
How much does the employer pay when leaving on maternity leave. How to correctly calculate maternity. How to calculate maternity

During pregnancy and in the first period after childbirth, the state continues to provide material support to mothers in the form of benefits for pregnancy and childbirth. This type of social guarantee is provided to working (employed) women during maternity leave, in the guaranteed minimum amount, a multiple of the minimum wage (the minimum wage from January 1, 2019 is 11,280 rubles).

  • dated May 19, 1995 No. 81-FZ "On State Benefits for Citizens with Children";
  • dated December 29, 2006 No. 255-FZ "On compulsory social insurance in case of temporary disability and in connection with motherhood".

The maternity allowance is paid depending on the social status of the recipient at the expense of the Social Insurance Fund (FSS) by enterprises or from the federal budget by educational organizations or the Departments of Social Protection of the Population (USZN).

Maternity payments provided at the same time:

  • expectant mothers who study full-time in institutions that provide vocational, secondary special or higher education;
  • unemployed women, dismissed as a result of the reduction or liquidation of the entrepreneur-employer.

The amount of maternity allowance in 2019

Since 2011, maternity pay has been calculated according to the new procedure, which has the following features. During pregnancy, the employee must be granted maternity leave, for all days of which the allowance is paid. Legislation provides multiple duration options:

  • at the birth of one child, 70 days before and 70 days after childbirth are provided (in case of complications of childbirth, postpartum leave of 86 days is provided);
  • at the birth of 2 or more children, 84 days before and after the birth of 110 days are provided.


They include payment for all days of maternity leave in an amount equal to 100% of a woman's average earnings for the last two full calendar years. Non-working mothers who are eligible for this allowance are credited by the regional USZN in the amount of RUB 655.49 per month.

If at the same time a woman worked at several enterprises at the same time, then the salaries accrued for two years are summed up. If she continues to combine work in several organizations, then maternity leave is paid at one enterprise of her choice.

If the average income of a woman less than the current minimum wage at the time of going on maternity leave or the total insurance experience is less than six months, then to calculate the benefit, the minimum wage is taken, the amount of which in 2019 is 11280 rub..

In addition, the maximum amount of payments is set. It must not exceed the size maximum contribution base compulsory social insurance in case of temporary disability and in connection with motherhood, which are:

  • in 2009 and 2010 - 415,000 rubles;
  • in 2011 - 463,000 rubles;
  • in 2012 - 512,000 rubles;
  • in 2013 - 568,000 rubles;
  • in 2014 - 624,000 rubles;
  • in 2015 - 670,000 rubles;
  • in 2016 - 718,000 rubles;
  • in 2017 - 755,000 rubles;
  • in 2018 - 815,000 rubles;
  • in 2019 - 865,000 rubles.

Therefore, in 2019, maternity pay was accrued and paid in amounts not exceeding the following values:

Read more about the amount and calculation of charges on the page Size of maternity benefits.

How are maternity pay calculated?

To receive maternity benefits, a pregnant woman must meet the following conditions:

  • be officially employed;
  • be registered for pregnancy in a antenatal clinic or other medical institution;
  • in accordance with the certificate of incapacity for work, be on sick leave for pregnancy and childbirth.

The exceptions are such categories of unemployed who:

  • were dismissed during the year on a reduction within no more than 12 previous months and were properly registered with the Employment Center;
  • study in an educational organization in full-time education.

If you belong to the category of citizens who are entitled to maternity benefits, then in order to receive it, you must:

  1. Obtain a certificate of registration for pregnancy at the antenatal clinic or other medical institution, indicating the period of registration.
  2. Arrange for a maternity sick leave from your doctor.
  3. If you work, or have worked in several enterprises over the past two years, you need to obtain certificates from these organizations on the calculation of average earnings, for subsequent submission to the employer's department that will make the payment.
  4. Write an application addressed to the director of the enterprise - the employer about going on maternity leave and receiving payment of benefits for pregnancy and childbirth.
  5. All prepared documents must be submitted to the personnel department of the organization.


If during this period the management of the enterprise does not make any decision and does not make payments, then the woman has the right to apply for benefits to the local branch of the Social Insurance Fund (FSS).

Maternity payments to a non-working mother

Non-working women in 2019 are entitled to receive a maternity allowance in the amount of RUB 655.49 per month, if they:

  • are registered with the Employment Service (CZN) as persons who have lost their jobs due to a reduction from the enterprise during its liquidation (or termination of activities in the form of an individual entrepreneur or self-employed population);
  • study full-time in educational institutions of various levels - paid in the form of a scholarship.
To apply for benefits in the first case, a woman needs to contact the territorial Department of the social protection service, and in the second case, to the educational institution where she receives her education.

To get paid unemployed woman must provide:

  • statement;
  • sick leave from a medical institution;
  • work book or extract with marks from the last place of work;
  • certificate from the Employment Service on registration as unemployed.

The decision to receive benefits is made within 10 days from the date of application. You can apply for maternity benefits any day after receiving maternity sick leave, but no later than 6 months after its completion.

In the age of speed and difficult environmental conditions, going on maternity leave (maternity leave) when the period has reached 7 months is not a simple whim, but the need to prepare for the appearance of a little man in a calm home environment.

Nervous tension at work, fatigue and malnutrition at such a time can lead to irreversible consequences.

But for many women, being away from work for such a long time means being left without money. In order to preserve the health of the baby and provide financial assistance, it is possible to go on paid leave and spend the last 2 months before the birth, in peace and joyful emotions.

Within 2.5 months after the birth of the baby, the time for the recovery of the woman in labor and the adaptation of the newborn lasts. This time, helpless for both, is protected by law. One of the ways to support is to pay for the period before childbirth and after, like vacations. Such a separation from work is called "maternity leave", (BiR) or, in common parlance, maternity leave.

In everyday life, sometimes, all the money that a woman receives for maternity leave, for childcare up to one and a half years and an additional payment for early registration with a gynecologist is mistakenly called maternity.

In fact, these are completely different categories of financial assistance, which should not be added to maternity.

For early access to a consultation (up to 12 weeks), only those women who turned to a gynecologist in the first 12 weeks receive a separate certificate. Some organizations, for various mercantile reasons, reduce this statutory period to three to five days. A pregnant woman in this case can act in two ways:

  • go to court;
  • explain the situation in the antenatal clinic, where they will write the necessary certificate to her so as not to disrupt the course of pregnancy with unnecessary nervous disorders. In practice, this is usually the case.

According to the logic and current legislation of the Russian Federation, only a pregnant woman goes on vacation in BiR (Article 255 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). And now not only mom, but also dad, grandparents have the right to sit at home with a child under one and a half years old. To do this, you need to write an appropriate application at the place of work.

A pregnant woman may return to work after her statutory B&R leave if another family member takes care of the baby.

By law, not all women have the right to receive maternity leave this year. Payments apply to the following categories of pregnant women:

  • working;
  • unemployed who are registered in the employment center in connection with the reduction or dismissal due to the liquidation of the company;
  • full-time students;
  • military, contractors;
  • women who have adopted a child under 3 months.

Changes in the law regarding maternity in 2017

The main innovation of 2017 is the increase in the minimum wage. Since February 1, inflation has been indexed (5.4%). The index coefficient is 1.054 in accordance with the Government Decree No. 88 dated January 26 this year.

The minimum amount of maternity leave is 35,901 rubles. 36 k. If, for all calculations, the amount of maternity payments turns out to be less than this indicator, then the expectant mother will receive exactly this amount.

The maximum that a woman can count on, despite her salary, is 266,191 rubles. 80 k. This bar is established by law. The entire amount of maternity is transferred to the woman's card at a time.

What are the terms of maternity leave?

If desired and in good health, the future mother can continue her work and go on vacation when she wants to. The time set by law will not be reduced in this case either. But from 30 (28, 27) weeks of pregnancy, a woman already knows how many babies she is expecting, how the pregnancy proceeds, and much more. And, based on this, he plans his time. Therefore, in the application, she indicates all these data.

Immediately after the birth (or discharge), the mother sends a certificate from the maternity hospital. It indicates the condition of the child and mother and the doctor's recommendations about the recovery period. Based on this, if necessary, the vacation is extended from 140 days to 156.

For each type of pregnancy, the law provides for certain periods for vacation:

  1. With a singleton problem-free pregnancy - 140 days. Ideally, this period is divided equally - 70 days before delivery and 70 - after.
  2. With a singleton, with complications, the period increases to 156 days (70 + 86).
  3. If the ultrasound showed 2 or more babies, the vacation will be the longest - 194 days, of which 110 days are in the postpartum period.
  4. A mother who has adopted a child no older than 3 months is entitled to a 70-day maternity leave.

Based on practice, no one knows how to accurately predict when the time will come for a woman to give birth. Most often this happens a little earlier, and in some cases later than the period calculated by the doctors. Despite this, the total vacation days are not reduced.

Examples how to calculate maternity leave in various situations

The main document that they receive at the antenatal clinic and refer to the accounting department at their work is a sick leave and an arbitrary statement.

It is possible to change one year to the previous one, if it seems to you that then your salary was higher. To do this, write a special application, and be sure to indicate the desired year, which is more suitable. If there is no such data, then the accountant will calculate as expected - for the two previous years. No one but you has the right to choose periods.

To calculate you need:

  • know your salary for two years;
  • remember or find out how many, during this time, you had sick days (including for pregnancy, caring for another child) in days.
  • arm yourself with a calendar and check if there is a leap year in the calculated periods. 2016, for example, was a leap year. So in 2015 - 365 days, and in 2016 - 366. In total - 731 days. All calculations under the decrees of the current year are based on this figure;
  • in some regions, their own coefficient has been introduced, in addition to the federal one. This point is worth clarifying.

Calculations according to the available data can be made both by yourself, in a notebook, and via the Internet using an online calculator.

The sum of salaries for 2 years (accrued before tax) is divided by a two-year period in days - these are 730 and 731 days, if one of them is a leap year. And, multiply all this by the number of days of the decree.

This is what the general formula looks like:

(Sz / Gp) = Zsr

Zsr * Ds \u003d OBiR

  • Zsr - average daily earnings for two years;
  • Гп - the number of calendar days for 2 years. With the exception of leave for another pregnancy, sick leave, downtime with the preservation of salary.

Legal holidays, or those taken at one's own expense, are not excluded;

  • Sz - the amount of accrued salary for 2 years. It includes wages and other income from which taxes were paid. That is, if, after all insurance and tax payments, you receive 18,000 rubles in your hands, and your salary, according to the documents, is 21,000 rubles, then the calculations are made according to the second amount;
  • Ds - the number of vacation days in BiR (140, 156 or 194 days);
  • ObiR - the amount of maternity.
  • Gp for 2015-2016 – 731 days!
  • Example #1

The pregnant woman is going on maternity leave this year. Salary for two years leaves 520,800 rubles. 2015 - 255600 and for 2016 - 265200 rubles. During this time, she took sick leave 3 times - for a total of 22 days. GP = 731 since 2016 is a leap year

Average daily earnings for two years:

Zsr \u003d 520800 / 709 \u003d 734 rubles, 56 kopecks.

ObiR \u003d 734.56 * 140 \u003d 102838 rubles. 40 kop. (one-time vacation pay for BiT). So, a young mother will receive 102,838 rubles. 40 kop.

  • Example #2

The woman will be the mother of twins. Salary with bonuses for 2 years (2015 + 2016) = 25400 * 12 + 27300 * 12 = 304800 + 327600 = 632400 rubles. During this period, she took sick leave 2 times, each time for 5 days (10 days in total).

632400 / (731-10) = 877 rubles (average daily salary).

877 * 194 = 170138 rubles. (sum of maternity leave).

The mother of the twins will be paid a one-time payment for the entire vacation in BiR 170,138 rubles.

  • Example #3

Head of department in a large company, went on maternity leave. Childbirth passed with minor complications. The accounting department received a statement, sick leave and a certificate of complications. The amount of salary for 2015 was 720 thousand rubles. For 2016 - 760 thousand rubles.

720000 + 760000 = 1480000 rubles

The entire period worked without sick leave and time off.

1480000 / 731 = 2024 rubles 60 kop. = Zav

2024.6 * 156 = 315837 rubles. 60 kop.

Since, the maximum amount of maternity in the Russian Federation cannot exceed 266,191 rubles. 80 kopecks, then, despite the amount received in the process of settlements, the maximum payment will be exactly the limit established by the state.

  • Example #4

A pregnant woman has been working as a nurse in the surgical department of the hospital for more than 5 years. Work without interruption. For 2015, she received (with all allowances and bonuses) - 86,400 rubles. For 2016 - 96,000 rubles.

(86400 + 96000) / 731 = 249 rubles. 50 kop. (Zsr)

249.5 * 140 = 34930 rubles. OBiR

This amount of payments is lower than the minimum allowed by law. Therefore, the woman will be paid 35,901 rubles, 36 kopecks.

  • Example #5

A young mother is going on maternity leave for the second time. She spent 20 weeks on vacation in BiR with her first baby, after which the father of the child himself took leave to care for his son from his place of work. The mother returned to work at the end of 2015. The woman, along with the sick leave, brought a statement to the accounting department with a request to change the salary year from 2015 to 2014, because she considered that the salary in the fourteenth year was higher.

  1. Salary for 2014 - 360,000 rubles.
  2. For 2016 - 380,000 rubles.

The leap year remains, and therefore:

(360000 + 380000) / 731 * 140 = 141724 rubles.

The second calculation looked like this:

Salary for 2015 - 310,000 rubles;

Salary for 2016 - 380,000 rubles.

731 - 140 (vacation days) = 591 days.

(310000 + 380000) / 591 * 140 \u003d 163520 rubles.

It can be seen that the woman would have chosen the standard, profitable option and withdrew the application.

Estimates at home may be approximate. The data available to the accounting department may not be available to women themselves. Therefore, the numbers may differ slightly. In any case, the difference will not be very significant, and at work they will explain what exactly you thought was wrong.

Calculations on the Internet using an online calculator are also easy to make. All of them have step by step instructions. However, the same information is needed as for independent mathematical calculations.

If you are an employee of a budgetary organization, then you most likely cannot do without the help of an accountant. The nuances of the tariff scale, work experience sometimes matter.

Unfortunately, women who do not work or quit of their own free will and do not get a job anywhere else do not receive maternity leave. For them, there are other types of state or regional assistance and benefits.

Video about the rights of pregnant women and employers:

Oct 31, 2017 Benefit Help

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Pregnancy is always the expectation of happiness. And shopping trips that bring a lot of joy - for booties, toys, a crib, etc. Moreover, buying things for a baby in our time is a special expense item in the marital budget (a lot of money is needed). Therefore, assistance from the state becomes a serious help for many mothers. Namely, maternity payments.

Who is entitled to them next year, and how much will they give?

Conditions for maternity leave - calculation of maternity leave days

According to the law, there are 2 options for calculating maternity "rest":

  1. With a singleton pregnancy, you can go on vacation at least 70 days before the birth and another 70 days to "rest" immediately after the birth.
  2. With multiple pregnancy, you can leave 84 days before the birth, and stay at home after the birth - for 110 days.
  3. When the expectant mother lives in territories recognized as environmentally unfavorable, the vacation will be 160 days.
  4. Also, another 16 days can be added to the vacation (and later paid!) if the birth was difficult and difficult.

Moreover, the employer is obliged to keep the position for the mother. As for the experience, it is not interrupted even if the mother goes on leave to care for the child for 1-3 years. The employer provides the woman with the allowance for the entire period of vacation - at a time or monthly. All rights and obligations of expectant mothers when going on maternity leave

Important: maternity payments are due to the expectant mother only if she is officially registered at work!

When to go on maternity leave - specific dates

The timing depends on the situation. As a rule, the expectant mother goes on vacation ...

  1. At 30 weeks - with a normal pregnancy.
  2. At 28 weeks - with multiple births.
  3. At 27 weeks - when living in an area that is recognized as environmentally unfavorable.

This value is very arbitrary and may change according to the situation.


The period of leave cannot be changed due to premature birth or, on the contrary, late delivery. That is, childbirth, for example, 2-4 weeks earlier does not give the right to shorten the woman's vacation due to her.

Stages of registration of maternity leave - documents, application and order

In the absence of the status of officially employed, the expectant mother does not particularly have to rely on maternity payments - they will not be.

Of course, individual private entrepreneurs can encourage their employees with payments, but this is a rare case - and, usually, meager amounts.

On a mandatory basis, payments will be made (by law!) only if if the mother worked according to the work book (under the contract) in a specific period.

How to apply for maternity leave?

According to Article 255 of the Labor Code, maternity leave is granted on the basis of a specific document - a sick leave, which is issued in a medical / institution, as well as upon receipt of the same sick leave.

The documents are almost identical - except that the sick leave for the expectant mother ...

  1. Allows you to take an extended vacation.
  2. Issued for a longer period of time.
  3. Issued immediately for the entire period.
  4. Issued in the antenatal clinic.

What paperwork is needed to apply for a vacation?

  1. A disability certificate filled out by a medical worker (in the antenatal clinic, where the mother is observed).
  2. Certificate from the same medical / institution.
  3. A certificate from the spouse’s work (if any) for obtaining additional leave (namely, to care for the baby). This document confirms that maternity leave is no longer used by the spouse (it happens that after the birth of the baby, it is the father who goes on maternity leave, and the mother goes to work). Also the baby's birth certificate. These 2 documents must be brought to the personnel department at the time when you are going to apply for additional leave. That is, after maternity leave.
  4. Handwritten statement, which is provided to the authorities (approx. - indicating the period and reason for the vacation).

What should be remembered?

  1. In addition to the application for leave, the personnel department should immediately write an application for payments.
  2. The terms of the employment contract remain unchanged, regardless of when the baby was born.
  3. It is recommended to issue the 2nd part of the leave (note - to care for a child) within a week after returning from the hospital. The sooner the better!
  4. If you do not want to go on vacation, and dad agrees to replace you, you have such a right. According to the law, dad can also take parental leave.
  5. If you are on maternity leave, you will not be fired. And no one has the right to reduce your salary either.
  6. Management is obliged by law to immediately release you from emergency work, sudden subbotniks and overtime (night, heavy, etc.) work, as soon as he found out about your pregnancy.
  7. Important! If the term of your contract "unexpectedly" ended at the moment when you were already pregnant, the authorities are obliged to extend this period for the entire period of maternity leave (that is, not until the birth of the crumbs, but for all the prescribed 140 or 194 days).
  8. If the 30th week is still far away, and you already want to go on vacation and work hard, then you have the right to take paid leave before the onset of the maternity leave (from the 30th week). No one has the right to refuse you. Even if you have worked less than 6 months.

Changing periods for calculating benefits - important to know!

Not all expectant mothers know about this statement.

The maternity benefit is usually calculated based on all income received 2 years before the decree.

But it happens that a woman again becomes a future mother, barely having time to give birth to a baby. Or, having barely jumped out to work after the 1st decree, she already announces her plans - to take maternity leave again. It is for such cases that the legislator provides for the replacement of the period for calculating benefits (note - clause 1. article 14 of the Federal Law No. 255 of December 29, 2006, on compulsory social / insurance in connection with maternity).

That is if the expectant mother for 2 years (which are taken to calculate the allowance) already had the good fortune to go on parental leave or maternity leave, but these 2 years can be replaced by earlier ones that assume full income.

This replacement is carried out exclusively at the personal request of the expectant mother, drawn up in writing and in any form(“please replace 1 (2) years for calculating benefits with earlier years”).

It's important to know!

  1. This application must be given to the management at the same time as the application for maternity leave and sick leave.
  2. If there is no application, there is no point in waiting for the replacement of periods - everything is in your hands! Remember that if you don't apply, your benefits will be calculated based on your income.
  3. The effect of the law on the replacement of periods does not stop even if you “hooked” with a decree (or parental leave) only 1 day out of the previous 2 years required for calculations.

All payments on maternity leave in 2019 - how to calculate maternity leave?

Starting next year, both the accrual and, directly, the calculation of benefits will be carried out without any special changes.

However, some points should still be taken into account.

Maternity payments in 2019 are due to mothers who ...

  1. They were officially working at the time of going on maternity leave.
  2. Were registered as individual entrepreneurs (since 2019). At the same time, the amount of the benefit will depend on the specific amount that the mother transferred to the social / insurance department.
  3. They were deprived of work, but managed to get registered at their employment center even before going on maternity leave. Accordingly, for monthly payments in this case, you should contact the department of social / protection.
  4. They studied at the hospital (regardless - on a contract or budgetary basis). Here the allowance will depend on the scholarship. Please contact the dean's office.

It's important to know:

  1. The amount of payments will depend on the salary of the expectant mother received by her during the 2 years preceding the onset of the decree.
  2. Working in several organizations at once (part-time job) allows the mother to receive compensation in each of them. A certificate of pregnancy, respectively, is submitted to the personnel department of each organization. They have no right to refuse!

Payments - what to expect?

Unfortunately, there are no significant changes in the amount of payments.
Maximum payouts:

  1. For 140 days of vacation - 34,520 rubles.
  2. For 156 days of vacation - 38 4650 rubles.
  3. For 184 days of vacation - 47,835 rubles.
  4. A one-time allowance after birth - 16,350 rubles, regardless of the salary.
  5. Payments for caring for a baby up to 1.5 years old on average - 3,065 rubles for the 1st baby, 6,131 rubles for the 2nd and subsequent ones. The amount of "care" payments depends on the salary and leaves 40% of the average / earnings.

On a note:

  1. The "bar" of payments may vary in accordance with the term and duration of the vacation.
  2. If the salary is below the average level, which is set by the state, the amount in the calculations will be taken to be equal to the minimum wage (the average minimum wage is 11,280 rubles for 2019, but each region has its own minimum wage!).
  3. With 2-3 jobs, payments should be made immediately in 2-3 organizations.

How to calculate the amount of payments?

With the advent of a child in each family, not only new pleasant chores appear, but expenses also increase significantly, especially since the entire burden of material support for the family falls, as a rule, on the shoulders of the father.

The state takes a number of measures to support families with children, including the payment of special benefits and the provision of working women who are expecting a child.

For example, all of them, regardless of length of service, receive payments and benefits on maternity leave. The USSR became the first state in the world in which, since 1917, they began to provide women with such a look. The right to it and the payment of insurance coverage to all pregnant women is reflected in articles 225 and 226 of the Labor Code of our country.

The introduction of such a leave is due to the fact that in late pregnancy, for health reasons, it is already difficult for women, and with a difficult course, it is impossible to fulfill their duties, in addition, the expectant mother needs time to prepare for the appearance of the baby.

Types of financial assistance

Maternity leave, popularly referred to as "maternity leave", involves exemption from work while maintaining the length of service and place of service and the receipt of social benefits produced by the employer or local branches of the FSS.

Maternity leave divided into two parts, its duration depends on some conditions and may be different:

  • 70 days for the pre- and postpartum part (140 calendar days in total);
  • if it is expected that childbirth will be complicated, the postpartum part is increased by 16 days (total 156 days);
  • if several babies are expected to be born at once, then two weeks are added to the first part and forty days to the second (a total of 194 days).

Going on vacation, a woman receives on pregnancy and childbirth, it is based on her income, the average for the last two years.

If a woman works immediately not in one, but in several labor collectives, then maternity leave is granted at each place of work.

Parents can also count on receiving compensation payments:

If a woman, while on maternity leave, expecting a second baby, then all the monetary content, and provided to her again in the same way.

Who can get

All working women, including those liable for military service, students, employees of military organizations, but who are not military personnel, as well as those registered at the labor exchange, can take advantage of the right to receive maternity leave.

Financial support the state pays women:

If the length of service before going on maternity leave is no more than 6 months, benefits and compensation in this case will be calculated based on the size.

Calculation rules and dimensions

The level depends on the length of service and labor income of the last two years. Value maternity benefits is calculated by multiplying the days of vacation by the average daily earnings.

It is defined as follows: from the sum of the average monthly wages of the expectant mother for the two years worked before going on vacation, all periods of disability are excluded, and past maternity leave is also included here. Next, the resulting number is divided by 730 days (or 731 if one year turned out to be a leap year).

If a woman worked in two places, then her wages at both enterprises are added up in the calculation. If she also continues to work in two collectives, then the allowance is paid in one at the choice of the worker herself.

If the average salary as a result is less than the minimum wage level or the length of service is not more than 6 months, all calculations will be made based on the minimum wage rate (in 2019 it is equal to 11 280 rubles).

In order to calculate how much can be expected as monthly child care allowance, the value of the average daily income must be multiplied by 30.4 (the average number of days in a month) and the percentage of income (0.4).

Minimum and maximum amounts

Since the minimum wage approved in 2019 is taken for calculation, the most small amount benefit will be:

  • for uncomplicated childbirth - 51,9019 rubles;
  • with complex - 57,852 rubles;
  • at the birth of several children at once - 71,944 rubles.

The largest amount is limited by the scale of average earnings, from which Social Security deductions are taken. The size of the insurance base in 2018 is 815,000 rubles, and in 2017 - 755,000 rubles. For the calculation, the level of salaries of the last two years is taken, the values ​​​​of the insurance bases of that period are used, that is, 815,000 and 755,000 rubles.

So in 2019 maximum you can get depending on the duration of the vacation is:

  • 301,095.2 rubles;
  • 335,506.08 rubles;
  • 417231.92 rubles.

Benefit for caring for a child up to 1.5 years must be at least 4512 rubles for the first and 6554.89 rubles for the second and subsequent children.

If several babies are born at once, then the allowance is paid separately for each.

Payment terms

After all documents are submitted to the personnel department or accounting department, the organization prepares an order for vacation and payment of all due funds. The calculation must be completed within 10 days, and payment can be made on the next date of transfer of wages. The entire amount is issued at a time for the entire period of vacation.

Approximately according to the same scheme, the issuance of funds of an additional one-time early registration benefits and maternity benefits. Having received the application and documents, the employer or other body making the payment must pay them to the woman within ten days. This can be done on the day of receipt of salary or on any other day no later than the 26th day of the month following the one in which the documents are submitted.

Required documents

In order to go on vacation and prepare for the birth of a baby, as well as receive all payments due, a woman must collect and submit the necessary documents on time.

For vacation for pregnancy and childbirth to the HR department:

To count on monthly funds child care allowance you need to prepare:

  • identity document;
  • original and copy of the child's birth certificate;
  • statement.

In order to receive a lump-sum childbirth allowance, the father takes a certificate from his employer stating that he was not paid it. Documents are handed over before the child is six months old.

Non-working women

Women who do not have a permanent job also receive childbirth and pregnancy allowance if they are or are full-time students. You need to apply for the receipt in the local bodies of the FSS or in the administration of the educational institution - for students.

To do this, a sick leave certificate, a certificate from the antenatal clinic, a document from the place of previous work or a work book, a certificate that the woman is registered as unemployed at the Employment Service is attached to the application. The father may receive benefits from his employer.

For information on what payments are due during the decree, see the following video:

Many expectant mothers are especially worried about leaving work on maternity leave. What is due to pregnant women who go on maternity leave, and what laws protect them?

Leaving work for well-deserved parental leave scares many moms. Still would! Official work and stable income have warmed the soul and pocket for so many years, and here it is a complete unknown. Fortunately, the law in our country takes the side of women, and the state supports the young mother in all respects.

Registration procedure

What is popularly called a decree, in fact, two different holidays. The first - for pregnancy and childbirth - is issued on the basis of a sick leave, which is issued to the expectant mother a certain time before the expected date of birth. The minimum period of such a sick leave in Russia is 140 calendar days, namely 70 days before the DA and 70 days after. With multiple pregnancies, you can go on maternity leave two weeks earlier - 84 days before the due date. In complicated childbirth, leave after the baby is born is extended to 86 days, and when two or more babies are born at the same time - up to 110 days.

A sick leave certificate is issued by a gynecologist who observes a pregnant woman, and it must be taken to the main place of work, attaching an application for maternity leave.

If desired, a woman may not go on vacation from the date indicated in the sick leave, but do it later.

The second leave that a woman is entitled to after childbirth is parental leave. Its maximum duration is 3 years from the moment the baby is born.

The laws

According to the law (Article 260 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation), the expectant mother has the right to annual paid leave before or after sick leave, even if she has been working in this organization for less than 6 months. Moreover, the duration of the vacation can be maximum - 28 days.

Maternity leave is included in the length of service, but leave to care for a child up to 1.5 or 3 years is not (Article 121 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

Leave to care for a child up to 1.5 years old can be issued not by a mother, but by a father, grandmother or any other employed relative who will really sit with the baby and receive a monthly allowance for him.

During maternity leave, a woman has the right to work part-time or part-time. At the same time, she will receive both a salary (based on actual working hours or the amount of work) and a child care allowance.

In addition, part-time mothers are entitled to annual paid leave and breaks during working hours (for women with children under 1.5 years old, except for a lunch break, 30-minute breaks to feed the child at least once every 3 hours ). By the way, breaks for feeding the crumbs are included in working hours, that is, these hours are also paid.

A woman who is on maternity leave or on leave to care for a child up to 1.5 and up to 3 years cannot be fired. Exceptions are such cases: liquidation of an organization, branch or representative office (clause 1, part 1, article 81 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation); expiration of the employment contract (clause 2, part 1, article 77 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, it is possible to fire a woman only after the end of pregnancy); dismissal of one's own free will (Article 80 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

The employer is obliged to keep a job for a young mother until the child reaches 3 years of age. If the vacancy is abolished during this time, the woman must still be provided with a job with no less wages.

Payments and benefits

Going on maternity leave, the expectant mother immediately receives maternity payments for sick leave. Who is eligible for these payments and how much will they be?

  • Officially employed women receive maternity leave in the amount of 100% of the average earnings for the previous 2 calendar years, but not more than the maximum allowable amount of payments (in 2016 it will be 248,164 rubles). If the expectant mother has been working for less than 6 months, she will receive maternity leave based on the amount of the minimum wage (28,556 rubles for 140 days). Well, if a woman decided to go on maternity leave later than expected (that is, she did not write an application for vacation), she will receive a salary for the days actually worked, but the maternity allowance will be reduced. Despite the abundance of online calculators for calculating maternity pay, it is almost impossible to find out the exact amount without the help of an accountant, because the calculation is made taking into account all weekends, holidays, holidays and sick days for 2 years.
  • Pregnant women dismissed due to the liquidation of the organization are paid maternity leave by the social protection authority, and their amount is indexed annually (in 2015 it was 544 rubles per month).
  • Individual entrepreneurs and lawyers who regularly pay insurance premiums to the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation also receive maternity leave based on the amount of the minimum wage.
  • Women who serve under the contract receive payments in the amount of monetary allowance at the place of service.
  • Full-time students may be eligible for scholarships.

In addition, a future mother who has registered for pregnancy before 12 weeks is entitled to an increase in maternity. In 2016, this will be an amount of about 577 rubles.

When a baby is born, one of the parents receives a lump-sum allowance. In 2016, it is expected to be 15,382 rubles.

Well, then the young family is waiting for monthly payments of allowances for caring for a child under the age of 1.5 years. Its amount is calculated as 40% of the average earnings for the previous 2 calendar years, but not less than 2,884 rubles for the first child and 5,768 for the second and subsequent ones, and also not more than 21,555 rubles per month.

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