
If I take out a mortgage from Sberbank, I must have life insurance. Sberbank and annual insurance: is it necessary to insure an apartment with a mortgage every year? Do you need it

When you apply to Sberbank for a home loan, you may be offered life insurance under the “Protected Borrower” insurance program. What is it, how much does it cost and do you personally need it?

The first thing you need to understand is that life and health insurance is not necessary for a Sberbank mortgage. You have the right to refuse this service. Unfortunately, borrowers often face a situation where Sberbank managers insist on taking out insurance, and demand that they purchase a “Protected Borrower” policy from the Sberbank Insurance company.

To remove the manager’s unfounded demands and claims, you can address him to the Sberbank website, which directly states that voluntary life and health insurance is not a prerequisite for obtaining a loan.

What to do if they still won’t give you a loan

In the event that a service continues to be imposed on you, you may request that you be provided with the grounds for refusal of payment (credit) in writing. With this written response, you can contact the bank management or the court.

You must also understand that the Sberbank manager does not have the right to oblige you to enter into an agreement exclusively with the credit institution of Sberbank itself. Alternatively you might consider different variants and find out the insurance conditions in other insurance companies accredited by Sberbank. A list of these insurance institutions is provided below.


For comparison, we present here the rates of the company SK " Sberbank insurance»:

Life and health insurance of the borrower is 1.99% of the insured amount equal to the loan; life and health insurance in connection with involuntary loss of work is 2.99%; life and health insurance with independent choice of parameters -2.5%.



Familiarize yourself with the standard form of the company’s “Protected Borrower” Insurance Policy LLC IC "Sberbank Life Insurance" available on the official website sberins.ru

Who else can insure your life and health?

The same services can be provided to you by Sberbank's mortgage life insurance partners.

LIST of accredited insurance companies of Sberbank for life and health insurance of borrowers (partners):

  1. Absolute Insurance
  2. Adonis
  3. Alpha Insurance
  4. VTB Insurance
  5. Granta
  6. Zetta Insurance
  7. Ingosstrakh
  8. Liberty Insurance
  9. RESO-Garantiya
  10. Sberbank life insurance
  11. SOGAZ
  12. Surgutneftegaz
  13. Chulpan

The cost of a policy from these insurers may be significantly lower. At the same time, a reduction in monthly payments on a loan taken from Sberbank by 1% should be guaranteed to you, regardless of where you are insured. If you request a sample loan agreement, this should be stated there as a separate paragraph.

Do you need it?

IN last years Borrowers are increasingly using this service to reduce risks and the loan rate by 1%. Sberbank increases the rate by exactly 1% if you do not have an activated policy to insure your life and health. Taking into account the term of all further payments, which may exceed 20 years, this is a significant reduction in overpayments.

What risks can life insurance cover?

  1. Death of the borrower;
  2. Persistent health disorder and disability;
  3. Injuries and acute diseases;
  4. Partial loss of ability to work.

If at least one of these circumstances occurs in the client’s life, then Insurance Company must return the balance of the loan to the bank and repay part of the debt or the entire debt for the borrower. In addition, the insurance organization may consider spending part of the funds on treatment of the mortgage borrower. The bank will also be interested in this, since it is beneficial for the client to restore his health and continue making payments. In the event of the death of the borrower, the burden of payments may fall heavily on the shoulders of close relatives. Therefore, voluntary life and health insurance when obtaining a mortgage is a reliable tool for securing loan obligations of both the borrower and the bank.

Who owns the savings from insurance premiums?

Beneficiary, that is, the recipient of the funds accumulated under the insurance will be assigned to the one who takes out the insurance. This could be your trusted person, relatives or bank. IN different cases you will be able to manage your money in different ways. But in any case, your contributions are not subject to seizure and are not divided during a divorce. You must understand that voluntary life insurance is your personal choice, and the beneficiary in this case It’s better to nominate yourself and your loved ones. While under the real estate insurance agreement, the bank remains the beneficiary until you pay off the mortgage.

Many people, when faced with such problems, subsequently blame the bank or bailiffs for the confiscation of their property - housing at the most difficult moment of life, when they lose their breadwinner.

You need to understand that property insurance and borrower life insurance are two different things. Life insurance programs are aimed at protecting the borrower and his family members.

How much does an insurance policy cost?

The cost of the policy is calculated based on the amount of your loan. Or from the amount that you have left to repay on the loan, if you purchase it after conclusion loan agreement at the payment stage. The policy can be valid for 12 months or can be multi-year. If necessary, the insurance company may send you for a medical examination. To calculate the amount of the monthly premium, you need to go to the website of the insurance organization you have chosen and study all the information on mortgage life insurance. And contact a consultant to find out all the details.

You can most often apply for a policy either online or in person at the insurer’s office. All large companies have offices in most major cities. When applying for a policy through online account, you may be charged an additional fee of approximately 2 thousand rubles.

What are the life insurance programs?

There are many different life and health insurance plans. Each insurance company offers its own. When purchasing insurance, you can consider a variety of life and health insurance programs. For example, “Virus.No” or “Tick-borne encephalitis.” But these programs cannot help you obtain a loan from Sberbank.

Here you need to understand that the bank is only interested in those insurance cases that are related to your ability or inability to make monthly payments. Ingosstrakh, for example, offers the following programs for life and health insurance of the borrower:

Temporary incapacity for work, disability of group I or II, or death of the borrower/co-borrower due to an accident or illness.


More details about existing programs Mortgage insurance can be found on the Ingosstrakh website: ingos ru

What to do if an insured event occurs?

If a disaster occurs and your situation completely matches the description of the insured event in your insurance contract, you or your loved ones should immediately contact your insurance organization, call hotline and report what happened. Then download from the website and fill out the application. Collect all documents regarding insurance conditions. Send all documents and application to the office of the insurance company and to the office of Sberbank.

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The topic is often discussed on the Internet: “Is it possible to refuse mortgage insurance from Sberbank for the second year?” Many participants in the discussion complain that Sberbank is violating the terms of the mortgage agreement and illegally raising the loan rate. This situation causes a strong reaction among users of the global network. On banking forums, people share their experiences and give recommendations on how to communicate competently with employees of the financial sector.

Real estate that serves as collateral for a mortgage loan can cost tens of millions of rubles. If lost, Sberbank will suffer significant losses. Insurance of the collateral is a mandatory measure under Russian law.

If the client does not want to purchase a policy, then Sberbank may refuse to provide a loan. The bankers will hide the real reason for their decision. If property damage occurred due to the fault of the borrower, no compensation will be paid. Sberbank's counterparty will have to compensate for material damage independently.

An additional type of protection is citizen life insurance. This service is not required by law. It helps Sberbank reduce commercial risks. If the borrower dies before the loan is fully repaid, then the remainder of the debt will be repaid by (CK). In the absence of a policy, the debt burden will fall on the shoulders of the relatives of the deceased.

Not only life is insured, but also the risk of permanent disability, as well as loss of job. Debentures counterparty will be repaid from the profits of the insurance company. A legally significant event in the event of job loss is the liquidation of the employing organization or forced dismissal from the company (leaving the company at your own request does not allow you to receive financial compensation).

If the owner of a mortgage loan wants to refuse services additional insurance, That financial institution may not issue a loan. In fact, we are talking about imposition paid services. Most people agree to buy a policy in order to... After the expiration of the contract, Sberbank's counterparties refuse to renew it. Bank in unilaterally raises the interest rate, violating the existing agreement.

Many agree with the bank’s actions and begin to pay the loan with an increased rate. The most literate people ask themselves the question: “Is it possible to refuse mortgage insurance from Sberbank for the second year?” After studying the norms of the current legislation, they understand that the bank is imposing financial product. Next, an application for the return of overpaid amounts is drawn up. Money.

This paper states:

  • Passport details;
  • Registration and actual residence address;
  • Number and date of conclusion of the loan agreement;
  • Alleged cause;
  • Method of notification of the decision made;
  • Citizen contact number.

The following are attached to the application:

  • A copy of the policy;
  • Copy of the passport;
  • A copy of the loan agreement;
  • Certificate of absence of debt.

The manager will notify the applicant of the decision by registered letter or email. Another notification option could be a personal visit of the client to the bank office. If the decision to reduce loan payments is positive, then the borrower will have to familiarize himself with the updated payment schedule.

Is it possible to refuse mortgage insurance from Sberbank for the second year? Demotion interest rate possible if there are appropriate clauses in the contract. If a bank employee refuses to accept, then you must write a complaint addressed to the head of the branch. The reluctance of employees and management to accept documents must be recorded in writing. If the negotiation process has reached a dead end, then you need to contact law enforcement and regulatory authorities (prosecutor's office, Ministry of Internal Affairs, Rospotrebnadzor).

The application can be submitted through the Sberbank Online application. The document must be completed in printed form and signed with a transcript. The paper is then scanned and converted into an electronic file. Then you need to go to and click the “Letter to the bank” button. Next, you need to open the Outbox folder and create a new message. After compiling the text of the appeal, a file with a digital copy of the application is attached to the message.

Typically, Sberbank does not engage in confrontation with clients and voluntarily adjusts the rate. In some cases it comes to legal proceedings. Some borrowers are trying to recover from the credit institution moral damages and penalties for using other people’s money. The court usually rejects these claims, returning the overpaid interest to the plaintiff.

Cases rarely go to court, since mortgage disputes often attract the attention of journalists. Reports and stories on television create a negative information background, which leads to a reduction in the bank's client base. People who decide to refuse to enter into a contract should not become movie characters.

Managers credit organization They often insist that a person buy a policy from the Sberbank Insurance company. Such proposals are contrary to the law. The client is not obliged to take out life insurance with a specific company. The policyholder should study all offers of third-party insurance companies and choose the most profitable option.

Cooling off period and insurance waiver

The issue of waiving Sberbank mortgage insurance for the second year worries many. Mass imposition credit products banks led to the emergence of the concept of a “cooling period.”

New economic term was introduced by the Bank of Russia and recorded in a special instruction published on the mega-regulator’s website. The “cooling off period” (CP) is the period during which the client can cancel the insurance and return the policy to the insurer. After this, the insurance company is obliged to transfer the overpaid money to the policyholder. In 2018, the Central Bank of the Russian Federation changed the duration of the software. Now it is 14 days.

If at the time of filing an application for a refund of funds, the contract has not entered into force, then the funds are returned to the policyholder in full. Refunds under the current contract are carried out with a certain discount (the amount of the fine depends on the number of days that have passed since the conclusion of the contract).

Not all economically active citizens know about software. Until the Central Bank obliges credit institutions to inform clients about the software, the situation with the imposition of policies will not change. An alternative solution to the issue of “forced agreements” would be the introduction of large fines for the aggressive promotion of financial products.

Countermeasures to Prevent Insurance Denials

Waiving mortgage insurance from Sberbank for the second year is of interest not only mortgage borrowers, but also a credit institution. Bankers are doing everything to reduce the number of terminated agreements.

Sberbank is not conducting a massive reduction. This happens only in isolated cases. There is no application form for a refund on the credit institution's website. You need to search for the document on the Internet and edit it yourself. Not all clients can correct the application without help. This creates additional difficulties when returning funds.

Sberbank financiers have developed a special product called “Protected borrower for the mortgage term.” The buyer of an extended policy will not have to renew the contract annually, since the “Protected Borrower” is valid until the client repays the mortgage loan in full. The cost of insurance is determined by the remaining balance on the mortgage loan.

The new financial product is designed to replace conventional insurance policies. “Long-term insurance coverage” is imposed on citizens who live in Moscow and the Moscow region. In the near future, the “Protected Borrower for the Mortgage Term” product will be sold in all Sberbank branches. Mortgage costs will rise again. You can find answers to the most popular questions about mortgage insurance at Sberbank

Mortgage agreements often stipulate the borrower's obligation to take out an insurance policy. Is insurance required from Sberbank for a mortgage or can it be waived?

Is apartment insurance required or not for a mortgage with Sberbank?

A mortgage is a type of loan that is issued for the purchase of real estate. In this case, the same real estate acts as collateral guaranteeing loan repayment. Most issues related to obtaining a mortgage are regulated by the Federal Law “On Mortgage (Pledge of Real Estate)”. It provides for the borrower’s obligation to insure the mortgaged object, that is, the apartment or house for which it is registered. this loan. Moreover, in the event of an insured event, the bank acts as a beneficiary.

Apartment insurance includes the following list of possible risks: robbery, fire, flooding, natural disasters, intentional damage by third parties.

There are two options for determining the cost of the policy:

  • The policy amount is equal to the value of the property at the time the mortgage was taken out. In this case, the amount of annual payments does not change during the entire term of the contract;
  • The policy amount is equal to the outstanding balance. In this case, the amount of payments in the event of an insured event decreases from year to year, but the amount of payments also decreases.

Other types of insurance

Lending specialists usually say that when taking a mortgage from Sberbank, you also need to insure the life and health of the borrower. The purchase of such policies is not required by law, but they help minimize the risks of non-payment of a mortgage loan. Most often, the bank advises purchasing a policy for the following cases:

  • death of the borrower. In the event of the borrower's death, the remaining amount will be paid not by the heirs, but by the insurer. In this case, the apartment will be transferred to relatives or persons specified in the will as heirs;
  • loss of health and ability to work. There are many reasons for disability. It could be chronic illness, and trauma, and surgery. Loss of ability to work can be either temporary or for the rest of life. If the ability to work is permanently lost, then the balance of the mortgage will be paid by the insurance company; if the loss of health is temporary, then the payment will be made until the borrower recovers;
  • job loss. No one is immune from the risk of losing their job. And no matter how professional the employee is, it will take at least one to two months to find a job. By purchasing a job loss insurance policy, the insured person will receive compensation equal to a monthly payment for the period specified in the contract.

Is life insurance required when applying for a mortgage with Sberbank? Not necessary. But if you do not purchase a policy, the bank may increase the interest rate under the contract, trying to compensate for the risks.

Terms of the insurance contract

For registration insurance policy required to provide a passport and mortgage agreement. The cost of the policy is influenced by the following factors:

  • the number of risks included in the total cost;
  • contract time;
  • age and health status of the borrower;
  • work experience, duration of work in one place.

When signing a contract, you should pay attention to the following terms:

  • rate. As a rule, it is calculated based on the size of the mortgage, and not the cost of the apartment. When talking about the percentage of mortgage insurance at Sberbank, you need to take into account what exactly is included in the insurance policy. Basic tariff for property insurance the average is 0.3%. However, it can be revised both up and down;
  • size insurance coverage in the event of an insured event. Usually it is equal to either the remaining amount or the cost of the apartment, but sometimes it can exceed them in order to cover possible fines in case of delays;
  • validity. The validity period of the insurance is equal to the validity period of the mortgage agreement;
  • conditions for early repayment. Sometimes the mortgagee has the opportunity to repay the loan in advance, and it is important that the insurance also provides for this opportunity.


So, when applying for a loan for an apartment, mandatory you need to insure the subject of the mortgage and the title right to it. Life, health and employment insurance are not necessary, and the bank has no right to refuse to issue a mortgage on this basis. But considering that in case of refusal voluntary insurance the bank increases the loan rate by 1%, it makes sense to take out a policy and protect yourself and your loved ones from troubles in the event of force majeure circumstances.

Is mortgage insurance required?

– My children have a mortgage for a secondary home. Question about structural insurance. I heard at the bank that if they don’t take out insurance for the next year, the interest rate will increase by one percent. Is such insurance required by law or not? Does the bank have the right to increase the interest rate if the children do not pay insurance for the next year?

Leading legal consultant of the secondary real estate department of Est-a-Tet Yulia Dymova answers:

Structural insurance is mandatory at the bank, and in this situation it is necessary to read the loan agreement. If the phrase “If insurance is not provided, then it is necessary” is written there early return", then it will be exactly like that. This moment is not regulated in any way by law, therefore, only a contractual basis applies.

The director of the company “My Family Lawyer” Alina Dmitrieva answers:

According to the law Russian Federation, insurance of property pledged under a mortgage agreement is carried out in accordance with the terms of the specified agreement, while insurance of the structure is not a prerequisite. However, it is important to pay attention to the agreement with the bank. If the contract directly states that in case of refusal to insure additional risks, the interest rate may be increased, then this requirement will not contradict the norms of Russian legislation.

Managing partner of Metrium Group Maria Litinetskaya answers:

Bank insurance for mortgage lending includes two main points. The first is insurance of real estate that is pledged to the lender. In other words, the bank is insured against unforeseen circumstances: fire, flood and other causes of loss of an object.

The second point includes life and health insurance of the borrower. So, the borrower cannot refuse the first insurance. According to Article 31 “On Mortgage”, the client is obliged to insure “the pledged property in full cost and at your own expense from all possible risks.” In other words, you do not have the right to refuse this insurance.

But you can refuse life and health insurance. According to Article 935 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, life and health insurance is an exclusively voluntary procedure; the bank cannot demand it from you. However, there is one thing. If you refuse, no one prohibits the bank from increasing the interest rate. The lender honestly warns about this in the mortgage agreement. Moreover, the increase in interest on the loan can range from 1% to 7-10%, which actually forces the borrower to renew full insurance. Thus, you can absolutely legally not insure life and health, but be prepared for the fact that monthly payments will increase. And you will not be able to challenge this decision of the bank.

Yulia Gryzenkova, Associate Professor of the Department of Housing Mortgage Lending and Insurance at the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, answers:

The Mortgage Law clearly states that property insurance is mandatory unless otherwise specified in the mortgage agreement. The lender may, but is not obligated to, offer options with and without condo insurance. Certain problems may arise if one or more insurers are imposed with non-market (increased) insurance rates. But the FAS, which regulates such cooperation agreements between banks and insurance companies, is quite successfully fighting this. It is important for the borrower to know that evading insurance of the pledged property if the lender insists on its obligatory nature may lead to the lender’s requirement to repay the funds ahead of schedule: this right was granted to him by the same law “On Mortgage”.

The managing partner of the ENSO law firm, the head of the commission for assessing the regulatory impact of the all-Russian public organization “Business Russia” Alexey Golovchenko answers:

First, you need to carefully read the contract to understand whether insurance is a requirement. If it is a prerequisite, then the rate may be increased by a certain percentage if this insurance is not paid. Because if this is stated in the contract, then these are your contractual terms with the bank, which you agreed to by signing the document. In this case, it is illegal to appeal to the fact that the bank is raising the interest rate. Most likely, in this situation, even in court you will not prove “your truth.” As a result, you will either have to renew your insurance or pay an additional percentage. Such a requirement is partly justified, since it is a guarantee that nothing will happen to the collateral.

However, if the bank requires you to pay for insurance in a certain company, you can reject the offer and insure the property in an organization acceptable to you. The bank may require insurance, but cannot force you to insure the property with a specific company (since this is a violation of antitrust laws). If they increase your mortgage interest rate if you have insurance from a company other than the one offered by the bank, then you can write a complaint to the Federal Antimonopoly Service.

If there is no clause in the contract requiring insurance of the property, even if the insurance is not renewed, the bank does not have the right to raise the interest rate on the mortgage.

Ksenia Gavrilova, head of the partnership sales department of the Spasskie Vorota insurance group, answers:

Insurance collateral property, in this case “constructive”, is mandatory within the framework Federal Law“On mortgage (pledge of property).” Therefore, the bank’s requirement for insurance is absolutely legitimate. And if the terms of the loan agreement provide for insurance, then in the event of non-compliance with the terms of the agreement on the part of the borrower, the bank has the right to demand compliance with the agreed conditions or apply sanctions.

And here personal insurance is voluntary in nature, and the bank has no right to force the client to enter into such an agreement. However, when issuing a loan, banks often offer the borrower a reduced interest rate on the loan, subject to the execution of an insurance agreement. And this is beneficial for the borrower, because... he receives not only more interesting conditions for a mortgage in one bank or another, but also protection from an insurance company.

Text prepared by Maria Gureeva

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Is life insurance required for a mortgage with Sberbank?

When purchasing a home with a mortgage, few people think that things don’t always go smoothly. Are you sure that you won’t lose your job in a year, two, five? That you will still be as solvent as you are now? Life insurance can reduce the risk of losing mortgaged housing, especially if a significant amount has been paid under a loan agreement with Sberbank.

It is difficult to predict what events you will experience during such a long mortgage repayment period.

Pros of life insurance

Positive aspects of insurance:

  • In the event that the borrower loses solvency due to a long-term illness, the insurance organization will assume such responsibility;
  • Upon the death of the borrower, the apartment passes to the heirs, and the insurance company will pay off the debt in full;
  • In the event of an accident that occurs with the borrower, the guarantor or co-borrower is relieved of responsibility for further repayment of the loan;
  • For insured clients, the interest rate is reduced;

Most banks reduce the overpayment percentage for borrowers who have taken out insurance. After all, insurance provides a guarantee that in any case the mortgage will be repaid in full.

Is life insurance mandatory?

Often, taking advantage of the population's illiteracy in legal matters, banks impose insurance on clients. It is worth noting that compulsory insurance subject only real estate, transferred to the bank as collateral, all other insurance procedures are completely optional.

Some banks increase the lending percentage or even refuse to issue a loan if the client refuses insurance.

Life insurance for a mortgage at Sberbank

Sberbank was no exception; employees of this bank also insist that the insurance procedure when concluding a loan agreement is mandatory.

Since the interest is calculated on the entire insurance amount, equal to the loan amount, the payer will face large expenses.

Often there are disagreements between the client and the bank, represented by a representative, because bank employees insist that the insurance be issued from them, and annual interest Their rates are quite high.

According to the agreement, the borrower can obtain insurance from an organization of his choice. The main thing is that the organization is accredited by Sberbank.

The interest rate of accredited organizations is usually lower than that of Sberbank Insurance.

What should you do if a Sberbank manager tries to force you to take out insurance with them, motivating you to refuse a loan? Ask for a written refusal stating this reason. Typically this solves the problem. The manager begins to be more loyal to obtaining insurance from another organization.

Registration procedure

It doesn’t matter which bank you take out a loan from. The process for applying for insurance is the same. You will need a passport, application, completed application form, contract mortgage lending and a doctor's report if the insurance company requires it.

If you do not suffer from illness, and the hospital card does not contain regular doctor’s notes, then you should provide a certificate, even if this is not necessary. This way you can insist on reducing the percentage.

In the event of an insured event, you must:

  • Notify the insurance company and the bank about the occurrence of an insured event within the time stipulated by the contract;
  • The main reason for refusal to pay is overdue insurance premiums; to avoid problems, pay for insurance on time;
  • Provide all necessary documents;

In the event of the borrower's death, the following will be required: a death certificate, a death certificate indicating the cause of its occurrence, an extract from the medical record. If death occurred in work time, an industrial accident report will be required.

In case of loss of ability to work, you must provide: a certificate of disability group, a document confirming the assignment of disability, a pension certificate, an extract from the medical record, an industrial accident report, if any. In the event that a person was already limited in ability to work, it is necessary to provide a certificate of disability before the accident occurred.

Amount of insurance compensation

Size insurance compensation may be 100% in case of death of the insured, from 50% to 75% in case of disability, or payments will be made in the amount of a monthly payment until the insured person recovers from illness or injury.

The amount of payment is specified in the contract. The insurance company makes payments directly to the bank; the bank, in turn, can pay part of the funds to the borrower for treatment.

Sometimes it happens that the insured has fulfilled all the terms of the contract, but the company is in no hurry to pay the insurance. In this situation, it is necessary to write a statement to the court. Do not under any circumstances suspend loan payments during the trial; until the court recognizes the insurance company as the payer, this responsibility remains with you. If the court decision was in your favor, you can file another claim in court for monetary compensation due to the delay in insurance payment.

Is it possible to return the insurance after repaying the loan?

This question torments many. The main condition for the return of funds is early payment of the entire loan amount.

If the insurance premium was paid in full when concluding the contract, you need to contact the insurance company with a request for recalculation taking into account the change in the loan repayment period. If the insurance company refuses to recalculate, you need to go to court, but it is worth considering that all costs of the trial will fall on your shoulders.

If the insurance was paid every month simultaneously with payments, it is necessary to terminate the contract with the insurance company immediately after the final payment.

Life insurance has both pros and cons. By concluding a life insurance agreement, you significantly increase the amount of overpayment, but anything can happen over such a long period of time, and the insurance will not allow you to lose property and funds previously paid.

It is impossible to answer unequivocally whether insurance is needed when applying for a mortgage. This decision is made individually.

Individuals who have firmly decided to use mortgage lending products from Sberbank are probably concerned about the question: is mortgage insurance required at Sberbank? Next, we will answer this question and provide the necessary recommendations.

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If necessary

When answering the question whether it is necessary to have an insurance policy when obtaining a mortgage from Sberbank, you should take into account the types of existing insurance:

  • life and health;
  • property from the risks of loss, damage or death.

Sberbank puts forward the following conditions:

An example is the Sberbank product “Purchase of finished housing”:

  • it is mandatory to insure the real estate transferred to the bank as collateral for a mortgage for the entire duration of the loan agreement;
  • if the borrower refuses to insure his life and health, the rate this product will be increased by 1% from the basic conditions.

For example, when applying for a mortgage to purchase finished real estate:

  • for a period of 10 to 20 years;
  • with a down payment of 25%.

The base rate is 13.25%. If the borrower refuses to insure the risks of loss of health or life, the rate will be 14.25%.

The same increase will also affect clients who, having already taken out a mortgage product, violate its terms during the term of the loan agreement (for example, do not renew their insurance policy on time).

How to apply

Clients receiving a mortgage again can take out both types of insurance directly upon concluding a loan agreement.

You can renew policies that have expired directly on the Sberbank website. There are two products that customers can use:

  • “Protected Borrower Online”;
  • “Mortgage Insurance Online.”

The first product allows the borrower to extend the insurance policy, which provides protection against the risks of loss of health or death, which was issued when concluding a loan agreement for a mortgage.

The second product allows you to renew an insurance policy issued to protect against loss or damage to property that is the subject of mortgage lending.

Conditions and process of registration of the product “Protected Borrower Online”

To register for “Protected Borrower Online” you need to complete the following steps:

  • go to the Sberbank website;
  • select the “Insure yourself and property” tab;
  • in the “Life and Health Insurance” section, click on the item “Protected borrower - apply online”;
  • Click on the “Apply online” button.

Insurance covers the following risks:

  • the borrower acquires a disability of the 1st or 2nd group;
  • death, regardless of the reason.

The amount of insurance compensation is equivalent to the loan amount that remains to be repaid. Thus, if the borrower takes out a policy after 2 years from the date of registration of the mortgage, and the remaining amount is payable before the end of the term housing loan is 5,000,000 rubles, then the amount of insurance coverage upon the occurrence of a corresponding insured event will be 5,000,000 rubles.

The policy is valid for 1 year and comes into force 5 days after payment.

Conditions and process of registration of the product “Online Mortgage Insurance”

Just like for the previous product, it is possible to renew your property insurance policy against the risks of loss or damage on the Sberbank website.

To complete this procedure you must:

  • go to the credit institution’s website;
  • hover over the “Insure yourself and property” tab;
  • in the “Property Insurance” section, select the menu item “Mortgage Insurance – apply online”;

  • Click on the “Apply online” button.

This product insures the following elements of collateral real estate:

  • load-bearing walls;
  • curtain walls;
  • partitions;
  • floors;
  • window;
  • entrance doors;
  • roof and foundation - with a mortgage on a private house.

The insurance policy covers the risks of loss or damage to a real estate due to the occurrence of the following circumstances:

  • fire;
  • lightning strike;
  • household gas explosion;
  • aircraft crashes;
  • collisions with vehicles;
  • natural Disasters;
  • steam boiler explosions;
  • floods;
  • illegal actions of third parties;
  • falling trees, power line supports, outdoor advertising stands, etc.

The insurance policy, as in the case of life and health insurance, is valid for 1 calendar year.

What documents are needed

To obtain both insurance products, you do not need to provide any paper documentation. All actions are performed online on the website.

The whole process looks like this:

  • the borrower fills out the form and indicates the necessary data for registration (loan agreement number, date of registration, passport details, etc.);
  • Sberbank sends the client to the address Email policy in in electronic format, which can be printed if desired.

In this case, the policy received by e-mail does not even have to be transferred to the bank - the insurer will independently carry out this procedure as part of interdepartmental cooperation.

Thus, to issue an insurance policy, you only need to provide electronic data - all the necessary paper documentation has already been transferred to the bank when concluding the mortgage agreement.

The procedure, in general, will be very familiar to those who have dealt with the design electronic policy OSAGO. Receipt principle electronic MTPL practically no different from taking out an insurance policy for these Sberbank products.


The following tariff applies to the “Protected Borrower Online” program: 1% of the amount of insurance compensation under the insurance program.

Insurance indemnity is the amount that will be paid to the borrower upon the occurrence of the corresponding insured event, stipulated by the contract insurance.

That is, if the balance of the client’s debt to the bank at the time of registration of the product is, for example, 3,000,000 rubles, then this amount will be the insurance compensation paid upon the occurrence of an insured event (disability or death).

The insurance premium (the amount paid by the policyholder to the insurer for services) is 1% of the amount of insurance compensation. In the above case, the insurance premium will be 30,000 rubles.

Thus, when taking out a policy, the borrower will need to pay 1% of the amount that will be paid to him upon loss of health or to the relevant persons indicated by him upon his death.

For the product “Online Mortgage Insurance” the tariff is 2.5% of the amount of insurance compensation. The principle of calculation is the same as in the previous proposal - that is, for example, the client still has to pay 2,000,000 rubles for the mortgage to Sberbank.

Accordingly, 2.5% of this amount will be 4,500 rubles. Exactly this amount and you will have to pay when taking out the policy.

Advantages and disadvantages

Benefits of taking out insurance:

  • the ability to renew a previously received policy online;
  • there is no need to visit the bank or insurance company - all necessary actions will be carried out by the insurer independently;
  • the policy is delivered electronically to the email address specified by the client;
  • the cost of the policy directly depends on the amount of debt that remains to be paid to the bank on the mortgage loan;
  • favorable rates - 1% of the amount of insurance compensation for life and health insurance and 2.5% for real estate insurance;
  • reliable – all information is transmitted electronically via secure communication channels using encryption and the HTTPS protocol;
  • the policy comes into effect legal force only 5 days after payment, which allows the client to terminate the insurance contract early and return the amount paid insurance premium.

Disadvantages of insurance:

  • It is mandatory to take out insurance against the risks of loss or damage to property that is the subject of mortgage lending;
  • although life and health insurance is not mandatory, the interest rate if the client refuses the corresponding service increases by 1 percentage point from the basic conditions;
  • the policy is valid for only 1 year, which requires its constant renewal throughout the entire mortgage term;
  • renewal of a life and health insurance policy with an insurance indemnity amount exceeding 1,500,000 rubles is not possible online;
  • additional costs - the policy will have to be issued every year and the insurer will also have to pay a premium annually.

Is life insurance required for a mortgage at Sberbank?

As mentioned above, the borrower is not required to insure his life and health. The interest rate, if the client refuses to take out insurance, will be increased by 1%.

IN general case, you should not refuse the opportunity to insure yourself. After all, the insurance tariff is quite liberal - only 1% of the amount owed to the bank.

Refusal, not only will it increase the interest rate, but will not relieve the client from liability to the bank in the event of various accidents.

Let's give a fairly simple example:

  • borrower took mortgage in Sberbank;
  • an accident occurred - the client died prematurely after a car accident;
  • the borrower had two first-degree heirs - a daughter and a son;
  • these heirs decided to accept the inheritance;
  • accordingly, following the normative provisions of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the daughter and son will be jointly and severally liable for the debts of the testator;
  • based on the norms of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the creditor (that is, Sberbank) will have the right to demand fulfillment of the obligation (that is, repayment of the debt) both immediately from the son, and from the daughter, and from one of them;
  • if the obligation is fulfilled by one of the joint debtors (for example, a son), he will have the right to make recourse claims against another debtor (that is, against the testator’s daughter).

According to the Mortgage Law, life insurance for - required condition its provision. The insured is the title co-borrower, the one whose name appears first in the loan documentation.

Maintenance costs include a number of components. Corresponding loans from Sberbank of Russia are no exception: life insurance when taking out a mortgage here may require some expenses.

Mortgage life insurance

Insurance is a way to reduce the risks of unfortunate developments. Mortgage insurance at Sberbank of Russia is a guarantee that bankers will receive everything due to them in the event of:

  • client's disability;
  • his death.

The answer to the question of whether it is necessary to insure life and health with a mortgage is given by Sberbank of Russia in accordance with Russian legislation. This service is voluntary and cannot be imposed on a client applying for a mortgage loan. This is enshrined in the relevant legal norms of the Russian Federation. Therefore, life insurance with Sberbank for a mortgage (as opposed to insurance of collateral) is an optional procedure.

Important! If the client refuses insurance, the bank has a need to compensate for its risks in a different way. In relation to a number of loan programs, this is embodied in an increase in the interest rate. Often this clause is written directly into the agreement concluded between the bank and the borrower applying for a mortgage loan.

One can argue for a long time about whether this measure is a hidden “imposition,” but the fact remains that most often, when refusing insurance, the client overpays on mortgage interest. And in the case of the most “budget” credit programs(such as ) this principle applies without any exception.

How much does life insurance cost for a mortgage at Sberbank?

Most often, the standard mortgage agreements of Sberbank of Russia contain a clause according to which the client’s refusal of life insurance leads to the fact that the loan rate increases by 1%. It should be taken into account that the cost of life insurance for a mortgage with Sberbank of Russia will also cost 1% of the amount of the outstanding loan amount (if you contact the Sberbank Insurance company). It may seem that the absence or presence of a policy does not fundamentally change anything in terms of expenses. But in fact, the client at least receives some protection in case of force majeure.

Repaying a mortgage loan is a long process. A lot can happen to a borrower over decades, and insurance is the confidence that a bank client will not be left without support. The recipient of insurance payments in the described case is the bank, but the payments cover the debt of the borrower, allowing him to pay off the loan and retain ownership of the property.

The question is completely different if, at the time of applying for a mortgage, the borrower has already insured his life and health. The problem is that this insurance can also be of an uncontested nature (alternatively, it can be included in the social package provided by the employer). IN similar situation What matters is which insurance company serves the client of Sberbank of Russia.

If a mortgage agreement is being refinanced, the name of the beneficiary must be changed in the insurance agreement. In this case, it is issued new policy. The service may require additional financial costs.

If an insured event occurs, it is necessary to notify both Sberbank and the insurer. Having received confirmation of the death of the insured or his loss of ability to work, the insurance company pays off the mortgage. For the insured (other co-borrowers, his heirs) this means that the encumbrance on the collateral can be removed and freely disposed of (sold, inherited).

If the insured event occurs in relation to the second (uninsured) co-borrower, then there will be no compensation from the insurance company.

Where to insure your mortgage

Where to insure a Sberbank of Russia mortgage, as well as the life and health of the borrower, is the most controversial question. Very often managers financial institution insist that the policy must be issued by Sberbank Insurance. This is fundamentally wrong.

Attention! Insurance when concluding a mortgage agreement can be obtained from any insurance company accredited by Sberbank of Russia. Currently, there are 17 such banks ready to insure the life and health of bank clients.

Carefully study all offers - rational decision. The fact is that the tariffs of the insurance company Sberbank Insurance very often turn out to be far from the lowest. You can also find out the prices of the companies:

  • "Sberbank Insurance";
  • "Sberbank life insurance";
  • "AlfaStrakhovanie";
  • "INKOR Insurance";
  • Liberty Insurance;
  • "SK" Nezavisimaya insurance group»;
  • "IC "RSHB-Insurance";
  • JSC SK Chulpan;
  • "SOGAZ";
  • "VSK";
  • « Insurance company"Surgutneftegaz";
  • VTB Insurance;
  • "Absolute Insurance";
  • SC Pari;
  • "Zetta Insurance";
  • Renaissance Insurance Group;
  • "SF "Adonis";
  • Ingosstrakh;
  • "RESO-Garantiya";
  • "NASCO".

If you don’t find a suitable one among the accredited insurers, you can contact another, but you need to provide additional documents. Banking services will review the papers within 30 days. There is a risk that acceptance of a policy from such an insurance company will be refused.

Subsidiaries of Sberbank

Sberbank Life Insurance and Sberbank Insurance are subsidiaries. Both insurers provide life and health insurance on your mortgage.


  • The policy can be issued directly from mortgage manager;
  • if the insurance contract is signed at the bank’s office, then its validity period as part of the special offer is increased by 1 month free of charge;
  • when prolonging the contract, a 10% discount is provided;
  • There is no need to notify Sberbank about the renewal of the policy - this information will be received automatically;
  • Payment is possible with a bank card. In this case, “Thank you” bonuses are awarded;
  • Subsequently, renewal is possible online either on the insurer’s website or in personal account « ».


  • high cost - from 1.99% of the amount of mortgage debt;
  • if the mortgage is repaid ahead of schedule, the insurance premium is not returned, but the insurance contract is considered valid.


VSK is a long-time partner of Sberbank.


  • moderate base rates (from 1%);
  • The insurance premium can also be paid from a Sberbank card account. For such an operation, “Thank you” bonuses are awarded;
  • wide network of representative offices.


  • if there are several co-borrowers, then the insurance contract is concluded in relation to each of them, which increases the cost of servicing the debt;
  • The company's clients complain about regular delays in payments for insurance claims.

"Zetta Insurance"

Zetta Insurance is the former Zurich insurance company.


  • payments are made 1 week after submitting all documents for insured event;
  • at early repayment With a loan, you can return part of the insurance premium paid;
  • It is possible to pay insurance premiums in installments.


  • if you choose the cheapest service package, then the protection will be minimal;
  • underrepresentation in small towns.


Having life and health insurance actually does not allow you to save: approximately the same amount will be spent either on paying interest on the mortgage increased rate, or for payment insurance premium. However, in the latter case the borrower receives financial protection in the event of a difficult life situation.

Most insurers state that the amount they pay for insurance is directly related to the remaining balance of the mortgage.

But in practice about real value Borrowers can find out the policy only by directly visiting the insurer’s office, since when making calculations, authorized employees apply adjustment factors that increase the base rate, although under certain conditions they can also provide a discount.

An analysis of the programs (at the time of writing this article) showed that when taking out a mortgage loan, it is possible to insure your life and health for 0.5% of the amount of the unpaid loan amount. Some insurance companies are ready to provide a “package of policies” that insure both the borrower and the property being purchased. Combining the two insurances in this way can be especially beneficial. Specific numbers depend on the age of the insurance client, his state of health, profession, and lifestyle.

Even if the insurance contract has already been drawn up by the client with any insurance company, then renewal of mortgage insurance with Sberbank of Russia is possible with any of the companies listed above. There are no exceptions to this rule! If they are trying to impose the services of a specific insurer on you, you can safely appeal such actions to higher-level managers, right up to the bank’s management. Before “searching for the truth” and contacting the management of a financial institution, it is worth filing a written request addressed to the manager whose actions you did not like. Very often this eliminates all conflicts, and the position of the clerks of Sberbank of Russia on a particular problem changes dramatically.

At the same time, you should not count on the fact that a simple non-renewal of an annual insurance contract will go unnoticed. Most often, in such a situation, bankers reserve the right to recalculate the rate and successfully use it. It is unwise to take such risks. Moreover, insurance can be obtained inexpensively, and total costs after the policy is abandoned and increased, the rates will obviously increase.

It is worth considering that with standard insurance contract A number of situations are not recognized as insured events: damage that the insured received as a result of his committing illegal actions, injuries arising due to the fact that the client of the insurance company was driving a car while drunk, identification and exacerbation of diseases that existed before purchasing the policy, drug poisoning and alcohol, injuries to professional athletes that occurred during training and competitions, injuries received while operating personal aircraft and other aircraft. Some categories of borrowers can only be insured in case of death:

  • military personnel;
  • employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations and VGSCH;
  • disabled people;
  • cancer patients;
  • minors;
  • those who are being treated in drug treatment and tuberculosis clinics.

If you managed to insure life and health at a rate below 1% of the amount of the unpaid loan amount per year, then you can be sure that in the case of a mortgage from Sberbank of Russia, this is a good deal. It will help you conclude a profitable mortgage agreement with the bank and not worry about your future.

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