
How to get a target loan for maternity capital? Buying a house for maternity capital: documents, conditions. Credit for the purchase of a house for maternity capital

Today, the parents have the opportunity to make a loan in Sberbank for maternity capital. For this purpose, special mortgage programs have been developed, which differ only in the type of housing - under construction or ready.

Make a mortgage loan for maternity capital in Sberbank today is available to each owner security. Requirements for borrowers Standard:

  • Russian citizenship;
  • Over 21 years;
  • Availability of permanent employment;
  • The spouse is drawn up in the default coaches.

Due to the last rule, it is easy to get around the issue of employment for moms on vacation to ensure the upbringing and care of the baby. By the way, the applicant should be a spouse for which the certificate is most often written out.

To take a loan in Sberbank for maternity capital, by the time of writing a statement, you should take a certificate itself and an extract from the account, where the existing balance is specified. This information will help correctly calculate the customer capabilities.

Documents on credit in Sberbank for Material Capital

You can immediately take with you the rest of the paper to speed up the process of consideration:

  • Passport spouses.
  • Employment and income data (NDFL-2) or standard type certificate (according to Sberbank forms) filled with an employer with the indication of this information.
  • Marriage testimony and documents for children if spouses (by age) can use a young family program.
  • Documents of the selected housing (will be required after approval).

Making a loan for maternity capital in Sberbank for construction, it is worth knowing that the program implies the primary market (new building). That is, for the construction of your own home, it is not possible to request MK today.

Features of calculation of the bet

Credit for maternity capital in Sberbank, the conditions for 2019 for the design of which are described above, is assigned and calculated individually. It is known that many factors affect the bid and subject to some parameters, it is possible to reduce it significantly.

The base value is prescribed according to two factors: the interaction time and the size of the first installment:

  • Up to 10 years If the client brings the minimum required primary contribution of 20%, the rate is prescribed from 14%, if 30-50% is 13.75%, over 50% - 13.5%.
  • Up to 20 years When paying 20% \u200b\u200bat once, the rate is 14.25%, 30-50% - 14%, from 50% - 13.75%.
  • Up to 30 years. When paying 20% \u200b\u200b- 14.5%, 30-50% - 14.25%, from 50% - 14%.

As you can see more profitable terms It can be obtained with short-term timing of interaction with the bank and when paying a greater value of the contribution. If you take target Credit under the maternity capital in Sberbank, allowing money to state paper Fully send to the first payment. This will help borrowers to get comfortable conditions at the rate and rather repay the debt.

By the way, if the ability to pay half or more of the requested size as the first payment, the design procedure occurs without mandatory income confirmation. It will be enough for any certificate or document to confirm the person (except for the passport).

Conditions and interest

Credit for maternity capital in Sberbank Conditions and interest predetermines individually. Thus, the basic values \u200b\u200bspecified above are also used additional:

  • -0.5% for Sberbank customers (depositors and recipients wages);
  • -0.5%, if the housing purchased housing is built with the attraction of a loan from Sberbank;
  • + 1%, for a while, until the accommodation gets state registration;
  • + 1%, if the borrower does not have a life providing life.

In Sberbank, a loan for housing for maternity capital can be issued at a minimum rate - 12%, if you use the program with state. support. The percentage is fixed and does not depend on additional conditions. Such a bet was developed at the expense state supportWhen the government repays a part of interest to the institution, which gives the latter the ability to reduce the parameter to this level. Mandatory condition To use such conditions, the purchase of real estate has a seller's company with which Sberbank cooperates.

Making a loan in Sberbank for Maternity Capital in 2019, it is recommended to pre-test your wishes on the online calculator. It is worth remembering that the amount is prescribed from the calculation of the borrower's income and the coacher. If it is small, it may be necessary to increase the repayment time, which will increase the rate, or look for additional revenue confirmation in order to coordinate the desired size.

For this you can use the help of additional coaches. In this case, their income will be included in the calculations and you can expect coordination of a larger amount. It is necessary to approach the choice of such persons with caution, because according to the terms of the mortgage agreement, all co-coaches should receive a share in the apartment. Therefore, it should be a person who are trusted by customers.

Conditions for payments in 2019

After the loan is consistent under the maternity capital in Sberbank, the conditions of 2019 says the need to apply to the PF for the transfer of a certain amount on the certificate to pay. Today it is available to request funds for such purposes:

  1. Payment of the first installment.
  2. Repayment of the main part of the debt on the existing loan.
  3. Payment of part of the mortgage.

Owners on maternal capital

At the same time, the date of the conclusion of the role of the role does not play. If the child who has given the right to MK was born already at the time of credit obligations, the spouses have the right to request money on it to pay the loan. With a prerequisite, at the same place, it is necessary to make newborn and all available children in the owners, i.e. Provide them share in this accommodation. So the law protects the rights of kids, the provision is issued to MC.

Pay off a loan for maternity capital in Sberbank Terms of Use Certificate allow in any form: partially or completely. But these funds are not permissible to request a paid debt, fines or commissions - only on the main part of the loan.

Let's not walk around and about, and immediately list which banks give a loan for maternity capital. These include: Sberbank of Russia, VTB24, Nomos Bank, Bank of Moscow, UniCredit and mortgage bank Deltacredit. If you have a desire to use the maternal (family) capital (MSK) to improve housing conditionsshould be addressed to any of the mentioned organizations. What can I spend the funds received from the state and how to do it, read further.

Comparative Bank Program Table

The present table discusses only the main conditions for lending involving MSK. Next, we will talk about the timing of the design, the list of documents for the bank and the possibilities of its use (to repay the first contribution of mortgage and loan).

On the timing of registration

The use of MSCs in order to repay a loan or initial contribution to this loan implies knowledge of the following rules.

1. To pay off the loan, which was decorated until the child (or adoption) of the child, you can not wait for the new family member for three years (or the three and more years from the moment of adoption). Repayment of the loan is possible immediately after birth (or adoption) and receiving a cherished certificate on the hands.

2. To pay off the loan, decorated after birth (or adoption) of the child, without waiting for him for three years.

3. To use MSC as an initial contribution, the three-year period will have to withstand. By the way, this rule does not have exceptions.

4. After you filed a statement, as well as a package of documents to the bank, it is necessary to wait for its decision that will be taken from two to thirty working days (depends on the chosen credit and financial institution).

About documents for the bank

Immediately clarify: the package of documents for the bank is not universal. As with a period of making a decision on the issuance of a loan, a specific list will depend on the bank where it was decided to apply. We also point out a standard set of papers that will be needed to use MSK. It includes:

  • original and copy of the certificate for MSK;
  • certificate confirming the income of the borrower, in form 2-NDFL (taken for the period in the last 6 months);
  • help from the PF at the place of residence of the family (it indicates the real balance of MSK to its account);
  • civil passport of the applicant on the loan;
  • certificates and other documents confirming the income of each of the close relatives (will have to receive, even if the relatives are not attracted as guarantors);
  • copies tax Declarations Father and Mother (last handed over);
  • a full package of documents on the residential premises, which is supposed to be purchased at the expense of credit funds.

How can I use MSK

So we got to two options for using maternal capital when designing bank loan. To facilitate the perception of information, step-by-step instructions were compiled for each of them.

Gasim the initial contribution

1. We receive a certificate and look for arranging housing.

2. When the certificate is received, we conclude a housing purchase agreement (at this stage you need to contact the bank with documents, which are described in detail above).

3. We expect the decision of the bank about the possibility of issuing a loan.

4. If the application is approved, then the creditor bank needs to receive a confirmation letter with information on the exact timing of the MSK funds to the first loan contribution.

5. We appeal to the PF office on the place of residence to record your desire to list the funds (a certificate of the status of the family account is taken in any case, even if the funds have never been consumed from it).

6. We make a mortgage loan and get copies of all mortgage documents.

7. We again go to the pension fund so that capital funds are sent to the creditor account (be sure to take with them the application of the loan mortgage agreement).

Remove the loan debt

If you intend to use the funds received for the repayment of interest and the principal debt on the housing loan, then the sequence of your actions should look like this:

1. We get a certificate, choose housing.

2. Apply to the bank so that it gives the certificate confirming the size of the main mortgage debt, as well as the amount of interest. An application for help should be supported by the attached MSC certificate. Approximate time of receipt - from the 1st to 10 days.

3. We go to PF and write a statement in which we ask to send capital to repay mortgage loan. His consideration may take up to 3 months.

4. Once funds from Pension Fund Enroll in the bank, they are credited to your account with the subsequent write-off counting early repayment. MSK, first of all, is used to repay the principal debt. And if something remains after it, then interest is repaid. Practice shows that the debt is completely covered. The borrower continues to pay the bank the bank and interest, but the credit load is significantly reduced.

5. After the funds have occurred, the creditor bank changes changes to the repayment schedule. Of course, the size of monthly payments is reduced.

May 28, 2016, 08:19 16648 0

Proposals for the full or partial repayment of the consumer loan at the expense of maternal capital are found almost everywhere. Although today, the commission of this action is considered illegal and is practically impossible. What is actually offered under the repayment of the loan?

How to get a loan for maternity capital?

No matter how strange it is, under the repayment of the loan is meant exactly that. All salt is precisely in the concept of consumer lending. The thing is that loans that are provided for individuals In banks, can be considered consumer, as they are taken with the goal to purchase goods or pay for services. There are no other use options, except to postpone them for a black day. Although someone is unlikely to take a loan with such a goal.

What is the loan for maternity capital in Sberbank to choose?

Loans for special needs are allocated to individual groups, but they do not cease to be consumer. They just got other names directly indicating their goal. The remaining loans for which banks are not tracked by the goal of issuing funds, there are also its names that may indicate the conditions for their provision. With the help of such loans, household appliances are bought, repairs are manufactured, the purchase of furniture is paid and so on. It is they who are considered customers with consumer, and it is them that they hope to pay at the expense of this capital.

Credit for maternity capital in Sberbank

But, no matter how cool, it is impossible to do this. In general, maternity capital can be used for three purposes: for the accumulative part of the mother's future pension, the formation of a baby and the improvement of living conditions. At the same time, the improvement is considered not to stick new wallpaper or purchase household appliances, and the acquisition of residential real estate or its construction. It is clear that by most consumer credits It has no relationship.

Will the list expand?

A loan for maternity capital in Sberbank and other banks can be said only for mortgage. But some time ago, legislators were invited to make a list more and enable to use capital to buy a new car. But still in the discussion stage. For this reason, partial payment or complete, and even more so the car loan with those who have two or more children are not provided. In addition, it is impossible to repay the loans for education, as you can pay for training only when transferring funds educational institution. Credit mediators are not indicated in the law.

And what will remain in the end?

Very little. First of all, you can get a mortgage, that is, such a loan, where the provision will be purchased apartment, and until it is repaid, it will be pledged. In addition, banks are offered loans that can be spent only for the purchase of real estate. The difference is that the deposit will not be an apartment, but another property. It is such a loan for maternity capital in Sberbank and other banks can be obtained.

As for the first contribution ...

There is one snag. The thing is that each loan for the purchase of an apartment is not without the first installment. After the financial crisis has come, no bank provides a complete amount of the cost of housing - at best only 90 percent, the remaining ten are paid by the buyer. To date, only VTB-24 and Sberbank Credit for maternity capital can provide.

For 10 years, a housing problem in Russian families is solved using maternal capital for the acquisition, construction and reconstruction of housing. But the only provided version of the certificate use before execution 3 years of child, giving the right to Matkapital, is to improve housing conditions with the involvement of credit (borrowed) funds.

In this case, the means of maternal capital, the size of which is transferred by non-cash by the Pension Fund to the organizations providing organizations loans and loans for maternity capital (Banks, Credit Consumer Cooperatives - PDAs, Other Organizations):

  • (If we are talking about classical mortgage).

Mandatory condition for receipt borrowed money With the subsequent repayment of maternal capital - this is a target "housing" focus of the loan or loan. At the same time, the fulfillment of obligations ensured by mortgage (that is, the key to acquired real estate).

Target loan for maternity capital Represents money to debt under the loan agreement concluded between the certificate owner and one of the financial organizations. The funds obtained must be in obligatory directed (i.e. it is about housing loan). On the repayment of debt and percent for its use within 1-2 months in the required volume will be listed by Matratic.

Despite the fact that the very concept of "loan for maternity capital" as if implying money to cash under the loan agreement, in fact, this does not mean that government money will be transferred in cash - all calculations are carried out only by non-cash. No schemes offering cannot be legal! For such offenses (budget money fraud) is provided criminal liability.

What is a target loan for maternity capital?

In general, the loan and loan under Matkapital are not much different from each other, since both are assumed issue money On a reimbursable basisAnd in both cases, these funds have a certain target orientation. but credit contract (Art. 819 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation), also widely used, somewhat different from contract loan (Art. 807). In fact, the first is a private case of a second taking into account a number of additional requirements provided for by legislation on credit institutions.

To their main differences You can attribute the following:

  • relations arising between the parties in the design of the loan are regulated not only by civil law, as in the case of a loan agreement, but also by banking;
  • the beginning of the action of the loan agreement begins from the date of its signing, and the loan agreement - from the moment of money transfer;
  • a loan agreement may be interest (however, in practice, everything turns out to be the contrary - interest on loans is usually many times higher than interest on bank creditbecause they are issued for significantly shorter time with the less level of requirements for the borrower - respectively, with significantly large for the organization of financial risks);
  • in case of violation of the terms of the loan agreement, the second party has the right to demand early repayment of the remaining loan amount together by interest (paragraph 2 of Article 811 of the Civil Code), and in case of delay credit Treaty Penalty and fines will be accrued, but the maturity will remain unchanged.

Risks of the seller and buyer when buying housing through the lender?

When receiving a loan for Matkapital, housing is drawn up in the ownership of the buyer with burden by force of law. The subject of collateral is self-acquired housing. Remove the encumbrance and fully dispose of such a residential premises the buyer will be able only after a complete return of money to the suggestor on a statement about the disposal of maternal capital.

Regarding "other organizations", having the right to make such transactions in lately Many discussions are underway. In the State Duma the question is considered On the prohibition of the rights of such organizations to issue money secured by maternal capital. At the beginning of the year, appropriate bills were even made, but the final decision was not taken.

In addition, initially before making changes to the rules for the direction of maternal capital on the basis of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation № 689 dated 09.07.2015 as a lender microfinance organizations could act (MFI). However, to reduce the risk of illegal actions against MSCs, they were excluded from this list.

Is it possible to take a loan for maternity capital in the bank (Sberbank)?

Bank, being credit Organizationacting on the basis of Law No. 395-1-FZ dated 02.12.1990 "About banks and banking activities» , It has full law extradite not only long-term loans, but also short-term loans for maternity capital, which are always issued under the provision of mortgage - That is, it is secured by the acquired property object.

However, the requirements for banks to borrowers will be exactly the same as in the case of a long-term mortgage loan. For example, in Sberbank (as one of the leaders in providing mortgage under Matratina) must be met general requirements for the borrower Regarding:

  • age (21 years to 75 years at the end of the loan period);
  • solvency (having in addition to the means of maternal capital sufficient level of income and positive credit history);
  • availability of permanent registration in the territory of the Russian Federation.

Now loans in Sberbank for the purchase of a ready-made or built housing are issued in the amount of from 300 thousand rubles. The minimum loan payment period is from 1 year, however, in order to progress, loans in the amount of maternal capital (450 thousand rubles) are usually issued for a period of 5 years. If you imagine that such a loan will not be quenched within 2 months maternal capitalFor its repayment will be about 10 thousand rubles with a total overpayment of several hundred thousand rubles (which should be set for a borrower suitable for Sberbank's requirements).

However, since the Pension Fund lists the means of the Matkapital within 1-2 months after submitting an application from the certificate owner, the amount of overpayment at current interest rates is 9-12% will be only 10-15 thousand rubles. The balance of the loan can be reproached in the following months with its own means.

Wherein no need to fearthat in the case of early repayment by the maternal capital of a mortgage loan issued for 5 years, these funds will only go on the repayment of interest embodied in the calculation (after all, usually at the beginning of the period of payment of the mortgage in most part for its use and almost no principal debt ).

The fact is that, according to credit law, interest is accrued only for the actual time of use of the loan. Sberbank itself obliges a borrower no later than 6 months From the date of issuance of the loan to contact the FIU for the repayment of debt under the contract. In fact, this can be done immediately after receiving the loan. For 1-2 months, while the Pension Fund will consider the application and transfer money to pay off debt, the Bank does not physically consume as much interest as "runs" for several years of use (in other words, so that the size of these percentages is comparable to the size of maternal capital , I need a term of use of a loan for at least a few years).

The only problem is Sberbank does not give a mortgage without the initial contribution (now on various credit Products It is 15% or 20% of the cost of purchased housing, i.e. With regard to the amount of maternal capital in 2017, it is from 60 to 90 thousand rubles). Theoretically, this amount can also be repayed by a certificate within the Sberbank special offer. "Mortgage plus maternity capital"However, in this case, the design procedure can be significantly more complicated, and the possibility of obtaining such a loan will depend more on the individual characteristics of the borrower (including its credit history and data contained in the certificate of income 2-NDFL). Moreover, interest rate The loan under this proposal may be higher than in the case of it on the general basis.

Credit Consumer Cooperative (PDA) under Matratina

Unlike banks, the activities of credit consumer cooperatives are governed by law No. 190-FZ of July 18, 2009. "ABOUT credit cooperation» . According to him, credit cooperative is an non-Profit Organization whose activities are based on the organization of financial mutual assistance of its members. For its implementation, the following financial levers are applied:

  • attraction of funds of the participants of the cooperative - shareholders;
  • placing a part of the money received among the members of the cooperative, including the loan agreement.

A special type of activity of credit cooperatives is providing target loans To improve living conditions on the security of acquired housing. Now there are a large number of PDAs specializing only for loans for maternity capital.

After in 2015 the law forbidden at all Working with maternal capital for microfinance organizations (MFIs), some restrictions were also applied to credit cooperatives - namely, the possibility of obtaining the Matkapal funds from the Pension Fund to pay off loans for the purchase of housing only after 3 years From the date of their state registration. In this regard, the MFIs began to cooperate in mass order with the old PDAs operating on the market for at least 3 years, to be able to further attract customers under their well-known brands.

What is PDA simple words (work scheme)?

At the simple and modern language of the CCP, in essence, the "cash missile" to implement the personal goals of each member of the cooperative to improve the conditions of housing. Cooperative on a mutually beneficial basis combines 2 groups of people together:

  • those people who do not have enough money for the purchase of real estate (but, in the case under consideration, having a certificate for maternity capital);
  • those who have free cash that can be provided to other members of the cooperative in the form of a housing loan.

Thus, the first get access to money by joining the PDAs, and the second receive the percentage of their money for the use of other people during a certain period established by the loan agreement.

Procedure for obtaining a loan under Moscow In the selected PDA, in general, it looks like as follows:

  1. Write an application for entry into the cooperative.
  2. Pay a dull fee and entrance, if such is provided for by the Charter of the Organization.
  3. Provide in cooperative required documents For registration of a loan for the purchase of housing.
  4. Sign a tripartite agreement between financial Organization, buyer and seller.

    Usually such an agreement is only for several monthsUntil the acquisition of housing and the FIU will not list the means of maternal capital. Also the size of the loan usually does not exceed 500 thousand rublesTherefore, such an operation is also called microlo.

  5. Complete borrowed funds with the seller and register a real estate purchase transaction in the manner prescribed by law.
  6. To write to the territorial administration of the FIU to the means of maternity capital on repayment of the loan issued.
  7. The pension fund translates money on the details specified in the loan agreement, and thereby repays the debt of the buyer of housing before the cooperative.
  8. After full repayment Debt from acquired housing is removed by the burden, and the owner of the certificate will be required for 6 months to arrange an apartment or a house (including the spouse and all children, including adults).
  9. It is also worth paying attention to the fact that from the moment of transferring a borrower of funds (it is important that not from the moment of signing the contract) Cooperative will accrue interest for their use, which are also will be repaid by maternal capital(This is equally fair both for the PDA, and for ordinary banks).

    Often, borrowers are mistakenly understood as "Commission of a financial organization for the cashing of maternal capital"whose legality for some reason for some reason is doubtful, but this is not quite so. If the transaction is not fictitious and funds are really sent, this "commission" is initially laid in the loan agreement in the form of interest for the use of funds issued to the purchase of funds. Taking into account higher interest rates in microloans, than in banks, the total size of this "commission" can be several tens of thousand rubles (usually up to 50 thousand).

    Those. If the buyer is not ready to overpay from own funds, the size of the loan for the maternity capital without taking interest should not significantly exceed 400 thousand rubles. This amount excluding interest will be indicated in the contract of sale of housing and will go to the seller to pay the transaction. The remaining amount (the so-called "commission" will receive a PDA in the form of interest for the use of the loan).

    Pros and cons receiving a loan in a credit cooperative

    After in 2014-2015 The real incomes of the population have sharply decreased, the popularity of credit cooperatives has increased significantly in Russia, including among the owners (since not each of the borrowers can get approval in the bank even on a small loan in the amount of maternal capital - 450 thousand in 2017).

    Obtaining a loan in the PDA for such borrowers is a fairly simple procedure for the legal use of MSC. Moreover, it is especially important that it is possible to do this without waiting for the achievement of the youngest child of the age of 3. To other advantages You can attribute the following:

  • minimum requirements for the borrower, including:
    • the absence of the need to confirm income (loan repayment is guaranteed by the availability of a certificate for maternal capital);
    • loyalty towards age and experience;
  • quick time consideration of the application.

But with its apparent simplicity there are their pitfalls here. To minuses obtaining such a loan can be attributed:

  • more high percent for granting cash compared with bank loans;
  • even if the loan is granted for 1-2 months, it will still need to make a deposit of purchased housing, as well as when receiving a full-fledged bank (and these are additional costs for checking mortgages in Rosreestre);
  • little financial reliability CCP compared to banks (including more risky credit Policywhich can lead to bankruptcy).

Thus, loans in a loan cooperative are a good opportunity to solve the housing issue to the owners of the Matkapali in the case of non-permanent labor activity or getting informal income. And subject to competent registration of documents, risks are reduced to zero.

Is it possible to get a loan secured by maternal capital cash?

Unfortunately, despite the obvious prohibition of the transfer of maternal capital in cash, there is still an advertisement, offering MSC owners to resort to. Some citizens in order to be accompanied by such fraudulent actions, for example, presenting documents on the non-existent object of real estate or laying in a contract great amountthan actually worth residential premises (Often it is acquired and completely old, emergency housing, or existing on only paper, which can not cost 450 thousand rubles).

Do not go on scammers - Law enforcement agencies and the pension fund will necessarily check the purity of the transaction committed, and in case of detection of illegal actions to the violator, punishment measures will be applied, including in the form of real deprivation of freedom. According to paragraph 16 of the Rules adopted by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 862 of 12.12.2007, all calculations related to the use of maternal funds are carried out only cashless method.

Scheme of improvement of housing conditions through target loan

In order to improve housing conditions through a loan under the mat. Capital, certificate owner next must be taken:

  1. Choose a real estate object that meets everyone necessary requirements From the point of view of technical and sanitary and hygienic standards. In the event of a housing purchase, a condition should be fulfilled in the secondary market that the purchased housing should not be recognized as an emergency or unsuitable for living.
  2. Collect information about all financial institutions (banks and credit cooperatives - PDAs) providing such loans. Examine the conditions for granting money and choose the most acceptable option.
  3. In accordance with the requirements of the selected organization, provide the necessary package of documents for the conclusion of a loan agreement. Find a suitable seller of housing and sign a tripartite contract for sale between the seller, the buyer and the financial organization - that:
    • buyer acquires, and the seller alienates real estate owned by his property.
    • at the expense of the cost of housing cost, the buyer sends a loan to the Seller for the Material Capital, provided by the Financial Organization;
    • after registration of the transaction in Roserestre, a loan issued to the Buyer is repaid by the Pension Fund for the Pension Fund, which the buyer must submit to the FIU in the time established by the Treaty (the sooner, the less will be total amount Payable percent).

After the full repayment of the buyer's debt before the financial organization from acquired housing is removed by mortgage, and the family will need for 6 months Arrange an apartment or house in shared property Spouses and children (on this account in advance to the Pension Fund, together with a statement about the disposal applies to the appropriate).

What documents will be necessary for this

The main documents for obtaining a target loan include the following:

  • application form;
  • help from the FIU on the remaining of the MSC (its validity period is 30 days);
  • passports of the borrower and (if there is a) coaches who can perform the second spouse;
  • a certificate of marriage or its termination;
  • documents indicating the birth of children;
  • documents for the acquired property object:
    • purchase and sale agreement bank details To transfer money to the seller;

According to the provisions of existing regulatory and legal acts, the materials of the Matkapalo can be used when making a mortgage and repayment. However, this is relevant when credit money goes to the use of residential real estate. Simple consumer loans to close with budget funds can not be.

Provides several ways to dispose by the Matcheripal. In particular, we are talking about:

  1. Buying residential real estate.
  2. Making payments by mortgage.
  3. Teaching children in Russian educational institutions.
  4. Buying items for the treatment and social adaptation of disabled children.
  5. Pensions of the mother.

These are all possible ways to use budgetary funds.

Important! There are many ads on the Internet about the possibility of cashing out budget money. In fact, it is impossible to cash out, about which fraudsters know perfectly. Responsibility for violation of legislation is provided art. 159.2 of the Criminal Code. It includes a cash fine of up to 120 tr., As well as correctional work for one year or imprisonment for two years.

It is worth noting that according to art. 104.1 Criminal Code, Maternity capital, which were cashed, are not subject to confiscation. This is money that is used in the interests of the family. However, the family will have to return this money on the basis of a civil process. There is a lot of precedents when the judges have made a decision on the return of money to the state for illegal receipt.

Thus, not to be in a difficult situation, you should not core maternal capital. It is much more profitable to contact the FIU and on the general basis to submit documents for the disposal of budget money.

What loans can be taken under Matkapital

FZ №256 allows you to use family capital to improve housing conditions. Thus, it is possible to arrange:

  1. Mortgage.
  2. Loan in MFIs.
  3. Consumer credit.

It is worth considering each lending option in more detail to follow the legality.

Important!Today it is possible to get loans for family capital in cash on legal grounds. But the contract should appear that the money received will be spent on the purchase of residential real estate.

Mortgage design for maternity capital

It is possible to use the means of the Matkapalo when the loan is made and when it has already been framed at the time of receipt of family capital. According to these tools can be used as a deposit seller or partial / complete credit closure.

Matkapital and deposit when buying residential real estate

When using data in this way, it is strongly recommended to conclude an agreement with the real estate agency to reduce risks during the transaction. These companies have realtors, lawyers and other specialists who guarantee the purity of the transaction. FZ №256 requires first to register the right of ownership, and then the translation is already carried out. Thus, you need to carry out the following actions for disposal of money:

  1. Choose a bank for making a mortgage.
  2. Consult with a banking specialist about the features of cooperation with the organization.
  3. Apply and provide guarantors and coaches.
  4. Get an answer from the bank and find a suitable real estate object.
  5. Subscribe preliminary agreement with the seller.
  6. Contact the bank to make a deal.
  7. Appeal to the Department of the FIU to submit documents to the disposal of public money. They are listed by the seller.

The Bank requires a receipt or other confirming the transfer of the initial contribution of documents as one of the documents. In this case, they are formal in nature, since in fact the seller money can get exclusively after the transaction is registered, which is prescribed in an additional agreement to the Agreement. The real estate agency acts as a guarantee that the transaction will be held in accordance with applicable law.

The bank usually requires the following documents:

  1. Certicking personality borrower, coaches and guarantors Documents.
  2. Data on income over the past six months.
  3. Document for a credited object of real estate (cadastral and technical passport, construction permit, license construction company, approved plan and much more, depending on the object of real estate).
  4. Documents confirming the conclusion of marriage and the birth of children.
  5. Receipt in receipt by the seller of the deposit.
  6. Certificate for the right to receive the Matkapal.
  7. Preliminary contract of sale.

After checking the documents, a loan is issued.

Important! The seller cannot get mortgage funds in the hands immediately, they remain in the rented buyer bank cell. According to the Federal Law No. 102 of the mortgage and registration of real estate rights, it is possible to obtain these funds only after the transition of ownership. That is, the seller must provide an extract from the USRP and a passport to get their money.

After registration, you must contact the FIU to transfer funds to the seller. To do this, provide:

  1. The applicant's passport and the applicant and children.
  2. Certificates confirming the marriage and the birth of children.
  3. Required on the object of real estate paper.
  4. Certificate for the right to receive money from the state.
  5. Contract of sale.
  6. Credit Agreement.
  7. A notarized commitment, on the basis of which parents must provide children share in housing after execution financial obligations Before the bank.
  8. Details for translating.
  9. Statement of the established sample.

If a refusal comes to satisfy the request, the transaction is canceled on the basis of an additional agreement, which is the lawyers of the real estate agency in such cases.

Matkapital and early repayment of the mortgage

FZ №256 also allows you to use budget money for early repayment of the mortgage, which was framed before receiving a certificate for family capital. The order occurs as follows:

  1. Getting a certificate of debt balance in the bank pattern of PFR (It is recommended to take a sample in advance).
  2. Appeal to the FIU and providing a full package of documents.
  3. Waiting for a response from the FIU.
  4. Transferring money.

Specialists take 30 days for consideration of the application. As long as the time is required to translate. You need to provide the following documents in the FIU:

  1. Passport and lowered mother.
  2. Snobs children.
  3. Documents confirming the fact of the conclusion of the marriage and birth of children.
  4. Certificate of debt residue.
  5. Cadastral and technical passport.
  6. Notarial obligation to allocate children.
  7. Certificate confirming the right to receive budget funds.
  8. Statement of the established form.
  9. Bank details.
  10. The contract with the bank for the design of a housing loan.

Important! Based FZ №102, Money derived from the FIU at the expense of debt repayment, if they are maternal capital, are written off in disassembly order. That is, the borrower does not need to write statements to the write-off of funds.

Loans and consumer loans for maternity capital

Microfinance organizations and banks are actively issuing consumer loans for maternity capital. Based on consumer lending, money is issued to customers in cash for personal needs. However, if a specific purpose of the use of money is specified in the contract, you can try to use the maternity capital for partial or complete early quenching. Art. 819 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation places the following requirements for a loan agreement:

  1. Specifying Parties.
  2. Indication of the loan amount.
  3. The place of conclusion of the contract.
  4. The procedure for repayment of debt.
  5. Responsibilities and rights of the parties.
  6. Ways of payment.
  7. Place for resolving disputes in court.
  8. Details of the parties and signatures.

The contract must indicate that the microloan money or consumer loan goes to buy residential real estate. It is required to specify the address of the object and owners. Only with the presence of this data is the likelihood that the FIU will approve the transfer of funds to the repayment of the loan. However, the probability of failure is pretty high.

Art. 25 FZ No. 102. says that mortgage agreement Must have provision. As a collateral is made a credited or other property object. Consumer loans do not require security, therefore there are no burdensions on housing. Thus, it is possible to circumvent the law and not to provide children in a purchased apartment or house. It is as a result of the infringement of the rights of children, the FIU may refuse to provide facilities for maternal capital.

Features of applying for disposal budget money

Application for the disposal of the Matkapital can be downloaded on the PFR website (or can download). It is filled without blots. The presence of any blots is the basis for refusing to provide payment. If you have any doubts when filling a certain point, it is better to leave and fill in the specialist of the Pension Fund. This is how to fill out a statement:

  1. The last name is indicated, and in brackets of the maiden name, the name and patronymic of the mother of children.
  2. Applicant status (mother, father, guardian).
  3. Snobs applicant.
  4. Certificate identification data.
  5. Authority issued a certificate.
  6. Passport with all its identification data.
  7. Address of registration site in the form: Index - the name of the region Russian Federationlocality - Street - Houses - Apartment.
  8. The address of the place of actual accommodation, if it differs from the place of registration.
  9. Dates of birth of children.
  10. Amount for paying.
  11. Indicate whether there are limitations that may prevent payment of payment.
  12. Inventory of the accompanying documents.
  13. Contact phone numbers.

An employee of the FIU should depend on this document and put the print on it.

Important! The application must be given exclusively by the mother. If she died or deprived of parental rights, before the applicant may be a father or guardian. If a trustee is drawn, he needs to have a notarized power of attorney. The cost of such a document usually does not exceed 2000 rubles.

When you can get a loan on a passport under Matkapital

This can be done only in two cases:

  1. To issue a loan in a microfinance organization, where in the contract it will be indicated that the money is taken to buy housing.
  2. If in the bank it is not necessary to provide this document.

Upon cooperation with MFI, it is necessary to take into account the following nuances:

  1. The maximum amount of lending, depending on the status of the creditor, 1 million rubles or 1.5 million rubles.
  2. The maximum loan period is 1 year.
  3. It is possible to prolong the contract, but this service is paid.

Important! As a collateral, it is necessary to provide an existing or purchased property. This type of loans cannot be issued online, they are executed exclusively in the lender offices. An initial fee not needed, however, according to FZ №353It is necessary to provide additional up to 3 guarantors.

When issued consumer credit In a bank or mortgage without certificate of income, the interest rate increases. Here are some banks where this document on some programs is optional:

  1. Promsvyazbank.
  2. Bank Zenit.

On specialized credit sites, you can find actual information At the time of registration of the loan. It is updated once a month, so there is a complete list of banks and other companies that provide money to buy housing for maternity capital.

Important! The maximum loan period in banks depends on the company itself. It is usually 20-30 years old. But at the time of the complete closure of the loan, the title borrower and guarantors should be less than 65 years.

Features of registration of a loan for maternity capital in Sberbank and Rosselkhozbank

These are banks with a large share of state capital, so they are fully integrated into the current state programs. That is why they provide several special programs for acquiring residential real estate using maternal capital. In particular, young families can get a loan under 12% per annum for up to 25 years. This is what the requirements must be configured:

  1. Russian citizenship.
  2. Age from 21 to 35 years (in some regions up to 30 years).
  3. The presence of an income on a monthly basis.
  4. The presence of children.
  5. Official marriage.
  6. Getting the status of a young family.
  7. Status registered in self-government bodies as a family that needs to improve housing conditions.

To become needing new accommodation, candidates must apply to the responsible territorial body. This is a housing department located in the district administration. There you are writing a statement and apply a full package of documents to it:

  1. Passports of both parents.
  2. Certificates of marriage and birth of children.
  3. A certificate of family composition confirming that all family members are registered in one place.
  4. Documents at housing in which candidates now live.
  5. Help from the traffic police about the presence or absence of a personal car.
  6. Documents from BTI about the type of house, layout, square.
  7. Extract from the USRP.
  8. Certificates about the income of all living on specific housing.
  9. Statement.

The decision is made within a month. If you are recognized in need of improvement of housing conditions, then the appropriate certificate is provided. It will be necessary to provide with other papers that require in Sberbank or Rosselkhozbank to obtain a reduced mortgage rate.

Video - how to get a loan for maternity capital

Mortgage or consumer loan - what is more profitable?

If you do not use the means of the Matkapalo, then it is more profitable to consumer credit, since then there is no need to provide an acquired object in a deposit. But when you are going to use family capital when buying housing or repayment of the loan ahead of schedule, it is strongly recommended to make a mortgage. This will prevent extra problems in the FIU during the disposal of public money. You need to prove that the usual loan was taken to buy housing, and if it is not spelled out in the contract, it is almost impossible to do it.

As for consumer loans, which are written in various ads, they are better not to execute them. Fraudsters today use a lot in different ways Cashing funds. However, as practice shows, you are guilty of the situation, get a time per violation art. 159.2 of the Criminal Code And they are forced to return the whole amount of the Matkapalo to the state.

Thus, all transactions with maternity capital are best carried out through real estate agencies. They employ experienced specialists who will prompt at any stage that it is necessary to do and how to make the sale or purchase of real estate in a specific case.

Video - Maternity Capital with Mortgage: Pros and Cons

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