
Titanic 2 in China. The new Titanic will set sail in three years. "Titanic" as a tourist attraction

The construction of a full-size replica of the Titanic in China is nearing completion. New aerial photographs show that the replica of the sunken ocean liner is beginning to take shape since the start of the project in 2016.

The Chinese replica of the Titanic, which sank in 1912, will become part of a large theme park in Sichuan province in southwestern China.

Originally, Romandisea, which is building the liner, planned to create a high-tech simulation to allow tourists to relive the moment when the ship collided with an iceberg. But investors had to abandon the plan after she was not supported by the families of the victims of the crash and survivors of the Titanic.

Titanic replica construction process - current stage

Investors claim that the object repeats its infamous original in the smallest detail - from the size to the design of the menu itself. The liner, 269 meters long and 28 meters wide, will be submerged 10 meters in water and permanently moored on the Dain Qi River in the city of Suining. The cruise ship will be located on the territory of the international tourist resort Romandisea Seven Star.

For the first time it became known about the project back in 2016, in 2017 its implementation was temporarily stopped, but now it has entered the active stage again.

The construction of the replica is planned to be completed this year. Meanwhile, Romandisea Resort promises to be one of the most impressive theme parks in China. Su Shaojun, general director development company, said:

“In addition to Titanic, we also have the world's largest artificial beach, which visitors can visit regardless of the time of day. 365 days a year, it maintains the same optimal temperature. The expected capacity of the beach is 4-5 thousand people. "

Building steel structure weighing 50,000 tons cost about 105 million pounds (about 9 billion rubles). Back in 1912, the construction of the ship cost about 1.5 million pounds, which is equivalent to about 33 million pounds by today's standards.

The Chinese Titanic will be an exact replica of the original ship, from size to interior decoration and even menu design.

A spokesperson for the Romandisea Seven Star Resort previously said the company intends to build a "wonderland" popular around the world, according to the Suining Tourism Authority. The spokesman added that acquaintance with the replica of the legendary ship will bring tourists "spiritual satisfaction", as well as serve as a reminder of the passengers of the Titanic and the historical disaster.

Liner interior design projects

For tourists wishing to stay in a replica of the Titanic, the cost of one night in a standard cabin will be 3,000 yuan (29,000 rubles), while more expensive rooms will cost about 100,000 yuan (980,000 rubles).

The most successful country in the creation of copies took on an unusual project - "Titanic II", the customer of which is the Australian billionaire Clive Palmer. Judging by the drawings, this creation will be an exact copy of the ship that sank a hundred years ago. It is planned to recreate every detail of the legendary vessel, from decks, cabins, portholes to parquet floors and doorknobs. The only difference is completely different safety requirements.

Initially, the intention to create such an unexpected project was announced back in 2012, on the centenary of the sinking of the largest (at that time) transatlantic steamer. It was initiated by the billionaire from Australia Clive Palmer, who finances such a grandiose plan.

The idea of ​​resurrection of the Titanic, sunk in April 1912, is an old dream of a coal magnate, who decided to perpetuate the memory of the dead passengers and the ship itself in such an unusual way, creating a kind of floating monument.

He ordered the Chinese shipbuilders an exact copy of the legendary vessel, which will ply the same route as its original. But after some financial problems the creation of the ship was suspended and resumed in September this year.

Drawings and sketches of the interior of this vessel appeared on the Internet, it will be only four meters wider than the original for greater stability, all other parameters will correspond to the original project, its length will be 270 m, height 53, and a displacement of 40,000 tons.

The liner will be able to take on board about 2.5 thousand passengers, as well as 900 crew members. This project will fly into a tidy sum for Clive Palmer himself, because according to preliminary data, the budget will be about $ 500 million. The initiator himself plans to bring the matter to an end and on the 110th anniversary of the sinking of the ship promises that it will be launched.

The new liner will be completely recreated in the image and likeness of its predecessor, with the same luxurious interior of the cabins, ballroom, theater, pool, restaurant, dining rooms and even the engine room, but technical support and navigation equipment, as well as security systems in it will be the most modern.

“Blue Star Line will create an authentic experience by giving passengers a ship that will have the same interiors as on the Titanic, the decoration of the cabins, but will also install latest systems security, digital navigation and radar equipment, advanced technologies of the 21st century to ensure the highest level of comfort " Palmer says.

After being launched on its maiden voyage, the steamer will leave a shipyard located in the Chinese province of Jiangsu for Singapore, and then sail to Dubai. After they plan a two-week cruise to Southampton, from there to lay their first course, heading to the shores of New York.

This route is planned to run only in the summer season, and in winter to serve other destinations. This cruise ship, like the original, will have first, second and third class cabins with a corresponding ticket price. By the way, although the flight will not take place soon, ticket sales have already started, and the most expensive ones will cost lovers of such an unusual trip ... 1 million dollars.

Considering that China has been fond of making copies of well-known promoted brands for several years now and they are good at some high-quality replicas, it means that they will succeed with the liner. Look at which can become a profitable purchase, because only professionals can distinguish their unoriginal qualities.

The legendary "dream ship" Titanic sank after colliding with an iceberg in the North Atlantic Ocean in 1912, more than a hundred years ago. A lot of stories, guesses and other stories are devoted to the mysterious ship, but what can I say only one film with the participation of Leonardo DiCaprio has collected all imaginable awards and gained transcendental popularity. In general, the frenzied interest in the history of the Titanic has not faded in the minds of people since the catastrophe. So Australian billionaire Clive Palmer decided to create a fully functional replica of the ship.

Clive Palmer's Blue Star Line plans to release a fully functional and physically identical replica of the ship in 2018, dubbing it Titanic II.

In the new Titanic, everything will be recreated with historical accuracy, except for the addition of modern safety equipment and the latest navigation equipment.

The project promises to cost the company more than $ 430 million

Like the original ship, the Titanic II will be 270m long and 53m wide. To get even closer to the original, those wishing to board the ship will be offered first, second and third class tickets.

This is how the ship will look from the inside, after its construction. Compare the detailed accuracy of the new Titanic with archived photos of the original ship's interior:

Main staircase

"Cafe Parisienne", the restaurant will be located in first class with white wicker chairs

The Titanic was one of the first ships to have a Turkish bath complex on board. The water was pumped directly from the open ocean and heated to the desired temperature

First class dining room

First class luxury apartments


It will reportedly be equipped with modern navigation equipment.

First-class smoking room, then only men could be in it

Dining room for second and third grade

Even the gym will be recreated in the same retro style.

Other images of Titanic II by Blue Star Line:

Liaison office

Turkish sauna


Main staircase

Above the front staircase

First class room

If Titanic II is released in 2018, its first route will be a cruise from Jiangsu, eastern China, to Dubai, UAE, instead of the original ship's route from Southampton, England, to New York, USA.

The ship plans to accommodate 2,435 passengers and 900 crew members (slightly more than the original Titanic)

So that no one has to swim on the door and release Jack's hand with a sinking heart, the ship will be equipped with increased capacity boats

Let's see how the fate of the new Titanic will turn out, because if you are not aware, then due to a collision with an iceberg of the original Titanic in 1912, about 1,500 passengers and crew members died.

The most successful country in the creation of copies took on an unusual project - "Titanic II", the customer of which is the Australian billionaire Clive Palmer. Judging by the drawings, this creation will be an exact copy of the ship that sank a hundred years ago. It is planned to recreate every detail of the legendary vessel, from decks, cabins, portholes to parquet floors and doorknobs. The only difference is completely different safety requirements.

Initially, the intention to create such an unexpected project was announced back in 2012, on the centenary of the sinking of the largest (at that time) transatlantic steamer. It was initiated by the billionaire from Australia Clive Palmer, who finances such a grandiose plan.

The idea of ​​resurrection of the Titanic, sunk in April 1912, is an old dream of a coal magnate, who decided to perpetuate the memory of the dead passengers and the ship itself in such an unusual way, creating a kind of floating monument.

He ordered the Chinese shipbuilders an exact copy of the legendary vessel, which will ply the same route as its original. But after some financial problems arose, the creation of the ship was suspended and resumed in September this year.

Drawings and sketches of the interior of this vessel appeared on the Internet, it will be only four meters wider than the original for greater stability, all other parameters will correspond to the original project, its length will be 270 m, height 53, and a displacement of 40,000 tons.

The liner will be able to take on board about 2.5 thousand passengers, as well as 900 crew members. This project will fly into a tidy sum for Clive Palmer himself, because according to preliminary data, the budget will be about $ 500 million. The initiator himself plans to bring the matter to an end and on the 110th anniversary of the sinking of the ship promises that it will be launched.

The new liner will be completely recreated in the image and likeness of its predecessor, with the same luxurious interior of the cabins, ballroom, theater, pool, restaurant, dining rooms and even the engine room, but the technical support and navigation equipment, as well as security systems, will be the most modern ...

“Blue Star Line will create an authentic experience by giving passengers a ship that will have the same interiors as on the Titanic, cabin decoration, but also install the latest security systems, digital navigation and radar equipment, advanced technologies of the 21st century to provide the highest the level of comfort, ”says Palmer.

After being launched on its maiden voyage, the steamer will leave a shipyard located in the Chinese province of Jiangsu for Singapore, and then sail to Dubai. After they plan a two-week cruise to Southampton, from there to lay their first course, heading to the shores of New York.

This route is planned to run only in the summer season, and in winter to serve other destinations. This cruise ship, like the original, will have first, second and third class cabins with a corresponding ticket price. By the way, although the flight will not take place soon, ticket sales have already started, and the most expensive ones will cost lovers of such an unusual trip ... 1 million dollars.

If the original Titanic was positioned as an unsinkable liner, then the Titanic II can be called indestructible. The idea to recreate the legendary ship belongs to the Australian businessman Clive Palmer, the founder of the Blue Star Line cruise company, named after the shipping company White Star Line, which built the fatal ship.

Palmer announced the construction of a replica of the Titanic in 2012 to commemorate the victims and survivors of the 1912 wreck. It was assumed that the ship would be launched in 2016, but the dates were shifted to 2018, and then to 2019. As a result, Blue Star Line announced that in 2022 the liner will go to New York, and then will make a round-the-world trip.

So far, the Australian "Titanic II" looks like the most lively and promising project - despite the protracted construction period.

Titanic before departure from Southampton, 1912

Sarel Goos Project

The concept of the Titanic replica was developed several times. Especially interest in her increased after the release of the film of the same name by James Cameron in 1997. The most famous initiative belongs to the South African businessman Sarel Goos, who began to build the ship in 1998. He allowed for functional changes in the design of the liner necessary to ensure the safety and economic viability of the future vessel. So, for example, instead of steam engines, diesel-electric ones were planned, instead of rivets on the skin - more reliable welding. The project required up to $ 600 million.

In 2000, Goose presented his concept to the Belfast City Council and commissioned Olsen Designs to design the ship and Callcott Anderson to design the interior. At the same time, Gus began to actively attract capital to the project, including through government grants. Construction was planned for nine months at the Harland and Wolff shipyards in Northern Ireland, where the first ship was born. The project has been repeatedly changed in order to save and optimize the budget, trying to maintain the status of the "Titanic" as "the largest liner in the world" with a capacity of 2,600 passengers. In 2006, construction was closed, citing a lack of investment.

Seven Star Energy Investment is building a replica of the liner in Sichuan province. So far, this is the only most successful project, although it is not devoid of a significant drawback in front of the initiatives of the South African and Australian businessmen - it will never float anywhere.

Seven Star Energy Investment Project

© VCG / VCG via Getty Images

© Zhang Zhi / Chengdu Economic Daily / VCG via Getty Images

© Tao Ke / Chengdu Economic Daily / VCG via Getty Images

© VCG / VCG via Getty Images

The Chinese "Titanic", which will be a copy indistinguishable from the original, will become the main attraction of the resort area in the Sichuan province. The ship will be on the Qijiang River. The keel-laying ceremony took place in November 2016, and the first guests will visit the stationary liner in 2019. Although he will never make a trip around the world or sail from Southampton to New York, the authors of the project are confident of its success. This replica of "Titanic" will become something like a shopping and entertainment center for tourists in the interiors of the original liner. The grand staircase, the ballroom, the theater, the cabins of three classes, the swimming pool - everything that the Titanic was famous for was included in its replica.

Clive Palmer project

Six years after the failure of Sarel Goos, the Australian Palmer decided to implement the titanic project. He admitted that the reconstruction of the liner was his old dream, and therefore "Titanic II" will not just be an expensive tourist attraction. An accurate reconstruction of the era will affect not only the interiors and the route across the Atlantic, but also the passengers themselves. They will not be closely acquainted with the iceberg - modern technological equipment will not allow - but the costumes of the beginning of the 20th century will be issued. The entertainment on the ship, of course, will also repeat all the entertainment that the passengers of the original Titanic indulged in.

“The ship will take an original route and carry passengers from Southampton to New York, as well as sail around the world, inspiring and enchanting people around the world,” says Palmer. - Millions dreamed of sailing on this ship, seeing it in the port and feeling its unique grandeur. Titanic II will be able to make those dreams come true. "

In 2015, the construction of the liner was practically frozen, and the promised launch was not visible on the 2016 horizon. The shutdown was due to payment disputes between Palmer's companies and Chinese Citic. In 2017 alone, the West Anglia Supreme Court ordered Citic to pay hundreds of millions of dollars to Palmer's companies. The ruling clarified the fate of the Titanic II.

Now, despite the announcement of the first flight of the liner in 2022, representatives of Blue Star Line are in no hurry to disclose the exact dates until contracts with shipbuilding companies are signed and the ship exists only in animated videos and design images.

The announcement of the voyage in 2022 amused social media users who, as expected, remembered Cameron's film and started asking questions about the number of lifeboats on Titanic II (Blue Star Line replied that more than 2,000 are enough for all passengers) and

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