
Housing stock under the President of the Republic of Tatarstan personal. Conditions of social mortgage in Kazan under the President of the Republic of Tatarstan. They have to buy new housing from scratch

Providing housing for certain segments of the population is a priority task not only for the state as a whole, but also for regional authorities. For example, in the territory of the Republic of Tatarstan, since 2004, a draft law on social mortgage, developed at the local level, has been successfully functioning, which differs from national programs and allows you to purchase housing on preferential terms. The work of the program is monitored personally by the President and the State Housing Fund (GZHF) of the Republic of Tatarstan.

How the program functions, who can become a member and what is needed for this - we will tell today.

Social mortgage under the President of the Republic of Tatarstan is focused on a specific contingent, namely:

  • Workers public sector- doctors, teachers, law enforcement officers.
  • Families with less than 18 sq. m., that is, the available living space does not meet the standards comfortable living or the existing housing is recognized as emergency and uninhabitable.
  • Families raising children with disabilities.
  • Employees of enterprises that are actively involved in the work of the social mortgage program.

There are a number of other conditions that must be met:

  • family has monthly income not less living wage and be able to pay mortgage payments.
  • Applicants must reside in the territory of Tatarstan for a certain period of time and work here for at least 10 years.

The essence of the social mortgage program under the President of the Republic of Tatarstan is that an agreement is signed between a person and the State Housing Fund, according to which the former undertakes to pay monthly contributions that form savings for new apartment. Subsequently, with these contributions, it will be possible to pay part of the cost of new housing, and the missing amount can be issued in the form of a mortgage loan.

The maximum term for which a loan can be granted is 28.5 years. For the entire term of the loan, a fixed interest rate at a rate of 7% per annum, which is extremely beneficial for borrowers.

A prerequisite is the presence of an initial payment of 10-30%. It can be formed:

  1. Due to the savings made during the participation in the program.
  2. With the help of maternity capital.
  3. By obtaining a state subsidy for young families, the amount of which in some cases can reach 40% of the value of the acquired property.
  4. Due own funds.

From the clarifications given by the GZHF, we can conclude that owned real estate can also act as a down payment, but only if certain conditions are met. In this case, a special agreement is concluded between the SHF and the owner, according to which the family can live in this apartment until the new housing is received.

According to the terms of the program, if a mortgage is issued by a family with no children, but a child is born during the term of the loan agreement, the spouses can count on receiving financial assistance in the amount of 200,000 rubles. These funds will need to be used to repay the loan.

A feature of the program is that participants can make monthly payments as in cash, and pay with labor, as well as with goods of their own production in the personal economy.

How to arrange

The first thing to do to participate in the social mortgage program is to apply to the local authorities with an application and get the status of needing improvement living conditions. Employees working there can also provide detailed advice on the conditions of the program, make preliminary calculations, suggest the best option design. For employees of enterprises participating in the financing of the program, it is possible to apply through the head.

Next, you will need to collect the documents necessary for consideration of the application and wait for the final decision on whether it is possible to provide a social mortgage. A period of 1 month is allocated for this. If a positive response is received, it remains to sign a social mortgage agreement and start making monthly contributions to the GZHF, the amount of which will depend on the family income.

  • You need to wait in line to receive one or more mortgage offers from the State housing stock.
  • Take part in the competition, which is based on the principle of a rating auction.

To participate in the competition, you will need to register on the GosZhilFond website and gain access to your personal account, from the page of which applications for participation in the competition are sent. At the same time, the higher the rating of the participant of the competition, the more chances he has to become its winner. The rating is formed on the basis of the savings already made during the participation in the program and the duration of stay in it.

There is also a third option, when state aid when buying a home is provided urgently in urgently. Each such application is considered individually and as soon as possible.

List of required documents

To apply for a social mortgage in the Republic of Tatarstan, you need to provide the following package of documents;

  • Passports of family members.
  • TIN and SNILS.
  • Birth certificate of children (if any).
  • Marriage certificate (if any).
  • Military ID for men.
  • Education documents.
  • A copy of the work book and a certificate of the amount of income received.
  • Documents for housing in which the family lives.

You also need to fill out an application form. Depending on the situation, additional documents are requested in individual cases.

Where are the apartments located

Social mortgage in Tatarstan implies certain restrictions on where you can buy an apartment. This cannot be any apartment building chosen by the borrower, but only those houses and residential complexes that are being built specifically for the purposes of implementing this program.

Such real estate is not being built in all settlements. Most of all such housing is being built in Kazan, as well as in Naberezhnye Chelny. She also appears in small towns republics, but there the choice of proposals is often limited. At the same time, you need to understand that the cost per square meter differs depending on where the future house is being built. Based on this, the size of the loan and the rating points required for real estate registration in a mortgage will change.

Underwater rocks

Each state program is not without nuances that at first do not attract attention, but in fact become the cause of difficulties in the future.

For example, when purchasing housing on a social mortgage in Tatarstan, the borrower undertakes not to change his place of work for 10 years, and also not to stop labor activity. If this requirement is violated, the balance of the debt will have to be paid at a double interest rate. There is an option to terminate relations with the employer without receiving a fine. To do this, it is necessary that the departure of the employee be carried out in agreement with the management.

Also, when purchasing housing under this program, a person will no longer be able to participate in other social projects aimed at helping those in need in their own home. That is, you can buy housing on a social mortgage only once.

It is worth mentioning that there are standards for the size of housing that can be purchased under the social mortgage program. They make up:

  1. For a family of one person - 33 sq.m.
  2. Of two people - 42 sq.m.
  3. Of the three people - 18 sq.m. for everyone.

Another significant point is that until the borrower pays the cost of housing purchased on a mortgage, he will use the housing under a social tenancy agreement, as well as pay rent for it (payment is made at state rates, which are minimal). The property can only be registered after full repayment debt.

According to the initial version of the bill, the social mortgage program in Tatarstan is designed for a period up to 2020. So far, there has been no reliable information about the extension of the program for the next years. I would like to hope that even if it is curtailed, the regional authorities will develop new measures to provide housing for those in need. You can find out about this from the news.

The State Housing Fund under the President of the Republic of Tatarstan is an Internet resource that collects information about residential facilities of the republic that are under the jurisdiction of the state (private buildings are excluded).

The official website kooperativrt.ru (RT cooperative) through the personal section allows you to perform a number of important functions.


When you enter the address kooperativrt.ru into the address bar, the main page of the GZHF portal under the President of the Republic of Tatarstan opens.

Under the header of the site there is a menu with the main categories:

  • emergency objects. The section contains a list of emergency residential facilities in the Republic of Tatarstan (Kazan, Nizhnekamsk, etc.) and current information on each (on the resettlement of apartments and approval of the status of emergency housing, etc.);
  • Arbitrage practice. This category contains a list of all judgments for claims in which the housing fund took part, all case materials are available for download;
  • Regulations. When you click on the link, it opens complete list normative documents, forms to fill out and examples for making appeals, statements, etc. All materials are available for download and are divided into subcategories to simplify the search (for residents countryside, cities, etc.). Documents and resolutions according to which the State Housing Fund carries out work are also presented;
  • Frequently asked Questions. When you go to this section, a list of 28 questions on the operation of the state housing stock opens, which most often arise among users of the resource and among citizens in general;
  • Analysis of work from citizens' requests - the link contains reports on what work was performed on written requests and applications from citizens in 2015-2016.

Below, in the central part of the page, there are news and information about the current work of the fund.

To the left of it is a block of links of the second menu. By clicking on them, you can get the following information:

  1. Ratings - you must enter the number of the accounting file to see the rating of its processing;
  2. Quotas - a list of organizations and what housing quotas they have (in sq. m);
  3. Contests – click on the link to select the type of contest from the list and see available ones;
  4. Representations - contact details of all organizations and representative offices that are part of this state structure;
  5. Personal GZHF page under the President of the Republic of Tatarstan - a form for entering the personal section;
  6. Administrations – login form for administrative employees;
  7. For enterprises - a form for entering the portal for representatives of contractors;
  8. For customers – login form for customers of works;
  9. Concluding agreements - a page with a login form for those who want to conclude an agreement with the SRF under the President of the Republic of Tatarstan on a particular issue, for example, mortgages, social mortgages (social mortgages), etc.;
  10. Obtaining a login and password - a form for entering personal information to obtain credentials for entering the portal (registration);
  11. Rental housing - a section with regulatory and standard documents, with which you can carry out transactions with rental housing, there is also a link to the list of rental houses;
  12. Vacancies - work in the GZHF under the President of the Republic of Tatarstan.

Navigating the portal is not very easy due to its design. There are quite a large number of medium-sized links-buttons that are difficult to find. Also, their name often does not reflect the content. However, the functionality of the resource is wide and it contains most of the information that users need when contacting the GZHF under the President of the Republic of Tatarstan.

Personal page

The section of the site kooperativrt.ru - GZhF RT "Personal page" was created for applicants who applied or want to apply to the organization to resolve any issue.

To get into it, you must first register on the portal by providing necessary minimum information on your documents.

For registration in personal account follow the algorithm:

  1. In the left block home page select the section "Obtaining a login and password" and go to it;
  2. The registration form will open;
  3. In the first line you need to enter your last name, first name and patronymic;
  4. In the second line, the TIN number:
  5. In the field below, enter the date of birth in the format DD.MM.YYYY;
  6. On the line below, type in a series of identification document
  7. In the last line you need to enter the passport number (or other identity document);
  8. Click the "Continue" button below the form.

The user password will be generated automatically. In order to use it, that is, to enter the resource, find the “Personal Page” section in the left block on the main page and go to it. Here you need to enter the account number in numbers in the format ****-******-******. Below you need to specify the password in capital Latin letters.

If necessary, set a marker in the checkbox next to the inscription "Dedicated entrance for enterprises". After that, click the "Confirm" button.

Thus, the user has the opportunity to track the procedure for working with his applications, as well as to monitor the progress of consideration of his applications for social mortgages.

The long-term beneficiary of the social mortgage program left amid high-profile scandals.

The stories of the termination of the contract with the social security provider and the increase in the cost of housing in Innopolis were the last things that the GZhF era will remember Talgat Abdullina. Honored Economist of the Republic of Tatarstan came to the State Housing Fund under the President of the Republic of Tatarstan in 1997. The GZHF was created two years earlier - in 1995, in Tatarstan, they began to implement a program to resettle residents from dilapidated housing. At that time, out of 5.5 thousand houses, 1.5 thousand were over 100 years old. Then the idea came up to create a State Housing Fund, in which the commodity producers of the republic would contribute 1% of their revenue.

Since 2005, the Fund has launched a social mortgage program. Note that up to this point the organization was called the State off-budget housing fund under the President of the Republic of Tatarstan, but was transformed into non-profit organization"State Housing Fund under the President of the Republic of Tatarstan" (GZHF), which does not have membership and does not aim to make a profit.

Work within the framework of the social mortgage program caused a lot of criticism from the residents of the republic, and then from the authorities. GZHF canceled preliminary protocols for the selection of apartments, a square meter of housing became more expensive. There were complaints about the delay in the construction of facilities being built by the Foundation.

For example, in the spring of 2015, the quality of houses built by the State Housing Fund of the Republic of Tatarstan became the object of criticism from the authorities of Kazan. Then, at one of the operational meetings, the chairman of the city committee of housing and communal services spoke Iskander Giniyatullin. He said that the residential building at Chelyuskina, 44, built in 2004, has been “overgrown” with cracks on the facade for 10 years. There were also other construction defects.

A year later, in 2016, the Foundation unilaterally revised its terms of the competition, according to which housing was distributed among those on the waiting list. GZHF again put up for auction already previously played square meters housing. Socialists, who dreamed of soon moving to new buildings, took to the streets, mass and single spontaneous rallies began. Only after the intervention of the President of Tatarstan Rustam Minnikhanov the scandal over the revision of the "rules of the game" was leveled, and Talgat Abdullin spoke to journalists with a statement that there would be no more changes in the apartment distribution system.

Abdullin swore not only with the socialists, but also with counterparties. GZHF did not develop relations with Kamgesenergostroy and PSO Kazan. These companies were criticized by the State Housing Fund for slowness, bad job and removed from the construction of objects.

The collapse further weakened Abdullin's position. GZHF became the defendant of the bankruptcy trustee of the TFB - the Deposit Insurance Agency. The apogee was the DIA's demand to return a blocking stake in the State Housing Fund in Ak Bars Bank in the amount of 9.8 billion rubles. GZHF acted as a pledger for loan agreements Tatfondbank with several companies associated with the former chairman of the board of the TFB Robert Musin. Shares of Ak Bars Bank acted as collateral. By the way, Talgat Abdullin was closely associated with ABB - for four years he was the chairman of the board of a financial organization.

As a result: 20.4% of the shares of Ak Bars Bank, owned by the GZHF, were arrested as part of a criminal case on fraud in Tatfondbank. At the same time, the arrest was subsequently lifted by the Supreme Court of the Republic of Tatarstan. However, scandals seemed to haunt Abdullin's organization. GZHF filed a lawsuit against the company in the amount of 7.2 billion rubles with the Arbitration Court of the Republic of Tatarstan. Curiously, the Fund owns a stake in the developer, and now they say that Talgat Abdullin will take the position of the head of the ABD, displacing Marata Shagitova.

Yesterday (October 11. - Ed.), President of Tatarstan Rustam Minnikhanov instructed to look into the situation with the termination of the social mortgage agreement by the State Housing Fund. It's about a mother of many children. Elvira Sadkina. The State Housing Fund under the President of the Republic of Tatarstan unilaterally terminated a social mortgage agreement for construction with a woman three-room apartment v residential complex Salavat Cooper. The mother of many children believes that in this way the GZHF “punishes” her for her “active civic position.

The last nail in Abdullina's ambitions was scored by the State Housing Fund. And before that, the GZHF regularly received complaints regarding shortcomings in the construction of housing in the city. Interestingly, the Fund itself did not refute the information about the increase. This was done by representatives of the Ministry of Communications of Tatarstan in response to a request from KazanFirst. Reports of an increase in the cost of rent were called a mistake.

Meanwhile, Rustam Minnikhanov appointed the new head of the State Housing Fund Marata Zaripova, who previously held the position of head of the State Tariff Committee of the Republic of Tatarstan. It is curious that Zaripov's transition to another position takes place against a not very positive informational background.

The State Tariff Committee of the Republic of Tajikistan has always been a separate “state within a state” in the system of public authorities of the republic, with its own rules of work and the absence of any control over their activities. This was due to the specifics of federal legislation in the field of tariff regulation. As an example, we can recall the history of 2012, when the fact was revealed that the State Committee, by its decision, included in the heat tariffs of Tatenergo, then still headed by, inflated costs for the purchase of gas. It was about the withdrawal of billions of rubles from Tatenergo, collected from consumers of the republic through tariffs for heat.

At the time when Marat Zaripov was at the head of the State Committee for Tariffs, there was a launch in Russia of a system of public control over the activities of subjects natural monopolies. President of Tatarstan Rustam Minnikhanov supported the federal initiative, so the republic actually became a platform for working out the entire structure of this system.

As a result, both the State Tariff Committee and its decisions came under independent control. According to KazanFirst's interlocutors in the government of the republic, who wished to remain anonymous, as a result, alternative opinions appeared on many decisions of the State Committee and serious omissions of the department began to be revealed. On the other hand, the last few years the State Committee and personally Marat Zaripov himself have become open to the media, unlike their predecessors.

The Government of the Republic of Tatarstan (RT) has developed special program to provide citizens of this subject Russian Federation housing. It is called "personal page under the President of the Republic of Tatarstan". Its features will be discussed below.

Social mortgage in the Republic of Tatarstan

This subject of the Russian Federation also participates in the state social mortgage program of the Russian Federation (,). The Government of the Republic of Tatarstan developed and adopted its own project, which differs significantly from the all-Russian program.

Funding for this project comes from federal budget, as well as allocated from the republic's own funds.

Its implementation is controlled personally by the President and his apparatus.

Social mortgage under the President of Tatarstan has the following differences from similar programs in other regions:

  • annual mortgage interest set at 7%;
  • applicants must live and work in Tatarstan for a certain period of time;
  • square meters are provided only in the public housing stock (primary real estate market).

Terms of participation in the program

The social mortgage of Tatarstan provides for two options for participation, as well as a condition for granting a loan from the regional budget.

Affordable housing can be obtained by young and socially unprotected families who, in in due course recognized as in need of better living conditions and do not have their own real estate. Distribution of housing in this case happens on a queue basis.

Employees of various budget institutions and law enforcement agencies that have worked in the republic for a certain time and do not have their own residential square meters. The distribution of housing in this situation occurs on the basis of a competition.

Features of mortgage payments

The social mortgage under the President of the Republic of Tatarstan has some differences from other projects, as citizens are offered a special payment mechanism.

First of all, it should be noted that all issues of the cost and repayment of credit obligations are in charge of a specially created entity BUT "GZhF under the President of the Republic of Tatarstan".

According to the explanation given officials this organization an initial fee and subsequent payments are made depending on the price per square meter, as well as the period for which the mortgage is issued.

The cost of residential square meters on the territory of the republic may vary depending on the locality where a low-income family lives or state employees work. At the same time, the approach to each client of this program is individual.

The initial payment for housing can be paid with the help of a state subsidy (for families with one child - 30% of the cost of the apartment, for those who are raising two or more children - 35-40%) or maternity capital (the so-called childbirth assistance).

NGO "GZhF under the President of the Republic of Tatarstan" provides grace periods interest payments (no more than 6 months). They can be used throughout the entire term of the loan.

It must be remembered that a mortgage loan in the Republic of Tatarstan is provided for a period not exceeding 28.5 years.

Help with the birth of children

The social mortgage developed by the GZHF provides for the use of social assistance at the birth of children to pay the down payment for an apartment, interest, as well as other mandatory payments.

In 2020, in the republic, at the birth of children in young families, payments will be made under the all-Russian program to support young mothers and fathers ( maternal capital), as well as a regional project.

Provides for the following presidential and municipal payments:

  • 30% financial compensation to pay for housing and communal services (for example, provided, as well as low-income);
  • one-time material payment at the birth of a baby (regardless of the number of children) in the amount of 20 thousand rubles;
  • material compensation for medicines for children under 6 years old (provided for families with many children);

All of these payments can be used to repay a preferential loan.

Large families are families that have more than two children, including adopted children, and have registered their status with social security authorities.

Low-income citizens are considered to be living together, whose total aggregate income is equal to the subsistence minimum or exceeds it by 30-50% (depending on the number of family members).

Work experience of at least 10 years

Preferential terms of social mortgage in Tatarstan provide for employees of various budget organizations, low-income, young families, a mandatory requirement, which is that a person must work on the territory of the republic for 10 years (this was mentioned above).

But most citizens who decide to use the program are interested in the question of how this period is calculated.

The calculation mechanism is as follows. The person gives his work book or another document confirming his experience at enterprises, in budgetary organizations of Tatarstan. If the applicant left the republic for some time, then returned, the experience will be considered only for his work in the republic.

For instance, general experience citizen 20 years, including 10 years at enterprises, in budgetary organizations of Tatarstan. It falls under the social mortgage program.

You need to know that if a person working at an enterprise located in the Republic of Tatarstan was sent on a long-term business trip to another region, the length of service in the Republic of Tatarstan is credited to him.

Who can get a home loan in the Republic of Tatarstan

According to the Decree of the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan, the right to social mortgage credit lending receive the following citizens:

  • young families where parents are under 35 years old, they live and work on the territory of the republic for more than 10 years;
  • low-income families whose income does not exceed 30-50% of the required subsistence minimum for each member;
  • parents with many children, as well as those who have dependent children with disabilities; guardians and adopted children;
  • employees of various budgetary organizations who have worked in the republic for more than 10 years.

All of them need to improve their living conditions.

Housing stock under the President of the Republic of Tatarstan

To implement the project, a state housing fund was created under the President.

It is formed with construction companies who are engaged in the construction of housing in various settlements of the region. To do this, construction companies are required in every apartment building create a part living quarters economy class and transfer them to the state housing fund.

The state housing fund for social mortgages under the President of the Republic of Tatarstan is managed by a special institution of the non-governmental organization “GZhF under the President of the Republic of Tatarstan”.

Goals and objectives of the organization

As you know, the cost of any housing in our country is significant, and often its purchase is not available to the general population.

Based on these economic realities, as well as to implement mortgage program In Tatarstan, the NGO "GZhF under the President of the Republic of Tatarstan" was created.

The purpose of its existence is to record all citizens in need of housing on the territory of the republic, check the documents provided, put in a queue and issue residential real estate.

The objectives of the NO are as follows:

  • accumulation of federal, regional budgetary funds allocated for social housing programs;
  • accumulation of funds that are paid by citizens in need of housing, repaying mortgage loans;
  • purchase of residential properties construction organizations and transfer them to citizens.

To implement this program, each registered participant has his own personal page on the President's website.

Sources of financing

The principle of operation of NGO "GZhF under the President of the Republic of Tatarstan" is that this organization accumulates in itself not only budget resources, but also contributions paid by those in need of better housing conditions and state employees.

Having your own “family nest” is the dream of every cell in society. But, unfortunately, for the majority, the acquisition of a house or apartment is an unbearable burden.

V last years Citizens for the purchase of square meters resort to lending services. Getting a mortgage from a bank is not difficult. However, social mortgages operate in many regions of Russia. It can be used to purchase housing for more than favorable conditions. And the support comes from the state.

Obtaining a social mortgage

social mortgage This is a procedure for improving the living conditions of citizens. It uses mortgage lending and financial assistance from the state. In our country, not everyone can enjoy this privilege. As a rule, these are newly created families and military personnel.

For a newly created family in Russia, there is Government program, which provides for:

  • support up to 35% of the average housing price in the region if the couple does not have children;
  • up to 40% if there are children.

All money comes from the federal budget. The size of future housing is calculated based on the size of the family. In each subject, the amount of subsidies is different. It all depends on the cost of apartments in the region.

Requirements for program participants:

  • Age of husband and wife up to 35 years;
  • The family was recognized as needing to purchase housing or improve living conditions;
  • The family must have savings that are needed to pay part of the amount. It must exceed the amount of the subsidy.

The following are eligible to participate:

  1. Citizens who have graduated from a military school or institute and received the rank of "officer" since January 2005.
  2. Military personnel who entered into a contract or were called up for service from the reserve from the same moment as in the first case.
  3. The military in the rank of "ensign" and "midshipman", who served under the contract more three years also since January 2005.
  4. The military in the rank of "sergeant" and "foreman", as well as soldiers and sailors who have already entered into a second service contract no earlier than January 2005.

Conditions for obtaining a social mortgage under the President of the Republic of Tatarstan

In this region of Russia, social mortgages are very popular. Many people who do not have sufficient funds, but really want to improve their living conditions. They have been on the waiting list for an apartment for years. And the social mortgage has helped to significantly reduce this list.

The population support system of the Republic of Tatarstan is aimed at providing benefits to employees of enterprises that can actively participate in financing social mortgages.

The transfer of housing under the program takes place according to the queue. A competition is held in the region, apartments are selected that can be transferred to the residents of the republic as part of a social mortgage.

Social mortgage in the Republic of Tatarstan- This is a mortgage that is provided on special (preferential) conditions.

Key features of a mortgage:

  1. The need of a citizen to improve living conditions. The decree states that at least 18 square meters should come to one family member.
  2. The maximum term of a social mortgage is a little over 28 years.
  3. The available interest rate is only 7%.
  4. An initial deposit is required. However, if the borrower has good reasons, then it is possible to obtain permission not to make a down payment.
  5. Paying off a mortgage isn't just about money. The program implies payment with goods of own production in a personal household or repaying a debt with one's own labor.
  6. Part of the housing that has not yet been bought out can be rented out.
  7. If a childless family took a social mortgage, and after a while they had a child, then the state allocates financial assistance(200,000 thousand rubles) to pay for housing.

Who can get a mortgage?

According to the Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Tajikistan, the following can apply for a social mortgage:

  • Public sector employees;
  • Employees of enterprises involved in the financing of social. mortgages;
  • People who need urgent support.

Almost every resident of the Republic of Tatarstan can get a mortgage. To do this, you need to write an application to the local administration. The letter must be considered within three days. If the answer is positive, then the citizen can participate in the competition for housing on a social mortgage.

Step by step:

  1. A citizen must conclude a social mortgage agreement.
  2. Participates in the competition for the issuance of housing.
  3. On the website of the housing fund, you need to fill out an application, which will indicate a list of apartments.
  4. It is necessary to accumulate a high rating. It is determined by the amount of a person's savings. These funds must be deposited in the housing fund account.
  5. The winner of the competition will be the one whose application will meet all the requirements and the citizen will have the highest rating.


It is important to remember that those citizens who received square meters under the social program. mortgages under the President of the Republic of Tatarstan, can no longer qualify for a preferential procedure for the distribution of housing.

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