
Will maternity capital increase in a year. What documents are required

Has not changed, its amount has been 453026 rubles. The next indexation is planned by the Government no earlier than 2020, and the funds for its implementation are already included in the budget of the Pension Fund (PFR). The very action of the mother capital program has been extended until 2021 inclusive.

For example, such families, together with a certificate for maternity capital, can now immediately issue in the amount of the regional subsistence minimum (the national average is more than 10 thousand rubles). These payments will be debited from the MSC certificate once a month. until the child reaches 1.5 years.

In addition, all recipients of maternity capital, regardless of the date of birth of the child (that is, both before and after 01/01/2018), without waiting three years from the moment of his birth or adoption can now dispose of the funds of the certificate to pay for preschool education(that is, the maintenance of the child in kindergarten). The procedure for using capital in 2018 has not changed.

Changes in maternity capital in 2019

But these are not the only changes in the mother capital program in 2018, there were also less noticeable:

  1. Amendments were made to the federal law on mother capital dated December 05, 2017 No. 372-FZ, thanks to which in Crimea and Sevastopol single fathers and adoptive parents in the event of the death of the mother between 01/01/2007 and 03/18/2014 will also be able to exercise their right to maternity capital. Previously, this could not be done, since at the time of death such women were citizens of Ukraine and could not be recognized as citizens of the Russian Federation after the annexation of Crimea, so they did not have the right to maternity capital.
  2. Making it easier to get compensation for goods and services for a child with a disability. Now, according to the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of January 24, 2018 No. 60, in order to change the individual rehabilitation and habilitation program (IPRA), the child must undergo a repeated medical and social examination (MSE) no need, appropriate changes can be added on the basis of a medical certificate.

Changes, latest news for 2 children

As noted above, in 2018, at the birth or adoption of a 2nd child, families will be able to make monthly payments from mother capital, the amount of which is equal to the regional subsistence level for children, and pay for childcare and childcare services without waiting three years.

Also families in which the second child appeared in the period from 2018 to 2022 will be able to get a mortgage loan on preferential terms - at 6% per annum. However, the subsidy will not last for the entire term of the loan, but within 3 years. If after that, within the specified time frame (until 2022 inclusive), a third child is born or adopted in the family, then state subsidies at a preferential interest rate are extended for another 5 years.

A prerequisite - a mortgage must be issued for the purchase of housing in the primary market. If the loan was received before the birth of the child, it can be refinanced. It is noteworthy that maternity capital funds can also be used to pay off a mortgage loan (or pay the first installment to receive it), taken at 6% per annum.

For families with children who have given birth to a second or third child, starting from January 1, 2018, both programs (maternity capital and preferential mortgage at 6%) are a significant help, since so far the most popular direction for using certificate funds is to improve living conditions, and First of all - with the use of credit funds. As of the beginning of 2018, during the entire period of the MSC program, their living conditions improved with the use of a certificate for mat capital more than 5 million Russian families.

The amount of maternity capital in 2019

The amount of maternity capital in 2018 is 453 thousand 26 rubles. The last time it was indexed was in 2015, since then the amount of the certificate has remained unchanged. Next indexing will be done no earlier than 2020(This decision of the country's leadership is fixed by Article 12 of the Federal Law of December 19, 2016 No. 444-FZ). Cancellation of capital indexation is connected with financial and economic difficulties in the country. Previously, an increase in the size of the MSC was carried out by the amount of projected inflation, which was laid down in the law on the state budget for the next financial year.

Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev, at a government meeting on the socio-economic development of Russia (06/29/2017):

It should be noted that the opportunity to become a member of the family capital program in 2017 was extended until December 31, 2021. That is, for the emergence of the right to mother capital, it is now necessary that the second or subsequent child be born (adopted) before this date inclusive. However, the deadline for applying for a certificate and disposing of its funds not regulated.

At the same time, indexation is provided not only for newly issued certificates, but also for those already issued, on which there is an unspent balance of funds. That is, in 2020, it will also be carried out after the completion of the program scheduled for December 31, 2021.

What can you spend maternity capital on in 2019?

In 2018, you can spend materkapital funds in the following areas:

  • improvement of living conditions;
  • paying for children's education;
  • monthly payments for the 2nd child;
  • formation of a mother's funded pension;
  • purchase of funds for social adaptation and rehabilitation of children with disabilities.

Starting from 2018, it is possible to allocate materiel funds for preschool education of children, without waiting 3 years from the moment the second or subsequent child appears in the family. Previously, this was only allowed for fulfillment of credit obligations arising from the use of capital money to improve housing conditions, as well as to purchase goods and services for rehabilitation of disabled children.

Now, with capital up to 3 years, you can pay for childcare and childcare services. Parents can independently choose an organization that has the right to provide educational services, while the requirement for mandatory accreditation of the child's educational program has also been abolished by law since 2018.

A prerequisite for this is the execution of an agreement for the provision of educational services, registered between the organization and the owner of the certificate, which indicates the obligations for the maintenance of children, as well as the calculation of the amount of payment.

Another new way to use capital funds without waiting for 3 years is to issue before the execution of 1.5 years, the amount of which is equal to the children's regional subsistence level. However, in order to receive monthly support, a number of conditions must be met:

  • Second child must be born or adopted not earlier than 01.01.2018. At the same time, for the third or subsequent children, payments not provided.
  • The monthly average per capita family income for the last 12 months cannot exceed 1.5 times the living wage for the working population. This value is set for each individual region ().

As in the case of the previous ones, it is allowed to withdraw funds for any needs without reporting on their use to the FIU. In fact, this type of social support, to some extent, can be called a regular alternative to the previous one-time payments, since now this is the only way to legally receive part of the capital in cash.

Will there be one-time cash payments under the MSC certificate?

Despite the significant expansion in the use of the certificate, many families still continue to wonder if in 2018 one-time payments from the maternity capital of 25 thousand rubles?

The unequivocal answer to this question is no, this is a measure of social support, since the Government notes the completion of the acute phase of the economic crisis in Russia. For the same reason, in 2018, one-time payments from MSC funds were also not considered.

In general, during the operation of the state program of maternity family capital, the opportunity to receive lump sum payments was provided to certificate holders just 4 times:

  • in 2009 and 2010 - in the amount of 12 thousand rubles;
  • in 2015 - 20 thousand rubles;
  • in 2016 - 25 thousand rubles.

Question answer

How to get maternity capital in 2019?

Maternity capital is provided at the birth or adoption of a second child, starting from January 1, 2007. You can also issue a certificate for the third or next child, however, this is only allowed if, for some reason, the capital was not received after the appearance of the second child.

The following persons can apply for maternity capital:

  • mothers or adopters second or subsequent child with citizenship of the Russian Federation.
  • Men are the sole adopters who are citizens of the Russian Federation, if the relevant court decision entered into force after January 1, 2007.
  • Father or adoptive parent, regardless of citizenship, if a woman died or lost the right to capital (was declared dead, deprived of parental rights, etc.).
  • The children themselves(under 18 years of age, in the case of full-time education - under 23 years of age) in case of loss of the right to MSC by both parents.

The application and the necessary documents can be submitted directly to the territorial department of the Pension Fund or through the branch of the Multifunctional Center (MFC). The decision is made within 30 days, after which the corresponding notification is sent to the applicant no later than in 5 days.

Maternity capital for 2 children in 2018 underwent several significant changes, which were proposed by Vladimir Putin in November 2017.

  • Firstly, the program, which was scheduled to end on December 31, 2018, has been extended for several more years - until 2021 inclusive.
  • Secondly, two new possibilities for using the certificate were provided:
    • monthly cash payments from maternity capital in the amount of the subsistence minimum (on average in Russia about 10,000 rubles per month) for a second or subsequent child under the age of 1.5 years;
    • the right to use the certificate, without waiting for 3 years, to keep a child in a nursery or kindergarten (which, according to the country's leadership, should be very popular with Russian parents against the backdrop of a planned program to open new nursery places, for which there is now a large shortage).

Attention, this article is out of date!

Otherwise, for parents of two or more children the same conditions remain for which the maternity capital program operated in 2017. As before, state certificates are issued once at birth (adoption) second or subsequent child, their size is still (that is, indexation was not carried out again - the size of the certificate is frozen until 2020) and no one is paid either will not. The list of main directions for the disposal of MSC funds and the stipulated conditions (restrictions) for their use will not change, with the exception of those indicated above - this is, first of all, the possibility of receiving new monthly payments from the mother's capital for a child up to 1.5 years old in the amount of a child subsistence minimum.


The only thing that made financial capital more poignant in 2018 was the duration of the program, which should have ended in 2018. In this regard, the most important and fundamental question was, Vladimir Putin answered this question back in November 2017 - the maternity capital was extended until December 31, 2021.

Photo pixabay.com

The amount of maternity capital in 2018 (the exact amount for the second child)

In the context of the economic crisis that began in Russia several years ago, the Government of the Russian Federation managed to balance the parameters of the federal budget in such a way that the country's population no longer had to experience severe financial shocks (as was the case, for example, in 2014 and 2015). However, for this, a significant optimization of budget expenditures was carried out, under which a large number of social obligations of the state fell - including the costs of paying maternity capital.

In this regard, in particular, in 2015, for the first time, an unpopular decision was made do not index maternity capital and freeze its size until January 1, 2020. The corresponding law of December 19, 2016 No. 444-FZ (in which a separate program is devoted to the mat capital) came into force on January 1, 2018. Similarly, the size of the state certificate for a second child did not increase in 2016 and 2017 in accordance with Articles 4.1 and 4.3 of the Law of 04/06/2015 No. 68-FZ "On the suspension of the provisions of certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation in terms of the indexation procedure ...".


Thus, the last time the amount of maternity capital was increased in 2015 - then its amount was increased by 5.5% from 429408 to 453026 rubles. This amount will also be paid to families in 2018 (in fact, for the fourth year in a row).

The exact amount of maternity capital for the second child by year (from 2007 to 2018) is given in the table below. As you can see, the total size of the certificate for maternity capital over the years of the program increased by 81%- from 250 to 453 thousand rubles. If matkapital continued to be indexed in 2016-2018. in line with the rate of inflation, then its size has long been would exceed 500 thousand rubles.

Table - Indexation of maternity capital

Year Indexation, % The size of the mother's capital, rub.
2007 - 250000
2008 10,5 276250
2009 13 312162
2010 10 343378
2011 6,5 365698
2012 6 387640
2013 5,5 408960
2014 5 429408
2015 5,5 453026
2016 0 453026
2017 0 453026
2018 0 453026

It is noteworthy that the publication appeared on the website in the non-core section "Health" and actually contained errors regarding the operation of the maternity capital program (in particular, that in 2017 it was possible to spend 25 thousand rubles from maternity capital for any purpose, although in fact the latter for at the moment, the lump sum payment from the maternity capital ended on December 31, 2016, and by the summer the Government had made a final decision in general do not pay it in 2017).

Subsequently, this information about additional payment of 250 thousand to maternity capital in 2018 reprinted a large number of unofficial sources, which gave rise to another wave of unfounded rumors and discussions among young families. However, this information not confirmed on any official portal, and the Government itself did not give any comments on this issue. Other authoritative Russian publications did not report anything of the kind either.


In this regard, at least it is necessary to admit that there was no further development of this topic in the Government, and in general this proposal (if it actually took place) could only be voiced as one of the possible ones.

In fact, the need to establish such an additional payment in the amount of 250,000 rubles from the Government does not make any sense at all, since most Russian women who want to have two children usually do it by the age of 35 (it's just that everyone understands perfectly well what to do next this will be difficult due to health conditions).

Since maternity capital in its meaning is an incentive, it is difficult to imagine at all who and in what such an additional payment should stimulate:

  • if a woman wants two children, she will do it anyway by the age of 35 (with rare exceptions);
  • if she doesn't want a second child, then no additional payment in the amount of 2 times less than the amount of the maternity capital itself (which is already paid for 2 children in the amount of 453 thousand rubles without any age restrictions) will convince her.

What is actually being discussed by the Government instead of an additional payment of 250 thousand to the mother's capital as additional measures to stimulate the birth rate?

Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev, speaking on April 19, 2017 with an annual report in the State Duma, announced a new demographic decline in Russia, which cannot be overcome only by stimulating the birth of a second child (meaning the maternity capital program). Therefore, the new trend of the state demographic policy, according to prime minister, should be directed to stimulation of earlier birth of the first child by Russian women. However, the Government is not going to use some unpopular decisions for this, such as the tax on childlessness, which was in force in the USSR.

New stimulus measures by the Government already being developed- in particular, it has already been proposed to increase the attractiveness of motherhood for women who have given birth to their first child before the age of 25, a significantly increased care allowance up to 1.5 years (in 2017, its minimum amount was 3065.69 rubles, and the maximum for working women is limited to 40% of the average earnings for the previous two years, which, with the current level of salaries among women in the age category up to 25 years is also not so much).

Dmitry Medvedev also spoke about the possibility of additional financial incentives women who gave birth to a second child before the age of 30, but no specifics (and even more so about the additional payment of 250 thousand to maternity capital in 2018) on this issue have not yet been announced.

What can be spent on mother capital for 2 children?

On September 7, 2017, during a working meeting between Dmitry Medvedev and Chairman of the Board of the Pension Fund (PFR) Anton Drozdov, an assessment was made of the results of the maternity capital program in terms of the use of certificate funds by families: “We see that the program is going pretty well”.

In particular, the head of the FIU announced the following indicators:

  • of the 8 million people who have received maternity capital since 2007, more than 57% have fully used the money provided by the certificate;
  • from the total volume of applications for the disposal of maternity capital sent to the Pension Fund:
    • 92% of applications were aimed at improving housing conditions;
    • about 8% - to pay for educational services for children;
    • less than 1% - for the formation of a funded pension (mainly we are talking about the balances of funds under the certificate, formed after they were used in other areas).

Until now, a new direction for using the certificate, introduced in 2016, is extremely low popularity - compensation for the costs of social adaptation of disabled children (only 80 applications were accepted throughout the country during the year).


With the exception of new monthly cash payments from maternity capital proposed by Vladimir Putin, in 2018 not planned to expand the above list of directions for using the certificate, which has developed over the past years. In particular, the government do not support use of mother's capital to buy a car, as well as does not consider new lump-sum payments that were provided in 2015 and 2016 in the amount of 20 and 25 thousand rubles.

The only possible technically new direction for using the certificate, which is supported by the Government and can be adopted in 2018, is the use of maternity capital

48% of the program participants fully implemented the funds of the mother capital, 2% - partially decided on the directions and 48% did not take advantage.

The state supports families by paying allowances for three purposes: children's education, better living conditions, and a mother's pension.

Constant questions - to whom, how and how much; maternity capital in 2019 for the 2nd child - the amount, official news and analysis of false information - read below.

Family support continues.

How to get maternity capital in 2019 for a second child:

  1. Fill out an application.
  2. Collect and submit a complete list of documents.

Amount of mat capital in 2019

The amount of maternity capital funds in 2017 and 2018 for the second child did not change and is still 453.026. The last indexation was carried out in 2015 by 5% - from 429.408 to the current amount.

Innovations for 2019

The end of the program was scheduled for 2018. In November 2017, they announced an extension until 2021.

Now monthly payment of funds in the amount of the subsistence minimum (in the region of 10,000 rubles) is allowed. Maternal capital can be obtained until the third birthday of the second baby: for maintenance in a kindergarten or nursery of any of the children.

Expanded opportunities for use in the field of education. This includes:

  • Payment for the education of children, compensation for expenses for food, hostel, utilities, etc.
  • Three levels of education are available: pre-school, secondary or higher (as well as second) education.
  • Paying for the education of several children.
  • Payment for a public or private school that has the right to provide educational services.
  • If a child interrupts his studies or stops completely, payments of maternity capital can be suspended or unused funds returned.

The changes did not affect the amount of maternity capital and the main areas of use.

Indexation of maternity capital

During the crisis, the budget needed to optimize spending, which also affected social benefits.

There will be no indexation of maternity capital until 2020. The government confirmed that there are no plans to return to the issue of increasing payments.

The table below shows the amounts for all the years of the program's existence.

Year % indexing The amount of maternity capital in rubles
2007 250.000
2008 10,5 276.250
2009 13 312.162
2010 10 343.378
2011 6,5 365.698
2012 6 387.640
2013 5,5 408.960
2014 5 429.408
2015 5,5 453.026
2016 0 453.026
2017 0 453.026
2018 0 453.026

Maternal capital has almost doubled since its inception. Taking into account indexation, its size would be more than 500,000 rubles.

Latest news about the extension of mother capital

The acute question of recent months: until what year will they give maternity capital for a second child. The program has been extended until December 31, 2021. It has shown good results, and the government plans to continue to support it.

Statistics show that citizens are less likely to apply for state assistance. One reason is the declining birth rate. In 2016 and 2017, there is a decrease in natural population growth.

Year born Deceased natural increase
2014 1942683 1912347 30336
2015 1940579 1908541 32038
2016 1888729 1891015 -2286
2017 1690307 1826125 -135818

Additional payments to maternity capital for women who gave birth before the age of 35

In 2017, rumors were actively circulating about a supplement to maternity capital for the second, third and subsequent children. Many families were waiting for additional funds in the amount of 250,000, since indexation has not been carried out for several years.

Various sources suggested that they could be used for any purpose, and not just for the main areas of mother capital.

There was no official confirmation from the government. Not a single authoritative source mentioned a surcharge.

Nevertheless, unscrupulous sources continued to disseminate information about the imminent entry into force of the law - in 2018.

The extra money was supposed to stimulate the early birth of a second and subsequent children, which is contrary to the meaning of the main program, already aimed at solving demographic problems. According to statistics, and so the majority of women now have one or two children before the age of 35. Next - for health reasons.

The government discussed the issue of stimulating the birth of one baby up to 25 years old and two - up to 30, but it has nothing to do with maternal capital. At official meetings there was not a single mention of an allowance of 250,000 rubles.

Summing up

The size of the mother's capital in 2019 for the second child has been 453.026 rubles for four years in a row. Indexation has not been carried out since 2015 in connection with the optimization of budget expenditures and avoiding a repeat of the crisis situation. In 2020, the government plans to discuss the issue of an increase taking into account the level of inflation. The program has been extended until 2021.

The allowance for mothers who gave birth to a second baby under 35 in the amount of 250,000 is not indicated in any official source and does not go beyond rumors and reasoning.

It can be assumed that the maternity capital in 2020 will retain the same amount, and the exact amount for the second child will also be 453,026 rubles. If the allowance were indexed, then the total amount would be more than half a million rubles.

Attention! Due to recent changes in legislation, the legal information in this article may be out of date!

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The indexation of maternity capital was carried out from the moment the regulatory act was adopted and until 2015. The impact of the global financial crisis and the imposition of sanctions against Russia severely shook the reserves of the federal budget, as a result of which the initiative to introduce a moratorium on the indexation of this subsidy was supported. Starting from 2016, the funds offered under the certificate are not protected by the state from depreciation.

Maternity capital: the duration of the program and the current amount of state assistance

For more than 10 years, a program has been operating within the borders of the Russian state, thanks to which a family can receive a gratuitous subsidy for a second child. Linking maternity capital to the number of pupils in the family is due to the need to increase the population of the country. Back in 2007, the legislative initiative correctly assumed that by providing parents with material assistance that could solve housing and other issues, they would be more willing to agree to replenishment in the family.

According to the initial conditions, the size of the subsidy was 250 thousand rubles, and the maternity capital program itself was supposed to last only until 2018, however, shortly before the scheduled date for the end of the subsidy, the regulatory document was rewritten, which extended the opportunity for parents to receive part of the budget funds.

The latest news on the amendments to the document on maternity capital are as follows:

  • The extension of the state program aimed at increasing demographic growth affected not only 2019, but also 2020, 2021 inclusive. The legislator's office was proposed an initiative to increase the duration of the mother's capital until 2023, but the idea did not gain due support due to the crisis state of the economy and the presence of great risks to plan the budget for such a long period.
  • After freezing the value of payments under the certificate, its size also remains unchanged until approximately 2020 and is equal to 453 thousand rubles;
  • Contrary to the general rules on preventing the cashing out of maternity capital, families that have received low-income status in Russia and are holders of a maternity certificate have the right to request cash payments from the amount of the conditional subsidy until the child is one and a half years old; The amounts offered for receipt are monthly in nature and, each subsequent allowance will proportionally reduce the amount of funds provided under the subsidy;
  • As one of the sub-directions, it was allowed to use capital funds to pay for the educational services of a preschool child. That is, parents are allowed to pay for the stay of a pupil in kindergarten with a mother's certificate, regardless of the organizational and legal form of the institution;
  • As a general rule, the legal use of the subsidy can only occur if the child reaches the three-year age threshold, but the legislator has defined exceptional situations when it is allowed to satisfy some family needs without reference to the age of the pupil:
  • Pay part or all of the debt under the mortgage / loan obligation taken on before obtaining the right to the mother capital;
  • Pay for the stay of the child in a preschool institution.

Carrying out measures to index the proposed family subsidy ensured the safety of funds from the constant impact of inflation and made it possible to establish a balance between the nominal and real amount of the subsidy.

The primary provisions on the MC fixed the procedure by which the subsidy should be annually recalculated and increased. It is worth noting that the indexation of this assistance was carried out in a timely manner, but the onset of a difficult economic situation in 2015, with disappointing forecasts, forced the legislature to impose a moratorium on changing the denomination of the certificate.

Owners of maternity capital should not wait for a “budgetary” thaw and dream of increasing subsidies, because:

  1. The freezing period is set by regulation;
  2. The state budget is strictly scheduled for future costs, which do not include an increase in the face value of the subsidy.

The reality of the applied index

If we consider the history of the increase in the initial amount of maternity capital and correlate the applied index with the real inflation rate, we can see that since 2012 the applied indicator has been almost two times less than the actual depreciation of the nominal value.

Since the subsidy has remained unchanged since 2015, families face the challenge of reducing the real amount of the subsidy. That is, the later the parents decide to use the funds offered under the subsidy, the less benefits they will be able to pay for it.

Figures and facts about the indexation of mother capital for all previous years:

  1. From 2007 to 2015, the amount of the subsidy increased from 250 thousand to 453 thousand rubles, which is about 81% of the increase, however, over the entire period of the program's existence (until 2018), the total inflation rate reached slightly less than 150%;
  2. The decrease in the cost of a square meter of living space in almost all regions of the country has played a positive role for families who have implemented subsidies to improve living conditions;
  3. As the country's economy recovers and consumer demand for real estate increases, the contribution of mother capital for the purchase of a housing stock does not meet the expectations of the program participants, who hoped for a significant reduction in the financial burden;
  4. According to the most rough estimates, every year maternity capital depreciates by about 50 thousand rubles, which indicates the feasibility of using the subsidy in the near future.

Where can the amount of the subsidy be sent?

The current document on the management of maternity capital defines the list of areas in which families can use the subsidy. These include the following goals:

  1. Payment for the education of any of the pupils:
  • Pre-school, secondary general, specialized secondary special or higher;
  • A prerequisite is that the paid program must be provided on a commercial basis (be paid);
  • An educational institution confirms the legality of its activities by having a license and a certificate of state accreditation;
  • The form of ownership of the institution where the child is studying does not matter;
  1. Improving the living conditions of the family:
  • Acquisition of an apartment, room, private house;
  • Participation in the shared construction of an apartment building;
  • Construction from scratch of their own living space with the involvement of a contractor or independent work;
  • Making a subsidy for the fulfillment of credit obligations of a targeted nature (taken for construction or for the purchase of a specific list of building materials);
  • Mortgage debt repayment (down payment, principal amount of the burden or interest on the use of borrowed capital);
  • Improvement of the technical condition / reconstruction of existing real estate;
  1. Increase in the funded part of the state pension content:
  • The direction is valid only in relation to the main bearer of the right - the mother;
  • Depositing funds is allowed until the specified part can actually be formed;
  1. Social adaptation, procedures for habilitation / rehabilitation of a child recognized as disabled:
  • The implementation of mother capital takes place in order to compensate for previously incurred costs;
  • In order to be approved for reimbursement from the subsidy, the expenses incurred must correspond to the established list of services;
  1. Obtaining financial support in the event of a difficult situation in family life:
  • Only if the family is recognized as low-income;
  • The total income of all able-bodied members of the family cannot exceed 1.5 of the subsistence minimum for each;
  • The maximum duration of support is no more than one and a half years;
  • When determining eligibility for support, regional minimums of residence are taken into account.

All of the above areas of using the subsidy are becoming more expensive every year, while the face value of the certificate remains the same and its depreciation is in no way compensated by the state. The later use of the grant results in the fact that the funds are able to satisfy an ever smaller number of family goals.

Grounds for extending the program

The scarcity of state reserves and the abolition of maternity capital indexation did not affect the decision to extend the state program. The regulatory document was rewritten and the last day of 2021 became the new expiration date for the mother capital.

From this article, you will find out how much the amount of maternity capital will be in 2019, as well as what legislative changes there are regarding this benefit expected by many.

Exact amount

The amount of maternity capital in 2019 was established by paragraph 1 of article 8 of the Federal Law “On the federal budget for 2019 and for the planning period of 2020 and 2021”.

And let’s say right away that the exact amount of maternity capital in 2019 has not changed and is 453 026 rubles.

That is, compared to 2018, the amount of this family allowance has not changed.


The last time matkapital was indexed was in 2015. Since then, the amount of payment for the certificate has not changed.

The fact is that from 01/01/2018 to 01/01/2020, Part 2 of Art. 6 of the Law of December 29, 2006 No. 256-FZ “On additional measures of state support for families with children”. And it obliges to index the amount of maternity (family) capital in accordance with the percentage of inflation.

This condition has not been fulfilled by the authorities since 2016 due to the difficult financial and economic situation in the country. It should be noted that the freeze was originally supposed to be for 1 year, but then it was extended until 2020.


During the operation of mother capital (since 2007), its size has grown from 250,000 to 450,000 rubles. Before the freeze, the amount of the certificate was increased every year by the predicted level of inflation. The highest increase was in 2009 – by 13%. The most insignificant increase was in 2014 (by 5%).

The resumption of indexation of mother capital was confirmed by Deputy Prime Minister Tatyana Golikova, speaking at a meeting of the commission on social and labor relations on July 24, 2018. She stated that the annual increase in the amount of the certificate for mother capital is an integral part of the Demography national project. However, no exact figures on the amount of capital have been given, as they may still be adjusted in 2019.

Matkapital in 2020 and 2021

As you can see, the size of the mother's capital in 2019 remained the same - in a frozen state, but from 2020 we should expect positive developments in this matter. Moreover, we can already name the exact amounts.

So, according to the explanatory note to the draft Federal Law "On the PFR budget for 2019 and for the planning period of 2020 and 2021", the next time the amount of the certificate will increase:

  • January 1, 2020 - up to 470,241 rubles (based on a consumer price growth index of 3.8%);
  • in 2021 - up to 489,051 rubles (based on a 4% consumer price growth index).

How to spend your mother's capital in 2019

The list of areas for which funds can be spent remains the same as in 2018. This:

  • improvement of housing situation;
  • payment for the education of any child in the family (regardless of the order of birth or adoption);
  • mother's pension;
  • social adaptation of disabled children (receipt of compensation for paid goods and services);
  • monthly payments when a second child appears.

Regulation changes

In 2019, the program for the provision and use of mother capital will be slightly adjusted. So:



Recipients will be able to legally use it for construction capital houses on a summer cottage (although this term will be abolished by law, instead of it - garden land) It is impossible to build garden houses and / or outbuildings on mother capital.

From 01/01/2019, the Law of July 29, 2017 No. 217-FZ on horticulture and horticulture comes into force. It solves the problem of registration in "dacha" houses. Since it is allowed to build residential buildings on garden plots, it is also allowed to register in them.

The decision to issue a personalized certificate for the mother capital of the PFR will be made not in 1 month, but in 15 days. Accordingly, it will be possible to use the money earlier (draft law No. 517377-7).

Otherwise, the lack of major changes in the mother capital program in 2019 is largely due to the large number of innovations in 2018. Namely:

  • introduced monthly payments for the second child until he is 1.5 years old;
  • added the ability to pay for pre-school education of children without waiting 3 years from the moment the right to materiel arises;
  • extension of maternity capital until 2021 inclusive.

Also, a mortgage subsidy program has been launched for families in which a second and/or subsequent child has appeared since 01/01/2018. The family can apply for a mortgage loan or a loan for preferential rate - 6% per annum (the bank may give a lower rate). Many participants in this program are recipients of mother capital.

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