
In the house, the advantages are the absence. Advantages of log houses. Radiators are distinguished according to the material used.

L. A. Komissarova, the senior teacher of chair of "Accounting the analysis and audit" the NGIEI

abstract. The housing policy is undergoing all over the world essential changes. For a comprehension of the processes occurring now in Russia, and a choice of an optimum control system of the property of housing sector, it is necessary to analyze merits and demerits of existing models of management in a number of the European countries.

Problems of housing and communal services of foreign countries have predetermined unity of the purposes of radical transformation of this sphere and the general directions of change of all set of the relations arising in the course of manufacture and consumption of housing-and-municipal services.

The key words. The market of housing services, foreign experience, management of housing and communal services, rent available housing, a condominium, associations of proprietors of habitation, housing-and-municipal reform


L. V. Akifyeva, PhD student, Department of Economics and Statistics, NGIEI

Annotation. Currently, the question of which method of managing an apartment building to choose is becoming increasingly relevant. The article discusses the advantages and disadvantages of such forms of management of apartment buildings as direct management of the owners of premises in an apartment building, management of a homeowners association or

housing cooperative or other specialized consumer cooperative, management of the managing organization.

Keywords. Housing and communal services, apartment building, homeowners, management, direct management, homeowners association, managing organization.

Constitution Russian Federation establishes the right of every citizen to own property, own, use and dispose of it both individually and jointly with other persons. This constitutional provision is reflected in the housing legislation: the owners of residential and non-residential premises in an apartment building, at their own discretion and in their own interests, manage the apartment building. residential building with minimal government intervention. In Russia, there is a gradual formation of the owner, an understanding of his role in the effective management of real estate, increasing its value and market attractiveness.

Re-adopted housing code The Russian Federation does not give the concept of "management of an apartment building", but in it the whole 8 section is devoted to the management of apartment buildings.

N. Gabrus believes that the management of an apartment building is a coordinated activity of the owners of premises in an apartment building or persons involved by them, aimed at ensuring favorable and safe living conditions for citizens, proper maintenance common property in an apartment building, resolving issues of using common property, as well as providing public services to citizens living in such a house.

The Housing Code of the Russian Federation imposes on the owners of premises the obligation to choose a way to manage the house within a year before the day of the competition for the choice of a managing organization by local governments. It is likely that the date of such competitions should be known in advance, that is, at least not less than one year in advance.

The Housing Code of the Russian Federation offers three ways to manage an apartment building:

Direct management of the owners of premises in an apartment building;

Management of an association of homeowners or a housing cooperative or other specialized consumer cooperative;

Managing organization management.

The choice of management method depends on how many apartments are in the house, how solvent and disciplined the residents are, what management organizations are in the housing and communal services market, what kind of relationship has developed with resource supply organizations, etc.

The owners of premises in an apartment building independently choose the way to manage the house based on the selected criteria, depending on the specific situation.

As part of the method of direct management of an apartment building, the owners of premises in an apartment building have the right to:

a) resolve all current issues of management and maintenance of an apartment building at general meetings of owners of premises in the building;

b) distribute among themselves the responsibilities for managing the house;

c) choose in accordance with Part 3 of Art. 164 of the LC RF one person from among themselves or not from among the owners,

which has the right to act in relations with third parties on behalf of the owners of premises in such a house.

If one of the owners of premises in an apartment building is selected as an authorized person, his powers will be based on the decision general meeting reflected in the protocol. The issuance of a power of attorney to such a person is not required. If a person who is not among the owners of the house is involved, he is issued a power of attorney in a simple written form by all or most of the owners of the premises. The Code does not provide for the issuance of a power of attorney “on behalf of the general meeting” to such a third party. However, this third party cannot be considered a manager.

If the owners of the premises want, in addition to issuing a power of attorney to an authorized person, to conclude with him compensated contracts, then this requires a change in the way the apartment building is managed.

The Housing Code provides that in case of direct management by the owners of premises, on the basis of a decision of their general meeting, contracts for the provision of services for the maintenance and (or) performance of work on the repair of common property in an apartment building should be concluded with persons carrying out these types of activities. Such contracts are bilateral, all or most of the owners of premises in an apartment building act as one party to the contracts. At the same time, in order to recognize such an agreement as concluded, it is necessary that more than half of the owners of the premises in this apartment building sign it. The implementation of the method of direct management of an apartment building excludes the possibility of attracting a professional manager (managing organization).

Contracts for cold and hot water supply, sanitation, electricity supply, gas supply (including supply of domestic gas in cylinders), heating (heat supply, including solid fuel in the presence of stove heating) are concluded by each owner of the premises, who directly manages the apartment building, on his own behalf.

In accordance with the provisions of the Federal Law of July 21, 2007 No. 185-FZ "On the Fund for Assistance to the Reform of the Housing and Communal Services", the owners of the premises apartment buildings, implementing a direct method of management, are not entitled to attract funds from the Fund for Assistance to the Reform of the Housing and Communal Services for carrying out overhaul your home.

The advantage of direct management of an apartment building by the owners of the premises is transparency financial relations, since with the direct management of an apartment building by the owners of the premises, the contract for the provision of services for the maintenance and performance of work on the repair of common property in the house with persons carrying out relevant activities, the owners of the premises conclude on the basis of decisions of the general meeting of owners. In this case, all or most of the owners of the premises act as one party to the contracts.

Contracts for cold and hot water supply, gas supply, electricity supply, etc. are concluded by each owner of the premises, who directly manages the apartment building, on his own behalf. Thus, each owner sees how much and for what he pays.

Another advantage of direct management of an apartment building is the absence of expenses for the maintenance of the staff of the HOA or the costs associated with attracting management management company, since management in this case is carried out directly by the initiative owners of the apartment building. However, this is also the main disadvantage of this type of management in the event that a sufficiently large number of residents live in the house and the area common use is significant. After all, the larger the house, the more problems with its management and disagreements between residents can arise. And it is quite difficult to find such a manager who, on his own initiative, would solve a lot of issues. Thus, the choice of direct control is optimal in small apartment buildings where the amount of house management work is minimal.

A homeowners association (HOA) is an association of owners of premises in an apartment building. The purpose of such an association is the joint management of the complex real estate in an apartment building (including a land plot, residential building and other facilities), ensuring the operation of this complex, possession, use and established by law within the limits of the disposal of common property in an apartment building.

When managing an apartment building by a partnership of homeowners (a housing cooperative, other consumer cooperatives), these legal entities have the right to conclude, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, an agreement on the management of an apartment building, as well as agreements on the maintenance and repair of common property in an apartment building, agreements on

provision of public services and other agreements in the interests of the owners of premises in the house.

Thus, there are two schemes of contractual relationships between the owners of premises in an apartment building and organizations-suppliers of housing and communal services when the house is managed by means of an HOA, LCD, PC:

1. The owners of premises in an apartment building delegate the right to conclude contracts for the supply of housing and communal services to a homeowners association (LC, PC). The delegation of functions to conclude contracts can be enshrined in the decision of the general meeting of owners, in the charter of the HOA, LCD, PC, in the management agreement.

2. The owners of premises in an apartment building delegate the right to conclude contracts for the supply of housing and communal services to a homeowners association (LC, PC), and the homeowners association (LC, PC), in turn, concludes a management agreement with a management organization that searches for service providers and concludes contracts with them on behalf of the homeowners association (LC, PC).

The decision to establish an association of homeowners is made by the owners of premises in an apartment building at their general meeting. Such a decision is considered adopted if the owners of the premises in the corresponding apartment building, having more than fifty percent of the votes of the total number of votes of the owners of the premises in such a building, voted for it (Article 13 of the LC RF).

A homeowners association can be created by combining: several apartment buildings, the premises in which belong to different (at least two) owners of premises in an apartment building

a shooting house, with land plots located on a common land plot or several neighboring (bordering) land plots, engineering and technical support networks and other infrastructure elements (part 2 of article 136 of the LC RF).

Owners of premises in one apartment building can create only one association of homeowners.

The homeowners association is a fairly new organizational and legal form for Russia non-profit organizations, which has become widespread in last years in connection with the housing reform and reforms in the field of housing and communal services. In those houses where homeowners associations are not organized today, everything remains the same for residents, and old system housing and communal services only adapted to the new legislative conditions. At the same time, the owner was left face to face with this impregnable system for him and is an eternal “beggar”, and not a person on whom, in essence, the activity of the entire system of housing and communal services depends.

The advantages of this form of management are as follows: the chairman and members of the board are the owners of the premises in the same house, so they are not indifferent to its fate; the general meeting of the owners of the premises has the right to re-elect the chairman and members of the board at any time; all existing issues related to life HOA activities, are decided only at a general meeting of the owners of the premises; the owners of the premises have the right, by decision of the general meeting, to direct funds from the activities of the HOA to reduce costs, to maintain and maintain the common property of an apartment building and utility bills

tags; annually exercise control over the financial and economic activities of the HOA by an audit commission elected from among the members of the HOA.

The disadvantage is that if the chairman and members of the board of the HOA turned out to be dishonorable people, then all the money received from contributions, financial and economic activities of the HOA, rent will be stolen by them.

The governing body is entity regardless of the legal form, as well as individual entrepreneur managing an apartment building on the basis of an apartment building management agreement.

When choosing a method of managing an apartment building by a managing organization, the owners of premises in an apartment building conclude management agreements with the selected manager, which should indicate:

The composition of the common property of the apartment building, in respect of which management will be carried out, and the address of such a house;

A list of services and works for the maintenance and repair of common property in an apartment building, the procedure for changing such a list, as well as a list of utilities provided by the managing organization;

The procedure for determining the contract price, the amount of maintenance and repair fees living quarters and the fee for public Utilities, as well as the procedure for making such a fee;

The procedure for exercising control over the fulfillment by the managing organization of its obligations under the management agreement.

The management agreement concluded with the managing organization, for all its signs, falls under

signs of a contract for the provision paid services provided by the civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

In accordance with Art. 780 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, unless otherwise provided by the contract for the provision of services for compensation, the contractor (Managing organization) is obliged to provide services personally. That is, the managing organization either itself provides part of the housing and communal services under an apartment building management agreement, or is an intermediary between the owners of the premises in the house and the providers of housing and communal services.

Contracts with organizations - suppliers of housing and communal services are concluded by the managing organization with suppliers on behalf of the owners of premises in the house.

The advantage of concluding an agreement with a managing organization is that an agreement for the management of an apartment building between the managing organization and the owners of the premises or the HOA (if an HOA is created in the house), for at least a year, for a maximum of five years, according to which the managing organization is provided with all the necessary services . But if at the conclusion of the contract all the formalities provided for in the LC RF were observed, then if you need to terminate the contract in unilaterally, including due to improper fulfillment by the managing organization of its obligations, this can only be done in judicial order- this is the disadvantage of this form of management of an apartment building.

As of 01.01.2011, the total number of apartment buildings located in the city of Nizhny Novgorod is 9963 units, of which in 2010 houses there were associations of homeowners, in 135 houses there were housing cooperatives.

There are 7199 multi-apartment buildings under management of managing organizations. In 88 multi-apartment buildings, the owners of the premises did not choose or did not implement the chosen method of management. In 116 apartment buildings, all premises are owned by the municipality. In recent years, there has been a trend towards the growth of homeowners' associations. The Department of Housing and Engineering Infrastructure conducts information and explanatory work with the owners of premises in apartment buildings through the media about the benefits various ways home management.

In Knyagininsky district in 2008, 69% of houses were transferred to the direct management of the owners of the premises, until the end of 2011 this method will remain a priority (71%). Residents of houses are reluctant to choose the method of managing a homeowners association: they affect financial difficulties, difficulties in registration, as well as the fact that the housing stock in most cases has a lot of wear and tear. But in accordance with the Federal Law of July 21, 2007 No. 185-FZ “On the Fund for Assistance in Reforming the Housing and Communal Services”, one of the conditions for providing financial support at the expense of the fund is the existence of homeowners associations. Therefore, by 2011, the number of apartment buildings, in which the owners of the premises will choose and implement the management of the HOA, is planned to be 77. And the number of houses in which the owners have chosen and implement the management of the managing organization (MUE "Knyagininskoye Housing and Public Utilities"), in connection with this, will be reduced: from 155 in 2007 to 48 in 2011 .

It can be seen from the above analysis that there is no single way to manage and maintain an apartment building. In various cities and regions

preference is given different forms management of apartment buildings, this is influenced by the following subjective factors: the number and activity of owners of premises, their professional qualification, the ability and willingness to manage and maintain your home; the complexity of a particular house as an engineering and construction object; the state of the market for services and works on the management and maintenance of apartment buildings (the presence of management and service organizations, the level of competition between them, interest in customers); the attitude of local governments to the initiatives of homeowners to manage their homes. The owners of the premises, choosing the method of managing their home, have the right to choose the most suitable option for them, taking into account both their interests and capabilities, and the characteristics of their apartment building. The main thing is that this choice should not be formal, but deliberate, balanced, based on an analysis of advantages and disadvantages. possible ways management in relation to a particular apartment building at a given time. The more deliberate and balanced the decision of the owners of the premises, the less difficulties they will face in implementing their decision.


1. Housing Code of the Russian Federation of December 29, 2004 No. 188-FZ [Adopted by the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation on December 22, 2004], ed. From 07/23/2008, as amended. And extra. As of 06/10/2010. - M.:, Eksmo, 2010. - 96 p. - (Laws and codes).

2. the federal law of the Russian Federation dated July 21, 2007 No. 185-FZ "On the Fund for Assistance to the Reform of Housing and Communal Services"

3. Tishukov, Yu. V. Consumer and management of an apartment building / Yu. V. Tishukov. - Rostov n / a: Phoenix, 2007. - 267, p.

4. www.admgor.nnov.ru.

5. www.government.nnov.ru.

6. www.niann.ru.

7. www.youhoyse.ru.



L. V. Akif’eva, the post-graduate student of chair “The economics and statistics” NGIEI

Abstract. Now the increasing an urgency the question on what way of management possesses an apartment house to choose. In article advantages and lacks of such forms of government by apartment houses as direct management of proprietors of premises in an apartment house, management of association of proprietors of habitation or housing cooperative or other specialized consumer cooperative society, management of the operating organization are considered.

The keywords. Housing and communal services, apartment house, proprietors of habitation, management, direct management, association of proprietors of habitation, management of the operating organization.

Faced with a choice - buy an apartment or build a private house- many think for a long time and weigh everything advantages and disadvantages both real estate. This article discusses the pros and cons of a private residential building. Reliable information is drawn from the personal experience of homeowners who built or bought a private house and lived in it for more than one year.

The house itself and its location

  • pros:

The most pleasant thing in a private house is that the owner himself decides what will be size his living quarters and layout. Alas, in the case of an apartment, you have to take what is offered (or rather, build by developers), and the maximum that can be done is rooms in order to fit them as much as possible to your own needs and concepts of comfort.

In a private house, over time, you can even expand the living space by adding a room, a terrace or converting an attic into a cozy attic, or building something else (a workshop, a gazebo, a bathhouse, etc.).

No dark courtyards and dirty entrances. Instead, a clean, tidy patio with designer lights and a porch with an exclusive

In any private house it is necessary to start cellar. It can store not only fresh vegetables and fruits, but also numerous preparations, wine, tinctures and liquors own production from berries and fruits. In winter, this cellar becomes an invaluable nourishment for both physical (a jar of raspberry jam) and mental (a bottle of wine) health of the family.

An advantage that is difficult to overestimate is independence in terms of heating. Own heating system gives a lot of comfort to homeowners. Private owners do not have to freeze in the fall, when the heating season has not yet begun, and overheat in early spring, when the temperature is above zero, and the heating has not yet been turned off.

An undeniable plus wardrobe. If in an apartment this is an unrealizable dream, then in a private house it is a successful planning element. Even a small dressing room is much more convenient than the most spacious closet.

Only in a private house can a separate playroom be equipped for children (in addition to a nursery), and toys will no longer roll underfoot throughout the apartment, and the baby will feel more at ease on their own territory.

  • Minuses:

First of all - distances. If the house is in the suburbs, and you have to commute to the city, then in most cases this means early rises, long hours on the road, traffic jams, money for travel or fuel. Private owners are deprived of such advantages of residents of apartment buildings in residential areas as a grocery store on the ground floor, a kindergarten or a school within walking distance. Shoe repair, cafes, post office ... all this will most likely have to be reached by transport.

A big and for many very painful minus is House cleaning, especially the big one. alone window wash what it's worth! Without help (housekeeper or well-trained household members), the task can be overwhelming.

− Roads in the suburbs, where people usually acquire private houses, still in our time leave much to be desired. Unfortunately, not everywhere there is asphalt and street lights. And the dirt road is ruts, mud and puddles in which you can sail on a boat and anchor. And this, unfortunately, is becoming the daily reality of the private trader. If you are lucky and there is asphalt on the road, then it is rarely or almost never repaired, cleaned, etc.

Home area and yard

They, in principle, are a plus already due to the fact of their existence, since the owners of apartments, alas, are deprived of this. The vestibule, where you can unload winter shoes, down jackets and sleds with bicycles, is not considered.

Here is a list of benefits adjoining territory(just to understand how many issues having your own piece of land solves):

No problem with parking. There is always a place for a car (or a boat, whatever you like), because there is not only a spacious yard, but even your own garage in or near the house.

Instead of the dull courtyard of an apartment building - landscape design to your own taste with a sea of ​​flowers, a fountain, a waterfall, a pond, a stream, an alpine slide and other delights in the form of a garden and a kitchen garden.

On the site you can embody your most daring and craziest ideas. A bathhouse, a gazebo, a summer kitchen and a summer shower are no longer surprising today. But a decorative pond with a fountain, a waterfall and exotic fish, a pool with slides, a sports or helipad ...

On your own piece of land there is always a place for a swing or a hammock, there is where to sunbathe or fry kebabs with friends.

Private owners are much easier and more comfortable to keep pets(and the animals themselves are better off in the open than in crowded city apartments). Moreover, homeowners have a unique opportunity to acquire such pets that in urban conditions are generally not considered possible: for example, a horse or a hunting falcon.

  • And now for the disadvantages:

First of all, it is necessary to make a reservation that any additional buildings or animals are extra hassle, anyway. For many, the most painful topic is the garden and the garden. Even a few beds and a dozen trees require care, which means time and effort. However, if you limit yourself to parsley and dill, minimal effort will be required. Everyone decides for himself whether he wants as many fresh fruits, vegetables and berries as possible on the table from his garden or free time for other purposes.

Another headache is the annual site cleaning, even if a continuous lawn and a couple of bushes grow on it. To keep your lawn looking neat, it needs both watering and regular mowing. Shrubs also tend to overgrow and turn into impenetrable thickets without proper care. There is only one way out - to roll everything into asphalt, but this, alas, is not very aesthetically pleasing.

And one more nuance - snow in winter. Snowy winters turn owners of private houses into convicts, forced to wave a shovel almost every morning to clear paths and approaches to households. buildings, passage to the road and the path from the front door to the gate, etc.

With export garbage also a problem. Garbage containers are usually not available. Household waste under the contract is taken out once a week, or independently. Construction and garden waste (branches, sticks, grass, furniture) must be disposed of independently.

Psychological and physical well-being

In this part, I would like to touch on a rather large and important topic: what effect does living in a private house have on health and mental state in general.

  • The positive effect is expressed in the following:

First of all, a private house allows you to provide more tall level physical security and it's worth it! Private traders understand that their own safety is in their hands. There is no chance that the neighbor will forget to turn off the gas, and the house will fly into the air, crushing the residents with heavy concrete debris.

A fire at the neighbors will only be their problem, not a common one. Modern building materials and rigid minimize the possibility of fire spread.

Another indisputable advantage: psychological comfort and sense of security. You can not be afraid that the neighbors from above will flood, ruining expensive repairs and favorite furniture. As well as the chance to flood the neighbors from below disappears, which is usually fraught with conflicts and many other unpleasant moments.

Leaking faucets or a torn hose of a washing machine are just an annoying nuisance that is solved by repair, and not by the need to “resolve” a difficult situation, smooth out the conflict, calm down and please the neighbors in every possible way.

If the house has a garden and a vegetable garden, then this always fresh, natural vegetables and fruits, the process of growing which is completely controlled by the owner of that very garden and orchard. The chance of food grown with chemical fertilizers or treated with dangerous pesticides on the table is minimized.

You can breathe in your own space fresh air filled with the scent of flowers, not exhaust fumes. You can safely walk barefoot on the grass, without risking running into a nail or cutting yourself on glass from a broken bottle.

In the private sector, usually no noise pollution. That allows you to fully enjoy the silence of summer nights. And, conversely, due to the size of the plots and the distances between the buildings, you can live a full life without fear that this will interfere with the neighbors behind the wall. All these little things are very relaxing and contribute to a general positive attitude and life optimism.

And the last is the priceless inviolability of personal space, privacy, which can be provided only in a private house. No wonder they say: "my house is my castle." High fences allow you to do anything on your site, even walk in the nude style and not be afraid that someone will see and judge. This is an opportunity to isolate oneself from the whole world, and in fact this is what we all sometimes lack so much in the age of total urbanization.

  • negative effect:

Along with everyone positive moments There is also a possible negative, hidden behind the fenced off and privacy, which for many may seem serious.

A private house forces a little more solitary lifestyle compared to crowded high-rise buildings. If you suddenly need a drill, salt, life advice or help, in an apartment building it is enough to look out onto the landing and knock on the next door. In the private sector, this is more difficult.

Children are also forced to spend most of their time alone, when parents do not have the opportunity to take them to sections and hobby groups. In the private sector, it is simply impossible to collect the number of children that runs around the yards of sleeping areas, which means that the child is deprived of the opportunity in the most active way socialize.

Another factor of concern to homeowners is theft. A private trader has a constant fear for property, because it is not difficult to take something away from an unguarded yard. Yes, and the gardens are constantly being invaded by voracious children who think that the neighboring Antonovka is much tastier than Koshteli from their own garden (remember your childhood).

The financial side of the issue

The financial issue causes a lot of controversy and discussion. The opinions of homeowners and tenants differ, which pushes for a more detailed study of this issue.

According to some expenses for the maintenance of a private house and apartment approximately are the same.

According to others - significantly above.

And still others argue that the monthly costs of maintaining a private residential building are much below than in a similar apartment. Moreover, all arguments are supported by facts and figures.

And yet, according to the majority, in a financial matter home maintenance coming out more expensive than apartments, even though the prices for living space in apartment buildings are unreasonably high due to the pricing policy of developers and the corruption on which they depend.

However, approximate comparisons of monthly payments for utility bills in a private house and apartment they show only minor differences. In winter, the main expense item for homeowners is gas (if the heating is gas). In summer - water (watering the lawn, garden, etc.). But with the right, competent approach, these costs can be reduced by insulating the house or your own well.

And yet let's not lie your home is very, very expensive pleasure. And it will cost much more than an apartment in an area close to the center.

The average house is 120 sq. m. + a small plot of 4-6 acres goes to 5-7 million. rubles (for the Russian Federation). All this for enough dear earth. However, comparing the cost of apartments and land plots in different cities and areas, many still prefer to buy land (with or without a finished building), calling it a more profitable and economical option than buying an apartment.

Private housing is not only to buy expensive, but also service. small and large repair work You will have to do it yourself or hire craftsmen. In a house, you need to constantly monitor everything and it needs investments much more than an apartment: either the roof is leaking, or it’s time to change the wiring, or the fence is tilted (relevant for very old buildings), etc. to infinity.

The cost of maintaining the house should include the purchase of equipment and tools , without which it is impossible to provide quality service to both the house itself and the adjacent territory. Lawn mower, electric or chainsaw (for cleaning the garden or cutting firewood), garden tools (shovels, rakes, choppers, secateurs, garden shears), fertilizers and chemicals. plant protection products, etc. Even banal garden furniture is a pleasure, but quite expensive.

Of the additional costs: mandatory insurance, as well as tax on land and real estate (once a year).

As you can see, there were almost no pluses in the financial issue. To refute the opinion of the majority about the high cost of living in a private house, more detailed research will have to be carried out.

And yet, no cons will tip the scales in their favor. Comparing the advantages and disadvantages of a private house, once again you are convinced that living in a private house, especially in the suburbs, is very cool! Do you agree with me?

Or you wish to purchase housing for personal purposes, then it will be useful for you to find out the advantages of a private house.

Acquisition of residential real estate is quite a costly process, so it should be approached as seriously as possible. Many novice investors, when considering investing in residential real estate, are faced with the choice between an apartment and a private house. Today we will try to consider in detail all the advantages of a private house, as well as weak sides this type of real estate.

The main advantages of a private house

When choosing the right type of residential real estate, you should remember that the choice between an apartment and a private house directly depends on your preferences. You should weigh all the strengths and weaknesses of both types of housing as much as possible in order to make the most informed choice.

According to real estate experts, the key advantage of a private house over an apartment is the ability to live outdoors. At the same time, you should make sure that there is a school, a kindergarten, as well as other important infrastructure facilities near the private house you have chosen. Another important factor to consider when choosing a private house is the availability of a convenient transport interchange.

If you are thinking about purchasing a private house, then you should familiarize yourself with the main advantages of this type of property, including:

Disadvantages of a private house

Unfortunately, a private house also has some disadvantages, among which special attention deserve:

  1. Lack of access to city sewerage. You will have to create your own sewer system and pay for its maintenance.
  2. Distance from work. If you work in the city and live in a private house outside the city limits, then every day you will have to spend a certain amount of time getting to your workplace.

By considering the advantages of a private home as well as its disadvantages, you can make an informed decision when choosing the right property.

In all countries of the world there are a large number various types housing. Not all potential buyers are aware of this diversity and the differences of each individual object. Any type of real estate has its pros and cons, so for right choice it is very important to take into account all the nuances.

Housing is a kind of temple for the body, and the whole further fate of its owner depends on the right purchase. The more comfortable the interior space of the house, the happier its owners.


Townhouse is a small low-rise building with several spacious apartments, most often multi-level. Usually townhouses do not have an entrance, and each apartment has its own separate entrance, garage and a small plot of land. The layout of apartments can be both the same and different.

The advantage of this type of property is the relatively low cost. Buying a detached house will be much more expensive. But there are downsides to this type of accommodation. Usually townhouses are located on the outskirts of the city, so getting to the center without your own car will be quite problematic. Frequent buyers of such objects are families with children or young couples.


A penthouse is a multi-level apartment located on the upper floors of the house or on the roof. Often the windows of the penthouse offer a great view of the city, which is one of the main reasons for buying.

Such housing is considered elite and status.

The advantage of a penthouse is that you can set up your own garden on the roof, install a swimming pool or even equip an entire helipad. The downside is that such properties are very expensive, and not every mortal can afford them. In this regard, penthouses are in demand mainly among the wealthy segments of the population.

Joint ownership of a property is called a condominium. Most often, such an object is a house, as seen in our photo. Joint ownership is very convenient for relatives or close friends.


An apartment is an apartment with large spacious rooms. Often such real estate is not only sold in private property, but it also sells well in .

The apartments are located mainly in low-rise buildings. Popular with foreign tourists , as well as those who want to buy real estate for the purpose of its further rental.

Studio apartment

A feature of this type of property is the combination of one room with a kitchen in the hall-living room. The area of ​​such apartments usually does not exceed 60 sq.m.

The advantage is the low cost . The downside is a small area and free space without walls. This type of housing is more suitable for young couples without children.

A one-story single-family house is called a bungalow. Such houses have their own distinctive features - a flat roof and the obligatory presence of a veranda. IN different countries appearance bungalow may vary.

The advantage is the low cost of the house, the disadvantage is the lack of a garage and a land plot. This type real estate is in demand among people who stay in the country seasonally, for example, who come for summer holidays.

terrace house

A special type of building, in which houses of the same type are placed in one row and connected to each other by side walls. Usually built near large industrial facilities for the further resettlement of workers.

These houses are quite cheap.

However, they have a small area, which is a significant disadvantage for many. Most often, those who work near the Terrace house buy such real estate.

A duplex is a house for several families. It could be cottage with two apartments or two-story, when each family has one floor at its disposal. This type of real estate is popular in resorts, suburban areas, and in the cities themselves.

Today, duplexes can be found all over the world - from Europe to. Duplexes are in demand due to their low cost . But the undeniable disadvantage of such houses is Cohabitation several families under one roof, which is fraught with quarrels and conflicts. Of course, it all depends on the degree of friendly relations between people, but it is better to purchase such housing for relatives or married couples who know each other.


A villa is a luxurious country or country house. Often such buildings are decorated with marble, frescoes or columns. The villas are distinguished by their large size, as well as the presence of an adjacent plot of land with a beautiful green garden. On their territory there are swimming pools, artificial lakes and more. This type of property is usually located in popular holiday destinations and is more for seasonal living..

The cost of the villas is very high, but the luxurious living conditions exceed all expectations. Such real estate is in demand among millionaires and oligarchs. Often, villas are inherited by their residents.

A simple, most often one-story or two-story house with a small area. It usually consists of two or three rooms. For this type of real estate, it is necessary to have a personal plot of land, the area of ​​​​which can reach 100 sq.m.

Most often, cottages are built outside the city, but they can also be built in the city itself. Such houses, unlike villas, are used for permanent year-round living. Their cost varies depending on the location. Both young couples and entire families aspire to become owners of cottages. Often they are purchased by people of retirement age.


Skyscraper is called very high building, at least 100 m high. There are more than 3,000 such high-rise buildings in the world. In Russia, their number reaches 40 pieces.

The tallest skyscraper is located in Dubai, its height reaches 828 m and it consists of 163 floors.

The main motive for acquiring housing in skyscrapers is an incredibly beautiful panorama from the window and, of course, prestige and status. Indisputable advantages are also the presence in such houses of supermarkets, beauty salons, fitness centers and other amenities. There are also downsides. Recent studies have shown that children and the elderly are not recommended to live above the 10th floor, as this may adversely affect their well-being.

The cost of apartments in skyscrapers varies depending on the area where the house is built. Therefore, housing is acquired by people of both the middle class and those with high incomes.

Semi-detached house

A semi-detached house is two houses with a common soundproof wall that have the same layout. Popular with the middle class . The advantage of such houses is the presence of their own garages and fairly large plots of land. There are no significant downsides.

This property is popular among the inhabitants of England. Represents apartments and houses, equipped in buildings of historical significance, where ancient elements are preserved, such as frescoes or stained-glass windows. Often these apartments are distinguished by high ceilings in the form of a vault.

The most important advantage is the opportunity to touch history. Minus - high costs for the purchase and repair. IN Lately real estate such as Church Сonversion is bought by wealthy young people. Therefore, often such apartments and houses combine cutting-edge renovation and elements of antiquity.

New developments

New Developments is nothing more than modern multi-storey new buildings. Housing in such building complexes varies, both in area and layout, and in price. Apartments are purchased by various segments of the population - from the middle class to people with high incomes, since the choice is quite large and varied.

high-rise apartment buildings are called tower blocks. Initially, such housing began to be built in the UK in 1951. But decades later, the appearance of the houses was so worn out that the tenants began to sell housing en masse at very low prices to mostly poor buyers.

Apartments in such houses have a small area and have rather low ceilings, which is a significant disadvantage for many. There are practically no advantages, except for very low prices. Popular with low-income people .

Brief conclusion

Thus, we can conclude that the choice of housing depends both on the personal preferences of each person, and on his financial opportunities. All types of real estate have their pros and cons, having studied which you can accurately determine the choice of your dream home. If it is difficult to make a choice on your own, then the buyer can always turn to an experienced specialist for help in a reputable real estate agency.

Heat supply is the most important component of the operation of a private house and has a direct impact on providing comfortable conditions for residents.

The choice of heating scheme for a private house depends from many factors, among which the most significant are the material possibilities of the owner and the availability of the use of engineering networks or certain energy carriers.

Besides, choice of optimal scheme heat supply is possible only if specifications heated building, as well as climatic features of the area.

is preferred for heat supply of buildings with total area over one hundred square meters.

Gas supply can be carried out by connecting to a gas main or using liquefied gas from cylinders. Usage efficiency gas heating is due to the low cost of the energy carrier and high heat transfer rates.

The construction of a gas heating system is possible only after receiving documentary permission from the gas supply organization operating in the territory of the municipal district or urban district. The installation of communications and commissioning of the system is possible only if the current regulations are observed.

According to the current building codes, gas mini-boiler rooms in private homes should be equipped exclusively in non-residential premises equipped with a door.

The required parameters of the premises differ depending on the design features of the boiler: the area of ​​the premises should be from 6 m 2 to 8 m 2, if the volume of the boiler is from 15 m 3 to 20 m 3, respectively. A prerequisite is the presence of supply and exhaust ventilation and a window with a window leaf.

However, in accordance with SNiP 31-02-2001 And SNiP 31-01-2003, gas boilers up to 60 kW are allowed to be installed in the kitchen. Installation of supply and exhaust equipment and a chimney is carried out depending on the characteristics of the boiler.

Electric heating

Unlike gas heating, installing an electrical system does not require permission and less costly financially.

At the same time, the cost of electricity used to heat a house significantly exceeds the cost of gas used for similar needs. As a result, the feasibility of using electric heating significantly reduced when heating buildings with an area of ​​​​more than one hundred square meters.

Important: before installing an electric heating system, it is important to make sure that the characteristics of the electrical network locality corresponds to the required parameters of the equipment operation.

Electric heat supply at home can be carried out through the use of film or panel infrared heaters, as well as the installation of film or cable underfloor heating.

Such systems provide uniform heating the entire room, and the adjustment takes place in manual or automatic mode. Installation of these systems is not complicated and can be done independently, having the necessary knowledge and skills.

Principle of operation
duct air heater is to ensure the circulation of heated air through square-section air ducts located under the floor.

At the same time, in heated rooms, continuous ventilation supplying fresh air to replace exhaust air.

Climate control function carries out automatic regulation of temperature indicators in the room in accordance with the specified parameters: there is the possibility of setting the modes of conditioning, fine cleaning and humidification of the air in the premises, as well as regulating the temperature of hot water supply.

Benefits of using of this device are the absence of radiators and pipelines, uniform heating of the premises, as well as the absence of noise. Duct air heaters run on gas, which guarantees economical consumption Money spent on energy costs.

Liquid heating scheme

Liquid heating systems most commonly used for heating private housing. The main elements of a liquid heating system are a heating boiler, piping and radiators.

As a heat carrier specially prepared water is used or. The coolant, heated in the boiler to a predetermined temperature, through continuous circulation ensures the transfer of thermal energy to the heating radiators in the premises.

The method of circulation of the coolant (natural or forced) is selected depending on the technical characteristics of the heated building. Benefits of natural circulation consist in uniform heat transfer and independence from electricity, the disadvantage is that most modern radiators cannot be used due to the increased diameter of the pipeline.

forced circulation the coolant is provided by the operation of an electric circulation pump. IN this case the diameter of the pipeline can be standard, but the pump must work constantly, which entails additional costs.

Important: for liquid heating systems, the use of gas boilers is most beneficial, the operation of electrical analogues is more costly due to the high cost of electricity.

solid fuel heating

Heating systems operating on solid fuels, are used when it is impossible to connect to engineering networks or they do not meet the required parameters. Firewood, coal, fuel briquettes, pellets, peat can be used as an energy carrier.

Furnaces Buleryan

(German production) and Breneran (domestic analogue) different from standard solid fuel stoves convenience and economic efficiency operation.

Can be used as fuel all types of solid fuel(except for coal), and the efficiency of such furnaces reaches eighty percent.

Pellet boilers

This type of solid fuel boilers uses as an energy carrier pellets– granulated fuel based on wood and agricultural waste.

Key Benefits pellet boilers are high efficiency (up to 90%) with economical fuel consumption, as well as a high degree of automation, allowing the boiler to be refueled with fuel once a week.

Pellet boilers are very expensive, and require the arrangement of a boiler room and a room for fuel storage. In addition, a high degree of automation of the pellet boiler requires a constant connection of the unit to the electrical network.

Diesel boilers

In the absence of the possibility of connecting to engineering networks, the heat supply of a private house can be realized through the use of diesel heating system. As the name implies, diesel fuel is used as an energy carrier.

Important: The installation of a diesel boiler does not require a permit, and following certain measures will help to avoid a characteristic smell.

Choosing a heating scheme for a private house is of key importance to ensure the comfort and safety of residents.

The optimal choice condition the heating scheme of a private house is a comprehensive assessment of the existing conditions, available opportunities, as well as options for their combination.

Main factors, influencing the choice of a particular heating scheme, are the ability to connect to the gas supply network, the availability of the necessary equipment and the required volumes of energy.

See the video for a schematic diagram of connecting a modern heating system in a private house:

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