
MBA - Investment Management (CFA Institute University Affiliation Program). Investment Management Investment Management Department

Finding investors is the main task of enterprises engaged in the production of a certain type of product. In order to competently implement all financial investments in the company, a special authorized body- investment committee.

What is an investment committee

The Investment Committee is a special body, the functional direction of which is high-quality development, management, study of declarations, analysis and implementation of the main financial processes the current economic entity RF.

Such committees, as a rule, have a rather narrow specialization - actions are aimed at searching, as well as a qualitative assessment of all possible objects for profitable investments... Also, this structure has organized a complete investment process and additional supervision over the implementation of this process.

The state committee can be single-level and multi-level - it depends on the detailed number of constituent entities. Also, the number of levels may depend directly on the wishes of investors, who are part of the main structure of the investment cabinet. The structure of the investment committee is formed on the basis of the current line of business of the company and the total number of incoming representatives.

Some committees have a structure with many levels, they are managed by a special department, which independently proposes pre-approved ideas and working plans. Additional activities are carried out by the department of the department, which analyzes all areas and puts forward its own approval of the most effective programs.

Formed investment cabinet is the most important part of any successful company and is a kind of financial fund of any system. The authorized structure includes only professional specialists who have already dealt with a competent investment. They are the ones who are able to study everything in detail. informational resources on the possible benefits of investments - all this protects companies from possible financial risks. Thanks to the activities of authorized persons, a reliable financial fund depending on the level of the company's income.

Investment committee composition

First of all, the committee includes a pre-authorized chairman of the commission, who is appointed only from among those who have been active in the financing system for a long time. At the same time, the standard term of office of this person is at least 1 year. Also, the committee includes directly authorized representatives of the main members of the committee, who can replace representatives at main meetings, perform voting and other functions related to investment activities.

The cabinet may include members of the commission involved in legal activities. They decide the legal aspects of the investment committee's activities and monitor the quality of the performance of obligations in accordance with the contractual terms, as well as the timing of key decisions.

Additionally, the membership includes members who are engaged in financial and administrative work, including the preparation of basic documentation and the direct attraction of investors. The members of the commission are looking for possible investors and analyze all the provisions put forward for consideration and subsequent approval by the chairman.

Functions and tasks

Each investment cabinet has its own powers and functions:

  • detailed analysis and determination of profitable solutions for financial investments;
  • analysis and detailed design of the current strategic plan for the qualitative distribution of all proposed investments in the selected territorial district of the Russian Federation;
  • discussion and further development of special government regulations that can attract investors of any level;
  • creation and high-quality registration of the basic requirements for projects being developed that are fully funded by the state treasury;
  • development and creation of master plans for the construction of innovative investment facilities, as well as infrastructure;
  • detailed consideration of the effective improvement of the selected region;
  • quality control of the timely implementation of projects with the help of a specially organized commission ( Special attention is given to the most significant objects of the selected region);
  • detailed collection of all financial information on ongoing projects in a specific area;
  • work to improve the competitiveness of the selected region;
  • preparation of annual reports on the activities of the council, as well as on the results of the development of the competitive environment of an individual entity.

Among the main tasks of the cabinet, the following areas can be distinguished:

  • search for the main sources of funding;
  • high-quality development of a general strategy for the development of the investment policy of an individual company;
  • timely control over the implementation of the overall investment activities.

Thanks to the effective work of authorized specialists, the standard percentage of implementation of basic plans related to financial investments is significantly increased.

The committee does not directly allocate all proposed investments - this is the main difference from the existing council. The main part of the committee's activities is the direct approval of projects with the interaction of the legislative and executive authorities.

The committee ensures and monitors the implementation of the main federal programs in a certain region, and also coordinates the activities of all authorized enterprises. Additionally in functional responsibilities may include the creation of new investment objects. Also, the committee can deal with the presentation of a certain region or region abroad, significantly increasing the interest of foreign investors.

The committee organizes various exhibitions and conferences, presents significant projects. It is he who plays a peculiar role of an intermediary between investors and the executive company. Thus, it is a kind of management body.

The Investment Council, on the contrary, is the executive body and deals with the implementation of all approved projects after receiving the investment. The committee pre-legalizes all investments, and the council fully distributes them in accordance with the needs of the selected territorial region.

How to regulate the work of the investment committee

For the qualitative regulation of all investment departments, a special document has been developed - "Regulations on the Investment Department". It reflects the main structure of the selected division, a detailed procedure for the general interaction of employees in internal organization, as well as the procedure for their activities with related services.

A separate job description for employees and management, where all the main functional responsibilities are outlined in stages, as well as the responsibility that employees of the entire department bear.

Separately, a general regulation for the management of all investments of the enterprise is being developed, which reflects the main aspects of working with the main financial projects... Also, all formats and templates of documents (special reports and questionnaires) are prepared in advance, as well as detailed instructions for working with this documentation.

The regulations of the investment committee operate in accordance with the regulation, which approves the next procedure for holding and scheduling meetings, and also draws up an individual schedule for each company.

The standard schedule can be approved for a period of up to 12 months and is certified directly by the chairman of the commission. In some cases, extraordinary meetings can be held, about which the chairman notifies all members of the investment cabinet 10 working days before the meeting.

At regular meetings, regulated by the regulation, issues are resolved that are related to the determination of the main guidelines for the future volumes of financing of the company, as well as the choice of priority activities to increase the total number of investors. The commission is also considering new investment projects, their subsequent implementation, as well as amendments made to the general register of investment projects of an existing company. The implementation of the project approved program is closely monitored by authorized persons of the committee.

The main task of the committee is to fully design and describe the process of creating an active investment project. At the same time, the exact payback period, as well as control over the further flow of financial investments, must be indicated.

The investment office is of particular importance for the competent distribution and implementation of financial investments. It allows not only to make a competent investment of funds and ensure an increase in the efficiency of any enterprise, but also to competently organize the work of employees to form the company's investments.

The financial management system has undergone significant changes over the past few decades, and this is largely due to the increase in the complexity of the process of managing the assets of enterprises in a modern market economy. An organization's investment management is critical today important role in commercial success.

1 Principles of enterprise investment management

A market economy implies the use of the assets of an enterprise for continuous economic growth. Lack of growth due to the impact of discount rates, inflation and other economic factors leads to lower margins. Competition in the market led to the most severe diversification of marketing, investment, promotion of goods and services, which in turn led to the emergence of a completely new direction in economic management - investment.

What is meant by the term "investment management"? This is a set of management functions aimed at the formation of effective investments and their management to improve the financial performance of the enterprise. The investment capital of an enterprise includes two types of assets: monetary and non-monetary.

These funds are formed specifically for investing in certain areas of activity in order to maximize profits, increase profitability, increase sales or modernize production. The main task of the enterprise is to create optimal conditions for high-quality management of these funds. In this case, one should distinguish between financial management and investment management.

The structure of investments does not include the current assets of the enterprise, and therefore in the last few decades a new trend has emerged: enterprises are trying to create new structural divisions responsible entirely for the management of non-current assets mobilized for the implementation of investment activities.

The investment management department should be established in such a way that it can manage investments without any problems, guided by the following principles:

  • Continuity is the continuous implementation of management to achieve the set goals and create new goals and objectives.
  • Flexibility - the ability to make changes to investment projects on the fly.
  • Versatility - providing opportunities for finding alternative investment instruments.

The structure of the structural unit must include not only professionals in the field of financial management, but also experienced analysts. One of the main problems in investment management of an enterprise is the impossibility of accurate forecasting of efficiency, close to objective results of introspective analysis are possible only when using complex methods of investment assessment. The complexity of the appraisal process is also one of the reasons requiring the creation of a separate structural unit within the enterprise.

2 Stages of investment management

Regardless of our beliefs about science intensity financial management, each manager creates his own management technology, guided by his economic instinct and experience. Investment activity has always been highly dependent on the human factor, and investment management in any enterprise also depends on the decisions of individual people.

On the other hand, modern methods of forming structural units make it possible to share responsibility for making decisions, apply the latest methods of assessing these decisions and distribute functions among several specialists of a narrow profile. In this case, much depends on the general management strategy at the enterprise.

Many experts agree that the investment management process should be divided into certain stages, each of which requires coordination within the control vertical. The investment management structural unit provides analytical data, results of appraisal activities and other information. During the joint discussion investment strategy on the basis of the consultations of the specialists of the department, top managers make certain decisions.

The step-by-step management of the investment process in such conditions looks like the best solution. Investment management technology and investment activity distinguishes 6 main stages of work:

  1. formation of your own investment fund;
  2. determination of investment directions within the enterprise;
  3. determination of investment directions outside the enterprise;
  4. assessment, forecasting and selection of the best investment directions;
  5. formation of a borrowed or attracted investment fund;
  6. control and accounting of investment activities.

Modern commercial organization simply must invest. At the same time, the company's activities to raise funds from outside play an important role. Borrowed capital costs much less than its own, and therefore provides maximum efficiency from investments.

Many modern companies are engaged in more than just investing in their own authorized capital, technological modernization, optimization of commodity and transport infrastructure and marketing. An important role is played by the placement of part of the capital in non-current assets that can bring profit in the long term. Many enterprises with large financial resources are engaged in portfolio investment, placing money on high-yield deposits, sometimes even venture investment.

3 Formation of an investment fund

Financial investment management of any enterprise is impossible without sufficient financial resources. The monetary and non-monetary assets of the enterprise are often not sufficient for the effective growth of the enterprise, even without taking into account external investment directions. In this case, attraction of investments from outside is required.

In the article, we have already talked about the fact that the investment capital of an enterprise is formed by mobilizing own funds and attracting capital from external sources. Sources of financing for enterprise investments should be divided into three main types:

  • Own - part of negotiable and non-current assets, amortization expenses, part of net profit.
  • Attracted - sale of shares, investment contributions of shareholders, grants and subsidies, targeted gratuitous financing.
  • Borrowed - sale of bonds, loans, leasing.

By actively raising funds from a variety of sources, the company forms large capital, sufficient to ensure stable and effective growth of the company. If the company is not engaged in fundraising, then due to the increase in depreciation costs over time, at some point it will become unprofitable. A well-planned investment activity guarantees the company's management the ability to constantly keep the company in the profitability zone.

The formed investment fund is distributed according to the chosen areas of investment. In this case, the placement of capital should correspond to a predetermined strategy and be based on well-considered decisions. Improper investment of financial resources can turn into a crisis situation.

5 Methodology for assessing the effectiveness of investments

In a separate article, we talked about how many methods there are for analyzing the performance of investment activities. In most cases, dynamic methods for evaluating an investment project allow predicting the potential return on investment, while static methods for evaluating an investment project summarize previous results.

Comparative analysis plays a key role in the formation of the optimal set of investment objects. Specialists of the relevant structural unit should identify the main pros and cons of capital allocation, identify priority objects, highlight best options for short, medium and long term investments.

Investment appraisal is a much more complicated process than it seems to the average person. When analyzing an investment project, it is necessary to take into account a huge number of factors:

  1. profitability;
  2. risk;
  3. discount rates;
  4. the impact of inflation;
  5. duration.

In this case, points 2 and 4 are directly related. An increase in the duration of a project almost always leads to increased risks. The longer it takes a project to exit the project phase, the more likely it is that something will happen that can critically affect the project's results.

If speak about domestic investment, then imagine that an investment project to create a new product takes 1 year to implement. Within one year, the risk will be small. If the process takes 2-3 years, then the risks increase, there is a likelihood of increased competition, corporate sabotage, the risk of an increase in the processes of legalizing a new product, etc. The yield and discounting of funds are also interrelated. The average person thinks that profitability can be easily estimated using the ROI (Return on investment) formula, but this is far from the case.

The point is that the value of money today is much lower than the value of money in 3-4 years. Due to inflationary processes, increased competition, changes in the market environment and other economic factors, the assets of the enterprise are constantly depreciating. That is why complex dynamic methods are used in the assessment. The results of the appraisal activity are then subjected to comparative analysis... The best investment projects are then offered to the company's management.

6 Monitoring of investment activity

If the management process consisted only in the selection of investment objects and investment in them Money, then the need to create a separate structural unit at the enterprise would have disappeared by itself. The management process, however, is much more complicated and requires regular adjustments or even a complete revision of the set of investment instruments in the arsenal of the enterprise.

It is much easier for companies that are not interested in creating highly profitable non-current assets by placing money outside the fixed capital. For them, the investment process is quite simple in nature. After determining the main directions of investment within the enterprise, they are no longer able to radically change their strategy.

Cancellation of a lease agreement, refusal to purchase new equipment or marketing services is costly. The company is forced to follow the chosen strategy until the end of the period of its full implementation. This is fundamentally contrary to the principles of investment management, which we defined at the very beginning of the article. The capital of an enterprise must be flexible and alternative. If you choose only domestic objects for investment, then the strategy will be ineffective.

Diversification of investments requires regular revision of the invested capital and their success. An investment portfolio, for example, needs to be regularly analyzed, instruments with decreasing profitability or increased risk should be withdrawn from it in time, and replaced with more acceptable options. Real investment in the fixed capital of other companies will require active participation in their production and marketing activities. Venture investments do require constant attention from the investor.

There are people who are convinced that venture capital investments work on a "pan-or-go" basis, but this is not the case. Venture capital investment is divided into several stages. Each of them undergoes a thorough analysis, on the basis of which the investor decides whether to continue financing the project or abandon it.

Each option for capital allocation requires special management and monitoring methods, and therefore the process of ongoing investment management is also very important. This process cannot be interrupted, it must be carried out throughout the entire life of the company.

7 Application of investment management principles in private equity

The above principles and stages of investment management are, to one degree or another, applicable to investments of a private capitalist. The ordinary holder of capital in our time is an active participant in the market economy. Even 10,000 rubles can become part of external financing for an enterprise or help an innovative technology completely turn the world upside down.

  • definition of equity capital;
  • choice the best companies to place funds;
  • selection of optimal PAMM accounts;
  • analysis and comparison of selected PAMM accounts;
  • placement of funds;
  • continuous monitoring and portfolio management.

As you can see, the methods and principles of management remain the same as at the level of a large enterprise with a diversified investment fund, only the scale changes.

  • Why do you need investment management
  • Investment project participants
  • How to create an investment management system

Investment management Is a set of management standards that form the foundation of an enterprise's investment policy.

CEOs do not highlight the investment aspect, but the area of ​​interest of each enterprise includes activities related to investments. At the same time, few people take into account that the company's investments require separate management.

The specialization of divisions in enterprises is formed under the influence of operating activities. If an organization produces a group of goods, then its employees have the skills and knowledge to manage production processes, and are well-versed in technological processes... Let us consider what happens in such an enterprise when the owners express a desire to introduce budgeting technologies to improve the quality of management. Not having a separate department at his disposal, the head of the enterprise will set the task of introducing investment activities to the financial and economic department. Since the main specialization of the employees of such a department is the management of production processes, they will concentrate on completing the task exclusively in moments free from the main work. Moreover, they have no idea how to manage investments.

At the same time, many people understand that the development of an enterprise depends on investment. The growth of the organization involves the introduction of new products to the market, the expansion of the sales network, etc., but lack of understanding and ignorance of how to manage investments leads to serious losses. If a company has spent investment funds on the implementation of ineffective technology, then one should not hope for the expected progress in its core operations. If the company has decided to enter new markets by investing in them investment funds, but the market field was not chosen correctly, then a positive result should not be expected either, or serious technological omissions were made in the development of new products, then even the most economical production will not save the situation.

Practitioner tells

Alexander Soloviev, President of FIS: Food Technologies, Fryazino (Moscow Region)

When I start a new project, I always draw up a plan, a schedule and systematically, once a week, I control everyone. Finding out where the new $ 1 million machine or assembly line is located. After all, when you do something new, there are many inconsistencies, and it is sometimes difficult for top managers to come to an agreement. Everyone is busy with their own business. Therefore, taking on a big new business, it is necessary to regularly and methodically check everything. I even call on vacation and demand to send me a project implementation schedule. I have to see him. Then I come and see what has been done and how.

Types of investments

Considering the types of investments, two main groups can be distinguished:

  • portfolio (financial) group;
  • group of real investments of the enterprise.

The first group includes the entire list of investments with the help of which certain goals are achieved. These types of investments usually involve investments in securities, precious metals and other similar attachments. Such activities are carried out by special investment funds, financial placement advisors, but not the investor personally.

The second group of real investments includes investments in tangible and intangible assets. It can be the company's working or non-working capital, or intellectual resources... The real investments of the enterprise are classified as long-term investments.

In turn, this group is divided into the following types of investments:

  • investing in your own company, contributing to more efficient operations. This can be the modernization of fixed assets, a change in the location of capacities or the purchase of equipment;
  • investments in the creation of a new production or the modernization of an existing one;
  • investments in the expansion of the company, contributing to the growth of production volumes using existing facilities. These types of investments are called extensive.
  • investments in another company providing participation in large orders (for example, in government procurement) or in certain investment projects;
  • enterprise investments in public administration structures on demand. Such financial investments are carried out in order to fulfill the requirements of the authorities in the field of compliance with safety rules, raising the level of quality standards, etc.
  • intellectual investment in intangible values. These investments are aimed at scientific research, the introduction of innovative technologies, employee training, and so on.

Practitioner tells

Alexey Krainov, General Director of Mobile Innovations CJSC, Moscow

Our company was founded with the money of a venture investor, the so-called business angel. A year later, having received the first return on sales of the new product, we conducted a second round of investment, and two individuals became shareholders. And finally, six months ago, we received money from a venture fund.

A venture fund is a great tool for attracting investment. The assets of such a fund are often managed by a powerful international financial group(as in our case). As a result, by attracting investments, the company additionally gains access to the accumulated experience and connections of its partner (in terms of security, financial management, planning, reporting, etc.). Business profitability is not the main factor for a venture capital fund to make an investment decision; other parameters are in the foreground: the status of the management team and the company's position in the market, business ideas, and an already working business model.

Investment process structure

Investment and operational management activities are carried out in each case in different ways. In the process, employees performing the main functions are united into separate operating departments - sales, service, support, development, production activities. Investment activity is a combination of several projects.

  1. Product creation. The launch of any investment project implies various costs: the allocation of finance for the creation and implementation of a new product, the organization of the production process, the formation of a sales office and the construction of a new enterprise.
  2. Self-sufficiency. With the release of a new product for sale, income always appears, but at the beginning it is not able to cover all costs. To do this, manufacturers attract investment funds that will help recoup all costs (planned losses). The infusion of investment funds continues until the moment of self-sufficiency, when the income received from the sale of products will cover the costs of its production. As a result, the product starts to become profitable over time.
  3. Return on investment. Self-sufficiency of an investment project comes at a time when the profit from the sale of the product will cover all the costs used for the implementation of this project.
  4. Investment efficiency. Any investor, first of all, is not interested in the return of funds spent on the implementation of the product, but in the profit from its use. This is where the efficiency of investments is expressed.
  5. Basic steps in investment management

    Investment activity in business as usual expressed by the work of one structural unit, in rare cases, one person who combines these responsibilities with operational activities in their area of ​​work. This is the main reason for the ineffective performance of investment activities.

    To create an effective management investment activity, it is necessary to create a system:

    First of all, it is necessary to assess the scale of the enterprise and determine whether it is worth doing this activity. The scale of the investment project is determined by the following criteria: planned budget, time for project implementation and total labor intensity. The level of parameters depends on the scale of the enterprise and the degree of development (for a small enterprise with a staff of 12 employees, the purchase of office equipment will be considered an investment project). In the context of an average organization, an investment project can be presented as an activity financed from an income of 500 thousand rubles, with the implementation of the project within a certain period with a labor input of about four man-months.

    Step 2. Assign tasks and responsibilities

    For effective management activities General manager must distribute three positions - customer, contractor, investor. These responsibilities should not be combined with each other. If the performer plays the role of a structural unit and conducts operational activities, then in this case it is necessary to develop two systems of motivation - separately for the operational and investment ones.

    The project organization of labor includes positions such as project manager, coordinator and implementer. The role of the coordinator should be assumed by the General Director, it is he who determines the project manager and finds appropriate resources for him.

    In practice, the CEO of a company is often responsible for implementation, safety, investment management and other business processes. This picture serves as an illustration of an unclear management structure. Enterprise management should be structured in such a way that specific employees are responsible for each area of ​​activity.

    Investment activity can consist of several projects, so someone should be responsible for their combination, and someone for each project.

Practitioner tells

Georgy Kozeletsky, OCS Branch Director, Moscow

Most of our company's profits go to development. Each new OCS branch is a separate investment project that is carefully thought out and implemented according to an individual plan.

The decision to launch a particular project is made by the company's management, but “local initiative” is also widely used. For example, OCS branches that have achieved high results in their region initiate regional expansion of the company themselves and take over the management of new representative offices. Responsibility for the implementation of the project usually lies with its authors.

OCS has a department that provides general management of the branches, efficiently interacts with them, and coordinates their work. The department is faced with the task of developing the company in the regions. The department also monitors the effectiveness of the new branches, evaluates the progress achieved. The already mentioned branches in Volgograd and Kazan showed a brilliant start of sales (the best in the history of the company). This was the result of quality preparatory work carried out in these cities.

Of course, over the years, not all of our projects have been successful "there is an experience of closing a branch in one of the cities. The decision was difficult. It cannot be said that the branch did not justify itself, we just went our separate ways. We had to completely change the team of the branch employees and start over. The "divorce" was very civilized, after three years both sides are satisfied with the development of the situation.

Step 3. Describe the project management procedures

Before moving to special management, it is necessary to establish rules for three formal procedures:

1. Start of the project. This is the procedure for determining the person responsible for making a decision on the start of an investment project, as well as determining the grounds for such a decision. One of mandatory conditions the initial stage is the appointment of the customer and the investor. Initially, the customer and investor can be one department of the company or one person.

2. Control of the project and interruption of the process. The form of reporting on the status of the process should be defined. Also, you need to install characteristics, upon identification of which a decision will be made to close the project. As a rule, companies in a separate time period work on several investment projects. In cases where the deadlines or budget for one investment project is exceeded by more than 50%, in most cases, the amount of financing for all projects is reduced by 1/5. The decision to cut funding for all areas is always more painful than closing the weakest. But, not every responsible specialist can make such a courageous decision.

3. Closing the project. This procedure describes the formalities associated with the completion of investment projects.

The combination of the above procedures enables the head of the company to:

  • determine the responsible persons and the very procedure for making decisions on investment projects;
  • define a list of projects;
  • compare the size of projects with the possibilities from financial support;
  • monitor projects;
  • close ineffective directions;
  • improve the level of efficiency in the investment management category.

The final stage

In conditions when the investment management technology is an element of the general corporate culture of the company, we can talk about its full implementation. This usually takes about three years. But the effect of the formation of a corporate project management system will be felt much earlier. It consists, directly, in the very clarity and understanding of the procedures of the investment project.

In the future, investment management can be automated. Here it is important to understand the secondary nature of software costs. The primary issues are the formation of the management structure, the identification of key employees, the definition of standards, as well as the description of processes and employee training. Only after that you can proceed to automation.

Enterprise Investment Management Principles

The investment management division for effective activity must be formed on the basis of the following principles:

Continuity - a continuous management process aimed at the implementation of the set goals, as well as the formation of new tasks;

Flexibility, implying prerequisites and the ability to make adjustments during the process:

Versatility based on the selection of various technologies and tools.

The investment department should be formed not only from qualified financiers, but also from analysts with good experience in this area. One of the most problematic aspects of how to manage investments is the lack of an accurate forecast of efficiency. It is possible to obtain data that are as close to objective as possible only when using complex assessment methods. Estimation and forecasting problems are also included in the list of reasons for a separate investment unit within a company.

Practitioner tells

Nikolay Semin, General Director management company Fininvest Service, Oktyabrsky (Republic of Bashkortostan)

Our company is engaged in attracting investments. Our two main investment projects are a porcelain tableware factory and a leather goods factory. Of course, the crisis slowed down the development of projects. We temporarily suspended leather production and concentrated all efforts on the Oktyabrsky Porcelain Factory.

Investments in the company amounted to 223 million rubles. These funds were spent on the purchase of equipment, reconstruction of production facilities, and the introduction of new technologies. Today it is the only factory in Russia that has modern energy-saving technologies for the production of high-quality porcelain. Our plans included a phased increase in production volumes, since the demand for products in recent times increased. There are orders, but customers do not want to work on prepayment, so we are now trying to attract additional investment resources for the further development of the plant (expanding the range of products), paying off debts and are actively negotiating with investors.

So far, our attempts have not been crowned with success, but we are still working in this direction, looking for a way out, considering options for loans (although now loans are, of course, not the best solution). In addition, today, there is an opportunity to participate in government tenders (now it is much easier to do than two years ago, when there were many intermediaries).

Investors began to choose projects more carefully. Now it is most profitable to invest in nanotechnology, the development of new projects and activities for the development of industries.

We have plans for this year a new investment project in the field Agriculture(animal husbandry). Today it is one of the few industries that did not suffer from the crisis and have government support. In a crisis or not, the main thing in attracting investments is financial discipline, the responsibility of the team to investors and founders, a well-developed business plan and its implementation.

How to automate investment project management

Let's consider in more detail the strategic software products... They are based on general principle activities, including the formation of a financial model, making forecasts for the financial component of the company's work, creating reports and documentation for the owners of the enterprise, investors and bankers.

Excel. It is the most common and versatile software product.

Dignity. The flexibility of the program allows investment analysts to apply their best practices and unique methodologies.

Restrictions. It is necessary to have deep knowledge of the program, as well as have experience in the field of methods used for analytics. When working with Excel, you will have to additionally create the necessary reports and analytical documents. This feature is also inherent in specialized templates, which are equipped with special forms for entering and calculating data, greatly simplifying the analysis and formation of an investment model.

Specialized programs. This list includes INEC-Analyst, Project Expert, MS Project, Open Plan, Artemis, Primavera, Cobra, Intalev, PlanDesigner, Hyperion, ARIS BSC, Business Objects, Cognos Metrics Manager, Prime Expert. Comfar, Intalev: Navigator, Hyperion Performance Scorecard, SAP SEM, SAS Strategic Performance Management.

The above products include effective tools and techniques for creating investment projects.

Dignity. The listed software products include a set of analytical methods and financial indicators, as well as convenient forms for displaying projected indicators and generating reports. For large enterprises, they are of particular value, since they ensure the implementation of the principle of a unified approach to the provision of indicators and the assessment of investment planning. The most advanced programs provide opportunities for integration into the formed financial models additional information(data on counterparties, market analytics), on the analysis of value formation, as well as on the creation of your own reporting forms and analysis methods. Thanks to such opportunities, it becomes possible to accept effective solutions for investment projects.

Restrictions. When working with such programs, analysts have to work with methods built into them. The large number of existing users can be cited as a factor indicating the quality of such software.

Operational-level programs are divided into products intended for managing investment programs and for budgeting projects. Investment performance management tools enable you to link operational data to strategic planning.

Finally, we would like to draw your attention to the fact that, despite the complexity of the investment management process, the ultimate goal of which is to implement promising forms of investment.

creates an investment portfolio that can be viewed as a complex of company projects. The peculiarities of managing such a complex include the ability to return, if necessary, to the previous stages of investment projects. These capabilities are very important in situations when the efficiency of the project is reduced and it is necessary to analyze the tasks and the correctness of adjustments to the strategies.

The peculiarity of the process lies in the fact that investment management technologies contain errors, they are reflected in the entire process of project development. As a result, we get a closed cyclical process of financial investment management.

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head of department - 1 pc. units

chief specialist - 1 pc. units

senior economist - 1 pc. units

economist - 1 pc. units

Head of Investment Planning Department:

V job duties the head of the department includes:

  • 1. Organization and control of the preparation of the investment budget of the Company.
  • 2. Development and formation of the Business plan and strategy of the Company.
  • 3. Preparation of a forecast of the financial and economic condition of the Company.
  • 4. Protection of the investment budget of the Company.
  • 5. Analysis and decision-making on the economic feasibility and efficiency of any specific types of work and services, procurement of materials, if necessary, drawing up the necessary verification calculations of economic efficiency.
  • 6. Coordination of tenders and contracts, control and verification for compliance with the approved annual budget, terms of reference, in order to make a decision on the approval of the tender or contracts.
  • 7. Analysis of the structure and value of the Company's investment costs, development of proposals for their optimization.
  • 8. Development of a unified budget model in accordance with the requirements and recommendations of the Participants.
  • 9. Analysis of the efficiency / sensitivity of projects, analysis of investment projects for compliance with certain strategic goals of the Company;
  • 10. Development, approval of regulatory and methodological documentation for planning and budgeting, control over the fulfillment of the requirements of the NMD.
  • 11. Methodological support and organization of work on accounting, development and control over the implementation of plans, development of rational forms accounting documentation department and consolidation of the investment budget.
  • 12. Development of financial analytics for management cost accounting.
  • 13. Timely and high-quality reporting for management, Participants and regulatory bodies.
  • 14. Timely and high-quality registration of IMS documentation at the entrusted site.
  • 15. Organization and control of office work in the department.
  • 16. Timely achievement of the planned results of tasks, where the head of the department is responsible in the SUNA (oil asset management system), in compliance with the deadlines and budget of the tasks.
  • 17. Timely input up-to-date information according to the status of the execution of the tasks of the schedule in Information System(IS) SUNA.

Chief Specialist of the Investment Planning Department:

The duties of the chief specialist include:

  • 1. Control over the development of short-term (monthly, quarterly), medium-term (for a year) comprehensive plans and budgets of production, financial and commercial activities Companies, coordination and mutual linking of all their sections;
  • 2. Analysis and decision-making on the economic feasibility and efficiency of any specific types of work and services, procurement of materials, if necessary, drawing up the necessary verification calculations of economic efficiency;
  • 3. Consideration of tenders and contracts for compliance with the approved annual budget, terms of reference in order to make a decision on the approval of the tender or contracts.
  • 4. Adjustment of short-term (monthly, quarterly), medium-term (annual) comprehensive plans and budgets of production, financial and commercial activities of the Company, taking into account the monitoring of the use of budgetary funds for the actually worked period.
  • 5. Development of proposals for optimization of structure and values ​​based on cost analyzes.
  • 6. Conducting a comprehensive economic analysis all types of activities of the enterprise and the development of measures for effective use material, labor and financial resources.
  • 7. Analysis of the efficiency / sensitivity of projects, analysis of investment projects for compliance with certain strategic goals of the Company.
  • 8. Financial assessment of commercial proposals of potential suppliers of services and goods of the Company, financial accreditation of potential suppliers for compliance with the requirements of the Company.
  • 9. Development of instructions for the preparation of the Company's budget, determination of the sequence of processes and development of forms for basic applications.
  • 10. Methodological support and organization of work on accounting, control over the implementation of plans and budgets, analysis of the results of production and economic activities, development of rational forms of accounting documentation for the department.
  • 11. Ensuring timely and quality reporting for management, Participants and regulatory authorities.

Senior Economist, Investment Planning Department:

The duties of a senior financier include:

  • 1. development and consolidation of short-term (monthly, quarterly), medium-term (for a year) comprehensive plans and budgets for the production, financial and commercial activities of the Company, coordination and mutual coordination of all their sections;
  • 2. analysis in comparison with the corresponding planned and actual indicators of the previous periods;
  • 3. control over the calculation of costs, including compliance with the principles of management accounting, verification of the correctness and reliability of calculations, the application of approved standards and tariffs;
  • 4. analysis and decision-making on the financial feasibility and efficiency of any specific types of work and services, procurement of materials, if necessary, drawing up the necessary verification calculations of economic efficiency;
  • 5. detailed analysis of changes in production, financial, economic and specific indicators over time, in structure and distribution, providing a complete and reliable explanation of the reasons and results of these changes;
  • 6. adjustment of short-term (monthly, quarterly), medium-term (annual) comprehensive plans and budgets for the production, financial and commercial activities of the Company, taking into account the monitoring of the use of budgetary funds for the actually worked period;
  • 7. consideration of tender assignments and contracts (prior to their signing) for compliance with the approved annual budget, terms of reference in order to make a decision on the approval of the tender assignment or contracts;
  • 8. Conducting a comprehensive economic analysis of all types of enterprise activities and developing measures for the effective use of material, labor and financial resources;
  • 9. analysis of the efficiency / sensitivity of projects, analysis of investment projects for compliance with certain strategic goals of the Company;
  • 10. financial appraisal commercial offers of potential suppliers of services and goods of the Company, financial accreditation of potential suppliers for compliance with the requirements of the Company
  • 11. Ensuring timely and high-quality reporting for management, Participants and regulatory bodies.

Financier of the Investment Planning Department

The duties of the financier include (for projects: drilling, workover, development of the Alibekmola and Kozhasai fields):

  • 1. development of short-term (monthly, quarterly), medium-term (for a year) comprehensive plans and budgets for the production, financial and commercial activities of the Company, coordination and mutual coordination of all their sections;
  • 2. analysis of incoming information for compliance with the plans of the Company;
  • 3. analysis in comparison with the corresponding planned and actual indicators of the past periods;
  • 4.Monitoring the execution of Contracts (disbursement of funds and comparison for compliance with the schedule of work performance)
  • 5. analysis of the calculation of costs, including compliance with the principles of management accounting, verification of the correctness and reliability of calculations, the application of approved standards and tariffs;
  • 6. analysis of the cost formation for the purchase of equipment and services offered by potential contractors;
  • 7. analysis and decision-making on the financial feasibility and efficiency of any specific types of work and services, procurement of materials, if necessary, drawing up the necessary verification calculations of economic efficiency;
  • 8. adjustment of short-term (monthly, quarterly), medium-term (annual) comprehensive plans and budgets for the production, financial and commercial activities of the Company, taking into account the monitoring of the use of budgetary funds for the actually worked period;
  • 9.Monitoring "Budget - Contract - Actual Execution" for the capital budget and Work program, in case of problematic questions 2.3 Location,

in the process of monitoring contracts (payment of bills) - notification of the supervising management about the need for a transfer procedure;

10. Ensuring timely and quality reporting for management, Participants and regulatory authorities.

Investment management is a kind of complex of principles and methods for implementation management tasks, which are included in the basis of all investment activities of the company.

Due to the basic aspects of management, they usually plan to increase the competitiveness of the enterprise, economic growth and its development.

These basic aspects include:

  1. Striving for a higher rate of development in all areas of the enterprise
  2. Striving to maximize the expected profit of the company
  3. , both in specific areas and for the enterprise as a whole
  4. Ensuring maximum liquidity of investments and the possibility of reinvestment
  5. Formation of the required amount of financial resources
  6. Acceleration activities

One of the aspects of the successful development of society and the state as a whole is the competent regulation of capital investments. Most of the processes related to the investment sphere are very necessary for all business entities. This primarily applies to organizations, businesses, individuals and legal entities and, of course, to the state.

It is for this reason that investment management requires a serious approach using complex systems and principles for the effective implementation of the entire process. To achieve an excellent effect in management, it is also worth doing a preliminary analysis of the market situation in order to wisely use the available capital and properly distribute it.

Key steps in investment management

Investment activity in some cases may be ineffective. Because of which? Due to the fact that in almost any medium-sized enterprise, investment processes are carried out only with the help of one structure in the form of several people (in some cases, such duties are performed by only one person).

For the efficient operation of all investment processes, it is necessary to create and regulate a kind of system. As a rule, investment management takes place in several basic stages. that play a critical role.

  • The essence of the first stage is to assess the investment process over the past periods.
  • The second step is to calculate the amount of funds needed for future capital investments.
  • This stage implies the definition of the forms of investment, i.e. in which material form investment activity will be carried out.
  • It considers the choice that suits the goals and objectives of the company.
  • At the stage of the fifth stage, the analysis of the effectiveness of investment activities and the assessment of expected risks are carried out.
  • The last stage involves taking into account the control and monitoring that takes place during the implementation of the investment project.

An important point is that if at least one of these stages of management activity is missed or is implemented with significant errors, then all this can have a very negative impact on the process of making capital investments. It is for this reason that when implementing all the previously described stages, you need to plan your actions very seriously and deliberately, in order to achieve maximum effect.

Summing up, I would like to say that investment management is a difficult process that is aimed at implementing promising forms of investment.

All activities carried out in the course of the management process form an investment portfolio as a set of enterprise programs. Investment management portfolio assumes that the company, if necessary, can return to the past stages of this process.

This is possible when the project demonstrates its low efficiency and you need to check whether the goals were set correctly and the strategies were adjusted.

If these investment management methods have several errors, then the wrong decision can negatively affect the project as a whole. This creates a vicious circle - a continuous and cyclical process of capital management.

Look at the participants in the public markets. They never learn a lesson. They are interested in the game.

© Don Valentine

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