
Banks engaged in refinancing consumer loans. Where, as in what conditions banks are engaged in refinancing loans

Debts are always unpleasant, but the promises of credit institutions about the momentary receipt of the necessary amount for the purchase of dreams rarely leave people indifferent. The client submits an application, after which he receives a long-awaited loan. However, even if the borrower is completely confident in its solvency, unforeseen circumstances can always arise. In such a situation, it is necessary to look for a way to make debt payment on the most acceptable and favorable conditions. Once in a similar position, first of all, you should find out which banks do refinancing consumer credit.

What do need a loan refinancing

Many people take a variety of loans in banking institutions. Refinancing allows you to combine all debts on loans taken in different banks, in one credit institution, while the amount of debt is redistributed on favorable conditions for the client.

Naturally, such a service is not all. The bank puts forward a certain number of requirements that the client must match. For example, a good credit history of the borrower is of particular importance. If the client paid debt with delays, he will not be able to count on redistribution of the loan. Also important criteria for refinancing are the age of man, his citizenship, work experience, currency in which a loan was taken.

There are several reasons why customers seek refinancing:

  • For the sake of reducing interest rate;
  • To slow down the repayment process of the remaining debt;
  • For convenience - all debts on loans can be paid in one bank organization, without spending time on hiking in various institutions.

Refinancing credit institutions

Banking organizations that are engaged in shifting, represent customers a variety of programs. The borrower may submit documents to several institutions at the same time, thanks to which he appears the opportunity to choose the most suitable offer.

Choosing a bank, the client must take into account the type of refinancing, which is suitable for him. For example, not all organizations consider mortgage loans. Most of them specialize in consumer loans, as the loans of this type are made more often than others.

So, what banks make refinancing consumer loan? First of all, it is worth paying attention to:

  • Sberbank;
  • Alfa Bank;
  • Rosselkhozbank;
  • VTB 24.

Each of the mentioned organizations establishes its interest rate, determines the terms of payments, and also places certain requirements for a potential borrower.


In Sberbank, refinancing is particularly simple if a person is already a bank client: his wage comes to a card of this credit organization, he has already paid or also pays a loan to the institution.

An individual can claim to refinance the loan in Sberbank, if:

  • The age of the client - from 21 years and more (but not older than 75 years);
  • Borrower is solvent (has stable income every month);
  • The potential client has solvent guarantors (3 people);
  • The work experience of the borrower over the past 5 years should be equal to year. At the same time, the experience at the current workplace is at least 6 months;
  • The amount of income is sufficient for payments for all debts.

These requirements are basic, however, the employee may report additional conditions.

This bank does not reduce the amount of debt that must be paid off, but reduces the amount of payment per month.

The service is not provided:

  • Persons with informal income;
  • People whose wages are insufficient for monthly debt payment.


Worth the question of which bank does the refinancing of the loan, it is worth paying attention to Binbank. State employees, as well as citizens who already be customers of this organization, is carried out even for solid loan amounts (up to a million). Customers, just beginning cooperation with Binbank, can overlap debts whose sum is from 100 thousand to 500 thousand rubles.

Main conditions:

  • Obtaining a cash loan is possible only in rubles;
  • Loan time - from 2 to 7 years;
  • In the first 3 months after receiving the loan, the interest rate is equal to 13.3% per annum, after this period the rate increases - it can be from 15% to 24.5%;
  • The credit institution makes a decision on issuing finances within three days. The term of such a decision is a month. If the client does not confirm his application within 15 days from the date of the Positive Ansun District, the organization revises the refinancing conditions.
  • The client is not obliged to make a deposit, he will not have to seek guarantors;
  • You can pay debt every month. It is possible to pay off debt ahead of schedule.

Alfa Bank

There are a large number of factors affecting the decision of Alfa-Bank about refinancing. The terms of the contract in this organization are quite simple and similar to the conditions put forward by the rest of credit institutions:

  • For citizens who receive salary in the bank, the smallest interest rate - 11.25% per annum, for potential customers - 11.5%;
  • The greatest amount of the amount of financial assistance is 60 million rubles, the smallest - 600 thousand rubles.

The advantage of this bank is: they can refinance the consumer loan, and the mortgage.


Many customers are interested in which banks do refinancing loans with delay. Rosselkhozbank is one of these banks. At the same time, the drawing in this case is obliged to be minimal. Organizations are very important a good credit history, and with a great delay it can not be positive.

Refinancing registration occurs according to the following scheme: the client submits a petition, provides all the necessary paper, the bank considers the application for 3 days and reports the result.

Basic requirements of the Bank:

  • The currency in which the loan is issued - rubles;
  • The maximum loan size is 750 thousand rubles, for people receiving wages on the map of Roselkhozbank - a million rubles;
  • The potential borrower must be solvent;
  • Loading time - up to 5 years;
  • There is an opportunity for both partial and complete debt repayment;
  • The Bank is engaged only by consumer loans;
  • Necessarily having insurance.

VTB 24

Refinancing is carried out on attractive conditions, if a potential client is registered in an area that is covered by Monitoring VTB 24. A person can personally come to the nearest branch of the bank and submit. It is also possible to resort to online service.

Loading conditions:

  • Varuing interest rate - 13.9-15%;
  • The highest loan amount - 3 million rubles, the smallest - 100 thousand rubles;
  • Loan time - from 0.5 years to 5 years;
  • The greatest number of cards or loans that can be combined - 6;
  • The overpayments and the amount of payment per month are minimized;
  • It is possible to get an additional amount of money.

Having considered which banks offer refinancing of other bank loans, it can be concluded that very many credit institutions of Russia are ready to meet their customers. Removing is a common practice worldwide, so do not treat this service wary. However, to not be mistaken, initially carefully examine the conditions of all organizations, and only then make a choice in favor of one of them.

In the life of each borrower there may be situations when the conditions loan agreement It is impossible to perform at objective reasons. In this case, it is necessary to immediately inform the bank about emerging difficulties and discuss how to restructure or how to refinance the loan. If the reason is respectful, the bank can agree to this procedure. Otherwise, you can apply for credit refinancing. The funds obtained in this case will go to the closure of the existing debt. A new loan is repaid on a more convenient schedule and with another interest rate. Do not confin the refinancing with restructuring, although these procedures are similar in content. In the case of restructuring, we are talking about changing the conditions of the current loan so that the borrower it is easier to pay and credit history has not been damaged. Refinancing is another solution to the problem. The procedure is to take a loan to pay off other loans (with a bad credit history, it is difficult to make it, the application should be applied before the occurrence of overdue debts). But if you are still delayed, refinancing loan on the security of real estate can be released. The Bank in this case reduces the risk of non-return of funds by the possibility of obtaining liquid property in the event of a violation of borrowers of its obligations. In fact, a loan for refinancing goes to repay debt to other banks. Dates of payments on a new loan allow you to use funds from new income. Application for refinancing loan (dedication consumer credits Other banks) is beneficial provided that the amount of the monthly payment will be less than according to the current loan.

To select a bank in order to take refinancing a mortgage loan, you can study current offers in advance of your region. Selection.ru offers to use comfortable system Search. On the portal, all current proposals for refinancing consumer loans in Moscow banks are collected, conditions for 2019, comparing which you can choose the most suitable.

What is credit refinancing?

Refinancing is banking Productallowing you to get new Credit On more favorable conditions than the previous one, and with it, it is completely or partially paid to the old contract. Take one loan to repay the other in the bank bank or in another financial institution. Removing in the banks of Moscow allows to reduce the interest rate, change the terms of payments and the amount of monthly payments, choose another loan currency and combine several consumer loans to one. Refinancing of other bank loans can be used to repay both target and consumer loans for any needs. In order for refinancing to benefit, the borrower should first calculate the costs of issuing a new loan and add them from the magnitude of the fine for early repayment Old (if such an item is provided in the contract). Then count savings from the difference in the rates and compare the figures received. Experience shows: if the difference in the rates on refinancing programs in Moscow banks is less than 2%, it does not have any particular sense. This also applies to consumer loan, and car loans, and mortgages. The bank is no less than the borrower, is interested in getting rid of the problem loan. In this regard, refinancing can be used to repay the loan in the same bank. But more often, some bank organizations use refinancing of loans from other banks.

What conditions do the consumer loan refinancing take place?

In most cases, the refinancing of the consumer loan is carried out under the following conditions: 1. For the current loan, no less than six payments were made. This serves as a certain confirmation that the borrower is a conscientious client, has funds for payment and wants to repay the loan, not allowing prosperity and debts; 2. The absence of overdue is another condition when refinancing is possible. Strict this requirement is only with regard to payments in the current calendar year. If any delay was made earlier, but already repaid, refinance credit is also possible. The so-called technical delay when funds are made, but their enrollment occurred after the date of payment, should not affect refinancing - the bank will take into account the circumstances of the payment. 3. This is the first refinancing of consumer loans. If the procedure has been used earlier, the Bank may refuse a new loan. 4. It will be possible to refinance the credit, if no less than six months remains to the final date of payment for the existing loan. These are the most general requirements. Of course, the Bank can go to meet his client and offer to refinance, for example, a consumer loan on individual conditions. Be that as it may, refinancing consumer loan needs to be discussed with employees of a banking organization.

Refinancing loans are mainly engaged in large banks that can afford to take into balance loans with an increased risk of non-return or new credit organizations that need the influx of new customers. In such cases, funds arrive immediately to credit accounts in other banks. Details The borrower provides together with the required package.

  1. On the "repayment of other loans" can be issued in Citibank under 18% per annum.
  2. Binbank offers a loan "Refinancing (for employees budget organizations) "Under 15.90% or credit" refinancing "under 20.00%.
  3. In TranscapitalBank, you can arrange a "one" loan at a rate of 20.00%.
  4. Rosselkhozbank clients can use the refinancing product 22.50%.
  5. Borrowers who can provide property in the form of a collateral can receive a loan "Update (with the provision)" at the rate of 24.99.

How to become a member of the refinancing program of the loan

Obtaining additional loan To repay current credit debt Allows you to reduce the financial burden, improve the terms of payment of funds later. How to become a member of the credit refinancing program? Determine the list of banking organizations providing such a service and examine the contract signed earlier with your bank.

The credit policy of individual institutions does not imply the possibility of early payment. If the item is absent in the agreement, the client is not entitled to use the program. Find out whether penalties are provided in the event of a premature repayment of the loan. In this case, the use of borrowed money of a third-party bank may be inappropriate.

Remote registration

Cooperation with customers who want to improve the terms of credit obligations, for financial organizations is associated with high risks. Provide the service and produce looting only large structures. Requirements for the borrower are high enough. Violation of payment schedule is a good reason for failure.

For consideration of the application, provide a standard package of documents (originals, copies): passport, labor, contract, payroll, certificate of Ndfl-2, etc. It is complemented by a certificate of debt size, a loan agreement with banking organizationwhere issued, repayment schedule, other documentation. Assessing solvency, weighing risks, employees will decide.

Refinancing of loans from other banks

You can get a new one in third-party banking structure for partial, full repayment of the debt. Refinancing of loans from other banks implies loan payment through non-cash payments to the specified account. Upon exceeding the amount of funds, the balance is provided to the client to use at its own discretion. The presence of mortgage burden entails the increase in the interest rate at the time of re-registration of the collateral.

In a credit and financial structure, it may not be issued a corresponding contract with a deterioration in the material situation of the borrower in the period after issuing a past loan. The presence of delay in payments is the reason for failure. Agregate creditworthiness in this case is quite difficult.

Refinancing stages

The dedication procedure involves the standard actions of employees to verify the client's solvency, assess the risk ratio with the expected financial benefits. Analyzing the material security of a potential borrower is suitable similar to the case of a standard loan.

Refinancing steps:

  • consultation in the new bank bank, submission of the application;
  • collection of documents, providing a package to the department;
  • consideration of the application, decision making;
  • signing an agreement with the indication of new lending conditions;
  • payment of debt by transferring a debt balance;
  • provision of certificates about targeted use of funds (issued in a bank where the first loan was issued);
  • re-registration of collateral (if available).

Subsequent payments are made according to the established schedule.

What does refinancing give?

To resort to the procedure, if there are monetary burden on various types credit products. What does refinancing give? The main advantage is to reduce the financial burden. Reducing the rate will allow the client to carry out regular payments in deadlines without significant damage to own budget, avoid interpretation of commission fees.

Other dedication benefits:

  • extending the full repayment period;
  • changes in loan currency;
  • increase the total amount of borrowed funds;
  • replacing several loans to one.

If the level of service provision in the current institution is unsatisfactory, a similar step will allow the client of the organization with more loyal service conditions.

Is the refinancing favorably?

The profitability of the contract for the receipt of borrowed monetary signs determine the conditions for issuing them in the organization, repayment of debt in your bank bank. Costs for design can overlap. Thoroughly analyze the proposals of third-party credit and financial structures and calculate the real cash income from the upcoming operation.

Is the refinancing favorably? Experts note: when difference in total amount Payments less than 2% to engage in such a question inexpedient. For calculations you can use credit calculatorWhat will facilitate the task. Dates that have passed since issuing, the size of the funds already paid, the type of payments (differentiated, annuity), new bid., other factors affect the number of monetary signs that will be saved.

Refinancing of car loan

Buying a car, customers often use third-party money. The conditions for their receipt in the bank are not always beneficial. Refinancing allows you to repay the current debt at the expense of the funds of another structure. The requirements put forward to the borrower are quite hard, which explains the high degree of risk in providing services.

Car loans on new conditions is beneficial with a decrease in the total monetary burden by reducing the amount of payments made monthly, extending their payments, reducing the rate. Possible difficulties: the need to reissuate the collateral, the policy in case of obtaining it in the company without accreditation, the inconsistency of the technical condition of the acquired auto requirements of the bank.

Tip from Compare.ru.: On refinancing issues it makes sense to contact banks only if you only want to reduce the credit load and retain solvency. Otherwise, a new loan will only drive you into an even greater debt pit.

In situations where a citizen does not cope with the payment of debts on one or several loans, refinancing can be a good way out. What is this tool, how to use it, where can I see for such a service?

What is credit refinancing?

If the question arose about how to minimize loan costs, you need to look for a way to reduce the amount of monthly payments. Well, if it works out in the same bank, where the loan is issued. But at best, the debt restructuring is possible here. Refinance debentures, or to be converted, you can, contacting another bank for a new loan at a more advantageous interest rate. Exporting current debt, the borrower will further pay a loan in another bank, but already less. In essence, this is a target loan, upon receipt of which in the appointment it is indicated that the funds will go to the repayment of another loan.

In fact, it is advisable to refinance?

Getting a new loan is not always justified. So, if the main percentage of the old loan has already been paid, and it remains not so long, it is hardly worth going to the bank: because then you will have to re-pay interest, fines for early repayment of the loan, if it practices the lender, make insurance and other commissions. So the benefit may be imaginary.

But if a large debt is hanging on a person, for example, a mortgage, decorated 5 years ago at 21%, and another bank on new conditions reduced the rate to 11%, then it's time to apply for refinancing. Yes, and on other loans, for example, consumer, banks reduce rates in the face of tough competition. If you find the appropriate conditions in another bank, it makes sense to try to reduce the credit burden on the family, and in the presence of several loans to simplify the calculations by combining them into one.

What documents will required?

To refinance, you need to submit the same list of documents as when receiving a new loan:

  • Statement. It can be downloaded on the site of the selected bank and come to the office with the already filled with forms.
  • Passport with registration - constant or temporary.
  • Copy of workbook.
  • Help 2-NDFL.

From the bank, in which the current loan is received, you will need a certificate with full debt information:

  • the date of registration and the number of the loan agreement;
  • credit term;
  • amount, currency;
  • interest rate;
  • the amount of monthly contributions;
  • debt balance;
  • borrower account number;
  • bank details.

Choosing a bank

In addition to a profitable interest rate, when choosing a bank, it is necessary to carefully examine the refinancing conditions - they are different in different institutions. If you need to repay loans of various orders, you should know that, for example, POS credits are not refinanceed in Sberbank and Rosbank (loans, decorated in retail outlets for the purchase of goods or services), in TranscapitalBank - debts credit cardsIn the "Russian Capital" you can repay only consumer loans.

Before contacting a specific bank, you need to explore all offers on the market - now almost all financial institutions, regardless of their rating, offer their services to refinance loans.

For information, in which banks the conditions are better?

Refinancing in Alpha Bank

Up to 5 loans, including mortgage, consumer, on credit card, can be refinanced by Alpha Bank and combine them in one loan. At the same time, you can order more than required to pay off debt, and use the balance for urgent needs. Conditions of this bank:

  • The loan amount is up to 1 million rubles.
  • Rates - from 13.99 to 17.99%, depending on the amount.

For salary clients rates below: from 11.99 to 15.99%. In addition, they can get a loan for refinancing for two documents. Customer Requirements Standard:

  • Russian citizenship.
  • Registration in the region of location of the Bank.
  • Age of 21 years.
  • Income - from 10 thousand rubles. per month.
  • Opening hours in one place - from 3 months.
  • Mobile and stationary phones.
  • The presence of a loan (loans) in another bank.

Refinancing in Binbank

This major capital bank in 2017 reduced rates under the refinancing program to 13.99 - 22.5% per annum (the previous rate is -14.99 - 22.99%). The maximum loan amount is up to 2 million rubles, credit period - from 24 to 84 months. The deposit and guarantee is not needed, but the borrower must comply with all other requirements:

  • Age - from 23 to 70 years for men and women.
  • The experience in one place is from 4 months.
  • Permanent registration in the area of \u200b\u200blocation of the bank.
  • Help confirming income, from work or from the Pension Fund.

Refinancing in VTB 24

One of the largest banks in Russia offers such conditions:

  • The loan amount is from 600 thousand rubles. up to 3 million rubles.
  • Term - from 6 months. up to 5 years.
  • The annual rate is from 13.5 to 17%, without commissions.
  • Insurance is not required.
  • There is a certificate of income: at least 20 t. R. For regions and from 30 tons. For Moscow.
  • Work experience in one place is at least a year.
  • The age of the borrower is from 21 to 70 years (at the time of debt repayment).
  • Positive credit history is required.

Refinancing in Rosselkhozbank

This bank for refinancing of loans from other banks issues ruble loans for up to 5 years. The maximum size is 750 thousand rubles for loans without collateral and 1 million rubles - with the provision. For employees of companies - salary partners of the Bank, the amount also comes to 1 million rubles. For this category of borrowers there are benefits in the form of a discount of 0.60% of the annual bet. Rosselkhozbank provides loans that do not exceed the balance of debt, so that additional funds will not be able to occupy. Bet - from 13.50 to 15% per annum. Financial institution provides penalties in the form of an increase in interest rates:

  • + 3% for the inappropriate use of the loan;
  • + 6% for failure to insurance.

Refinancing with current delay

Banks reluctantly take customers who are delayed by payments. Practically in all requirements for borrowers is a good credit history. And therefore, customers will have to prove that payments were not made not from malicious intent or by negligence, but for good reasons. First of all, an attempt to refinance or restructure the debt must be done in the institution to which the borrower owes. If the solutions were not found, it remains to contact other banks. Which of them go towards customers with delay?

"Home Credit"

This is one of the few banks that are ready to refinance loans with overdue payments. Of course, the bank does it in his own interests, and therefore will overestimate interest on the loan. The borrower can offer only the amount that will cover the principal debt. All penalties, penalties, who came up percentages and the Commission will pay the client himself. In most cases, the bank is taken to refinance only those loans, where the current proceedings are only a few days. In other cases, the client may receive a refusal.

Other banks

The same conditions for refinancing overdue loans are offered by other banks. Sberbank, with a positive decision, issues loans to repay debts with delay under 15.5 - 20 percent. Similar conditions in Rosselkhozbank, VTB24, Agricultural Bank. To appeal to one of these banks, you will need the same standard set of documents, plus an extract from the credit account with full information about payments and delay.

If you cannot get approval in large banks, then you can contact one of their MFIs, where there are loans with any credit history, but under very high interest.

Criteria for the choice of bank

The first criterion for choosing a refinancing institution will be the interest rate - which it is lower, the more profitable. But there are other points that you should navigate. It is better to stop your choice on those banks where they offer a fixed rate. If in percentage there are gradation "from" - "to", most likely, the best deals are designed to salary customers, depositors, VIP-card holders, permanent borrowers, etc. Accordingly, if there is an invoice in a specific bank - a salary, card, deposit, then it is worth noting that, for sure "its" client can offer good conditions.

Credit is a great opportunity Purchase the necessary property and use it, gradually paying the debt, and do not save the money for your dream over the years. But sometimes the credit burden falls in a grave burden on family budget, every month "eating" his lion's share. You can repay the acting loans by the refinancing target program.

The meaning of the refinancing mechanism is that the borrower, concluding a new loan agreement on more favorable terms, extinguishes one or more other debts. On the credit market there are many products for refinancing. To choose the best wayIt is important to know which banks are engaged in refinancing loans.

A competently selected refinancing program has undeniable advantages:

  • decline in interest on the loan;
  • decrease in the size of the mandatory monthly payment;
  • combining all loans to one if the loan is not the only one.

There is no need to memorize various payments, plan according to them cash spending, bypass various banks. Once a month there will be a single payment into a single credit institution.

Removing, in contrast to restructuring, improves credit history. Refinancing in the BLI report is reflected as early repayment of debt. The new loan is the following item.

It is possible to choose the most profitable program in the same bank where there is old debt, or in any other.

What banks make refinancing loans and under what conditions

Which bank can you get this service? In the sector banking services There is a powerful competition. Banks are interested in luring bona fide customers. They with hunting carry out other banks.

In turn, financial organizationsWith which the contract is valid, interested in holding their customers, of course, provided that they are not malicious defaulters. These banks refinance loans to their reliable borrowers.

Many banks offer a wide range of programs. Some are carried out targeted, mortgage loans, car loans. List of banks involved in refinancing programs, rather capacious:

  1. Sberbank of Russia. There are no fees for the provision of a loan. Rates vary in the range of 17.5-28.5%. Credit period up to 5 years maximum size Loans - 1 million rubles. Running new programThe rate on which is 14.9%.
  2. VTB 24. The product offered to customers has very favorable conditions: the amount of 100 thousand rubles. up to 3 million rubles., time up to 5 years, cost up to 17%.
  3. MDM Bank. You can make refinancing in the field of car loans and on credit cards. Launch times - from 1 to 5 years, an annual rate from 14.5%, the amount to 2.5 million rubles.
  4. Raiffeisenbank. Can offer potential borrowers refinancing in the ruble and foreign currency. Works on the most low percent And with the longest periods, up to 25 years. Bet - from 12.5% \u200b\u200bper annum.
  5. Gazprombank. There are proposals for losing mortgages with a low interest rate from 13%. Mandatory condition is the presence of guarantee, collateral.
  6. Rosbank. Credits citizens in the amount of up to 1 million rubles, up to 5 years, cost from 14 to 19%.
  7. Rosselkhozbank. Loan limit - 1 million rubles., Term - up to 5 years, annual interest - 21,8%.

It should be understood that the data set by banks on refinancing programs is basic. For each client, the calculation will be individual and in terms of time, and in the amount, and in the interest rate.

Having studied in which banks the most favorable conditions act, the borrower can correctly navigate and correctly choose best offer With its financial situation.

Conditions and procedure for registration

Before deciding on debt refinancing, learn a loan agreement should be attentive. If he is not alone, then learn all available. There are banks in which early repayment is prohibited, then the dedication is impossible. Many banks for early repayment provide for penalties, in this case you need to accurately calculate, or it is the path to the debt.

It is also necessary to understand that if the borrower has an unimportant credit history or there is a delay in payments, then the banks are unlikely to take a positive decision on his application. It cannot be refinanced by the restructured.

Banks do not carry out the unofficial loans.

The conditions for which almost all banks pay attention to: loan payments for at least 18 months, paid amount of debt - at least 20% before the end of the credit period.

The requirement is optional, but the banks welcome and willingly deal with the dedication of their customers - participants salary project This institution.

Also compulsory conditions for participation in the program are:

  • russian citizenship;
  • availability of registration (permanent or temporary) in the region where the bank is located;
  • age frames (requirements of banks are different, usually people should be no longer 23 and not older than 60-65 years at the date of repayment);
  • official employment, the duration of work in the last place is at least 4-6 months.

When the appropriate is selected financial institutionYou must apply, you can in the online mode. After the bank's adoption of a preliminary positive decision, the potential borrower addresses the department and provides an impressive document portfolio:

  • passport;
  • second document identifying personality (military ID, passport, pension testimony etc.);
  • a document confirming employment (employment contract, contract, a copy of the employment record);
  • documents confirming income, for example, Help 2-NDFL;
  • certificate of refinanted debt indicating the bank details and the number of the contract, a copy of the contract;
  • documents for ownership of any property;
  • the application indicates the existing contacts (rooms of stationary and mobile phones).

During a certain time, the Bank's experts analyze the data and decide. When complying with all necessary items, it is positive. The client submits in the previous bank an application for early repayment of the loan, then concludes a contract with a new lender. The Bank, which performs refinancing, performs operations without the participation of the borrower and extinguishes his debts by liding money to creditors. The client remains a contract and a new debt repayment schedule.

When refinancing a mortgage loan, additional costs are required to determine the liquidity of property and, accordingly, additional documents for the property object.

Nuances to pay attention to

Customers often ask the question: "Why can not take another loan with less percent for repayment existing debt? " The fact is that in this case, when considering the application there is a special banking program - scoring, evaluating the reliability and solvency of the client. It compares the amount of all payments with the borrower's confirmed income. With a negative result of processing, a bank loan will not be issued.

It is necessary to participate in the refinancing program, it involves finding reserves to repay debts by reducing the rate and increase the credit period.

Modern credit institutions are focused on customers and care about borrowers, but they act in their own interests. The minimum rate may be compensated by a large insurance, a commission for providing a loan, for payments, etc. Before concluding the contract, it is necessary to carefully examine it for the presence of such pitfalls. Refinancing makes sense only when the conditions for a new loan really, and not on paper, more profitable for the previous ones.

With the development of the banking sector in the country, the number of people who seek a loan grow every day. It helps to decide financial difficulties, Get an education or purchase your own housing. But due to the worsening of the economic situation, many borrowers begin to experience financial difficultieswhich gradually lead to overdue payments. Refinancing of loans from other banks helps not only avoid financial problems and a critical situation with the debt pome, but also reduce interest on loan.

In this article, we will consider the peculiarity of the refinancing procedure and find out where which banks today offer a similar service.

According to statistics, today almost every tenth client is drawn for the refinancing service, issued a loan. This big figure testifies to the relevance of this banking tool and forces attention to it.

Refinancing is a banking tool that allows you to get a new loan in order to repay the old one. In what cases do people turn to such a program and how profitable is it?

In essence, refinancing (or dedication) is a new loan that is taken to repay current debts. Banks today are increasingly beginning to develop such programs that, on the one hand, help customers solve their financial difficulties, and on the other, attract new borrowers.

For whom it is beneficial in more than And does the refinancing procedure reduce the cost of paying a loan?

There are 2 types of refinancing:

  • external (current debt closes another bank);
  • internal (occurs within one bank).

How does refinancing take place?

Certainly, the refinancing procedure is made by the bank not from good intentions.

Due to conscientious customers who are looking for ways out of a difficult situation, banks increase their base and replenish their credit portfolio. Before approve the application for dedication, any bank will be a very important customer selection criterion. No organization will pay a loan, according to which the client has already formed overdue payments, or were in the past delay.

It is checked enough quickly. Even if at the time of appeal to another bank, the borrower does not have current debt, it does not guarantee the approval of the application.

Overdue payment could be a few months ago, which lowered the customer's credit rating and reduced his chances of approving the application.

It should be understood that all information about loans issued, loan amounts, schedules and maturity rates are kept in a single credit bureau.

The Russian Bureau of Credit Stories (Reduced RBCI) is an organization established in order to systematize credit stories of all borrowers for banks, leasing and insurance companies, credit cooperatives and organizations. RBC has the most complete and actual information For all customers, which is constantly added and updated.

Before contacting another bank for the refinancing service, it will not be superfluous to find out your credit rating in this office and evaluate the chances in advance. The fact is that each refusal of another bank is also fixed in your history. In the future, the chances of obtaining a new loan will decrease even more, because the bank will see that earlier you have repeatedly received refusals from other financial institutions.

What is the meaning of the bank to go on a similar financial risk And enter into an agreement with the client who can become a potential defaulter?

Does this mean that once compromising their flawless credit reputation, the client can no longer count on the next loans?

Of course, each bank independently defines the client filtering algorithm with a "bad" credit history. The client who took 100 thousand rubles from the bank and stopped paying for the fourth month, will not be in one row with a borrower, which disciplined pays a loan for several years and only several times allowed overdue payment.

How does the refinancing procedure itself occur?

The scheme is quite simple and understandable.

  1. The client collects a package of documents for a new loan, fills the application for refinancing and refers to Bank No. 2.
  2. Bank No. 2 (to which the client addresses) considers the application and decides.
  3. With a positive decision, Bank No. 2 pays all debt to the Bank No. 1 (in which the Customer has a current loan). At the same time, the client is obliged to warn Bank No. 1 on his decision to pay off a loan ahead of schedule. The consent of the creditor in this case is not required, but, according to the terms of the contract, the client must prevent the decision in advance (the specific period is specified in the contract). Specialist of the bank number 1 must issue a certificate that reflects the amount to the full repayment of the loan to the current date.
  4. On the day of the transaction, the client signs a new agreement with Bank No. 2. Bank number 1 gives the borrower a certificate of full repayment loan. This reference, the borrower shows the bank number 2 for a purpose to confirm target use Money on the refinancing program.

Thus, the borrower appears the opportunity to begin the redemption program No. 2 on more sparing conditions (committed the refinancing procedure).

Considering your application in a new bank, analysts will carefully check the delay in loans and documents confirming income. Take a new loan to overlap the existing debt will be possible only if there are no delay.

What loans are refinancing?

Refinancing are subject to several types of loans:

  • mortgage;
  • auto lending;
  • target loans (goods);
  • cash loan.

Of particular feasibility of refinancing are credit programs, the maturity of which is over three years. This allows you to significantly facilitate debt repayment scheme. In the case of mortgage, when the loan period is several decades, a decrease in interest rate even 0.5% -1% will significantly affect the final amount.

It also makes sense to resort to this service if several credit products have gathered at the borrower, with different repayment schedules. One large creditFramework in another bank can immediately repay several products (card, mortgage, consumer loan). At the same time, you can even win at the interest rate.

Why do you need a borrower refinancing?

In order to understand the target and features of refinancing, let's figure it out, why do you need a borrower? Financial experts note several factors that lead customers to a decay decision.

For the service of dedication, the client can contact the Bank in three cases:

Sometimes the impulsiveness of signing the contract, without desire to delve into subtleties, figures and hidden commissions leads to the fact that the client takes financial obligationswho either can do it through time, or aware that he received a loan under unprofitable conditions. As a result, after a short time the borrower is aware of the gravity of the credit burden and its inconsistency in paying.

Not everyone manages to make a loan on favorable terms and sometimes awareness of this fact comes after a few months later. It is impossible to terminate the loan agreement, but it is possible to change its conditions.

Of course, no bank will not go to change the current terms of the contract, offering a lower interest rate. In this case, the refinancing procedure will help.

For some customers, this is the only possible chance to improve your financial situation, without spoiling a credit history and not be on the bench "Penterns".

When is it profitable to carry out refinancing?

In what situations to the client it is advisable to apply for a deduction service to another bank?

  • it is necessary to reduce the financial load and increase the loan period;
  • the desire to change the currency under the contract;
  • more profitable interest rates in another bank;
  • it is necessary to remove the arrest with protection property;
  • changing the payment schedule scheme (from the annuity to the differentiated circuit);
  • consolidation of credit products.

Let's now consider the feasibility of each case for refinancing.

  1. Reduced interest rates.

As for more favorable conditions and a reduced interest rate at another bank, here you need to be very careful. According to financial experts, the meaning in refinancing by other banks at more favorable terms is only when the interest rate will be at least 2% lower.

In other cases, a new loan agreement Only at first glance may seem to the rescue circle. In fact, it will still deeper in financial problems either take a large amount of time, nerves, and in fact, will not reduce the financial burden.

It is not necessary to resort to the refinancing procedure if several months remained before payment of full debt, since the amount of time that will have to spend on the design of the new transaction, will not pay off as a reward in the interest rate difference.

If we are talking about a long period of the contract (for example, mortgage), then a decrease in the rate even by 1% will significantly save.

Therefore, having such a bank loan, it will not be superfluous to periodically learn the terms of lending in other financial institutions.

  1. Increased credit period.

As for a significant increase in credit period in order to reduce the financial load, it should be very careful here.

Refinancing this type He enjoyed in great demand at the end of the "zero" when the dollar rate sharply increased and many borrowers were on the threshold of "financial collapse".

It is advisable to resort to this option if an unstable financial situation is observed on the market, the course increases, and the borrower receives the main income in rubles. Financial experts are generally recommended to take a loan in the currency in which the main income of the client receives.

Addressing the refinancing service, it should be understood that another bank will make limit on the current course, which will automatically increase the amount of the loan. But on the other hand, it will help stabilize the situation and avoid trouble with overdue payments in the future.

The difference of refinancing against loan restructuring

The main purpose of the loan restructuring is to change the terms of the contract, the purpose of which is to reduce the financial load. In fact, the contract is not closed, and its conditions change. The increase in the term of the loan agreement reduces the amount of the monthly payment, due to which the borrower turns out the opportunity to gradually pay debt.

Unlike refinancing, restructuring conducts the same bank in which the borrower has been issued a loan and, as a rule, the change in conditions is not associated with a change in interest rate.

Some confin the refinancing with restructuring, which actually means reissuing the current loan on the more "soft" for the client.

Agreeing to this procedure, the Bank goes to certain concessions to the Client, which this moment Located in a difficult financial situation and cannot fulfill financial obligations under the contract. But at the same time, the benefit of the bank is quite obvious.

First, the contract term increases, which means that the Bank will receive a big profit on the payment of commissions and interest.

And secondly, the client will gradually pay all the debts instead that the case will be transferred to the court.

What is needed for refinancing?

The registration of the service provides for the provision of a full package of documents, as when designing standard loans.

To take a new loan, you will need the following package of documents:

  • passport;
  • identification code;
  • documents of guarantors (if those are specified in the contract);
  • copy of the employment record;
  • certificate of income ((2ndfl);
  • credit agreement (current);
  • filled request for refinancing;
  • receipts on payment of the current loan;
  • help from the bank about current debt.

In addition to this standard package, some banks may require additional documents.

The situation with refinancing loans in russian banks Very different. In some banks there is a limiting loan for its own customers. Other financial institutions propose to refinance loans issued by other companies.

In which case credit organisation may refuse? If, when considering all documents and verification of credit history, the bank will doubt the solvency.

What to draw attention to the signing of the contract?

Before contacting another bank for the refinancing service, you need to explore the following points:

Step-by-step instructions for receiving refinancing

Advantages and disadvantages of refinancing of other banks

Today, many customers have already managed to use the refinancing service of other banks, assessing the advantages of this product.


  • the ability to change interest rates on more profitable;
  • the possibility of removing the unbearable financial burden by increasing the term of the loan agreement;
  • you can get a sum sufficient to repay the mortgage, with the aim of withdrawing collateral from the arrest;
  • consolidation of several loans;
  • changing the repayment schedule structure (transition from the annuity to the differentiated circuit).
  • the ability to change the main currency under the contract.

But, despite the visible advantages of the refinancing procedure, it is impossible not to note some drawbacks.


  • the procedure will require re-collecting documents, which entails a loss of time;
  • many banks take additional commission fees;
  • additional spending (notary, lawyer consultation, etc.)
  • the conditions of the new loan agreement can make more stringent requirements for the borrower.

What banks do refinancing?

Conducts the procedure for refinancing legal and individualsBy offering shutdown programs for auto loans, cash, cards, consumer loans.

The amount of refinancing consumer loan is up to 1,000,000 rubles.

Interest rate – 13,9 %

Term - up to 5 years.

Special conditions: validity of the current treaty - at least 6 months. Not less than 3 months before the closure of the contract.

The amount of lending is at least 200 thousand rubles.

Interest rate - up to 15%

Term - up to 7 years.

Special conditions: the possibility of closing one loan to three current loans. The validity period of the current treaty is at least 6 months. Not less than 3 months before the closure of the contract.

The application is considered up to 5 business days.

  1. Bank VTB 24.

The maximum loan amount is 3 million rubles.

Interest rate - 15%.

Term - up to 5 years.

The requirement for the client is official employment, 18 -65 years.

Special conditions: the possibility of closing one loan to 6 loans.

VTB Bank has 100% approval of refinancing applications if the borrower has not missed the loan repayment dates in the last 12 months.

The application is considered up to 4 business days.

The amount of refinancing is before. The bank does not delete currency loans.

Interest rate - from 16.5 to 25%. The interest rate depends on the amount.

Term - from 1 to 7 years.

The requirement for the client is official employment, 21 -65 years.

Special conditions: the experience in the last place of work is at least 6 months. The ideal credit history and the lack of overdue payments for the last 12 months is a prerequisite condition.

The application is considered up to 4 business days.

  1. Rosselkhozbank

Conducts the refinancing procedure of legal entities and individuals in rubles and currency, offering forwarding programs for auto loans, cash, cards, consumer loans.

The amount of refinancing consumer loan is from 100 thousand rubles to 1,000,000 rubles.

Interest rate - from 13.5 to 15%

Term - from 1 to 5 years.

For dedication of over 500 thousand rubles, a guarantor (individual) is required.

Requirement to the client - 23-65 years, 2-NDFL or 3 -NFFL.

Special conditions: the minimum balance of debt is at least 10 thousand rubles, the deposit of liquid property is necessary. The percentage of credit approval is higher than the average, but the credit history should not be corrupted in this organization.

Note that all banks set the minimum and maximum bar credit percent. It depends on many factors: loan amounts, term, borrower category. Therefore, selecting for yourself the most profitable refinancing program, ask for advice to the manager calculates your personal bid based on the real state of affairs.

Alpha Bank works mainly with large loans (auto, mortgage). Due to a long credit period, they represent the greatest attractiveness for the bank. Approval of the application will depend on the remaining credit period, the amount of debt.

The amount of refinancing of the loan is from 600 thousand rubles.

Interest rate - from 13.5.

Term - up to 5 years.

  1. Home Credit Bank.

This bank has a special loyalty to customers, even those who have overdue payments.

The maximum loan amount is up to 500,000 rubles.

Interest rate - 19.9% \u200b\u200b(one for all borrowers).

Term - up to 60 months.

The requirement for the client is official employment, 21-65 years.

The time of consideration of the application is up to 5 working days.

A new loan can close almost any credit (auto lending, mortgage, credit card).

Definitely answer the question in which of the banks it is more profitable to produce a credit refinancing - it is impossible. It all depends on the amount of the remaining debt and on the type of lending.

For example, with a mortgage better go to Alfa-Bank or Sberbank of Russia. And cash loan or consumer can be closed with the help of banks such as VTB24, Rosselkhoz Bank, home loan.

Video. Refinancing of mortgage


Refinancing is a fairly favorable and current service that allows you to get new loan In order to repay the old. At the same time, the conditions of the new loan agreement may be more gentle. If the borrower has financial difficulties that do not allow in the usual rhythm to repay current debt, this service can help avoid overdue payments. It will also help to keep the credit history positive.

According to financial experts, only a new loan will help to get out of the financial crisis, the annual rate of which will be at least 2% below the existing one. In other cases, the refinancing service only at first glance may seem like a rescue circle. In fact, he still deeper deeper into a debt pit either just take time.

Modern resources allow you to independently monitor banking proposals, comparing refinancing programs and choosing the most optimal for yourself.

Video. Who will help the dedication?

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