
Serving investment savings accounts. The subtleties of opening an IIS in a savings bank. Receiving a deduction on the IIS of Sberbank

An individual investment account from Sberbank is an extremely convenient tool that allows you to trade a wide variety of securities and even connect trust management... If you want to make money on the stock market, then it is most efficient to do this with the help of IIS at the expense of tax preferences - the main thing is to choose a reliable broker.

Features of an individual investment account

IIS is a type of brokerage account. With its help, you can purchase the most popular products of the stock and foreign exchange market:

  • Russian and foreign shares;
  • corporate bonds;
  • federal loan bonds;
  • eurobonds;
  • currency - dollars, euros, pounds sterling, yen, etc .;
  • exchange-traded structured bonds.

Sberbank provides access to the Moscow Exchange using IIS, so that all securities circulating on it will be available to the client for purchase.

How to open and use

To open, you need to contact the bank.

Or leave an appeal directly to the management company Sberbank Asset Management. In the latter case, it is possible to issue an application online in two ways:

  • through the State Service website (you need to have a verified account);
  • with the help of ESIA - state system remote client identification (passport data and cell phone number are required).

During the opening of the IIA, it will be necessary to fill out an application and an investor questionnaire, as well as indicate the method of receiving funds - it is recommended to indicate "Own income".

The account is opened within 3-7 days, after which you can transfer money to it and acquire assets. Purchase necessary papers can be done in three ways:

  • remotely using the QUIK terminal;
  • by voice over the phone (remote application submission);
  • through trust management (in fact, the asset management will be carried out by the broker).

Regardless of the chosen method, you will have at your disposal a convenient tool that allows you to conveniently and quickly acquire the necessary assets, as well as receive tax deductions.

IIS conditions

The parameters of a working individual investment account with Sberbank and any other broker do not differ from the basic ones:

  • opens only in rubles and can be replenished only in rubles, however, it can be used to purchase any currency and subsequently buy foreign currency assets;
  • the maximum amount of replenishment per year is 1 million rubles, while a threshold of 400 thousand rubles is valid for receiving deductions;
  • you can open only one IIS for one individual;
  • it is not recommended to close in less than 3 years after registration.

Important: it is possible to liquidate IIS ahead of schedule, but in this case the right to tax preferences is lost, and all compensation amounts already made by the state will have to be returned.

After gaining access to the IIS, you can safely sell and purchase any securities traded on the Moscow Exchange, as well as simply keep funds in the account.

A little trick: you can open an investment account, but not fund it - in this case, the 3-year period required to receive tax benefits will still begin to be calculated. You will be able to receive compensation from the state as soon as you top up your account with the minimum required amount - of course, upon reaching the end of the tax period.

How to issue tax deductions from IIS

There are 2 types of deductions that are due to every investment account holder. It is necessary to select only one of them, since when one is applied, the right to the other is lost.

Choose the appropriate type of deduction Contribution deduction is useful for those investors who have income taxed at a rate of 13%. Most often this is a salary, but it can also be profit from renting out property, performing work under a civil law contract, freelancing, etc. The main thing is that the income should be declared and tax paid on it.

Such an investor will be able to return up to 52 thousand rubles per year - namely, 13% of the amount of money placed during the reporting period on the IIA. Maximum - from 400 thousand rubles (while the IIS account can be replenished by 1 million rubles).

For example:

if during the year you put 200 thousand rubles on the IIS (it doesn't matter if you bought assets or they just lay there), then you can compensate 26 thousand rubles at the expense of the state (200,000 * 0.13 = 26,000). Accordingly, the more money was saved for IIS, the larger the deduction.

However, the refund is limited to the amount of tax actually paid. If your employer transferred only 10 thousand rubles from your salary, then you will receive the maximum amount of money.

Thus, if you reimburse the personal income tax paid in any other way or do not have income subject to income tax, then it is better to choose a different type of deduction from the individual investment account of Sberbank.

Income deduction The essence of a Type B deduction is that you do not need to pay tax on profits from transactions made with an investment account.

For example:

you buy 1000 shares of Sberbank for 160 rubles, and sell them in 3 years at a price of 240 rubles. The resulting 80,000 rubles will be your profit. If you had an ordinary brokerage account, you would have to pay 10,400 rubles from them in tax. When applying the IIS deduction, you will receive all income excluding tax.

The exemption from personal income tax is imposed on any income under the IIA, including dividends and coupons. The main condition is that the account must be active for at least 3 years. In this case, it is advisable that you do not sell assets. At long-term investment funds is the optimal type of tax preference.

Deduction type A compensation can be claimed earlier than the 3-year deadline. In fact, you will be able to receive payments from the state every year. But if you have to close earlier, then the refunded taxes will have to be refunded.

IIS in Sberbank: tariffs, opportunities, advantages

Sberbank Asset Management has two options for working with IIS. You can trade on your own by choosing a suitable tariff and terms of service, or you can simply transfer funds into trust. Regardless of the method, you will retain the right to tax deductions, which, judging by the IIS reviews at Sberbank, is one of the determining factors when choosing the type of brokerage account.

Conditions for self-trading

Sberbank provides the owners of IIS with an entrance for trading on the Moscow Exchange - in all of its three sections. The client can choose between two tariffs:

  1. Investment
  2. Independent

The fundamental difference between them lies in the value of the commission for the purchase of securities on the stock section, as well as in analytical support.

Thus, those who subscribe to the Investment tariff on a regular basis receive an investment digest and have free access to the Sberbank Investment Research portal. The commission for transactions in shares and bonds is fixed - 0.3%, regardless of the volume of the transaction.

Holders of IMS with the Self-service tariff do not have access to analytics, and the size of the commission depends on the volume of the transaction and varies from 0.006% to 0.165% (the higher the turnover, the lower the commission).

The exact value is given in the table:

Also, depending on the tariff, there is a commission for transactions in the OTC market. Independent provides for payment to the broker 0.17% of the purchase or opening of a short position, Investment - 1.5% for a long and 0.1% for a short.

The broker's remuneration for other operations is fixed regardless of the tariff:

  • conclusion of a futures contract (options and futures) - 0.5 rubles;
  • early termination of the contract - 10 rubles;
  • margin trading: 17% per annum for the transfer of a cash position and 15% per annum for the transfer of a position in securities;
  • REPO transactions (lending) - 17-19% per annum depending on the term.

Each investor can send up to 20 free orders to buy or sell assets by phone, then the price of one call is 150 rubles for all orders.

Coupon income and dividends are credited directly to the account. They can be used to increase your portfolio of assets or withdrawn to a separate account.

Trust management using IIS

If we consider the reviews on the IIS of Sberbank, it turns out that trust management is more popular than independent trading. This is understandable - the savings will be managed by professional dealers who understand the specifics of the market and regularly demonstrate excellent financial income.

When transferring funds to a trust, an investor can choose one of two strategies:

  • Ruble bonds - funds are invested in OFZs and reliable corporate bonds, as well as bond mutual funds (yield of about 10-12% per year);
  • Dollar bonds - money is invested in American debt and Eurobonds (since March 1, 2018, the strategy is temporarily unavailable for new clients).

Conditions for transferring funds into trust:

  • the minimum contribution is 50 thousand rubles, the maximum is 1 million;
  • deposit for replenishment - 10 thousand rubles;
  • investment term - at least 3 years;
  • currency - only ruble;
  • commission at opening - 1% (only if you do it at the Sberbank office, there is no commission when opening remotely);
  • broker's management fee - 0.25% of the amount of money deposited once a quarter.

You can invest in IIS from a bank branch, using the sberbank-am.ru website or a specially developed mobile application for investments.

In order to attract new investors, Sberbank launched an innovative way of capital investment - individual investment accounts, which in their essence are a unique development with tax privileges. Individuals who have reached the age of majority can open IIS. Before registering an investment account, you should carefully study the features of working with the bank in question, the current tariffs and conditions for opening, as well as the criteria for choosing a profitable tax deduction.

Features of an individual investment account with Sberbank

Sberbank occupies one third of the total banking system and is the main source of development of the Russian economic sphere. According to analysts, banking organization provides jobs and good earnings to every 150 families in the country. Sberbank's total assets in the financial sector are over 28%. In addition, it is considered the primary lender in the market for the economy, hence holding the largest share of assets in the investment market.

Among the key features that characterize individual investment accounts with Sberbank, it is worth noting:

  • availability of unlimited terms for opening IMS with a minimum repayment period of 3 years;
  • the initial investment in an investment account varies from 50 thousand to 1 million rubles;
  • to receive tax benefits, the investment amount must be no more than 400 thousand rubles;
  • the size of annual transfers to IIS ranges from 10 thousand to 1 million rubles;
  • each client has the right to open one investment account;
  • the bank has a license to legally provide services and the ability to register IIS;
  • the percentage of income tax refund is 13% of the investment amount or the profit received after the expiration of a three-year period;
  • high income from IIA is possible when investing in securities. For example, federal loan bonds are distinguished by minimal risks and a good indicator of profitability, the average annual value of which is within 8%;
  • the prohibition on withdrawing funds from the account before the end date of the agreement or the need to return the received tax deductions to the state budget and pay a 1% penalty for terminating the agreement.

Until recently, Sberbank offered two tariffs for maintaining IIS: bonds in national and foreign currencies. Today there is only one rate for investors, which implies trading in ruble bonds. From the first days of its appearance, IIS gained popularity among entrepreneurs; this is confirmed by the profitability indicator, which at that time was about 44%.

Basic conditions and tariffs for registration

Formation of rules for provision brokerage services and opening an individual investment account is governed by government bodies... That is why they have comparatively similar characteristics to opening accounts with other brokerage companies. Among the fundamental conditions, it is worth noting:
  • investing in rubles;
  • the initial investment amount is 100 thousand rubles;
  • the maximum investment volume is 1 million rubles per year;
  • the availability of tax privileges on profits for subjects of civil law;
  • using one of the types of tax deductions: contribution or income.
CJSC Sberbank Management Company provides investors with an opportunity to gain access to the Moscow Interbank currency exchange... Moreover, all doors are open for the depositor and financial instruments various areas of the investment market - mutual funds, stocks, bonds, binary options, futures, indices, CFDs and other assets. IN recent times tariffs for IIS in Sberbank practically do not differ from the rates for standard brokerage services:
  • purchase of securities on the stock exchange - within the range of 0.006% - 0.165%;
  • forced closure of CFDs - 10 rubles;
  • buying a futures or binary option- 0.5 rubles;
  • purchase of stocks, bonds, currency, goods or raw materials on the over-the-counter market - 0.17% of the total turnover of the section;
  • transactions involving collateral - no more than 19% per annum;
  • leverage: short - 15%, long - 17% per annum.

The indisputable advantage of working with Sberbank is the absence of a commission for replenishing an account, with the exception of between bank transfer Money. Also, an important condition for opening an IMS is the term of the contract, which can start from 3 years. Only if the above requirements are met, the depositor has a chance to receive tax benefits.

Instructions for opening an IIS in Sberbank

Having familiarized yourself with the main features of IIS, you can proceed to mastering the stages of opening an investment account. This procedure consists of the following steps:

  1. Collection and submission of documents.
    To do this, the client must provide the bank with a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation, an identification code and a copy of it. You may also need a power of attorney if an individual who is a representative of the principal applies for services.
  2. Providing accurate personal information.
    When filling out the questionnaire, the data is entered by a specialist banking structure... The client's task is to give correct answers to clarifying questions regarding contacts and other information.
  3. Signing a contract.
    Before entering the final stage of concluding an agreement, the investor must choose the most suitable tariff plan for his project. Same Special attention it is necessary to pay attention to the Quik software, in particular the choice of the type of authentication. To enter the program, you can use a free SMS-message with a code or a paid USB-key, the cost of which is approximately 1900 rubles.
  4. Refill.
    Submit cash on IIS in Sberbank you can through bank transfer, terminals, ATMs and Internet banking.

The operation of opening an individual investment account is quite simple and takes no more than half an hour. Consequently, it is possible to issue an IIS in one visit to a Sberbank representative office. After the conclusion of the contract, the client's task is to wait for the activation period of the personal account, which lasts 2-3 working days.

The next step is to work with the Quik platform, which becomes available after installing and activating the key. When the window opened Personal Area you can start making transactions for the purchase and sale of securities.

Which is the best tax deduction to choose

Due to tax incentives, this type of investment has become very popular. There are two types of tax deductions, among which the depositor will have to choose the most promising.

To visually assess the features of each type of tax deductions, investors are provided with a comparative table:

These are the main features that distinguish the two types of tax incentives. An investor who has opened an IIS in Sberbank may not immediately choose the form of privileges. However, it should be borne in mind that the combination of deductions for contribution and income is not possible. There are also several more criteria that allow the investor to make the right choice.

For example, a type A tax deduction will be beneficial for depositors with an official income of 35 to 40 thousand rubles per month. Type B benefits are ideal for professional investors who have extensive experience and a competent investment policy position.

Sberbank IIS: trust asset management

For clients, the largest transnational bank of the Russian Federation offers a whole range of services, in particular, trust management. With this form of cooperation, the principal remains the owner of the assets, and the manager's goal is to profitably dispose of the funds received. Sberbank Asset Management is in demand among novice investors. The interaction process consists in the transfer of assets for trust management with subsequent investment in personal mutual funds, which are represented by ruble bonds.

The minimum investment amount is 100 thousand rubles, while the investor has the opportunity to make additional replenishments in the amount of at least 50 thousand rubles. However, the unchanged rule at all times remains the annual size of the investment, which should not exceed 400 thousand rubles. For the services provided to the management company, an annual fee is paid - 2% of the net profit value.

Advantages and disadvantages of IIS in Sberbank

There are a number of positive and negative aspects that characterize the opening of an individual investment account with the bank in question. Such parameters significantly distinguish investment in Sberbank from cooperation with other organizations. Among the advantages of the IIS of this commercial company, it is worth highlighting:

  1. Stability. Intermediary services are provided at the highest level, since the Broker Sberbank system is one of the first to appear on the market for servicing individual investment accounts. Consequently, the specialist of the management company professionally and honestly carry out their work, relying on their experience and skills.
  2. Convenience of account management. When concluding an agreement with the bank, the client gets access to his personal account, where he can track the movement of assets, study financial reports and carry out a number of trading operations.
  3. The ability to replenish your account in real time. The online banking function makes it possible to conduct various transactions with a balance. This option will be especially useful for intermediaries who do not have the opportunity to go to the bank.
  4. Providing two types of tax deductions to choose from. Another significant bonus, in fact, is the likelihood of owning an IIS throughout your life.
  5. Multifunctionality of the tool. An investment account can be used for accumulative purposes, that is, savings of pensions and free funds for education or real estate.

In addition, training seminars and various courses are held in branches of Sberbank for beginners and professional investors. actual information about profitable investment options and their features. In addition to strengths IIS from the largest bank in Russia have a number of minor disadvantages, among which it is immediately worth noting:

  • absence state guarantees therefore, investments are not subject to insurance;
  • no prospects for development investment activities to a large scale, since the maximum investment amount per year is no more than 400 thousand rubles;
  • the possibility of investing only in the stock market of the Russian Federation;
  • conclusion of a contract for a long term - at least 3 years;
  • obtaining high profits is available only when prices rise in the market of the economy.

In drawing conclusions, it is worth recalling that the review considered the topic of an individual investment account with Sberbank, how it works and its key features. You can also safely say that IIS is a good way of capital investment to generate additional income. In addition, with the investment, users will be able to gain new knowledge and invaluable experience in the field of exchange trading.

Competent investment of accumulated funds is The best decision allowing you to get additional income and reduce the level of asset depreciation. Along with deposits in the bank, individual investment accounts opened with state support... IIS in Sberbank is notable for its simplicity and ease of service - this company is several times ahead of its competitors in popularity, tens of thousands of customers trust it. How to open an individual investment account with Sberbank? How it works? What are the advantages and disadvantages of collaboration?

Conditions for opening an IIS in Sberbank

Any individual can open an investment account for profit on shares and tax refunds. True, there is a limitation - there should be only one; when opening several accounts, a person is deprived of tax benefits. Sberbank offers optimal conditions - low risks and opening IIS in several ways with round-the-clock access to the account.

Tariff plans for IIS in Sberbank

Unlike other large brokers and management companies, the bank does not offer a large selection of tariff plans, which is in many ways convenient for beginners - there will be no doubts when concluding an agreement. The following investment strategies are available today:

  1. Independent - the client himself manages the invested capital, commissions for transactions are minimal here, starting from 0.006% of the transaction amount. This tariff plan is suitable for a person who wants to understand the work of the stock exchange, who has knowledge, and even better - experience. The risks of wrong investments are higher here, but you can get big profits;
  2. Investment - ready-made solution from the organization. Investments are made in ruble bonds large companies in the RF. The profitability here allows you to cover inflation and exceeds the rates on deposits. For transactions, a commission is charged - 0.3%, regardless of the amount. Such a tariff plan is suitable for a person who does not want to take risks, who plans to get a low, but stable income.

Regardless of the chosen tariff plan, the client can carry out transactions on urgent, stock and foreign exchange market Moscow Exchange. You can also submit applications by phone, but you will have to pay an additional 149 rubles for each oral instruction.

Investment conditions on IIS at Sberbank

The bank offers standard conditions for investing in IIS with the possibility of obtaining a tax deduction:

  • the minimum investment period is 3 years;
  • replenishment is available around the clock, carried out remotely;
  • it is impossible to withdraw some of the assets, only the complete closure of the account is allowed;
  • you can deposit any amount from 50,000 rubles. up to 1 million;
  • the minimum amount of replenishment is 10 thousand rubles;
  • only national currency can be deposited into the account;
  • for opening by the managing agent, a commission of 1% is charged on replenishment, 0.25% - on a quarterly basis;
  • if the account is closed early in less than 6 months after opening, a commission of 2% is charged, in less than a year - 1%.

It is impossible to determine in advance the received investment income - it all depends on the market situation, the growth of quotations for securities, the chosen strategy and the actions of the manager. The bond yield is not guaranteed.

How does an investment account work with Sberbank?

IIS from Sberbank is the simplest and most affordable solution when investing in securities. It works according to the following scheme:

  1. You open an IIS for 36 months, you need to deposit money before the end of the year in order to take advantage of the benefits;
  2. You receive a tax deduction from the state, that is, you return 13% of taxes paid from wages to the budget. The maximum amount is 52 thousand;
  3. When you close the IIS, you take not only the initially invested amount, but also the income received from investing in stocks and bonds Russian companies... Tax must be paid on profits.

If you deposit on the IIS additional amounts annually, you can receive tax deductions for 3 years. In addition, if the investor does not have official earnings, does not want to use the deduction from wages, he can choose another benefit - to receive a deduction from the profit under the IIA, then there is no need to pay personal income tax from the income on the account.

How to open an IIS in Sberbank - a step-by-step guide

Investing savings by opening an IIS in Sberbank is quite simple - there are several ways to choose from. For those who value convenience, opening an account is available via the Internet - without leaving home. Opening an IIS in the office of a management company or in a bank branch is more suitable for conservative clients.

How to open an IIS in the personal account of Sberbank?

Remote account opening is carried out in your personal account, for this you need:

  • register online if you have an account on the State Services portal or get a login with a password at the nearest branch;
  • enter your personal account and apply to open an investment account;
  • after opening, replenish IIS and dispose of assets at their own discretion.

Also, remote account management is available in mobile application from Sberbank, here you can submit an application to conclude an agreement and perform operations.

Opening an individual investment account in the office of the management company

Not the most convenient, profitable and popular way to open an IIS is a personal appeal to the management company. This option has several disadvantages:

  • the office is located in Moscow, that is, only residents of the capital can visit it;
  • when concluding an agreement with the management company, a commission of 1% of the replenishment amount is personally charged; when opening an IIS remotely, this expense can be avoided;
  • during a personal visit, you can run into queues, waste extra time.

At the same time, opening an investment account in a branch of a management company is one of the ways to start cooperation. To do this, you need to apply with a passport to the central office in Moscow, where a service contract will be concluded.

How to open an IIS at a Sberbank branch?

Opening an investment account with a personal visit to the branch is a classic way of interaction, which is notable for its simplicity. You need to act according to the instructions:

  1. Select a branch in your region where the opening of IIS is available, brokerage service;
  2. Contact the office with a citizen's passport and get expert advice - you can find out about tariffs, investment features, the benefits of cooperation;
  3. Answer the banking specialist's questions by providing information to fill out the application;
  4. Read the agreement carefully and sign it. Please note that actual terms may differ from advertisements - they should be examined in the documents. Specify the commission for operations, service, early withdrawal of money, client authentication method - free by SMS or paid with a key for 1,900 rubles;
  5. Top up your account - you can do this not immediately after opening, but before the end of the calendar year;
  6. Within 3 days, the bank will provide access to your personal account and trading platform, where you can perform transactions with securities.

The procedure for opening an individual investment account with Sberbank will take no more than half an hour. However, the most preferred method is precisely remote opening, since it is more profitable for a bank to serve clients through a personal account.

Pros and cons of opening an IIS in Sberbank

Opening an investment account with Sberbank differs in many ways from cooperation with other brokers. The popularity of IIS in this bank is due to the following advantages:

  • stability of the system - the broker was one of the first on the market, therefore, the specialists who manage capital are distinguished by their experience and professionalism;
  • convenience of cooperation - numerous branches, a personal account, round-the-clock consultations and remote transactions are available;
  • you can top up your account online from bank card, no commission is charged for the operation, depositing funds is available even from a credit card;
  • IIS can also be opened to accumulate free money, if you use tax relief the person does not plan, after a year withdrawal is available without a commission.

Sberbank also differs in that training seminars are held for clients, an investment magazine is published, where you can get useful information newbie. However, there are also disadvantages of opening IIS in this institution:

  • lack of government guarantees - the account is not insured, but other brokers do not offer this service either;
  • low profitability, since capital is invested in government bonds and securities of Russian corporations, but the risks are minimal;
  • the contract must be concluded for 3 years, if early termination withdrawal fee is charged;
  • you can only trade securities on the Moscow Exchange.

But many other popular brokers cannot boast of the absence of such shortcomings, which is due to the peculiarities of investing in IIS.

Opening an individual investment account with Sberbank is convenient way for a person with free capital. Financial institution offers affordable interaction, remote collaboration and secure investment in low-risk assets. It is quite possible to receive a stable income of 8-12% here, although the bank does not provide guarantees, because the profit on securities depends on the market situation and quotations on the stock exchange.

An investment account is a subspecies of a brokerage account, from which a client can receive tax deductions after 3 years. In addition, funds from it can be invested in various securities and mutual funds to generate additional income. IIS Sberbank allows an investor to invest more profitably. The profit from the investment account exceeds the interest on the bank deposit.

Features of IIS in Sberbank

IIS (individual investment account) in Sberbank is characterized by:

  • the terms of its opening are not limited, but the minimum period should be 3 years;
  • for the first time, funds are transferred to the IIS in the amount of at least 50 thousand and a maximum of 1 million rubles. (however, remember that deduction of personal income tax on contributions they receive only for amounts up to 400 thousand rubles.);
  • annually you can transfer free finances to the account in the range of 10 thousand - 1 million rubles;
  • the client has the right to own only 1 IIS (even if he goes to another bank or manager / brokerage company, a new investment account will not be opened for him);
  • all investors holding investment accounts since 2015 are entitled to 13% refund of personal income tax either for contributions (from the amount that was invested in the IIA), or for the income received over 3 years;
  • the profitability of IIA from Sberbank is determined by investments in securities: with minimal risk, they are invested in federal bonds(OFZ), average income which is 8% per year;
  • it is forbidden to withdraw money from the IIS before the expiration of the minimum investment period (3 years); in case of early cancellation of the invoice, the client will have to return to the state budget received tax deductions, as well as pay the bank a 1% penalty for termination of the contract;
  • reviews of 2017 on the IIS of Sberbank highlight its main advantage - the ability to indicate in the agreement the account number to which income will drip (i.e. the investor can dispose of interest income already now, while not being deprived of the right to receive tax benefits).
  • Until March 1, 2018, there were two tariffs for the IIS of Sberbank: bonds in rubles and bonds in dollars. Now financial institution left in effect only the tariff with ruble bonds. Since February 2015, the income of this strategy has been 43.95%.

Instructions for issuing an IIS in Sberbank?

In order to open an IIS in Sberbank, you need:

  • Visit a branch of Sberbank authorized for drawing up investment accounts
  • Visit the office of the company (the addresses can be found on this site: on the "Sales offices" tab, you need to select the city of residence, after which a list of branches of the financial organization will be displayed).
  • Use a smartphone application or start investing on the website of the bank or its management company.

To register an investment personal account, you will need a passport and SNILS.

How to open an IIS in Sberbank Online?

There are 2 ways:

  • Fill out an electronic application to contact the manager. It contains the full name, address Email, phone number. You should put a tick in front of the box with the consent to the processing of personal data. Then the button "Get a consultation" is pressed, and in a few minutes a specialist will contact the client. He will explain to the investor his further actions.
  • Create an account on the Sberbank Asset Management website (this is not the same as Sberbank Online). Only users who have account on State services. Registration is also available to customers who have received a login and password at the branches of a bank or a management company after concluding an agreement on opening an IMS.

As for the reviews about Sberbank's IIS, investors are happy with the following circumstances:

  • there is no need to control each investment if you conclude an agreement for the maintenance of IMS by professional brokers (the remuneration for him will be from 0.5 to 1.5% of income);
  • profit together with tax deductions even if minimal investment much higher than in deposits;
  • practical absence of risks due to deposits in OFZs.

Of the negative aspects, only a long investment period and a "ceiling" of 400 thousand rubles stand out. for the return of personal income tax.

The opportunity to open an individual investment account with Sberbank appeared relatively recently, in 2015. However, the service has already become popular with the clients of the credit institution, since it allows you to get a good income. IIS of Sberbank is, in fact, deposit opened on a special brokerage account.

Profits from it can be obtained in the form of tax deductions. It is also available to withdraw interest received as a result of competent management of the finances on the account. The profitability of IIS can reach 20%.

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How it works

Opening a deposit account is available only individuals... The contribution can be used to receive a tax deduction, in which case thirteen percent will be refunded on the amount of the contribution. If you opened a deposit in the amount of three hundred thousand rubles, then in a year you can additionally receive thirty-nine thousand plus income from the use of your money by the organization.

For example, if the yield was 5%, the account holder receives an additional fifteen thousand rubles less tax collection 13%. As a result, after the end of the year, the deposit will increase by fifty two thousand and fifty rubles (13,050 + 39,000).

Also, with the help of IIS, you can exempt the received income from taxation. In this case, you can independently dispose of your funds, even large profits are not subject to taxes. For example, you replenished a deposit for three hundred thousand rubles, managed your finances competently, as a result, the profitability of the deposit reached 40%, i.e. money "works".

You receive income in the amount of one hundred and twenty thousand rubles, which is not taxed, doing absolutely nothing for this. The entire amount remains at your disposal.

The second option is suitable for those who are confident in their business acumen and know how to competently manage money in order to get additional profit from the deposit. The first type of investment is chosen by those who have a stable income (salary), from which a tax of 13% is paid.

You can replenish your investment account with Sberbank only in rubles. The client has the right to use only one deposit, i.e. Nowhere else can you open an investment account.

Conditions for opening IIS

A current or new client can open a deposit Savings bank who is a Russian citizen. Maximum size investments - one million rubles, the minimum term of the agreement is three years.

Before depositing funds into the account, you need to decide on the type of deduction, you cannot combine them, stop at one of the proposed options. Think carefully about your choice, since it is impossible to change it in the future. In case of early closure of the deposit, all tax benefits are canceled. Throughout the entire term of the agreement, the depositor's income is not taxed; after three years, a full settlement with the Federal Tax Service is carried out.

Opening an investment account with Sberbank will allow you to become a member of the Moscow Stock Exchange and earn money on securities (stocks, bonds), you can also engage in brokerage activities. To participate in the program, you will need to perform a few simple steps:

To start cooperation with a credit institution, you will need to sign a brokerage agreement. You can also apply for opening a deposit account by phone hotline 8-800-555-55-50, or by calling 900.

Trust management

Sberbank offers two ready-made asset management strategies:

  • Ruble bonds. Investments in government bonds and securities of the largest domestic enterprises. The minimum term of management is three years. Target income - from ten percent per year;
  • Dollar bonds. Funds are invested in Russian shares traded on foreign stock exchanges... Target profitability - from fifteen percent per year.

If you yourself do not understand the intricacies of work stock market, it is better to transfer the trust management of IIS to the employees of Sberbank Asset Management. You can sign the agreement in any division of the Savings Bank. When opening an account Management Company receives a reward:

  • If the deposit is made at a branch of a credit institution - 1% at a time plus 0.25% every quarter, depending on the amount of the deposit;
  • If you open a deposit online, then the MC receives a commission of 0.25% every quarter of the amount of the contribution.

Partial withdrawals are prohibited: if the company receives information about the withdrawal of money, then it has full right in unilaterally terminate the agreement and return to the client all assets received from the investment account. Accordingly, the owner of the deposit will lose the opportunity to receive tax benefits.

Types of deductions

When opening an investment account, you can receive a deduction for contributions. The main condition is that the amount of payments within twelve months should not exceed four hundred thousand rubles. Sberbank offers depositors two deduction options.

Type A makes it possible to use tax deduction up to fifty-two thousand rubles. This option is suitable for people with a permanent income taxed at a rate of 13%. When closing a deposit ahead of time the end of the contract, the benefit is not provided, and all previously listed payments will need to be returned to the budget. To receive a deduction, you must submit a package of documents to the Federal Tax Service:

  • Tax declaration 3-NDFL for the last year (submit no later than April 30 of the next year);
  • A document to confirm income, usually a 2-NDFL certificate;
  • Documentation confirming the fact of transferring funds to the IIS;
  • An application for the withdrawal of tax, it specifies the detailed details for transferring the deduction.

You can open an IIS in Sberbank with a deduction for profit (type B), this will make it possible to not pay tax on the income received from transactions with securities. At the end of the agreement (after three years), you can apply for a deduction in the amount of profit received as a result of deposit transactions. Full income is exempt from taxation.

To receive a deduction, you will need to submit a document to the broker stating that during the entire term of the agreement you did not use the benefits. In this case, he will not charge income tax from the received profit.


An individual investment account opened with Sberbank provides depositors with a double benefit from cooperation with credit institution... Firstly, you receive income in the form of tax benefits, and secondly, you can increase the amount of your savings through transactions on the stock exchange.

mamipizza.ru - Banks. Deposits and deposits. Money transfers. Loans and taxes. Money and the state