
Life insurance Czech insurance company. PPF Life Insurance. Life insurance programs

PPF Life Insurance LLC is a medium-sized company specializing in life insurance. The main owner is PPF Group N.V. is the key holding structure of the international investment Group PPF. At the end of 2017, the company ranked 44th in terms of collected insurance premiums and 15th among life insurers. IN insurance portfolio companies in 2017, the main collection of premiums fell on life insurance (81.51%) and pension insurance(15.2%). The company has its own agent network, consisting of 85 agencies and nearly 5,000 financial advisors operating throughout the country. The head office of the company is located in Moscow.

PPF Life Insurance was established in 2002 as a Czech Insurance Company and was one of the first "daughters" of foreign insurers in Russia. The founders were the largest Czech insurance group, one of the ten largest insurers in Eastern Europe - Ceska Pojistovna (49% of the shares; together with the Home Credit bank, it was part of the Czech financial group PPF Group) and the Russian consulting company Financial Service (51%; it was believed on the market that the Czech insurance company is fully controlled by Ceska Pojistovna, and the Russian founder appeared due to restrictions on the activities of foreign insurers in the country).

The company actively developed bank insurance, life and health insurance for borrowers, with the main emphasis being placed on classic long-term life insurance. Based on the results of 2007, the company ranked 34th in the Russian insurance market(3.3 billion rubles of the collected insurance premium). By that time, Ceska Pojistovna became the owner of 100% of the shares of the Czech Insurance Company, having bought its share from Financial Service (since 2004, all legislative restrictions on the activities of European insurers in Russia have been lifted).

In 2007, PPF Group and one of the largest European insurers, the Italian Assicurazioni Generali, agreed to establish a joint venture controlled by the Italians (51% of the company's shares). As a result, in 2008 Generali acquired the insurance business of PPF Group, including the group's Russian insurance assets. The Czech insurance company and Financial Service, which entered the joint Italian-Czech venture Generali PPF Holding (a 51% stake in the joint venture cost Generali 1.1 billion euros). Generali PPF Holding also includes all insurance companies in Eastern and Central Europe owned by PPF Group and Generali.

In the spring of 2009, the Czech insurance company began operating under a new brand - Generali PPF Life Insurance, focusing primarily on the rapid and innovative development of the product line and improvement of customer service. As a result, in 2010 the company entered the top 20 largest Russian insurers, and by that time the number of the company's regional network had reached 38 agencies operating throughout the country. At the end of 2012, Generali PPF Life Insurance was ranked 13th among all Russian insurance companies (the volume of collected premiums was 15.4 billion rubles) and the first place in the market among life insurers, while the bulk of the company's fees fell on insurance of borrowers accident loans (mostly clients of Home Credit and Finance, another Russian subsidiary of PPF Group).

Since March 2013, after PPF Group bought from the Italian Generali for 80 million euros Russian companies Generali PPF Holding (GPH), including Generali PPF Life Insurance, the company received a new name - PPF Life Insurance and focused on developing a business not related to insurance of bank borrowers.

Currently, PPF Life Insurance is a specialized life insurance company. Priority areas of activity are accumulative life insurance, pension insurance, accident and illness insurance.

The company is a member of the All-Russian Union of Insurers and the Association of Life Insurers.

The sole member of the company is the Public Limited Liability Company PPF Group N.V. (PPF Group N.V.), the key holding structure of the international investment Group PPF*. The majority shareholder and ultimate controlling party of PPF Group was Petr Kellner (98.92% of PPF Group shares).

In 2012, the company took 13th place in the ranking of insurers (the best result), having collected 15.44 billion rubles of insurance premium against 8.27 billion a year earlier (+86.74%). In the next two years, the company's activity was marked by a sharp reduction in fees - by 44.93% in 2013 and 68.45% - in 2014. According to the results of 2015-2016, the insurer showed an increase in revenues by 4.38% and 5.23%, respectively.

At the end of 2018, the amount of premiums collected by PPF Life Insurance amounted to RUB 3,642,977 thousand, total assets as of December 31, 2018 – RUB 12,599,840 thousand, insurance reserves – RUB 9,793,660 thousand. The company's fees in 2018 increased by 13% compared to 2017. In 2018, the company made over 26 thousand insurance payments for a total of RUB 1,141,292 thousand.

Management: Sergey Perelygin ( CEO), Wit Sedlacek, Stefan Wanczek, Dmitry Dubina, Daria Belyaeva, Anna Gritsevskaya, Sergey Ovcharenko.

Board of Directors: Wit Sedlacek (Chairman), Stefan Wanczek, Sergey Perelygin, Daria Belyaeva, Anna Gritsevskaya.

Among largest clients companies - Philips, Toyota, Heineken, Eldorado, Lenovo, etc.

Company partners:

Banks: LLC "Home Credit and Finance Bank", JSC "BCS - Investment bank».
*PPF Group is an international investment group that invests its funds in a number of sectors of the economy, such as banking and financial services, telecommunications, insurance, real estate, energy, mining, Agriculture, retail and biotechnology. The structure of the Group includes such leaders in the financial sector as: PPF Life Insurance, Home Credit, PPF banka, Air Bank. PPF Group operates in 16 countries, including: Russia, Czech Republic, Belarus, Ukraine, Vietnam, Germany, India, Indonesia, Kazakhstan, China, the Netherlands, Philippines, Slovakia, USA. The number of the Group's customers exceeds 33 million. As of December 31, 2016, the PPF Group's assets amounted to 27 billion euros; equity reached 6.76 billion euros, net profit- 1.115 billion rubles.

Introduction of new legislative acts concerning legal and economic problems insurance, certifies the increased interest in the insurance market of citizens of the Federation.

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He acts as essential element market economy Therefore, issues related to various types and forms of insurance.

IN last years citizens of the country, seeking to protect themselves from all sorts of unforeseen situations, are increasingly turning to insurance companies.

Briefly about the company

IN Russian Federation PPF Life Insurance was founded in 2002. From the beginning of its activity, it has firmly taken its position in the field of insurance business and gained popularity with its versatility, high quality of service.

The company is developing dynamically, improving the programs offered and mastering new ways of servicing using information technology.

It implements insurance programs through brokerage firms, banks, retail chains and agency channels. The authorized capital of the company at the beginning of the year is 240 million rubles.

The main activities of the company for January, 2015 became:

  • in case of the onset of death, survival to a specific age;
  • with regular insurance payments as an annuity, the possibility of participating in the receipt of the insurer's investment income;
  • in case of accidents, for rehabilitation after an illness;
  • in case of retirement.

Own network consists of local branches of the company, of which there are about fifty in the country.

What are the advantages

The main benefits of an insurance company include:

  • security financial protection life and health. The company produces insurance payments agreed with the insured promptly in accordance with the terms of the contract;
  • accumulation of funds for, allowing you to receive guaranteed payments after the due date, along with additional investment income accrued by the company;

The program ensures the formation of capital in the form of additional pension payments resulting from the activities of the company. The insured himself sets the amount pension savings during the execution of the contract.

  • payment in excess of insurance premiums, allowing to cover the costs of treatment, rehabilitation, loss wages during the period of illness;
  • providing a guaranteed sum insured for risks arising from the impact of accidents, dangerous diseases without reducing the basic sum insured. It is paid when the insured survives until the period specified in the insurance contract;
  • getting rid of the payment of premiums if the insured has completely lost the ability to conduct labor activity, then he is exempted from paying contributions in the future, although the contract will be valid until the due date noted in it;
  • making a comfortable contribution, that is, it can be paid in parts - every year, once every six months, every quarter or immediately. The insured has the opportunity to systematically form capital without difficulty;
  • implementation tax deduction, the conclusion of the contract by the insured for a period of not less than 5 years, allows him to receive social deduction from personal income tax in the amount of 13% of the amount of insurance premiums paid;
  • committing the preservation of funds that are not subject to confiscation, arrest, cannot be divided upon divorce of the insured;
  • a special inheritance procedure, when the insured passes away, payment is made to the person appointed in the contract or to his heirs. It should be noted that all sum insured, which the policyholder intended to receive at the expiration of the term;
  • making an accelerated procedure for payments, if the insured has died, then when a package of documents is submitted to the insurance company, payment for insurance is made within 14 days;
  • investing funds allows you to make a profit, since the company's activities are regulated by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, the possibility of bankruptcy is excluded.

Insurance reserves placed in securities allow reliable, guaranteeing a stable income.

PPF Life Insurance programs for individuals

Several options for programs developed by PPF Life Insurance specifically for its potential customers. They allow you to protect the high standard of living of the insured.

Choosing an insurance company in Russia is not as easy as it seems. Today, there are a lot of various organizations working in this field in the country. Therefore, it is necessary to study the information about each SC before applying to it. Today it remains to be seen what customer reviews PPF Life Insurance receives. Only then can one confidently judge the integrity of the corporation. What are the advantages and disadvantages of the organization to pay attention to? What are satisfied and dissatisfied customers? What services are provided by this insurance company? How pleased are the prices offered to the population? All this, and more, will be discussed below!


First you need to understand what kind of company we are talking about. Only then can you study customer reviews about the organization. "PPF Life Insurance" - what is it? As already mentioned, we are talking about an insurance company operating in the territory of the Russian Federation.

The corporation under study is a very large network. It includes several large and well-known organizations. To be more precise, we are talking about PPF Life Insurance LLC, as well as Home Credit Insurance.

The company is known in Russia, but it belongs to international company PPF, headquartered in the Czech Republic. The corporation got its start in 2002. Since 2013 it has been called PPF Life Insurance. Until that time, the organization was listed as Czech Insurance Company LLC.

About services

"PPF Life Insurance" receives generally mixed customer reviews. But about them a little later. First you have to figure out what services the corporation under study provides.

The point is that we are talking about insurance of the population. To date, the organization "PPF Life Insurance" specializes in a variety of services in the named field of activity. Nevertheless, the main direction of its activity is life insurance of people. But the branch called "Home Credit Insurance" specializes mainly in property insurance.

However, specifics do not hurt. PPF Life Insurance provides the following services in all its branches:

  • accident insurance;
  • a program to protect women in the event of oncology;
  • accumulative life insurance system;
  • health insurance (oncology, for all citizens);
  • investment insurance;
  • child insurance;
  • travel insurance services;
  • family insurance;
  • pension insurance.

You can also get OMS and VHI policies here. These are very common activities of the corporation.

Reliability Rating

Statistics is an important factor for any company. Many potential visitors pay attention to it. The so-called reliability rating becomes an extremely important component. It shows the stability and stability of a particular corporation.

"Generali PPF Life Insurance" in this area pleases. The thing is that the corporation's reliability rating is at its best today. It is at the A++ mark. Sometimes you can see the label AAA. This is the highest level of reliability. It stands for "Highest Trust", or "Exceptionally High Level of Trust". It follows that one can believe in the stability of the corporation.

Rating among insurance companies

The next nuance is the place of PPF Life Insurance in the rating of insurance companies operating in Russia. This is an important point. It is unlikely that anyone will pay attention to unpopular corporations. These usually close quickly.

According to data obtained in 2014, PPF Life Insurance receives good customer reviews for a place in the rating of similar firms. It is noted that the corporation took the 11th position in the rating list for Russia.

To date, the exact position of the corporation is unknown, different information is indicated everywhere. It is enough to remember that "PPF Life Insurance" is an insurance company included in the top 20 organizations involved in public insurance.

Distribution by country

PPF Life Insurance receives positive customer reviews for its distribution throughout Russia. It has already been said that the insurance company was established a very long time ago. Over the years of its existence, it has spread throughout the country. Today it is one of the largest SK groups in Russia.

This feature cannot leave customers indifferent. Thanks to her, the credibility of the corporation grows. "PPF Life Insurance" has many branches and offices in Russia. Even in the small town you can find the office of the corporation.

All this means that the insurance company PPF Life Insurance cannot be accused of fraud. There really is a company, it has been operating in Russia for a long time and offers life and health insurance services for citizens.

Stability forecasts

Some more statistics. PPF Life Insurance is a company whose stability plays an important role. Therefore, it is recommended to study statistics from all sides.

The reliability rating of the corporation pleases, this has already been said. What can be said about stability? Statistical forecasts indicate that PPF Life Insurance is described as a stable and stable company. Accordingly, some tend to believe that it is possible to apply here for life insurance services without much fear.

About programs

It is already clear what services are provided by the corporation under study. And what can be said about the programs offered by PPF Life Insurance? What additional information do all clients need to know? Real or potential - it doesn't matter.

The thing is that the following programs are open today:

  1. "Gloria". This is insurance for women with cancer.
  2. "Comfort". High savings insurance. It is used to insure citizens against accidents and natural disasters.
  3. "Premium". An offer to help you secure life insurance for yourself and your loved ones.
  4. "Sun". A service that is used for joint insurance of a parent and a child by choosing insurance parameters.
  5. "Guardia". An extended insurance package that allows you to return part of the premiums paid.
  6. "Optim". Life insurance, in which the emphasis is on the formation and increase of savings.
  7. "Victoria". A program to help diagnose cancer.
  8. "Capital". An offer designed for investments.
  9. "Option". This is a kind of adult insurance against accidents. It is understood that we are talking about circumstances with high risks.
  10. "Option +". Extended interpretation of the previously proposed package.
  11. Children's option. Accident insurance for children.
  12. Family option. Family insurance against certain accidents.
  13. "Grande". Method of pension insurance of the population.

All of these programs are relevant today. The variety offered by the corporation pleases. Therefore, PPF Life Insurance receives extremely positive customer reviews in this area. You can always choose the best package of services for yourself and your family.

About the cost of insurance

Sometimes you can meet questions about how much insurance costs in the corporation under study. The cost of services plays an important role for potential customers. Nobody wants to overpay.

In fact, everything depends on the conditions of insurance, as well as on the category of the insured person and the chosen program. To find out how much insurance costs in a particular case, it is proposed using calculators from PPF Life Insurance. They help to determine the amount of monthly contributions based on the input data.

For example, life insurance for a child against accidents provides for a minimum payment of 500,000 rubles. At the same time, you will have to pay 3,770 rubles a month. And adult insurance for 250,000 rubles costs 4,230 rubles a month. More detailed information will be in the corresponding service cost calculator.

Some say that corporation insurance is not that expensive. And someone says otherwise. Clients of "PPF Life Insurance" evaluate the organization as a company with average prices. Not too expensive, but not budget friendly either.

Service Speed

The company "PPF Life Insurance" receives a variety of reviews about its activities. The population is not too pleased with the speed of service to citizens. It is noted that applications for the provision of services and payments of insurance take a lot of time.

Also, the employees of PPF Life Insurance are very slow. Some claim that in the branches of the insurance company, employees are not very fast in servicing. Therefore, you can often encounter queues at the offices of the corporation. This fact should not be repulsive.

"PPF Life Insurance" "Personal Account" has for all clients. It significantly speeds up the speed of serving the population. With its help, on the official website of the corporation, you can get information about the services and insurance used by the citizen. Applications for various reasons can also be considered electronically.

Nevertheless, "PPF Life Insurance" "Personal Account" does not always earn positive reviews. Yes, it's nice to have this kind of service. But at the same time, citizens complain about disruptions in work " Personal account". Sometimes there are problems with ordering documentation, and someone talks about the impossibility of authorization in the system. Therefore, it cannot be said that the service under study is perfectly implemented.

About payouts

"PPF Life Insurance" receives both good and not so good customer reviews. What can be said about the payments that the corporation makes? Almost all potential and real customers pay attention to this feature.

When applying to the corporation under study, a part of the population has problems with payments. Some say that insurance is paid in parts and for a long time, someone complains about denials of Money. Some say that PPF Life Insurance simply terminates the contracts concluded with clients instead of making this or that payment.

But in some cases, you can see that the firm under study has been doing its job well for a long time. Someone has been cooperating with PPF Life Insurance for more than 10 years and at the same time assures that payments are made on time and in the prescribed amount.

Results and conclusions

"PPF Life Insurance" offers to pay the second installment or any other one either through a personal visit to the corporation's office, or through the "Personal Account" on the official website of the UK. There is nothing difficult or special about it.

In general, the company under study is a good insurance company. The range of services pleases, programs also do not leave indifferent. But the insurance company still has problems with payments. The corporation is very reliable, albeit with its shortcomings.

From now on, it is clear what "PPF Life Insurance" is. You can pay the second installment, choose one or another insurance program, or clarify the features of cooperation at any branch of the organization. You can consider a company for further applying for insurance, but you should not think that it is ideal.

Generali PPF Life Insurance is an insurance company whose main activity is the issuance of personal insurance. The company's services include both insurance for individuals and legal entities. Until recently, the company had a different name - the Czech Insurance Company. Today it has a huge network of offices in many countries.

What makes the company stand out from the rest? The main difference is a narrow profile of insurance, which includes all known types of personal insurance: against illness, accidents, property insurance, financial losses, layoffs, etc. That is, the company covers all possible areas of personal insurance. This increases the interest of consumers, as a company - a specialist in a narrow profile.

At the initial stages of development, the company was only a small branch of a huge "insurance monopoly", from where it later became separate, becoming independent. The emblem of the company depicts a winged lion, which symbolizes safety and reliability. I consider him a symbol and patron of the UK.

Reviews about GENERALI PPF Life Insurance (Generali PPF Life Insurance)

Clients of PPF Life Insurance declare that all employees of the company are exceptionally competent in the matter of personal insurance. All information provided by them is 100% accurate. They are not trying to confuse customers and are not chasing the goal of selling more insurance to get a premium. A real idyll reigns in the company and European reliability is felt.

There are also negative reviews about the company. But they are left by former dissatisfied employees who are trying to "annoy" the recent leadership.

Regarding payments, reviews for the most part indicate that everything is done in accordance with the conditions that are stipulated in the contract, all payments reach their customers. Although there are also people who refute this information, stating that payments are made inappropriately, despite the insured events.

Pros: The company provides a wide range of personal insurance services. There is a fraud protection system that protects customers from employee misconduct. Everyone who applied to the company has the right to leave a complaint, which is then considered by the authorities. There is impressive capital for development and expansion.

Minuses: despite the already established positive image of the company, sometimes there are attempts to deceive the staff. Beginners are not always able to provide proper advice on customer issues. There are rumors about the difficult payment of insurance payments.

General impression: the company looks very average. Even single reviews of non-payments make you think.

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In the most developed countries world insurance is an integral part of the life of citizens. Along with standard risk insurance, accumulative and investment insurance has become widespread. Pension savings insurance is the main form of ensuring a stable existence in old age.

About company

Purposeful policy of the state for the introduction and spread of life and support of non-state insurance funds, indicates progressive changes in this area. Western models are taken as a basis, which have been worked out in practice. Their many years of experience have proven their effectiveness.

Limited Liability Company "PPF Life Insurance" is a dynamically developing company. The main concept of which is based precisely on Western progressive models. PPF is part of a large international holding investment company. The Russian branch of PPF Life Insurance LLC is part of PPF Group N.V., with the participation foreign capital, whose share is one hundred percent.

PPF Life insurance main product parameters

LLC "PPF Life Insurance" offers a variety of programs. Systematically develops and updates them, working with different types services.

The following types of life insurance are offered:

  1. Risk insurance. This form provides for the amount of insurance in the event of insured event. It can be loss of legal capacity, disability, industrial injuries, accident, death.
  2. , including risk insurance. Entering into an agreement with a company for set time, the customer makes payments. At the end of the contract, he is paid the amount of payments made, plus interest on the amount paid (on average from 2% to 5%). A person can take advantage of the payment of interest, with the preservation of the principal amount, or agree on a share and payment schedule. If an insured event occurs during the term of the contract, the company pays the amount for this episode, even if not all were paid mandatory contributions. In case of premature death, relatives or people specified in the contract as successors will be able to receive insurance.
  3. . This is a combined method. Includes life insurance, and at the same time investing insurance capital. When concluding such an agreement, the insured person agrees that the amounts paid by him can be used in commercial transactions, bringing profit in the form of a certain percentage. If an insured event does not occur, then, after the expiration of the contract, the person receives the amount of insurance plus interest on investments (on average from 5-6% and more). The difference from the accumulative system is that the areas for investing funds are significantly expanded here. The client is offered several investment programs to choose from. IN endowment insurance, these are either contributions to securities and bonds, or deposits.
  4. . Presented by the Grande program. It includes life and risk insurance with investment accumulation. The amount of payments directly depends on the contributions made and the terms of insurance. After the expiration of the period specified in the contract, you can be guaranteed to receive interest on the money invested. Citizens can receive a pension from the state and pension insurance at the same time.

Interest on investment insurance cannot be high or equal to interest on deposits. This is due to the fact that these funds perform a dual function: life risk insurance and capital preservation. Therefore, the main goal is not making a profit from investments, but a reasonable and balanced allocation of funds. Firms with high interest rates for insurance capital.

Private individuals

PPF Life Insurance LLC has developed a wide range of programs. Most basic packages can be supplemented with additional items.

Life insurance programs

"Gloria". Risk insurance with elements of the accumulative system. The main goal is insurance for women in case of oncological diseases. Included: payment for treatment, surgery and recovery, including in foreign clinics. If during the period of validity of the contract an insured event did not occur, that is, the woman did not get sick, then 75% of the paid sum insured is returned to her.

Terms, minimum 5, maximum 30 years.

The age of women who can conclude a contract is from 18 to 55 years. You can modify the contract at the request of the client. The investment interest is charged.

Payment of contributions is made immediately in one payment, once a month, quarter, year. Most insurance contracts provide for a selective payment system.

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