
Fiberglass reinforcement. Distinctive properties of fiberglass reinforcement

Fiberglass composite reinforcement is one of the most popular and modern building materials, widely known in the world.

This popularity is explained by the fact that fiberglass has advantages over metal reinforcement. Many people know from their own experience that metal fittings are very heavy, which requires more effort and time during its installation. In addition, it is susceptible to corrosion, which can ultimately lead to premature failure of the concrete structure.

Fiberglass reinforcement is a lightweight and alkali-resistant material, so it is beneficial to use it in construction.

Fiberglass reinforcement: an innovative building material

Conventional steel reinforcement is reliable and durable, but it is susceptible to corrosion and is heavy. It makes concrete structures heavier and, due to its susceptibility to corrosion, contributes to their destruction. Today there is a more modern analogue to steel reinforcement - fiberglass material.

Features of reinforcement made of composites

Fiberglass reinforcement is a composite material that has the advantages of steel reinforcement, but does not have the disadvantages of the latter.

Composite reinforcement:

  • 3 times stronger than steel and 9 times lighter than metal;
  • does not conduct electricity;
  • not subject to corrosion;
  • does not conduct heat;
  • lasts much longer than steel - up to 80 years;
  • can be produced in any length.

The production of fiberglass reinforcement is carried out using the technology of the Armastek company. The company has quality certificates for all products.

More reliable than steel

Steel is susceptible to corrosion, so when moisture gets on the rods, an oxidation reaction occurs. Composites are resistant to such influences. Concrete can absorb moisture from the environment, so water still ends up on the reinforcement. However, by choosing fiberglass building material, you don’t have to worry about the safety of the object - it will last for many years.

The new type of reinforcement is used for construction:

  • civil and industrial facilities;
  • objects of the agro-industrial complex
  • road structures
  • hydraulic structures
  • special objects
  • objects of architecture and decoration.

Composite reinforcement can withstand high loads. It is rolled into coils (has 100% memory) and does not lose strength and other properties, unlike metal. In addition, by using fiberglass reinforcement, you can significantly save on both construction work and transportation of material.

Working with fiberglass reinforcement is much easier than with steel. All work can be completed in a shorter time, and this also allows for savings. Armastek specialists were able to implement hundreds of objects using material of their own design. The demand for innovation is increasing every year - more and more construction companies are paying attention to fiberglass material. It is stronger and more economical than any analogues.

Comparative characteristics
steel and fiberglass reinforcement


Fiberglass reinforcement AKS

Steel reinforcement class A-III (A400C)

Material Glass roving bonded with epoxy resin polymer Steel
Tensile strength, not less than MPa 1 000 390
Modulus of elasticity, MPa 50 000 200 000
Relative extension, % 2,2 25
Thermal conductivity coefficient, W/(mּ0С) 0,35 46
Linear expansion coefficient, αх10-5/0С 9-12 13-15
Density, t/m³ 1,9 7,8
Corrosion resistance to aggressive environments Not subject to corrosion Susceptible to corrosion
Thermal conductivity Non-thermal conductive Thermally conductive
Electrical conductivity Non-conductive - is a dielectric Electrically conductive
Length In accordance with the buyer’s request (produced in rods and coils) Rods 6-12 m long
Durability Service life 80 years In accordance with building regulations
Conditional replacement of reinforcement based on physical and mechanical properties 4 AKS
10 AKS
12 AKS

Properties and application of fiberglass reinforcement

Fiberglass reinforcement is a product made from glass fibers bonded using thermosetting resins. Its main feature is lightness; the mass per unit volume is only 2g/mm3. Working with this material is easier and more profitable than working with metal fittings. Less costs are required during transportation and directly during reinforcement.

  • in construction, composite reinforcement is used in the construction of residential, public and industrial facilities as a reinforcing frame for foundations, floors, and beams;
  • In road repair work, composite reinforcement is used in the construction of embankments, road surfaces, in the construction of bridges and highway barriers. It is resistant to deicing agents, so it can be used in all cold regions.

Why choose Armastek

  1. Patented technology
  2. Frequent winding with an angle of over 70 degrees, which provides greater adhesion to concrete
  3. More than 10 years of experience in the market

Fiberglass or composite reinforcement is an alternative to steel products and is used to strengthen concrete in cases where special requirements are placed on their physical and chemical properties. Fiberglass does not deteriorate from moisture, its weight is 9 times less than the weight of steel of the same strength. Thermal conductivity indicators help reduce heat loss, and the temperature range is from -70 to 120 degrees. This material is used to reinforce concrete tanks at chemical plants, bridge supports and foundations. It is suitable for bonding multi-layer masonry walls and strengthening floors and screeds. Fiberglass is used in road construction for the construction of embankments and coverings.

Manufacturing technology

The main components of fiberglass rods are fiberglass and epoxy resin. First, the threads are impregnated with an adhesive, and then undergo a polymerization process. To do this, they are pulled through dies of the required diameter. At the final stage, a relief is applied to the smooth surface by rolling between rollers that have appropriate corrugation. In this way, light yellow colored rods are obtained that have optimal adhesion to concrete. The products have a diameter from 4 mm to 2 cm. In addition to fiberglass, basalt, carbon and aramid fibers are used in production. In this case, the products differ in color and may have longitudinal ribbing. To obtain structures from reinforcement, fiberglass is bonded using plastic elements.

Advantages and disadvantages of fiberglass products

Fiberglass products are characterized by increased tensile strength and are three times superior to steel reinforcement in this indicator. The density of fiberglass is much less than that of metal, and accordingly the weight is also much lighter, which makes it possible to lighten the concrete structure. A significant advantage is that plastic does not rust, even if it comes into contact with water, including sea water. The material does not react to the effects of alkalis, acids and other active chemicals. It does not collapse in the cold and can withstand an unlimited number of freezing/thawing cycles. Fiberglass has low thermal conductivity, which helps improve this characteristic of concrete products with composite reinforcement. In addition, composites and concrete have approximately the same coefficient of thermal expansion, so such structures are not susceptible to cracking. The fittings are dielectric and do not interfere with radio waves. It can be produced in any measured length. Thanks to the special properties of epoxy resin, long products can be wound into coils, and then restored to their original straight state, while maintaining their integrity and all their strength characteristics.

Fiberglass is significantly inferior to steel in elasticity, that is, it bends quite easily. For this reason, its use in floors must be accompanied by careful calculations. The material is fireproof, but at a temperature of about 600 degrees it softens and loses its mechanical properties. In hazardous industries, it is necessary to ensure thermal protection of structures with such reinforcement. The strength of composite joints when creating a lattice leaves much to be desired. Alternatively, steel rods are attached to the ends of the fiberglass and welded. When manufacturing structures of a special shape, it is necessary to order reinforcement with a certain bend, since it will not be possible to give it the required appearance on site.

Fiberglass reinforcement is in coils and is highly resistant to acidic environments. Despite the small diameter - 8 mm, fiberglass reinforcement remains stable at low temperatures.

Tensile strength is 2 times higher than the strength characteristics of steel reinforcement class A III;

Stainless steel material;

The fittings are acid-resistant. Stands up very well in sea water;

The reinforcement does not bend (has more elastic properties);

Non-conductive - is a dielectric;

Practically does not conduct heat;


Magneto-inert (changes in the strength properties of composite reinforcement under the influence of electromagnetic fields are excluded);

Does not lose its strength properties under the influence of ultra-low temperatures;

Fiberglass reinforcement is 5 times lighter than metal, and 9 times lighter when replaced with equal strength;

Any construction length.

It is used for reinforcing concrete, including concrete structures, such as the foundations of low-rise buildings up to 3 floors.

It can be used as a reinforcing material for the foundation of a fence, as well as for reinforcing the top layer of a concrete floor, capable of withstanding severe loads per 1 square meter, such as heavy industrial machinery, equipment, and the fall of heavy objects from a great height.

It has increased thermal insulation properties, light weight compared to its metal counterpart, and ease of installation.

Due to its physical and mechanical properties, it can replace metal reinforcement with a diameter of 10-12 mm. Based on this, fiberglass reinforcement with a diameter of 8 mm will allow you to obtain an inexpensive, reliable and modern material for construction and finishing.

Replacement table:

Fiberglass reinforcementDia mmWeight per meter (KG)Metal fittings.Diam. mmWeight per meter (kg)
AKP-44 0.02 6A-III.6 0.260
AKP-66 0.05 8A-III8 0.395
AKP-88 0.07 10A-III and 12A-III10-12 0.617.
AKP-1010 0.12 12A-III and 14A-III12-14. 0.888
AKP-12.12 0.2 14A-III and 16A-III14-16 1.210
AKP-1414 0.26 16A-III and 18A-III16-18 1.580

Fiberglass reinforcement became a real breakthrough in the production of concrete-based products: the manufacture of reinforced concrete structures, construction work, etc.

Much higher corrosion resistance. In fact, fiberglass does not react to water at all and can remain in it forever. Whereas steel reinforcement, if there are cracks in the reinforced concrete product and, as a result, moisture access to the metal, quickly succumbs to corrosion. As a result, the load-bearing capacity of reinforced concrete decreases. Due to fears of corrosion, designers are forced to include a larger margin of safety in reinforced concrete products, which increases the cost of any object in which they are part. In the case of fiberglass reinforcement, there is no need to introduce a correction for corrosion, so you can use it with a smaller diameter.
Significantly lower weight (fiberglass itself is 5-9 times lighter than structural steel). Therefore, products that use such reinforcement and objects built on their basis are lighter, which means they require a simpler foundation. Plus, there are savings on transportation costs.
As studies have shown, products with fiberglass reinforcement can be operated at temperatures from minus 700C to plus 1000C, which is quite sufficient for ordinary construction projects.

The reliability of structures built on concrete with such reinforcement has been repeatedly confirmed in practice. For example, the lighthouse in Sochi has been functioning without any complaints for more than 40 years. And let’s take into account the fact that it is located near the sea, where the climate, from the point of view of the impact on building materials, is a very aggressive environment.

But until recently, this reinforcement had one significant drawback: its cost was much higher than steel. Now, thanks to the development of technology, the situation has changed exactly the opposite. Fiberglass reinforcement, the price of which has become lower than that of steel, began to rapidly gain higher positions in the construction market.

In Europe, concrete products with such reinforcement have become widely used, primarily in the construction of critical facilities - bridges, dams, tunnels, etc., operating in conditions of high humidity.

Distinctive properties of fiberglass reinforcement:

  • does not rust, is resistant to corrosion;
  • resistant to mineral and organic acids;
  • does not shield electromagnetic waves, that is, does not impede radio communication;
  • does not conduct electric current;
  • has low thermal conductivity, that is, it improves the thermal insulation properties of products based on it;
  • has a much lower specific gravity compared to metal reinforcement;
  • magnetointerna, that is, not magnetized;
  • resistant to ultra-low temperatures;
  • the strength is three times greater than that of class A III steel reinforcement;
  • can be made to any length.
Name of product Size Unit change Weight, kg
AKS-4 100 m bay 2,0
AKS-6 100 m bay 5,0
AKS-8 50 m bay 8,0
AKS-10 50 m bay 12,0

Fiberglass reinforcement - types and scope of application

Reinforcement is a type of building material that is used to reinforce reinforced concrete products and structures. It is usually made of metal - the most durable and sufficiently rigid material to withstand significant loads. However, its heavy weight, the possibility of corrosion and the fairly high cost contributed to the search for new alternative materials for its manufacture.

Types of fittings

The fittings have many varieties according to various characteristics:

  • depending on the material, it can be steel or non-metallic;
  • according to the production method - divided into rolled, rod and wire;
  • depending on the type of profile - it can be round, smooth or with a periodic profile;
  • by purpose - it can be working, installation and distribution;
  • according to the principle of operation - it can be relaxed and tense.

Composite reinforcement is an excellent alternative to metal

The result of long-term research, which began back in the 70s of the last century, was composite reinforcement made of plastic made from fiberglass or basalt threads. Its surface has a slight relief, and the length of the rods can be different. This type of fittings has become an excellent alternative to metal analogues, because it has excellent physical and chemical characteristics and has a number of undeniable advantages over metal ones.

Composite reinforcement is resistant to corrosion, has high tensile strength, and is resistant to aggressive environments. It can be used in low temperature conditions, it is lighter than metal and costs less. When assembling a frame from it, a special gun is used, designed for tying reinforcement of this type and wire, as well as clamps for plastic ties. The most popular types of composite reinforcement are basalt-plastic and fiberglass.

Advantages of fiberglass reinforcement :

  • light weight, allowing to reduce the load on the foundation;
  • high elasticity, which is convenient for transportation (it can simply be rolled into coils and transported);
  • high strength characteristics, which are two times higher than that of metal reinforcement of the same diameter;
  • low thermal conductivity and resistance to chemicals;
  • corrosion resistance, which means a longer service life;
  • permeability to radio waves and preservation of its properties under the influence of an electromagnetic field;
  • low cost, which reduces the cost of erected structures.

Scope and advantages of fiberglass reinforcement

The main area of ​​application of fiberglass reinforcement is its use in the production of concrete structures. It is also widely used in industrial enterprises in the gas, oil refining, chemical, coal industries and in construction. This type of building material has gained popularity due to its versatility - it is not afraid of aggressive environments, low temperatures, high humidity, chemicals and gases.

An undoubted advantage of using such material in construction is the reduction in cost of the work performed. This is possible thanks to its high technical characteristics, because they are significantly higher than those of metal. Instead of metal reinforcement with a cross-section of 12 mm, you can use fiberglass reinforcement with a diameter of only 8 mm without compromising the quality of work and the strength characteristics of products or structures. And this is a real and considerable cost savings!

Composite reinforcement serves as an excellent replacement for metal reinforcement in drainage and sewerage systems, road and civil construction, and in the construction of port-side and earthquake-resistant structures. It is used in reinforced products made of heavy and light concrete, as flexible connections in three-layer stone walls, as well as in permanent formwork during the construction of buildings. Its use allows you to improve the performance characteristics of structures and extend their service life to 100 years!

Comparative table of equal strength metal replacementfiberglass reinforcement with weight indication

Weight per item meter,
Weight per item meter,
1 AKS-4 4 0.02 6A-III 6 0.260
2 AKS-6 6 0.05 8A-III 8 0.395
3 AKS-8 8 0.08 12A-III 12 0.888
4 AKS-10 10 0.12 14A-III 14 1.210
5 AKS-12 12 0.20 16A-III 16 1.580
6 AKS-14 14 0.26 18A-III 18 2.000

The number of linear meters in one ton of fiberglass reinforcement.

Fiberglass reinforcement Metal fittings Number of p.m. in 1 ton of products
1 AKS-4 50 000.00 6A-III 3846.00
2 AKS-6 20 000.00 8A-III 2532.00
3 AKS-8 12 500.00 12A-III 1126.00
4 AKS-10 8 350.00 14A-III 826.00
5 AKS-12 5 000.00 16A-III 633.00
6 AKS-14 3 850.00 18A-III 500.00

Non-metallic fittings are 50-150% cheaper than the metal fittings being replaced.

Replacing metal fittings with a non-metallic composition

Calculation and design of concrete products are carried out in accordance with SNiP 52-01-2003 “Concrete and reinforced concrete structures. Basic provisions”, as well as on the “Recommendations for the calculation of structures with fiberglass reinforcement R-16-78 (NIIZhB, 1978).

When designing building structures using reinforcement, one should be guided by the equality of loads applied to the reinforcing elements. The replacement procedure is shown in the table below.

Metal fittings
A3 (A400S) GOST 5781-82
Non-metallic composite reinforcement
AKS TU 2296-001-98065623-2008
6 A3
Fsec = 28.3 mm2;
Calc = 10,200n
Fsec = 10.2 mm2;
Calc = 10,200n
8 A3
Fsection = 50.3 mm2;
Calc = 18,100n
Fsection = 18.2 mm2;
Calc = 18,100n
10 A3
Fsec = 78.5 mm2;
Calc = 28,300 n
Fsec = 28.3 mm2;
Calc = 28,300 n
12 A3
Fsection = 113.1 mm2;
Calc = 40,720 n
Fsec = 40.7 mm2;
Calc = 40,720 n
14 A3
Fsection = 154 mm2;
Calc = 55,450 n
10 AKS
Fsec = 55.5 mm2;
Calc = 55,450 n
16 A3
Fsection = 201 mm2;
Calc = 72,360 n
11 AKS
Fsection = 72.4 mm2;
Calc = 72,360 n
18 A3
Fsection = 254 mm2;
Calc = 91,450 n
12 AKS
Fsec = 91.5 mm2;
Calc = 91,450 n

Fsec- cross-section of reinforcement, mm2

Calculation- tensile force of reinforcement at calculated temporary tensile strength, n

In construction, as in other industries, they are increasingly resorting to the use of the latest technologies and innovative approaches in the production of goods and services. Fiberglass reinforcement is an example of such an alternative solution. It quickly replaced traditional metal parts, surpassing them in economic and technical parameters. From this article you will learn what fiberglass reinforcement is. The characteristics of this material will be presented in comparison with others.

Fiberglass reinforcement - what is it?

The reinforcing agent, or non-metallic fiberglass reinforcement, is a kind of rod with a ribbed surface made of glass fibers. Its profile is spiral-shaped, and its diameter varies from 4 to 18 mm. The length of the fittings can reach up to 12 meters. Sometimes it is found in the form of twisted bays; the diameter of such building material is 10 mm.

Abroad, fiberglass reinforcement, the use of which is as widespread as in our country, is called polymer equipment. It is reinforced with continuous fiber. In Russia you can often find the abbreviation AKS.

What is fiberglass reinforcement made of?

The physical body of the AKC consists of several parts:

1. Main trunk. It is made of parallel fibers that are connected with a polymer resin. The main trunk ensures the strength of the reinforcement.

2. Outer layer - is a fibrous body. It is wound in a spiral around the AKS barrel. It is found in the form of sand spraying or bidirectional winding.

There are various variations of fiberglass, it all depends on the imagination of the manufacturer and the feasibility of the know-how. On sale you can find fittings, the main trunk of which is made in the form of a carbon fiber pigtail.

Basic properties

To determine the properties of fiberglass, a lot of research and testing has been carried out. The results obtained characterized AKS as high-strength and durable equipment for construction, which has a number of advantages over other materials:

  • light weight (fiberglass is 9 times lighter than metal reinforcement);
  • resistance to corrosion in acidic and aggressive chloride environments (10 times higher than the properties of steel reinforcement);
  • low thermal conductivity;
  • efficiency (it is more profitable to transport it, and replacement is carried out less frequently);
  • magnetoinertness;
  • radio transparency;
  • the reinforcement is a dielectric.

Fiberglass reinforcement: disadvantages

In addition to the undeniable advantages of AKS, thanks to which it has gained great popularity among construction companies and ordinary people, it has its drawbacks. Of course, it is very difficult to call them critical. However, it is worth keeping in mind the negative characteristics of the material, which may affect the construction process.

So, the disadvantages:

  • short ;
  • insufficient heat resistance;
  • others.

Due to its low elasticity, the AKS is easy to bend. For the manufacture of foundations and paths, this is not a serious disadvantage. But in the case of the production of floors, additional calculations need to be made, taking into account this feature of the reinforcement.

Insufficient heat resistance is a more serious drawback of AKS. The fact that fiberglass itself is heat resistant does not mean anything. The plastic connecting link does not withstand high temperatures, but the reinforcement belongs to the group of self-extinguishing materials. This property is valid up to a temperature of 2000 degrees Celsius, after which AKS loses its strength. Therefore, the use of fiberglass with concrete is prohibited. Such reinforcement can be used only in those areas of construction where temperature changes are completely excluded. However, these requirements are almost always met in ordinary residential and some industrial buildings.

Fiberglass reinforcement, the disadvantages of which were listed above, also has a number of negative aspects. Over time, its strength is destroyed, and under the influence of alkaline compounds, the reaction rate increases several times. But modern technologies make it possible to cope with this disadvantage. Rare earth metals are added to AKS, which make fiberglass less sensitive.

Some experts note the fact that such fittings do not tolerate welding. Therefore, many people prefer to “knit” fiberglass lashes.

Fiberglass production

We very often use fiberglass reinforcement at home, for example, in pouring foundations, etc. AKS production does not have to be in-line. Many auto repair shops involved in tuning cars produce this material in various configurations. - a common thing for services: they can make a new bumper and other parts out of it. But in this case we are talking about small-scale production. Only large industrial enterprises put AKS on stream.

There are several basic manufacturing methods:

  • stretching;
  • winding;
  • manual method.

The first method is used for the manufacture of various profiles. Glass fibers are unwound on a continuous flow line. Most often, parallel bundles of material are unrolled from the reels and do not twist together. Experts call this production element roving. Before the bobbins are put into action, the fiberglass is lubricated with a resin containing substances to polymerize it at high temperatures. Gradually, the material will harden, and this effect is achieved due to the chemical reaction that has occurred. Then the fiberglass passes through filters, which free the material from excess resin, and the AKS takes on its usual cylindrical shape. While the reinforcement has not hardened, a special strand is wound around it in a spiral. It is this that provides strength upon contact with concrete. Due to this property, fiberglass reinforcement is increasingly used for foundations. The reviews left by builders are often positive.

After all the manipulations, the AKS passes through the oven, where it hardens at high temperatures. Next, the finished reinforcement is cut into pieces of the required length (they are called lashes). Sometimes AKS is wound on bobbins, but this is only possible if it has a small diameter. Thick lashes are simply impossible to twist. Such fiberglass reinforcement, the use of which is very widespread, is produced in large quantities when it comes to large-scale production.

They are most often produced using the winding method. They are made according to the same principle as whips. Fiberglass impregnated with resin is wound onto a special machine. The winding device, due to its rotation, makes it possible to obtain a cylindrical surface. The fiberglass is then passed through a high-temperature furnace and cut into pipes of specific sizes.

The manual method is most often used in small-scale production. Fiberglass reinforcement, the disadvantages of which do not greatly affect the final result, allows you to obtain a durable car body, bumper, etc. Craftsmen create a special matrix with a pre-applied decorative and protective layer. Usually a sprayer is used for this, which allows you to achieve a uniform effect. After this, glass material is placed on the matrix, which is cut in advance to the required dimensions. Fiberglass or glass mat is impregnated with a mixture of polymer resin. It is best to use a brush. Using a roller, the remaining air is squeezed out of the material so that there are no voids inside the fiberglass. When the fabric has hardened, it is cut, given the desired shape, holes are drilled in it, etc. After this, the matrix can be reused.


Fiberglass reinforcement is characterized by the following parameters:

  • winding pitch;
  • internal and external diameter.

Each profile number corresponds to its own indicator value. The only parameter that remains unchanged is the winding pitch. It is equal to 15 mm.

According to the specifications, fiberglass reinforcement, the characteristics of which vary depending on the profile, is produced under the following numbers: 4, 5, 5.5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16 and 18. These values ​​​​correspond to the outer diameter. The weight of the profiles varies from 0.02 to 0.42 kg/1 running meter.


Construction fittings have many varieties. There are classifications that divide it into:

  • piece;
  • mesh;
  • frames;
  • designs.

The fittings are also divided into groups:

  • working;
  • distribution;
  • installation;
  • reinforcement used in reinforced concrete structures.

In addition, rods are divided into longitudinal and transverse, smooth and round, fiberglass and composite, etc.

Scope of application of composite reinforcement

The scope of application of the material we are considering is quite wide. Very often, composite reinforcement (fiberglass) is used for foundations, namely for reinforcing elastic foundations. In this case we are talking about the production of road slabs and slabs. Reinforcement with fiberglass reinforcement is used for the production of conventional concrete structures, drainage pipes, dowels, etc. With its help, they improve the characteristics of walls and make flexible connections between brickwork. AKS is used for reinforcing road surfaces, embankments for weak foundations, monolithic concrete, etc.


Fiberglass reinforcement is produced in the form of coils that can be rolled up. This became possible after manufacturers removed self-tightening ties. The AKS coils can be easily unrolled, after which the fiberglass straightens and becomes suitable for work.

The material is packaged and transported horizontally. The main thing during transportation is to follow the basic rules for transporting goods.

Comparison of fiberglass reinforcement with steel

The main competitor of AKS is steel reinforcement. Their characteristics are largely similar, but in some respects fiberglass is clearly superior to the usual type of metal equipment.

Let's compare fiberglass with steel according to certain parameters:

1. Deformability. - elastic-plastic, AKS - ideal-elastic.

2. Tensile strength: for steel - 390 MPa, for fiberglass - 1300 MPa.

3. Thermal conductivity coefficient. In the first case it is equal to 46 W/mOS, in the second - 0.35.

4. Density. Steel reinforcement has a value of 7850 kg/m 3, AKS - 1900 kg/m 3.

5. Thermal conductivity. Fiberglass is not thermally conductive, unlike steel.

6. Corrosion resistance. AKS is a stainless metal; steel corrodes relatively quickly.

7. Ability to conduct electricity. The dielectric is fiberglass reinforcement. The disadvantages of steel rods are that they are 100% current conductors.

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