
What is better Buxustom or 1C. Overview of Buxoft online accounting service online. Other accounting programs

Interview with CEO LLC "Buxoft Service" Sorokin Ivan Anatolyevich.

How do your programs differ from 1C programs?

Before talking about the differences of 1C programs from Buxoft programs, it should be said about their main similarity. It is to develop them - comprehensively automate accounting (and not only accounting) accounting of an enterprise or entrepreneur. Along both programs have all the necessary functions that are in demand in everyday accounting - accounting of fixed assets, a warehouse, accounting for calculations with counterparties, tax accounting, personnel and salary, reporting, etc.

Despite the common goal of the differences in the programs a lot.

1C is not only programs, but also a development environment (programming) with great capabilities in terms of customization and refinement of programs by users themselves (as a rule, 1C programmers).

Buchoft is a ready-to-use accounting program. New features, settings and improvements are also possible, but they are only implemented by the developer.

In essence, this is the main thing, the fundamental difference between the programs. However, on the basis of this difference it is impossible to say that one program is better, the other is worse. Simply in one situation, one users are better to use 1C programs, in other cases the Buxoft will be suitable.

Criteria to select a lot of program. This is a very big topic for discussion and it is not indisputable. Without deepening in details, I can recommend the following. If you need to provide individual features of your accounting, then you will be more suitable for 1C programs. But this person will have to spend well. If your accounting is typical (manufacturing, services, trade), then the arguments in favor of the Buxoft programs there will be more.

Thus, the competition of 1C and Buxoft programs are available only in the niche of the market, in which there are basic (typical) configurations of 1C programs. Otherwise, these are fundamentally different price categories. This must be taken into account with further comparison of programs.

Are there any special approaches in the dissemination of your programs compared to 1c or other accounting programs?

The main difference between Buxoft programs is that they can be downloaded on the Internet and immediately start work. Not depending on the payment for the program, the user has a program forum on www.buhsoft.ru, advice on phone numbers, etc.

The principle of "download and work" allows the user actually get acquainted with the program, to evaluate its capabilities and, only later, decide on her purchase. Thus, there are practically no dissatisfied users.

To familiarize yourself with the programs of the 1C series, you can officially download demaroles on the Internet or cause a demonstration into the office. At the same time, the full-fledged programs from the 1C family to download in open sources cannot be. Thus, it is not possible to work with the program independently and evaluate its functions and convenience before buying. The user first acquires the program, then begins to assess its capabilities and compare with other programs.

The user decided to purchase a program. Are there any organizational or technical features here?

As you know, 1C programs are distributed through a network of partner organizations included in the "1C: Franchising network". As a rule, the user either acquires the 1c box version independently, or the partner organizations 1c go to the buyer and establish the program. It is necessary to meet with the seller or get a box option, since the user must get the defense key.

In order to become a user of Buxoft programs, it is enough to download the necessary program from the company's website on the Internet, to establish it and pay for the details specified on the site. Registration of the program in a day or two will automatically happen via the Internet. Moreover, as I noted earlier, these days before registering the program allows you to work without problems. Thus, no trips. Transactions and registration are performed without a rush, sitting at the desktop. And it is very convenient to our users, not to mention that the cost of sales is much lower.

You say that the user must install the program itself. It's not hard? Will the user be able to update programs themselves?

Installing the program is carried out by running the installation file that downloads from the site. The program update is also carried out by starting the installation file, simply with the latest version of the program. That is, the program updates are made by installing a new version of the program "over" old. Even for a novice user, installing and updating the program does not constitute work. No additional settings are required. The developer guarantees the automatic continuity of all versions of the program.

But even if there are questions, they all are solved without problems by phone hot line. Updated versions of programs and reporting Users of licensed copies "1C" can receive either directly in the company "1C" or its partners upon presentation of the registration questionnaire.

Installing and updating the 1C configuration can be performed by starting the installation file. Moreover, the configuration update is recommended to be done with the involvement of a specialist to save all program settings and correctly saving all entered data. Often, when changing the requirements of legislation and with a large number of differences from typical configuration 1C, this task becomes very expensive and problematic.

Is it possible to point to any other fundamental differences of your programs from 1C?

The 1C program applies the hardware protection key (HASP), which makes the program less mobile, i.e. It makes it difficult to use it on different computers.

In Buxoft, thanks to the use of the electronic registration file, there are no restrictions in working with the database on different computers. And the registration process, as I noted, is elementary and carried out via the Internet.

It is also worth more to note the question of the settings of the program under any features of accounting. Settings in operation with 1C programs allow you to take into account the features of almost any type of activity, so the program setting is quite complex and durable. It is necessary to configure tax rates, reference books, information about responsible persons and much more. That is, 1C is a constructor, a programming language that allows you to provide many software using the programmer additional features in a programme. However, this feature of the programs has negative sides - High cost of development and maintenance (on an individual order) and problems with further configuration updates.

The Buxoft program practically does not need settings. All settings are provided by the developer itself in strict accordance with applicable law. All that you need to make the user to start work is to enter data on your accounting policy. At the same time it is possible to print this accounting policies for purposes accounting and tax accounting. With the change in legislation, the developer provides them in new versions of the program.

What are the differences in the price of programs?

1C: Enterprise 7.7 Professional delivery, which consists of configurations: 1C: Accounting, 1C: trade + warehouse, 1C: Salary + frames, costs $ 480. The program does not provide restrictions on the number of operations and employees, but do not forget that the service of a specialist who will require additional costs is necessary to serve this program. The cost of information and technological support is from $ 25 per month.

The price policy of the Buxoft company provides gradation of prices for programs, depending on objective activity factors, such as the number of employees, the volume of activities (the number of transactions in accounting for purchases or sales, etc.). Accordingly, the price of the program for a small company with a small turnover and not a very large staff will be 250 dollars for the first year and 125 dollars when updating the following years.

I also want to note that in the period from September 11 to September 22, 2006, for visitors to the site Accounting.Ru acts special offer For the purchase of Brooft series programs. The necessary program can be purchased for 999 rubles. It is several times cheaper than the operating prices of the developer itself!

Let's register in the system. To do this, go to the Buxoft online page.

Press the button check in.

We enter the information that we ask and press registration again.

A few seconds on mailing address A confirmation letter came registration in the service.

Now use the login and password sent to the mail and go to the system. To do this, click Log in online.

That's what the personal account looks like in the Buxoft service.

Let us turn to the Accounting section. As you can see, free access is available within 90 days after registration.

Desktop Module Accounting Accounting.Yoyel

Let's check how it works. For example, click on the link Products.

Press Add and make information on the product.

Information is added very convenient and easy. Just a couple of clicks - and the new product has been added to the system.

This is how the log of operations in the Buxoft system looks.

Let's go to the Salary and Frames section. That's what it looks like:

Go to the frames section. Click on the Add button. Similarly, in the window that appears, fill in the information about the employee and click Add. Note! If your settings are incorrect and can negatively affect the formation of reporting - the system again prompts about it.

After that, we can see a personal employee card. Information without problems is entered into the appropriate section: Personal Card, Personnel Actions, Displacement, Taxation, Accrual, Debts.

For the same principle, another work is built in the system. Everything is comfortable and easy.

Evaluation of the functional

Type of ownership All forms of ownership
Taxation scheme OSTO, SCINO, Patent, UTII, Combining Taxation Systems
Personnel accounting Creating a detailed employee profile; Accounting dismissed employees; Accounting for freelancers; All types of personnel documents. Report of the SZV-M in the FIU. Not on all tariffs.
Tax account Profit, VAT, 2-NDFL, 6-NDFL, any types of taxes for commercial organizations. Not on all tariffs.
Inventory control Main and retail warehouse; Materials and goods. Online cashiers. Not on all tariffs.
Cash accounting Admission, write-off, movement. Not on all tariffs.
Payment wages Prepaid expense; salaries; premiums; GPD; other accruals; Nebes to work: vacation, business trips, other nebody; benefits: hospital, lump sum, maternity leave; Holiday to care for the child; contributions; NDFL, any accrual. Not on all tariffs.
Electronic shipment Sending reports B. in electronic format In FTS, PFR, FSS, Rosstat, Rar, reconciliation, letters, requirements, EDO (legally significant document flow) with counterparties (depending on the tariff). Not on all tariffs.
Analytics The ability to keep the book of income and expenses or book of shopping and sales, many printed Forms, opportunity to keep a book of patent income, accounting magazine, maintaining cash book, retail sales, creation monetary documents, maintaining stocks, the ability to conduct personnel records. Automated formation of standard and simplified accounting reporting. Not on all tariffs.
Blanks Dozens of printed pattern templates
Documentation Account for payment, account account, invoice, invoice, act, advance report, orders, UPB and other new forms of documents from 01.07.2017
Electronic signature in the cloud Provided
Data exchange with banks online Provided
Consultation experts Depending on the tariff
Shared access for employees Provided
Double recording Provided
Checking counterparties Provided
Number of profile companies Unlimited quantity

Such a number of marks "not on all tariffs" is associated with the fact that the Tariff policy of Buxoft is built on separate modules that can be composed of by their own way.

What is included in the modules?

Automation of accounting and (or) tax accounting for organizations on the basis of OST or UCN and IP on simplified mode. Banking, cash desk, shopping, sales. Automatic wiring formation, autofill books of income and expenses, other possibilities of professional accounting. Based on the credentials, it is possible to automatically form the entire reporting legislation on the directions of the Federal Tax Service, FIU and other regulatory authorities.

Service for keeping operational accounting on behalf of several own organizations. Formation primary documentation. Integration with offline version of a similar program.

Salary and frames
Universal service for salary and recruitment (any organization or IP). Hospital, vacation, any work schedules and complex accruals. Based on the data introduced, reporting to state extrabudgetary funds and FTS form 2-NDFL. Formation of tablel and personnel documents.

Preparation of reporting
Allows you to automatically or manually form accounting established by the legislation, tax reporting, Reporting to state extrabudgetary funds and other controlling organizations. Uploading reporting files is made in print or in the formats established by legislation for subsequent transmission of them on protected TCS channels (Internet reporting).

Electronic shipment
Allows you to send formed reports to controlling authorities in the directions of FTS, PFR, FSS, Rosstat, Rosalkogol Ros. Includes reconciliation and informalized document exchange. Includes legally significant electronic document management With counterparties. The service is a joint development with the Certification Authority of Caluga Astral CJSC.

Task Manager
An online module that allows you to reminders and tasks, control the course of their execution, analyze the efficiency of working the working time by performers. The user has the ability to attract tasks to both own employees and external performers with various access rights.

Online Cassa

Online module that allows you to create a virtual workplace Cashier and print checks

In accordance with the new requirements of the Law 54-FZ.

Compare of tariffs

The tariff mesh is based on the principle of individual modules that can be composed depending on the needs and form of ownership.

* Description of the modules - in the section "Evaluation of the functional"

With one-time payment in the amount of more than 14,000 rubles. - License to the submission of the accounting of Buxoft 12 months. (FTS, PFR, FSS, Rosstat) - provided for free.

License expansion, unscheduled certificate replacements and additional related services are charged separately. Details for consultants.

You can pay any program on account non-cash or in other ways: electronic money, transfer to the card, robokass. Minimum payment - for a year.

Additional discounts are possible when connecting several organizations. Yes

Technical support

The quality of answers pleased us, but not speed. Reply to letter by e-mail followed only after re-sending. Pleased quick answers to personal Cabinet. Generally, average level Support services. Not so sad, like with the service

Like 1C program, Buxoft series programs are designed for complex automation Accounting in accounting. In addition to accounting, the Buxoft program provides automation of tax, managerial, personnel, warehouse and operational accounting at the enterprise in full compliance with the requirements of legislation. For various taxpayers there are various Buxoft programs - an enterprise, a simplified system, an entrepreneur.

The main differences of 1C and Buxoft programs

How do your programs differ from 1C programs?

This question is one of the most frequently asked questions to the Buxoft series program developers, and this article is devoted to him.

Before you begin to describe the differences in 1C programs from Buoft programs, it should be said about their main similarity. It lies in the purpose of their development - comprehensive automation of accounting (and not only) accounting of the enterprise or individual entrepreneur. Both programs have all the necessary features that are in demand in everyday accounting - accounting of fixed assets, warehouse, calculations with counterparties, tax accounting, personnel and salary, reporting, etc.

However, despite the common goal, the differences in the programs have a lot.

1C is not only programs, but also a development environment (programming) with great capabilities in terms of customization and refinement of programs by users themselves (as a rule, 1C programmers). Therefore, it is worth distinguishing the "platform" - the development environment in which "configurations" and, in fact, "configurations" are created - various versions of programs.

Buchoft is a ready-to-use accounting program. New features, settings and improvements are also possible, but they are only implemented by the developer.

In essence, this is the main, fundamental difference between 1C and Buxoft. However, on the basis of this difference it is impossible to say that one program is better, the other is worse. The user decides itself, he needs such an opportunity, or not to overpay.

Two words, this situation can be described so. If you need to provide specific features of your accounting (most of these are large enterprises), it is worth thinking about the implementation of your wishes in 1C programs, however, to be ready for very serious costs, it is not always unambiguously projected. If your accounting is standard, typical, then the arguments in favor of Buxoft programs there will be more.

Thus, the competition of 1C and Buxoft programs is available only in the market of the market, where typical accounting. This niche present basic (typical) versions of 1C programs. Otherwise, these are fundamentally different price categories. This must be taken into account with further comparison of programs.

Choice, demonstration: Order Installation 1c or free download Buxoft?

Download 1C or Buxoft?

To familiarize yourself with the 1C series programs, you can download 1C demaroles on the program developer website or call the seller 1c to the office. At the same time, the fully operating programs from the 1C family download on legal open Internet resources cannot be. You can buy a demolism of a 1C program with limited functionality. This form provides the opportunity to get acquainted with the program and evaluate its functions and convenience. The demo version is represented only in a limited configuration for accounting.

The opposite approach from the Buxoft series programs. They are observing free.

You always have the opportunity to learn all the features of the program on real data of your accounting completely free. All entered data will be saved and after purchasing the program. The main slogan programs of Buxoft - "download and work"!

Everything source documents In Buxoft programs provided for free!

Installation 1C and Buxoft, software updates

Programs 1C are distributed through a network of partner organizations that are included in the "1C: Franchisees" network. To get an update, you must buy an ITS subscription (information and technological support), after which users get access to the site with updates.

In order to become a user of Buxoft programs, it is enough to download the necessary program from the company's website on the Internet (www.Syt). You can also download and updates that are free.

Updating Configuration 1C and Updating Buxoft Programs


Installing and updating the 1C configuration can be performed by pre-installing the update files downloaded from the support site. Further updating of the configuration is on the Special Regulations. In some 1c configurations there is an automatic update mechanism that acts in the presence of Internet access and paid support. Often, when changing the requirements of legislation and with a large number of differences from the standard configuration 1C, this task becomes very expensive and problematic. Also, you should not forget that in 1C is to be updated not only the configuration, but also a platform on which everything works.


Installing the program is carried out by running the installation file that downloads from the site. The program update is automatically carried out from the developer's site through the appropriate program menu. Those. Even for a novice user, installing and updating the program will not make care. No additional settings are required. The developer guarantees the automatic continuity of all versions of the program.

Getting started in Buoft and 1C: key, settings, mastering

Program protection: 1C key or registration file


A few options can be used in the program. The first option is the hardware protection key (HASP), which makes the program less mobile, i.e. It makes it difficult to use it on different computers. The second option uses electronic licensing with reference to the computer.


Thanks to the use of the electronic registration file, there are no restrictions in working with the database on different computers. Yes, and the registration process is elementary and carried out via the Internet.

Settings in operation with 1C and start working in Buxoft


Settings in working with 1C programs allow you to consider the complex features of most activities, so the program setting is quite complex.


The program does not need settings. All settings are provided by the developer itself in strict accordance with applicable law. All you need to make the user to start work is to enter data on your accounting policy. There is and the ability to print this accounting policy for accounting and tax accounting purposes. With any change in legislation, the developer makes appropriate changes to new versions of the program, after which they become accessible to all users to update their programs completely free.

Mastering the software product


First moment - the program is quite problematic in the development. This is evidenced by the description of 1C, which is given along with the program and constitutes several rather volumetric books. True, 1C is working on it, trying to make your programs less complex. The second point is quite a frequent change in the 1C platform, and as a result of this, changing the program interface, users need to re-master the program.


An intuitive interface and a minimum of user settings allow you to immediately start working with the program, and the development does not cause problems even at novice users.

Prices and maintenance 1C and Buxoft

Understanding software product

1c offers the following accounting product line: The base version of 1C cost from 4800 to 7400 rubles (has technical and functional restrictions) and a professional version cost from 13,000 rubles per module of accounting (without restrictions, but with rather weak wage and personnel functionality ).

By purchasing a version of prof for 13,000 rubles. The functionality of the salary and personnel management is limited by the salary accrual by the salary and the acquisition of the version of profs without ITS does not have the meaning, therefore we add the cost of ITS prof - 35592 rubles per year. However, often about this information is silent for the purpose of sending then 1C salary and personnel management (Basic - 7400, Prof - 17400 additionally). Without this acquisition in the version of profs, it is impossible to automatically calculate travel, hospital, vacation, in general, all that is associated with payments on average earnings. Frames are also pretty truncated. You will not make orders for vacation, do not print regular schedule, Personal employee card, and this is necessary to conduct each organization.

Opportunity - complex programs A series of Buxoft. They have a salary and personnel (with perverse, hospital, vacation certificates) already built into the accounting program and interacts with it automatically, the settings are not required. The program makes the calculation, the calculation of taxes and contributions and then automatically generates wiring in the Accounting unit.

In 1C version of the professional there is an opportunity in one program to lead several organizations, this is, at first glance, plus, but only at first glance. After all, if you need a base according to one of the companies, it will not work out separately from all the others, at least one way. Perhaps a franchisee programmer will help you, but how much will it cost?!

And one more point, to remove the company from the base that you for some reason do not want to see more in my program, it will not work. It is worth noting the fact that 4800 and 13000 are only the basic cost of the so-called "box", for updating the program and technical support will have to pay more at least two costs of the program.

Price policy Buxoft is completely transparent

Compare the initial costs for Buoft and 1C is very simple. So, we take in 1C the cost of basic accounting (4800), add the value of the base 1C: ZUP (salary and personnel management - 7400), it turns out 12200. Of course, you will say that you will pay 4800 enough, 1 time and forever, it is such information to hear and The company's director, however, will be surprises. Solution - or constantly and pay a lot, or sacrifice the convenience of work: seek free programs, contact the "folk crafts", sometimes paying from your pocket, try to solve your problems with the help of familiar (after all, at many). And sometimes people do this only because they do not know that the analogue of the two basic versions of 1C in Buxofta costs 1838 rubles. And here it is always included in timely updates, a multiplayer program, working with a salary as a single program, and not 2 different, like 1C: Accounting and 1C: ZUP. This is the price of non-escort, like 1C basic price difference - 7 times !!! If the user needs full-fledged accompaniment with the involvement of accountants' specialists seeking to solve issues at minimal time, then prices will be in the range from 5,000 to 16,000 rubles. For example, the price of a full-fledged professional accounting program without any restrictions on technical support issues for organizations on the basis and will be 16,000 rubles, while the user's employers who are willing to answer any questions on the program that understand the specifics of accounting, ready to promptly prompt response to Phone or show a solution using remote access. If the user does not appear often and supports it as part of the regulated correspondence, then the price for the organization will be 100,000 rubles. For any other organizations and entrepreneurs, prices for programs accompanied even lower. Obtaining a similar service from 1C We cannot appreciate, as they did not actually meet 1C partners, which actually help with accounting and technical issues. With technical - yes, the actual support of the client 1C with a decision of technical issues can be from 80 to 200 thousand rubles a year, and it is not a fact that the user will receive a service that comes to its level to the level of Buxoft service for 14-16 thousand rubles .

Service and service of users 1C and Buxoft


For support, it is necessary to buy information and technological support (ITS), the standard cost of 35592 rubles per year. User support is carried out by franchisee franchisees and hotline. Due to the large number of firms and great diversification of feedback products on the wishes of users, there is not enough operational. You can also contact 1C forum, but there you can get an answer from users, and not from developers.


All questions of users quickly and qualitatively solves the developer directly, to quickly resolve issues of users, you have the opportunity to ask your questions through the developer forum, by e-mail, as well as on a multichannel phone. Service is carried out according to one of the selected tariffs, differing only in the method and volume of consultation. The quality of the consultations themselves is excellent on any tariff.

Network work 1C and Buxoft programs

For the 1C program in the network version, you need to buy an additional user license, cost from 6,300 rubles per user. With large procurement, the provision of some discounts is provided.

The Buxoft Series programs are multiplayer. The user does not pay for any additional jobs, changing the rank of the network and the other.

Programs are made for your convenience - how many jobs need - so much will be. No additional costs. With a simple and understandable setup of access rights.

what to choose: 1c enterprise or Buxoft? And got the best answer

Answer from Mr. Guru [Expert]
For me so 1s the best accounting product, although if the company is small and does not require much control, it will be enough will be even such a product as a business pack - a small, compact, understandable even who never worked on the computer and the most important thing to be worn on A flash drive, starts on any computer where Windows is standing.
Of course, the proposed version was not included in the list of programs that were asked, but it was necessary to offer.

Answer from Alexey Narozhnaya[newcomer]
I join Viktor Petrovich's answer. Disgusting attitude to customers. And those support is not at all. Beware. I better pay more but that everything was competent and polite. And they turn with you as sellers in social macs. Rudeness

Answer from Viktor Petrovich[active]
My review, which I also promised the Buxoft leadership to leave I write: The program is disgusting and not refined. Attitude towards clients are empty. Call those. Support, and turns out to be those. Supports do not exist ...... here is not enough and this is the first lies ... .. Send Search responses on the forums of the Internet. Second: Be prepared that when transferring data from the company last year, for example, in the program of the new year, the new year's data is deleted and the remains of the old year will update. That is, if for example, found a mistake as it was (dealing with restoration) in the old year (2009) corrected it and want to transfer this data in new Year (2010) Be prepared by the new year to fully deposit, nothing will help you, even the great Buxoft, they do not know how it happened and cannot correct this error Since the program is not finalized.
Although they promised to think of solving the problem and in such a spirit, they arranged in such a spirit so as not to write the feedback.
I do not recommend this program for work!

Answer from Mordy Mongolian[guru]
better 1c. I tried both Buxt and Esochka, stopped at 1C easier, better cheaper. In Buxture, all documents in the ex-ele, and the Esochka is simple. Honestly, I have no pirate and heads there are no

Like 1C programs, the Buxoft series programs are designed for integrated accounting automation in accounting. In addition to accounting, the Buxoft program provides automation of tax, managerial, personnel, warehouse and operational accounting at the enterprise in full compliance with the requirements of legislation. For various taxpayers there are various Buxoft programs - an enterprise, a simplified system, an entrepreneur.

The main differences of 1C and Buxoft programs

How do your programs differ from 1C programs?
This question is one of the most frequently asked questions to the Buxoft series program developers, and this article is devoted to him.
Before you begin to describe the differences in 1C programs from Buoft programs, it should be said about their main similarity. It lies in the purpose of their development - a comprehensive automation of accounting (and not only) accounting of an enterprise or an individual entrepreneur. Both programs have all the necessary features that are in demand in everyday accounting - accounting of fixed assets, warehouse, calculations with counterparties, tax accounting, personnel and salary, reporting, etc.
However, despite the common goal of the differences in the programs a lot.
1C. - These are not only programs, but also the development environment (programming) with great capabilities in terms of configuration and refinement of programs by users themselves (as a rule, programmers 1C). Therefore, it is worth distinguishing the "platform" - the development environment in which "configurations" and, in fact, "configurations" are created - various versions of programs.
Buxoft - It is ready to use the accounting program. New features, settings and improvements are also possible, but they are only implemented by the developer.
In essence, this is the main, fundamental difference between 1C and Buxoft. However, on the basis of this difference it is impossible to say that one program is better, the other is worse. The user decides itself, he needs such an opportunity, or not to overpay.
Two words, this situation can be described so. If you need to provide specific features of your accounting (most of these are large enterprises), it is worth thinking about the implementation of your wishes in 1C programs, however, to be ready for very serious costs, it is not always unambiguously projected. If your accounting is standard, typical, then the arguments in favor of Buxoft programs there will be more.
Thus, the competition of 1C and Buxoft programs is available only in the market of the market, where typical accounting. This niche present basic (typical) versions of 1C programs. Otherwise, these are fundamentally different price categories. This must be taken into account with further comparison of programs.

Choice, demonstration: Order Installation 1c or free download Buxoft?

Download 1C or Buxoft?
To familiarize yourself with the 1C series programs, you can download 1C demaroles on the program developer website or call the seller 1c to the office. At the same time, the fully operating programs from the 1C family download on legal open Internet resources cannot be. You can buy a demo version of the program 1C with an organized functionality. This form provides the opportunity to get acquainted with the program and evaluate its functions and convenience. The demo version is represented only in a limited configuration for accounting.
The opposite approach from the Buxoft series programs. They are observing free. You always have the opportunity to learn all the features of the program on real data of your accounting completely free. All entered data will be saved and after purchasing the program. The main slogan programs of Buxoft - "download and work"!
All primary documents and accounting reports in Buxoft programs are provided for free!

Installation 1C and Buxoft, software updates
Programs 1C. Apply through a network of partner organizations included in the "1C: Franchisees" network. To get an update, you need to buy an ITS subscription (information and technological support), after which users receive the ones to the site with updates.
In order to become a user of programs Buxoft, just download the necessary program from the company's website on the Internet (www.buhsoft.ru). You can also download and updates that are free.

Updating Configuration 1C and Updating Buxoft Programs
1C.. Installing and updating the 1C configuration can be performed by pre-installing the update files downloaded from the support site. Fallen configuration update is based on the Special Regulations. In some 1c configurations there is an automatic update mechanism that acts in the presence of Internet access and paid support. Often, when changing the requirements of legislation and with a large number of differences from the standard configuration 1C, this task becomes very expensive and problematic. Also, you should not forget that in 1C is to be updated not only the configuration, but also a platform on which everything works.
Buxoft. Installing the program is carried out by running the installation file that downloads from the site. The program update is automatically carried out from the developer's site through the appropriate program menu. Those. Even for a novice user, installing and updating the program will not make care. No additional settings are required. The developer guarantees the automatic continuity of all versions of the program.

Getting started in Buxfte and 1C: key, settings, mastering

Program protection: 1C key or registration file
1C.. A few options can apply in the program. The first option is the hardware protection key (HASP), which makes the program less mobile, i.e. It makes it difficult to use it on different computers. The second option uses electronic licensing with reference to the computer.
Buxoft. Thanks to the use of the electronic registration file, there are no restrictions in working with the database on different computers. Yes, and the registration process is elementary and carried out via the Internet.

Settings in operation with 1C and start working in Buxoft
1C.. Settings in working with 1C programs allow you to consider the complex features of most activities, so the program setting is quite complex.
Buxoft. The program does not need settings. All settings are provided by the developer itself in strict accordance with applicable law. All you need to make the user to start work is to enter data on your accounting policy. There is and the ability to print this accounting policy for accounting and tax accounting purposes. With any change in legislation, the developer makes appropriate changes to new versions of the program, after which they become accessible to all users to update their programs completely free.

Learning software Product
1C. - The program is quite problem in the development. This is evidenced by the description of 1C, which is given along with the program and constitutes several rather volumetric books. True, 1C is working on it, trying to make your programs less complex.
Buxoft. An intuitive interface and a minimum of user settings allow you to immediately start working with the program, and the development does not cause problems even at novice users.

Prices and maintenance 1C and Buxoft

Understanding software product
1C offers a line of products for keeping accounting, the cost of the basic version from 3300 rubles (technical and functional restrictions) and a professional version from 10,800 rubles (without organizational) for one module (bookkeeper, trade, salary).
The price policy of Buxustom.ru provides for gradation of prices for programs, depending on objective activity factors, such as the number of employees, the amount of operations (the number of transactions in accounting or sales, etc.). Accordingly, the price of a full-fledged professional accounting program for a small company with a small turnover and not a very large state (up to 20 people) will be equal to 6,500 rubles for the first year and 3250 rubles when extending in the following years. At the same time, the cost of basic simplified versions of Buxoft begins equal to 1000 rubles delivery and 500 rubles extension. Often, with different promotions, users can get the program data completely free.

Network work 1C and Buxoft programs
For program work 1C. In the network version you need to buy an additional user license, cost from 5,200 rubles per user. With large purchases, the provision of some discounts is subject to the provision of some discounts.
In programs series Buxoft There is a possibility of network work, while the network version of the program is as much as local. The user does not pay for any additional licenses or change in the rank of the network.

Service and service of users 1C and Buxoft
1C.. For support, it is necessary to buy information and technological support (ITS), the cheapest option costs 2950 rubles per month. User support is carried out by franchisee franchisees and hotline. Due to the large number of firms and great diversification of feedback products on the wishes of users, there is not enough operational. You can also contact 1C forum, but there you can get an answer from users, and not from developers.
Buxoft. All questions of users quickly and qualitatively solves the developer directly, to quickly resolve issues of users, you have the opportunity to ask your questions through the developer forum, by e-mail, as well as on a multichannel phone. Service is free.

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