
Refinancing of microloans with delay without collateral. Refinancing MFIs with delay. Best microcredit refinancing banks

Total debt Russians on microcredits now exceed 100 billion rubles and increase rapidly. Unlike a bank loan, microloans in case of delay have an unpleasant accuracy of growing like a snowball. In this regard, the popularity of their refinancing is growing.

In the refinancing agency, microloans note that only the first half of 2017, the demand for this service has grown by more than a third, and the average amount of dedication increased from 100,000 to 120,000 rubles. Talk about what refinancing microloans and how to use it.

History from life

"Sdura took the microloons in July 2016 for 3 thousand rubles for 14 days. Once paid 2 tr., And then lost work, and the loan hung. On November 30, I was called from MFIs and offered to talk.

At the meeting showed paper with a debt of 66 thousand. I did not fall from the chair, and they explained: every day the delay was accounted for (2%), fines of 0.25%, some more penalties.I said that I sit without work and I have no such money.

They answered that they understand my complicated position and if I pay 40 thousand until the end of the week, the rest would be forgotten. With the knowledge of the case, they told where you can quickly take money (sell jewels, elare friends and acquaintances, take a loan to relatives and so on). Threatened, of course. I did not think that because of the irrevocable thousand they would be so disperse. "

The drama of the situation adds the fact that the debts of MFIs are accurate than more aggressive than banks. Therefore, if you are expensive to your reputation, as well as the calm family, try any way to get rid of debt, and better - and from the microloan itself. One of best ways Make it - refinancing.

How to refinance microloam

Since microloans are issued, as a rule, without serious verification of the credit history and solvency of the borrower, the Financial organizations of a priori are considering MFIs as a factor of increased risk. Hence certain restrictions on the dedication.

It is easiest to refinance the microloans at an early stage, when you regularly pay debt. In this case (and if there were no overdue before), you are the owner of a good credit history, and the products of many banks are available.

Yes, most often you can not get the most profitable creditAlso burdened by insurance, but compared to hundreds of percent percent of the percent of the MFIs, such conditions will be shown by the manna heavenly.

Another thing, if you have already been delayed, which has reflected in credit history. In this case, the range of possibilities for you is quickly narrowed. Refinancing in another microfinance organization or new Credit In his own - that's all the options.

True, it is possible to significantly improve the conditions. In most MFIs, each subsequent microloix is \u200b\u200bgiven under a more profitable percentage than the previous one. Even with a large debt, the probability of dedication remains, especially if you do not have a property.

For a microfinance organization, it is more logical to get at least something from you, rather than unpromisingly shaking the borrower with or submit to the court.

Three ways to refinance the microloans

To get out of the impending or deepening debt pits, you can go three ways.

Method # 1: refinancing microloan in the bank

The most successful MFO loan holders are drove in banks. Most often, we are not talking about refinancing in the full sense of the word, but about the new Credit, with which the Bank's client is independently extinguished by microloans.

As a rule, it happens at an early stage of debt education. And since the average amount of the microloan in the Russian Federation does not exceed 30 thousand rubles, take a similar or slightly larger creditHaving a good credit history, it turns out not so difficult.

The most realistic option will be the issuance of a credit card or receiving a loan without confirmation of income. There is an opinion that there are banks, where they do not look at the credit history at all, but it is not. Ki may not check in MFIs (and then such organizations are less and less), and the bank always analyzes the Credit Past of the Client.

Another thing is that Tinkoff, Renaissance Credit or Home Credit Bank is much loyal to relate to the ratio of the income of the borrower and the loan amounts rather than, for example, Raiffeisenbank or VTB24, so get a loan in these financial institutions It will be easier than in others.

Factors increasing the likelihood of refinancing microloan in a bank:

  • Lack in the credit history of overdue for any loans
  • High official income
  • Availability of liquid property (cars, real estate)
  • Permanent accommodation In the Bank's Presence Region

Factors that reduce the likelihood of microloam to the bank:

  • The presence of delay in any type of loans
  • Lack of permanent job and official income

As an example, we take the limits of the amount of 30,000 rubles obtained in the "loyal" on the loyal program (0.63% per day) on a semi-annual consumer loan of 30,000 rubles from the Renaissance of the loan at the maximum interest rate of 26.5% per annum.

Method # 2: refinancing microloan in another MFO

If banks refuse a loan, and the debt increases threateningly, you can try to get money in another microfinance organization - on bail.

Specialized services are engaged in refinancing of microloans. In particular, this is the RusmikroFinnce group with its portal Refinanzirui.rf ("Agency for refinancing of microloans"). There is a real shift circuit: not a borrower, but the previous creditor.

In return, a loan is provided on more favorable terms. If most MFIs issue short-term loans under 1.5-2% per day (up to 730% per annum), then in the agency for refinancing the rates are as follows:

At the Credit broker NKB groups operating in St. Petersburg and Leningrad region, less clear refinancing conditions: The company declares the interest rate from 0.21% per day with an amount of from 100,000 to 500,000 rubles at a loan period of up to 5 years.

History from life

"I did not believe until the last moment, but it really helped! Concluded a contract with refinancing.rf for a year, monthly payment About 4 thousand rubles - compared with 8 thousand in "fast-haired" it is just happiness. They are directly in the "database" transferred the desired amount the next day after the conclusion of the contract, now I pay as in the bank "

Of the minuses of this method of dedication, we note the obligatory provision of income certificates, as well as many other documents. With the amount of over 300,000 rubles, a guarantor is required, or even two.

It is more advantageous to refinance the microloans secured by real estate. For example, in Moscow and the Credit Consumer Cooperative "Promoting Mutual Lending Development" works in Moscow. This organization and dedication is engaged, and its ranks replenish.

For example, having entered into this PDA and paying from 600 to 2000 rubles as a member's contribution, you get the opportunity to refinance your loans in the IFR in the amount of up to 100 thousand rubles at a rate of 48% per annum for up to 13 months.

Mandatory condition For such a proposal is a deposit. The calculator on the site shows: Taking 33 thousand rubles, in a year you will give almost 45 thousand, the monthly contribution will be 3460 rubles, a one-time contribution is 660 rubles.

History from life

"When the" percent wheel "from three MFOs brought to despair (paid 20 thousand rubles one percent, and they grew all the time), I decided to risk and get a big loan on normal conditions, giving a deposit of an apartment. I read about banks that everything is reliably and at a pledge the conditions are normal.

It turned out that with MFIs not so. He phoned several companies, documents sent to five of them. Approval in the amount of 100 thousand received in two MFIs. But they refused to provide forms of documents on pledge. They said that as I come to sign - I will see. It turned out that they are offering contracts for purchase and redemption. That is, to make an apartment on them and get money. The apartment costs 3 million, and for the sake of 100 thousand I was not ready to do so.

Friends suggested a firm operating with microloans on bail under the contract of collateral. The rate turned 5% per month, for all design (including pledge registration) was left three days. "

The third approach to refinancing microloans can be assessed with the example of the St. Petersburg company "Analyst Finance". Here are two types of conditions. If in one package with microloons you combine credit cards, commodity or expensive, then the interest rate will be from 25 to 27.5%, and the maximum term is 5 years.

But if you take money to shut off another loan, then the interest rate increases to 80% or more under time from week to year. But your application approve even if there is a bad credit history. And the benefit will still be significant.

Thus, when making a monthly and overdue minor a month of microloans in 30,000 rubles, taken under the standard for many MFIs 720% per annum (80% per annum for 6 months) will block the original almost 45,000 rubles initially:

It is clear that we did not take into account the insurance and the commissions that the bank can take from the borrower, but even with them the difference will be about twofold.

Method # 3: Removing the microloan in the same MFI

The service of dedication in the same MFI, where the initial microloave is taken, - by and large, a cunning way to make money on the difficulties of the borrower. This program is called "": if the payer is not able to make another contribution, it is allowed to pay the necessary minimum, and the return period is extended for a certain number of days (from 7 to 45 in different MFIs), depending on the rules of a particular microfinance organization and the client type. For each day of "Prolongation", the borrower pays the usual interest for microcredit.

Interestingly, many MFIs such a service turns on automatically if the client has not paid on time. This makes it possible to get a lot more than those marks from the borrower, which will go when the "Prolongation period" is over.

Let's say "Turbozima" daily commission - 2.17%. If a person took a microcredit at 10,000 rubles a week, he will have to return 11,519 rubles. And with the service "Prolongation" after 21 days he will return 14557 rubles.

Use such "restructuring" loan makes sense if you are firmly convinced personal funds During the renewal period of the microcredit. Otherwise, the debt will only grow, and the fines will be charged on it.

How to arrange refinancing microloan

Decision scheme is standard. All MFIs, refinancing microcredits, there is an online application form for which a solution is made within 1 hour to 1 day. If everything is in order, you send a new lender scanning contracts for refinanted loans.

The MFIs then proposes to choose the monthly payment size (not arbitrarily, of course, and within the existing programs). The contract is signed in which the target nature of the loan is denoted, the amount, conditions and details of the recipient of the money. Funds are listed on the account of the previous lender.

However, it does not happen everywhere: for example, in the "analyst Finance" you will get money in your hands, after payment it will require confirmation of the closure of loans in other MFIs, otherwise the rate can grow from 80% per annum to 360%. Then the payment begins on a new schedule - usually monthly or twice a month, no more often.

When refinancing a microloan in the bank, the procedure is similar to obtaining a new loan (yes it is such and is in reality). You are submitting an application and documents, waiting for approval, get money, our ourselves existing microloons.

Refinancing of microcredits: requirements for borrowers and necessary documents

In contrast to the issuance of microloans, dedication under more low percentage In large MFIs, it is impossible without providing a package of documents, sometimes quite volumetric. Requirements for customers are also hard enough.

  • The age of the borrower is from 21 years (up to 25 years old - a guarantor of older than this age) to 70 years (NKB allows for 75 years). The PDA "Promotion of Mutual Lending Development" is ready to refinance loans to customers from 18 to 67 years.
  • In some MFIs require the existence of work experience from 3 months (at the borrower or guarantor).
  • It is necessary to citizenship of the Russian Federation and permanent registration in the territory of the Russian Federation (not in all MFIs. In the "analyst Finance", for example, is drove with temporary registration).
  • Confirmation of income and employment (in refinancing. RF and some other MFIs are not required).
  • There must be at least one payment on the refinanted loan.

Best microcredit refinancing banks

Since the classical refinancing of minority banks do not hold, most of all will be approached by those that give money without collateral and with a minimum of references, as well as banks, where through their fingers look at the best credit history.

Bank products With minimal package of documents for replacement of microloans

Bank's name Interest rate and amount Documents and conditions
Sberbank, consumer loan without security From 30,000 to 3,000,000 rubles. Passport, Help 2-NDFL, the presence of a minimum experience in 3 months, permanent or temporary registration in the Russian Federation.

For owners of a salary account in Sberbank, documents confirming employment and income are needed.

Tinkoff, credit card "Platinum" Up to 300,000 rubles. Scans of passports, Inn. Revenue documents in electronic form Can be provided to reduce the interest on the loan.
Renaissance loan, loan for urgent goals From 30,000 to 700,000 rubles. Passport + second document to choose from (Wu, passport, personal bank card, etc.). To reduce the bet - confirmation of income, solvency (document on auto, real estate, etc.).
OTP Bank, cash loan From 15 thousand rubles. up to 1 million rubles. Passport, . With the amount of loan over 200 tr. Copy of labor + Help 2-NDFL.
Alpha Bank, cash loan From 50 thousand rubles. up to 1 million rubles.

15,99% – 25,99%

Passport, second document to choose from (Wu, passport, INN). For a lower bet: Help 2-NDFL + Document confirming income to choose from (copy of labor, document on cars, etc.)
East Bank, cash loan from 30 thousand rubles. up to 500 thousand rubles.

From 14.9% to 29.9%

Passport + second document confirming your stable employment and income level (Help 2-NDFL, or a certificate in the form of a bank).

History from life

"There was a loan for a loan for 2 months in the past, and although the loan has long been closed, banks constantly refused when applying. It was necessary to 50 thousand rubles - I had to take microloans in three MFIs. Just in case three days later filed a request to Tinkoff on credit limit At 30 thousand - thought 2 microloans closed. The employee called, talked well, rewrote the application and approved the limit of the card in 60 thousand! Closed all loans. But, of course, the service from them ... a week before the next payment, they begin to drain SMS, so I try to pay early. "

How to refinance the loan with a bad credit history

Interest rates on short-term loans are because it is high that this MFI insures themselves from the overdue from part of the clientele. Hence the ads of the type "give money even homeless", found in the network. Homeless, maybe they do not give, but a person with a confined credit history Getting money for refinancing microloans is not so difficult. If the proceedings are single, try to apply for Tinkoff card. Even if you have a bet of 40% per annum - it will be much better than 2% per day.

If the banks refuse - direct road to MFIs, refinancing microloans. There will be no credit history, but the presence of permanent income and place of work. If you have it - the chances of refinancing percentage under 75-80 per annum are rising.

Be careful with credit brokers, which promise a loan with any credit history. Especially with those who ask for money forward.

History from life

"For God's sake, do not believe the promise to help you in making a loan with a bad credit history. I have already twice the frank fraudsters twice. The scheme is this: submit an application on the Internet, you are disputable alleged from the bank and report: the application is approved, drive up.

I'm on joy to fly, on the way I call the "consultant" three times, all the time from different numbers. Does not concentrate and think. When I approached the bank, he once again burned off and said that the Bank's administration was "Ulung", you only need to "lift" the Security Head. He, like, I agree for a modest amount, but the money will take only outside the bank.

I run on a friend of 10 thousand, I'm going to the bank again. Before the doors, some bearded awaits, it seems to be the boss. Takes money, goes into the building. I'm trying to call the "consultant" - the rooms are not active. In a bank, of course, nobody did not hear the bearded head of the security officer. When I also divorced a woman with a small child. Do not let any money forward! "

Is it possible to refinance microcredit with delay

Information on the delay in loan payments or microloans. Different organizations are transmitted to the Bureau of credit stories (one or several several) with different degrees of efficiency. There are banks and MFIs that are reported to the BKI on late payment in a day, there are those waiting for 3-4 days to avoid the accounting of the "technical" overdue - when the borrower for a valid reason did not pay the day a day.

Accordingly, the microloan non-payment is quickly becoming known to many other credit institutions. Hide the fact of delay is meaningless and even harmful. But it is useful to know which criteria for payment delay are considered for banks and MFIs substantial. The "barrier" before hoping to get a loan for at least some decent conditions closes with a one-time delay for 30 days.

Even some MFIs will be afraid to communicate with a person who detained the loan payment for 90 days. The worst case is an open overdue debt at the date of submission of a new application.

The List of MFIs, in which you can rebound if the current overdue duty presses, is not too long, but there is.

5 MFIs with the most loyal attitude to credit history and proceedings

MFU Interest rate and amount Conditions
Credit24. 9000 - 30000 rubles.

From 1.9% per day for 7-30 days.

Very bad credit history can be offered to first correct, taking and returning consistently somewhat minimal loans
Cheerman 1000 - 30000 rubles.

From 0.63% to 2.2% per day for 7-30 days

For permanent customers The interest rate is 3 times lower than for the first time applied. The service "Improvement of credit history" costs 1,700 rubles.
ekapusta 100 - 30 000 rubles.

From 1.7 to 2.1% per day for 7-30 days

If you have not previously used this service, then the first loan will cost you at 0% subject to timely repayment.
CreditPlus (loan plus) 500 - 15000 rubles.

0.5 to 2.5% a day to 30 days

There is an option "Loan extension" during which you can extend the loan period if you do not have time to redeem on time. You can also use Cashback bonuses. For new customers, the first loan is at 0%.
Honestly 3000 - 30 000 rubles.

From 1% to 2.1% per day from 5 to 30 days

You will get a quick loan, even if you work unofficially and have an ideal credit history.

Frequently asked Questions

What microloans can refinance?

In the MFIs and brokerage offices engaged in shifting, it is possible to refinance up to five microloans, for each of which at least one payment was performed. This includes loans taken for the first time, and microcredits of regular Customers of MFIs.

Removing loans with delay is carried out in the format of obtaining new microcredits. The conditions are not significantly improved at the same time, but you get rid of overdue debts - it is good for credit history.

Why refinance microloans in general?

Until March 2016 accrual interest on microcredit, including in the event of a delay, was not limited to anything, therefore such cases were considered almost the norm as in Saratov, where in August 2015 collectors of construction foam inspired the door of the proportion, and at the same time In the elevator at its platform. The woman has accumulated an arrears of microloans in 50 thousand rubles (the initial microcredit was 12 thousand).

After joining January 1, 2017, due to the next changes in the federal law About microfinance activities (№151-ФЗ) maximum size Percent, penalties and fines during delay is limited by a two-time loan amount. That is, if you took 30 thousand rubles to MFIs, I don't even pay a penny and with the delay in payments for a year there should be no more than 60,000 rubles. And yet the amounts remain very tangible - as in this example, where you want to return 90 thousand rubles.

It is possible to avoid a significant overpayment if you stop the occurrence of debt in the embryo - it is desirable even before the decline stage. Then you will save tens of thousands of rubles per percent, save the cleanliness of your credit history and keep the nerves, which is also important.

Example from life

"He worked in a steep firm, in a modest position, but was everyone satisfied. The circumstances have developed in such a way that the three loans of MFIs had to take in a row, he could not pay 30 thousand on the third in time, then he rebounded, then - and went, went. The total debt turned out to be 50 thousand. Collectors called me once and everything, thought - behind. And they, it turns out, began to handle my bosses.

I was already told that I called all the bosses three times a day and dripped on the ears - why do you keep a fraudster. And in the end, the head of the department came and said: or tomorrow we decide your problems with debts, or the door is there. I had to dismiss. "

Is it true that MFIs approve almost all applications for microloans, and on refinancing is much smaller?

In the statistics presented on the sites of microfinance organizations, the percentage of applications approval ranges from 93 to 99%. It is difficult to vouch for the accuracy of these numbers, but judging by the reviews, they are not too far from the truth. But about such a looting cannot be said.

History from life

"Parents needed urgent repairs in their home, issued several microloans in different MFIs, and did not work in time - both pensions and my salary went to buy a boiler for heating. The fines began to drip - every month they paid only and interest (about 17 thousand), the loans themselves had to be renewed.

I turned to refinancing.rf, twice asked the loan to the name to unite all the loans of the parents - they have such a service. I have a credit history with one delay in 5 days, a salary of 40 thousand. Dalited - without explaining the reasons. "

Why banks do not suggest refinance microloans?

There are two factors for the reluctance of banks to contact the widespread loans of MFIs. First, the reason in small sums debts. Borrowers who are able to fulfill the terms of banks (permanent income, experience, registration, good credit history and so on), physically can not have time to accumulate large debts. And by 20-30 thousand rubles, a rare bank will give - more often it begins with 50,000 rubles.

Debtors with large amounts of loans and fines are not interested in banks, since they are problematic clients. Keep in mind: if your credit history has an entry of a microxy, even on time, banks with great attention will analyze your solvency.

Refinancing also read:

Video for dessert: when life succeeded!

Refinancing of microloans is a special program that many banks of the Russian Federation are offered. It implies a loan to pay on more favorable terms to repay the current loans. Removing allows you to avoid serious troubles - both accrued high percentage and exit to delay. If the borrower fell into a difficult situation, it is very important to fulfill urgent refinancing, because many banks refuse to be dedicated in the event that an overdue debt arose.

What is this refinancing microloans

Refinancing loans of microfinance organizations reduces debt burden. Most MFIs issue money for a period of no more than a month, which in some cases becomes a problem. After issuing a new loan for a year or even for several years, you can divide the amount of debt for a large number of small payments, which is available.

You can refinance microcredit in the amount that exceeds the debt and use the balance of funds at its discretion. It is important to choose the right bank that will provide better conditions On the widespread loans of MFIs. It is better to give preference financial organizationsIn which the borrower receives a salary, pension, other payments, has a contribution or previously credited. To its customers, banks more willingly coordinate the issuance of a loan and often offer more profitable terms.

How can refinance microloans

Refinance microloam need as quickly as possible, since the MFIs charges daily high percentages. You can choose a suitable program for the dedication of multiple microloans on your own or use the services of the Special Site, which contains the best topical proposals of the RF banks.

First of all, you need to submit an online application remotely via the Internet. Thus, it is known in advance, you can refinance the loan in a particular bank or not. After its processing, the bank will be made a preliminary decision on the issuance of a loan. It is recommended to submit applications at the same time in several banks. If one of them refuses, an online application can be approved by others. If everyone approves, the borrower will be able to choose the best offer.

Requirements for borrowers

Each credit institution puts forward its requirements for borrowers. In general, they differ, but insignificant:

    russian citizenship;

    compulsory employment;

    age limit 21-65 years;

    experience at least 6 months at the last place of work;

    registration in the presence of the bank.

Often the amount of microloans is small, so refinancing in the bank can be performed without collateral. The borrower can reduce interest rate by issuing insurance of life and health.

One of the main requirements is a good credit history. Some banks refuse to refinance the MFIs, which are in delay or in case the prosecution took place.

Required documents

To make refinancing loans, you will need a standard package of documents that the Bank requires a consumer loan for registration, plus documents on refinanted loans:

  • document confirming employment;

    revenue document document;

    credit agreement;

    repayment schedule (if any);

    certificate of debt.

Banks have the right to demand additional documents that confirm the solvency of the borrower and the state of refinanted debts of MFIs.

What banks refinance microloans

To refinancing microloans in banks, you can use a special program or obtain usual for these purposes. bank loanwhich is not targeted.

What banks should pay attention to:

    Tinkoff - A fairly convenient bank with favorable lending conditions. For refinancing, you can make a credit card. Its limit is enough to pay off the microloan. In addition, the map is payment tool With a convenient repayment scheme, which can be used in the future.

    Renaissance Credit - The bank is distinguished by its loyal attitude and simplified requirements for the borrower. Here you can get a loan for any purpose of only two documents, including without income certificate.

    Ubrir - offers loans for any purpose, including refinancing. You can get money for a period of several months to several years. You can get a positive decision without income certificate.

    OTP Bank - Here you can make a quick cash loan for any purpose, the Bank considers the application within 24 hours. The money received can be spent on refinancing or other targets.

Is it possible to refinance the debts with a loan from another MFI? Yes, it should be considered as the last option if the banks refused. You need to choose a microfinance organization that offers more profitable interest or longer loan period.

Is it possible to shut off the microloan in the MFI

Is it possible to get money in a bank to pay off MFO loans? Yes, despite the fact that the majority of banks do not refinance the loans of MFIs for a number of reasons, the dedication is still possible.

Often the problem is that borrowers turn to the MFI after they tried to get money in banks and received a refusal for various reasons (lack of employment, insufficient income, poor credit history, etc.). Such customers may try to make refinancing loans in MFIs, but the risk that the refusal will be received.

Another problem - banks nominate special requirements for refinanted loans - their validity period should be at least 12 months, and before the repayment date should be at least 3 months. This is not applicable to microloans, since most of them are short-term, although not all. But if the bank did not agree on refinancing in the MFI, the borrower may issue a regular consumer loan and means to use it for repayment of debt.

We will put a question differently - whether microfinance loans refinanted in other similar organizations refinance? The answer will be negative.

Advantages and disadvantages

Refinancing is a profitable program that allows you to significantly improve crediting conditions. But, like any other, it has its advantages and disadvantages.

The advantages that microcredit refinancing gives:

    can be obtained under a low percentage - in any case, the bank will be lower than that of MFIs;

    increased credit period;

    you can take on the refinsing of several loans.

There are some disadvantages in refinancing microloans - there is always a risk of failure. And most customer banks with a bad credit history do not credit at all. It is also necessary to prepare a package of documents, go through the approved procedure for consideration of the application, and the time it is necessary. But all these shortcomings are insignificant compared to the main advantage, which is dedicated - obtaining more favorable conditions and real savings on interest.

If a bad credit history and delay

Many borrowers go to microfinance organizations from hopelessness, as banks refuse to issue a loan. For them, refinancing microloans with a bad credit history will be quite difficult, and in some cases it is practically impossible (refinancing of microloans with delay). Banks The situation of each client is considered individually.

If the credit history is spoiled, you can contact a young or small regional bank. Such credit organizations More customers need, so they can nominate not very stringent requirements for loans from MFIs with prophets without collateral. They also cooperate not with all the BKI, so the probability of a positive solution with a bad credit history is, although low. But it is worth remembering that refinancing a loan with debt on delay, the period of which is no more than a few days.

Another option is to be dedicated to the loan, which is provided with provision (auto, real estate). Due to the pledge, the bank reduces the risks of the loan loan from the borrower, who has already managed to spoil its credit history, so it will be easier to issue such a loan. The main thing is that you have to lay the jar.

Who can help in shifting

Borrowers who have fallen into a difficult financial situation should not consider refinancing as the only opportunity to get away from unprofitable lending conditions. If they received a refusal in several banks, you should not despair. Help can be obtained from credit brokers. They own information in the lending market of the Russian Federation, cooperate with many banks and are professionals, so they can assist in refinancing. The credit broker may choose a favorable solution for everyone (for borrowers with a temporary registration, poor credit history, with delay, etc.).

For their services, they take the commission, sometimes high. Practice shows that the benefit of the borrower is more - he receives a new loan on favorable terms and saves a significant amount. But here you need to beware of scammers. Give preference is large and authoritative brokerage companies. They will not only pick up profitable propositionbut not deceived. Such companies take payment solely if they were able to help in refinancing and the borrower of the loan approved. In other words, the client does not risk anything, as it pays only for the result.

What if they refused

Unfortunately, refinancing is often denied. Banks prefer to work with reliable, solvent borrowers, without excellence.

Who can refuse and for what reasons:

    bad credit history;

    insufficient income;

    unofficial employment;

    lack of permanent registration or registration in the presence of the Bank;

    missing age restrictions.

If your who you have taken. We prepared an article for you where they described what to do in this situation.

Each of these stop factors reduces the likelihood of obtaining a positive solution, but does not exclude it. The most difficult for those who spoiled the credit history. If the proceeding was one-time and was quickly repaid, there is a chance of success. In other cases, it is recommended to seek help to credit brokers, this is advisable and from the point of view of savings, as the independent search for the solution will take a long time, and a high percentage will be charged for a microloam.

S.'s problem low income It can be solved by increasing the term.

You can also attract a spouse (spouse) as a guarantor or coacher, in which case its salary will be taken into account. On the russian market Lending is refinancing programs and for those who are employed informally. In this case, you can provide deposit or documents confirming additional income. The lack of documentary confirmation in some cases will not be the cause of refusal, but the amount of the loan agreed by the Bank is low.

Temporary registration or regulation in the region, where the bank is not present, complicates the issue of obtaining a loan. But not for all banks it is fundamentally, so you need to look for those that are loyal to registration. This also applies to age - there are banks, ready to lend aged 18 to 75 years.

For many people in Russia, it has already become familiar in difficult situations with money to seek help in microfinance structures, which currently exists in the country more than 5,000 thousand.

But sometimes a huge interest rate, which is accrued on the loan every 24 hours and a short term assigned to its repayment, involve a person in the unbearable debt pit. The output in this case can serve as a new loan at a bank under a lower percentage.

Such a loan will pay for debts in MFIs, and also significantly reduce credit burden. We are talking about refinancing loans taken in microcredit organizations. Is it possible to shut off the loan on which there are delay and that for this you need to tell further.

What will happen if you do not pay a loan in the MFI?

Many borrowers who fell into a credit dependence on MFIs are interested in the question: "What will happen if you stop paying loan contributions?".

Financial experts advise citizens to prevent such situations, as this will lead to proceedings, additional foam on the loan, as well as to penalties. All this can end with the court and even confiscation of property of the defaulter. Therefore, under circumstances, when a person has nothing to pay, and the penalty comes out every day, it is better to start searching for an organization without delay, ready to refinance the loan on more acceptable conditions for the borrower. (About what will happen if you do not pay for credit at all

Is refinancing microloans possible? Where to contact?

The most optimal option to limit the loan taken to the MFI is the appeal to a large banking organization.

  • First, such structures offer the most favorable conditions on loans.
  • Secondly, most refinancing programs allow you to combine several loans to one at once, which is very convenient for the user.
  • Thirdly, very often the client is largely extended by the period of repayment of the loan.

However, not all banks refinance loans, decorated in MFIs, which will not tell about the dedication of loans taken in ordinary financial companies.

It is especially difficult to re-transfer a loan, according to which the borrower has already arisen. But fortunately, large banksthat comes towards the customer still have.

Today, the refinancing of the MFI microdistrict is available in the following solid financial institutions:

Bank "Tinkoff" It suggests to issue a credit card for any needs, including the repayment of the microloan, the interest rate on a credit card of 20% -30% in counterweights 700% of the MFI, the interest-free period on plastic is 4 months, the maximum available limit 300 thousand rubles.

VTB 24 - offers refinancing worth up to 1 million rubles, under annual percentage from 17% to 30%. The limit period is 60 months.

"Renaissance Credit" - Provides the opportunity to issue consumer loans for any purpose of the user, the volume of funds from 30 thousand to 700,000 rubles, due to 11.9% per year, for a period of 1-5 years.

OTP Bank It offers the refinancing program of microcredit from MFIs under such conditions: the maximum size of the loan is 750,000 rubles, percentage per year from 19%, lending period to 60 months.

Ural Bank Reconstruction and Development Allows you to issue a loan without providing up to 300,000 rubles., and up to 1,000,000 rubles, under an annual rate up to 30%.

Large banks of the Russian Federation are ready to refinance IFR loans, combining several loans in one (the number of permissible associations depends on the maximum amount that the Bank offers to refinance other loans). If we are talking about dedicating debt with delay, then the probability of refusal increases. But if the Bank agrees to refinance the problem debts of MFIs, then the loan can be issued only with the provision (necessarily mortgaged property or attracting guarantors).

Terms of Russicrophinan

Another organization that carries out the debts of MFIs is the microfinance organization Rusmikrophinan. Refinancing loans to Rusmikrophinan is produced under such conditions:

  • the volume of the loan is from 30,000 to 170,000;
  • refinancing period - 1 - 5 years;
  • interest rate - 0.196% per day.

At the same time, the company does not require a deposit and guarantors from the client.

First, we apply for a loan simultaneously in several banks, which significantly reduces the likelihood of refusal. If you try to do it yourself, then most likely, get a refusal for many reasons. There is a high probability of a loan refusal if you do not know all the nuances proper design Applications. A package of documents submitted to obtain a loan must be decorated in a certain way. And a plus to everything, it is physically impossible to submit documents to the required number of banks in one day.

In the event that you have already received a refusal, within two or three months you will not have the opportunity to apply again. And, moreover, when recruiting may occur. Currently, all banks work in scoring mode (that is, applications are viewed in automatic mode using computer programs, practically without the use of the human factor), and this means that if you are submitting re-order, then the first thing the bank will examine the reason for the failure of the past Case.

Our team provides services for the preparation of the full and legally pure package of documents in 5-6 different banks For one day. With a separate collection and submission of the specified documents, the waiting time you will have more than two months, since all banks from the list you are compiled first will request a credit history request, and will wait for the answer of the first of the banks.

Secondly, we have extensive experience in the banking sector. Lipredit is the official partner of many banking structures, which allowed us to create a database on the optimal algorithm and working conditions with banks aimed at the speedy achievement of the desired result. Here are the main stages that are carried out at the same time:

1. Scronging

We conduct data collection, analysis of your current situation, paying special attention Available problems (spoiled credit history, lack of employment, a large number of requests and failures on them, etc.), which allows us to develop the right strategy. Thanks to reliable contacts with partner banks, practical skills and professional experience of each employee, we will be able to significantly reduce the risk of refusal.

2. Preparation of documents

Different banks have different requirements. Each service has its own set of pitfalls that need to be circumvented. Our experience and knowledge allow every time to prepare documents packages in this way that the bank takes them. And it significantly reduces the risk of refusal.

3. Monitoring of the application

With independent contact of the bank you will not have the opportunity to follow the status of your application for your application, as well as make certain changes / additions.

By deciding to work with LyonCredit, you can count on the following:

You are given daily information on the current status of your application;
With controversial issues that arise from the Bank at the time of consideration of the application, all necessary adjustments and additions are immediately introduced.

Currently, a fairly popular service is robotic SMS from a bank with "approved" credit program ("There is an approved decision", or "Personally selected decision"). However, such proposals are most likely a marketing nature, because when it comes to consumer loans, mortgages, pledge, purchase and pledge commercial real estate, PTS pledge, without your personal presence in the bank and consent to process personal data (taxes, traffic police, credit bureaus, judicial bases, registration) The proposal is not a one hundred percent guarantee of the provision of credit. "LyonCredit", being credit brokerIt has the ability to thoroughly check all the above databases before sending a package of documents to the bank. Owning the specified information, we immediately exclude the submission of a package of documents to banks, where the risk of failure is predicted. After the credit approval, we are guaranteed to deal with the transaction within two working days, if we are talking about a consumer loan.

4. Informing after receiving the loan.
After receiving the loan, we are always glad to further interact with you. Post-service is conducted in the following directions:

New loan restructuring;
increasing loan amount;
early repayment of the loan;
on possible insurance payments;
Refinancing the current loan.

And much more. What is the result? According to our statistics - at least 98% of our customers credit approve.

Greetings! Recently stumbled upon the network for interesting statistics on loans in Russia. The ratio of the common debt of the family by annual income is approximately 23-24% (in Europe, this parameter is approaching 100%). But the ratio of monthly payments to monthly income Russia is about 20% (as in Romania and Brazil). In the US, the same indicator is 10.9%, in Italy - 14.9%.

Why are the numbers so different? Basically, therefore in Russia higher interest rates and a giant share of short-term expensive loans. Including loans obtained in MFIs.

What to do, when there are a lot of loans, and more complicated them? You can, for example, make refinancing of microloans. In Russia, this service appeared relatively recently. Yes, I myself found out about her absolutely by chance.

ABOUT refinancing bank loans Know everything. This is when the bank "two" exits the bank "one" balance of the debt on the loan of Petrov. And after that, Petrov repays their loan to a new lender and on new conditions.

Approximately the same thing now can be done with microloans. But the banks are not engaged in refinancing of loans of microfinance organizations! But some MFIs in the struggle for customers willingly "overlap" borrowers from competitors.

Standard Requirements for refinancing borrowers:

  • Age from 21 to 70 years
  • Registration in the location of the MFI
  • Confirmation of solvency or provision of collateral.

Why do you need to do something in front of the MFI?

Making a bank loan, many borrowers are afraid of fines and elevated interest from the bank. So, MFIs to debtors are much tougher! Debt at 15-20 thousand rubles in a few months can turn into an astronomical amount. And then - calls, letters, courts, bailiffs ...

Almost all MFIs go towards their borrowers and prolong the maturity of several days. But if there are many loans, and payments turn into a real problem, you can try and refinancing.

The advantages of refinancing microloans

  1. Debt in several loans is combined into one common product
  2. The interest rate is usually reduced, and the size of the monthly payment decreases
  3. You can lengthen the maturity
  4. Refinancing is possible even by the presence of overdue

Who offers microloan refinancing service?

In the network you can find several links to MFIs that are engaged in refinancing. In fact, it is possible to issue this service yet only in the MFO LLC "Agency for refinancing of microloans" ("Russicrophinan" or "refinancing.rf" is the same company).

The head office is in Moscow, and 60 regional offices are open throughout Russia: in Tolyatti, Smolensk, Samara, Perm, Chita, Barnaul and others settlements. You can arrange documents for refinancing either in offices or remotely through agents in Nizhny Novgorod, Kazan, Yekaterinburg and other cities.

Requirements for borrowers

The borrower should be older than 21 and under 70 years old. For customers under 25 years of age, the guarantee of relatives. If the borrower works unofficially, work experience from three months is required.

What loans can be refinanced?

You can refinance one, and several loans (without restrictions by quantity) on total from 30,000 to 500,000 rubles. The term of the combined loan varies in the range from one year to five years.

Any loans and microloans are combined, which were issued by other organizations (credit, financial and microfinance).

Exception: Debt on credit cards! In addition, the conditions of refinancing do not fall into loans in the pawnshop and private individuals. Consumer loans Definancing only with microloons.

For each of the united loans and loans, you need to make at least one payment.

During the refinancing agreement, the borrower undertakes not to take new loans and loans. In case of violation of this item, RusMikroFinance may require ahead of time to return the balance of debt (plus a fine of 50,000 rubles).

Refinancing stages

An application for refinancing can be left on the website "Refinanziru.ru". Then an extended questionnaire will come to the email address. The borrower fills it and refers to a response letter. In addition, the questionnaire can be written in telephone or from a representative of the company in the city of living a borrower (for example, in Izhevsk).

  1. The application is considered within one day after receipt. The borrower reported whether the application was adopted or rejected
  2. The borrower must provide a photo or scans loan contracts by email
  3. The client chooses the refinancing conditions: monthly payment, time and payment schedule
  4. The borrower signs a new loan agreement (or in the office, or the courier will bring documents at a comfortable place)
  5. "Refinannesium of the Russian Federation" repays all the old loans (you can get a written confirmation)
  6. The borrower begins to repay the loan on the new conditions (monthly)

The interest rate depends on the loan amount: from 0.2-0.7% per day. If the loan amount exceeds 300 thousand rubles, the guarantee of two will need individuals. Claution may be required.

How to repay?

  • You can repay debt online with any bank card Visa / MasterCard instantly and without commission
  • Through the QIWI terminals, too, without commission (in the terminal menu, select the "Repayment of loans and debt" section - the "Refinancing" button - the APM button - the contract number)
  • Payment by bank details (with the Commission). Money can enter the account within 3-5 days

The refinancing program is repaid by equal parts. Early repayment Perhaps at any time.

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