
In which bank to open an account without problems. Opening bank accounts abroad. Where and why you need to open a bank account abroad

Hello, dear readers! In touch, the entrepreneur and the author of the resource by Eleonodrom.ru Igor Yeremenko. Today we will talk about where it is more profitable to open a settlement account for IP or LLC in 2019.

A few years ago, the first time opening the IP, I got up before the question: in which bank to open the current account. If you have already opened or only planning or, most likely you also wondered in such a question.

In this article, I will present to your attention detailed review Reliable banks for opening and servicing accounts.

After reading the article you will learn:

  1. What important criteria need to make banks when opening a current account?
  2. What commissions and tariffs are established for banking services Current account?
  3. In which bank is it better to open a current account?

So let's understand - which bank provides the most better conditions For business owners! πŸ™‚

1. Criteria when choosing a bank to open a current account

When choosing a bank, we will be guided by the following key criteria (the higher the criterion, the more significant it is):
  1. Bank reliability
  2. Service cost (tariffs and commissions)
  3. Availability and functionality of Internet banking
  4. Cost of opening
  5. Interest on the residue

I. Reliability of the Bank - One of the important criteria that needs to be considered. As cash Legal entities in bank accounts are not insured, then in the event of bankruptcy of the bank you can permanently lose all the money. IN lately no longer rare - review Central Bank licenses from commercial banks.

My friend lost More than 3 million rubles. In one of the bank as a result of its bankruptcy. Neither the state nor the bank did not return this money.

II. Service cost - includes commissions, monthly and additional payments for servicing the current account. One of the important criteria along with the reliability of the bank.

Personal experience:
For the first time, opening the current account, I noticed that most banks have practically no functional functionality, for the cost of maintenance differs several times. Therefore, overpay for servicing the current account does not make sense (especially when business does not bring money yet)!

III. The presence and functionality of Internet banking. As B. modern time Any payment operation can be carried out via the Internet without visiting the bank and waiting in the queues, then the availability of Internet banking is a very important addition to the settlement account.

Internet banking functionality is also important to be understood and easy to use.

IV. Cost of opening - This is a one-time paid amount of money for opening a current account. On average, the cost of opening the current account varies within 500 - 2,000 rubles. Some banks do not at all take money for the opening of the P / s. Not the most important criterion, but it should also be considered.

V. Percentage on the residue- This is a monthly accrued amount to the balance of funds in accordance with the current interest rate. A good complement to the current account so that your money is always worked.

Even 2-8% percent per annum can give a good additional income!

2. In which bank it is better to open a settlement account for IP or LLC in 2019: Top 8 banks - tariff review

For all tariff plans.

Is free: mobile and Internet banking, SMS info, salary and corporate maps.

Operating day is almost a day: from 1 to 20 hours on Moscow time.

The current account opens online in 3 minutes, all the necessary documents will be brought to a house for free or office.

+ There is a built-in free accounting!

There is. A great.

One of the best online banks in Russia. Clear and simple interface. Fast processing of operations. Fully free. Additional partner bonuses are provided: advertising, online accounting, corporate communications ...

IV. Cost of opening. Is free.

V. Interest on the residue. There is. Tall.

The tariff is "simple" - up to 4% per residue. Tariff "Advanced" and "Professional" up to 6% for the residue.

Go to the Bank's website and find out all the advantages of the current account


- Middle-popular bank operating exclusively with small business. It has good conditions for servicing settlement accounts.

I. Reliability β€” 4 out of 5 points. Above average.

The bank has existed since 1992. Stable bank. Since 2016, it works only with a small business. Commercial Bank, without public capital. 24% of the shares owns Sovcombank.

I. I. Cost of service. Low.

There are 3 tariffs to choose from:

1. Starting - 0 rub.
- Free payments are not provided. Conducting 1 payment transaction will cost 90 rubles.
- The Commission is on withdrawing money depends on the amount of removal: 1% (up to 100 thousand rubles), 3% (from 100 001 to 300,000 rubles), etc. Money deposits in the offices and ATMs "MODULBANK" - for free, through other banks - respectively, the Commission of the Foreign Bank.
- Translation for maps / bills of physicals - 90 rubles.
- One free corporate card.

2. Optimal - 490 rubles.
- Conduct 1 payment will cost 19 rubles.
- when removing cash up to 50,000 rubles / month. The Commission is absent, up to 300,000 - Commission 1%, up to 500,000 - Commission 3%, etc. Making money to the current account in the offices and ATMs "MODULBANK" - for free, through other banks and ATMs are charged to the Commission of the Sprint Bank.
- Translation for maps / accounts individuals - 19 rubles.
- Corporate cards - 2 for free.

3. Unlimited - 3,000 rubles.
- Unlimited number of non-cash payments.
- The commission is not charged to 100,000, up to 500,000 - the commission of 1%, up to 1 million rubles - the commission is 5%, over 20%. There is no commission on making money, provided that the replenishment is made in the offices and terminals of MODULBANK and its partners.
- Free transfers on maps / bills of individuals.
- 5 free corporate maps.

For all tariff plans.

Freeinternet bank,mobile Bank, SMS alert.

Operating day: from 9 to 20:30 h. Crediting payments in 10 minutes.

The current account is also possible to open over the Internet and immediately receive its number. The contract will take you at any convenient time.

III. Availability and functionality b website bank. There is. A great.

Modern, understandable and simple Internet bank. One of the best.

IV. Cost of opening. Is free.

V. Interest on the residue. There is. Middle.

At the starting rate, interest is not charged, at the tariff "Optimal" - 3% for the residue, at the tariff "Unlimited" - 5%.

You can learn more about the current account in ModuleBank!

3. Ural Bank for Reconstruction and Development

- Another popular bank, which provides the possibility of conditionally free maintenance of the current account.

I. Reliability β€” 4 out of 5 points. Above average.

The Bank was founded back in 1990, one of the largest banks of the Urals. It is included in the top 50 credit institutions in Russia. Without public capital.

II. Service cost. Below is average.

Terms of tariffs are significantly different in different cities. Mainly in major million-millinic cities, service tariffs are significantly higher than in the rest of the cities of the country. At the same time, there are no free maintenance in the cities of millionics.

Tariffs in the bank presented a lot, we will consider the 2 most optimal.

1.Tariff "everything is simple" - 0 rubles. (from 300 rubles / month in large cities)
- The cost of one payment is 55 rubles (without a subscription fee) and from 22 rubles. (if there is a subscription).
- Cash withdrawal through ATM ATMs - 1%, through ATMs of third-party banks - 3%. Cash application in some cities is free, in the rest from 0.1%.
- 1 free corporate card.
- SMS alert - 39 rubles / month.

2. Tariff "Online" - from 350 rubles / month

- Conduct 1 payment costs from 19 rubles. Depending on the city.
- Commission for cash withdrawal is the same: 1% in UBR ATMs, in the rest - 3%. The commission for making money on the account depends on the city, in most cases - for free, in the rest of 0.1%.
- One corporate card - free.
- SMS informing - 39 rubles / month.

For all tariffs.

Freeinternet banking,mobile Bank (View operations).

Operating day: from 9 to 18:30.

An application for opening a current account is possible to leave via the Internet, the Bank's specialist will come to you at a convenient time to make documents.

III. The presence and functionality of the Internet bank. There is. Average level.

Middle in terms of functionality Internet bank.

A huge drawback in almost absence mobile Bank. Through it, it is possible only to view account operations, but to form a payment operation will have to use complete version Internet bank.

IV. Cost of opening. Is free. In some cities and tariffs - from 700 rubles.

V. Interest on the residue. Not.

Interest on the residue is not accrued.

1.2 Settlement account in the largest banks of Russia - Top 5 banks

Now we will turn to the review to all the famous and largest banks of the country: Sberbank, VTB24, Alfa Bank.

The reliability of these banks is the highest, as they are mostly key in financial System Russia, and their bankruptcy will mean that there are very serious problems in all economics. At the same time, even in the conditions of a deep crisis, they will be financially supported by the state.

As you yourself have already understood, the risks of bankruptcy of such banks are extremely small. However, as for the cost of maintenance, the price is usually an order of magnitude higher than that of the second-hand drives of the echelon.

1. Sberbank

4. Bank Point (Opening)

5. Conclusion

In any case, when choosing a bank, proceed from your own preferences and needs. If you have already had experience with banks and there is something share, leave your opinion and reviews in the comments below.

Also if you found more profitable terms In other banks, write about it, I will definitely make a review and add it to the article.

I have everything on this! I wish you a good business!

Hello, dear blog readers Website. This note is not analytical and is not the truth in the last instance. Just write about how I chose new Bank To open the accounts of the IP (individual entrepreneur).

No, well, it was possible to "score", of course, and take the first bank inhabited to not steam with the choice (yes the same Sberbank - so prosa). Many do it, but I want to choose the best of possible suggestions (perfectionism of a kind), especially since the process of study and choice is very entertaining (in the sense, time is occupied by πŸ™‚). And yes, I went for the ruobine ruobine on the field squeezed.

Settlement account SP in which bank is better to start and why

And I am a lazy habit, and therefore at first did not fully immerse yourself in the topic, but decided to make the choice of "quickly" simply comparing the conditions of several banks that I knew and which made sense to trust. But this is a little later, but for now, the prehistory of everything, for the individual entrepreneur I have opened for quite a long time (more than seven years ago), and therefore the current account I had to be available.

It is, of course, so, not so. My favorite bank (here without any irony, because despite the untimely death, it was convenient and profitable) soil in the Bose. In the article, I wrote about him - this is no longer an interspoergobank now. That's nothing bad about him, I can not say, except that the license is to banking His owners have lost.

I immediately want to make a reservation that funds that are on the ECC account account fall under the insief case And in case of problems with the bank, they can be obtained from the deposit insurance agency. The main thing that total amount (deposits and money on estimated account IP) did not exceed 1400 thousand rubles. Although, I had a slight excess and all the same it was compensated, although I had to wait until my question was considered (twenty days).

In general, in the case of a license with a license from a bank, depositors (if the Bank entered the insurance system) pays the money primarily (two weeks, after the official announcement of bankruptcy). The payouts of the IP and the individuals go after (in the third place). Well, and all sorts of nuances (for example, as I - the excess of the sum insured) are solved on a written request to the Insurance Agency, which sends the bank to be received by payments.

In principle, the last two paragraphs say that Bank to open a current account you can choose anyThe main thing is that he participated in the deposit insurance system. This at least guarantees a refund, albeit with a significant time delay. But this is not the only criterion in choosing.

What was shocked by VTB Bank and not only he

As I mentioned above - I went with Lenza. Therefore, I quickly compare the cost of maintenance of the PC for an individual entrepreneur in some banks, I concluded that Sberbank is very expensive (more than two thousand per month), and therefore I will be content with the bank number 2 in Russia, then I mean VTB. More precisely, my choice fell on VTB Bank of Moscow (they have a lower price tag, like).

No sooner said than done. With the opening of the accounting account of the IP in VTB, there were no special problems (one stop on the subway to the nearest office of this involved in this). A certain sense of calm appeared, for immediately received details, where it was necessary to redirect all the financial rivers and streams. The online bank is not difficult - it remains only to deal with the nuances. But they, damn, strongly spoiled the mood.

I didn't even assume it naive (thanks for this to the interstower) that interest may be charged for intrabank transfers. Usually how IP makes? He opens in the same bank, where he opened the RS, and also an account on the physician with a bank card tied to it. After that, the money with the PC of an individual entrepreneur is calmly transferred to this card for their subsequent disposal in stores or naturalization through ATMs.

I want to say that this rating for some banks not always correct (Or there is a slightly outdated, or there are different packages for the SP, but the ranking of only one of them is given in the ranking), therefore it is still better to specify the details on the official website of the bank, or by simply by calling the hotline.

But still, most of the data this rating reflects true and it is possible to make an opinion on the greed of our bankers. As for me, so take a commission for internal transfers - It is pronounced. But what to do, when almost all market players are held now. Therefore, he strongly swallowed such a situation of hopelessness.

Nonsense, tell me? What to go? And for me so there is something (a penny ruble seats). I bounce, and the whole tale. And therefore, I decided to clarify the situation for myself slightly and I decided to clarify the situation for myself and to understand whether everything was really launched and there were no options for the output of money from the PP without a commission.

Running forward will say that there are options (even a few them). For example, my current bank takes the account of the PP account only 490 rubles per month, and the transfer to his card in this bank (as well as in any other) the Commission is not subject to. And this is a bank from the top ten (top), which is particularly nice. But first things first.

Where and what to watch when opening the account of the IP

In general, on issues related to banks, I usually try to look for information on the resource. Banks.ru. (not advertising, but if the owners find it necessary to thank, then ..., although it is unlikely that someone voluntarily wants to part with money).

There, it seems to me, there is a pretty living discussion of interesting questions, and the reviews can be viewed on the maintenance of "physicists" and "euriki". It is clear that the reviews are now a product that is bought and sold. But there they seem to be checked, and even if it is read thoughtfully and analyzed, then you will not understand the general trend on the bank.

In fact, the maintenance fee will be zero, if you use a card for payment in stores or keep on accounts in this bank more than a hundred thousand rubles. Both, and the other I just planned to do (with a card to pay for life, and the surplus is stored on the accumulative account of the same bank, because it is convenient to replenish it from the card through online banking).

Struck the speed of maps (I remembered that when closing an IP invoice in VTB, I heard the beginning of the dialogue with the visitor next to me about the fact that his card was already doing for a month, and such a radish cannot be made). In Alfer, it was brought to her a few minutes after choice by me the tariff plan and accounts that need to be discovered. The map is named and it struck. Prior to that I instantly received only the card, but it was not nominated (just take from the pack already ready and activated).

Actually, I am writing an article already having received positive output experiencecash with a new account of an individual entrepreneur in Alpha Bank. For the sample, it turned out not only on the Alpha map, but also on the cabin card. In both cases, as promised, the Commission did not take me. Internal payment passed instantly, and on the fee of the money droplet the next day.

So far, I am pleased with the "Afera", and I am very pleased with the fact that I was not too lazy and I found for myself the option when you do not have to think about vainly spent money. Job I, jar.

Good luck to you! To ambiguous meetings on the blog pages Website

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Hello, dear readers of the Financial Journal "Site"! In this article, we will tell how and where it is more profitable to open a settlement account for IP and Ltd., what documents to open an account will be needed and which banks provide services for the opening and maintenance of settlement accounts for individual entrepreneurs and organizations.

From the article you will learn:

  • For which IP and Ltd. to open a settlement account;
  • How fast and where it is better to open a settlement account;
  • Advantages and features of the availability of the R / s from the company.

To know about the current account, it is necessary to all owners of large and small firms, individual entrepreneurs and managers of enterprises and organizations.

If you want to know how to open the current account quickly and profitable, then read our article further. So let's go!

How to open a settlement account for IP or Ltd. and what documents will need for opening a current account in the Bank - read in this article

1. What is the current account and why it is needed - definition and benefits

According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, all legal entities can store their funds at the bank account.

Checking account - This is a bank account that has a unique number assigned to the client in order to identify it, for non-cash payments during economic activitypaying taxes and other payments.

Accounts can be open for both legal entities (IP, LLC, etc.) and physical. main feature The current account is that it opens in order to implement commercial (or other) activities.

Good to know: the current account opens not to accumulate money, interest on it is not accrued (with rare exceptions). It is necessary for current activities firms.

Advantages (+) availability of a settlement account

The enterprise with the current account has the following advantages:

Advantage 1. Status of a legal entity

The presence of an account in the bank increases the status of the company, increases the confidence of suppliers, proves that the company is reliable and stable.

Advantage 2. Safety storage of own funds of the company

Cashless payments are considered the safest in comparison with cash settlements. The likelihood of obtaining fake bills, theft, force majeure circumstances is eliminated.

Advantage 3. Customer solvency

The presence of revolutions on the settlement account convinces the bank in the solvency of the client. When applying for a loan, it will be offered favorable individual conditions. In addition, there will be a need to provide evidence of the profitability of the enterprise.

Advantage 4. Speed \u200b\u200band ease of operations

Internet capabilities allow you to carry out bills online, without compulsory visits to the bank. Payments are conducted via the "Day per day" system. The enrollment of funds goes quickly, in the system of one bank without commissions and additional payments.

Advantage 5. Mobile calculations

You can make payments in any place where there is an Internet.

Advantage 6. Cash control

The implementation of timely control over the receipt of funds from counterparties. In online mode, you can always check the receipts to the current account.

With the help of the current account, the company gets the opportunity to pay with suppliers, receiving money from buyers, paying taxes, withdraw cash under the report, for wages, hosne. Needs, travel and other expenses, receive and repay loans and so on.

What documents will be needed to open an account of the bank to an individual entrepreneur (IP) or a limited liability company (LLC) - you will learn further

2. Required documents for opening a current account for IP and LLC

Banks impose various requirements for opening accounts. Sometimes in credit institutions are held special promotions to attract customers, they imply the provision of a simplified package of documents.

Standard requirements of banks on documents when opening a calculated account:

  • Constituent documents of the organization: Charter, decision on the creation of an enterprise (decision protocol, if there are several founders), constituent contract.
  • Orders on appointment Director, Chief Accountant (if necessary).
  • Persons Personswho will have the right of the first and second signatures in the bank.
  • Extract from EGRUL or JRIP, Made by a period of no more than 3 months.
  • Certificates about the presence / absence of debt for taxes and fees.
  • When submitting documents by an authorized person, documents confirming its powers.
  • Print (in the presence of).

To save time, you can open the current account via the Internet, with the obligatory subsequent submission to the bank originals of documents.

The bank is filled with signature samples card. It is necessary to be very attentive by putting your signature sample, in the future all the operations will be carried out in the future, and if the operator will seem other than the original, documents can be returned without execution.

In order to translate funds to the current account not enough to know only its number. Needless bank details accounts that are specified in the bank account agreement concluded between client and bank.

All legal entities are obliged to open a settlement account. The legislation provides for the possibility of working without opening an account only for IP (individual entrepreneurs) working without opening legal entity.

However, there is a limit on the maximum amount of cash transaction in the amount of 100 thousand rubles.

for example : SP concluded a contract for the supply of materials in the amount of 500 thousand rubles. Payment may be passed only by non-cash, and the entrepreneur will be obliged to open a settlement account in the bank.

If the condition is not respected, then when verifying the tax inspectorate, finewill be for IP up to 5 thousand rubles., for LLC in 10 (ten) times more. About you can read by reference.

This limit does not apply to the funds received for labor, for issuing a report, social payments, on the personal needs of the entrepreneur (it will be necessary to prove).

The bank may suspend the operation on account at the request of authorized persons.

At the expense can be set arrest or sets card files in cases:

  • Overdue payments to the budget.
  • Delays of the transfer of income declaration.
  • The claim of the judiciary.

Close the account can be in the following cases:

  • Decision authorized person.
  • Elimination or.
  • Bankruptcy.
  • The decision of the judiciary.

If, when closing an account, it has a balance on it, according to the application of authorized persons, it is transferred to another account or removed in cash.

Today, enterprises can have several accounts in one or several banks.

3. In which bank to open a settlement account for IP and LLC - 5 main criteria for the choice of the bank

By registering the company, you need to decide on the bank in which the current account will be opened.

Consider the main criteria when choosing a bank to open the current account.

Criterion 1. Stability of a credit organization

The safety of the company will depend on the reliability of the bank.

It must be remembered , that the balance of funds on the current account in the bank is not insured (in contrast to the deposits of individuals), under the bankruptcy of the bank, the enterprise can wait a long time to return funds.

Criterion 2. Tariff Mesh and Commission (Service Cost)

The second largest criterion of choice is the tariff plan used to open and maintain an account. The difference in tariffs in different banks can be very substantial, regardless of the level of services provided. Therefore, it is necessary to choose a suitable tariff plan.

Banks take a commission for opening a current account, its value may be from 100 rubles. up to several thousand . You can find a credit institution offering open account for freeBut for the service can be taken an increased rate.

Below in the article will feature optimal tariffs in stable and reliable banks.

Criterion 3. Availability of Internet Bank

Internet banking has been at present the necessary element of the enterprise functioning. It allows payments fast, mobile, without visiting the bank.

Important discover The opinion of the Bank's customers about the available Internet bank, since the system may not be worked out and inconvenient to use.

Criterion 4. Accrual percent on the balance

In some credit institutions there is an accrual service revenue percentage on the balance of cash at the current account. This is usually done for important customers of the Bank, in order to attract and accumulate all customer funds in one credit institution. The percentage is usually purely symbolic, but it carries a positive attitude.

Where it is more profitable to open a settlement account for LLC and IP - the ranking of the best banks to open a settlement account

4. Where it is more profitable to open a settlement account for IP or LLC - Top 8 banks (classification on tariff plans)

You can choose a bank in different criteria, it is important to determine the most significant for specific enterprise. If the firm is required only For calculations with tax, you should not choose banks with mobile and Internet applications.

With a constant absence from the organization of funds in the account there is nothing to choose tariffs with interest accrual.

4.1. Banks where you can quickly open a settlement account for LLC and IP online - 4 modern and innovative banks

Young progressive banks offer good conditions for their customers. Below are represented Top 4. Bank, where to open a settlement account for IP and LLC can be free and online. These banks are most technologically advanced and have acceptable tariffs for opening and maintaining a settlement account.

1) Tinkoff Bank

Tinkoff Bank for customer reviews has good service, convenient Internet banking, the ability to open an account via the Internet. This is a young progressive bank, a successfully conquering financial market. By cons of his work include the absence of an extensive branch network.

The bank has two tariff plan: simple, advanced.

Tariffs for the opening and maintenance of the accounting account in Tinkoff Bank:

The opening time will only take a few minutes, you can immediately use the score. Bank has long operational day - from 7.00 to 21.00

By cons of his work include the absence of an extensive branch network.


The Bank's module offers a free tariff plan for small businesses, has a convenient mobile app. According to the statement of management, the balances on the settlement accounts are insured in the amount of up to 1.4 million rubles. By cons of the bank, an unbranched branch network can be attributed, since the Bank is still young, he does not have complete confidence of customers.

It offers three tariff plan depending on the revolutions: starter, optimal, unlimited.

Tariffs for maintenance and opening of the calculated account in the Bank of ModuleBank:

Monthly service According to tariffs from 490 rubles. on the starting package for free.
Internet bank

Mobile Bank

SMS alerts
+ Free

Is free

Is free

Cost of payment On the unlimited plan for free, on others from 19 rubles.
Map Translations Up to 0.5%
Cash issuance On optimal and unlimited plans for free, on starting 1.5%
Percentage on the residue Up to 5% per annum, depending on the revolutions and the tariff plan.

The bank's account opens within one day, although they can be used immediately. Long operating day - from 9.00 to 20.30.

The minuses of the bank include a small branch network, since the Bank is still young, he does not have complete customer confidence.

3) Bank Ubrir (Ural Bank Reconstruction and Development)

The Ural Bank of Reconstruction and Development offers a convenient tariff plan. A feature of the bank is the ability to call a manager to open an account in your office.

There are 5 service tariff plans:

  1. Business set 3 - the principle "All Inclusive" 3 months;
  2. Business set 6 - The principle "All Inclusive" 6 months;
  3. Business set 12 - the principle "All Inclusive" 12 months;
  4. Online - real-time mode;
  5. "It's simple" - payment is only for the operation on the account.

Tariff connection is paid servicecosts from 2.5 thousand rubles.

Tariffs for opening and maintenance of the account of the Bank Ubrir:

The bank opens an account within one day. Operating day Standard - from 9.00 to 18.30.

A feature of the bank is the ability to call a manager to open an account in your office. The bank offers a cheap tariff plan, but paid SMS informing.

4) Point Bank (discovery)

The dot point offers convenient maintenance conditions for customers, transfers in the bank's system around the clock. Tariffs can be different in different regions of the presence of the bank. The most expensive tariffs has the Moscow Representative Offices of the Bank. Offers Internet acquiring services, mobile acquiring, transfers with a counterparty check. The minuses include an insufficient number of offices and representative offices.

The bank has 3 service tariff plan:

  1. Loucking;
  2. Economy;
  3. Business.

Tariffs for opening and maintenance of a cash account in the Bank Point (Opening):

The bank's account can be discovered for the day and immediately use it. An extended operational day - from 00.00 to 21.00.

The bank offers Internet acquiring services, mobile acquiring, transfers with a counterparty check. What is mobile, trading and, we wrote in the past material.

The minuses include an insufficient number of offices and representative offices of the bank.

4.2. Settlement account in the largest banks of the Russian Federation - 4 reliable and large banks

Let us turn to the review of the country's largest banks with the tariffs for the opening and maintenance of the current account of the Jurlitz.

1) Sberbank

Sberbank does not need to offer preferential conditions of service, it attracts its customers reliability and the presence of a set representative offices and offices . Therefore, tariffs for servicing and opening a settlement account for IP, LLC and other forms of entrepreneurship in Sberbank are high enough.

Only "important" (VIP) clients of the bank with good revs on a calculated account can be calculated on preferential conditions. banking products. As a bonus in Sberbank, the second and subsequent settlement accounts are proposed in online Without visiting the bank and submit additional documents.

To open a current account in Sberbank, offers 6 service tariff plans:

  1. Minimum;
  2. Basis;
  3. Assets;
  4. Optima;
  5. Shopping plus;
  6. Salary.

Tariffs for opening a conschange account and its maintenance for IP and LLC in Sberbank:

The bank does not differ in service speed to open an account will be required from one day to several. Client Schedule - from 09.30 to 20.00.

Among the main minuses with Sberbank, its low level of service quality is noted, weak technical support, Duration of request processing.

2) AlfaBank

AlfaBank also takes its reliability and stability, there are individual service programs, bonuses and coupons are provided.

Customers celebrate a rather high tariff plan and tight control over the operations produced by customers.

Tariffs for the opening and maintenance of a conschange account in AlfaBank Bank:

The time to open an account in Alpha Bank will take from 3 days. Duration of operational day Standard - from 09.00 to 19.30.

3) Avangard Bank

Avangard Bank offers not the best service conditions.

According to customer reviews in the bank there are cases of imposing services, annoying calls, although in average the impression of a positive bank.

The bank offers the following tariff plans:

  1. Base;
  2. Advanced;
  3. All inclusive.

Tariffs for the opening and maintenance of the accounting account in Avangard Bank:

Time to open an account in Avangard Bank will take 1 day. Short operational day - from 09.00 to 17.30.

4) Raiffeisen Bank

The bank is a representative austrian Banking Holding " Raiffeisen Bank International AGΒ». It is included in the 20 largest banks operating in the territory of the Russian Federation in terms of assets.

Offers average service tariffs. The Bank offers 2 service tariff plan:

  1. Start;
  2. Base.

Tariffs for opening and maintenance of the calculated account in Raiffeisen Bank:

Time to open an account in the bank will take 1 day. It has very short operating day - from 09.00 to 17.00, which is a very uncomfortable moment for customers.

The bank offers the average tariffs at the cost, the start of the Internet Bank is paid. Customers note the fact that attempts to impose in the Bank of Additional Services

4.3. Consolidated table of tariffs for opening and maintenance of the calculated account in banks

Choosing a bank is necessary according to individual needs, choosing progressive technological companies.

The table below shows the summary data on the main parameters for obtaining a full view of the tariffs on popular banks.

The cost of opening and maintaining a settlement account in banks
Name of the bank Opening a settlement account Accounting account Internet Bank Cost of payment Accrual interest on the residue
Tinkoff Is free 2 months for free, then from 500 rubles. Is free From 30 rubles, unlimited 990 rubles / month Up to 8% per annum
MODULBANK Is free From 0 to 3 thousand rubles. Is free From 0 to 90 rubles. From 3 to 5% per annum
Ubrir Is free From 300 rubles. Is free From 25 rubles. Not
Point (Opening) Is free From 500 rubles to 7.5 thousand rubles. Is free From 0 to 50 rubles. Up to 8% per annum
Sberbank From 1.5 thousand rubles. From 1.5 thousand rubles. Included in the service cost 100 rubles from the payments. Not
Alfa Bank Is free From 850 rubles. 990 rub. for connection From 25 rubles. with payments. Not
Avangard From 1 thousand rubles. 900 rub. Is free From 25 rubles. with payments. Not
Raiffeisen Bank Included in the tariff From 1.5 thousand rubles. 2.5 thousand rubles. for connection From 15 rubles. with payments. Not

Thus, large banks offer quite expensive service tariffs, which is explained by their position on financial market. Along with old stable banks, such as Sberbank, Alfa Bank, Avangard, young promising banks not inferior in stability and complexity Programs offered. They are often offered more attractive tariffs and good service conditions. All banks represented have a high rating. rating agencies.

Important! Since some banks offer service within a certain time. is free It makes sense to open accounts not in one, but several banks and see the convenience and quality of service on the personal example.

For small business when the revolutions on the settlement account are planned small but stable, best options it could be considered Mobulbank , Bank Point , Tinkoffbank . They are distinguished by free service for new customers (for several months), they offer free Internet banking and mobile bank.

If LLC or IP on the current account will come more than 1 million rubles per month It is better to stop your choice on Sberbank, AlfaBank, Avangard Bank, Ubrir Bank. They offer individual service programs, they are stable and reliable.

Help in opening a calculated account for IP and LLC - detailed step-by-step instruction

5. How to open a calculated account - step-by-step instructions (help) in the opening of the PC for LLC and IP

The opening of the account is a prerequisite for work for legal entities and desirable for individual entrepreneurs. If IP plans to develop its activities, he will be needed To pay taxes, calculations with suppliers and so on.

So, consider the step-by-step procedure for opening the current account.

Step 1. Select Bank (credit organization)

The account can be opened in one or more banks at the request of the client. Choosing a bank, the client appeals to his manager to clarify necessary package documents. After preparing the documents, it fills the application application.

Some banks offer service for opening a calculated account online and providing copies of documents, but with compulsory confirmation with a personal visit to the bank. Usually online opens the second and subsequent scores of the Journey in one bank.

Other banks offer departure of a specialist In the office, the customer, where the score will be opened in place, without visiting the bank.

Step 2. Selection of the tariff plan

The second important step is the right choice of the tariff plan. It depends on the magnitude of the planned revolutions on the current account.

It is selected individually, it is possible to transition from one tariff plan to another. This procedure is usually free for customers.

Step 3. Document design

In the bank, the Client fills in the signature sample card, is an agreement for opening and / or settlement and cash service (sometimes from submissions in the company's website on the company's website and does not require separate signing). What is RKO () and why it is necessary, we wrote in one of our articles.

It is also necessary to sign documents at additional services.

When opening an account, all authorized or trusted persons should be present in the bank (power of attorney is notarized). Compulsory The condition is the confirmation of authority.

Step 4. Setting additional services

After signing the documents, an Internet banking or client-bank, a mobile bank, acquiring and so on is made.

And why you need, read in our past publication.

If the client is poorly understood in legal intricacies for opening and maintaining a current account, it can contact specialized companies that provide services for the preparation and verification of all documentation for opening an account. Their experience and knowledge of the legislation will help in solving all the problems that arise.

6. How to find out the settlement account of the organization - 4 simple ways

Consider some simple ways definitions of the settlement account of the organization.

Method 1. To find out the number of your accounting account, it is enough to look at the contract, which is between the bank and the client.

If you wish to find out the account number of a third-party organization, which you are going to list money, it can also be viewed at the end of the contract.

Be find out the settlement account of the organization (IP) in details at the end of the contract

Method 2. If the Internet Bank service is connected, you can enter your personal account and find the necessary information there.

Method 3. You can find out the organization's current account via the Internet (Website tax Service β€” (egrul.nalog.ru. ))

You can find out the settlement account of the organization through the Internet and the Federal Tax Service

Method 4. If the listed options did not help learn the organization, the most obvious way - call Bank. .

To conclude contracts / contracts for the supply of goods and the provision of services it is necessary to know the details of a legal entity. They, as a rule, are prescribed at the end of the contract, in the section: " Addresses and details of the parties". Without details of a legal entity impossible Transferring money.

Details include:

  • Name of the organization, account number.
  • Name, Beach, Tin, Corp / Account, CPP Bank.

When specifying erroneous details, the tools usually "hang" from the bank, and are waiting for confirmation to enroll. The client must notify the credit institution in writing about the exact details of the payment.

7. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Consider some questions that entrepreneurs are often asked when registering their business.

Question 1. Where is it profitable to open an account for IP?

An individual entrepreneur can open an account in one or more credit institutions at its discretion. High competition forces banks to fight for each client, offering favorable service conditions.

The main points that pay attention to when choosing a bank:

  • Stability of work, stability, high reliability rating credit organization. This information is on the website of the Central Bank, various rating agencies.
  • Tariff planoffered by the bank. It is worth noting that young progressive banks offer cheaper tariffs than credit institutions that have already conquered authority in the financial market.

Hello, dear readers! It has long been an idea to write an overview article about where in which bank to open a settlement account for IP and Ltd. and collect all interesting offers on banks providing such a service in it. Therefore, keep the list of the best, in my opinion, banks to open the current account. I contacted representatives of banks and the majority received information.

Criteria for evaluation

I propose to evaluate the following banks in the following criteria to determine where it is profitable, safely and convenient to open the current account:

  1. The cost of opening the current account.
  2. Service cost (monthly).
  3. Terms of opening account.
  4. Internet banking (availability and cost).
  5. Mobile Bank (availability and cost).
  6. SMS-informing (availability and cost);
  7. Operation day.
  8. Commission on non-cash payments of JUR. Persons.
  9. The ability to transfer Piz. Persons for regular bank cards / accounts (commission).
  10. Cash issuance through ATMs (Commission).
  11. Cash.
  12. Number of free plastic cards.
  13. Synchronization with an online accounting "My business" and "Elba", etc.
  14. Percentage on the balance account.

If you have an offer to expand the list of criteria, then write in the comments, we will try. To fit all banks in 1 table on the site I did not succeed, so we will go through all banks in turn.

List of banks

ImportantWe did, i.e. Have rates without a monthly subscription fee.

The list we split into classic banks "veterans", and more modern and technological.

To "veterans" we will take:

  1. Sberbank.
  2. Alfa Bank.
  3. Promsvyazbank.
  4. Loko Bank.

To more modern and technological banks:

  1. Tinkoff.
  3. Point (on the basis of the bank "Opening" and "Kiwi").
  4. Delobank (based on SKB Bank).

If the first group of banks is known to everyone, the second one else is familiar, but I will tell you with full responsibility, I would recommend to see exactly the second group. Below will compare and in conclusion we will draw conclusions where to open the current account for IP and LLC is beneficial, safe, convenient, etc.

Open Settlement Account in Tinkoff Bank

  1. The cost of service (monthly) is the first 2 months for free, then at the tariffs "simple" - 490 p. per month, "advanced" - 990 r., "Professional" - 4990 p. per month. If in the month there were no account operations, then for this month - for free.
  2. The duration of the opening of the account - you can use it in 5 minutes.
  3. Operating day - from 7:00 to 21:00 in Moscow.
  4. Commission on non-cash payments of JUR. Persons - at the tariff "Simple" 3 payments free, the rest - 49 p. For payment, at the tariff "Advanced" 10 payments for free, the rest - 29 p. For payment, at the tariff "Professional" - 19 rubles for payment. Unlimited payments on the tariff "simple" - 490 r., On "advanced" - 990 r., On "Professional" - 1990 p. per month.
  5. The ability to transfer Piz. Persons for regular bank cards / accounts (commission) - there is a card Tinkoff Bank without commission.
  6. Cash issuance through ATMs (Commission):
    - at the tariff "Simple": up to 400 000 r. - 1.5%, up to 1 000 000 r. - 5%, from 1,000,000 - 15%. Each removal is additionally removed 99 p.
    - at the tariff "Advanced": up to 400 000 r. - 1%, up to 2,000 000 r. - 5%, from 2,000,000 - 15%. Each removal is additionally removed 79 p.
    - at the tariff "Professional": up to 800 000 r. - 1%, up to 2,000 000 r. - 5%, from 2 000 000 r. - fifteen%. Each removal is further removed 59 p.
  7. Cash:
    - at the tariff "Simple": 0.15%, at least 90 p.
    - at the tariff "Advanced": up to 300 000 r. Free, from 300 000 r. - 0.1%, minimum of 79 p. , 3 replenishment per month - 990 p, for the year - 9900 p.
    - According to the tariff "Professional" to 1,000 000 r. free, from 1 000 000 r. - 0.1%, minimum 59 p. 5 replenishment without commission - 1490 p. per month, 14,900 r. per year.
  8. The number of free plastic cards - 0 rubles one corporate and salary cards or two corporate and salary maps depending on the tariff.
  9. The percentage on the balance account is up to 6%.

Open an account you can the site of the bank.

A small conclusion on the proposal of the bank. Oleg Tinkov as always on top. He was always famous for the best service. One of the longest operating daysMoney is translated instantly, cool mobile application and Internet banking, up to 6% per annum on the balance sheet, opening without visits to the bank, the first 2 months free, support by phone 24/7, can be removed in virtually any ATMs and much more .

Soon there will be such opportunities as a reminder of the upcoming taxes, passing reports to state bodies, checking partners and counterparties, currency payments and friendly currency control, templates for regular payments, etc.

Open the current account in MODULBANK

  1. The cost of opening the current account is free.
  2. The cost of service (monthly) is the first rate - 0 r., The second tariff is 490 rubles, the third tariff is 4500 p. per month.
  3. Internet banking (availability and cost) is free.
  4. Mobile bank (availability and cost) - there are free.
  5. SMS-informing (availability and cost) - there is, for free.
  6. Operating day: 9.00 - 20.30.
  7. Commission on non-cash payments of JUR. Persons - 90, 19 and 0 r. (in the order of transfer of tariffs).
  8. The ability to transfer Piz. Persons for regular bank cards / accounts (Commission) - there. For IP, depending on the tariffs: 0.75% to 300 00 r., 19 r. up to 500 000 r., O r. up to 1 000 000 r. For LLC, depending on tariffs: 0.75% to 100 000 r., 19 r. up to 200 000 r., 0 r. up to 300 000 r.
  9. Cash issuance through ATMs (Commission): from 0 to 20% depending on the amount of removal.
  10. Cash deposit: from 0 to 2.7%.
  11. The number of free plastic cards - T 1 to 5, depending on tariffs.
  12. Synchronization with an online accounting "My business" and "Elba", etc. - there is.

the site of the bank.

A small conclusion on the proposal of the bank. The bank has a free tariff plan. MOBUSTBANK is working on the basis of the Bank "Regional Credit", which has been more than 23 years old, a convenient mobile application and Internet banking, cash output to any bank card With low commissions. And, as the representative of the bank said, all current accounts are insured by 1.4 million rubles, which makes believing in its reliability. By the way, his founder is a former director of the business for business in Sberbank Yakov Novikov. There are no minuses yet, like Tinkoff Bank.

Open Settlement Account Point

  1. The cost of opening the current account is free.
  2. Service cost (monthly) - depending on the tariff, from about up to 2500 p.
  3. The dates of opening an account - in 5 minutes you can use, and complete design - 1 day.
  4. Internet banking (availability and cost) is free.
  5. Mobile bank (availability and cost) - there are free.
  6. SMS-informing (availability and cost) - there is, for free.
  7. Operating day - from 00.00 to 21.00 in Moscow.
  8. Commission on non-cash payments of JUR. Persons - on a free tariff - free payments, on the other two 10 and 100 are free, over the package - 60 and 15 r.
  9. The ability to transfer Piz. Persons for regular bank cards / accounts (Commission) - there.
    - up to 200,000 or up to 500 000 r. free of charge depending on tariffs for IP.
    - up to 100 000 or up to 300 000 r. free of charge depending on tariffs for LLC.
    - On the free tariff translations are free for IP and LLC.
  10. Cash issuance through ATMs (Commission): on a free tariff - for free, on the second tariff to 50 000 r. - 1.5%, over - 3%, on the third tariff - up to 100 000 r. Free, over - from 1.5 to 3% depending on the amount.
  11. Cash depositing: on a free tariff - up to 300 000 r. 1%, over - 3%, on the second tariff, any amounts are 0.2%, on the third - up to 1,000,000 for free, over 0.2%.
  12. The number of free plastic cards - from 2 to 6 for free depending on the tariff.
  13. The percentage on the balance account is not provided. There is a tax cache key in 2%.

the site of the bank.

A small conclusion on the proposal of the bank: a convenient mobile application, and Internet banking, the longest operational day, translations inside the "point" around the clock, transfers of Phys. Persons without commissions, created on the basis of the Bank "Opening", which has long exist on the market for a long time.

Settlement account in an expert bank

  1. The cost of opening the current account is free.
  2. Service cost (monthly) - depending on the tariff, from about up to 3990 p.
  3. The dates of opening an account - in 5 minutes you can use, and complete design - 1 day.
  4. Internet banking (availability and cost) is free.
  5. Mobile bank (availability and cost) - there are free.
  6. SMS-informing (availability and cost) - there is, for free.
  7. Operating day - from 09.00 to 17.00 in Moscow.
  8. Commission on non-cash payments of JUR. Persons: 0, 18 and 78 p. Depending on the tariff.
  9. The ability to transfer Piz. Persons for regular bank cards / accounts (commission) - no information.
  10. Cash issuance through ATMs (Commission): Free Remissions are not provided for free tariff. On paid - up to 100 000 and 700 000 r. is free. Maximum removal amount - $ 15,000.
  11. Cash deposit: 0.1%, at the maximum tariff - for free.
  12. The percentage on the balance account is up to 5%.

You can open the current account on the site of the bank.

A small conclusion on the proposal of the bank. The Bank's expert is the largest in the Omsk region, has branches in several cities of Russia. There is a free tariff, online reservation, the Bank does not limit in payments, offers modern Internet bank and elevated cash withdrawal limits from corporate maps. When making an advance payment, you can get a 10% discount.

Settlement account in Promsvyazbank

  1. The cost of opening the current account is 0 rubles.
  2. Service cost (monthly) - from 0 to 2 290 p. Depending on the tariff.
  3. Account opening deadlines - 1 day, reservation in 10 minutes on the official website when applying for an online application.
  4. Internet banking (availability and cost) are, free.
  5. Mobile bank (availability and cost) - there are free.
  6. SMS-informing (availability and cost) - there, from 0 to 199 p. Depending on the tariff.
  7. Operating day - from 9.00 to 21.00.
  8. Commission on non-cash payments of JUR. Persons - from 3 to 200 pcs. Free, over limit - from 19 to 110 p. Depending on the tariff.
  9. The ability to transfer Piz. Persons for regular bank cards / accounts (commission) - there are from 0.1 to 10% depending on the amount. Additionally charged from 18 to 350 p. Depending on the tariff.
  10. Cash issuance through ATMs (commission) - 1.2% on average;
  11. The number of free plastic cards - all cards paid. You can release any number of cost from 200 to 990 p. per month for the map.
  12. Synchronization with an online accounting "My case" and "Elba", etc. - Is there! And moreover, when opening an account of 3 months of accounting as a gift.

You can get acquainted with the conditions and open an account you can the official website of Promsvyazbank.

A small conclusion on the proposal of the bank. Promsvyazbank is systemic significant Bank RF, which speaks of his reliability. Moreover, for last years The bank has become more modern and is constantly developing. Definitely, he deserves you discover the current account in it!

  1. The cost of opening the current account is free.
  2. Service cost (monthly) - from 0 to 8,000 depending on the tariff.
  3. The duration of the opening of the account - the account will be ready after 5 minutes, complete design - 1 day.
  4. Internet banking (availability and cost) - is included in the price.
  5. Mobile Bank (availability and cost) - is included in the price.
  6. SMS-informing (availability and cost) - there is, at the maximum tariff - for free, on the rest - 60 p. on each card.
  7. Operating day - from 09.00 to 18.00 in Moscow.
  8. Commission on non-cash payments of JUR. Persons: free - 3, 5, 10, 50 and 100 pcs. Depending on the tariff. Over limit - from 16 to 100 r.
  9. The ability to transfer Piz. Persons for regular bank cards / accounts (Commission) - there. For LLC - 0.5%. At the maximum tariff 300 000 r. FREE - 1.5%. For IP - 150 000 r. FREE - 1%. At the maximum tariff - 300 000 r. FREE - 1.5%.
  10. Cash issuance through ATMs (commission): on a free tariff 3%, at the maximum - 500 000 r. FREE - 1.4%. On the rest of the tariffs - 1.4%.
  11. Cash deposit: on a free tariff - from 0.15 to 0.36% depending on the tariff and amount. You can make free from 50,000 to 500 000 r. On the free tariff can be made cash only with the Commission.
  12. The number of free plastic cards - up to 5. Free service Only in the first year. From the second - 2 500 per year.
  13. Synchronization with an online accounting "My business", "Elba", etc. - is.
  14. The percentage on the balance account is up to 3%.

You can open the current account on the site of the bank.

A small conclusion on the proposal of the bank. Not so long ago, Sberbank has developed a new line of tariffs, and now entrepreneurs have a free service package. The bank holds shares for new customers, so 1 or 3 months of service can be obtained as a gift. Free payments are provided on each tariff, and if you open a cumulative account, interest will be accrued to the balance account.

Open accounts in Alpha Bank

  1. 0 rub. Opening an account and connecting an Internet bank.
  2. 0 rub. Internet Bank and Mobile Bank for Account Management.
  3. 0 rub. The release of a business card for making and removing cash in any ATM.
  4. 0 rub. Tax and budget payments.
  5. Service cost (monthly) - from 490 p. up to 9,900 per month.
  6. Commission on non-cash payments of JUR. Persons - from 3 payments up to 30 payments for free. At the maximum tariff all payments of 0 p. Over limit - from 16 to 50 r. Depending on the tariff.
  7. The ability to transfer Piz. Persons for regular bank cards / accounts (Commission) - there. From 100,000 to 500 000 r. free depending on the tariff. Example limit - from 1 to 10% depending on the tariff.
  8. Cash issuance through ATMs (commission) - from 50 to 500 000 r. Depending on the tariff, over the limit - from 1 to 10%.
  9. Synchronization with an online accounting "My business" and "Elba", etc. - there.
  10. The percentage on the balance sheet is not, but you can get cache with taxes up to 3%.

Additional bonuses:

  • 3 000 rubles. on advertising in Google.
  • 9 000 rubles. On advertising in Yandex.
  • up to 50,000 rubles. For promotion in social networks.
  • Access to all Bitrix24 working tools, my business, "" Contour "for half a year for free.
  • Certificate for recruitment in Headhunter.

You can open the current account on the site of the bank.

A small conclusion on the proposal of the bank. Also, as in Sberbank, you can stop your choice for reliability. But tariffs are less profitable than in Sberbank: there is no free tariff, a small amount of free payments and high commissions for transfers of physical. Persons. Of the advantages of the Bank: Cashback with taxes, gift certificates for partner services and a convenient Internet bank.

Settlement account in the Loco-Bank

  1. The cost of opening the current account is free.
  2. Service cost (monthly) - 0, 990, 4 990 p. Depending on the tariff.
  3. Dates of the opening of the account - reservation within a minute, complete design - within 24 hours.
  4. Internet banking (availability and cost) is free.
  5. Mobile bank (availability and cost) - there are free.
  6. SMS-informing (availability and cost) - there are, from 150 to 250 p. per month, at the maximum tariff - for free.
  7. Operating day - from 9.00 to 19.00.
  8. Commission on non-cash payments of JUR. Persons - 19, 29 and 59 r. Depending on the tariff.
  9. The ability to transfer Piz. Persons for regular bank cards / accounts (commission) - there is for IP to 150 000 r. To your account for free, in other cases for IP and LLC with a commission from 2 to 10% depending on the amount.
  10. Cash application - from 0.07 to 0.3% depending on the amount and tariff. At the maximum tariff there is free contribution.
  11. Synchronization with an online accounting "My business" and "Elba", etc. - there.
  12. The percentage on the balance sheet is not.

You can apply and open an account you can official Loco-Bank website.

A small conclusion on the proposal of the bank. Loco-Bank offers a free tariff, functional mobile and Internet bank. There is a quick online account reservation. But at the cost of SMS informing and payments, the Bank loses to competitors.

Settlement account in the Eastern Bank

  1. The cost of opening the current account is free.
  2. Service cost (monthly) - from 490 to 9,990 p. Depending on the tariff.
  3. Account opening deadlines - reservation for 5 minutes, full design - within 24 hours.
  4. Internet banking (availability and cost) is free.
  5. Mobile bank (availability and cost) - there are free.
  6. SMS-informing (availability and cost) - there is, for free. Extended version - 250 p. For the first number, 100 r. - For 2 followers.
  7. Operating day - from 9.00 to 23.00.
  8. Commission on non-cash payments of JUR. Persons - 5 and 20 payments for free, above the norm - from 16 rubles. There are tariffs with free payments.
  9. The ability to transfer Piz. Persons for regular bank cards / accounts (commission) - there are up to 150 000 r. free, up to 500 000 r. - 0.5%, over 500 000 r. - one%.
  10. Issuance of cash through ATMs (Commission) - no information.
  11. Cash application - for free.
  12. The number of free plastic cards - no information.
  13. Synchronization with an online accounting "My business" and "Elba", etc. - there.
  14. The percentage on the balance sheet is not.

Find detailed rates and open an account official website of the Bank East.

A small conclusion on the proposal of the bank. East Bank Offers free account reservation, full-fledged Internet bank and extended operational day. You can transfer money to personal map Without a commission, and the cost of payments is one of the lowest on banks.

Settlement account in Delobank

Delobank is a service from the well-known SCB of the Bank, which has long been successfully operating in the banking services market.

  1. The cost of opening the current account is free.
  2. Service cost (monthly) - depending on the tariff, from about to 7590 p.
  3. The duration of the opening of the account - in 10 minutes you can use, and complete design - 1 day.
  4. Internet banking (availability and cost) is free.
  5. Mobile bank (availability and cost) - there are free.
  6. SMS-informing (availability and cost) - there is, for free.
  7. Operating day - from 09.00 to 21.00 in Moscow.
  8. Commission on non-cash payments of JUR. Persons: On the free tariff, all payments of 87 p., On the rest, 10, 100 and an unlimited number of free payments are provided depending on the tariff, payments are over the limit - 25 p.
  9. The ability to transfer Piz. Persons for regular bank cards / accounts (commission) - up to 50 999.99 p. FREE, then with the commission, over - from 1 to 10% depending on the amount.
  10. Cash issuance through ATMs (Commission): 2% in SKB-Bank and ATMs of partners, 3% - in other ATMs.
  11. Cash deposit: up to 50,000, 200 000 r. Depending on the tariff, at the maximum tariff unlimited sums - for free, over limit - from 0.1 to 0.3% depending on the tariff.
  12. The number of free plastic cards - 1.
  13. Synchronization with an online accounting "My business", "Elba", etc. - is.
  14. The percentage on the balance account is up to 5%.

Open the current account can be on the site of the bank.

A small conclusion on the proposal of the bank. Delobank - a new online branch of SKB-Bank with convenient personal Account. There is a free tariff, interest on the residue, you can make free cash and translate money to Piz bills. Persons. Depending on the connected tariff, you can get 1 or 2 months of service as a gift. And if you pay an advance payment, Delobank will provide a discount from 5 to 20%.


If you are just starting or you have a microbusiness and a small turn, then for you perfect:

  • MODULBANK (Free Tariff).
  • Point (cool service).
  • Tinkoff Bank (Free 2 months and cheap tariff 490 p.).
  • (There is a free rate).
  • (There is a free rate).

If you really like to choose, you can open accounts in both and compare for yourself what is better. Anyway it is free;)

If you have a more momentum (from 1 million per month), you can use the first first (Tinkoff, ModuleBank, expert bank and point), and you can also consider:

  • Promsvyazbank.
  • Alfa Bank.
  • Sberbank.
  • Oriental.


In conclusion, I want to say that the choice remains yours. Personally, I believe that the future is for technological companies. If you have your evaluation criteria, write in the comments, you can also offer other banks to the review, but only if they are really better under conditions than those listed in the article. And also want to ask to write reviews about banks, where you have the current accounts that you like what I do not like it, etc.

I hope that the article helped you in choosing a bank for opening a settlement account of IP or LLC.

Mamipizza.ru - Banks. Deposits and deposits. Money transfers. Loans and taxes. Money and state