
To whom they give mat capital c. Use of maternity capital: changes. When and why did maternity capital appear

In 2016, the amount of maternity capital was left the same - 453,026 rubles. The Russian Pension Fund will continue issuing state certificates, as well as disbursing maternity capital funds.

Payments will begin to be indexed only after a year. So, in 2017, the mother's capital will be 480 thousand rubles, and in 2018 - 505 thousand. Such data are contained in the bill of the Ministry of Labor on the extension of the maternity capital program for two years.

The decision to extend the program until 2018 was made by the Russian government on December 10, 2015.

Why did you decide to extend the mother capital program?

The main reason for extending the program is to "maintain positive demographic trends." Analysis of the situation over eight years shows that the birth rate during this period increased significantly - the number of births increased by 31.2% - from 1.48 million people in 2006 to 1.94 million in 2014. At the same time, the share of second and more births increased from 41.2% in 2007 to 55.8% in 2014.

How much money was allocated for the program?

To date, more than 6.5 million families in Russia have received a certificate for maternity capital from the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, more than 3.3 million of them have fully disposed of its funds. 750 thousand people apply for money every year. Based on these data, the payment of maternity capital in 2017 will require 324.2 billion rubles, and in 2018 - 340.6 billion rubles.

What can you spend maternity capital on?

It is impossible to dispose of maternity capital at your own discretion. You can invest state funds in a mortgage loan, to improve housing conditions, to educate and maintain children in educational institutions, or to fund the funded part of a mother's pension.

  • to the three pre-existing maternity capital added fourth- now money under the certificate can also be sent regardless of the time that has passed since their birth or adoption, that is;
  • for at least one year the provision on — its size for 2016 has not changed and is still .

In addition, taking into account the completion of last year's anti-crisis plan for 2016-2017, the Government decided to re-grant a lump sum payment from maternity capital.

Changes made to the program capital are quite contradictory. The issuance of certificates will continue after 2016, but their purchasing power may decrease significantly now!

The further fate of the state program for the payment of maternity (family) capital, which worries many Russian families, was determined in December 2015, when V. Putin instructed extend the program for another 2 years.

Federal Law No. 433-FZ dated December 30, 2015, made appropriate changes to the program - now it applies to all families that have given birth or adopted a second, third or subsequent child to December 31, 2018 inclusive!

Certificate size and indexing

During the entire period of the program, the amount of payments. In 2007, maternity capital was only 250 000 rub., and the amount provided increased by 81% of the base amount - up to RUB 453,026

However, in 2016, due to the difficult situation in the economy, the Russian Government decided not to carry out another indexation of the amount under the certificate. At the same time, it is expected that next time the amount of the payment will be increased in the usual manner. from January 1, 2017.

Now the option of another increase in the amount of checkmate is being discussed. capital by 6% to 480 thousand rubles However, in any case, the decision by the Government will be made at the end of the year, depending on world oil prices and the prospects for an end to the Russian domestic economic crisis).

News and changes for 2016

Changes in 2016 may affect not only the abolition of indexation of payments, but also the scope of its application. Recall that before that, the list of possible directions for a long time (almost 9 years) remained unchanged:

Further increase in the size of the allowance and expansion of the list of areas for its use in the regions in 2016 largely depends on the economic situation in the country as a whole and on the willingness of local authorities to continue to make efforts to stimulate the birth rate and support motherhood and childhood.


The need to continue the program is not in doubt either among potential recipients of maternity capital, or among State Duma deputies, or among members of the government.

Until the end of 2018, all the obligations assumed by the government to support families with children will be fulfilled, however, the size of the certificate will most likely continue to be indexed at a slower pace or not increase at all.

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