
Documents required for loan design. What are the necessary documents for obtaining a loan? What documents are needed to receive a loan

Sberbank of Russia - the largest and most reliable financial organization Countries, one way or another, controlled by the state. More than 50% of all the deposits of Russians fall to Sberbank, the share of population loans is rapidly approaching the same indicator. Still, because the bank offers the most loyal and favorable bets on consumer loans for individuals, which you can not say about the required package of documents.

What documents are needed for a loan in Sberbank?

The credit institution has a lot of borrowed products, the conditions and requirements for which they differ straightened, so we will consider the required list of documents to obtain the most popular bank loan - a consumer loan without collateral.

Mandatory documents needed for a loan in Sberbank:

  1. Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation with a mark on registration in the city of the Bank's presence. If a potential borrower has temporary registration, then the Bank will have to submit a document from the FMS, confirming the availability of such registration.
  2. Inn's number
  3. The questionnaire filled with a potential borrower. The questionnaire may contain questions that require additional documents, for example, you will need to specify sNILS number or Inn Questionnaire needs Sat Bank to learn detailed information About the client, his passport and personal data, family status, etc.
  4. Document confirming labor activity borrower. It may be scalking labor book, certified by an accountant or director of the organization with printing, date and signature of the Commissioner on each page. If a potential customer is employed, then you need to bring the original of the employment contract. These documents are needed to check the availability of permanent operation. And the workbook with marks about previous places of work will allow you to trace the career path of the potential borrower. For example, if the client very often changed the place of work, the security service may consider it unrealized.
  5. One of the documents confirming the financial condition of the borrower:
  • Help 2ndfl from the place of work for the last 6 months.
  • Reference on salary in the form of a bank
  • If the borrower receives a salary on a card issued by Sberbank, then documents about financial condition You do not need to provide.

Help confirming income is needed by the bank in order to calculate the maximum amount of the loan accessible to the client, taking into account the monthly expenses for the provision of a loan. Such a reference along with the Labor Book Scakopy confirms the presence of a permanent job.

Here you need to take into account the fact that the client can attract a coacher or guarantor, in order to calculate the total income in the calculation of the maximum amount. In this case, the coacher will have to provide the same list of mandatory documents necessary for a loan in Sberbank.

As docking, indirectly indicating the good financial position of the client, one can provide a certificate of real estate property, vehicle. You can make a passport with marks to travel abroad over the past year.

They are not mandatory, but their provision can increase the amount of the loan or reduce the interest rate to a minimum.

At what stage the bank is asking documents?

To understand at what stage, Sberbank requests documents for a loan, you need to know the process of its design. Initially, the client fills it, which you first need to download. It needs to specify passport details, name, TIN number, registration address, information about work, information about relatives and family, income / expenses, etc. The questionnaire is very large with a huge number of questions.

Leave the online application on the site will not work, the questionnaire will have to be printed, fill out and bring to the nearest office of the bank.

If for some reason the borrower can not independently print the questionnaire, it can be obtained in a bank and fill it.

Originals of mandatory documents for obtaining a loan in Sberbank will need to give the credit specialist together with the questionnaire. No preliminary consideration, etc., the borrower gives the questionnaire and the whole list necessary documentsAnd the bank for 5 working days to make a positive or negative solution.

Who requests documents and what are they needed for?

Like any other credit institution, Sberbank has its own terms and rules for providing loans in which the list of necessary documents are clearly specified for their design. Therefore, unambiguously can be said that the documents requests the bank, but their creditor is engaged in control.

Security service is one of the privileged departments of the credit institution, whose employees are engaged in comprehensive verification of potential and existing customers, including fraud.

It is Sat who verifies the reliability of the references, the availability of work and constant income, and also deals with the inspection of the borrower itself for a criminal record, for credit obligations to other banks.

The work of the Security Council includes the obligation to disclose and prevent cases of fraud with a loan. That is why they so carefully check borrowers on the "stitching".

Documents that prompt Sat can tell about many things. For example, knowing the INN and OGRN of the employer organization of a potential client, they can check the information about the office, to see it financial statements, calculate the possible risks of ruin or bankruptcy, etc.

The minor number of the borrower and the consent to the processing of personal data gives SAT unimpeded access to viewing the facial retirement account, where it is very easy to track all the deductions to the FIU from the place of work. Small calculations and Sat will know the "white" customer salary.

Credit - banking Productallowing you to get borrowed cash For urgent needs. But before you take it, each potential borrower is obliged to provide a specific reference pack. Consider what documents are needed to receive a loan.

The process of registration of any banking product is accompanied by the provision of a specific reference package. Their list may differ depending on the institution and other factors. In any case, the provision of a complete certificate package to obtain credit obligations will significantly reduce interest.

First you need to figure out what you need to take a loan. The main document with any operation will serve as a document certifying the identity. In some credit institutions, we prescribe information that it is necessary to provide a passport. In rare cases, to approved a loan, you need any document, including driver license and pension certificate.

The provision of such a document minimizes the risk of fraud. All banks when issuing credit obligations check this fact.

Standard package of documents

Regardless of the selected program, requests a specific reference package from a potential borrower. What documents are needed for loan design? Their list is different and depends on the organization, but it is possible to allocate a standard package for registration of credit obligations in a bank:

The list of references for a specific credit institution must be viewed on the official website of the lender, in the department at the stand or in a special customer information folder.

In order to issue credit obligations, many financial institutions Create additional list certificates. This is advantageous primarily by the bank, because additional documents confirm the employment of the borrower or the presence of other income. It increases the chances of the return of credit obligations and minimizes the cost of obligations.

Additional list of documents

For credit, what additional documents are needed to obtain? What you need to get profitable credit? First you need to collect a full reference package. standard sampleand additional will serve as a reason for reducing interest rate under credit obligations.

We need for a loan the following additional documents:

Loan design with provision

Lending on bail is popular among young families and car enthusiasts. All credit institutions are in demand by car loans and mortgages. Also, the popular product is a loan to the provision, a product for goods purchased in a partner store.

Obtaining a loan is beneficial and for issuing its institutions. It allows you to minimize the risks of the loan loan by the borrower. In accordance with the current Russian legislationAll the provision is subject to insurance. This dictates its potential borrower expenses. In this connection, the client must familiarize themselves with such moments in advance to take the loan correctly.

The following property can be acting as an ensuring a loan:

What documents do you need when credit Product on bail? List of documents for obtaining a loan in a bank:

  • guidelines for real estate (sales contracts, solutions judicial bodies, donation, inheritance);
  • certificate of registration of law;
  • cadastral document on land or floor construction;
  • construction permit;
  • extract from the USRR;
  • full statement of payment from the house book.

All documents must be brought in the original form, and a copy is already removed in the bank and is assigned by an authorized person.

In the event that the provision is the car, you need reference different species To obtain a loan:


What you need to know when making a loan:

  1. Such a product, as a car loan, has not only insurance of the pledge, but also the insurance policy of the OSAGO, in some cases - CASCO.
  2. With the help of the car loan, you can not buy everything vehicles. Need to specify B. banking organizationWhat kind of car the potential borrower has the right to buy on borrowed funds.
  3. In addition to providing purchased real estate or car, a good guarantor may be required. This person will be checked as the main borrower. It should be able to financially ensure the return of credit obligations.
  4. Approval may take more time than written in standard conditions, the Bank has the right to demand additional documents at its discretion.
  5. The resulting loan should be aimed at purchasing a specified product or service.
  6. The potential borrower has the right to execute everything both in the department and on the territory of the credit institution partners, if provided for by the conditions.
  7. Not only employees of a credit institution are authorized to issue a loan in some cases, but also financial brokers.
  8. In order not to transfer the date of purchase or service, you need to take care of collecting a full help package.

What do you need to know additionally when you take a loan? In some cases, the consumer loan is more profitable than the target, due to the fact that the financial organization does not have the right to control what money was spent.

If the loan was targeted, the bank either independently sends funds for the purchase of goods or services, or requires the provision of confirming documents, which delivers additional trouble to customers. For example, in providing an agreement with educational organization, as well as copies of the license of the educational institution for this kind of activity.

Variety and availability of loans made this banking product very popular. Depending on the loan selection, the client provides a specific package of documents. Read more about what is needed to receive a loan - read the article.

What data are needed for a loan

Registration of any loan in the bank begins with the preparation of the application-questionnaire. The credit institution should be aware of the client everything that characterizes its reliability and solvency. Consists of the following paragraphs:

  • Borrower Full name, date of birth;
  • passport details;
  • address of accommodation and registration;
  • work and income;
  • marital status, number of dependents;
  • education;
  • availability of loans in other banks;
  • information about the pledge, if necessary;
  • contact Information.

In addition, the client indicates the account number or card to credit the loan in the event of approval of the application. Available for compilation in online or paper media.

What documents are needed to receive a loan

List of documents required for issuing a loan to an individual:

  • application for a loan (questionnaire);
  • passport of the borrower and copy;
  • certificate of salary or other income of the borrower - in arbitrary form or 2-ndfl;
  • labor book and its copy;
  • pension certificate, if available.

The participants of the bank's salary project require only a passport and a second document to choose a client.

Depending on the variety and loan amount, the borrower category may be needed additional documents:

  • military ID - for men younger than 27 years old;
  • international passport;
  • Reduss;
  • driver's license;
  • treaty for training in higher or secondary special educational institution - for a loan for education;
  • machine purchase agreement, paid CASCO policy - for car loan;
  • information on pledge property;
  • documents for acquired real estate - for mortgage;
  • passports of guarantors, their questionnaires and certificates of income;
  • certificate of family composition;
  • marriage certificate;
  • other documents.

Mandatory loans for business:

  • statement;
  • borrower identity card;
  • certificate of state. registration;
  • certificate of registration in the FTS;
  • extract from a single state. registry;
  • certificate of registration in the FSS.

Additional paper:

  • copy of the tax declaration;
  • copy of the cash book;
  • licenses for special activities;
  • documents regulating the activities of the enterprise or IP;
  • documents on the pledge;
  • certificate of ownership of land and real estate.

The main confirmation of the creditworthiness of the borrower is a certificate of income. Most banks require the provision of 2-NDFL reference for the period from 3 months to 2 years. It is allowed to make a reference to free format on the form of an organization in which the borrower works. The underlying condition is the "live" printing of the enterprise and the personnel signatures of the head and the chief accountant. Pensioners confirm the revenues of the certificate of accrued and paid pension for a certain period.

References required for registration:

  • on the absence of burdens of collateral;
  • on the state of loan debt on other loans;
  • about the turnover on a settling account;
  • of tax Inspection About debts before state and foundations.

For a loan to develop an enterprise, a legal entity provides a business plan.

Some of the documents needed to design a loan cannot be obtained on the day of appeal. Therefore, banks give a time to collect all documentation

Need a passport for a loan

To obtain a loan, the borrower's passport is required in order basis. The document should indicate the registration, marital status, the presence of children. The phenomenon was common when the loan is made on fake documents.

Numerous sites on the Internet offer for a specific fee to issue a duplicate of a lost present passport or a fake document with all degrees of protection. It is not always able to distinguish an invalid passport from the Bank's real employee employees, since the document with the original number passes through all bases of specialized departments.

When you need a loan guarantor

- This is a person who takes responsibility for the timely payment of a loan. With small amounts of loans, guarantors are most often attracted. In the case when the borrower's income is not enough to obtain a large loan amount, one guarantor is needed or more.

By signing the contract of guarantee, a person undertakes in case of non-payment of a loan by a borrower, regardless of the reasons, repay the loan on its own. If several people were entrusted for a negligent borrower, then the loan debt is extinguished by everyone in equal shares.

Mortgage and car loans almost never cost without guarantions from relatives or familiar borrowers. In addition, the guarantors are attracted by loans when the borrower has not very good credit history.

As a prerequisite is present on programs and car loans. In the other case, the loan object is pledged. Consumer loans are most often unsecured. The exception is loans for very large sums. The presence of a deposit on the loan is able to affect the decrease in the interest rate.

TO provide property Banks impose certain requirements. If it is real estate, it must be owned by the borrower or his spouse. The burden by third parties is unacceptable. Similar requirements for cars. In addition, the pledge can be securities, bank accounts, other material values sufficient cost.

The amount of pledge is calculated at its market price. The assessment is made by independent experts. The amount of pledge exceeds the amount of the loan is at least a quarter. An important requirement is the high liquidity of the property.

When you need a broker to get a loan

As a professional participant in the loan market, the broker is able to speed up and facilitate the collection of documents for issuing a loan. His work lies in the mediation between the borrower and the credit institution. "White" have well-established connections with many banks, which allows you to choose the most profitable terms lending.

Broker attracting makes sense not always. Most often, customers who want to receive a profitable loan for housing, transport or business development, as well as borrowers with a bad credit history are used by the intermediary services.

It is worth noting that the help of a professional broker is not cheap. Before contacting her, it is necessary to find out that the client wants to receive from such cooperation. It is profitable to attract an intermediary:

  • to save time, since the client himself is not able in a short time to find out the conditions for lending in many financial institutions;
  • for the rapid collection of documents, since the professional has connections in many state structures and not only;
  • for customers who do not understand credits at all and do not want to delve into it;
  • for "risky borrowers", when a conscientious broker takes all possible steps to reduce the likelihood of a loan.

There are many "" brokers on the service market of services. In order not to get caught in their fishing rod, it is better to choose firms on the recommendation of proven people.

What is needed to receive a loan

In addition to the documents necessary to get a loan, the client must be patient, to behave confidently with the Bank's employees, perform all required requirements and recommendations. It is better to choose Tu credit Organizationwhere the client receives salary, retirement or other payments.

To simplify the procedure for issuing a contract, many banking structures offer a loan for two documents without income certificates. In this situation, the Bank provides originals and copies (possible without compliance):

  • Passport with registration and citizenship.
  • The identification number of the taxpayer.

As a second mandatory document The passport can be provided:

  • International passport;
  • Driver's license, regardless of category;
  • Reduss;

With this set of documents, you can take a loan with a high interest rate of 30-40% per annum and limited limit of funds. Such programs allow you to get money on a card with a preferential interest-free period. At the same time, the maximum loan amounts usually do not exceed several salaries.

Certificates and discharge on classic credit

Standard target and non-target consumer loans with a small interest rate from 10% to 27% are provided subject to income confirmation.

Documents certifying income size

In addition to the main documents of the passport and INN, the Bank may request the following types of papers:

  • Help about your income 2-NDFL. It is issued by the employer who indicates the salaries you have received for the minimum over the past 6 months.
  • Certificate of salary in the form of an employer enterprise.
  • Extract from the bank for an active salary card. If you take a bank loan, where it is open salary cardThe document confirming income is not required.
  • Labor book or copy of the last entry in it.
  • Deposit statements, ownership certificates securities, shares in enterprises.

How to confirm the income IP

If the borrower is an IP, in addition to the main documents, it provides a copy and original (for copy certificate) certificate of state registration IP. To confirm its solvency, an individual entrepreneur can provide a bank to obtain a loan one of these documents:

  • Help 3-NDFL. Issued tax Service Minimum for the previous 6 months.
  • Entry from income on calculated or current accounts.

Long-term loans with large sums

If necessary, get a large amount or currency Credit For a long time, regardless of interest rates, you will need to provide provision. The latter includes participation in the contract of the guarantor (one or several) or pledge.

Paper on a loan with a pledge

As a deposit, property purchased upon target credit Or already owned by the borrower (real estate, car). Also the shape of the pledge can be a deposit. In this case, in addition to the main documents assumed by your personality and the solvency of the Bank provide:

  • Ownership and technical support for laid real estate.
  • Driving license, as well as a vehicle for a car.
  • Issue by deposit account In any bank. When receiving a loan in the structure where the deposit is stored, confirmation is not required. A deposit loan can be provided without income certificate if the amount of funds on the account exceeds the loan of at least 10%.
  • If expensive equipment is available in the role of collateral, it should be provided with complete documentation - a technical support, sales receipt, Delivery Contract (if was).

Documents for guarantors and coaches

If, under the terms of the contract, it is necessary to provide guarantors or to increase the level of solvency, you attract co-coaches, for each of them it is also necessary to provide documents.

Guarantors and coaches file a similar package general documents: Passport, Inn, income certificate. The difference in these categories of the contract participants is that the guarantor is a separate agreement, which is provided to the bank along with the main package of documents. In turn, the co-serviceer acts as an equal participant loan agreement And it can claim the share of property purchased for credit funds.

Additional documents requested documents

Upon receipt of a large amount of money to the bank, you may need to provide documents confirming that you do not have limiting the possibility of a deal of obligations and there are indirect factors for solvency guarantees. This list includes:

  • Copy and original marriage certificate (divorce). If you are in legal marriage you will need a notarized permission of your spouse to receive a loan, since it is also a person responsible for its property on your credit obligations.
  • Certificate of birth (adoption) of children, parent or guardian of which you are.
  • Higher education document. We are needed as confirmation of guarantees of high chances of employment.
  • Document on the change of the surname (if it was conducted).
  • For men by age under 27, a military ticket is required or a certificate of delay (release) from service.
  • Help from a psychiatrist about the absence of psychological disorders and the ability to be responsible for the decisions made.

Special credit conditions

A package of documents for a loan is complicated in the presence of additional factors and characteristics of the borrower. This includes refinancing, obtaining a loan of non-residents, social loans programs for the unprotected category of citizens.

Documents for credit refinancing

In addition to the main package, specified by the conditions of the bank, to refinance the consumer loan, it is necessary to provide loans information that will be repaid through the new loan. This includes:

  • A copy of the contract with the bank where you were redeemed. This may be several contracts from various banks, if the purpose of refinancing is to combine all payments in one.
  • Payment schedule set by the Bank.
  • Receipt of payment of each payment passed during the payment of a loan.
  • Certificate of current debt.

Social lending programs

In some cases, the state compensates part of the loan, for example, reimbursement an initial fee, unprotected segments of the population. At the same time, the list of papers submitted to the bank includes the relevant certificates of state security and permission from organs that allocate these funds ( pension Fund, Employment Center).

If the preferential program is performed by the banking structure itself (loans for pensioners, military, students), it is necessary to provide a document confirming your right to participate (pension certificate, military ID, student card).

What is required for a loan for a foreigner

In Russia, consumer loans by law may be issued to a foreigner. If such a person has appropriate registration, together with a standard set of documents, it needs to be provided:

  • Certificate of registration in the Region of obtaining a loan;
  • Employment contract and work permit;
  • Certificate of experience at the current job place for at least a year;
  • Translation into Russian (with notarization) of key documents - passports, marriage certificate (divorce), the birth certificate of all children.

Knowing what documents are needed for registration consumer creditYou will be able to evaluate your own capabilities in obtaining the desired loan conditions. This will speed up the search process. advantageous offer And influence the decision of the bank.

Credit Credits Documents Questions Answers

What documents are needed for lending? By making a decision to make a loan in the bank, visit the credit consultant to the chosen bank you choose, get the list of documents necessary for the loan and samples of the application and the questionnaire.

In each commercial bank There are provisions (instructions) in order to design loans to individuals. In these provisions (instructions), banks are prescribed by all terms of the loan and a list of lending documents, which should provide a potential customer to consider a loan application. As a rule, each type of loan is their documents. And, as a rule, in each bank - its credit requirements and packages of documents. List of documents on credit provided in different banksmay differ significantly.

I will give an exemplary list of documents required to obtain a loan by an individual:

  1. Application for a loan (according to the bank).

  2. Borrower's profile (according to the bank).

  3. Original and copy of the general passport.

  4. Help on the size of the salary from the place of work (according to the model of the bank). The period for which the certificate is required wagesIn each bank is established independently and, as a rule, varies from 3 months to 2 years (depending on the type of loan).

  5. A copy of the employment record, certified at the place of work or a certificate from the last place of work on work experience at this enterprise.

  6. Copy of military ticket to determine the possibility of calling on military service (for young and as a second document)

  7. Original and a copy of the driver's license (as a second identity document) - not all banks require.

  8. Pension certificate (when lending to pensioners)

  9. Treaty on the training of a specialist (for educational loan)

  10. Documents confirming the ownership of property if it acts as security for a loan (there are lists of documents in individual pledge articles).

Once again, I repeat that the list of documents necessary for obtaining a loan may decrease or increase depending on the type of loan and the requirements of a specific bank, but documents under paragraphs 1-3 are decorated and represented. Credit without documents is not issued. In a number of banks, such as Rosbank and the Russian Standard, there are types of loans with a minimum of documents or loans with the submission of two documents (passport and military ID, passport and driver's license, passport and pension certificate ...), and the questionnaire and application are filled when issuing a loan . Credits without additional documents are usually drawn up when buying goods and loan design through banks in stores.
In addition, if the loan design requires sure individuals, on each guarantor is filled with the QUANTOR questionnaire, as well as are provided on credit documents of paragraphs 3-5.

If the bank takes a cumulative family income to calculate the loan amount, the list of documents on credit under paragraphs 2-5 is submitted by all adult (working) family members.

Mamipizza.ru - Banks. Deposits and deposits. Money transfers. Loans and taxes. Money and state