
Literature on control and audit. Control and revision. Examination on discipline


Revision money It is the traditional direction from which the inspection of the main activities of the organization begins. First of all, such interest is associated with the fact that cash is the most risky object of potential distortion of official data. In the flow of cash, two main types of distortion are distinguished:

the amount in the reporting is overestimated compared to the real (error in accounting or cash is really assigned, stolen, etc.);

the amount in the reporting is underestimated compared with the real (error in accounting or exist unaccounted money).

In these aspects and is the relevance of the chosen topic for this term paper.

In the task of revision cash operations Include:

checking timely and complete reflection in accounting accounting of cash transactions subject to legislation requirements Russian Federation;

proper documentary registration of cash transactions in accordance with the established rules for conducting cash transactions;

monitoring the safety of funds, documents at the checkout and their targeted use;

timely cash inventory at the box office, identifying its results and reflection in accounting accounts.

The purpose of the course work is the disclosure of theoretical, methodological and legal aspects of control and audit of cash transactions.

The tasks of the course work are:

Characteristics of the basics of the organization of accounting of cash transactions;

Study of cash inventory at the box office;

Presentation of the main points of reference cash book and storage of money;

Determination of the audit of the cash register and control over the compliance of the cash discipline.

Conducting special control measures at a specific area of \u200b\u200bthe organization's activities;

Study documentary Cash revision.





Taken from

(in words)


(in words)

1. Volkov A. G., Chernysheva E. N. Control and audit: Tutorial - M.: Eurasian Open Institute, 2011 // EBS "University Library online". - Access mode: http: // biblioclub.ru

2. Fedorova E. A., Akhaltsi O. E., Vahorina M. V., Eriashvili N. D. Control and audit. Tutorial. Edited: Fedorova E. A. M.: Uniti-Dana, 2012 // EbS "University Library online". - Access mode: http: // biblioclub.ru

3. Boboshko V.I. Control and revision. Tutorial M.: Uniti-Dana, 2013. // EBC "University Library online". - Access mode: http: // biblioclub.ru

List of additional literature

1. Brovkina. Control and audit / Brovkin: infra-m. - M: 2010

2. Shokhin, S. O. Budget and Financial Control and Audit: Theory and Practice of Application in Russia: scientific-method. Manual / S. O. Shokhin, L. I. Voronin. - M.: Finance and Statistics, 1997.

3. Ivanova, E. I. Audit of efficiency in a market economy: studies. allowance / E. I. Ivanova, M. V. Melnik, V. I. Schleinik; Ed. S. I. Gaidi. - M.: Knourus, 2009.

4. Makoev, O. S. Control and audit: studies. allowance / O. S. Makoev; Ed. V. I. Podolsky. - M.: Uniti-Dana, 2007.

5. Ermasova, N. B. Budget system Russian Federation: Textbook / N. B. Ermasova. - 2nd ed., Pererab. and add. - M.: Yurait, 2010.

6. Popova, M. I. Accounting in budget organizations: Educational and practice. Manual / M. I. Popova, I. I. Zhuklinets. - Moscow: Yuraight, 2010.

7. Rodionova, V.M. Accounting and control in budgetary institutions: Tutorial. Rivers. UMO / I.M. Bayatova, E.V. Markina. - M.: ID FBK-PRES, 2013. - 232 p.

8. Fedotova, E.S. Control and revision: educational and methodical complex. - M.: Exam, 2014.

9. Khmelnitsky, V.A. Audit and Audit: Training Complex / V.A. Khmelnitsky. - Minsk: Book House, 2014. - 480 p.

10. Gorodetsky, A., Mrookova, A. Formation unified system State financial control // Questions of the economy. - 2014. - № 1.S. 28-30.

11. Krikunov, A.V. Modern stage of development of auditing activities in the Russian Federation // Finance. - 2013. - № 2. - P. 14-17.

12. Accounting magazines, "Controlling", "Finance", "Auditor's Bulletin", "Money and Credit".

13. Newspapers "Financial newspaper", "Economics and Life", etc.

Internet resources:

· Http://minfin.ru - the official website of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation

· Http://navigator.economicus.ru/ - Navigator for economic resources The Internet. The navigator includes: (professional sites in various areas of the economy and business; electronic storage facilities and catalogs of "real" libraries; individual scientific and educational materials, newspaper and journal articles, monographs, dissertations and diplomas published on various sites; e-mailings and ordinary sites Media specializing in the field of economics and business; sites of organizations engaged in research, educational and other activities in the economy, etc.)

· Http://EConline.h1.ru - reference catalog to the best economic and financial resources of the Internet;

· Http://www.iia-ru.ru// The official website of the Institute of Internal Auditors;

· Http: //gaap.ru- The site dedicated to audit and international standards financial statements;

· Http://www.consultant.ru - the official website of the Consultant Plus company, contains a huge array of documents on federal and regional legislation of the Russian Federation;

Appendix A.

Topics of work

1. Essence, role and function of control in the management of the economy;

2. The relationship and differences between external and internal control, internal management control and audit;

3. The main tasks and directions of external financial control;

4. The main tasks and directions of domestic financial control;

5. Internal control and system of measures to limit the risk of economic activity.

6. The history of the development of techniques and control methods.

7. Methods and special methodological techniques of documentary and actual control during revision.

8. Organization of auditing work at the facilities of various organizational and legal forms and forms of ownership.

9. Improving the system of economic control. Types of control.

10. Preparation, planning, conducting and registration of external control results. Organization of control in the conditions of ACS.

11. Control and audit in market conditions.

12. The value and role of control in the management of production. Procedure for checking estimates (budgets), cost centers, responsibility and budgeting.

13. Tax and accounting inventory.

14. General rules inventory.

15. Operational control in the market conditions. Internal financial control and intra-economic calculation of commercial organizations (enterprises).

16. Methods of control of production cycle.

17. Inventory of fixed assets.

18. Methods of monitoring the implementation cycle.

19. Inventory intangible assets.

20. Methods of controlling material values.

21. Inventory of cash and settlements.

22. Control and audit of operations with fixed assets.

23. Control and audit of financial results.

24. Control and audit of payroll calculations.

25. Control and audit of cash transactions.

26. Control and audit of operations with material production reserves.

27. Control and audit of operations with intangible assets

28. Control and audit of settlements with suppliers and contractors

29. Control and audit of the cost of production.

30. Control and audit of settlements with buyers and customers.

31. Control and audit finished products and its implementation.

32. Control and audit of settlement with the budget.

33. Control and audit of settlements with accountable persons.

34. Features of the organization and conduct of revision on motor transport enterprises

35. Features of the organization and audit in enterprises catering

36. Features of revision in trade

37. Features of revision in construction

Appendix B.

Calculated part

Option 1-4.

Tasks 1-2 are performed in accordance with the selected topic of test work

Exercise 1.Make a revision document management scheme.

Task 2.Develop the forms of documents compiled by the auditor during the inspection.

Option 1

Task 3.

1. Control and audit of operations with fixed assets.

2. Control and audit of financial results.

3. Control and audit of payroll calculations.

4. Control and audit of cash transactions.

Option 2.

Task 3.Make a plan, program and audit act on one of the questions

1. Control and audit of operations with material production reserves.

2. Control and audit of operations with intangible assets

3. Control and audit of calculations with suppliers and contractors

4. Control and audit of the cost of production.

Option 3.

Task 3. Make a plan, program and audit act on one of the questions

1. Control and audit of settlements with buyers and customers.

2. Control and revision of finished products and its implementation.

3. Control and audit of calculations with the budget.

4. Control and audit of calculations with accountable persons.

Option 4.

Task 3.Make a plan, program and audit act on one of the questions

1. Methods for monitoring the implementation cycle.

2. Methods of controlling production cycle.

3. Methods of controlling material values.

Methodical instructions

on the organization of independent work

1. The Constitution of Ukraine -. TO:. Jerino, 1996 - 79 with

2. The Law of Ukraine "On the State Control and Audit Service in Ukraine", adopted. Supreme. Rada Ukraine 260193 / /. Voice of Ukraine-1993 - № 39

3. O. state supervision Observing standards, norms and rules and responsibility for their violation. Decree. Cabinet. Ministers of Ukraine from 080493 No. 30-93

4. The Law of Ukraine "On Accounting and Financial Reporting", adopted. Supreme. Rada from 160799 № 996

5. Provisions (standard) of accounting 1 "General requirements for financial statements", approved by order. Ministry of Finance of Ukraine dated March 31, 1999 No. 87 / /. Infodisk "Legislation. CK country. Ukrainian.

6. The provisions (Standard) of accounting 2 "Balance" approved by order. Ministry of Finance of Ukraine dated March 31, 1999 No. 87 / /. Infodess "Legislation of Ukraine"

7. Regulations (standard) of accounting 3 "Report on financial results", approved by order. Ministry of Finance of Ukraine dated March 31, 1999 No. 87 / /. Infodess" Legislation of Ukraine "

8. Provisions (Standard) of accounting 4 "Report on cash flow", approved by order. Ministry of Finance of Ukraine dated March 31, 1999 No. 87 / /. Infodess "Legislation of Ukraine"

9. Regulations (standard) of accounting 5 "Own capital report" approved by order. Ministry of Finance of Ukraine dated March 31, 1999 No. 87 / /. Infodess "Legislation of Ukraine"

10. Regulations (standard) of accounting 6 "Correction of errors and changes in financial reports", approved by order. Ministry of Finance of Ukraine dated May 28, 1999 No. 137 / /. Infodisk" Laws of the Ukrainian Federation. Ukrainian.

11. Provisions (standard) of accounting 7 "Fixed assets" approved by order. Ministry of Finance of Ukraine, the origin of October 18, 1999 No. 242 / /. Accounting and audit-2000-№ 5-C 7-16

12. The provisions (standard) of accounting 8 "Intangible assets" approved by order. Ministry of Finance of Ukraine dated October 18, 1999 No. 242 / /. Accounting and audit -1999 - № 11-C 3 - -9.-№ 11.-S. 3-8.

13. The provisions (Standard) of accounting 9 "stocks" approved by order. Ministry of Finance of Ukraine dated October 20, 1999 No. 246 / /. Infodess "Legislation of Ukraine"

14. Regulations (standard) of accounting 10 " Receivables", Approved by order. Ministry of Finance of Ukraine dated October 8, 1999 No. 237 / /. Infodess "Legislation of Ukraine"

15. The provisions (standard) of accounting 11 "OBLIGATIONS", approved by order. Ministry of Finance of Ukraine dated January 31, 2000 № 20 / /. Infodess "Legislation of Ukraine"

16. The provisions (standard) of accounting 15 "income" approved by order. Ministry of Finance of Ukraine dated November 29, 1999 No. 290 / /. Infodess "Legislation of Ukraine"

17. The provisions (Standard) of accounting 16 "costs" approved by order. Ministry of Finance of Ukraine dated December 31, 1999 No. 318 / /. Infodess "Legislation of Ukraine"

18. The provisions (Standard) of accounting 19 "Association of Enterprises" approved by order. Ministry of Finance of Ukraine dated July 7, 1999 No. 163 / /. Infodess "Legislation of Ukraine"

19. The provisions (standard) of accounting 20 "Consolidated financial statements" approved by order. Ministry of Finance of Ukraine dated July 30, 1999 No. 176 / /. Infodism "Legislation of Ukraine Jews. Ukrainian."

21. Tax Code № 2755-17, latest edition From 07052011 with changes and additions made according to. Laws No. 2856-U1 (2856-17) of 23122010, No. 3205-U1 (3205-17) from 07042011, No. 3221-VI -17) from 07042011 / /. Vedomosti. Supreme. Rada of Ukraine (VD), 2011,. Ho 13-14, No. 15-16, No. 17, Art 117, Art. 112.

22. On approval. Provisions on the procedure for creating and state registration banks, discoveries of their branches, representative offices, offices:. Resolution. NBU No. 375 from 31082001 with changes made according to the decision of ov. National Bank No. 10 (g0154-02) from 9012002, No. 420 (G0863-02) from 31102002, No. 9 (G0084-03) from 17012003, No. 376 (G0822-OZ) from 01092003, No. 386 (G0869- 7032004, No. 166 (G0568-05) from 16052005, No. 167 (G0591-O5) from 16052005 / / [Electronic resourcelectronic resource].

23. On the introduction into action. Law of Ukraine "On Amendments to. The Law of Ukraine" On Banks and Banking Activities ":. Resolution. Verkhovna. Rada of Ukraine on December 17, 1996 No. 610/96-BP / /. Russian. R. Rada (VD), 1997, no 8, st 61997, No. 8, Art. 64

24 5Nakaz. State Property Fund "On Approval. Typical software training and advanced training of specialists engaged in the management of the corporate rights of the state and officials economic kih societies "from 06042006 g number 594.2006 № 590

25 6Kaz. Glavagru. On improving the state financial audit of the implementation of budget programs 15122005 No. 444 / / [Electronic resource]

26. The Law of Ukraine. On Amendments to Some Laws of Ukraine on the Protection of Economic Competition / /. Vedomosti. Supreme. Rada of Ukraine (VD), 2004, N 13, st 181

27. The Law of Ukraine "On Amendments to. The Law of Ukraine" On Entrepreneurship "" with amendments made according to. Code No. 436-IU (436-15) from 16012003,. VV, 2003, No. 18, No. 19-20, No. 21. Supreme. Rada of Ukraine (VD), 1998, No. 17, Art 8 (VVD), 1998, No. 17, Art. 80.

28. The Law of Ukraine. About securities and stock. Market February 23, 2006 No. 3480-IU / /. Vedomosti. Supreme. Rada of Ukraine (VD), 2006, No. 31, ST 268

29. The Law of Ukraine "On Economic Societies" is enforced. Resolution. BP No. 1577-XII (1577-12) from 190991,. VD

1991, No. 49, ST 683, as amended according to. Law No. 2692-XII (2692-12) from 141092,. VD, 1992, No. 48, ST 662;. Decree No. 24-92 from 311292,. VV, 1993 countries (VD), 1991, No. 49, st 68 tbsp. 682.

30. The Law of Ukraine "On Consumer Cooperation" No. 2265-12 from 10041992, as amended from 31032005 based on 2454-15 / /. Vedomosti. Supreme. Rada of Ukraine from 28071992-1992 № 30, Article 414

31. The Law of Ukraine "On Amendments to. The Law of Ukraine" On Bankruptcy "with changes in accordance with. Code No. 2341-III (2341-14) from 05042001, VV, 2001, No. 25-26, ST 131 / /. Vedomosti. Verkhovna. Rada of Ukraine (. P), 1999, No. 42-43, ST 3799, No. 42-43, Art. 378

32. The Law of Ukraine "On the regime of foreign investment", as amended according to. Letter. Supreme Arbitration Court № 01-8 / 90 from 02032000

33 decisions. Board. National Bank of Ukraine "On Approval. Changes and additions to. Regulations on the procedure for the creation and registration of commercial banks" No. 109 of 150399, with changes made by but with. Resolution. National Bank No. 375 (Z0906-01) from 31082001, registered in. Ministry of Justice of Ukraine on April 6, 1999 for No. 214/3507 / /. Official site. Vrіtsіyny site. Lie

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50 Economic Security:. Invulcility / head / head of the author's team. Zbzhivko,. Lviv State University of Internal Affairs -. M .:. Publishing. Lvduves, 2010 - 348 with

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13. Vasilchuk, O.I. Accounting, analysis and audit of claims for claims, loss of marriage in the management system of economic entities: Tutorial / O.I. Vasilchuk, D.L. Savenkov. - M.: Forum, 2011. - 416 c.
14. Vasilchuk, O.I. Accounting and analysis: Tutorial / O.I. Vasilchuk, D.L. Savedkov; Ed. L.I. Eroshina. - M.: Forum, NIC Infra-M, 2013. - 496 c.
15. Vakhrushina, MA Management Analysis: Tutorial for students enrolled in specials. "Accounting, Analysis and Audit" / M.A. Vakhrushina. - M.: Omega-L, 2011. - 399 c.
16. Dmitrieva, I.M. Accounting and analysis. Tutorial for academic undergraduate / I.M. Dmitriev, I.V. Zakharov, O.N. Kalacheva. - Lyubertsy: Yuratt, 2016. - 358 c.
17. Dmitriev, I.M. Accounting and analysis. Tutorial for SPO / I.M. Dmitriev, I.V. Zakharov, O.N. Kalacheva. - Lyubertsy: Yurait, 2015. - 423 c.
18. Edrovova, V.N. Accounting, evaluation and analysis financial investments: Tutorial / V.N. Edronova, E.A. Miseikovsky. - M.: Magister, Infra-M, 2011. - 368 c.
19. Zakharova, E.N. Statistics. Educational and methodical complex on the discipline "Statistics" for the specialty 080109 "Accounting, Analysis and Audit" / E.N. Zakharov. - RN / D: Yufu, 2009. - 104 c.
20. Ivashkevich, O.V. Management accounting and analysis in retail Clothes: Tutorial / O.V. Ivashkevich. - M.: Magister, Infra-M, 2010. - 127 c.
21. Ilyshev, N.N. Accounting, analysis and strategic management innovative activities / N.N. Ilyshev, S.I. Wings. - M.: Finance and Statistics, 2014. - 216 c.
22. Ionova, A.F. Accounting, taxation and analysis foreign economic activity Organizations. 2nd ed., Pererab. and add. Studies. benefit. Graph MO RF. Griff UMC "Professional Textbook". Grief of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. / A.F. Ionova, N.A. Tarasova, N Amaglohe. - M.: Uniti, 2011. - 415 c.
23. Isaev, G.N. Information Systems In the economy: a textbook for students of universities, students on the specialties "Finance and Credit", "Accounting, Analysis and Audit" / G.N. Isaev. - M.: Omega-L, 2013. - 462 c.
24. Kalinovsky, S.A. Management accounting and analysis of the use of technological equipment: monograph / S.A. Kalinovsky. - M.: NIC infra-M, 2013. - 156 c.
25. Karpova, the like. Accounting, analysis and budgeting cash streams: Tutorial / T.P. Karpova, V.V. Karpova. - M.: University Tutorial, NIC Infra-M, 2013. - 302 c.
26. Kevorkova, J.A. Judicial accounting examination. Workshop: Tutorial for students of universities, students in the specialty "Accounting, Analysis and Audit" / J.A. Kevorkova. - M.: Uniti-Dana, 2011. - 208 c.
27. Kevorkova, J.A. Accounting, analysis and audit of foreign economic activity: Textbook / Yu.A. Babayev, M.V. Drutskaya, J.A. Kevorkova, E.E. Leaf fall; Ed. Yu.A. Babayev. - M.: University Tutorial, NIC Infra-M, 2012. - 395 c.
28. Kobzeva, N.V. Bankruptcy: Accounting, Analysis, Audit: Practical manual / N.V. Kobzev. - M.: Magister, NIC Infra-M, 2013. - 208 c.
29. Kovalev, V.V. Accounting, analysis and budgeting of leasing operations: Theory and Practice / V.V. Kovalev. - M.: Finance and Statistics, 2005. - 512 C.
30. Kovalev, V.V. Financial accounting and analysis: conceptual basics / V.V. Kovalev. - M.: Finance and Statistics, 2004. - 720 c.
31. Kovaleva, V.D. Accounting, analysis and audit of operations with securities / V.D. Kovaleva, V.V. Hisamudinov. - M.: Finance and Statistics, 2010. - 96 c.
32. Kovaleva, V.D. Accounting, analysis and audit of securities operations: Tutorial / V.D. Kovaleva, V.V. Hisamudinov. - M.: Knourus, 2013. - 202 c.
33. Kogdenko, V.G. Economic Analysis: Tutorial for students of universities, students on the specialties "Finance and Credit", "Accounting, Analysis and Audit", "World Economy", "Taxes and Taxation" / V.G. Kogdenko. - M.: Uniti-Dana, 2013. - 392 c.
34. Laptev, S.V. Basics of theory state finance: Study Guide for students of universities studying in the specialties "Finance and Credit", "Accounting, Analysis and Audit", "World Economy" / S.V. Laptev ... - M.: Uniti-Dana, 2013. - 240 c.
35. Lion, M.Yu. Pricing: textbook for students of universities students studying in the specialties "Finance and Credit", "Accounting, Analysis and Audit", "World Economy", "Taxes and Taxation" / M.Yu. Lion ... - M.: Uniti-Dana, 2012. - 719 c.
36. Lion, M.Yu. Pricing: textbook for students of universities students studying in the specialties "Finance and Credit", "Accounting, Analysis and Audit", "World Economy", "Taxes and Taxation" / M.Yu. Lion ... - M.: Uniti-Dana, 2013. - 719 c.
37. Lyneva, N.A. Accounting, analysis and audit of foreign economic activity of commercial organizations: Tutorial / N.A. Lyneva, E.A. Bobrova, T.V. Fedorova. - M.: ID Forum, 2012. - 320 c.
38. Lyneva, N.A. Accounting and analysis: Tutorial / N.A. Lyneva, E.A. Kyshtivova, N.V. Parish. - RN / D: Phoenix, 2011. - 604 c.
39. Lyubushin, N.P. Economic analysis.: Textbook for students of universities students in the specialties "Accounting, Analysis and Audit" and "Finance and Credit" / N.P. Lyubushin. - M.: Uniti-Dana, 2013. - 575 c.
40. Mayburov, I.A. Tax reforms. Theory and Practice: a monograph for undergraduate students. "Finance and Credit", "Accounting, Analysis and Audit" / I.A. Mayburov, Yu.B. Ivanov, G.A. Agarkov. - M.: Uniti-Dana, 2010. - 463 c.
41. Mayburov, I.A. Theory of taxation. Advanced Course: Textbook for undergraduates, studying in the specialties "Finance and Credit", "Accounting, Analysis and Audit" / I.A. Mayburov, A.M. Scaly. - M.: Uniti-Dana, 2011. - 591 c.
42. Medvedev, A.V. Accounting, Analysis, Audit: Tutorial / P.G. Ponomarenko, A.V. Medvedev, A.N. Trofimova; Under total. ed. P.G. Ponomarenko. - MN: Last Sk., 2010. - 558 c.
43. Melnik, M.V. Economic Analysis in Audit: Tutorial for students of universities studying in the specialties "Accounting, Analysis and Audit", "Finance and Credit", "Taxes and Taxation" / M.V. Melnik, V.G. Kogdenko. - M.: Uniti-Dana, 2013. - 543 c.
44. Nonlessness, E.P. Judicial accounting examination: Tutorial for students of universities, students in the specialties "Jurisprudence", "Accounting, Analysis, Audit" / E.P. Non-size. - M.: Uniti-Dana, Law and Law, 2010. - 167 c.
45. Nikulina, N.N. Actuarial calculations in insurance: an educational and methodological manual for students of universities, students in the fields "Finance and Credit", "Accounting, Analysis and Audit" / N.N. Nikulina. - M.: Uniti-Dana, 2012. - 136 c.
46. \u200b\u200bNikulina, N.N. Insurance. Workshop: Tutorial for students of universities students in the fields "Finance and Credit", "Accounting, Analysis and Audit", "Commerce", "Taxes", "Anti-Crisis Management" / N.N. Nikulina, S.V. Berezina. - M.: Uniti-Dana, 2008. - 271 c.
47. Nikulina, N.N. Practical Insurance Audit: Tutorial for students of universities students in the fields "Finance and Credit", "Accounting, Analysis and Audit" / N.N. Nikulina, N.D. Eriashvili. - M.: Uniti-Dana, 2012. - 287 c.
48. Nikulina, N.N. Financial Management of the Insurance Organization: a training manual for students of universities students in the specialties (080105) "Finance and Credit", (080109) "Accounting, Analysis and Audit" / N.N. Nikulina, S.V. Berezina. - M.: Uniti-Dana, 2013. - 431 c.
49. Nikulina, N.N. Insurance management: Tutorial for students of universities students in the fields "Finance and Credit", "Accounting, Analysis and Audit", "Commerce", "Anti-Crisis Management" / N.N. Nikulina, N.D. Eriashvili. - M.: Uniti-Dana, 2013. - 703 c.
50. Osipova, I.V. Accounting and analysis. Collection of tasks: Tutorial / I.V. Osipova, E.B. Gerasimova. - M.: Knourus, 2013. - 248 c.
51. Pavlov, P.V. Financial right: Tutorial for students learning on the specialties "Finance and Credit", "Accounting, Analysis and Audit", "World Economy", "Taxes and Taxation" / P.V. Pavlov. - M.: Omega-L, 2013. - 302 c.
52. Petrov, A.M. Accounting and analysis: textbook / A.M. Petrov, E.V. Basalaeva, L.A. Melnikova. - M.: Course, NIC Infra-M, 2013. - 512 c.
53. Petrova, V.I. Accounting, Analysis and Audit of Insurance Organizations / V.I. Petrova, A.Yu. Petrov, G.A. Jump. - M.: FIS, 2008. - 400 c.
54. Smekalov, P.V. Organization of accounting and analysis of leasing operations at agricultural enterprises: Tutorial / P.V. Smekalov, E. Ch. Tsydenova, S.V. Smolyaninov. - SPb.: Science Avenue, 2010. - 208 c.
55. Sokolov, A.A. Accounting for the segments of the commercial organization: Formation and analysis / A.A. Sokolov. - M.: Finance and Statistics, 2004. - 288 c.
56. Starikova, L.N. Accounting and Bankruptcy Analysis: Tutorial / L.N. Starikov. - M.: Economics, 2011. - 367 c.
57. Sysoeva, P. Accounting, Taxation and analysis of foreign economic activity: Textbook for masters / G.F. Sysoeva, I.P. Maletskaya. - M.: Yuraight, 2013. - 424 c.
58. Sysoeva, P. Accounting, taxation and analysis of foreign economic activity. Tutorial for masters / G.F. Sysoeva, I.P. Maletskaya. - Lyubertsy: Yuratt, 2016. - 424 c.
59. Tolkachenko, A.A. Judicketer: Tutorial for students of universities, studying in the specialties "Jurisprudence", "Accounting, Analysis and Audit" / A.A. Tolkachenko, N.D. Amaglohe, V.A. Borodin; Ed. IN AND. Boboshko ... - M.: Uniti-Dana, 2010. - 231 c.
60. Fedorova, G.V. Accounting and bankruptcy analysis.: Textbook for Balasvrov / G.V. Fedorova. - M.: Omega-L, 2013. - 295 c.
61. Cheglakova, S.G. Accounting and analysis. Tutorial / S.G. Cheglakov. - M.: Dis, 2015. - 448 c.
62. Chernenko, A.F. Accounting and analysis for undergraduate management: Tutorial / A.F. Chernenko, N.Yu. Chernenko, A.V. Basharin. - RN / D: Phoenix, 2012. - 474 c.
63. Chernov, V.A. Investment analysis: Study Guide for universities, students in the specialties "Accounting, Analysis and Audit", "Finance and Credit", "Taxes and Taxation", by special. Management Economy (080100) / V.A. Chernov; Ed. M.I. Bakanov. - M.: Uniti-Dana, 2010. - 159 c.
64. Chernova, M.V. Bankruptcy. Accounting, analysis and audit in competitive production / M.V. Chernova. - M.: Dis, 2008. - 256 c.
65. Chernysheva, ZD Accounting, analysis and control in organizations of the Consumer Cooperation System: Tutorial / O.V. Medvedev, ZD Chernysheva, A.N. Boltenkov; Ed. O.V. Medvedev. - RN / D: Phoenix, 2011. - 478 c.
66. Chuvikova, V.V. Accounting and analysis: Textbook / V.V. Chuvikova, TB Izka. - M.: Dashkov and K, 2015. - 248 c.
67. Chuvikova, V.V. Accounting and analysis: textbook for bachelors / V.V. Chuvikova, TB Izka. - M.: TT Dashkov and K, 2016. - 248 c.
68. Shadrina, G.V. Accounting and analysis. Tutorial and workshop for applied undergraduate / G.V. Shadrina, L.I. Egorova. - Lyubertsy: Yuratt, 2015. - 429 c.
69. Eriashvili, N.D. Control and audit: Tutorial for students of universities, students in the specialty "Accounting, Analysis and Audit" / O.V. Akhalli, M.V. Vahorina, N.D. Eriashvili; Ed. E.A. Fedorova. - M.: Uniti-Dana, 2011. - 239 c.
70. Eriashvili, N.D. Control and audit: Tutorial for students of universities, students in the specialty "Accounting, Analysis and Audit" / O.V. Akhalli, M.V. Vahorina, N.D. Eriashvili; Ed. E.A. Fedorova. - M.: Uniti-Dana, 2013. - 239 c.


So, the audit is a comprehensive check of the activities of the control facility, which is expressed in conducting control actions on documentary and actual study of the legality of the entire totality of perfect financial and economic operations, the credibility and correctness of their reflection in the budget (accounting) reporting and is the main method of financial control.

The audit is carried out on business entities in order to monitor the observance of the legislation of the Russian Federation in the implementation of the organizations of economic and financial operations, their reliability and appropriateness.

Audit can carry out different controls, especially financial and organs. government controlledwho check the subordinate organizations. One of the main auditory authorities is the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation. Also, revision checks can be carried out at the direction of other competent authorities, services, t, etc.

Conducting a revision? This is a consistent process that begins with preparation for conducting and ends with checking the elimination of disorders and disadvantages identified during the previous revision.

When conducting control actions, cash regards are checked and estimated operations, Operations on facial, settlement and currency accounts, as well as material values.

The results of the revision or verification are issued by the act. The act must contain the introductory and descriptive part. The final section of the Act - information on the identified disorders grouped by their species.

The act of revision indicates its goals, the main test results, the identified facts of violation of financial discipline, indicate the reasons resulting in the violation data, as well as those responsible for them.

On the basis of its act, measures are taken to eliminate the violations of financial discipline, to refund caused material damage, are responsible for responsibility, proposals are being developed to prevent violations.

Based on all this, we can say that the audit in the enterprise is the most effective method Control over the implementation of financial and economic operations to confirm their validity, as well as the property of the organization and the use of resources, both material and labor. Check allows you to identify how competent in its industry are hired managers, whether their work comply with the basic requirements of the organization.

The audit is a complex of complex procedures, on the results of which the further efficiency of the enterprise or its branch depends largely.


1. Budget Code of the Russian Federation (BK RF) of 07/31/1998 N 145-FZ (current edition of 03.11.2013)

2. "Regulations on the procedure for conducting cash transactions with banknotes and coins of the Bank of Russia in the Russian Federation" (approved by the Bank of Russia 12.10.2011 N 373-P) (registered in the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation 24.11.2011 N 22394)

3. Volkov A.G., Chernysheva E.N. "Control and revision" / Tutorial / M: Moscow, 2011.

4. Ivanova E.L. "Control and revision. Abstract lectures "/ Tutorial / m:" Newton ", 2009

5. Krochina Yu.A. "Financial Law of Russia" - 3rd Edition, recycled and supplemented / Tutorial / M: Norm Moscow, 2008

6. Meshcheryakov S.A. "Control and revision" / Tutorial / M: St. Petersburg, 2008

7. Schuplettsova Yu.I. "Financial law: a lecture ability" - 3rd ed. extra. and recreated. Tutorial / M.: Yuratt-Edition, 2009

8. Internet portal: "Wikipedia. Free Encyclopedia ": http://ru.wikipedia.org/

9. Internet portal "Legal system of a new generation referent": http://www.referent.ru/

10. Internet portal "Economic Library. Finance and business »: http://economy.ru/

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