
Cn design drawings. The composition of the working documentation. Sheets of general data on working drawings

Introduction date 1998-04-01

7 Rules for making changes to the working documentation issued to the customer

7.1 A change in a working document previously issued to the customer is any correction, deletion or addition of any data to it without changing the designation of this document. The designation of the document may be changed only in the case when different documents are erroneously assigned the same designations or an error is made in the designation of the document.

7.2 Changes are made to the original document. Changes to the calculations are not allowed.

7.3 Copies of sheets (modified, supplementary and issued instead of replaced sheets) working documentation send to organizations to which copies of documents were previously sent, simultaneously with copies of the general data of the corresponding main set of working drawings, specified in accordance with 7.5.

7.4 Permission to make changes

The permission is approved by the head of the organization - the developer of the document or another official on his behalf.

7.4.2 The basis for obtaining original documents for making changes to them is permission.

7.4.3 Changes for each document (for example, the main set of working drawings, specification of equipment, products and materials) are issued with a separate permit.

It is allowed to make one general permission for changes made simultaneously to several documents, if the changes are interconnected or the same for all changed documents.

7.5 Making changes

7.5.1 Changes to the original documents are made by crossing out or erasing (washing out). This takes into account the physical condition of the original.

7.5.2 After making changes, the images, letters, numbers, signs must be clear, the thickness of the lines, the size of the gaps, etc. must be performed according to the rules provided for by the relevant standards of the ESKD and the "Reprography" system of standards.

7.5.3 Changeable sizes, words, signs, inscriptions, etc. cross out with solid thin lines and next put down new data.

7.5.4 When changing the image (part of the image), it is outlined with a solid thin line forming a closed contour, and crossed out with solid thin lines.

A new image of the changed area is performed on a free field of the sheet or on another sheet without rotation.

7.5.5 Changed, canceled and additional sections of the image are assigned a designation consisting of the serial number of the next change in the document and through the point of the serial number of the changed (cancelled, additional) image section within this sheet. In this case, the new image of the changed area is assigned a change designation of the replaced image.

If a new image of the changed area is placed on another sheet, then the designation of the change assigned to it is saved and is not taken into account in the change table of this sheet.

7.5.6 Near each change, including near the change corrected by erasing (washing), outside the image, the designation of the change is applied in a parallelogram in accordance with Figure 15.

Figure 15

Draw a solid thin line from the parallelogram to the modified area.

7.5.7 Closely spaced altered sizes, words, signs, inscriptions, etc. encircle with a solid thin line forming a closed contour, without crossing out in accordance with Figure 16.

Figure 16

7.5.8 If a new image of the changed area is placed on another sheet, then the replaced image also indicates the number of the sheet on which the new image is located in accordance with Figure 17.

Figure 17

7.5.9 Above the new image of the changed area, the designation of the change in the replaced image is placed in the parallelogram, and with the parallelogram it is indicated: "Instead of the crossed out one."

If a new image of the changed area is placed on another sheet, then with a parallelogram indicate: "Instead of the crossed out on the sheet (number of the sheet on which the replaced image is located)" in accordance with Figure 18.

Figure 18

7.5.10 If a new image of the changed area is placed near the replaced one, then they are connected by leader lines with the designation of the change in accordance with Figure 19.

Figure 19

Above the additional image, the designation of the change is placed in the parallelogram, and with the parallelogram they indicate: "Addition" in accordance with Figure 20.

Figure 20

7.5.11 When canceling an image (part of an image), when indicating a change, indicate: "Cancelled".

7.5.12 If there is not enough space to make changes or there may be a violation of the clarity of the image during correction, then a new original is made taking into account the changes made and its previous designation is retained.

If one or more sheets of the original are replaced or added, then they retain inventory number assigned to the original.

When replacing all sheets of the original, it is assigned a new inventory number.

7.5.13 When making changes to the sheets of the main set of working drawings in the list of working drawings of this set on the sheets of general data in the "Note" column indicate:

a) when making the first change - "Change 1".

When making subsequent changes, additionally the next number of changes, separating them from the previous ones with a semicolon.

Example - Change. 1; 2; 3

b) on replaced sheets with the change number - "(Replacement)".

Example - Change. 1 (Deputy)

c) on canceled sheets with the change number - "Cancelled".

Example - Change. 1 (Cancelled)

d) on additional sheets with the change number - "(New)"

Example - Change. 1 (New)

7.5.14 If additional sheets are included in the main set of working drawings, then they are assigned successive serial numbers and recorded in continuation of the sheet of working drawings of the corresponding main set.

If there is not enough space in the list of working drawings to record additional sheets, the continuation of the sheet is transferred to the first of the additional sheets. At the same time, at the end of the list of working drawings, placed in the "General Data", an entry is made:

"Continuation of the statement, see sheet (sheet number)", and above the statement on an additional sheet, the heading is placed: "The statement of working drawings of the main set (Continued)".

The numbers and names of the canceled sheets in the list of working drawings are crossed out.

When changing the names of sheets, make the appropriate changes in the column "Name".

7.5.15 When changing the total number of sheets of a document on its first sheet in the main inscription, the corresponding changes are made in the "Sheets" column.

7.5.16 When performing additional and canceling previously completed attached documents, corrections are made to the list of reference and attached documents of the corresponding main set of working drawings.

7.5.17 When performing additional and canceling previously completed main sets of working drawings, corrections are made to the list of main sets of working drawings.

7.5.18 The changes made to the original are indicated in the table of changes placed in the title block.

It is allowed to place the table of changes outside the main inscription (above it or to the left of it) in the same form.

7.5.19 In the table of changes indicate:

a) in the column "Change." - sequence number of the document change;

b) in the column "Number of accounts." - the number of variable areas of the image on this sheet within the next change;

c) in the column "Sheet" - on the sheets issued instead of the replaced ones - "Deputy", on the sheets added again - "New".

When replacing all sheets of the original (with the next serial number of the document change), on the first sheet in the column "Sheet" indicate "All". At the same time, the table of changes on other sheets of this original is not filled out.

In other cases, a dash is put in the "Sheet" column;

d) in the column "No. Doc." - designation of permission;

e) in the column "Signed." - the signature of the person responsible for the correctness of the change (the signature of the person responsible for normative control is put on the field for filing the sheet);

e) in the column "Date" - the date of the change.

7.5.20 The table of changes does not take into account corrections made to the statements of the general data sheet in connection with changes to the sheets of the main set and attached documents.

7.5.21 When making changes to text documents, it is recommended to execute the change registration table by . The change registration table is placed on the title page of the text document.

7.5.22 Significant changes in text documents are made in one of the following ways:

a) replacement of all or individual sheets of the document;

b) issuance of new additional sheets.

When changing the original text documents, it is allowed, when adding a new sheet, to assign it the number of the previous sheet with the addition of the next Arabic numeral, separating it from the previous dot.

Example - 3.1

In this case, the total number of sheets is changed on the first sheet.

In text documents containing mostly solid text, when adding a new item, it is allowed to assign the number of the previous item to it with the addition of the next lowercase letter of the Russian alphabet, and when canceling the item, keep the numbers of subsequent items.

7.5.23 When canceling or replacing a document, all canceled and replaced sheets of the original are crossed out crosswise with solid thin lines and a stamp is put down.

Let's consider all stages of the project in order:

Stage 1 - PP. Pre-project studies (concept, draft design)

At this stage, the concept of the future object is being developed, the main technical and economic characteristics (TEP) are being determined. The sketch determines the landing of the object on the ground, its volume-spatial solution (OPD), and the structural scheme. Also at this stage, the main engineering loads for water, heat and electricity, the so-called. load calculation.

Development Stage "PP" is not mandatory, but helps to save time and money in further design.

Stage 2 - PD. Project documentation

Unlike the draft Stage "Project"(“PD” or simply “P”) is mandatory and subject to agreement in government bodies executive power. According to the results of the approval of the "Project" Stage, a permit for the construction of the facility is issued. The composition and content of this stage is regulated by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 87 of February 16, 2008. Of course, the composition will be individual for each project, but we will try to make the most complete list all possible sections and subsections of the Stage "PD":

Number Partition code Section name
Section 1 Explanatory note
Volume 1 OPP Explanatory note
Volume 2 IRD Initial permit documentation
Section 2 ROM Scheme planning organization land plot
Section 3 AR Architectural solutions
Section 4 Structural and space-planning solutions
Volume 1 WP1 Reinforced concrete structures
Volume 2 WP2 Metal constructions
Volume 3 WP3 wooden structures
Volume 4 KR.R Static calculation
Section 5 Information about engineering equipment, about networks of engineering and technical support, a list of engineering and technical measures, the content of technological solutions.
Subsection 1 Power supply system
Volume 1 IOS1.1 Outdoor power supply
Volume 2 IOS1.2 Power equipment
Volume 3 IOS1.3 electric lighting
Subsection 2 Water supply system
Volume 1 IOS2.1 Outdoor water supply
Volume 2 IOS2.2 domestic water supply
Subsection 3 Drainage system
Volume 1 IOS3.1 External drainage
Volume 2 IOS3.2 Internal drainage
Subsection 4 Heating, ventilation and air conditioning, heating networks
Volume 1 IOS4.1 Heating and ventilation
Volume 2 IOS4.2 Heat supply
Volume 3 IOS 4.3 Individual heating point
Subsection 5 Communication networks
Volume 1 IOS5.1
Volume 2 IOS5.2
Volume 3 IOS5.3
Volume 4 IOS5.4 CCTV
Volume 5 IOS5.5 Security alarm
Volume 6 IOS5.6
Volume 7 IOS5.7 Other low current systems
Subsection 6 Gas supply system
Volume 1 IOS6.1 Outdoor gas supply
Volume 2 IOS6.2 Internal gas supply
Subsection 7 Technological solutions
Volume 1 IOS7.1 Technological solutions
Volume 2 IOS7.2
Volume 3 IOS7.3 Air supply
Volume 4 IOS7.4 Refrigeration
Volume 5 IOS7.5 Steam supply
Volume 6 IOS7.6 dust removal
Volume 7 IOS 7.7 Other technological systems
Section 6 pic Construction organization project
Section 7 UNDER Project for the organization of demolition or dismantling of objects capital construction
Section 8
Volume 1 OOS List of environmental protection measures
Volume 2 OOS.TR Draft technological regulations for handling construction waste at the facility
Volume 3 IEI Engineering and environmental surveys
Section 9
Volume 1 PB1 Fire safety measures
Volume 2 PB2
Volume 3 PB3
Volume 4 PB4
Section 10 ODI Accessibility measures for persons with disabilities
Section 10(1) ME Compliance activities energy efficiency
and equipment requirements for buildings, structures and structures
metering devices used energy resources
Section 11
Volume 1 CM1 Estimate for the construction of capital construction facilities
Volume 2 CM2 Material price monitoring
Section 12 Other documentation in cases stipulated by federal laws
Volume 1 KEO Lighting calculations of insolation and daylight (KEO)
Volume 2 zsh Noise and vibration protection measures.
Grade noise impact for the period of operation of the facility
Volume 3 ITM GOiChS Engineering and technical measures of civil defense.
Measures to prevent emergency situations
Volume 4 ED Building instruction manual
Volume 5 PTA Measures to counter terrorist acts
Volume 6 DPB Declaration of industrial safety of hazardous production facilities

Stage 3 - RD. working documentation

Stage "RD" first of all, builders need it, since it develops design solutions in the most complete and detailed way, which were only indicated in the “PD” Stage. Unlike "P", "Worker" includes drawings of nodes, axonometric diagrams and profiles engineering networks, specifications, etc. On the other hand, at the working stage, the documentation is deprived of some sections, the completeness of which was exhausted at the design stage (for example, POS, EP, KEO, ITM GOiES, etc.). As in Stage "P", the composition of the "RD" will be individual for each project, but we will try to compile the most complete list of all possible sections of the Stage "Working documentation":

Partition code Section name
- GP General plan
- TR Transport facilities
- GT General plan and transport (when GP and TR are combined)
- BP Car roads
- pancreas Railways
- AR Architectural solutions
- AC Architectural and construction solutions (when combining the Republic of Azerbaijan and the Kyrgyz Republic)
- AI Interiors
- QOL Constructive decisions. Reinforced concrete structures
- QOL0 Constructive decisions. Reinforced concrete structures. Foundations
- KM Constructive decisions. Metal constructions
- KMD Constructive decisions. Detailing metal structures
- KD Constructive decisions. wooden structures
- KRR Constructive decisions. Static calculation
- GR Hydro technical solutions
- ES Power supply system. Outdoor power supply
- EM Power supply system. Power equipment
- EO Power supply system. electric lighting
- EN Power supply system. Outdoor electric lighting
- EIS Power supply of engineering systems
- HB Water supply system. Outdoor networks
- NK Water disposal system. Outdoor networks
- NVK Water supply and sanitation system. Outdoor networks
- VC Water supply and sanitation system. Internal networks
- HVAC Heating, ventilation and air conditioning
- TS Heat supply
- TM Thermal mechanical solutions (boiler room, ITP, etc.)
- RT Telephony, Radiofication, Telereception
- SCS Structured cabling
- AIS Automation of engineering systems
- ATP Automation technological processes
- AK Integrated automation (when combining AIS and ATP)
- OS Security alarm
- ACS Access control and accounting system
- GOS Outdoor gas supply
- GSV Internal gas supply
- TX Technological solutions
- TK Technological communications
- sun Air supply
- XC Refrigeration
- PS Steam supply
- PU dust removal
Automatic fire alarm installation,
Warning and evacuation control system in case of fire
- APPZ Fire protection automation
- Fri Special fire extinguishing (water, powder, etc.)
- CD1 Estimate for the construction of capital construction facilities
- CD2 Material price monitoring
- AZ Anti-corrosion protection
- TI Thermal insulation of equipment and pipelines

GOST R 21.1101-2013 Project documentation system:

4.2. working documentation
4.2.1. The composition of the working documentation transferred to the customer includes:
- working drawings intended for the production of construction and installation work;
- attached documents developed in addition to the working drawings of the main set.
4.2.2. The composition of the main sets of working drawings includes general data on working drawings, drawings and diagrams provided for by the relevant standards of the Design Documentation System for Construction (hereinafter referred to as SPDS).
4.2.6. The attached documents include:
- working documentation for building products;
- sketch drawings of general views of non-standard products, performed in accordance with GOST 21.114;
- specification of equipment, products and materials, carried out in accordance with GOST 21.110;
- Questionnaires and dimensional drawings, performed in accordance with the data of equipment manufacturers;
- local estimate by forms;
- other documents stipulated by the relevant SPDS standards.
The specific composition of the attached documents and the need for their implementation are established by the relevant SPDS standards and the design assignment.
4.2.8. In working drawings, it is allowed to use standard building structures, products and assemblies by referring to documents containing working drawings of these structures and products. Reference documents include:
- drawings of typical structures, products and assemblies;
- standards, which include drawings intended for the manufacture of products.
Reference documents are not included in the working documentation transferred to the customer. The design organization, if necessary, transfers them to the customer under a separate agreement.

SNiP 11-01-95 Composition of working documentation:

5.1. The composition of the working documentation for the construction of enterprises, buildings and structures is determined by the relevant state standards of the SPDS and is specified by the customer and the designer in the design agreement (contract).

5.2. State, industry and republican standards, as well as drawings of typical structures, products and assemblies, to which there are references in the working drawings, are not part of the working documentation and can be transferred by the designer to the customer, if this is stipulated in the contract.

GOST 21.101-93





1 DEVELOPED by the Central Research and Design and Experimental Institute for Methodology, Organization, Economics and Design Automation (TsNIIproekt), Design Institute (Promstroyproekt), Design Institute No. 2 (PI-2), Central Research and Design Institute for Individual Experimental Design dwellings (TsNIIEPzhilishcha) INTRODUCED by the Ministry of Construction of Russia2 ACCEPTED by the Interstate Scientific and Technical Commission for Standardization and Technical Regulation in Construction on November 10, 1993. The following voted for the adoption of the standard:

State name

Name of the public administration body for construction

The Republic of Azerbaijan Gosstroy Republic of Azerbaijan Republic of Armenia State supraarchitectures of the Republic of Armenia Republic of Belarus Gosstroy of the Republic of Belarus The Republic of Kazakhstan Ministry of Construction of the Republic of Kazakhstan Republic of Kyrgyzstan Gosstroy of the Kyrgyz Republic The Republic of Moldova Ministry of Architecture of the Republic of Moldova Russian Federation Gosstroy of Russia The Republic of Tajikistan Gosstroy of the Republic of Tajikistan Ukraine Ministry of Construction and Architecture of Ukraine
3 INTRODUCED since September 1, 1994 as a state standard Russian Federation Decree of the Ministry of Construction of Russia dated August 12, 1994 No. 18-124 INSTEAD OF GOST 21.101-79, GOST 21.102-79, GOST 21.103-78, GOST 21.104-79, GOST 21.105-79, GOST 21.201-78, GOST 21.202-78


Introduction date 1994-09-01

This standard establishes the basic requirements for working documentation for the construction of enterprises, buildings and structures for various purposes.


The composition of the working documentation for the construction of a building and structure generally includes: 1) working drawings intended for the production of construction and installation works; 2) working documentation for building products in accordance with GOST 21.501; 3) equipment specifications according to GOST 21.110; 4) statements and summary statements of the need for materials in accordance with GOST 21.110 *; 5) statements and collections of statements of volumes of construction and installation works in accordance with GOST 21.110 *; 6) other documentation provided by the relevant standards of the Design Documentation System for Construction (SPDS); 7) estimate documentation according to the established forms *. * Perform if necessary.


2.1. Working drawings intended for the production of construction and installation works are combined into sets (hereinafter referred to as the main sets) by brand in accordance with Appendix 1. 2.2. The main set of working drawings of any brand can be divided into several main sets of the same brand according to any feature with the addition of a serial number to it. EXAMPLES: AC1; AC2; QOL1; QOL2. 2.3. Each main set of working drawings is assigned a designation, which includes the basic designation ** and, through a hyphen, the brand of the main set. ** Before the release of the corresponding classifier, the base designation is assigned according to the system in force in the organization. 2.4. The composition of the main sets of working drawings includes general data on working drawings, drawings and diagrams provided for by the relevant standards of SPDS. 2.5. General data on working drawings 2.5.1. On the first sheets of each main set of working drawings, general data on working drawings are given, including: 1) a list of working drawings of the main set in form 1; 2) a list of reference and attached documents in form 2; 3) a list of the main sets of working drawings in form 2; 4) a list of specifications (if there are several specifications for layouts in this main set) according to form 1; 5) symbols that are not established by state standards and the meanings of which are not indicated on other sheets of the main set of working drawings; 6) general instructions; 7) other data provided by the relevant SPDS standards. Forms 1 and 2 are given in Appendix 2. 2.5.2. The list of reference and attached documents is compiled by sections: 1) reference documents; 2) attached documents. The "Reference Documents" section includes the following documents , which are referenced in the working drawings: 1) drawings of typical structures, products and assemblies indicating the name and designation of the series, releases; 2) standards, which include drawings for the manufacture of products, indicating their names in the designations. The design organization issues reference documents to the customer only under a separate agreement. The "Attached Documents" section includes documents developed in addition to the working drawings of the main set. The attached documents are: 1) working documentation for building products; 2) equipment specification; 3) statement of requirements for materials; 4) statement of volumes of construction and installation works; 5) local estimates*; 6) other documentation provided for by the relevant SPDS standards. * Perform if necessary. The attached documents are issued by the design organization to the customer simultaneously with the main set of working drawings. 2.5.3. A list of the main sets of working drawings is given on the sheets of general data of the main set of the leading brand **.** The main set of working drawings as the leading brand is appointed by the general designer. If there are several main sets of working drawings of the same brand, a list of subsets of this brand is compiled in form 2 of Appendix 2, which is given on the sheet of general data for each of these sets. 2.5.4. The general instructions give: 1) the basis for the development of working drawings, for example, a design assignment, an approved project; 2) the mark taken in the working drawings of a building or structure conditionally as zero (as a rule, they are given on architectural and construction drawings); 3) a record of the results of the check for patentability and patent frequency of technological processes, equipment, devices, structures, materials and products for the first time used or developed in the project, as well as the numbers of copyright certificates and applications for which decisions were made to issue copyright certificates for those used in the working documentation of the invention; 4) a record that the technical solutions adopted in the working drawings comply with the requirements of environmental, sanitary and hygienic, fire safety, and other standards in force on the territory of the Russian Federation and ensure the safe operation of the facility for human life and health, subject to the measures provided for by the working drawings ; 5) other necessary instructions. General instructions should not repeat the technical requirements placed on other sheets of the main set of working drawings, and describe the technical solutions adopted in the working drawings.


3.1. When performing working documentation, one should be guided by the requirements of the SPDS standards, as well as the requirements of the standards of the design documentation system (ESKD) given in Appendix 3, which supplement and do not contradict the SPDS standards. Working documentation intended for reprography must comply with the requirements of the "Reprography" system of standards. 3.2. The drawings are performed at the optimal scale, taking into account their complexity and richness of information. The scales in the drawings are not indicated, with the exception of product drawings and other cases provided for in the relevant SPDS standards. 3.3. The dimension line at its intersection with extension lines, contour lines or axial lines is limited by serifs in the form of thick main lines 2–4 mm long, drawn with an inclination to the right at an angle of 45 ° to the dimension line, while the dimension lines should protrude beyond the extreme extension lines on 1 - 3 mm. When applying a diameter or radius dimension inside a circle, as well as an angular dimension, the dimension line is limited by arrows. Arrows are also used when dimensioning radii and internal fillets. 3.4. Abbreviations of words in the inscriptions on the drawings are allowed in the cases specified in GOST 2.316 and in Appendix 4. 3.5. Coordination axes 3.5.1. Each individual building or structure is assigned an independent system of designations for the coordination axes. 3.5.2. The coordination axes are applied to the images with thin dash-dotted lines with long strokes, denoted by numbers and capital letters of the Russian alphabet (with the exception of the letters: E, Z, Y, O, X, C, H, SH, b, s, b) in circles with a diameter of 6 - 12 mm. Omissions in numerical and alphabetic (except for those indicated) designations of the coordination axes are not allowed. 3.5.3. The numbers indicate the coordination axes along the side of the building and structures with a large number of axes. If there are not enough letters of the alphabet to designate the coordination axes, subsequent axes are designated by two letters.


3.5.4. The sequence of digital and alphabetic designations of the coordination axes is taken according to the plan from top to right and from bottom to top. 3.5.5. The designation of the coordination axes, as a rule, is applied on the left and lower sides of the plan of the building and structure. If the coordination axes of the opposite sides of the plan do not coincide, the designations of these axes at the divergence points are additionally applied on the upper and / or right sides. 3.5.6. For individual elements located between the coordination axes of the main load-bearing structures, additional axes are applied and denoted as a fraction, the numerator of which indicates the designations of the previous coordination axis, and the denominator - an additional serial number within the area between adjacent coordination axes in accordance with the drawing. 1. It is allowed to assign numerical and alphabetic designations to the coordinating axes of half-timbered columns in continuation of the designations of the axes of the main columns without an additional number.

Crap. 1 3.5.7. On the image of a repeating element attached to several coordination axes, the coordination axes are designated in accordance with the drawing. 2a (with no more than three coordination axes), with features. 2b (more than three coordination axes) and with hell. 2c (for all alphabetic and digital coordination axes). If necessary, the orientation of the coordination axis, to which the element is attached, with respect to the neighboring axis, is indicated in accordance with Fig. 2y.

Crap. 2 3.5.8. To designate the coordination axes of block sections of residential buildings, the index "c" is used.

EXAMPLES: 1s, 2s, Ac, Bs.

On the pianos of residential buildings, arranged from block sections, the designations of the extreme coordination axes of the block sections are applied without an index in accordance with the drawing. 3.

Crap. 3 3.6. Level marks (heights, depths) of structural elements, equipment, pipelines, air ducts, etc. from the reference level (conditional "zero" mark) are indicated by a conventional sign in accordance with hell. 4 and are indicated in meters with three decimal places separated from the whole number by a comma. The “zero” mark, usually taken for the surface of any structural element of a building or structure located near the planning surface of the earth, is indicated without a sign; marks above zero - with a "+" sign; below zero - with a "-" sign. On views (facades), sections and sections, marks are placed on extension lines or contour lines in accordance with the drawing. 5. On the plans, marks are applied in a rectangle in accordance with the drawing. 6, except as specified in the relevant SPDS standards.

Crap. 4; Crap. 5; Crap. 6 3.7. On the plans, the direction of the slope of the planes is indicated by an arrow, above which, if necessary, the slope value is put down as a percentage in accordance with the drawing. 7 or as a ratio of height and length (for example, 1:7). It is allowed, if necessary, to indicate the slope value in ppm, as a decimal fraction with an accuracy of up to the third decimal place. In the drawings and diagrams, in front of the dimension number that determines the magnitude of the slope, the sign "Ð" is applied, the acute angle of which should be directed towards the slope. The designation of the slope is applied directly above the contour line or on the shelf of the leader line. 3.8. Remote inscriptions for multilayer structures should be performed in accordance with drawing. 8 .

Crap. 7; Crap. 8 3.9. Position numbers (brands of elements) are applied on the shelves of leader lines drawn from images constituent parts object, next to the image without a leader line or within the contours of the depicted parts of the object in accordance with the features. 9. With a small-scale image, leader lines end without an arrow and a dot.

Crap. 9 3.10. The font size for designating the coordination axes and positions (brands) should be one or two numbers larger than the font size adopted for dimensional numbers in the same drawing. 3.11. Sections of a building or structure are designated by Arabic numerals sequentially within the main set of working drawings. Independent numbering is allowed only for sections of individual sections of a building, structure or installation, all drawings of which are placed on one sheet or group of sheets, and if these drawings do not contain references to sections located on other sheets of the main set of working drawings. It is allowed to designate cuts in capital letters of the Russian alphabet. The direction of view for a section according to the plan of a building and structure is taken, as a rule, from bottom to top and from right to left. 3.12. If separate parts of the view (facade), plan, section require a more detailed image, then external elements are additionally performed - nodes and fragments. 3.13. When depicting a node, the corresponding place is marked on the view (facade), plan or section with a closed solid thin line (usually a circle or an oval) with a designation on the shelf of the line - callouts of the serial number of the node in Arabic numeral in accordance with the drawing. 10 .

Crap. 10

Crap. 11 If the node is placed on another sheet, then the sheet number is indicated under the leader line shelf (Fig. 10a) or on the leader line shelf nearby, in brackets, in accordance with Fig. 10b. If necessary, references to a node placed in another main set of working drawings, or to a typical node, indicate the designation and sheet number of the corresponding main set of working drawings in accordance with the drawing. 10v or a series of working drawings of typical units and the issue number - from hell. 10g. If necessary, a link to a node in the section is performed in accordance with the drawing. 11. Above the image of the node, indicate in a circle its serial number in accordance with the drawing. 12a or 12b. The node, which is a complete mirror image of another (main) performance, is assigned the same serial number as the main performance, with the addition of the index "n". 3.14. Fragments of plans, sections, facades, as a rule, are marked with a curly bracket in accordance with the features. 13. Under the curly brace, as well as above the corresponding fragment, the name and serial number of the fragment are applied. If the fragment is placed on another sheet, then they give a reference to this sheet. It is allowed to place a link to a fragment on the leader line shelf.

Crap. 12; Crap. 13 3.15. Images up to the axis of symmetry of symmetrical plans and facades of buildings and structures, layouts of structural elements, plans for the location of technological, energy, sanitary and other equipment are not allowed. 3.16. If the image (for example, a plan) does not fit on a sheet of the accepted format, then it is divided into several sections, placing them on separate sheets. In this case, on each sheet where an image section is shown, a diagram of the whole image is given with the necessary coordination axes and a symbol (shading) of the image section shown on this sheet in accordance with Fig. 14.

Crap. 14 3.17. If floor plans high-rise building have slight differences from each other, then they completely fulfill the plan of one of the floors, for other floors they perform only those parts of the plan that are necessary to show the difference from the plan depicted in full. Under the name of the partially depicted plan, an entry is made: “For the rest, see the plan (name of the fully depicted plan)”. 3.18. The names of the floor plans of the building and structure indicate the level of the finished floor of the floor, the floor number or the designation of the corresponding cutting plane.

1. Plan for elev. 0.000. 2. Plan 2 - 9 floors. 3. Plan 3-3. It is allowed to indicate the purpose of the premises located on the floor in the title of the floor plan. 3.19. The names of the sections of buildings and structures indicate the designation of the corresponding secant plane.

EXAMPLE: Section 1-1.

3.20. The names of the facades of buildings and structures indicate the extreme axes between which the facade is located.

EXAMPLE: Front 1-12.

3.21. Basic inscriptions 3.21.1. Each sheet of the working drawing and text document must have a main inscription and additional columns to it. 3.21.2. The main inscriptions are drawn up in accordance with Appendix 5: 1) on the sheets of the main set of working drawings - in form 3; 2) on the first sheet of the drawing of a building product - in form 4; 3) on the first sheet of a text document - according to Form 5; 4) on subsequent sheets of drawings of building products and text documents - according to form 6. It is allowed on the first sheet of a drawing of a building product to carry out the main inscription according to form 5. 3.21.3. The location of the main inscription and additional columns to it, as well as dimensional frames on the sheets are given in Appendix 6. 3.21.4. The main inscriptions, additional columns to them and frames are made with solid thick main and solid thin lines in accordance with GOST 2.303.


4.1. To the layout of the elements of a prefabricated structure, a monolithic reinforced concrete structure, to the drawings of installations (blocks) of technological, sanitary and other equipment, a specification is made in form 7 of Appendix 7. When drawings are made by the group method, group specifications are drawn up in form 8 of Appendix 7. 4.2. Specifications for building products are according to GOST 21.501.


5.1. A change in a working document previously issued to a customer is understood as any correction, deletion or addition of any data to it without changing the designation of this document. The designation of the document may be changed only in the case when different documents are erroneously assigned the same designations or an error is made in the designation of the document. 5.2. Changes are made to the original document. Changes to the calculations are not allowed. 5.3. Copies of the amended, additional and issued instead of replaced sheets of working documentation are sent to organizations to which copies of documents were previously sent, together with copies of the general data of the corresponding main set of working drawings, specified in accordance with clause 5.5. 5.4. Permission to make changes 5.4.1. The change of the document is carried out on the basis of the permission to make changes (hereinafter referred to as the permission), drawn up in the form 9 of Appendix 8. The permission is approved by the head of the organization that developed the document or, on his behalf, another official. 5.4.2. The basis for obtaining original documents for making changes to them is permission. 5.43. Changes for each document (the main set of working drawings, equipment specifications, etc.) are issued with a separate permit. It is allowed to make one general permission for changes made simultaneously to several documents, if the changes are interconnected or the same for all changed documents. 5.5. Making changes 5.5.1. Changes to the original documents are made by crossing out or erasing (washing out). This takes into account the physical condition of the original. 5.5.2. After making changes, the images, letters, numbers, signs must be clear, the thickness of the lines, the size of the gaps, etc. must be performed according to the rules provided for by the relevant standards of the ESKD and the Reprography standards system. 5.5.3. Changeable sizes, words, signs, inscriptions, etc. cross out with solid thin lines and next put down new data. 5.5.4. When the image (part of the image) is changed, it is outlined with a solid thin line forming a closed contour, and crossed out crosswise with solid thin lines. A new image of the changed area is performed on a free field of the sheet or on another sheet without rotation. 5.5.5. Changed, canceled and additional sections of the image are assigned a designation consisting of the serial number of the next change in the document and through the point of the serial number of the changed (cancelled, additional) image section within this sheet. In this case, the new image of the changed area is assigned a change designation of the replaced image. If a new image of the changed area is placed on another sheet, then the designation of the change assigned to it is saved and is not taken into account in the change table of this sheet. 5.5.6. Near each change, including near the change corrected by erasing (washing), outside the image, the designation of the change is applied in a parallelogram in accordance with the line. 15.

Crap. 15 Draw a solid thin line from the parallelogram to the modified area. 5.5.7. Closely spaced altered sizes, words, signs, inscriptions, etc. encircle with a solid thin line forming a closed contour, without crossing out in accordance with the drawing. If a new image of the changed area is placed on another sheet, then the replaced image, next to the parallelogram, also indicates the number of the sheet on which the new image is located in accordance with the line. Above the new image of the changed area, the designation of the change in the replaced image is placed in a parallelogram, and with the parallelogram they indicate: "Instead of the crossed out one." If a new image of the changed area is placed on another sheet, then with a parallelogram indicate: "Instead of the crossed out on the sheet (number of the sheet on which the replaced image is located)" in accordance with the devil. If a new image of the changed area is placed near the replaced one, then they are connected by leader lines with the designation of the change in accordance with the drawing. 19.

Crap. 16; Crap. 17

Crap. 18

Crap. 19 Above the additional image, the designation of the change is placed in the parallelogram, and with the parallelogram they indicate: “Addition” in accordance with the features. 20.

Crap. 20 5.5.11. When an image (part of an image) is canceled, the following is indicated when indicating the change: “Cancelled”. 5.5.12. If there is not enough space to make changes or there may be a violation of the clarity of the image during correction, then a new original is made taking into account the changes made and its previous designation is retained. If one or more sheets of the original are replaced or added, then the inventory number assigned to the original is stored on them. When replacing all sheets of the original, it is assigned a new inventory number. 5.5.13. When making changes to the sheets of the main set of working drawings in the statement of working drawings of this set, on the sheets of general data in the column "Note" indicate: 1) when making the first change - "Change. 1". When making subsequent changes, additionally the next number of changes, separating them from the previous ones with a semicolon.

EXAMPLE: "Change. 1; 2; 3";

2) on replaced sheets with the change number - “(Replacement)”.

EXAMPLE: "Change. 1 (Deputy)";

3) on canceled sheets with the change number - “Cancelled”.

EXAMPLE: "Change. 1 (Cancelled)";

4) on additional sheets with the change number - “(New)”.

EXAMPLE: "Change. 1 (New)".

5.5.14. If additional sheets are included in the main set of working drawings, then they are assigned successive serial numbers and recorded in continuation of the sheet of working drawings of the corresponding main set. If there is not enough space in the list of working drawings to record additional sheets, the continuation of the sheet is transferred to the first of the additional sheets. At the same time, at the end of the statement of working drawings placed in the “General Data”, an entry is made: “Continuation of the statement, see sheet (sheet number)”, and a heading is placed above the statement on an additional sheet: “The statement of working drawings of the main set (Continued)” . The numbers and names of the canceled sheets in the list of working drawings are crossed out. When changing the names of sheets, make the appropriate changes in the column "Name". 5.5.15. When changing the total number of sheets of a document on its first sheet in the title block, the corresponding changes are made in the “Sheets” column. 5.5.16. When performing additional and canceling previously completed attached documents, corrections are made to the list of reference and attached documents of the corresponding main set of working drawings. 5.5.17. When performing additional and canceling previously completed main sets of working drawings, corrections are made to the list of main sets of working drawings. 5.5.18. The changes made to the original are indicated in the table of changes placed in the title block. It is allowed to amuse the table of changes outside the main inscription (above it or to the left of it) in the same form. 5.5.19. In the table of changes indicate: 1) in the column "Change." - sequence number of the document change; 2) in the column “Number. account" - the number of variable areas of the image on this sheet within the next change; 3) in the column "Sheet" - on sheets issued instead of replaced ones - "Deputy", on sheets added again - "New". When replacing all sheets of the original on the first sheet in the column "Sheet" indicate "All". At the same time, the table of changes on other sheets of this original is not filled out. In other cases, a dash is put in the "Sheet" column; 4) in the column “Doc. No. » - permission designation; 5) in the column "Sub." - the signature of the person responsible for the correctness of the change (the signature of the person responsible for normative control is put on the field for filing the sheet); 6) in the column "Date" - the date of the change. 5.5.20. The table of changes does not take into account corrections made to the statements of the general data sheet in connection with changes to the sheets of the main set and the attached documents. 5.5.21. When making changes to text documents, it is recommended to follow the change registration table in form 10 of Appendix 9. The change registration table is placed on the title page of the text document. 5.5.22. Significant changes in text documents are made in one of the following ways: 1) by replacing all or individual sheets of the document; 2) by issuing new additional sheets. When changing the original text documents, it is allowed, when adding a new sheet, to assign it the number of the previous sheet with the addition of the next Arabic numeral, separating it from the previous point.


In this case, the total number of sheets is changed on the first sheet. In text documents containing mostly solid text, when adding a new item, it is allowed to assign the number of the previous item to it with the addition of the next lowercase letter of the Russian alphabet, and when canceling the item, keep the numbers of subsequent items. 5.5.23. When canceling or replacing a document, all canceled and replaced sheets of the original are crossed out crosswise with solid thin lines and a stamp is put down in the form 11 of Appendix 10.


6.1. Working documentation of mass application is subject to binding to a specific construction site. On each sheet of the attached documentation, a binding stamp is put in accordance with Appendix 11: 1) on the first sheet - in form 12; 2) on subsequent sheets - according to Form 13. 6.2. Covers and title pages standard projects(standard design solutions) printed in the form of albums or brochures, as a rule, are not tied and are not sent to the customer. 6.3. Anchor stamp is applied to the free field of the sheet, preferably above the main inscription or to the left of it. 6.4. It is allowed not to put a binding stamp on unchangeable working drawings of structures, products and assemblies in case they are re-used by the organization that developed and approved these drawings. The specified working drawings are recorded in the section of the attached documents without changing the designation. 6.5. Changes when binding are made in accordance with paragraphs. 5.5.1 - 5.5.4, 5.5.14 - 5.5.17 and taking into account the following additional requirements: 1) if there are two or more variable areas of the image, then they are assigned serial numbers, which are put down in Roman numerals on the leader line shelf in accordance with crap. 21; 2) above the changed area, indicate in Roman numeral the serial number of the changed area of ​​the image and the inscription "Instead of crossed out" in accordance with the drawing. 22.

Crap. 21; Crap. 22 If a new image (part of an image) is placed on another sheet, then the number of the sheet on which the new image is located is also indicated for the replaced image. 6.6. The main inscriptions on the sheets of attached documentation, as well as covers and title pages of documentation published in the form of albums and brochures, are left unchanged. 6.7. When binding, it is recommended to make changes in one copy of the document, which is later the original, from which copies are made. 6.8. The canceled sheets are excluded from the attached documentation without changing the general numbering of the sheets.


Name of the main set of working drawings


General plan and transport facilities When combined in one main set of working drawings of the general plan and transport facilities
General plan
Transport facilities When combined in one main set of working drawings for roads and railway tracks
Car roads When combining into one set of drawings of all technological communications
Railway tracks
Production technology
Technological communications
Air supply internal
Electric lighting indoor
Outdoor electric lighting
Power electrical equipment
Thermal insulation
Gas supply. Internal devices
Gas supply. Outdoor gas pipelines
Heat supply
External water supply and sewerage networks


Communication systems
Architectural and construction solutions
When separating the main set of speakers:
- architectural solutions
- interiors
- reinforced concrete structures
- wooden structures
Detailed metal structures
Anti-corrosion protection of structures
Thermal mechanical part of boiler houses
Heating, ventilation and air conditioning
Internal plumbing and sewerage
dust collection
Mining open works
Mining underground works
Hydraulic works
Mining and mechanical works
Chemical protection
Electrochemical protection
Automation and telemechanics of train traffic (STsB)
Industrial telemechanics
Automation... The ellipsis is replaced by the name and brand of the corresponding main set of working drawings
Power supply. Substations
Overhead power lines
Cable power lines
Lightning protection and grounding
Traction networks
Note. If necessary, additional brands of the main sets of working drawings can be assigned. At the same time, capital letters (no more than three) of the Russian alphabet are used for stamps, corresponding, as a rule, to the initial letters of the names of the main set of working drawings.




Instructions on filling out the sheet of working drawings of the main set In the sheet of working drawings of the main set, indicate: 1) in the column "Sheet" - the serial number of the sheet of the main set of working drawings; 2) in the column "Name" - the name of the images placed on the sheet, in full accordance with the names given in the main inscription of the corresponding sheet; 3) in the column "Note" - additional information, for example, about changes made to the working drawings of the main set. Instructions on filling out the sheet of specifications In the sheet of specifications indicate: 1) in the column "Sheet" - the number of the sheet of the main set of working drawings on which the specification is placed; 2) in the column "Name" - the name of the specification in full accordance with its name indicated on the drawing; 3) in the column "Note" - additional information, incl. about changes to the specifications.


Instructions on filling out the statement of the main sets of working drawings The statement of the main sets of working drawings indicates: 1) in the column "Designation" - the designation of the main set of working drawings and, if necessary, the name or distinctive index of the organization that issued the document; 2) in the column "Name" - the name of the main set of working drawings; 3) in the column "Note" - additional information, incl. on changes in the composition of the main sets of working drawings. Instructions on filling out the list of reference and attached documents The list of reference and attached documents indicates: 1) in the column "Designation" - the designation of the document and, if necessary, the name or distinctive index of the organization that issued the document; 2) in the column "Name" - the name of the document in full accordance with the name indicated on the title page or in the main inscription; 3) in the column "Note" - additional information, incl. on changes to applicable documents.



Designation and name of the standard

Conditions for applying the standard

GOST 2.004-88 ESKD. General requirements to the implementation of design and technological documents on printing and graphic output devices of a computer
GOST 2.101-68 ESKD. Product types
GOST 2.102-68 ESKD. Types and completeness of design documents Taking into account the requirements of GOST 21.501, clause 1.3, as well as references to GOST 2.601 and GOST 2.602, do not take into account
GOST 2.105-95 ESKD. General requirements for text documents Clause 1.8, as well as the requirements for the design of the title page, do not take into account
GOST 2.108-68 ESKD. Specification Taking into account the requirements of Sec. 4 of this standard and GOST 21.501
GOST 2.109-73 ESKD. Basic requirements for drawings GOST 2.113-75 ESKD. Group and basic design documents Taking into account the requirements of GOST 21.501, paragraphs. 1.1.11, 1.1.12, 1.3 and references to GOST 2.108 do not take into account
GOST 2.301-68 ESKD. Formats Taking into account the requirements of GOST 21.501
GOST 2.302-68 ESKD. Scales
GOST 2.303-68 ESKD. lines Taking into account the requirements of clause 3.2 of this standard
GOST 2.304-81 ESKD. Drawing fonts
GOST 2.305-68 ESKD. Images - views, cuts, sections
GOST 2.306-68 ESKD. Designations of graphic materials and the rules for their application on the drawings Taking into account the requirements of paragraphs. 3.11, 3.13 - 3.20 of this standard
GOST 2.307-68 ESKD. Application of dimensions and limit deviations
GOST 2.308-79 ESKD. Indication on the drawings of allowances of forms and the location of surfaces Taking into account the requirements of paragraphs. 3.3, 3.6, 3.7 of this standard
GOST 2.309-73 ESKD. Surface Roughness Symbols Taking into account the requirements of GOST 21.113
GOST 2.310-68 ESKD. Application on the drawings of designations of coatings, thermal and other types of processing
GOST 2.311-68 ESKD. Thread image
GOST 2.312-72 ESKD. Conditional images and designations of seams of welded joints
GOST 2.313-82 ESKD. Conditional images and designations of one-piece connections Taking into account the requirements of paragraphs. 3.8 - 3.10 of this standard
GOST 2.314-68 ESKD. Instructions on the drawings on the marking and branding of products
GOST 2.316-68 ESKD. Rules for drawing inscriptions on drawings, technical requirements and tables
GOST 2.317-69 ESKD. Axonometric projections
GOST 2.410-68 ESKD. Rules for the execution of drawings of metal structures
GOST 2.501-88 ESKD. Accounting and storage rules In terms of the form of the inventory book, subscriber card and instructions for folding copies of drawings
Note. The conditions for the application of ESKD standards of classification group 7 are determined by the relevant SPDS standards.



(addition to GOST 2.316)

Full name


Director Dir.*
Chief Engineer Ch. engineer*
The chief architect of the project GAP*
Chief Project Engineer GUI*
Chief Specialist Ch. specialist.*
manager Head*
Architect Arch.*
Engineer (I, II, III category) Eng. (I, II, III cat.)*
Technician Tech.*
Institute Institute*
Workshop (in design institutes) Mast.*
Group Gr.
Release issue
Chapter sec.
Anti-seismic seam a.s.l.
Expansion joint l.sh.
Temperature joint t.sh.
mark elev.
Ground level ur.z.
Rail head level ur.g.r.
Clean floor level ur.n.p.
Plot account*
Document doc*
* Abbreviations are used only in the title block.


The main inscription and additional columns to it on the sheets of the main set of working drawings

The main inscription and additional columns to it for drawings of building products (first sheet)

The main inscription and additional columns to it for text documents (first sheet)

The main inscription and additional columns to it for drawings of building products and text documents (subsequent sheets)

Instructions on filling in the main inscription and additional columns to it

In the columns of the main inscription and additional columns to it (the numbers of the columns on the forms are shown in brackets) indicate: 1) in column 1 - the designation of the document (the main set of working drawings, product drawing, text document, etc.); 2) in column 2 - the name of the enterprise (including institutions and service enterprises), which includes the building (construction), or the name of the microdistrict; 3) in column 3 - the name of the building (structure); 4) in column 4 - the name of the images placed on this sheet, in exact accordance with the names of the images in the drawing. The names of specifications and other tables, as well as textual indications related to images, are not indicated in the column; 5) in column 5 - the name of the product and / or the name of the document; 6) in column 6 - symbol stage "Working documentation" - "P"; 7) in column 7 - the serial number of the sheet (pages of a text document for duplex printing). On documents consisting of one sheet, the column is not filled out; 8) in column 8 - the total number of sheets of the document. The column is filled out only on the first sheet. On the first sheet of a text document for duplex printing indicate the total number of pages; 9) in column 9 - the name or distinctive index of the organization that developed the document; 10) in column 10 - the nature of the work (developed, checked, normative control, approved); it is allowed to fill in free lines at the discretion of the developer with the positions of persons responsible for the release of the document (chief engineer (architect) of the project, head of department, chief specialist, etc.); 11) in columns 11-13 - the names and signatures of the persons indicated in column 10, and the date of signing. If approval of the document is necessary, then the signatures officials, coordinating the document, are placed on the field for filing the sheet; 12) columns 14-19 - columns of the table of changes, which are filled in in accordance with clause 5.5.19; 13) column 20 - inventory number of the original; 14) column 21 - the signature of the person who accepted the original for storage, and the date of acceptance (day, month, year); 15) column 22 - the inventory number of the original document, in exchange for which the original was issued; 16) column 23 - designation of the material of the part (the column is filled out only on the drawings of the parts); 17) column 24 - the mass of the product shown in the drawing, in kilograms without indicating the unit of measurement. It is allowed to indicate the mass in other units of measurement, indicating them. EXAMPLE: 2.4 t; 18) in column 25 - scale (put down in accordance with GOST 2.302); 19) in column 26 - the signature of the person who copied the drawing.



* In parentheses are the dimensions of the frames on the sheets of standard design documentation.




Instructions for filling out the specification and group specification

The specifications indicate: 1) in the column "Pos." - positions (brands) of structural elements, installations; 2) in the column "Designation" - the designation of the main documents for the structural elements, equipment and products recorded in the specification or standards (technical specifications) for them; 3) in the column "Name" - the names of structural elements, equipment and products and their brands. It is allowed to indicate the name of a group of elements with the same name once and underline; 4) in the column "Number." forms 7 - the number of elements. In the column "Number ..." of form 8, instead of the ellipsis, they write "according to the scheme", "on the floor", etc., and below - the serial numbers of the layout or floors; 5) in the column "Mass, units. kg" is the mass in kilograms. It is allowed to indicate the mass in tons; 6) in the column "Note" - additional information.



Instructions for Completing a Change Authorization

The permission columns indicate: 1) in column 1 - the designation of the permission, consisting of the serial number of the permission according to the book of registration of permissions in accordance with GOST 21.203 and a dash of the last two digits of the year.

EXAMPLE: 15-92;

2) in column 2 - the designation of the document in which the change is made; 3) in column 3 - the name of the enterprise under construction, building (structure); 4) in column 4 - the next serial number assigned to the changes that are made to the document by one permit. It is indicated for the entire document, regardless of how many sheets it is made on. The serial numbers of changes are indicated by Arabic numerals; 5) in column 5 - numbers of sheets of the document in which changes are made; 6) in column 6 - the content of the change in the form of a text description and / or graphic image; 7) in column 7 - code of the reason for the change in accordance with the table; 8) in column 8 - additional information; 9) in columns 9-11 - the names of the persons signing the permit, their signatures and dates of signing; 10) in column 12 - name design organization and the subdivision (department) that issued the permit; 11) in columns 13 - 16 - the name of the relevant departments or organizations, positions and names of persons with whom in due course permission, their signatures and dates of signing, as well as the signature of the normative controller are agreed; 12) in column 17 - serial number of the permit sheet. If the permit consists of one sheet, the column is not filled out; 13) in column 18 - the total number of permit sheets.


Instructions for Completing the Change Registration Table

In the columns of the change registration table indicate: 1) in the columns "Change", "Document number", "Signed" and "Date" - similar to filling in the corresponding columns of the table of changes; 2) in the columns "Numbers of sheets (pages): changed, replaced, new, canceled" - the numbers of sheets (pages) respectively changed, replaced, added and canceled under this permission. When replacing the entire document, in the column “Numbers of sheets (pages) replaced” indicate “All”; 3) in the column "Total sheets (pages) in doc." - the number of sheets (pages) in the document. The column is filled in if the columns “Numbers of sheets (pages) new” and / or “Numbers of sheets (pages) canceled” are filled in.



Instructions on filling in the stamp of cancellation (replacement) of the original document The stamp indicates: 1) in line 1 - the serial number of the next change in the document, according to which the sheet was canceled or replaced (for example, "Change 3"). When canceling the sheet, the word "Replaced" in the stamp is crossed out; 2) in columns 2-5 - the position, surname, signature of the person responsible for making changes, and the date of signing.




Guidelines for Filling in Anchor Stamps

In the columns of the binding stamps indicate: 1) in column 1 - the new designation of the document to be attached; 2) in column 2 - the name of the organization that performed the binding; 3) in column 3 - the name of the enterprise under construction, the building or structure for which the binding has been made; 4) in columns 4-7 - the positions and names of the persons responsible for binding, as well as the person who carried out the normative control, their signatures and dates of signing; 5) in column 8 - the inventory number assigned to the linked document; 6) in column 9 - the number of sheets of the attached document; 7) in columns 10, 11 - the signature of the person who accepted the attached document for storage, and the date of signing.


Number of section, paragraph, enumeration, application

GOST 2.004-88

Annex 3

GOST 2.101-68
GOST 2.102-68
GOST 2.105-95
GOST 2.108-68
GOST 2.109-73
GOST 2.113-75
GOST 2.301-68
GOST 2.302-68

Appendices 3 and 5 item 18

GOST 2.303-68

3.21.4 , application 3

GOST 2.304-81

Annex 3

GOST 2.305-68
GOST 2.306-68
GOST 2.307-68
GOST 2.308-79
GOST 2.309-73
GOST 2.310-68
GOST 2.311-68
GOST 2.312-72
GOST 2.313-82
GOST 2.314-68
GOST 2.316-68

3.4 , application 3

GOST 2.317-69

Annex 3

GOST 2.410-68
GOST 2.501-88

Annex 3

GOST 2.601-68
GOST 2.602-68
GOST 21.110-95
GOST 21.113-88
GOST 21.203-78

Annex 8, listing 1

GOST 21.501-93

1 , 4.2, application 3

1. The composition of the working documentation. 1 2. Basic requirements for working drawings intended for the production of construction and installation works. 2 3. General rules execution of working drawings and text documents. 3 4. Specifications. 8 5. Rules for making changes to the working documentation issued to the customer. 8 6. Rules for linking working documentation. 12 Annex 1 Stamps of the main sets of working drawings. 13 Annex 2 List of working drawings of the main set. 14 Appendix 3 A list of ESKD standards, the requirements of which do not contradict the SPDS standards and are subject to consideration when developing design documentation for construction. 15 Appendix 4 Abbreviations of words allowed in the working documentation. 16 Annex 5 The main inscription and additional columns to it on the sheets of the main set of working drawings. 16 Appendix 6 The location of the main inscription, additional columns to it and dimensional frames on the sheets. 18 Annex 7 group specification. 19 Appendix 8 Permission to make changes. 19 Annex 9 Change registration table. 20 Annex 10 Cancellation (replacement) stamp of the original document. 21 Appendix 11 Anchor stamp (first sheet) 21

A selection of the most important documents on request The composition of the working documentation(legal acts, forms, articles, expert advice and much more).

Forms of documents: Composition of working documentation

Articles, comments, answers to questions: Composition of working documentation

Special attention is given to the frequency of assessing the effectiveness of the risk management system, the procedure for informing the board of directors about the identification of significant risks and violations of internal control and risk management procedures. During on-site inspections of the company's activities, the regulator's employees are very attentive to the composition of the working documentation of the service internal audit, the conclusions drawn, a description of the methods for determining the sample, up to the fact that they recalculate the proportion of audit objects with violations in the total sample.

Open a document in your ConsultantPlus system:
The main requirements for the procedure for registration and composition of working documentation are contained in GOST R 21.1101-2013 "Project documentation system for construction (SPDS). Basic requirements for design and working documentation". Also, the design documentation must contain requirements that must be taken into account in the working documentation developed on the basis of the design documentation in connection with the accepted construction methods. building structures and installation of equipment. At the same time, the volume, composition and content of the working documentation should be determined by the customer (developer), depending on the degree of detail of the solutions contained in the design documentation, and indicated in the design task.

Regulations: Composition of working documentation

4. In order to implement the architectural, technical and technological solutions contained in the design documentation for the capital construction object during the construction process, working documentation is developed, consisting of documents in text form, working drawings, specifications of equipment and products.

GOST 21.101-97

UDC 691:002:006.354


System of design documents for construction


System of design documents for construction.


OKS 01.100.30

Introduction date 1998-04-01


1 DESIGNED State enterprise- Center for Methodology, Rationing and Standardization in Construction (GP CNS) of Gosstroy of Russia

INCLUDED by the Department for the Development of Scientific and Technical Policy and Design and Survey Works of the Gosstroy of Russia

2 ADOPTED by the Interstate Scientific and Technical Commission for Standardization, Technical Regulation and Certification in Construction December 10, 1997

3 INTRODUCED from April 1, 1998 as the state standard of the Russian Federation by Decree of the Gosstroy of Russia dated December 29, 1997 No. 18-75

4 INSTEAD OF GOST 21.101-93

1 area of ​​use

This standard establishes the basic requirements for design and working documentation for the construction of enterprises, buildings and structures for various purposes.

The general rules for the implementation of graphic and text documentation, established in section 5 of this standard, also apply to reporting technical documentation for engineering surveys for construction.

GOST 2.004-88 ESKD. General requirements for the implementation of design and technological documents on printing and graphic output devices of a computer

GOST 2.101-68 ESKD. Product types

GOST 2.102-68 ESKD. Types and completeness of design documents

GOST 2.105-95 ESKD. General requirements for text documents

GOST 2.108-68 ESKD. Specification

GOST 2.109-73 ESKD. Basic requirements for drawings

GOST 2.113-75 ESKD. Group and basic design documents

GOST 2.114-95 ESKD. Specifications

GOST 2.301-68 ESKD. Formats

GOST 2.302-68 ESKD. Scales

GOST 2.303-68 ESKD. lines

GOST 2.304-81 ESKD. Drawing fonts

GOST 2.305-68 ESKD. Images - views, cuts, sections

GOST 2.306-68 ESKD. Designations of graphic materials and the rules for their application on the drawings

GOST 2.307-68 ESKD. Application of dimensions and limit deviations

GOST 2.308-79 ESKD. Indication on the drawings of the tolerances of shapes and the location of surfaces

GOST 2.309-73 ESKD. Designation of surface roughness

GOST 2.310-68 ESKD. Application on the drawings of designations of coatings, thermal and other types of processing

GOST 2.311-68 ESKD. Thread image

GOST 2.312-72 ESKD. Conditional images and designations of seams of welded joints

GOST 2.313-82 ESKD. Conditional images and designations of one-piece connections

GOST 2.314-68 ESKD. Instructions on the drawings on the marking and branding of products

GOST 2.316-68 ESKD. Rules for applying inscriptions, technical requirements and tables on drawings

GOST 2.317-69 ESKD. Axonometric projections

GOST 2.410-68 ESKD. Rules for the execution of drawings of metal structures

GOST 2.501-88 ESKD. Accounting and storage rules

GOST 21.110-95 SPDS. Specification of equipment, products and materials

GOST 21.113-88 SPDS. Accuracy designations

GOST 21.114-95 SPDS. Rules for the implementation of sketch drawings of general views of non-standard products

GOST 21.203-78 SPDS. Rules for accounting and storage of original project documentation

GOST 21.501-93 SPDS. Rules for the implementation of architectural and construction working drawings.

3 General requirements for the composition of documentation

3.1 The composition and content of project documentation for the construction of enterprises, buildings and structures are established by the current building codes and regulations.

3.2 The composition of the working documentation for the construction of a building or structure generally includes:

a) working drawings intended for the production of construction and installation works;

b) working documentation for building products in accordance with GOST 21.501;

c) sketch drawings of general views of non-standard products in accordance with GOST 21.114 *;

d) specifications of equipment, products and materials according to GOST 21.110;

e) other attached documentation provided for by the relevant standards of the Design Documentation System for Construction (SPDS);

e) estimate documentation according to the established forms.

4 General requirements for completing documentation

4.1 Design documentation

4.1.1 Project documentation intended for approval (stage-project, approved part of the working draft) is completed in volumes, as a rule, in separate sections provided for by building codes and regulations. Each volume is numbered with Arabic numerals.

Example - Volume 1 - General explanatory note

Volume 2 - Master Plan and Transport

If necessary, the volumes are divided into parts. In this case, the volumes are numbered by type: Volume 1.1, Volume 1.2.

4.1.2 Text and graphic materials included in the volume are completed, as a rule, in the following order:


Title page;

The composition of the project;

Explanatory note;

Basic drawings provided by building codes and regulations.

The rules for the design of the cover, title page, content and composition of the project are given in section 9.

4.1.3 Each text and graphic document included in the volume is assigned a designation, which is indicated on the title page and in the main inscriptions.

The composition of the designation includes the basic designation, established according to the system in force in the organization, and through a hyphen - the brand and / or code of the project section. Marks of sections of the project are taken by analogy with the marks of the main sets of working drawings given in Appendix A.


1.2345-PZ Section "General Explanatory Note"

2.2345-GT Section "Master Plan and Transport"

3.2345-12-AC Section "Architectural and construction solutions",

ПЗ - cipher of the project section;

GT and AS - marks of sections of the project.


4.1.4 Text and graphic materials, as a rule, include the volume on sheets folded according to the A4 GOST 2.301 format.

Each volume includes no more than 250 A4 sheets, 150 A3 sheets, 75 A2 sheets and 50 A1 sheets.

4.1.5 General requirements for the implementation of graphic documentation are given in Section 5.

Text documents are performed in accordance with GOST 2.105, taking into account the requirements of section 5 of this standard.

4.2 Working drawings

4.2.1 Working drawings intended for the production of construction and installation works are combined into sets (hereinafter referred to as the main sets) by brand in accordance with Appendix A.

4.2.2 The main set of working drawings of any brand can be divided into several main sets of the same brand (with the addition of a serial number to it) in accordance with the process of organizing construction and installation work.

Example - AC1; AC2; QOL1; QOL2

4.2.3 Each main set of working drawings is assigned a designation, which includes the basic designation established according to the system in force in the organization, and through a hyphen - the brand of the main set.

Example - 2345-12-AP,

where 2345 is the number of the agreement (contract) or the code of the construction object;

12 - number of the building or structure according to the general plan *;

2345-12 - basic designation;

AP - brand of the main set of working drawings.


* For sections of the project related to the construction site as a whole (general explanatory note, master plan and transport, etc.), as well as for working drawings linear structures, master plan, outdoor communications, this part of the basic designation, as a rule, is excluded.

4.2.4 The main sets of working drawings include general data on working drawings, as well as drawings and diagrams provided for by the SPDS standards.

General data on working drawings

4.2.5 On the first sheets of each main set of working drawings, general data on working drawings are given, including:

a) a list of working drawings of the main set in form 1;

b) a list of reference and attached documents in form 2;

c) a list of the main sets of working drawings in form 2;

d) a list of specifications (if there are several layouts in the main set), performed according to Form 1.

e) symbols that are not established by state standards, and the meanings of which are not indicated on other sheets of the main set of working drawings;

e) general instructions;

g) other data provided by the relevant SPDS standards.

Forms 1 and 2 with instructions for completing them are given in Appendix B.

4.2.6 The list of working drawings of the main set contains a sequential list of sheets of the main set.

4.2.7 The list of reference and attached documents is compiled by sections:

a) reference documents;

b) attached documents.

The "Referenced documents" section indicates the documents that are referenced in the working drawings, including:

a) drawings of typical structures, products and assemblies indicating the name and designation of the series and issue number;

b) standards, which include drawings intended for the manufacture of products, indicating their name and designation.

Reference documents are issued by the design organization to the customer only under a separate agreement.

In the "Attached documents" section indicate the documents developed in addition to the working drawings of the main set, including:

Working documentation for construction products;

Sketch drawings of general views of non-standard products *;

Specification of equipment, products and materials;

local estimate;

Other documentation provided by the relevant SPDS standards.

The design organization issues the attached documents to the customer simultaneously with the main set of working drawings.

4.2.8 A list of the main sets of working drawings is given on the sheets of general data of the main set of the leading brand **.

If there are several main sets of working drawings of the same brand, a list of sets of this brand is compiled in form 2 of Appendix B, which is given on the general data sheet for each of these sets.

* Perform if necessary.

** The main set of working drawings is appointed by the general designer as the leading brand.

4.2.9 The general instructions give:

a) the basis for the development of working documentation (design assignment, approved project);

b) the mark taken in the working drawings of a building or structure conditionally as zero (as a rule, they are given on architectural and construction drawings);

c) a record of the results of the check for patentability and patent purity of technological processes, equipment, devices, structures, materials and products for the first time used or developed in the project, as well as the numbers of copyright certificates and applications for which decisions were made to issue copyright certificates for those used in the working documentation of the invention;

d) a record that the working drawings are developed in accordance with applicable norms, rules and standards;

e) a list of types of work for which it is necessary to draw up certificates of examination of hidden work;

f) information about who owns this intellectual property (if necessary);

g) other necessary instructions.

General instructions should not repeat the technical requirements placed on other sheets of the main set of working drawings, and describe the technical solutions adopted in the working drawings.

5. General rules for the execution of documentation

5.1 When performing design, working and other technical documentation intended for the construction of enterprises, buildings and structures, should be guided by the requirements of the relevant SPDS standards, as well as standards unified system design documentation (ESKD).

The list of ESKD standards to be taken into account when performing graphic and text documentation for construction is given in Appendix B.

Documentation intended for microfilming must comply with the requirements of the "Reprography" system of standards.

5.2 Drawings are performed at the optimal scale, taking into account their complexity and richness of information.

The scales in the drawings are not indicated, with the exception of product drawings and other cases provided for in the relevant SPDS standards.

5.3 The list of abbreviations of words allowed in the main inscriptions, technical requirements, tables, drawings and specifications, compiled in addition to GOST 2.316 and is given in Appendix D.

Coordination axes

5.4 On the image of each building or structure, the coordination axes are indicated and an independent notation system is assigned to them.

Coordination axes are applied to the images of the building, structures with thin dash-dotted lines with long strokes, denoted by Arabic numerals and capital letters of the Russian alphabet (with the exception of the letters: Ё, 3, Ъ, O, X, C, Ch, Щ, b, Y, b) in circles with a diameter of 6-12 mm.

Omissions in numerical and alphabetic (except for those indicated) designations of the coordination axes are not allowed.

5.5 The numbers indicate the coordination axes along the side of the building and structures with a large number of axes. If there are not enough letters of the alphabet to designate the coordination axes, subsequent axes are designated by two letters.

Example -AA; BB; VV.

5.6 The sequence of numerical and alphabetic designations of the coordination axes is taken according to the plan from left to right and from bottom to top (Figure 1 A) or as shown in pictures 1 b, V.

5.7 The designation of the coordination axes, as a rule, is applied on the left and lower sides of the plan of the building and structure.

If the coordination axes of the opposite sides of the plan do not coincide, the designations of these axes at the divergence points are additionally applied on the upper and / or right sides.

5.8 For individual elements located between the coordination axes of the main load-bearing structures, put additional axes and designate them as a fraction:

above the line indicate the designation of the previous coordination axis;

under the line - additional serial number within the area between adjacent coordination axes in accordance with Figure 1 G.

Picture 1

It is allowed to assign numerical and alphabetic designations to the coordinating axes of half-timbered columns in continuation of the designations of the axes of the main columns without an additional number.

5.9 On the image of a repeating element attached to several coordination axes, the coordination axes are designated in accordance with Figure 2:

« A» - with the number of coordination axes not more than 3;

« b» - » »»» more than 3;

« V» - for all alphabetic and digital coordination axes.

If necessary, the orientation of the coordination axis to which the element is attached, in relation to the neighboring axis, is indicated in accordance with Figure 2 G.

Figure 2

5.10 To designate the coordination axes of block sections of residential buildings, the index "c" is used.

Example - 1s, 2s, Ac, Bs.

On the plans of residential buildings, arranged from block sections, the designations of the extreme coordination axes of the block sections are indicated without an index in accordance with Figure 3.

Figure 3

Application of dimensions, slopes, marks, inscriptions

5.11 The dimension line at its intersection with extension lines, contour lines or center lines is limited by serifs in the form of thick main lines 2-4 mm long, drawn with an inclination to the right at an angle of 45 ° to the dimension line, while the dimension lines should protrude beyond the extreme extension lines by 1-3 mm.

When applying a diameter or radius dimension inside a circle, as well as an angular dimension, the dimension line is limited by arrows. Arrows are also used when dimensioning radii and internal fillets.

5.12 Level marks (heights, depths) of structural elements, equipment, pipelines, air ducts, etc. from the reference level (conditional "zero" mark) are indicated by a conventional sign in accordance with Figure 4 and are indicated in meters with three decimal places separated from an integer comma.

Figure 4

The "zero" mark, taken, as a rule, for the surface of any structural element of a building or structure located near the planning surface of the earth, is indicated without a sign; marks above zero - with a "+" sign; below zero - with a "-" sign.

On views (façades), sections and sections, marks indicate extension lines or contour lines in accordance with Figure 5, on plans - in a rectangle in accordance with Figure 6, except as otherwise specified in the relevant SPDS standards.

5.13 On the plans, the direction of the slope of the planes is indicated by an arrow, above which, if necessary, the slope value is put down as a percentage in accordance with Figure 7 or as a ratio of height and length (for example, 1:7).

It is allowed, if necessary, to indicate the value of the slope in ppm, as a decimal fraction with an accuracy of the third decimal place. In the drawings and diagrams, in front of the dimension number that determines the magnitude of the slope, the sign "Ð" is applied, the acute angle of which should be directed towards the slope.

The designation of the slope is applied directly above the contour line or on the shelf of the leader line.

Figure 5

Figure 6

Figure 7

5.14 Remote inscriptions for multilayer structures should be made in accordance with Figure 8.

5.15 Position numbers (brands of elements) are applied on the shelves of leader lines drawn from the images of the component parts of the object, next to the image without a leader line or within the contours of the depicted parts of the object in accordance with Figure 9.

With a small-scale image, leader lines end without an arrow and a dot.

5.16 The font size for designating the coordination axes and positions (marks) should be one or two numbers larger than the font size adopted for dimensional numbers in the same drawing.

Images (sections, sections, views, fragments)

5.17 Sections of a building or structure are designated by Arabic numerals sequentially within the main set of working drawings.

Independent numbering is allowed only for sections of individual sections of a building, structure or installation, all drawings of which are placed on one sheet or group of sheets, and if these drawings do not contain references to sections located on other sheets of the main set of working drawings.

It is allowed to designate cuts in capital letters of the Russian alphabet.

The direction of view for a section according to the plan of a building and structure is taken, as a rule, from bottom to top and from right to left.

5.18 If separate parts of the view (facade), plan, section require a more detailed image, then additionally carry out remote elements - nodes and fragments.

5.19 When depicting a node, the corresponding place is marked on the view (facade), plan or section with a closed solid thin line (usually a circle or an oval) with the designation on the shelf of the leader line of the serial number of the node in Arabic numeral in accordance with Figure 10.

If the node is placed on another sheet, then the sheet number is indicated under the leader line shelf (Figure 10 A) or on the shelf of the leader line nearby, in brackets, in accordance with Figure 10 b.

If necessary, references to a node placed in another main set of working drawings, or to a typical node, indicate the designation and sheet number of the corresponding main set of working drawings in accordance with Figure 10 V or a series of working drawings of typical units and issue number in accordance with Figure 10 G.

Figure 10

Above the image of the node indicate in the circle its serial number in accordance with Figure 12 A or 12 b.

Figure 11

Figure 12

The node, which is a complete mirror image of another (main) performance, is assigned the same serial number as the main performance, with the addition of the index "n".

5.20 Fragments of plans, sections, facades, as a rule, are marked with a curly bracket in accordance with Figure 13.

Figure 13

Under the curly brace, as well as above the corresponding fragment, the name and serial number of the fragment are applied. If the fragment is placed on another sheet, then they give a link to this sheet.

5.21 Images up to the axis of symmetry of symmetrical plans and facades of buildings and structures, layouts of structural elements, plans for the location of technological, energy, sanitary and other equipment are not allowed.

5.22 If the image (for example, a plan) does not fit on a sheet of the accepted format, then it is divided into several sections, placing them on separate sheets.

In this case, on each sheet where an image section is shown, a diagram of the whole image is given with the necessary coordination axes and a symbol (shading) of the image section shown on this sheet in accordance with Figure 14.

Note - If the drawings of image sections are placed in different main sets of working drawings, then the designation of the corresponding main set is indicated above the sheet number (according to 4.2.2)

Figure 14

5.23 If the floor plans of a multi-storey building have slight differences from each other, then the plan of one of the floors is completely fulfilled, for other floors, only those parts of the plan that are necessary to show the difference from the plan depicted in full are performed.

Under the name of the partially depicted plan, an entry is given:

"For the rest, see the plan (name of the fully depicted plan)."

5.24 In the names of the floor plans of the building and structure indicate the mark of the finished floor or the number of the floor, or the designation of the corresponding cutting plane.


1. Elevation plan 0.000

2. Plan 2 - 9 floors

3. Plan 3 - 3

When executing a part of the plan, the title indicates the axes that limit this part of the plan.

Example -Elevation plan 0.000 between axes 1 - 8 and A - D

It is allowed to indicate the purpose of the premises located on the floor in the title of the floor plan.

5.25 In the names of the sections of the building (structure) indicate the designation of the corresponding secant plane.

Example -Section 1 - 1

5.26 The names of the facades of buildings and structures indicate the extreme axes between which the facade is located.

Example -Facade 1 - 12

Basic inscriptions

5.27 Each sheet of a graphic and text document must have a main inscription and additional columns to it. The forms of the main inscriptions and instructions for filling them out are given in Appendix D.

5.28 In the design and working documentation, the main inscription is drawn up:

a) on sheets of the main sets of working drawings and main drawings of project documentation - in form 3;

b) on the first sheet of drawings of building products - in form 4;

c) on the first sheets of text documents and sketch drawings of general types of non-standard products - in form 5;

d) on subsequent sheets of drawings of building products, text documents and sketch drawings of general views - in form 6.

It is allowed on the first sheet of the drawing of a building product to carry out the main inscription according to form 5.

5.29 In the reporting technical documentation based on the results of engineering surveys, the main inscription is drawn up:

a) on sheets of graphic documents used in the design as a basis - in form 3;

b) on the first sheets of other graphic and text documents - in form 5, on subsequent sheets - in form 6.

5.30 The location of the main inscription and additional columns to it, as well as dimensional frames on the sheets are given in Appendix E.

5.31 The main inscriptions, additional columns to them and frames are made with solid thick main and solid thin lines in accordance with GOST 2.303 in accordance with Appendix D.

5.32 Graphic and text documents, brochured in the form of a volume, album, issue or in other publishing form, are issued with a title page.

Rules for the execution of the title page are given in section 9.

5.33 It is allowed for the title page not to carry out and not to brochure the text working documents of a small volume. In this case, the first sheet of the document is drawn up with the main inscription in form 3, the subsequent ones - in form 6.

6 Rules for making specifications on drawings

6.1 To the layout of elements of a prefabricated structure, a monolithic reinforced concrete structure, to the drawings of installations (blocks) of technological, sanitary and other equipment, a specification is drawn up in form 7 of Appendix G.

When drawing drawings by the group method, group specifications are compiled in form 8 of Appendix G.

6.2 Specifications for building products are made in accordance with GOST 21.501.

7 Rulesmaking changes to the working documentation issued to the customer

7.1 A change in a working document previously issued to the customer is any correction, deletion or addition of any data to it without changing the designation of this document. The designation of the document may be changed only in the case when different documents are erroneously assigned the same designations or an error is made in the designation of the document.

7.2 Changes are made to the original document. Changes to the calculations are not allowed.

7.3 Copies of sheets (modified, additional and issued instead of replaced sheets) of working documentation are sent to organizations to which copies of documents were previously sent, simultaneously with copies of the general data of the corresponding main set of working drawings, specified in accordance with clause 7.5.


7.4.1 Changing the document is carried out on the basis of permission to make changes (hereinafter referred to as permission), drawn up in accordance with form 9 of Appendix I.

The permission is approved by the head of the organization that developed the document or, on his behalf, another official.

7.4.2 The basis for obtaining original documents for making changes to them is permission.

7.4.3 Changes for each document (for example, the main set of working drawings, specification of equipment, products and materials) are issued with a separate permit.

It is allowed to make one general permission for changes made simultaneously to several documents, if the changes are interconnected or the same for all changed documents.

7.5 Alteration

7.5.1 Changes to the original documents are made by crossing out or erasing (washing out). This takes into account the physical condition of the original.

7.5.2 After making changes, the images, letters, numbers, signs must be clear, the thickness of the lines, the size of the gaps, etc. must be made according to the rules provided for by the relevant ESKD standards and the Reprography standards system.

7.5.3 Changeable sizes, words, signs, inscriptions, etc., are crossed out with solid thin lines and new data is put next to them.

7.5.4 When changing the image (part of the image), it is outlined with a solid thin line forming a closed contour, and crossed out with solid thin lines.

A new image of the changed area is performed on a free field of the sheet or on another sheet without rotation.

7.5.5 Changed, canceled and additional sections of the image are assigned a designation consisting of the serial number of the next change in the document and through the point of the serial number of the changed (cancelled, additional) image section within this sheet. In this case, the new image of the changed area is assigned a change designation of the replaced image.

If a new image of the changed area is placed on another sheet, then the designation of the change assigned to it is saved and is not taken into account in the change table of this sheet.

7.5.6 Near each change, including near the change corrected by erasing (washing), outside the image, the designation of the change is applied in a parallelogram in accordance with Figure 15.

Figure 15

Draw a solid thin line from the parallelogram to the modified area.

7.5.7 Changed sizes, words, signs, inscriptions, etc., located close to each other, are outlined with a solid thin line forming a closed contour, without crossing out in accordance with Figure 16.

7.5.8 If a new image of the changed area is placed on another sheet, then the replaced image also indicates the number of the sheet on which the new image is located in accordance with Figure 17.

Figure 16

Figure 17

7.5.9 Above the new image of the changed area, the designation of the change in the replaced image is placed in the parallelogram, and with the parallelogram it is indicated: "Instead of the crossed out one."

If a new image of the changed area is placed on another sheet, then with a parallelogram indicate: "Instead of the crossed out on the sheet (number of the sheet on which the replaced image is located)" in accordance with Figure 18.

Figure 18

7.5.10 If a new image of the changed area is placed near the replaced one, then they are connected by leader lines with the designation of the change in accordance with Figure 19.

Figure 19

Above the additional image, the designation of the change is placed in the parallelogram, and with the parallelogram they indicate: "Addition" in accordance with Figure 20.

Figure 20

7.5.11 When canceling an image (part of an image), when indicating a change, indicate: "Cancelled".

7.5.12 If there is not enough space to make changes or there may be a violation of the clarity of the image during correction, then a new original is made taking into account the changes made and its previous designation is retained.

If one or more sheets of the original are replaced or added, then the inventory number assigned to the original is stored on them.

When replacing all sheets of the original, it is assigned a new inventory number.

7.5.13 When making changes to the sheets of the main set of working drawings in the list of working drawings of this set on the sheets of general data in the "Note" column indicate:

a) when making the first change - "Change 1".

When making subsequent changes, additionally the next number of changes, separating them from the previous ones with a semicolon.

Example -Change 1; 2; 3

b) on replaced sheets with the change number - "(Replacement)".

Example -Change 1 (Deputy)

c) on canceled sheets with the change number - "Cancelled".

Example -Change 1 (Cancelled)

d) on additional sheets with the change number - "(New)".

Example -Change 1 (New)

7.5.14 If additional sheets are included in the main set of working drawings, then they are assigned successive serial numbers and recorded in continuation of the sheet of working drawings of the corresponding main set.

If there is not enough space in the list of working drawings to record additional sheets, the continuation of the sheet is transferred to the first of the additional sheets. At the same time, at the end of the list of working drawings, placed in the "General Data", an entry is made:

"Continuation of the statement, see sheet (sheet number)", and above the statement on an additional sheet, the heading is placed: "The statement of working drawings of the main set (Continued)".

The numbers and names of the canceled sheets in the list of working drawings are crossed out.

When changing the names of sheets, make the appropriate changes in the column "Name".

7.5.15 When changing the total number of sheets of a document on its first sheet in the main inscription, the corresponding changes are made in the "Sheets" column.

7.5.16 When performing additional and canceling previously completed attached documents, corrections are made to the list of reference and attached documents of the corresponding main set of working drawings.

7.5.17 When performing additional and canceling previously completed main sets of working drawings, corrections are made to the list of main sets of working drawings.

7.5.18 The changes made to the original are indicated in the table of changes placed in the title block.

It is allowed to place the table of changes outside the main inscription (above it or to the left of it) in the same form.

7.5.19 In the table of changes indicate:

a) in the column "Change." - sequence number of the document change;

b) in the column "Number of accounts." - the number of variable areas of the image on this sheet within the next change;

c) in the column "Sheet" - on sheets issued instead of replaced - "Deputy", on sheets added again - "New".

When replacing all sheets of the original (with the next number of changes in the document), on the first sheet in the column "Sheet" indicate "All". At the same time, the table of changes on other sheets of this original is not filled out.

In other cases, a dash is put in the "Sheet" column;

d) in the column "No. Doc." - designation of permission;

e) in the column "Signed." - the signature of the person responsible for the correctness of the change (the signature of the person responsible for normative control is put on the field for filing the sheet);

e) in the column "Date" - the date of the change.

7.5.20 The table of changes does not take into account corrections made to the statements of the general data sheet in connection with changes to the sheets of the main set and attached documents.

7.5.21 When making changes to text documents, it is recommended to follow the change registration table in accordance with Form 10 of Regulation K. The change registration table is placed on the title page of the text document.

7.5.22 Significant changes in text documents are made in one of the following ways:

a) replacement of all or individual sheets of the document;

b) issuance of new additional sheets.

When changing the original text documents, it is allowed, when adding a new sheet, to assign it the number of the previous sheet with the addition of the next Arabic numeral, separating it from the previous dot.

Example - 3.1

In this case, the total number of sheets is changed on the first sheet.

In text documents containing mostly solid text, when adding a new item, it is allowed to assign the number of the previous item to it with the addition of the next lowercase letter of the Russian alphabet, and when canceling the item, keep the numbers of subsequent items.

7.5.23 When canceling or replacing a document, all canceled and replaced sheets of the original are crossed out crosswise with solid thin lines and stamped in the form 11 of Appendix L.

8 Rules for linking working documentation

8.1. Working documentation - standard designs, standard design solutions (intended for binding) and working documentation for re-use are subject to binding to a specific construction site. On each sheet of the attached documentation, a binding stamp is put in accordance with Appendix M:

a) on the first sheet - in form 12;

b) on subsequent sheets - according to form 13.

8.2 Covers and title pages of the main sets of working drawings of standard projects (standard design solutions), published in the form of albums and releases, are not tied and are not sent to the customer.

8.3 Anchor stamp is applied to the free margin of the sheet, preferably above the title block or to the left of it.

8.4 It is allowed not to put a binding stamp on invariable working drawings of structures, products and assemblies if they are re-used by the organization that developed and approved these drawings. The specified working drawings are recorded in the section of the attached documents without changing the designation.

8.5 Changes when binding are made in accordance with paragraphs. 7.5.1-7.5.4, 7.5.14-7.5.17 and subject to the following additional requirements:

a) if there are two or more variable areas of the image, then they are assigned serial numbers, which are put down in Roman numerals on the shelf of the leader line in accordance with Figure 21;

b) above the changed area indicate in Roman numeral the serial number of the changed area of ​​the image and the inscription "Instead of crossed out" in accordance with Figure 22.

If a new image (part of an image) is placed on another sheet, then the number of the sheet on which the new image is located is also indicated for the replaced image.

Figure 21

Figure 22

8.6 The main inscriptions on the sheets of attached documentation published in the form of albums and releases are left unchanged.

8.8 The canceled sheets are excluded from the attached documentation without changing the general numbering of the sheets.

9 Bound Documentation Rules

9.1 Each bound document is issued with a cover in the form 14 given in Appendix H. The cover is not numbered and is not included in the total number of pages.

9.2 The first page of a text (graphic) document or several bound documents is the title page. The title page is performed according to the form 15 of Appendix P. An example of filling out the title page is given in the same place.

9.3 All pages of a bound document, starting with the title one, must have continuous page numbering. The title page is not numbered.

The page number on sheets of text and graphic documents is indicated in the upper right corner of the working field of the sheet.

In addition, in the main inscription of text and graphic documents included in a volume, album or release and having an independent designation, indicate the serial numbering of sheets within the document with one designation.

9.4 When compiling several documents in the form of a volume, album or release, after the title page, the “Contents” are given, which is performed in the form 2 of Appendix B.

The first sheet of the "Contents" is drawn up with the main inscription in accordance with form 5 of Appendix D, the subsequent ones - in form 6 of Appendix D. The "Contents" are assigned a designation consisting of the designation of the document and the code "C".

Example -2345-GT.S, 2345-11-KZh.IS, 2345-11-TH.NS

9.5 Title pages project documents signed by:

manager or chief engineer of the organization;

chief engineer (architect) of the project.

The title pages of working documents are signed by the responsible person - the chief engineer (architect) of the project.

The title page of the reporting survey documentation is drawn up taking into account the additional requirements of the relevant building codes and rules.

9.6 The composition of the project, according to 4.1.2, is given in the statement executed in the form 16 of Appendix P.

The statement provides a sequential list of volumes of project documentation.

The first sheet of the statement is drawn up with the main inscription in form 5 of Appendix D, the subsequent ones - in form 6 of Appendix D.

The statements are assigned a designation consisting of the basic designation of the document and through a hyphen - the code "SP".

Example - 2345-SP

Stamps of the main sets of working drawings

Table A.1

Name of the main set of working drawings


Production technology

Technological communications

When combining working drawings of all technological communications

General plan and transport facilities

When combining the working drawings of the master plan and transport facilities

General plan

Architectural solutions


Working drawings can be combined with the main set of grades AP and AC

Reinforced concrete structures

Wooden structures

Architectural and construction solutions

When combining working drawings architectural solutions and building structures

Detailed metal structures

Water supply and sewerage

Heating, ventilation and air conditioning

Thermal mechanical solutions for boiler rooms

Air supply

dust removal


Gas supply (internal devices)

Power equipment

Electric lighting (internal)

Communication systems

Radio communications, broadcasting and television


Fire alarm

Security and fire alarm systems

Hydraulic Solutions


Many replace the name and brand of the corresponding main set of working drawings

Integrated automation

When combining working drawings of various technological processes and engineering systems

Anticorrosion protection of structures, structures

Anti-corrosion protection of process equipment, gas ducts and pipelines

Thermal insulation of equipment and pipelines

Car roads


Motor transport facilities

When combining working drawings of roads, railways and other roads

External water supply networks

External sewer networks

External water supply and sewerage networks

When combining working drawings of external water supply and sewerage networks

Thermal mechanical solutions for heating networks

Outdoor gas pipelines

Outdoor electric lighting

Power supply

Note ¾ If necessary, additional brands of the main sets of working drawings can be assigned. At the same time, capital letters (not more than three) of the Russian alphabet are used for stamps, corresponding, as a rule, to the initial letters of the names of the main set of working drawings.



Sheets of general data on working drawings

Form 1 - List of working drawings of the main set

Specification sheet

Instructions for filling out the list of working drawings of the main set

In the statement of working drawings of the main set indicate:

a) in the column "Sheet" - the serial number of the sheet of the main set of working drawings;

b) in the column "Name" - the name of the images placed on the sheet, in strict accordance with the names given in the main inscription of the sheet;

c) in the column "Note" - additional information, for example, about changes made to the working drawings of the main set.

Instructions for Completing the Specification Sheet

The specification sheet indicates:

a) in the column "Sheet" - the number of the sheet of the main set of working drawings on which the specification is placed;

b) in the column "Name" - the name of the specification in strict accordance with its name indicated on the drawing;

c) in the column "Note" - additional information, including changes made to the specifications.

Form 2 - List of main sets of working drawings

List of referenced and attached documents

Instructions for filling out the list of main sets of working drawings

In the statement of the main sets of working drawings indicate:

a) in the column "Designation" - the designation of the main set of working drawings and, if necessary, the name or distinctive index of the organization that issued the document;

b) in the column "Name" - the name of the main set of working drawings;

c) in the column "Note" - additional information, including changes in the composition of the main sets of working drawings.

Instructions for completing the list of referenced and attached documents

In the statement of reference and attached documents indicate:

a) in the column "Designation" - the designation of the document and, if necessary, the name or distinctive index of the organization that issued the document;

b) in the column "Name" - the name of the document in full accordance with the name indicated on the title page or in the main inscription;

c) in the column "Note" - additional information, including changes made to the recorded documents that are part of the working documentation.



List of ESKD standards to be taken into account when performing graphic and text documentation for construction

Table B.1

Designation and name of the standard

Conditions for applying the standard

GOST 2.004-88

ESKD. General requirements for the implementation of design and technological documents on printing and graphic output devices of a computer

GOST 2.101-68

ESKD. Product types

GOST 2.102-68

ESKD. Types and completeness of design documents

Taking into account the requirements of GOST 21.501 related to the execution of drawings of building products

GOST 2.105-95

ESKD. General requirements for text documents

Taking into account the requirements of sections 4, 5 and 9 of this standard

GOST 2.108-68

ESKD. Specification

Taking into account the requirements of section 6 of this standard and GOST 21.501

GOST 2.109-73

ESKD. Basic requirements for drawings

GOST 2.113-75

ESKD. Group and basic design documents

Taking into account the requirements of GOST 21.501

GOST 2.114-95

ESKD. Specifications

Subject to the requirements of 5.27, 5.28, 5.30-5.32 of section 5 and section 9 of this standard. 3.7.1 and 3.8 GOST 2.114 do not take into account

GOST 2.301-68

ESKD. Formats

Subject to the requirements of the relevant SPDS standards

GOST 2.302-68

ESKD. Scales

GOST 2.303-68

ESKD. lines

GOST 2.304-81

ESKD. Drawing fonts

GOST 2.305-68

ESKD. Images - views, cuts, sections

Subject to the requirements of 5.17-5.26 of this standard

GOST 2.306-68

ESKD. Designations of graphic materials and the rules for their application on the drawings

Taking into account the requirements of GOST 21.302, tables 4 and 5

GOST 2.307-68

ESKD. Application of dimensions and limit deviations

Taking into account the requirements of 5.11-5.13 of this standard

GOST 2.308-79

ESKD. Indication on the drawings of the tolerances of shapes and the location of surfaces

Taking into account the requirements of GOST 21.113

GOST 2.309-73

ESKD. Surface Roughness Symbols

GOST 2.310-68

ESKD. Application on the drawings of designations of coatings, thermal and other types of processing

GOST 2.311-68

ESKD. Thread image

GOST 2.312-72

ESKD. Conditional images and designations of seams of welded joints

GOST 2.313-82

ESKD. Conditional images and designations of one-piece connections

GOST 2.314-68

ESKD. Instructions on the drawings on the marking and branding of products

GOST 2.315-68

ESKD. Images of simplified and conditional fasteners

GOST 2.316-68

ESKD. Rules for applying inscriptions, technical requirements and tables on drawings

Subject to the requirements of 5.14-5.16 of this standard

GOST 2.317-69

ESKD. Axonometric projections

GOST 2.410-68

ESKD. Rules for the execution of drawings of metal structures

GOST 2.501-88 ESKD. Accounting and storage rules

In terms of the form of the inventory book, subscriber card and instructions for folding drawings

Note - The conditions for the application of ESKD standards of classification group 7 are determined by the corresponding standards of SPDS.

List of allowed word abbreviations (addition to GOST 2.316)

Table D.1

Full name



Anti-seismic seam


asphalt concrete

Concrete, concrete

ventilation chamber

ventilation chamber

Chief Engineer

Ch. eng. (*)

Chief engineer (architect) of the project

GIP (GAP) (*)

Chief Specialist

Ch. specialist. (*)

Expansion joint





Unit rev. (T)

Capacity (c, t)


Reinforced concrete, reinforced concrete


insulation, insulating





Staircase, stairway

Workshop (in design organizations)


materials (t)


norms. load



calc. load


dignity. tech.


dignity. node



Temperature joint


Rail head level

ur. r. (And)

Ground level

Clean floor level

ur. ch.p. (i)


Cement, cement

cement concrete


Crushed stone, crushed stone


e-t (i. t)

Note - Abbreviations marked with (*) are used only in the title block; (t) - in tables; (c) - with numbers or ciphers; (i) - on graphic images



Main inscriptions and additional columns to it

Form 3 - For sheets:

main sets of working drawings;

main drawings of sections of project documentation;

graphic documents on engineering surveys

Form 4 - Dli drawings of building products (first sheet)

Form 5 - Forall types of text documents (first sheets)

Note - The main inscription in form 5 is allowed to be used for graphic documents on engineering surveys that are not used as a background

Form 6 - For drawings of building products and all types of text documents (subsequent sheets)

Note - The main inscription according to form 6 can be used for graphic documents on engineering surveys that are not used as a background

Instructions for filling out the main inscription and additional columns to it

In the columns of the main inscription and additional columns to it (the numbers of the columns are indicated in brackets) lead:

a) in column 1 - the designation of the document, including the project section, the main set of working drawings, product drawing, text document, etc.;

b) in column 2 - the name of the enterprise, housing and civil complex or other construction object, which includes the building (structure), or the name of the microdistrict;

c) in column 3 - the name of the building (structure) and, if necessary, the type of construction (reconstruction, expansion, technical re-equipment, overhaul);

d) in column 4 - the name of the images placed on this sheet, in exact accordance with the name on the drawing.

The names of specifications and other tables, as well as textual indications related to images, are not indicated in the column;

e) in column 5 - the name of the product and / or the name of the document;

e) in column 6 - designation of the design stage:

1) P - for project documentation, including the approved part of the working draft;

2) P - for working documentation;

g) in column 7 - the serial number of a sheet or page of a text document for duplex printing. On documents consisting of one sheet, the column is not filled out;

i) in column 8 - the total number of sheets of the document. The column is filled out only on the first sheet.

On the first sheet of a text document for duplex printing indicate the total number of pages;

j) in column 9 - the name or distinctive index of the organization that developed the document;

k) in column 10 - the nature of the work performed (developed, checked, standard control).

Depending on the design stage, the complexity and significance of the document, it is allowed to fill in free lines at the discretion of the organization's management (indicate the positions of persons responsible for the development of the document (drawing);

l) in columns 11-13 - the names and signatures of the persons indicated in column 10, and the date of signing.

Signatures of other officials and coordinating signatures are placed on the field for filing the sheet;

m) in columns 14-19 - columns of the table of changes, which are filled in in accordance with clause 7.5.19;

o) in column 20 - the inventory number of the original;

p) in column 21 - the signature of the person who accepted the original for storage, and the date of acceptance (day, month, year);

c) in column 22 - the inventory number of the original document, in exchange for which the original was issued;

r) in column 23 - the designation of the material of the part (the column is filled out only on the drawings of the parts);

s) in column 24 - the mass of the product shown in the drawing, in kilograms, without indicating the unit of measurement. The mass of the product in other units of measurement is given with the indication of the unit of measurement.

Example - 2,4 T;

t) in column 25 - scale (put down in accordance with GOST 2.302);

w) in column 26 - the signature of the person who copied the drawing (if necessary).



Location of the main inscription, additional columns to it

and dimension frames on sheets

Note - Dimensions in parentheses are for the framework of standard design documentation.



Form 7 - WITHspecification

Form 8 - GRpackage specification

Instructions for filling out the specification and group specification

The specifications indicate:

a) in the column "Pos." - positions (brands) of structural elements, installations;

b) in the column "Designation" - the designation of the main documents for the structural elements, equipment and products recorded in the specification or standards (technical specifications) for them;

c) in the column "Name" - the names of structural elements, equipment and products and their brands. It is allowed to indicate the name of a group of elements with the same name once and underline;

d) in the column "Number." forms 7 - the number of elements. In the column “Number ...” of Form 8, instead of the ellipsis, they write “according to the scheme”, “per floor”, etc., and below - the serial numbers of the layout or floors;

e) in the column "Mass, unit kg" - mass in kilograms. It is allowed to give the mass in tons, but with an indication of the unit of measurement;

f) in the column "Note" - additional information, for example, the unit of mass.



Form 9 - Permission to make changes

Instructions for Completing a Change Authorization

Permissions indicate:

a) in column 1 - the designation of the permit, consisting of the serial number of the permit according to the book of registration of permits in accordance with GOST 21.203 and a dash of the last two digits of the year.

Example - 15-97;

b) in column 2 - the designation of the document in which the change is made;

c) in column 3 - the name of the enterprise under construction, building (structure);

d) in column 4 - the next serial number assigned to the changes that are made to the document by one permit. It is indicated for the entire document, regardless of how many sheets it is made on. The serial numbers of changes are indicated by Arabic numerals;

e) in column 5 - the numbers of the sheets of the document in which changes are made;

f) in column 6 - the content of the change in the form of a text description and / or graphic image;

g) in column 7 - code of the reason for the change in accordance with the table

i) in column 8 - additional information;

j) in columns 9-11 - the names of the persons signing the permit, their signatures and dates of signing;

k) in column 12 - the name of the design organization and the subdivision (department) that issued the permit;

l) in columns 13-16 - the name of the relevant departments or organizations, positions and names of persons with whom the permit is agreed in the prescribed manner, their signatures and dates of signing, as well as the signature of the normative controller;

m) in column 17 - serial number of the permit sheet. If the permit consists of one sheet, the column is not filled out;

o) in column 18 - the total number of permit sheets.

Form 10 - Change Log Table

Instructions for completing the change registration table

In the columns of the change registration table indicate:

a) in the columns "Change", "Document number", "Signed" and "Date" - similar to filling in the corresponding columns of the table of changes;

b) in the columns "Numbers of sheets (pages) changed, replaced, new, canceled" - the numbers of sheets (pages) respectively changed, replaced, added and canceled under this permission.

When replacing the entire document, in the column "Numbers of sheets (pages) replaced" indicate "All";

c) in the column "Total sheets (pages) in the doc." - the number of sheets (pages) in the document. The column is filled in if the columns "Numbers of sheets (pages) new" and / or "Numbers of sheets (pages) canceled" are filled in.



Form 11 - Stamp of cancellation (replacement) of sheets of the original document

Instructions for filling in the cancellation (replacement) stamp of the original document sheets

The stamp indicates:

a) in line 1 - the sequence number of the next change in the document, in accordance with which the sheet was canceled or replaced (for example, "Change 3"). When canceling the sheet, the word "Replaced" in the stamp is crossed out;

b) in columns 2-5 - the position, surname, signature of the person responsible for making changes, and the date of signing.



Form 12 - Anchor stamp (first sheet)

Form 13 - Anchor stamp (subsequent sheets)

Guidelines for completing anchor stamps

When filling in the binding stamps indicate:

a) in column 1 - the new designation of the attached document;

b) in column 2 - the name of the organization that performed the binding;

c) in column 3 - the name of the enterprise under construction, building or structure for which the binding is made;

d) in columns 4-7 - the positions and names of the persons responsible for binding, as well as the person who carried out the normative control, their signatures and dates of signing;

e) in column 8 - the inventory number assigned to the linked document;

f) in column 9 - the number of sheets of the attached document;

g) in columns 10, 11 - the signature of the person who accepted the attached document for storage, and the date of signing.



Form 14 - Cover

Note - The name of the governing body is indicated for state organizations.



Form 15 - Title page


1 The name of the governing body is indicated for state organizations.

2 The field for signing the document is filled in in accordance with the instructions in section 9.

Title page example



Form 16 - Project composition

Instructions for filling out the sheet

The listing indicates:

In the column "Volume Number" - the number of the volume or its part;

In the column "Designation" - the designation of the document indicated on the title page, and, if necessary, the name or distinctive index of the organization that issued the document;

In the column "Name" - the name of the document in strict accordance with the name indicated on the title page;

In the "Note" column - additional information.

Keywords: working documentation, working drawings, general data on working drawings, composition, basic kits, specifications, changes, binding, project documentation, graphic and text documents, title page, main inscriptions, signatures.

1 area of ​​use

3 General requirements for the composition of documentation

4 General requirements for completing documentation

4.1 Design documentation

4.2 Working drawings

General data on working drawings

5 General rules for the execution of documentation

Coordination axes

Application of dimensions, slopes, marks, inscriptions

Images (sections, sections, views , fragments)

Basic inscriptions

6 Rules for making specifications on drawings

7 Rules for making changes to the working documentation issued to the customer

7.4 Permission to make changes

7.5 Making changes

8 Rules for linking working documentation

9 Bound Documentation Rules

Annex A Marks of the main sets of working drawings

Annex B Forms 1 and 2 - General Data Sheets for Working Drawings

Annex B List of ESKD standards to be taken into account when performing graphic and text documentation for construction

Appendix D List of allowed word abbreviations (addition to GOST 2.316)

Appendix D Forms 3-6 - Main inscriptions and additional columns to it

Annex E Location of the main inscription, additional columns to it and dimensional frames on sheets

Appendix G Forms 7 and 8 - Specifications

Annex I Form 9 - Permission to make changes

Annex K Form 10 - Change registration table

Annex L Form 11 - Stamp of cancellation (replacement) of sheets of the original document

Appendix M Forms 12 and 13 - Anchor Stamps (First and Subsequent Sheets)

Annex H Form 14 - Cover

Annex P Form 15 - Title page. Title page example

Annex R Form 16 - Project Scope

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