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In Russia, in accordance with tax legislation, taxes are distributed among budget levels in such a way that the most weighty taxes come to the federal budget. As a result, its own incomes of territorial budgets are extremely small and tax revenues do not exceed one third of budgets, and in villages and settlements - no more than 10%.

But due to the fact that the load on the territorial budgets is constantly increasing, which is due to the transfer of large powers to regional and local authorities, there is a need for additional funding by their state from both the federal budget and from extrabudgetary funds.

Funds to help regional and local budgets can be allocated in several ways.

1. The main method of eliminating breaks in the lower budgets is the funds formed by executionsdefined the percentage of taxes assigned to the superior budget.The main advantage of this method is the interest of territorial authorities in good tax collecting, due to which appropriate funds are formed. As a result, this leads to the development of the economic sector of the economy and other areas of activity.

2. The following method of filling budget deficit are subsidies.Dotations may also stand out in the form of subsidies and subventions, which are its varieties. Subsidies are provided on the terms of equity financing of targeted costs, in contrast to subventions that do not require participation in financing. This method is used when there is no possibility to increase tax revenues in the region or on the ground. The subsidy method is less effective in other situations, as it reduces the economic initiative.

3. In case of dependence of territorial budgets from seasonal oscillations can be used budget loans,which are provided by higher budgets. The advantage of this method as opposed to the previous one is its return, and, consequently, the need for economic development.

The main disadvantage of all these methods of assistance to regional and local budgets is the inability to fully assess the real state of territorial budgets, even despite their reports. This practice leads, on the one hand, to the tough dependence of the lower budgets from the higher, and on the other to dependence and, as a result, inhibits the growth of the economy.

To resolve this problem, it is necessary to redistribute tax revenues from the federal budget to territorial, although it can lead to the independence of the regions from the central government, or the improvement of the methods for ensuring the subordinate budgets with the necessary financial resources from the higher.

Financial support for regional budgets is carried out, in addition to the aforementioned sources, from the Financial Support Fund of the Regions. The creation of this Fund was recommended by the World Bank for Reconstruction and Development, whose representatives worked in our country in 1992-1993. As a result of the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of December 22, 1993. Since 1994, a new form of providing transfer transfers to the regional budgets of the Russian Federation has appeared.

Financial support fund formed due to the amount tax revenues federal budget excluding income tax with individuals and amounts of import duties. For funds from the Financial Support Fund of the Regions, the Region should be assigned the status of "needy in support" or "especially in need of support."

The status of the "Region Support Region" is assigned to those regions whose income per resident is less than a per capita budget income in all regions of the Russian Federation.

The status of the "region, especially in need of support", is assigned to regions, which, despite the provision of monetary amounts to equalize the incomes of the population with the averages in all subjects of the Russian Federation, cannot cover the costs projected next year.

Region support fund is divided into two parts. From one, the means of regions needing support are allocated from other regions, especially needing support. The ratio between the two parts is determined on the basis of the territorial budget planned for the next year.

Financial assistance from this Fund is allocated to regional budgets in proportion to the participation of them in the means of the relevant part of the Fund.

The advantage of this type of assistance to regional budgets is one system calculation of funds allocated by the relevant territories. This technique takes into account its own incomes of territories based on tax revenues, the population of the population living in the relevant territory.

The algorithm for calculating the size of transfers exists the following:

1) secondary budget revenues are given to comparable conditions, and in relation to them is determined by the region with the smallest data;

2) then the funds needed to be determined by the region to achieve the level of medium-sized budget income, following him on this indicator of the subject of the Russian Federation;

3) The amount of missing means is multiplied by the index. budget spending and the number of this region;

4) the result is subtracted from the general planned volume of the fund. financial support regions;

5) This process is repeated with increasing on each step by the number of regions that need support, until the size of the transfers exceeds the funds of the Fund for Financial Support Regions.

The provision of transfers from the Financial Support Fund is carried out in accordance with the Budget Code of the Russian Federation, which consolidates the conditions for providing this assistance:

    The provision of financial assistance to the region or municipal education is carried out on the basis of signing an agreement on the execution of the budget of the relevant region or local self-government through the Federal Treasury of the Russian Federation.

2. Recipients of subventions in the person of constituent entities of the Russian Federation and municipalities are not eligible:

    provide employees whose activities are paid from regional and local budgets, better conditions work (labor payment, payment of travel and other expenses) than in employees of federal and local institutions, taking into account coefficients;

    provide budget loans legal entitiesif their size exceeds 3% of the regional or local budget;

    provide state and municipal guarantees of the territorial budget in the amount exceeding 5% of the expenditures of the territorial budget.

3. Financial assistance provided from the federal budget to the Regional Budget to level the minimum security level is provided in accordance with the financial costs providing minimal state social standards. These social standards are established by federal law, and the amount of funds is due to the possibilities of the consolidated budget of the Russian Federation. The Government of the Russian Federation determines the regulatory amounts necessary for the provision of public services and achieve minimal budget security.

4. Drafting and execution of territorial budgets occurs in accordance with the condition for priority financing of expenses, which ensure compliance with minimal state social standards and compulsory execution of debt obligations. Thus, if the territorial budget is not able to provide financing of expenses in accordance with the minimum state social standard at the minimum budget security level, it cannot be paid to which the purpose of which is not to achieve the level of minimum budget security. As well as individual government standards cannot be provided at the level of the minimum in case of insufficient financing of others.

5. In accordance with the Budget Code of the Russian Federation on the coverage of cash ruptures of budgets related to the seasonality of income or secreted budgets, budget loans can be used. Data loans allocated for up to six months may be issued on return and irrevocable conditions. The list of goals, on the basis of which budget loans are allocated, as well as the conditions for their return are determined on the basis of federal Law On the federal budget for the future fiscal year. If financial loans are not repaid until the end of the fiscal year, their coverage occurs at the expense of financial assistance provided to territorial budgets in the future fiscal year. If the loan is not fully repaid, and the financial assistance to the budget in the future financial year is not provided, the remaining debt is redeemed by the contributions of federal taxes and fees entering the territorial budgets.

6. The rights of the state authorities of the Russian Federation in the provision of financial assistance are also identified by the Budget Code of the Russian Federation. In accordance with these rights, the authorized state authority has the right to conduct an audit of the budget that receives financial assistance. In case the amount of financial assistance exceeds 50% of the regional consolidated budget, its audit is an indispensable condition.

7. The state bodies of constituent entities of the Russian Federation have the right to monitor the distribution of funds sent to local budgets.

04:20 23.12.2016

Former programmer, and now the founder and CEO of WORLDQUANT LLC Igor Tulchinsky. Photo: Ctpost.com.

Igor Tulchinsky - the so-called quantum. A specialist who can analyze financial data streams and build mathematical models based on their basis, allowing to predict market movements.

Igor is a star of one of the largest hedge funds Wall Street - Millennium Management LLC. This Fund, under which the assets of investors are $ 34 billion, belongs to the famous billionaire to the inglander.

From this mass of assets, the portfolio of 4.5 billion is managed by the company WORLDQUANT, and leads Tulchinsky. Previously, he earned money for the inglander directly to the Millennium Management directly in Millennium Management, and then with the consent of the cartridge "retired".

About 49-year-old Igor is known pretty little. Its, in general, do not even know the Millennium Management colleagues, as the WorldQuant office is located in Greenwich in Connecticut.

As Wall Street Journal writes, quanta is often hidden, sometimes eccentric. And Tulchinsky appears to be no exception. He is famous for his shaved head, gold chain on the neck and addiction to black clothes.

Despite the lack of information, something about his life can still be found on the Internet.

According to media reports, in 2012 Tulchinsky owned such Aston Martin DBS for 180 thousand dollars. Photo: stamfordadvocate.com.

Igor Tulchinsky was born in 1966 by Minsk in the family of musicians. His father Alexander is producing violins, and Rimma's mother is a pianist. They emigrated from the USSR in the USA along with her son in 1977.

Focusing new technologies, Tulchinsky learned to computer programming. In 1985, one of his works was the video game "Patrol of Death Valley".

Igor graduated from Texas University in Austin and received MBA in finance and business at the University of Pennsylvania.

In 1988, he was invited to AT & T Bell Laboratories as a scientist and researcher. Then he worked at Timber Hill Group LLC, studying computer investment strategies and developing algorithms.

And in 1995, Tulchinsky joined Millennium Management, where he quickly advanced to the ranks of top workers. In 2007, founded WORLDQUANT. Now it is 20 offices around the world and more than 500 employees.

In 2014, WORLDQUANT VENTURES also appeared. It serves as a business angel and invests in a technological profile and data processing.

Igor talks about his life in Minsk at a meeting with college students. Photo: YouTube.com.

The company is constantly working with young talents. Created University of WORLDQUANT UNIVERSITY, this year it consisted of 200 online students from more than 35 countries.

Finally, the WorldQuant Foundation Foundation is founded, which awards scholarships with gifted mathematics students and makes donations around the world.

In one of his speeches, Igor spoke about how at the age of 9 years he lived in Minsk - a cold city, where there is a lot of snow.

"At that time it was that life my entirely passes in Belarus. I get on some kind of work. I had a girlfriend from the yard named Natasha, and I thought I was marrying on her, "he said.

Then he continued the story: "At the age of 15, I already lived in Wichito, Kansas. He worked as a washer of dishes in Steakhouse and again intended to marry, this time on the girl Katie, who worked in the kitchen. "

And the question was followed: "How long have these plans come true?" The answer was the same: "zero percent."

Continuing the chain in the same spirit, Igor made a fun conclusion that was never good in predicting events. And then summarized more seriously.

"Everything I want to say is to build plans, they give a general direction. But never run. And this is normal. We must constantly adapt to the surrounding, change plans in accordance with the incoming information, use their chances, make decisions and act, "he stressed.

And finally, if something does not work, you should always be ready to reduce your losses, smiling, he added.

Text: Vladimir Statkevich

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