
The first installment on a mortgage with maternity capital. How to buy an apartment on a mortgage using the mother's capital for a down payment. What documents do you need to provide

Only a few young families manage to independently purchase their own housing, which would correspond to their wishes, with money set aside from their salary. Of course, this can be the help of relatives, their accumulated money, but the most common type of funds is mortgage lending. The state is interested in young families receiving separate housing, so it has developed a whole system of support for young families.

Maternal Certificate for Home Improvement

Today, maternity capital is a significant help for families with two or more children. The program has been running since 2007. It can be spent on expanding living space, including paying off part of the mortgage debt, spending it on paying for the services of a higher educational institution or mom's pension. The most common way for Russian families to use such assistance is the first option. After the President signed in May 2015 FZ-131 mat. capital as a down payment on a mortgage can be used regardless of the age of birth or adoption of a second child. Since the action of this type of state. support, the rules for the use of such assistance are increasingly expanding. Previously, without waiting for the child to turn 3 years old, it was possible to use only the limited possibilities of such a certificate.

Can the mother's certificate be used as the original year today?

The type of state support under consideration involves the receipt of a non-cash certificate, which is not exchangeable and can be used by the family only in some cases. Since 2016, the right to contribute maternity capital as a down payment on a mortgage has been legally enforceable. The basis is Federal Law No. 131 dated May 23, 2015 .

If we talk about the general rules, then maternity capital can be used both as a down payment and as a repayment of the main loan debt. This is a great opportunity for a young family to reduce the financial burden and pay off the mortgage a little faster than the payment schedule suggests.

Unfortunately, this is not possible without difficulties. Not every banking organization easily arranges a mortgage with maternity capital. But there are also banks that draw up such transactions, providing profitable programs. As a rule, today in many organizations the maximum size is 14%.

How to apply?

In the event that the family plans to use maternity capital as a down payment on a mortgage, borrowers must meet all the requirements of a banking organization. In most cases, the requirements for obtaining such a loan are practically no different from a regular consumer loan:

1. Candidates must have a permanent place of work and work experience of at least six months. Some banks present as a mandatory requirement - at least a year for the last 5 years.

2. Previously, to calculate the mortgage offer, banking organizations took into account only the legal, confirmed income of the borrower. The "gray" salary could only act as a secondary income, but most often they did not pay attention to it. And until now, large organizations work according to this scheme. But greater competition among financial institutions can benefit borrowers. Some banks take into account any income of a potential borrower, including unofficial ones. It is necessary to learn about the features of these conditions from the employees of the organization during the consultation process. Sometimes it is the indication of this amount that becomes decisive when approving a mortgage.

3. Lack of registered real estate in the property. This condition is valid only for those who wish to apply for a mortgage under preferential programs subsidized by the state.

4. When repayment of a mortgage by maternity capital is used, the allocation of shares to children is mandatory.

5. In order to get the opportunity to become the owner of a mortgage under the social program, the borrower must have a positive credit history.

How to get a mortgage with maternity capital?

Before initiating the procedure for transferring funds from a family certificate to repay a housing loan, you must go to the Pension Fund and receive this very certificate, which will be an official confirmation of this right.

When the certificate is in hand, future borrowers must decide which banking organization they will cooperate with and where to apply. It is best to visit several banking organizations and calculate a mortgage with maternity capital for all available programs. Only after a thorough analysis of the proposed lending conditions (interest rate, pre-approved amount, additional insurance, etc.) can you apply for registration.

Today, there is no need to wait until the child, after the birth of which the family received the right to a mother's certificate, turns 3 years old. If it is necessary to use the funds of the certificate, the owner (i.e., the mother of children) must contact the territorial office of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation with an appropriate application and a package of documents.

Documents for repaying a mortgage with maternity capital

In order to use the funds of the certificate to fulfill your debt obligations, you will need a certain package of documents. Additional requirements may apply depending on the organization selected. But, as a rule, most banks ask for the following documents to repay the mortgage with maternity capital:

  1. Passports of citizens of the Russian Federation and copies of documents. These are: TIN, SNILS, a certified copy of the work book from the place of work. It will not be superfluous to provide a foreign passport or driver's license or PTS.
  2. Certificate confirming the right to receive maternity capital.
  3. A set of documents that officially confirms the borrower's earnings: a document confirming the absence of debt on mandatory payments, a certificate in the form of a bank on income, or the standard form 2-NDFL can be used.
  4. Contract for the sale of an apartment or house.
  5. Information about the acquired object: information about the condition of the BTI object, an extract from the house book, a passport with an assessment of the technical condition are required.
  6. Official confirmation from the Pension Fund that the potential borrower's account does indeed have funds.
  7. Application for registration in shared ownership.

What should be included in the pension fund?

It is important to understand that a mortgage using maternity capital is not a quick procedure. Especially if the buyer does not use the services of real estate agencies and draws up a deal on his own.

After the bank has been provided with all the documents, statements and other requested documents, you need to go to the Pension Fund and provide them with some papers. As a rule, this is:

  1. Official paper from the bank, indicating that the borrower really intends to enter into an agreement to purchase a mortgage. As a rule, this document is issued by the bank in the usual form.
  2. All general information about the housing object, which will become the subject of mortgage lending.
  3. All documents, as in the case of a bank, belonging to the borrower (passport, SNILS, TIN).
  4. It is mandatory to write an application for the transfer of funds indicating the details of the bank.

Mortgage conditions from the most popular banks

Any financial institution is interested in drawing up as many agreements on large loans as possible. These include mortgages under maternity capital. Banks, as practice shows, have different attitudes to obtaining a loan that involves accounting for family capital. Therefore, before deciding to use the mat. capital as a down payment on a mortgage, it is worth examining the conditions of financial institutions. Experts recommend first of all to turn to large organizations that are very popular among borrowers.

Mortgage with Sberbank

Perhaps this is the same bank that is ready to provide a mortgage on housing, regardless of its category. So, each borrower can draw up an agreement for the purchase of secondary housing, a private house or an apartment in a new building. Mortgage under maternity capital is also possible here. The main requirement of the bank is the mandatory transfer of certificate funds within six months after the conclusion of the transaction.

Official terms:

  1. The loan is provided only in national currency.
  2. The mortgage lending rate is 14.5%.
  3. The maximum loan term is thirty years.
  4. The amount of the down payment must be at least 20 percent.
  5. The value of the transaction is no more than 40,000,000 rubles.

"VTB 24"

The second most popular bank with which borrowers cooperate when applying for a mortgage. The contract can be concluded absolutely for any housing, regardless of its category. That is, it can be private ownership, secondary housing, new building. For the bank, this factor is not decisive. Mortgage under maternity capital is also available here. The main conditions for concluding an agreement with VTB 24:

  1. Operations for the acquisition of a mortgaged dwelling are carried out only in the national currency;
  2. The average interest rate is 15.95%;
  3. The maximum term for a mortgage is 30 years;
  4. The minimum deposit for the transaction is 20%;
  5. The cost of housing should not exceed 30,000,000 rubles.


If you want to apply for a mortgage at Delta Credit Bank, you need to remember that registration is possible only for primary and secondary housing. Transfer of funds from the moment of conclusion of the contract is possible within a year from the date of signing.

Conditions under which you can apply for a mortgage using family capital:

  1. All transactions and transfers are possible only in the national currency - rubles.
  2. The average lending rate is 15.25%.
  3. Starting fee 30%.
  4. The maximum possible loan term should not exceed 25 years.

Calculation of the down payment

As a rule, not every bank provides information about what the size of the down payment will be. Each family wants to understand in advance what conditions it can pull, and therefore wants to calculate the amount of the down payment on its own. In fact, it turns out to be not so difficult. To do this, you need to know the exact cost of housing and the part, expressed as a percentage, that the bank requires as a down payment. So, for example, if an apartment or house costs 3,000,000 rubles, and the bank requires a deposit of at least 20%, it turns out 600,000 rubles. In the event that the family plans to use the mat. capital as a down payment on a mortgage, it is quite logical that in any case it is necessary to pay an additional amount in cash to it.

If the family relies solely on the help of the certificate, then you can calculate the cost of housing for which it can apply. The formula is simple: size mat. capital x 100 / down payment indicator.

It is important to understand that maternity capital is a type of state support, so the amount that is given out can only be used for specific needs. It is impossible to go and spend it whenever you want. If you plan to use mat. capital as a down payment on a mortgage or as a payment to repay the principal debt, then it is necessary to notify the Pension Fund about this six months before the conclusion of the transaction. The state budget and payments are planned every six months.

In the event that part of the maternity capital has already been used, then the remainder cannot be used as a down payment. The only thing that can be done is to reduce the debt under the existing mortgage agreement.


Before contacting the bank, you need to decide for yourself which construction program to give preference to. And although the risk is several times greater when participating in shared construction, the family can win a considerable number of meters, as well as get a mortgage at a better price in terms of monthly payments.

To use the subsidy as a down payment on a mortgage, you need to take a certificate from the Pension Fund branch on the amount of the remaining funds, apply for a loan, contact the Pension Fund branch with credit documents and a certificate for mother capital to transfer funds to the bank.

On May 23, 2015, Law No. 131-FZ entered into force. It makes it possible to direct maternity capital funds for a down payment on a mortgage before the child turns 3 years old.

To direct family capital to a down payment on a mortgage, you need to consistently go through the following steps:

  • obtaining a certificate from the Pension Fund on the balance of funds;
  • mortgage registration;
  • applying to the Pension Fund with a statement on the disposal of family capital funds.

Obtaining a certificate for mother capital

A package of documents required to obtain a certificate is provided to the territorial body of the Pension Fund of Russia (hereinafter referred to as UPFR) at the place of residence (stay) or actual residence, or at the MFC (). You can enter data on documents and write an application in your personal account on the State Services website. Required documents:

  • birth certificate for each child (or adoption certificate);
  • a document confirming the citizenship of the Russian Federation for a child (certificate of registration at the place of residence (Form 8));
  • mother's passport (or);
  • the official representative must have a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation and a notarized power of attorney confirming the authority.

Consideration lasts one month from the date of submission. Then you will receive a notification by mail that the certificate is ready, and you can pick it up.

The indexation of maternity capital has been discontinued until 2020. If it is renewed, the amount of the subsidy will change automatically, there is no need to change the form.

About the subsidy

Maternity capital is a benefit that cannot be received with “live” money. All payments are carried out only in non-cash form.

Any schemes for cashing out mother's capital are fraudulent and fall under Article 159.2 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, according to which the convict faces a fine of 120 thousand rubles or in the amount of the person's earnings for one year. Either 360 hours of compulsory work, or 1 year of corrective labor, or a suspended sentence of up to 2 years, or arrest for 4 months.

Legally from matkapital it was allowed. If such a payment was made, the remaining funds can no longer be used as a down payment. Therefore, before submitting documents to the bank, you need to take a certificate from the UPFR stating that no money was issued from the mother's capital.

In 2017, cash payments from maternity (family) capital are not made.

Bank selection

Most banks work with maternity capital, but not all accept a subsidy as a down payment. Due to the fact that large credit organizations issue mortgages against maternity capital, families will have no problems finding a lender.

Table 1. Summary of comparative information for credit institutions

Bank's name Interest rate Special conditions
DeltaCredit From 11.5% Owners of matkapital down payment from 5%.

Possibility to reduce the interest rate by making an additional deposit of 1-4% of the loan amount.

From 10.75% When registering electronically as part of the Campaign for Young Families from 9.75%
From 12% You can use the subsidy only when the child turns 3 years old.
Rosselkhozbank From 10.75% Matkapital must be at least 10% of the cost when buying a home in the secondary market and 20% in the primary.
Bank of Moscow From 10% Maternity capital should be no more than 15% of the cost of housing. Mandatory availability of own funds in the amount of 5% of the property value

If the bank in which one of the borrowers receives wages accepts mother capital as a down payment, then it is better to apply there first to obtain a mortgage. In this case, a person is a payroll client and can count on preferential lending terms.

Collection of documents

So, the bank is selected. Now you need to prepare the necessary papers. You can apply for a loan:

  1. If the property is not selected, and the loan amount is planned approximately (or the maximum possible, taking into account family income).
  2. If the property is selected and the loan amount is the cost of a particular property.

Author: . Higher legal education: North-Western branch of the Russian Academy of Justice (St. Petersburg) Work experience since 2010. Contract law, consulting on taxation and accounting, representation of interests in state bodies, banks, notaries.
July 8, 2017 .

The birth of the 2nd baby in 2016 will bring the family more than 450 thousand rubles as mother capital. One of the options for its implementation is a housing loan. With a mortgage, maternity capital as a down payment can cover up to 100% of the first payment to the bank.

Federal and regional assistance to families with two children

Maternity capital makes it possible to create a solid foundation for the future of the family: buy an apartment in the city or build your own country house. All this is called the improvement of living conditions. And it is precisely for these needs that the family can use the funds of the MSC (maternity or family capital) - and take a mortgage. Parents will never see "children's" half a million in cash: the transfer of the amount to the creditor's account occurs without the slightest participation of the family.

It is no longer necessary to wait for the baby to be three years old in order to use the maternity capital issued for him as a down payment on a mortgage. In May 2015, the law was amended to allow parents of two children to exercise their right to state support immediately.

The state certificate for mother capital is issued only once. The main thing is that the child was born after 2007 and was not the first with the parents. But the family has the right to receive a monetary reward for the second time - for the birth of a third and subsequent children. This idea is being implemented not at the federal, but at the regional level, but not in all regions. The amount of regional family capital varies from region to region and ranges from 30 to 200 thousand rubles. These funds are not issued in cash anywhere, but the certificate can also be used to cover an existing or new mortgage debt.

Which banks should you apply for a loan?

There is no law that would oblige banks to accept family capital funds as payment for debt. A number of banking organizations: Alfa Bank, Nordea Bank and others - work with MSC, but accept it only as payment of the principal debt. It is impossible to open a new loan for housing and pay off 10-20% of the down payment in such banks. But other credit organizations not only allow this, but also offer young parents preferential terms:


Especially for couples with two or more children, Sberbank has developed the Mortgage + Maternity Capital program. It operates within the framework of credit programs for the purchase of finished or under construction housing. Parents can cover up to 100% of the down payment with MSC funds or use them to pay only part of the contribution.

Delta Bank

The offer from Delta Bank is aimed at reducing the amount of the down payment for those who pay it with the help of maternity capital. The bank offers a 10% reduction in the first payment, while the standard payment starts from 20%. The offer applies to any type of real estate from a share in an apartment to a country house.

Bank of Moscow

But it will be possible to pay the down payment with maternity capital for a mortgage at the Bank of Moscow under other conditions. The contribution is not reduced here: it is still 20%. And it will be possible to pay at the expense of mother capital no more than 15%. The remaining 5% the couple allocates from their own savings.

AHML Partners

The Agency for Housing Mortgage Lending also reduced the down payment on mortgages for families with children. The minimum bar is now 10% of the total loan amount, and the loan term can be extended up to 30 years. Banks cooperating with AHML are required to offer mortgages based on these conditions.

Familiarize yourself with all the offers of banks that accept mother capital as a down payment, and choose the best option for the family.

From the PFR to the bank: how to use the certificate?

To use the certificate for matkapital, you first need to get it. This document is issued by the local PFR authority, provided that the child was born on time from the beginning of 2007 to the end of 2018. A certificate can be obtained only once, but regardless of the period that has passed since the date of birth of the baby. The state undertakes to issue a certificate at least five years later at the first request of the parents.

After receiving the certificate within 3 years, the family will need to decide where to send financial assistance: for the mother's pension, the future education of the child, or for a mortgage. If the couple has already chosen one thing and changed their mind, the previous application can be canceled. The rest can still be used to pay off mortgage debt.

Before applying to the bank for a mortgage, the couple will have to re-visit the Pension Fund and take an extract on the current state (balance) of the capital. Then - choose a banking organization that offers the most comfortable mortgage conditions. And only after that, taking into account the requirements of a particular bank, the family can collect a package of documents. The latter usually includes:

  • The certificate for maternity capital. It is worth attaching to it a certificate of the balance of funds taken from the FIU. It is better to prepare copies of these documents in advance;
  • Certificate of family income in the form of personal income tax-2. It is "white" income that influences the decision of the bank whether the loan will be approved for the couple. Indeed, with a mortgage, the mother capital as a down payment will not help at all if the financial condition of the family does not allow servicing the debt;
  • Tax returns for other sources of income;
  • Parents' passports.

If the bank approves the mortgage, the family concludes a loan agreement with the organization, draws up a contract of sale for the apartment they like and documents their rights to it. With the documents received during the acquisition of a home, passports and a certificate for maternity capital, the family is again sent to the FIU. There, parents will need to fill out an application for the transfer of MSC funds in favor of a credit institution.

Subtleties: what should a couple take into account when preparing documents?

It is not recommended for a family to delay applying to the Pension Fund, since the procedure for transferring mother's capital to a bank is far from instant. After the parents' application is approved, the FIU undertakes to transfer funds within two months.

The bank will accept maternity capital only if each member of the family receives a share in the apartment being purchased. The young couple will have to sign and notarize the corresponding obligation, which will need to be fulfilled within six months after the "children's" funds are taken into account as a mortgage contribution.

If the size of the down payment is less than the amount of capital, the balance "will not burn". Funds not involved in paying the debt will be returned to the PFR account. The family will be able to use them in the future. If the reverse situation occurs, and the maternity capital is not enough to pay the full contribution, the family can supplement it with their own savings. Conditions must be negotiated with the bank on an individual basis.

Do you want to buy a home using the mother's capital? There is an excellent solution: a mortgage with maternity capital as a down payment to banks. Let's take a closer look at how we can make this possible.

At the moment, the following trend is observed in the housing market: the demand for apartments and houses is growing steadily, but people are often limited in their financial capabilities. The best solution is to take out a loan. That is why mortgages are so popular. But after all, it also requires quite impressive financial investments. How to be, is it possible to make maternity capital as a down payment on a mortgage?

Often the best solution is to make a substantial down payment, and then quietly pay a certain amount on the mortgage each month. If the first installment is quite serious, then subsequent monthly payments no longer seem so gigantic. And here the state comes to the aid of young families. It was maternity capital as a down payment on a mortgage in 2017 that became a real chance for a large number of families to improve their living conditions. Today we will consider in more detail how this whole procedure is performed when maternity capital is used as a down payment when applying for a mortgage loan. Remember all the details so you don't get confused later.

We use matkapital as an initial mortgage payment

Now maternity capital offers families the opportunity to receive a certain financial resource if they have a second (subsequent) child. Pay attention to an important point: the legislation strictly regulates how maternity capital can be spent. These are not just funds that are allowed to be spent arbitrarily. The program is strictly targeted. The most important and most demanded direction for the sale of capital is its use as a down payment in mortgage lending.

Many are interested in whether it is possible to use mother capital as a down payment on a mortgage. Let's clarify all the details.

Two options for the use of this support from the state are proposed:

  • covering the basic amount of debt for the purchase of housing;
  • initial mortgage investment.

If you decide to use maternity capital as a down payment, you will first need to determine the range of banking institutions that are ready to work with maternity capital.

Please note that this resource is not accepted by all banks. At the same time, there are a sufficient number of banks that not only readily accept maternity capital, but also provide fairly favorable mortgage lending conditions for young families. Of course, this is primarily Sberbank. It is in Sberbank that mat capital is used quite often as a down payment on a mortgage.

Remember one more nuance. When a family decides to use maternity capital to improve their living conditions without a loan, they will have to wait until the baby, for whom the capital was received, is three years old. Only after reaching the age of three years is such an application of capital allowed.

If you just need to pay off the debt on basic payments with the help of maternity capital, you don’t have to wait for anything. As soon as the mother receives a certificate in her hands, she immediately has the right to use it. And for the use of mother capital as a starting fee, banks have found a way out.

Actual use of mother capital: a convenient option

Maternity capital is used as a down payment in a mortgage in a special way. The fact is that in fact it cannot be sent immediately to the first installment. There are two main reasons.

  • The apartment will be pledged to the seller. This is a mortgage in accordance with the law, but it appears as unpaid. Banks are not happy with this.
  • It is rather problematic to find a seller who agrees to wait for the money from the FIU to arrive.

There is another scheme for using mother capital as a down payment on a mortgage, more efficient. A bank that has a special program for maternity capital issues a loan more by the amount of maternity capital. Quite often, two agreements are drawn up, while one of them is just for the amount of maternity capital. In this case, the property will be registered in the ownership of the borrower directly, and not all family members. After that, you can submit documents to the FIU in order to pay off part of the debt with the help of capital. To do this, the borrower needs to draw up a written obligation that he will give the property to all family members after paying off the mortgage loan. The obligation is certified by a notary.

A huge advantage of this method is the ability to use maternity capital immediately, rather than waiting for three whole years.

Conditions for obtaining a mortgage loan using maternity capital

There are a number of conditions that must be met in order to receive a mortgage loan under maternity capital. In most cases, all basic conditions are standard, similar in all banks. Consider the key list of requirements that banking institutions impose.

  • The borrower must have a permanent place of work. You need to work on it for at least six months. At the same time, in some banks the requirements are even more stringent: they want to have proof of work in one place for more than three years. The main focus is on stability.
  • The income from the workplace must be decent. Of course, the "confirmed" salary is taken into account if the own funds in the purchase are less than 50%. Even if they meet halfway at work, issuing a certificate of good additional income, such wages still will not play a significant role, since the constancy, stability of income, its security are important - therefore, banks often take into account only the main income.
  • The credit history of a person who wants to take out a mortgage is of great importance. It's great if you have a positive credit history. Even if the loan amount was small, this is already a big plus for the borrower if he carefully paid off the loan at one time.

Getting a mortgage loan is not easy, but many people cope with it. The main thing is to have a real opportunity to fully repay the loan.

We collect all the necessary documents

First of all, it is necessary to obtain an official certified document, according to which the family is entitled to state support in the form of maternity capital. Get a paper in the pension fund. Then you have to choose a specific banking institution.

Now it's time to find out what kind of package of documents you have to collect for the bank and how to get a mortgage with maternity capital as a down payment. We will focus on the basic list of official papers that are required in almost all banking institutions:

  1. Certificate for receiving maternity capital.
  2. Identity documents. This includes a passport, as well as a certificate of status on tax records, a pension certificate. The package of papers may include a passport, a driver's license.
  3. We need papers confirming the financial viability, solvency of a person. A certificate of income is provided, certified by the seal of the head of the institution where the borrower works. A certificate in the form of 2NDFL is required.
  4. It is required to provide a document that confirms that the citizen has no debt obligations.
  5. They also ask for a certificate from the tax office. It is needed for people who have sources of additional income, for example, from renting out real estate.
  6. An agreement on the purchase of a property is also provided directly.
  7. A certificate from the branch of the pension fund must reflect that the citizen has funds in the account.
  8. A package of documents for the purchased housing is being collected: this includes a technical passport of the property, extracts from house books, as well as documents from the BTI.
  9. An application is made in which the citizen gives an obligation to further divide the property between family members.

A mortgage lending agreement is concluded with the bank for an amount increased by the size of the mother's capital. When all the documents have already been drawn up and an agreement for the acquisition of a property has been registered with Rosreestr, that is, the borrower has become the owner, they turn to the pension fund.

We transfer the mother's capital to the initial payment

The following documents are required:

  • documents confirming the registration of property rights;
  • mortgage agreement;
  • certificate for receiving support from the state - maternity capital.

Please note: sometimes the certification document is lost. We'll fix it. You just need to contact the pension fund with a request to issue a duplicate certificate.

To contribute maternity capital in the role of repaying part of the loan, which actually replaced the entry fee, they turn to the pension fund department. An application is left there for the maternity capital to be sent to a specific banking institution, with which the young family entered into a mortgage lending agreement. The application must indicate that this maternity capital is used to pay off mortgage obligations. Remember that maternity capital for loan repayment is under no circumstances issued in the form of cash.

The set of documents for the branch of the pension fund also includes the following documents:

  1. A certificate from the bank is issued: it certifies that the citizen is going to receive a mortgage loan under the capital.
  2. Documents are provided for the borrower, in particular, an identity card.
  3. Need information about the property to be purchased.
  4. An application is submitted in which a citizen asks to transfer maternity capital to a lending bank as a down payment on a mortgage.

When you have already prepared all the necessary documents, we can say that the main work is done.

A few important points

Pay attention to some nuances. You will definitely need this information:

  • From the moment the mortgage loan is fully repaid, the property is recorded on all family members, in equal shares.
  • It is very important to contact the pension fund in advance. It has its own specifics of work: the amounts of accruals are formed approximately once every 6 months. If a family needs to accrue maternity capital for the down payment of a mortgage in winter, they should apply in advance, even in the summer.
  • It should be remembered that the property will be under encumbrance until the moment when the mortgage loan is paid in full. That is, housing cannot be donated, exchanged or sold.
  • When applying for a mortgage loan, insurance is also required. This provides additional guarantees for the banking institution, as well as for the borrower himself.

Remember that the main task is to pay off the mortgage loan in full. It is important to objectively evaluate your financial capabilities. Now you know that taking a mortgage with maternity capital as a down payment is real.

According to the rules for channeling maternity capital to improve housing conditions, certificate funds can be used for and (or) target mortgage loan or loan for the purchase (construction) of housing. While waiting for it to pass three years from the birth or adoption of a 2nd or subsequent child not necessary, but the row must be executed for the order.

In order to use mother capital to pay off a mortgage loan (loan), it is necessary to submit the required documents and an application for disposal to the Pension Fund (PFR). Upon approval of the application, the funds of the certificate will be transferred to the credit institution after 1 month and 10 business days from the moment of application.

Maternity capital can be used to repay 6% if, in the period from January 1, 2018 to December 31, 2022, a second or subsequent child.

Mortgage conditions

Maternal (family) capital (MSK) can be used to pay off a mortgage at any time after the birth (adoption) of a second or subsequent child - wait until 3 years have passed, not necessary. It also does not matter whether the funds are used to pay the down payment or to repay the principal and interest.

To direct mother capital for a mortgage, it is necessary to fulfill a number of conditions:

  1. The borrower or co-borrower should not be deprived of the right to MSC.
  2. The loan or loan must be target- for the purchase (construction) of housing.
  3. A mortgage loan (loan) was issued in an organization that (according to Part 7 of Article 10 of Law No. 256-FZ) is:
    • a bank or credit consumer cooperative (CPC);
    • agricultural credit consumer cooperative (ACCC);
  4. A credit institution provides for the possibility of using mother capital when applying for and/or repaying a mortgage.
  5. Loan funds within the framework of the “improvement of living conditions” direction are spent on:
    • purchase of a residential property;
    • participation in shared construction;
    • making an entrance (share) contribution to a housing cooperative;
    • construction of an individual housing construction facility.
  6. The acquired housing is suitable for living, and the apartment building in which the residential premises are located is not recognized as emergency and does not need to be demolished or reconstructed.

If the mortgage contains a residential building and or a garage place, then the loan agreement should indicate what part of the loan funds was directed to the purchase of the residential premises, since it is its cost that will be repaid by the mother's capital.

If a loan (loan) is taken or was taken to purchase land, then use the MSC to make a down payment or repay it is forbidden.

Which banks issue mortgages for maternity capital?

In 2019, most large banks in the Russian Federation allow the use of mother capital to repay a mortgage loan. Some of them provide for the direction of MSC funds for payment down payment. These lending institutions include:

  • Sberbank;
  • Promsvyazbank;
  • Gazprombank;
  • Rosselkhozbank;
  • Raiffeisen Bank;
  • Bank opening";
  • DeltaCredit;
  • other.

Some credit institutions set restrictions on the use of mother capital as a down payment: this opportunity is provided not for all mortgage programs and banks may require a certain percentage personal funds(most often 10-15% of the cost of the apartment). The amount of the contribution at the expense of own funds in many cases depends on the method of confirming income (according to the 2NDFL certificate or in the form of a bank).

Can maternity capital be used as a down payment on a mortgage?

According to part 3 of the Decree of the Government No. 862 of the Russian Federation of December 12, 2007, approving the rules for directing family capital to improve housing conditions, certificate funds allowed to use to pay off a home mortgage or loan. However, not all credit institutions agree to provide funds on such terms.

Before you send the MSC to pay the down payment on the mortgage, you must consult with an employee of the selected bank and find out if such an opportunity is provided in the credit institution.

To use mother capital for an initial contribution, you need to contact the bank with a loan application and:

  • passport of the borrower (co-borrower, if any) with a registration mark;
  • documents confirming income and employment (certificate of salary, copy of work book, etc.);
  • maternity capital certificate;
  • a certificate of the balance of the mother's capital issued by a branch of the Pension Fund (depending on the conditions of the bank, it can be taken in advance or provided later within a period specified by the credit institution).

If the credit (loan) is approved, must be submitted to the FIU:

  • order statement;
  • identity card and proof of residence;
  • marriage certificate and passport of the spouse, if he is a co-borrower;
  • a copy of the loan agreement;
  • a copy of the registered mortgage agreement;
  • documents confirming the purchase or construction of housing;
  • obligation to allocate shares to the spouse and children.

You can contact the FIU using one of the provided ways:

  1. In person or through a representative to the FIU department.
  2. By sending certified copies of documents by mail.
  3. Through the branch of the multifunctional center (MFC).
  4. By submitting an electronic application via:
    • personal account of the insured person on the PFR website;
    • single portal of public services.

If the application is submitted electronically, then the remaining documents must be submitted to the Pension Fund branch within the next 5 business days.

The application is being considered by the FIU 1 month. If the order is approved, then the maternity capital will be transferred non-cash within 10 working days from the moment the decision was made.

Maternity capital for mortgage repayment

In order to send the capital capital of the principal debt and interest-bearing debt on a mortgage loan (loan), you need to notify the credit institution of at least in 30 days. According to part 2 of Art. 810 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, citizen has the right to early repay a loan or a loan taken at interest, if you notify the lender about this 30 days before the return.

The period for which it is necessary to warn of early repayment, organizations can determine on one's own. Some banks set commission and early repayment of loans.

The following documents must be submitted to the credit institution:

  • Application for early repayment of a loan agreement or loan.
  • Certificate for maternity capital.
  • Owner's passport.

When submitting an application for disposal to the Pension Fund, it is necessary to provide documents from which are necessary for using the MSC for a down payment, however, to they need to add:

  • A certificate of the unpaid balance of principal and interest can be obtained when contacting the bank.
  • A document confirming the non-cash transfer of credit funds to the account of the certificate holder (his spouse).
  • Documents establishing the right to purchased housing:
    • when buying a home and putting a housing construction object into operation - an extract from the USRN on ownership;
    • if the apartment building has not yet been put into operation - a copy of the registered agreement for participation in shared construction;
    • if the funds were used to pay the entrance and (or) share contribution to a housing cooperative - an extract from the register confirming membership in the cooperative.

If the Pension Fund approves the order, then the capital will be transferred to the credit institution within 1 month and 10 working days from the moment of registration of the application with the FIU.

If the mortgage loan has not been paid in full, then the certificate holder will receive a new repayment schedule. As a rule, banks independently decide to reduce the amount of the monthly payment, and not the term of the mortgage.

Preferential mortgage at 6 percent

If a second or subsequent child is born in the family from January 1, 2018 to December 31, 2022, then the parents they have a right arrange (refinance) a mortgage under. The following must also be done conditions:

  1. Purchased e (as of April 13, 2019, some exceptions apply).
  2. Loan amount not more than:
    • 12 million rubles— for the purchase of housing in Moscow, St. Petersburg and their regions;
    • 6 million rubles- for residential premises in other regions of the country.
  3. Acquired housing and the life of the borrower insured.
  4. 20% of the cost of the residential premises are repaid at the expense of personal funds - maternity capital can be used.
  5. The loan will be repaid equal payments every month.

If a mortgage loan was taken before the start of the program (01/01/2018), then it can be refinanced if the main condition is met during the period of its validity - the birth of a second or next child.

On March 28, 2019, Dmitry Medvedev signed Government Decree No. 339, which extends the preferential rate for the entire term of the mortgage. The document entered into force on April 13, 2019.

According to paragraphs. and the resolution, citizens were also given the opportunity to obtain a preferential mortgage for the purchase of residential premises on the secondary market (including with a plot) in the territory of rural settlements of the Far Eastern District.

mamipizza.ru - Banks. Contributions and deposits. Money transfers. Loans and taxes. money and state