
What are checking banks in the approval of the loan. Can the bank find out where I work. How banks check borrowers: credit scoring

The popularity of loans and instant loans dictates their rules and methods when making decisions on issuing opportunities money. As the statistics show most customers who have received a refusal of lending, they sincerely do not understand why they were denied. And only 1/3 of potential borrowers perfectly disassembled in the methods of checking the banks of their customers. In principle, there is a specific pattern of actions that are guided by banks, but at the same time each credit structure has its own "trumps" and personal sources of information about the person of interest.

Each credit structure has its own "trumps" and personal sources of information about the person of interest.

How banks check borrowers at instant loans and loans

Usually people who addressed the instant loan wish to get a small loan, the return of which is designed for the near future. Banks, in turn, prefer to overestimate the rates on such short-term loans, as it reduces the risk of fundamental funds. The deadline for approval / refusal by the banking structure passes the most quickly and accelerated program. The potential borrower is offered to fill out the questionnaire and provide a passport with registration. After that, according to the data available, the Bank's specialists may find out:

  • how long have you been registered in a particular city, and how often you like to change registration;
  • do you have a family and juvenile children;
  • your marital status, since family people more often issued loans;
  • your place of work. It is quite possible to go to work and clarify the duration of your experience at the specified enterprise and middle salary per month.

As a rule, at instantaneous loans, this is more than enough, but some banks or neglect these requirements (they give a loan, believing all the data written in the questionnaire) or go to the search stick with the search for information (call close relatives and make them known about your intentions regarding loan).

Serious loans for a long time: check "under the magnifying glass"

During 3 to 10 days, the Bank's employees manage to test a bunch of affairs and learn a lot of interesting things about every potential borrower.

A large loan implies a long period of lending, so the risks to get another non-returnable duty from the bank is very high. In this regard, banks give from 3 to 10 days to consider each application for credit. During this time, the Bank's employees manage to turn a bunch of affairs and learn a lot of interesting things about each potential borrower.

Almost everyone large bank There are "their people" in the police, tax Inspection And the credit bureau, therefore, to assemble the truthful and generalized file to the client is not much difficult. This dossier is comprehensively evaluated by the Bank's employees, and the final verdict is already on its basis. In connection with this, the main rule of any borrower should be true, i.e. The more truthful and positive information about yourself, you provide, the higher your chances of getting the desired loan or loan.

Check borrowers by the bank when issuing a loan

Before you give a loan to a person, the bank must make sure that the client will return borrowed money completely and on time. For this credit organizations We produce different rules and methods for assessing the creditworthiness of the borrower. These rules are valid for all customers - both individuals and legal entities.

In this article, I will tell you how banks check borrowers when issuing a loan - individuals and entrepreneurs. Knowing general rules Checks, you can evaluate the likelihood of approval and refusal in advance, and if necessary, to adjust them.

General rules for evaluating the borrower

These rules are applied, regardless of the type of borrower, both to individuals and entrepreneurs. With the help of them, the bank receives a sufficient understanding of the solvency and reliability of the client. Consider them in more detail.

Assessment of credit history

First of all, banks pay attention to the credit history of the borrower. It is easiest to determine the reliability of the potential client and the probability of non-return of debt. The bank makes a request to the TsKKI to find out which borrowing from which the borrower is, after which it begins to work with these bureaus.

In the process of verification, the bank draws attention to the following indicators:

  • Number of redeemed and outstanding loans
  • The number and duration of the overdue - the focus is on races of duration of 30 days
  • The number of loans transmitted to collect collectors and bailiffs
  • Availability or absence of bankrupt status, Number of insolvency ads, last announcement date
  • The number of appeals in the BKA - both by the borrower and by credit institutions

Absence credit history Also considered a negative factor. In such a situation, the Bank is more difficult to predict the probability of a loan refund and evaluate the client's reliability. More stringent requirements may be presented to borrowers without credit history than to customers with positive or minor violations.

If the borrower extended all loans on time, did not take place and did not declare himself insolvent, then he is more likely to approve the application for a loan. On the contrary, frequent delay, debt transfer collectors and the presence of bankrupt status speak of a low customer reliability. This borrower almost always refuses loans.

Verification of documents

The bank then should consider the documents that the borrower has attached an application. Information from them will help the bank to confirm the personality of the borrower and evaluate its reliability. Documents are also checked for the authenticity and correctness of the design.

The composition of the package of documents depends on the specific proposal, the requirements of the bank and the type of the borrower. Most often, it includes a passport, a second document confirming personality, and income documents. It may also include employment, solvency and customer status. If the borrower is an entrepreneur, the bank will require registration and constituent documents, accounting reporting and tax Declaration. If the loan is issued on bail - documents for laid property.

The more information gives itself a borrower, better Bank will be able to appreciate it. Documents decorated with errors or insufficient information containing, the bank will rejoint and will require replace. If any details are fake, the bank will make an unfair borrower on the blacklist and report him to the police.

Check borrower on bases

In addition to credit history, the relaxing and objectives of the borrower can say information from other databases - state, municipal and banking. The bank is looking for information about the borrower for these bases, analyzes it and compares with the application. At this stage, the following information is studied:

  • Compliance with the passport data specified in the application, the registration address - in the database of the migration service
  • Information on registration in the IFTS, the property of the borrower and pay taxes - in the tax service bases
  • Debts not related to loans (unpaid taxes, fines, alimony) - in the database executive industries FSSP
  • The presence of offenses, their abandonment and severity - in the databases of the police, prosecutors and traffic police
  • The presence of condoms and status court proceedings - in the courts of ships
  • Violations of the Law 115-FZ "On Countering Legalization (Laundering) of Revenues" - in the databases of Rosfinmonitoring
  • Suspicions of fraud or violation of the rules for using the services of banks - in black customer lists

When issuing a credit on a passport, the Bank may learn this way about income, employment and marital status of the borrower.

If the facts that the bank receives from these sources, talk about the unreliability of the borrower, then the client may refuse a loan with a greater probability.

Learning the income of the borrower

The bank is important to check the solvency of the borrower - for this he studies its income. It is not only important for it, but also the stability of income throughout the credit period. First of all, the bank takes into account the official income that is subject to income tax (for individuals and IP) or income tax (for legal entities). Some banks take into account additional income - for example, from renting a housing or from valuable papers.

The organization also draws attention to regular mandatory spending, which may prevent debt repayment. These include payments for utilities, alimony, costs for minors and payments on other loans and loans (including car loans, mortgages and credit cards). The difference between the amount of income and the amount of expenses is formed by net income - key solvency indicator.

The main condition in assessing solvency - total amount The loan payment cannot exceed half the borrower's net income.

If the income size is not great enough, the bank may suggest to attract the coacher, reduce the amount or increase the term. High income does not always talk about solvency, as real income Such a borrower can sometimes be lower than that of the client with a small salary, but low loving.

Return estimate of the loan

The bank will be able to approve the loan borrower only if it is confident in his return. The return of the loan depends on the set of factors - the solvency and reliability of the borrower, the type of loan, the currency of issuing, economic situation and other factors. If the level of return is insufficient, the bank can use various methods His collateral:

  • Pledge. This form of support is most often applied. As a deposit on the loan, there is a liquid (which you can quickly sell) and quite valuable property of the borrower - real estate, personal transport, stocks and more. If the borrower cannot return the loan, the bank takes its deposit and sells it. The revenue amount goes on debt repayment
  • Guarantion. Here, part of the responsibility of the borrower is postponed to a third party. The guarantor will have to repay the loan itself, if this can not be able to make a borrower. The guarantor can act as a private and legal entity. It is imposed on the same requirements as the borrower
  • Warranty. This method is usually applied when issuing credits to entrepreneurs. According to the principle of operation, the guarantee is similar to surety, but with the difference that only a legal entity can act as the guarantor, and the amount of debt is repaid partly (according to the terms of the contract) and immediately. More information about guarantees you can learn here

Banks can use several ways to ensure repayments if allowed to make credit proposals. For example, except for the collateral, guarantee or warranty may be required.

If the probability of returning a loan is high enough and without collateral, then the bank is likely to approve the application. If the organization will doubt return, then it is most likely to offer one of the ways to ensure. Further conditions depend on the quality and adequacy of repayment.

Check collateral

If a loan or loan is issued on bail, then the bank must also check the laid property. This stage consists of two parts:

  • Assessment of a bank specialist. An employee must personally study the object of the pilable and check its compliance with the requirements. Based on the assessment, the value of the deposit is determined - the final loan amount depends on it.
  • Search for information in databases. This is so additionally confirmed by the belonging of the object of the borrowing of the borrower, as well as the absence of any encumbrances. Lowable property should not be arrested, to be in the process of sale or be already decorated as collateral

If the pledge does not comply with the requirements of the bank, is not owned by the borrower or already has burdens, then in a loan, drawn up for this deposit, will refuse, even if the borrower has high solvency and a positive credit history.

Underwriting and Sking

The final stage of assessing the risk of lending. In the process of underwriting, the Bank analyzes all the information about the borrower in the aggregate, and in the process of scoring is calculated credit rating. The techniques of underwriting and scoring each bank has their own, they are a commercial secret and not disclosed.

Based on thorough analysis and exposed points, the Bank takes the final decision - approve the application or not. In any case, he adds information about the application and solving it in the credit history. The result of the consideration of the application Bank informs the borrower.

Example credit score levels and their values \u200b\u200bare presented in the table:

Determining the quality of the loan

After issuing a loan, the Bank additionally assesses the risks and the amount of financial losses due to the client's failure to fulfill its obligations. In accordance with the assessment, the loan is assigned one of the quality categories. Such a classification facilitates a credit organization to create reserves for losses on outstanding loans.

The classification of quality categories and the order of their assignment determines the position of the Central Bank No. 590-P dated June 28, 2017. Types and parameters of the quality categories that it sets are presented in the table:

How do legal entities check

To legal entities, banks usually make the most stringent requirements. Business loans are often issued on large sumsAnd almost always - for specific purposes. Therefore, the bank is especially important to make sure that the creditworthiness and reliability of a particular organization.

During the assessment of companies, banks pay attention to the following indicators:

  • The credit history of managers and founders - is considered separately and in the aggregate
  • Business reputation company and its leaders. If a legal entity does not fulfill obligations to counterparties, it is more likely to be denied a loan
  • Date and place of registration of the company, its existence, actual and legal address, Availability of other companies registered on the head. If the address of the registration is massive, and the head - fictitious, then in the loan, with a high probability will refuse
  • Financial and economic indicators are the size and dynamics of revenue, the movement of funds in the accounts paid taxes, and others. These indicators are valued for the last 12 months
  • The number and cost of assets - real estate, transport, equipment, securities, goods in circulation and others. The bank may require some assets as collateral
  • For more information, which indicate the reliability of the company - the number of changes in constituent documents and authorized capital, the presence of reorganization or liquidation, the availability of legal proceedings (both both the company and the leadership) and other

For small business requirements are usually less stringent than to the middle or large, but most of them acts for him.

The process of consideration of the application for a loan for business takes a long time - up to several weeks. During this period, the Bank's staff learn all information about the company and draw conclusions about its reliability. Even insignificant at first glance factors - for example, registration in a mass address or violation of the conditions of one transaction - can cause a loan refusal.

How to evaluate individual entrepreneurs

Borrowers-IP Banks are considered simultaneously as individuals and as entrepreneurs. Specific requirements depend on the goal of lending - for personal needs or on business development. If the loan is issued in consumer purposes, the borrower is considered from the position of the private client. If you need a loan for business - more attention is paid to the financial and economic indicators of the PI.

In any case, the Bank takes into account the following parameters of the borrower:

  • Credit history IP
  • The term of existence and actual activities
  • Revenue level, size of taxes and fees, net profit, lack of salary debts
  • Business reputation, lack of criminal or administrative offenses
  • The presence of property owned by IP, which could be used as collateral

In entrepreneurs who use USN, PSN or UNVD, the probability of credit approval may be lower than when used.

Also, the Bank will have to make sure that the IP will not spend a business loan for personal needs or consumer - for the needs of the business. Inappropriate use of money can threaten the bank with no return, and the client is additional penalties. Therefore, during the application or after it, the Bank may additionally require confirmation of the use of money - for example, request checks, payments or contracts with counterparties.

How to check individuals

For individuals, all the basic rules for assessing creditworthiness and reliability are valid. But since this category of customers is extensive enough, then the banks allocate additional criteria for different types of borrowers and loans. For them, banks can more effectively assess customers and make decisions.

During the study of solvency, preference is given to those who are employed officially and is able to confirm their income in reference 2-NDFL, and employment is an employment book or contract. People receiving salary or part of it "in the envelope" have a smaller chance of approval of the application. To further confirm revenue, the bank can contact the employer or request statements on accounts and client cards.

When analyzing an individual, banks often evaluate the social characteristics of the borrower - marital status, the presence and age of children, the situation and status in society, and many others. You can do this in different ways - from calls to relatives and employers to additional interviews. Some banks learn the pages of borrowers in social networks - information from them can say a lot about the goals and reliability of the client.

Depending on the category of the borrower, additional requirements may be presented to clients. The pensioner needs to confirm the fact of receiving a pension, a student - to provide information on the place of study, the disabled person to transfer disability documents. A man of recruiting age will have to confirm the passage of military service or a delay from it - care to the army increases the risk of no return.


Specific methods for evaluating borrowers depend, first of all, from the bank. The same client under the same conditions can get approval in one organization and refusal to another. But the general rules and principles of studying customers remain the same, and together with them - and general requirements. If you support a positive credit history, have a fairly high official income and not commit serious offenses, then your application will approve in any bank.

Most of these rules act in microfinance organizations - IFC and ICC. But such companies are usually less strict to customers due to the features of microloans - lower amounts and short time. IFC and ICC more often approve of applications from those who refuse banks, but also risk at the same time much stronger due to a large number of dubious borrowers.

Nikolay Potapov

He worked as a lawyer in a large microcredit company, because of the crisis he fell under the reduction. He knows the laws that regulate the credit sphere. Nikolai will tell you how to properly use loans and what to do if you have a debt.

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How can banks check the borrower before issuing a loan?

When someone has a desire to take a loan in a bank, immediately becomes obvious that documents will be required. And, depending on the amount, the number will be varied. After they are filed, as well as the appropriate statement is written, you will need to wait. But why does the bank can immediately make a decision? Everything is simple - he needs to check the information provided and learn about you.

So how does this mysterious data verification take place? According to which principle, it is carried out and what data is asking for a bank about you? Where is credit history stored and is it just important? It is about this that we will talk in our article, as well as tell me - which criteria are especially important when making a loan in the bank.

How banks check customer income

The key point in decision making, of course, is the income of the client. Its size should be sufficient for monthly payments, while the bank must be guaranteed in its stability. The higher the amount requested, the more thoroughly checked and the data specified in the application (questionnaire) are checked.

The size of official income

The information is subject to information for 3-6 months. First of all, if there is official income, 2-NDFL format certificates are requested, which show salary for required deadline. But the certificate can be another sample, because various institutions may have a slightly different format.

However, even if you have informal income, you can approve a rather large amount. It will be directly related to your credit history, although such earnings bearing a large amount of risks.

There are a lot of cases for fake such certificates For the sake of obtaining a large amount on credit, but such fraudulent actions are easily revealed. Regardless of the place of work and size of the company, find out the actual income on the call, writing or request, as a rule, is not difficult.

Cost ratio and income

Even with a sufficient amount of income, it may end up as sufficient. Many banks are asked to specify information on where you live, how much pay for the content of the housing, are there any other existing loans and do you have dependents.

In the interests of the Bank, approve loans to those people whose expenses occupy less than half of the revenue received. Plus, the need for the payment of alimony or the content of children (other relatives) is taken into account. You should not specify false information or hide the need to pay alimony. If they were


How can banks check the borrower when issuing a loan?

Turning to the bank with the intention to get a loan, the client must be ready not only to provide a certain set of documents and information, but also to answer many questions of the credit expert. To minimize all possible risks, before approve a loan application, the Bank exposes all the received verification data. First of all it concerns credit history. However, lenders may be interested in other life circumstances of their customers. And what more information They will get, and the more positive it will characterize the borrower, the most likely a loan will approve.

Potential borrowers are conventionally divided into 2 categories. The first are those who already have a positive credit history in any bank, which is one of the confirmations of their responsible attitude towards debt obligations. Ever admitted minor delay in payments are likely to not prevent new CreditIf the client data satisfies all other reliability criteria.

Another category is a kind of "risk group". It includes customers who have never taken a loan in any bank, as well as those who have already acquired a disadvantaged credit history. We are talking about repeated and long delay payments.

What do this data affect? Based on the client information, the bank determines:

  • the amount of money loan;
  • interest rate;
  • the sum of the minimum monthly payment;
  • credit periods.

How does a surge system work?

Today, the lending system is actively developing, and many organizations offer to issue a small loan literally in a couple of hours. But how can banks check the borrower for such a short time? The fact is that customer questionnaires are carefully studied directly by the bank employees only in cases where a large amount is indicated in the application. In all other cases, the processing of information produces a special program - scoring.

Surging works on a standard algorithm and helps to quickly evaluate the fragility of the future borrower. This program has access to different databases and can check how honestly the client filled the questionnaire and indicated passport details, information about its work site, family composition, etc.

Do not forget that during the processing of applications for small sums Credit experts still contribute to the questionnaire. As a rule, they estimate the appearance and behavior of the client during a visit to the bank. Lovely clothes, incoherent speech and restless behavior during the conversation adversely characterize the potential borrower, and the marks of this can increase the chances of hitting the "risk group".

All other data relating to the client's financial position analyzes scoring. These include:

  • availability of movable and immovable property;
  • availability of a permanent job;
  • official income;
  • the presence of dependents;
  • data on criminal record, etc.

Scoring programs have access to the National Bureau of Credit Stories. There they receive information about previously issued loans, the procedure for holding payments, the presence of overdue and outstanding debts. If the client already has a rich credit history, interest for the bank is primarily large loans for a long time. In some cases, the total number of days of delay can be assessed as the temporary difficulties of the borrower and not to play a special role.

After all the necessary information about the client is received, scoring assigns the corresponding points to each checkpoint. An important factor It is the honesty of the client, that is, the exact compliance of these data and information found by the program. Evaluation criteria depend on the Bank's policy.

In some controversial cases, the application can still be approved (mainly when it comes to regular bank customers or a particularly advantageous loan). Thus, the final decision always accepts a credit expert, and not the program.

How do the borrower check before issuing a loan?

After the client submits a package necessary documentsFor the next few days, the security service is verified. To issue a consumer loan, you usually make a request to the BKA and call to work. Also, the client will definitely be tested for the presence of criminal proceedings, and in the case of the detection of the fact of criminal record, the loan will be denied.

Checking application for mortgage will be more solid. Security service will definitely make a call to the site of the borrower and may ask the head or colleagues about it (and the calls will not call the number specified in the questionnaire, but by telephone obtained from other sources). In some cases, bank employees can even visit this organization. The check must also go through all the data and documents of the co-serviceer, i.e. Guarantor.

With regard to express loans, the client is not subject to particularly thorough check, many parameters are not considered. In this case, the Bank is always risk, and therefore increased interest are usually assigned to such loans.


How banks check borrowers: credit scoring

For long-term and complex checks of borrowers from banks, as a rule, there is not enough time. Therefore, with quick loans, the risks are laid in the percentage of the cost of the loan, which may exceed standard credit programs in two or three times.

At the same time, rarely which banks check the data through tax serviceSince verbally this information is not provided, but a written answer to wait for too long.

There is a quick automatic check - scoring. It saves time, but is suitable only if the amount of the loan is low.

Credit Skorgan system

Surging is a computer program - a system that is used by banks to determine the potential creditworthiness of the client. At the same time, some software options go with the built-in function of automatic improvement in their level by systematic analysis of previous results of customer assessment.

Undoubted advantages for banks in the implementation of these programs are a decrease in time for processing customer personal data and preparation of conclusions about its creditworthiness, reducing the load on personnel, as well as the elimination of possible manifestations of fraud in branches.

Scoring is most convenient when issuing small express loans, where time is extremely important.

When checking, the client's credit history is specified primarily. Usually not only in the current bank, but also through the bureau of credit stories in others financial institutions. Next analysis of the number of workshop workshop, the region of residence associated with it potential costs. Then an analysis of the place of work and challenge staff. If the company is small, and the income is reduced large, the bank employee can go to the place to inspect the office.


How to check when issuing a loan? Credit products

In many financial institutions, the procedure for checking the future credit client is similar. However, each bank has its own approved rules and norms of verification. That is why it becomes a refusal to one bank you can get approval in another. How do you check when issuing a loan?
In the Customer's questionnaire, the entire completed information is checked. Especially carefully checked the stability of living in the last place and the term of work at the enterprise. Data on accommodation, if they coincide with registration in the passport, are usually not checked. But if a person lives at a address that differs from registration, a call is always made to clarify this information and preferably from independent sources, and not by phone specified by the client.

Carefully studies the area of \u200b\u200bthe questionnaire, where the current or past credit history of the borrower is indicated. Very often, people are trying to hide that they used to have already used lending services. This is usually due to the negative credit history of the client.

In addition to the questionnaire, information on the positive or negative history of lending contains a bureau of credit stories, a cooperation agreement with which has most financial organizations and banks. Therefore, even if the borrower did not write this in the questionnaire, the lender still learns about this and consider it as a negative characteristic of the client.

A phone call is a mandatory stage of checking the solvency and honesty of the future credit client. As a rule, telephone calls are made in three directions:
- employer of the borrower;
- the person himself;
- contact person specified in the questionnaire;
When a call to work, the entire information specified in the certificate of income and the questionnaire is simultaneously. The call is performed necessarily in the accounting department to confirm the amount of income and the direct supervisor to clarify qualitative characteristics man. When you call a potential borrower rechecked the personal data. All clearly answers the client, whether it does not confuse, it does not knock down when the place is called his work, the name of the head and his position, etc. The contact person in the telephone mode is specified by all the information that he owns about the client and is checked with the questionnaire. For greater certainty, you can ask for another common acquaintance for the recheck. Very often, with cross matches, all untruth information is revealed, which, in turn, adds a negative opinion about man.
A certificate of income of the future borrower is checked both in the telephone mode and databases. The last name and name of the director specified in the help is checked. The inspection is also subject to work experience on the organization. After all, today many fake references are sold even on the Internet. Amounts in the help, which are identical to each other - this is exactly fake. This means that a person never fell sick for six months and did not go on vacation.

The passport is also checked on the authenticity also in the databases of lost passports and the correctness of the design of the original is checked. The passport and husband / wives of the potential client is checked. If sellers participate in the transaction - their passports also be checked.

When checking documents on mortgage Attract legal servicewhich imposes all the rules of laws in the documents submitted. Also, the documents on the apartment are tested in single Registrycontrolling the rights to real estate. Since the property can be arrested and then the transaction will be simply invalid. The inspection is also a certificate of prescribed people on the housing. Since you can buy an apartment in which one of the owners will stay.

So, to compile an objective opinion about the future credit client Bank specialists use all databases available to them and checks. After all verification works, a final solution is made on the client. Therefore, a positive or negative loan decision depends entirely on the person himself and the truthfulness of the information filed.

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Customer checks: how bank borrowers are checked

How the client is checked before issuing a loan in a bank

Get a bank loan - For many people, this is the only one possible method buy a car, apartment, household appliances etc. However, the loan is far from every person. To do this, you must have a flawless credit history.

About, how the client is made in the bankMany know, but rather vaguely. Meanwhile, good credit history will help you not only get consumer credit, but also to significantly reduce the interest rate. Very often, the Bank offers the client for those or other conditions precisely according to the results of the inspection.

Know, as the client is checked, It is important to each potential borrower. IN banking business There is such a procedure as underwriting or scoring. For example, Sberring in Sberbank is implemented not so long ago. During this procedure, the Bank estimates how much the likelihood of the credit of the loan by one or another client is. According to the results of scoring, a decision is made: whether to issue a loan to the borrower and if you produce, on what conditions.

A key role in making such a decision is played by a credit history: whether a man took a loan in a bank, how long he paid the body of the loan and interest, did not occur with conflict situations and litigation. Good or bad credit history - good base For consent or refusal to issue a loan.

Checking customers in the bank begins with contacting the central catalog of credit stories. It is here that the title parts of all credit stories are stored. Turning to the TsKKI, you can find out what the credit historical bureau contains data on this or that physical or to a legal entity.

It should be noted that the assessment of the solvency of the client each bank is carried out according to its own methodology. In addition, any lending program can have their key requirements for the borrower. Nevertheless, there are a number of provisions that take into account each bank by checking the client.

As a rule, the client submits the documents and the completed questionnaire. The credit inspector must check the accuracy of these information, namely:

  • income size, their source
  • marital status
  • if the client remains without work: does he have additional sources of income
  • as far as it is in demand in the labor market and how fast he can find a new job
  • the presence in the family of dependents and so-called burdensions (payments for existing loans, alimony and so on).
  • The bank may be interested in how real loan payment

Therefore, we assume to understand this kind: they are aimed at creating a picture of your solvency.

Degree as the client is checkeddepends on the amount of the requested loan. If it is small, check will take no more than an hour. Otherwise, the check will require more time, and it will be especially thorough. Most likely, the bank will turn to the place of your work to check the accuracy of information provided by you regarding earnings and your position in the company.

The bank also interests your law. A person who had previously had a criminal record will hardly be a welcome client.

In the case when the credit inspector has doubts about the accuracy of the information provided, it connects to the bank security service.

After that, as the client is checked, There is a conclusion about whether it corresponds to the criteria for the bank to its borrowers. Following the way, the Bank announces its decision: to issue a loan or refuse. Sometimes a compromise solution is made: the loan is issued, but its amount will be less than that asked the client.

How does the Bank Security Service check?

Each bank leads its black list not payers. These are open information on criminals, fraudsters, addicts, etc. To share your black base Bank does not want and will not be, because This is illegal and not profitable. therefore common base non-payers do not exist. I repeat once again, does not exist!


Learn how banks make a decision to issue a loan

So that the loan returned with the percentage, the bank should make sure your financial and social trustiness. Therefore, before lending you will be carefully checked. In the article, we will tell how banks check the borrower with nine filters.

Filter First: Sociodemographic

Each Bank leads statistics on borrowers. Suppose the Bank "Chamomile" determined that borrowers from the villages pay not so good as the townspeople, and the youth more often makes delay than older people. And if a twenty-year-old guy from the village comes to the "chamomile" for a loan, he will immediately receive a refusal of socio-demographic signs.

If you come for a loan to the bank branch, employees will appreciate your appearance and tunes. A polite man in the jacket causes more confidence than the richish mascan in an elongated vest.
If you are trying to get a loan on the Internet, then banks will gather about you information on cookies - from which you know which online pages you went to latelyWhich products have been interested in what purchases made. This data will serve as a primary assessment material: whether it is worth studying your biography further or easier to refuse immediately.

Filter Second: Revenues

If you are a hired employee, the bank will ask for a 2-NDFL reference - find out the size of the official income. To make sure the authenticity of data 2-NDFL, the bank will check your deductions to the FIU. Therefore, do not ask the Accounting "to draw" the salary more actual - expose.
Another bank will relate to your s / n from the average s / n specialists of your profile in the region to understand what income you can receive in case of dismissal from the current place of work. If your s / n will be higher than the market, the credit conditions will be calculated from the average s / n.

Filter Third: Employer

After checking the income, the bank will switch to the source of these income - to the employer. The bank must make sure that your employer has a stable financial condition - Then the salary will be paid regularly and in full. Well, if you work in a large company, which has long been on the market.

Filter Fourth: credit history

Credit history is the most important document for the bank. If you have a bad credit history, get ready for failure.

In credit history, the bank is watching:
crediting experience: how many and when loans took, whether there are current loans
delay: how big and frequent
Extreme cases: recovery, bankruptcy, debt transfer collectors.

What else can the bank in credit history be interested?
The number of requests for loans to other banks has recently. If there are more than 5, this is a clear indicator of your acute interest in the loan - "alarming bell" for the bank. If applications are a bit and all approved, then the bank considers that you select the most profitable option.

If other banks denied loans, a potential lender will begin to find out the reasons. The worst option - "The application contains signs of fraud." This is when data in a loan application is not appropriate true. The loan will definitely refuse.

Long (or credit) Load shows which part of the income you give to repay loans. It is difficult to get a new loan if 40% of revenue goes to repay old.
Your salary affects the level of debt burden. When salary 20 thousand rubles per month, you can pay 5 thousand rubles on loans. - That is, 25% income. When salaries are twice as bigger, you are already able to pay the bank of 16 thousand rubles. - 40% income.

Will adversely affect your debt burden credit cards, including unused. The bank considers the debt burden as if you spent money from all credit cards and every month pays 10% of the amount.
If you have an empty credit story, - you never took a loan or the last 24 months in credit history did not change anything - the bank connects additional "filters". The fact is that the borrower with an empty credit history is an unpredictable borrower. Even if everything is in order with income

How can banks learn credit history?
When applying for a loan, borrowers give permission to check their credit history. To do this, it is enough to put a tick in the corresponding paragraph. If you do not allow the bank to check your credit history, the loan will refuse.

Five filter: scoring

Surging is an analytical tool that predicts your payment discipline based on the aggregate of factors: credit history, credit load and amount of debts, the number of loans and other failures. The scoring is used by the scoring system - the higher the score, the greater the chances of the credit approval.

Your scoring rating is rated in the range from 300 to 850 points. If the points are less than 600, the loan will be difficult to get difficult, it is easier to contact MFIs or make a credit card. From 690 points you are the desired client of any bank.
Read more about how banks evaluate the scoring borrower, read here:

Read more about how banks evaluate the scoring borrower, read here.

Filter Six: fines and violations

If the credit history is all right, the bank will turn to additional sources of information: administrative and criminal offenses, traffic police fines. Automatically reject applications with people with "economic" crimes in the biography, as well as those who recently committed a crime, because high risk of recurrence. Also, banks are interested in noncristed debts - alimony, housing and communal services, taxes.

Seventh filter: Social situation, network behavior

If the previous filters are passed, the bank will go to your social status: age, family status, children, education, property, earnings, etc.
Bank can even see your profiles in social networks. Why do you need it? Photos will tell about your life and social environment: where, how and with whom you spend time. Posts on the wall will help to make a psychological portrait. If you often post a suicidal poems, the bank may refuse the loan. He will play in minus and what you hide in social networks under the other name Iil photo.

Filter Eighth: Contacts

The bank will ring all the phones that you specify in the questionnaire. Make sure that all the phones work, and the person who is specified in the questionnaire is responsible for the call. Incorrectly indicate the phone reception when specifying the phone or accountant phone. Write direct staff numbers.

Filter ninth: Guarantor and pledge

Want to take a loan on bail - the deposit will be checked separately. The same with guarantors and coaches - they will be checked as carefully as you. If when checking will find a negative, or refuse, or it is proposed to change the guarantor / co-coacher.


When the bank gathered all the information about you, it will go to the evaluation of key factors:
Positive credit history - loans were, there was no overference. This is a big plus.
Credit load does not exceed a third of income. Then the bank will calculate the loan and repayment plan to your income.
High scoring score will determine the credit conditions and interest rate.

How to look at yourself through the eyes of the bank

Find out where your credit history is kept using the Help from the Central Committee
Get credit history
Learn your scoring score

Having granted a loan, any bank exposes itself to a certain risk - the borrower may be unfair and not return the money taken. To protect yourself from such situations, each bank develops its methods to combat non-payers. These are various methods for checking the borrower's solvency: guarantee, provision of a loan to certain categories of the population and other methods.

Basically, the test conducted by the Bank can be divided into three types:
  • standard;
  • loyal;
  • automatic.
With standard verification, the following factors are taken into account:

1. Compliance of the data of the borrower criteria for target groups on a given lending program. Restrictions can be administered by the age of the borrower, according to its work or in terms of income and for other parameters;

2. Compliance of the customer's data, which he said about himself, with the data specified in various bases - Pension Fund, HEU, Tax Inspectorate and others;

3. The absence of debts to banks and the positive credit history of the borrower;

4. Verification of the authenticity of the documents provided by the Borrower, first of all passport is checked, employment history, place and work experience, earning level;

5. Telephone verification (all of the organizations specified by the borrower are - the place of the current and past works, educational institution, issued a diploma of education, others mentioned in the documents of the institution), during which the authenticity of the data remained about themselves the applicant for the loan;

6. Making calculation by credit calculator, during which not only the level of income of the borrower, but also paying alimony or payments to previously taken loans, the number of dependents and their age, other financial obligations.

Similar thorough check is carried out and in relation to each of the guarantorsif the presence of such is mandatory condition To get a loan. If the borrower leaves its property as collateral as collateral, it is also subject to verification - its market value, liquidity, condition and other criteria.

Loyal check It is less thorough. Under its action usually fall regular customers Bank with a positive credit history or contribution to this bank, people with this bank salary map, employees of organizations belonging to the budget sector. In many banks of this category of citizens, loans can be provided for more favorable conditionsthan other potential borrowers, and to obtain a loan, they are usually required to provide much less documents.

Many banks practice establishing automatic check Data borrower or scoring for approval of small loans or during car loans secured by property. With these lending types, the Bank is not exposed to a large degree of risk, therefore, its requirements are respectively less.

What type of checking to choose when granting money on a certain loan line is the bank prerogative. For some banks, it suffices to check the authenticity of the passport and marks indicated in it or documents confirming the availability of ownership of the borrower, and for others, only a sufficient guarantee can serve as a complete package of potential client documents, up to the diploma on education and birth certificate.

After you have applied to the bank for a loan, the Bank's employees begin to check the information you specified when filling out the loan application. As a rule, besides your personal data, the bank requires that you indicate information about your current employer. In order to make a decision about whether to give you a loan bank must assess the potential risks of this event, and for this bank employees, among other things, check your employer.

Checking the employer company occurs in several stages:

Checking the company using the Spark System
Spark is an informational and analytical system that allows you to check any information about any legal entity And analyze in the automatic mode of the risks of cooperation with him. SPARK system enables bank to check tax reporting companies, and conclude how profitable this organizationAnd how much, she can be trusted. There are in the system and black lists of the company in which you can get after the violation of Russian legislation.
In addition, the Bank can check the contributions to the Pension Fund and the Insurance Company.

Studying the company's website
To begin with, the company's availability is checked and its performance. A company that does not even have the most simple-site business card on a free hosting look very strangely, and also suspiciously a company with which the site is disconnected for non-payment.
Further analyzes the company's activity, which products and services it offers.

Card file of arbitration cases
In this specialized site, the bank can check in which barys participated in your employer, what trials go to this moment time.
In addition, when checking the employer, the credit history of the company's head and all co-founders will be checked. If your company is serviced in the same bank where you ask for a loan, then the risk manager of the bank, including analyzes the company's account transactions. The appearance of a bank of any negative information in the field of view can lead to the fact that the Bank will refuse to issue a loan.
Telephone call
At the final stage of the test procedure, bank employees will call your employer by phone. Moreover, in order to check, they usually call no phone numbers that you recorded on credit, but on those that are indicated on the official website of the company or in the Spark system. Talking banking professionals prefer with employee staff or person who acting his duties.
First of all, they check whether you really work in the company. Next, request the date and number of the order of employment, your current position, salary size. Specify whether you have disciplinary recovery, do not plan you to dismiss for any reason. May ask if the employer considers a good, reliable and responsible employee and what plans he has about you.
The whole set of checks, in essence serves one goal: the bank should make sure that you have a stable and sufficient income to repay the loan, employed and your employer will not disappear in the fog, at least in the next few years. Thus, the issuance of a large loan physical lick - This is not only a sign of trust personally to you, but also the quality indicator of your current employer.

When contacting a bank for a loan for any credit Program The information provided by citizen is subject to careful inspection within special banking procedures. As a result, the Bank receives an idea of \u200b\u200bthe solvency and creditworthiness of the potential borrower, decides on the possibility of lending or refusal in this, and also determines the available loan amount and its other parameters.

What is the inspection of a potential borrower

Customer checking (underwriting) The future lender is carried out in an automatic and manual version.

Automatic analysis is convenient when studying a citizen who apply for a slight loan in size. The verification is made by a small amount of information provided by the citizen, therefore does not take much time, and the result becomes known for 5-30 minutes.

The manual mode check provides for the provision by the client for more information about employment, income, property (property), the presence of debts. This type of check is carried out by several creditor units (credit, legal, mortgage departments, security service), so it can last several days to several weeks.

Reduce the time of verification and increase the chances of a positive solution to the issue of credit application It helps to provide the maximum full package of necessary documents and the accuracy of information.

IMPORTANT! The presence of inaccurate data or discrepancies in the information may cause a negative decision of the bank on a loan application, and the instructions of the liquid property, which is the property of the applicant (apartments, vehicles, cash deposits, Shares) indicates its good solvency and increases the chances of convenient lending conditions.

A positive credit history of loans in other banks (existing or redeemed) indicates that it is strictly compliance with the payment discipline by the client, which also positively characterizes it. If there are problems in the BKA report, which arose no about the fault of the borrower, confirming documents should be submitted.

To confirm the official income, banks request the provision from the employer certificates in form 2-NDFL. The document reflects actually earnings of the applicant from which the deductions are made in Pension Fund and FSS. The PF does not issue information on the requirements of banks, so the lenders are not sent to the PF requests for the amount of deductions from the incomes of citizens.

Check authentication of certificate of wages Banks may result from calling the employer to confirm the fact of issuing a document and the accuracy of the information specified in it.

During a telephone conversation with a representative of an employer organization of a potential borrower, a bank employee can clarify the fact of the actual employment of a citizen in this company, his position, the overall duration of work.

For your information! The bank is interested in issuing each loan, but the issuance of any amount must be carried out with the minimized risks of non-return of debt. All applicants conducted by the applicants are aimed at the creditor's fence from fraud, non-credit citizens and possible losses in general.

Checking for scoring system

The system method refers to an automatic version of the applicant verification. The computer program includes information regarding the financial and property status of the applicant for a loan, including information about:

  • official employment;
  • general actual income of a citizen;
  • available in property of a citizen of property (movable, immovable);
  • the presence of loan debt, including overdue;
  • involvement in litigation.

The credit specialist introduces your data, the system evaluates you and provides a credit (scoring) score - from 300 to 850.

The percentage of approval of applications on the scoring system is quite high. But the issued amounts are small, and interest rates on such loans are overestimated, due to which banks reduce their own risks of non-return of issued resources.

For your information! The credit manager lies its own assessment relating to external view And the manners of customer communication. If these factors are noted as negative, the ability to get a loan will be small.

Check when consuming consumer loans

Together with the application for a consumer loan and the questionnaire, the applicant must transfer the document to the credit manager. Among others, it should be confirmed by the personality of a citizen (passport, military ID, a driver's license) and its official employment (F.2-NDFL from the employer's organization).

The security service will be checked by the applicant's employment, place of residence, the presence of condoms. B2 report will be requested.

With successful passage of the procedure, the client is notified of the preliminary approval of the application and is invited to the office for signing the contract with the Bank and receiving money.

For your information! In a number of banks, the Client proposes to issue an insurance contract (the life and health of the borrower, the non-return of debt). In case of refusal of insurance, the loan will not be issued more often or will be issued on elevated interest rate.

Check when contacting a mortgage loan

The procedure for evaluating a citizen who wants to get a long-term mortgage loan is usually much more complicated and longer. The bank finds out the ability of the borrower on timely repayment of payments, the credit history and prospects for labor employment of the client, the following property is estimated from the position of the adequacy of debt coverage in the event of problems with the return of borrowed funds.

After submitting an application, the manager conducts scoring and individual underwriting, after which it is estimated mortgaged property And its legal purity is determined.

Regarding the pledge, the Bank makes its own decision, based on the report of the appraiser (independent), the conclusion of the insurance organization. Analysis is subject to everything technical documentation on real estate, data on owners and burdensions (from the state register of transactions).

According to the results of scoring, it is automatically denial to persons who are not relevant to the established criteria for solvency, the age of the borrower, the experience, the quality of credit history and other general conditions.

Representatives of the security banking service check the accuracy of the information provided by citizens, the presence of a violation of the law in its biography of the facts. Requests are possible:

  • in the migration service (about the accuracy of the applicant's passport);
  • in FTS (about reality INN);
  • in service bailiffs (on the presence of outstanding fines or enforcement proceedings).

The application with the conclusions of the relevant divisions of the Bank is transferred to the collegial body (Credit Committee), which makes the final decision on the possibility of making a mortgage loan and its terms (amount, period, interest rate, the size of the first contribution) or to refuse to lending.

For your information! When applying a borrower for receiving a non-target mortgage, a check may be somewhat simplified due to the fact that bank risks Provided by the security deposit already available to the client. But some relaxation against the necessary documents and inspections performed will be compensated for higher (than with target mortgage) interest rate.

Customer check in MFI

Issue online credit in microfinance organization You can in small sizes. But even when issuing not too much a significant loan, a citizen is tested for solvency and the absence of criminal intentions.

  • The initial stage of checking begins at the time of the client's presence on the MFI website. The lender always alarms the application by the client with the application with the maximum allowable loan size almost immediately after entering the site without prior to familiarize with the terms of issuing a loan and a bilateral lending agreement.
  • With the help of a special software, the history of the applicant's browser is studied. The application will not receive approval if a large variety of simultaneous applications are identified in credit organizations or the complete lack of a browser history. The latter circumstance may be the result of a special cleaning from the client, which has changed the previous IP address.
  • A citizen's telephone number is automatically sent with a request to the BKA to obtain information about its credit history. If the specified number will be associated with any fraudulent actions or a large number of requests from other MFIs will appear on it, as well as the presence of large debt to other creditors, then a citizen will refuse a citizen in issuing a loan.

The duration and complexity of the verification undertaken in respect of the client depends on the amount of the amount requested by them and the presence / absence of collateral. In any case, the true and accurate information should be provided in order not to be listed in the category of unreliable customers, thereby depriving themselves the opportunities to receive loans in many credit institutions.

You will need

  • - application form for credit;
  • - passport;
  • - Help 2-NDFL;
  • - employment history;
  • - Other documents requested by the bank.


Standard package Documents on credit includes a passport, a certificate of income, as well as a labor book. Initially, the credit inspector verifies the compliance of all information specified in the questionnaire and information that is contained in the documents. All data in the documents must coincide. If there are discrepancies and inconsistencies, the questionnaire returns to processing, or the bank simply refuses to issue a loan.

Also, the Bank's specialist checks a photo of a passport with a person who plans to receive a loan. If a fake passport is used to obtain a loan, the bank will enact such a client.

Each Bank has its own requirements for borrowers. Often they limit the minimum and maximum age to obtain a loan, set the conditions for the need to register in the region's presence region, and also indicate the minimum allowable level of salary and work experience in the last place of work. Therefore, when analyzing documents, the personal data of the borrower is compared to compliance with the requirements of the Bank.

Help 2-NDFL is a basic document that confirms the presence of income and their compliance with the established level. It is checked from the point of view of the correct fill in all fields, compliance unified form, availability of printing organization. To learn about the authenticity of the certificate and the reliability of information in it, the bank can only on those borrowers who are its salary clients. In this case, the Bank knows the size of their monthly receipts for the current account. But I cannot check the certificate of 2-PBC for compliance with the tax credit inspector. Such information refers to the number of confidential, and the tax does not have the right to disclose it. Therefore, many banks go to cunning and request additional documents that confirm the solvency of the borrower. It can be a passport with a marker about the departure abroad over the past six months; extract from the current account in another bank; Documents confirming the ownership of expensive property.

Especially carefully checked the borrower's labor book. It is based on the overall work experience of the employee, as well as the time of work in the last place (most banks require the existence of an experience in the last place for at least six months). The bank's specialists look at the cases of problem dismissal (not on their own request), as well as how often the borrower changes the place of work.

Often banks to verify the authenticity of information that is contained in the documents calls at the place of work and clarify the experience of the employee, its overall characteristic At work and salary size. With large amounts of lending, experts can even go to the site of the borrower.

For mortgage lending Banks are checked for availability initial contributionAnd also analyzes the subject of pledge itself. So, many banks do not give loans to buy share in the apartment, rooms, apartments in the Old Fund. Refuse to issue a loan for the purchase of housing in relatives, because Such transactions are considered fictitious. Also, often, when issuing car loans, additional documents for the development company or confirming the fact that the auto show is an official dealer.

Banks are more loyal to borrowers with higher education. Therefore, they often request a copy of the diploma. Also above the chance of obtaining a loan from married / married borrowers. Marital status is confirmed by marriage certificate.

Mamipizza.ru - Banks. Deposits and deposits. Money transfers. Loans and taxes. Money and state