending They have the right to benefits that will be to reduce interest rates.

Read also Benefits that are laid in many children when entering the university

Social hiring

In addition, programs have been developed for which a certificate can be used to obtain social housing. Before getting a social apartment, large parents should explore the conditions for which it will be highlighted. This accommodation is provided first to use what a contract is concluded. And only, having lived there for several years, under certain conditions the family can privatize it.

Free land plot

A plot on which it would be possible to build a house for a large family should be allocated in the village where she lives. Its sizes may differ in different regions and usually range from 6 to 15 acres. The site is transferred to use, and while the house on it is not built and is not commissioned, it will not work out the land. There are no cases when local authorities denied the selection of areas. The reason is not only in the absence of the right to this benefit, but also in the lack of sections themselves. This problem is especially relevant in big cities.

Specificity to provide housing in various regions

Local authorities not only determine what family to consider a large-fashioned, but also approve a list of benefits and compensation, which will be allocated from the regional or municipal budget, and the procedure for their provision. Because of different financial opportunities Regions, the provision of housing and subsidies takes place on various conditions.

Recognize the family of many children in Moscow after the appearance of a third child. At the same time, all children should be under the age of 18 years old. If five or more children are brought up, provide free apartment In Moscow in low-rise residential Fund. It is allocated under a social hiring agreement for five years. If, by the end of the contract, the children were not 18 years old, it lasts the next five-year plan. If the family managed to queue in need of improving housing conditions, for this period it is not deleted from lists. Getting an apartment in a large family in Moscow is easier than the land plot, since very little free land. Therefore, parents who collapsed to receive the site, in 2019 they propose to replace it with housing or subsidies. In the region, the land is distinguished, and the size of the site can reach 12 acres. Therefore, sometimes families agree to monetary compensation In exchange for the provision of land or receive land in one of the districts of the Moscow region.

In the Russian Federation housing problem Worried about many citizens. Someone has no housing at all, and someone simply needs to increase the living space. In particular, the need in square meters is felt among large families. Most often, it is they who experience material difficulties and cannot afford the acquisition. new apartment. In this article, consider the question of how to improve the housing conditions in a large family?

Who needs to improve housing conditions for large families?

RF RF, the order of recognition of the family has not regulated a large familiar. Thus, social status is determined on the basis of the Decree of the President of Russia from 1992 No. 431.

According to his provisions, each subject of Russia independently establishes the criteria, on the basis of which the family is assigned the status of "large".

Throughout Russia are recognized by large families:

  • in which the 3rd and more children who have not reached sixteen years;
  • if children learn in educational institutionsFamilies are considered large families with 3 and more children to eighteen years old, and it does not matter - a adopted or native child.

So that the family is officially recognized in the status of "Large families who need to improve housing conditions", you need to get a corresponding certificate.

The certificate is confirmed by the fact that the family has the right to receive preferential compensation and payments.

Terms of providing the possibility of improving housing conditions

In order to obtain the specified certificate and get benefits to improve the housing, the following conditions must be met:

  1. Lack of housing or lack of squares. Per living in the family - 10 sq.m., if communal apartment, then 15 sq. M per person.
  2. The family is poor.
  3. Over the past five years, the living conditions have not worsened. So, to the methods of deterioration include registration of numerous relatives, giving apartments, etc. All this comes down to trying fraudulently to get a new residential premises.
  4. Permanent registration. Each subject of the Russian Federation establishes its own period during which it is necessary to live on the territory belonging to it. Only in this case, it is possible to get help to improve housing conditions. For example, in Moscow such a term will be 10 years.
  5. The presence of citizenship of the Russian Federation.

Programs for the improvement of housing conditions for large families in Russia

It is worth mentioning a number of existing programs that assist in improving housing conditions with large families. They are aimed at helping in improving housing to families who are assigned the status "Large".

Legislative programs are regulated by Art. 5, art. 49 LCD RF, Federal law dated December 29, 2006 No. 256-FZ "On additional measures of state support of families with children" and regulatory and legal acts of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

Some of them are distributed to families with 3, and other and with 5 children. In addition, the rules and conditions of each of the programs are distinguished. In particular, the maternity capital for improving housing conditions until the child is 3 years old, is one of the options for purchasing a new housing.

Subsidies to improve housing conditions with large families

Subsidies for a large family facing the improvement of housing conditions are provided from the regional budget. Residential premises with their help should be purchased in the real estate market anywhere in the country.

At the same time, the area should be calculated so that at least 18 sq.m. Providing subsidies for improving housing conditions with large families is possible for:

  • construction of housing;
  • acquisition of apartments for the whole family;
  • those who wish to add square meters to the residential premises already occupied;
  • redemption free room in a communal apartment.

Large families who have stood up until 2005 have the opportunity to obtain a subsidy in full (100%). After granting a subsidy, a large family is removed from accounting.

Important! When granting a subsidy is taken into account the living space in which members of a large family under a social employment contract.

Queue for improving housing conditions for large families

The provision of a new residential area of \u200b\u200ba large family is carried out in order of priority. In order to qualify for an apartment, you need to register and sign up to the queue (according to Art. 52 LCD RF). But before carrying out this, you need to decide - what do you want to get? The family may queue in the administration of the subject for the purchase of an apartment or a local municipality to obtain a subsidy.


To obtain state support To improve housing conditions, you need to collect the package necessary documents And submit it to the local government. An application for recognition in need of improvement of housing conditions, signed by all adult members of a large family, considers state Commission. If she takes a positive decision, a large family gets queued.


  1. Get the status that confirms the preferential position of the family. You need to write a corresponding application to the municipality. Along with this, a certificate of birth of children is filed.
  2. It is necessary to confirm that the family that has received the status of "largest" needs financial support. The living space will be provided if the family's income is no more than the amount of the subsistence minimum set in the region.
  3. A social hiring agreement is required or paper that confirm the rights of ownership of the property.

Important! According to Art. 54 LCD RF in registering to improve housing a large family can be denied. With unlawful refusal, you need to contact judicial authority with a claim.

Required documents

To queue on improving housing conditions for large families, it is necessary to collect the following documentation package:

  1. identity of a large family;
  2. help confirming the fact that the family is poor;
  3. accommodation documentation that is available at the disposal;
  4. evidence of the birth of all minor citizens living in the apartment and civil passports;
  5. extract about family composition.

The collected papers need to be supplemented. It requires a condition that the family needs other housing or receiving additional square meters of living space.

Expansion of housing for large families

Families with the status "Large", the state provides a living area from municipal property. If the family does not at all have a housing or an extension of housing is required, then with a positive decision of the local government and on the basis of current legislation, such families are provided with housing, which is issued through a social hiring agreement. Such a residential premises can continue to be privatized.

Do not forget that for the conclusion of a social hiring agreement, a large family should be registered as in need of a residential premises.

A large family also has a choice - to get social housing or the right to allocate a land plot. Large family having three or more children has the right to purchase a land plot for free, including for individual housing construction. When building a residential premises on a highlighted area of \u200b\u200bliving space, one living should also be less than 18 sq.m.

Of course, you can stand on the turn to expand your housing, if there is no longer any opportunities. However, it is necessary to wait for the new residential premises for years, and children can grow, so it is necessary to apply all the privileges provided by the state.

If you have any questions regarding the improvement of housing conditions for large families, contact our experts on the telephones specified on the site or by filling out the feedback form. Our qualified lawyers will help to deal with your situation, will prompt the procedure for the availability of housing, and in case of refusal to recognize the familiar family, the corresponding statement of claim to court.

ATTENTION! In connection with recent changes In the legislation, the information in the article could endure! Our lawyer will consult you free - write in the form below.

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