
How to calculate retained earnings. What is unallocated profits

It should be a clear idea of \u200b\u200bwhat it is. it clean amountthat remained after paying taxes, which is not distributed (or divided) between shareholders. Exclusively the owners make a decision how to distribute this income. And it must be defined by the protocol of the General Assembly of Owners. Some kind of share that remains after payment of the dividends may be reinvested in the development of the company, and may be aimed at repaying past losses and debts.

Retained earnings of the reporting period can be found by simply subtracting dividend to shareholders from the net income. Typically, such calculations fulfills an accountant (this is a significant part of its work). But you can determine the amount yourself.

Such profit B. accounting balance Replaced with a liability, in fact this is the real debt of the company to shareholders. And until the owners are made of the relevant decision, the company has no right to dispose of these funds. By the way, on the passive side (1370 line) of the balance, the loss is also reflected, but its value is negative, therefore, both round brackets.

In an accounting account 99 (DT) reflected credit balance of the reporting period or net profit. With the reformation of the balance sheet, it is written off on account 84 (CT), so it is it that it represents retained earnings in the reporting year.

Sometimes the indicator of the current year, the accountant tries to separate from these previous years and highlights it separately, two lines, with the number of each 1372, and retained earnings are reflected in them: the reporting year - in one, and past years in the second one.

Formula for calculations

NP at the end of the reporting period is equal to the difference between NP at the beginning of the reporting year and net profit with dividends paid to shareholders in the current year from NP previous years.

If you do not have the value of NP, you can calculate according to the scheme. Especially, drawing up documented financial history obliged every company:

  1. At first, the company needs to find gross profit. It is necessarily reflected in the statement of profit-loss, and it is possible to determine it, using the cost of goods that sold, from income from these sales.
  2. Now count the operating income - the one that has remained after covering the cost of sales and current expenses (for example, salaries). Just from gross profits need to deduct, except for the value of the goods implemented, also operating costs.
  3. In order for net income to pay for taxes, it is necessary to deduct all expenses associated with the payment of interest, wear and depreciation.
  4. And now, after taxes are deducted, first to net profit to tax apply tax bid. Companies (simply navigate them), and then the resulting amount is deducted from that profit.
  5. It remains to deduct dividends. Net profit is already cleared of the company's expenses, you deduct dividends that are paid to shareholders.
  6. You can calculate the current account balance, where retained earnings are reflected. Do not forget that this is a cumulative account, and all changes are not distributed profits Reflected in it from the very moment when the company formed, to the present. So to the sum that was by the end of the previous reporting year on the account, the profit of the current period is added.

This calculation is required when calculating the exact amount of dividends to founders or when the company's revenue is redistributed to their own needs. Therefore, awareness of how it is conducted is needed not only to the accountant, but also to the entrepreneur.


The calculation of retained earnings is carried out very simply, it is enough to substitute the values \u200b\u200binto one of the formulas indicated below and know the amount of net profit / loss of the company.

By collected all the data for calculations, substitute the values \u200b\u200bto the following formula:

where RE1 / RE0 is retained earnings at the end / beginning of this period;

NET INCOME - Net profit;

Dividends - dividends paid to shareholders.

In case the company has not received a net profit in the current period, but on the contrary, net loss, then the calculation is carried out according to the following formula:

where, as Net Loss has already become clear - net loss.


When a net loss for this period of time is more than retained earnings for the same period, the amount of retained earnings may be negative, which will create a deficit.

Helpful advice

Often, many firms use the net profit of their enterprise as an investment tool for additional income. Such areas may include the purchase of innovative equipment, and the implementation of investment projects, and even conducting scientific research.

To adjust the accounting account of unallocated profits should always be when the account of income and expenses changes, adding a new record.

The English term Retential Ratio (or Retained Surplus) also denotes retained earnings, but is known as the "profit coefficient".

Only the owners of the firm make decisions through the general meeting of shareholders or participants on the distribution of profits.


IN commercial organization The main purpose of the activity is to profit. Therefore, the owners are always interested in the value of the "Retained Profit" indicator. These are the money that the company can share between the founders or leave the organization's accounts for the purposes of its further development.


Usually in the first years of the company's existence of unallocated profitFormed by the end of the year, sent to the reserve fund for further investment, premium payments or property acquisitions.

If the organization is on in general terms accounts, it means you have access to accounting reporting per last year. By the way, from January 1, 2013, the obligation to conduct accounting will be assigned to all companies, including those using a simplified taxation system or paying single tax on imputed income. So, the magnitude of the retained earnings (that is, profit after the tax payment profit), it is reflected in the account 84. If the company has been recorded a loss, its value is reflected in the debit, the positive result is on the loan.

If during the year the organization conducted a revaluation of fixed assets (with the influence of such actions by magnitude additional capital), intermediate dividends were paid or changed authorized capitalThese changes should influence the final value of retained earnings. They must be added or take away depending on whether it was profitable or expenditure operation.

Please note that the value of the account 1370 of the balance sheet must match the profits and loss report line 2400. This rule works in case during the year there were no distribution of dividends, which are reflected in the debit of account 84.

Please note that the distribution of profits from the results of the year refers to the category of events that occurred after the reporting date. Therefore B. reporting periodfor which the company distributes profitNo records in accounting are made. Thus, the account data 84 in the reporting year cannot contain information on the distribution of dividends at the end of this year, while they should reflect operations on the adopted decision on the use of profits received at the end of last year.

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Many dreams of opening their work, start it, but suddenly face that they need much more funds than they thought ... Someone takes loans, someone decides that business is not for him. How to calculate the cost of your business?


First, it is necessary to calculate the costs of the cost before you have taken at least one step in its creation, and not after. Secondly, it is worth remembering that almost any business requires costs, "business without investment" is often just a myth, and it is necessary to soberly assess your financial opportunities.

Registration LLC (Consider it, since it is more expensive) will cost about 4,000 rubles if you register LLC on your own, and at 8000-10000 thousand, if you hire an intermediary company (this option is most convenient). These amounts include a state fee for registration, non-market services, bank accounts, manufacturing and payment of intermediaries, if you decide to use them. It is worth remembering that dimensions state duties They may vary, and they need to be checked (for example, on the site of the 46th tax inspection - www.nalog.ru.).

Registration requires that at least 50% of yours have been paid. Now the minimum authorized capital of LLC is 10,000 rubles, it can be made both in cash and property. Take note that the amendments are preparing Civil Codewhich suggests its increase at least 50 times since 2012. This is done in the framework of the fight against one-day firms, but can hardly hit simply entrepreneur.

At the first stage, the premises for doing business may not be needed. There are cases of cases where novice entrepreneurs communicated with the first customers by phone, appointed meetings in cafes or offices of the same customers, and worked on orders at home. However, for a long time to continue, most likely, long can not. It is important not only the convenience of doing business, it is important that when registering LLC you will need to call the address of the office. To "mass" addresses, tax inspects refer to lately Extremely wary. Therefore, it is worth determining the place and remove a small room.

It is necessary to take care of your business - the purchase of technology, organization of communication. At first, it is enough to have everything at a minimum, but you plan to develop? The same applies to employees: if the first few months you can work together with a partner, then you will need people, at least a secretary.

Naturally, this calculation is only approximate. It all depends on the city in which you conduct business, circumstances in the market. In addition, it is worth emphasizing that this calculation is suitable when you start unwinding your business, i.e. Not from the very beginning, since at first you may work without employees and even without an office.


  • Site about small business.

The indicator for any enterprise is the most important. Pure is the result of the company's activities for a certain period. She shows the sum moneywho received the company by paying all tax fees, salary to your employees and other payments that are mandatory.

The formula for calculating net profit is as follows:
Net profit \u003d Financial profits + gross profit + Other operating profit - Taxes.

After you calculate the necessary indicators, you can determine the size of net profit. If you got a value with the "-" sign, then, accordingly, the enterprise for the period under study suffered losses.

The resulting net profit is commonly used by the company at the discretion of the leadership. As a rule, net profit goes to pay current expenses. Sometimes pure profits accumulate or use for charitable purposes.

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Determine the size of gross income - a general revenue from the sale of goods or services. Find the amount of net income - a general revenue from the sale of goods or services less than the value of returned goods (services) and discounts provided to buyers. Calculate the cumulative costs for the manufacture of goods and the provision of services included in the cost of products. Find an index of the enterprise, which is the difference between the net sales income and the cost of implemented goods or services provided. Formula of gross profits as a difference between the net income and the cost of products.

Determine the net profit. For this, out of the amount of gross profit should be subtracted taxes, fines, penalties, interest on loans, as well as operating expenses. The latter refers to the cost of finding partners, conclusion of transactions, expenses for employees, costs caused by force majeure situations. The net profit indicator just displays the final result of the company, shows how profitable the implementation of this kind of activity is. Net profit is used by entrepreneurs to increase current means, formation different foundations and reserves, as well as for reinvestia in. The amount of net profit directly depends on the size of gross profits, as well as from the size tax payments. If a company is a joint-stock company, dividends to shareholders of the company are calculated, just based on the amount of net profit.

Among the basic functions of profit can be distinguished by stimulating. She is main source Cash infusions, and the company is beneficial to its maximization. This will have a positive effect on the growth of the company's salary, and at the rate of updating fixed assets, implementation newest technologies. As a result, there is an increase in production. Profit level is important not only directly for the company, but also to grow, the state. Thanks to the profit of firms, budgets of different levels are formed. From it pay taxes entering the budget. For market relations Profit has an estimated function. Its level affects the value of the company and its competitiveness across the industry. Allocate the control function of profit. No profit means loss to the company. As you can see, it is very important to focus on the amount of profit, which means that its formula is simply necessary to know to analyze economic activities.

In addition to the overall profit, there are several of her species. For example, on sources of formation, there is a profit from sales (it is necessary to calculate the cost of production), from securities operations (positive between income and expenses from sales operations valuable papers), non-dealerization (amount of profit on the basis of selling goods, sales of property and on the basis of non-engineering operations), from investment and financial activities. To find profit from investment activity, you need from the amount of pure cash flow for investment project Complete the cost of implementing the investment. Profit from financial activities - the amount of profit from the sale, interest on receiving and income from participation in other companies per minus interest to pay and operating expenses.

According to the method of calculation, which is practiced on a particular enterprise, you can highlight marginal, clean and gross profits. To find marginal profit, you need to make out variable costs from income. Depending on the method of payment of taxes, there is a taxable and not subject to tax profit. Taxable profits are income per minute of income from which no payments contribute to the budget. For its calculation, it is necessary to subtract tax from the balance income, profit on additional tax obligations and income focused on operations on benefits. IN economic analysis Use such indicators as the profit of the past, reporting, planning period, nominal and real profits. Nominal call profits that stands in financial statements and correspond to balance Profit. The real profits is a nominal profit adjusted for inflation indicator correlated with the index consumer prices. Also financiers use the concepts of capitalized (aimed at an increase own capital) and retained earnings, which is the final financial result for a minus taxes and other obligations.

Not only external factors are able to influence the level of profit. The company must apply measures to its growth. For example, it is possible to optimize inventories and stock balances, an analysis of the range of products produced, identify the products on which there is no demand, and withdraw it from. A more efficient management system also contributes to profit growth. Other measures are automation of production to reduce payment costs and the use of waste-free production.

Accounting profit - This is a positive financial result, according to the accounting of the enterprise / organization. It is calculated on the basis of all economic operations during the reporting period and includes an assessment of the state of articles of the accounting balance. Profit is one of the most important indicators Enterprise activities and one of the main sources of self-financing.

Retained earnings is part of the company's income that is not paid to shareholders as dividends. This money is usually reinvested in the development of the company or are used by it to repay debts. Usually retained earnings for this reporting period is determined by subtracting from the net income of the company to shareholders dividends. An accountant is engaged in the calculation of retained earnings (and this is an important part of their work), but, knowing the basic principles, you can do it yourself!


What is unallocated profits

    Find out where the company's retained earnings is recorded. Actually, this is the bill that is displayed in the accounting balance of the company under the heading "Shareholder's share in the enterprise". The funds stored on this account is the total profit of the company since its formation, which was not distributed among shareholders in the form of dividends. If this account went into minus, this situation is called "accumulated deficit".

    • Knowledge of unallocated profits accumulated by the enterprise since its registration allows the balance of retained earnings after the next reporting period. For example, if the cumulative retained profit of your company is 12 million rubles, and during the current reporting period you make 6 million rubles on this account, the new amount of accumulated retained earnings will be 18 million rubles. In the next period, if retained earnings will amount to 15 million rubles, there will be 33 million rubles on this account. In other words, since the creation of the company, you could do enough to ensure that after paying wages, operating costs, dividends to shareholders and remained "preserved" for another 33 million rubles.
  1. Try to understand the relationship between the unallocated profit of the company and the policies of its investors. On the one hand, investors of a profitable company await a good return on their investments. On the other hand, they are interested in the development of the company, because in this case it will bring more profits, which means that their dividends will increase. So that the company grew and developing, it must invest its retained earnings, increasing its effectiveness and / or expanding business. In case of success, such reinvestment in the long run will lead to an increase in the company's yields and the price of its shares, that is, investors will earn more moneyThan in the case if they initially demanded large dividends.

    It is necessary to know which factors affect the size of retained earnings. Retained earnings may vary from one reporting period to another, but this is not always the result of changing the company's income. Below are the factors that may affect the balance of retained earnings:

    • Changes in net profit
    • Changing the amount of money paid as dividends to investors
    • Changing the value of goods sold
    • Changing administrative expenses
    • Change taxes
    • Change business strategy company

    Calculation of retained company profits

    1. Collect the necessary data from the company's financial statements. Companies are obliged to officially document their financial history. As a rule, it is easier to calculate the current retained earnings not manually, but using these official data on retained earnings accumulated today, net profit and dividend paid. The Company's capital and its retained earnings before the last recording period should be displayed in the current balance sheet, while net profit is displayed in the current profit statement.

      • If you can get all this information, you can only calculate retained earnings using the formula: "Net profit - dividends paid \u003d retained earnings".
        • To find a cumulative retained company's profit, add retained earnings for the current period to the amount that was in the account at the end of the last reporting period.
      • For example: Suppose that at the end of 2011, in the account of your company there were 150 million rubles of the aggregate retained earnings. In 2012, the company earned 15 million rubles net profit and paid 5.5 million rubles in the form of dividends. In this case:
        • 15 - 5.5 \u003d 9.5 - retained earnings for this reporting period
        • 150 + 9.5 \u003d 159.5 - Cumulative retained earnings
    2. If you do not have access to information about net profit, you can calculate retained earnings manually, however, the process is more laborious. Start by searching the gross profit of the company. Gross profit is displayed in a multi-step income statement. It is determined by subtracting the value of goods sold by the company from income received from these sales.

      • Suppose that on sales for one quarter, the company earned 1,500,000 rubles, but she had to spend 900,000 rubles for the purchase of goods necessary for the formation of 1,500,000 rubles. Gross profit for this quarter amounted to 1,500,000 - 900 000 \u003d 600,000.
    3. Calculate operating income. This is the income of the company after covering all sales and operating expenses (current) costs, such as wages. To calculate this indicator, all operating expenses from gross arrived (in addition to the cost of goods sold).

      • Suppose that having a gross profit of 600,000 rubles, the company spent 150,000 rubles for administrative costs and wages employees. Operating income of the company for this quarter is 600,000 - 150,000 \u003d 450,000 rubles.
    4. Calculate the net profit before taxes. To do this, deduct the cost of paying interest, wear and depreciation. Wear and depreciation, that is, a decrease in the value of assets (material and intangible) during their service life, in the income and loss reports are reflected as expenses.

Retained earnings is the balance of net profit over the past years. In the article, let us know more about what unallocated profits (uncovered loss), as it is formed, as affected in the balance sheet, what problems arise when using it and how the financial director can decide.

In the concept, the unallocated profits of many confuse the word "unallocated". Let's deal with. Further, for easier perception of the material for profit, we will understand the unallocated profits.

What is unallocated profits and how it is formed

Retained earnings is the balance of net profit over the past reporting years. Retained earnings, as its own source of financing, can earn annually and ensure business development. From the point of view of the balance sheet items, this means that the annual increase in equity is accompanied by the movement between the deposit of the balance of the balance. To distribute profits, the decision of the General Meeting of Participants is required (see also about organizations ).

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Accounting policy The document regulates the rules for reflecting the income and expenses of the company, long-term and current assets, advances from buyers, loans, as well as taxes to pay

Procedure for accounting for profit and loss in managerial reporting If it is necessary to consolidate the classification of income and expenses, as well as the rules and accounting procedures in management accounting, this document can be used as a sample.

Retained earnings in balance

Net profit within and at the end of the reporting period is reflected in the balance account 99.

Retained earnings over the years of activity of the enterprise is accumulated on the loan of an active-passive account 84 "Retained earnings", and a unpaved loss - by debit. The negative meaning of this section in the balance sheet can speak, as the first years of the existence of an enterprise and a long-term loss.

Accounting for unallocated profits

In the accounting balance sheet, line 1370 "Retained earnings (uncovered loss)" is used. It will correct to request an analyst at 84 account, which is synthetic and recommended to open subaccounts for analytical purposes:

  • 84.1 - Profit to be distributed - the amount of profits that business owners decided to distribute;
  • 84.2 - loss to coat;
  • 84.3 - retained earnings in circulation - the amount of profit that is decided to leave in circulation;
  • 84.4 - Profit used - the amount of profit, which was distributed to the expansion of the enterprise.

Accounting wiring

Information about accounting postings In terms of use of profits and summarized in Table 1.

Table 1. The main directions of use of net profit

Direction of using retained earnings

Direct wiring

Impact on retained earnings and equity

Formation of reserve capital

Formation of additional capital

Reduction, but movement within equity

Repayment of losses of past years

Movement within unallocated profits

Increase the authorized capital

Reduction, but movement within equity

Payment of dividends

Reducing retained earnings and equity


Movement within unallocated profits

If you do not conduct an analyst on account 84, then the information will be impersonal as in the balance line and on the change in the initial residues of the equity capital, we will see only the formation of reserve, additional and authorized capital (if they are specifically formed this year). But to fix the distribution of profit on everything that does not change the balance of 84 accounts, - coverage of losses, investment - will not work, and by default it can be considered that the profit is really not distributed. In addition, many are really confident that if the profit is distributed, it should leave the balance, forgetting that there will be no assets increment without this.

Problems I. use of retained profits

Most misunderstandings and disputes are associated with the uses of profit, although they are generally accepted, should be indicated in the Charter. But very often, when we defended a business plan, an annual report and affected the distribution of financing sources, it was possible to hear: "The enterprise has all the income of the enterprise is not distributed," if all the profits were distributed, why did she stay in the balance? " etc.

Why is it going on? The main reason is that there is no unified document that regulates all disputes on this issue. Russian legislation Does not contain special provisions that regulate profit distribution issues, and should be guided by the general norms of laws. At the same time, the laws themselves Joint Stock Company And limited liability companies do not talk about how to reflect the distribution of retained earnings in accounting. IN regulatory acts By accounting there is information on how to calculate profits, but about how to spend it only mention in terms of accounts without specifics. Tax inspectorateThe usual audit check does not control whether the amount of retained earnings is determined. It can be confirmed by the results of the annual inventory and an individual order in the audit.

Emphasize the disputes that each of his participants looks only from the point of view of its subject specialization: an accountant - from the point of view of wiring in terms of accounts, a lawyer - from the position of consistency in the legislation, the financial manager - taking into account the economic nature of sources and financing needs.

Distribution of profit on investment

There is an opinion that it is not necessary to distribute profits on investment. In some sufficiently respected sources, you can read a categorical "... Profit spend only on dividends," live money "is still spent on the acquisition of assets, and not profit." Here are two basic concepts: a source of financing and cash flow. The cash flow is necessary in order to pay and dividends. If, when planning activities, we have laid a certain level of net profit, and it is obtained, it is inactive in revenue through the price of products / work / enterprise service and with proper management of working capital will be provided cash flow (The exception will be for operation that are not accompanied by cash flow).

Regarding investments, it is necessary to note the following. If the volume of investments is such that the planned depreciation is enough to close the needs and pay these costs at the expense of its inclusion in the price of goods / services / work, then income on investment will not be distributed precisely because economic need And the profit remains unallocated.

Suppose the size of the investment program is much higher than the total source of depreciation. Then there is an economic meaning to distribute profits on investment financing. It is quite logical that at the same time, as a source, everything remains on the balance sheet of the enterprise, as a new asset creates and the company's capitalization occurs.


Consider on the example. Economic operation: We acquired the main tool (hereinafter - OS) worth 118 thousand rubles. VAT included

table 2. Wirings for the acquisition of fixed assets

the name of the operation

Direct wiring

Amount, thousand rubles.

The emergence of obligations to pay

Reflection of entrance VAT

OS commissioned

Payment to the provider for the OS

VAT passed to deduct

Using net profit for the purchase of OS

If loans are attracted to the acquisition of the OS, then the question does not arise why, after payment and input, the balance of the balance 66 accounts is not reduced. Absolutely the same thing happens when the profit of past years is becoming a source of financing of investment: a loan balance on account 84 remains unchanged. With one difference that the profit on the balance sheet of the enterprise remains, and the loan after repayment goes out. This profit is accumulated on subaccount 84.4 - the profit used.

Suppose we plan to simply increase sales, not acquiring additional fixed assets and without making long-term capital investmentsAnd we need to increase current assets. This is also a strategy for the development of the enterprise. Can we return to it? In this case, the profit should be left unallocated, but the cash flow, its accompanying, works on the development of the enterprise.

If you adhere to the logic of subaccounts to the 84 account, then the profit that was decided to temporarily not distribute reflected on subaccount 84.3. The decision on its distribution can be carried out at any time, and not only at the end of the year. To do this, you need to hold a special thematic meeting and approve the decision. While this solution is not, then the profit is in circulation. It can in the form of cash flow to be involved in the operating cycle of the enterprise in order to subsequent increase in sales. In the case of successful activity, additional net income can be generated. It can be posted as a free cash on a deposit or NSO and also generate additional profits or temporarily close the need for operating loans and loans and allow you to save percentage. But it is important to understand that this in this case is not about profit as a source of financing, but about a free cash flow, which, with a certain high level of solvency, it corresponds to it. The profit itself remains until the decision of the owners and shareholders is retained.

Is it possible to distribute the profit to repay the loan

Now there is a point of view that the profit can be distributed to repayment of the loan. The basis of this reasoning is also laid by the substitution of the concept of a source of financing and cash flow. Payment for the use of credit resources is interest rate For the period of the contract; For the use of profit as a source of development of the company, the fee is dividends to founders, but the mechanism of their formation is different. My opinion - the economic sense to replace the nature of the source of funding is not and for the guaranteed exemption of the cash flow, you can temporarily profit not to distribute to other purposes, i.e. Leave on as well as in the example with increasing current assets On subaccount 84.3 - retained earnings in circulation. In fact, for the financier - this is the amount of the control rate for solvency maintenance. In case of deciding on the direction of this profits on dividends, long-term investments, He should be ready to derive this amount from turnover or redistribute without the threat of solvency and liquidity of the enterprise.

Audit of retained profits

In order to avoid the distribution of already distributed profits and in the future, do not encounter a sudden loss of solvency, it is very important when inventory of retained earnings in the balance sheet to conduct its qualitative audit.

As follows from the very determination of retained earnings, the audit must be carried out in two directions. At first, check the very formation of retained earnings, which corresponds to the audit of net profit for each year. Then there is a check of the correctness of the decision of the founders in terms of the fulfillment of legislative restrictions on dividends for LLC and JSC and the formation of reserve capital for JSC. And after confirmation of this inspection of the compliance of the amounts of distributed profits and target use accepted solutions, as well as the timing of their execution. The latter concerns not only dividends, but also the formation of the authorized capital of a subsidiary. The roles of accounting, corporate and financial department, different, but the target is one - the correct distribution and disposal of such a source of financing as a profit.

For an accountant, the decision of the founders is primary documentby which he spends economic operations For distribution profits in accounting. It is important to confirm the economic validity of the source and the availability of its cash flow. The corporate department confirms the lack of existing legislative restrictions for such distribution and documenting solutions.

Separately, I would like to cancel the importance of restoring the distribution of profit, which may be required based on the results of the audit. If corporate income distribution documents were not issued, and the economic meaning of the distribution in the analysis of the activities of the enterprise is confirmed, then all decisions need to be issued, and analyst 84 accounts will be in accordance with the adoption of the right solutions to the sources of funding.

Extracting profits is the goal of creating any Russian commercial company. After taxation, there remains retained earnings (hereinafter also - NP), which owners of the company can be distributed to certain needs at its discretion (for example, on dividends in a proportional ratio of shares in the authorized capital), as well as accumulating on its accounts. Since the beginning of the company, NP is accumulated by a growing outcome. This profit is a net profit of the enterprise. Retained earnings of past years is taken into account in the balance sheet of the enterprise according to accounting data.

Undestributed profits

Options for the distribution of such profits are several. They are governed by the norms of relevant legislation Russian Federation.

For example, the distribution of profits to the participants or shareholders or the investment in the authorized capital of the relevant company is regulated:

  • for LLC - PP. 7 p. 2 art. 33, paragraph 1 of Art. 18 of the Law of 08.02.1998 N 14-FZ "On OOO";
  • for AO - PP. 11.1 p. 1 Art. 48, paragraph 5 of Art. 28 of the law of 26.12.1995 N 208-FZ "On JSC".

There are other options for using NP.

In accounting, NP accumulates on account 84.

Analytical accounting of NP should be guided so that the relevant information is formed depending on the selected application option.

Retained earnings of past years in balance

The corresponding summion indicator is reflected in the balance sheet.

The compilation of reporting completes the summary of the company for the reporting period.

The need for a balance and its form is set by paragraph 1 of Art. 14 of the Act on accounting of 06.12.2011 N 402-FZ and Annex 1 to the order of the Ministry of Finance dated 02.07.2010 No. 66n, respectively.

For small enterprises (for individual exceptions), the balance of the balance and report is contained in Appendix 5 to the above order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation.

An example of reflection in the balance sheet:

According to account 84 in NP LLC (including past years) amounted to one hundred thousand rubles.

In 2016 on general meeting It was decided to send fifty percent of net profit on dividends.

The operation is issued by wiring: Debit 84 Credit 75 - 50 000 rub.

In the balance for 2016, the amount of 50,000 rubles is reflected in the relevant line.

It is important to take into account that in the Russian Federation there are no limitations towards the dividends of the NP past years, because in practice there may be no net profit for the reporting year. If, according to the balance of the balance, there is such a profit of the past years and the company decides on its distribution to dividends without creating special funds for this, then such payments are taxed for income (the letter of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation of 05.10.2011 N DF-4-3 / [Email Protected]).

It is also important to understand that NP is transferred to the balance according to account 84, namely, the balance of the loan 84 is postponed to the appropriate balance sheet.

If the company has occurred, a loss in the reporting period, it is automatically compensated by the positive indicator of such NP past years.

Annual reportingincluding balance, report on financial results and explanatory notemust be presented before the expiration of three months after the end of the reporting year (Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

The failure to submit a punishment on time:

  • for the organization - a fine of 200 rubles ( tax sanction);
  • for officer Enterprises - a fine ranging from three hundred to five hundred rubles (administrative sanction).

Mamipizza.ru - Banks. Deposits and deposits. Money transfers. Loans and taxes. Money and state