
The policy of four modernizations. Consequences of reforms in agriculture

Persons, January 15 like to play on their nerves. But not because they are selfish, on the contrary, they are worried about the status of the people around them. They believe that it is best to act and make decisions in accordance with common sense than to reckon with feelings, tips of the heart. Their problem is that they are too practical, realistic, simple, withdrawn.

Capricorn on January 15 will not let a tear, will not admit to real desires. It’s hard to get a “Thank you” or “I’m sorry” from their lips. They are used to finishing off the conflict with calmness, they behave as if they are parallel to what is happening. But lava explodes in the soul. This contributes to the fact that on those who have a birthday January 15 they say that they are frivolous, irresponsible. In fact, such a sign of the zodiac on January 15 is stubborn, but sensitive. You can argue that people January 15 life is easy, because they do not express their claims about what is happening.

We have compiled a list of celebrities, January 15th. Actress from the series "Voronins" Ekaterina Volkova; Actor Valery Barinov; Director, screenwriter Evgeny Vestnik; producer Dorian Missy.

The nature of Capricorns born on January 15

Do not change, your "I" gives the image of individuality, features. Bring something new, interesting to life, but stay with a good soul.

  • Stones that have the energy of the Earth. Sapphire, amber, pearl, ruby.
  • By the way, if we are talking about colors, then not a single color scheme out of seven will hurt you, line up with the shades of the rainbow. Unfavorable - burgundy, black.
  • Best compatibility - Cancer, Pisces, Libra.

It is worth remembering that horoscopes are compiled on statistical information, so taking absolutely everything indiscriminately is not worth it, but some tips must be followed.

By the end of 1976, China found itself in a state of deep economic and sociopolitical crisis. The cause of the crisis was the great-power militaristic course of Mao Zedong, the voluntaristic policy " great leap"and Maoist" cultural revolution". According to the Chinese press, 1966-1976. become " lost decade”, which threw the country back, putting the national economy on the brink of collapse. The country's economy was almost completely destroyed, hundreds of thousands of people were below the poverty line.

In the late 70s, Deng Xiaoping became the leader of the party and the country.

Basis for the practical development of reform ideas Deng Xiaoping became approved in the mid-70s, the course " four upgrades”, which pursued the goal of transformation in four areas - agriculture, industry, army, science and technology. Politics " four upgrades” reflected the material content of the reform. The essence of the ideological and political line was represented by "four basic principles": the socialist path of development, the democratic dictatorship of the people, the leadership of the Communist Party, Marxism-Leninism and the ideas Mao Zedong.

At the III Plenum of the Central Committee of the CPC of the eleventh convocation, held on December 18-22, 1978, on the initiative of Deng Xiaoping and his associates, a historic decision was made to abandon the theory of "continuation of the revolution under the dictatorship of the proletariat" and the political orientation of waging "class struggle" as the main task , and shift the center of gravity of party work to the implementation of modernization. According to this, a new policy of "reform and opening up" of the PRC was announced and approved.

Thus, reforms and the policy of " openness". The reforms were aimed at bringing production relations in line with the tasks of developing the productive forces so that production relations would not become an inhibitory factor for the development of the country. And the policy of "openness" was designed to include the PRC in the process of globalization of the economy and other spheres of life of the human community, actively attract foreign capital, use the achievements of science and technology, and managerial experience in order to ultimately increase China's global competitiveness. The goal of socialist modernization was to bring China by the middle of the 21st century to the level of moderately developed countries in terms of production per capita and the achievement on this basis of the general welfare of its citizens. The way of modernization was the accelerated growth of economic potential, its qualitative renewal and increase in efficiency based on the development of scientific and technical potential, based on the fact that science is the main productive force.

Only after creating the necessary political conditions, Dan Xiaoping managed to start a full-scale implementation of the modernization program. Economic reform, according to Deng Xiaoping's theory, is impossible without the reform of the political system.

The CPC, as the ruling party and as the guarantor of ensuring socio-political stability, was given a special place both in the reform of the political system and in the whole process of modernization, without which it was not possible to successfully pursue the course of socialist modernization. Great importance in the reform of the political system was given to the transformation of China into a modern state of law, "ruled on the basis of law", that is, the development of a comprehensive legislative and regulatory framework and putting it into practice.

At the III Plenum of the CPC Central Committee of the fourteenth convocation in 1993, the leadership of the CPC, headed by Deng Xiaoping the theoretical breakthrough”, which announced the connection of the market economy with socialism.

At the XV Congress of the CPC in 1997, the provision on the leadership role was included in the party charter " Deng Xiaoping theories at the initial stage of socialism. It was announced as a new stage in the development of Marxism in China, the second theoretical achievement after " ideas of Mao Zedong”, “the continuation and development of the ideas of Mao Zedong”, a scientific system for building socialism with Chinese characteristics.

The search for ways of modernization in China began from industrialization through the course of " four upgrades”, which covered all the main spheres of the material existence of the state, to a comprehensive modernization of both the political-administrative, material and spiritual foundations of the life of the Chinese people. The evolution of China's modernization theory is associated with a gradual increase in economic freedom while improving the management mechanism by introducing individual elements of democratization into it and cultivating a modern civilized cultural environment. But the CCP's monopoly on power remains the main condition for pursuing the PRC's modernization policy at all its stages.

Deng Xiaoping adhered to the principle of “starting from practice” in everything (that is why there are no voluminous theoretical works in his collected works). He considered the rise of productive forces to be the main task of the PRC's modernization policy, and he saw the main method of leadership in taking into account material interests carried out through the mechanism of market relations. Hence the rejection folk communes"and the introduction of family contracting in the countryside, the abolition of equalization and the introduction of the principle of distribution according to work, the diversity of forms of ownership in the economy of the city and village, the promotion of rationality for achieving prosperity by an initially certain part of the population and regions, a departure from excessive centralization of power, a course towards the comprehensive development of science and technology as the main productive force, broad economic, foreign policy and cultural integration with the outside world.

Another direction of reform is associated with the gradual expansion of representative democracy within the framework of the system of people's congresses and, possibly, the revitalization of the system of multi-party cooperation that has historically developed over the years of the existence of the PRC. But in any case, all this does not yet affect the CCP's monopoly on power in order to avoid destabilization, which is fraught with the emergence of uncontrolled political processes that threaten the collapse of the country. Therefore, special importance is attached to strengthening the ruling party and adapting the forms and methods of its activities and ideological platform to the requirements of modern reality.

To evaluate the reform, it is necessary to define the main criteria. According to Deng Xiaoping, transformations can be considered successful if they contributed to the development of productive forces, strengthening the power of the country, and raising the standard of living of the population.

In a quarter of a century, China's gross domestic product has increased sixfold, and personal consumption per inhabitant has increased three and a half times. China today is fast developing country with modern industry, advanced science and culture.

Due to what could there be such a breakthrough in the development of a once backward country? The country's leadership believes that this became possible thanks to the model of socialism with Chinese characteristics, which originated from the decisions of the 3rd Plenum of the 11th CPC Central Committee in 1978 and the underlying theory of Deng Xiaoping.

The theory of Deng Xiaoping became a generalization of the experience of building Chinese socialism. It has been variously referred to as "the theory of socialism with Chinese characteristics", "Chinese Marxism", "a valuable spiritual asset" of the CCP and the people.

Deng Xiaoping's development of the theory of socialism with Chinese characteristics was directly related to overcoming the left and right deviations in the party, which, in his opinion, were capable of "ditching socialism."

Counting the left main danger", he opposed their anti-scientific thesis that " better poor socialism than rich capitalism».

Deng Xiaoping also suggested abandoning the left-wing attitude, which makes " emphasis on class struggle". He believed that when creating socialism, especially in a backward country, emphasis should be placed on economic development and the consistent implementation of socialist modernization, i.e., accelerate the development of agriculture, industry, science, improve socialist democracy and the rule of law.

Deng Xiaoping developed and implemented a model for the transition from a planned economy to a market economy that meets Chinese realities. With the three criteria of expediency formulated by him, it was possible to minimize the social cost of reforms, not to deepen, but to reduce the polarization of society, while maintaining incentives for the growth of productive forces.

At the theoretical conference of the CPC in 1979, it was officially about reforms "four upgrades": in agriculture, industry, science and technology and the military sphere.

Reforms in agriculture

More in 1978 in Sichuan province, led by Zhao Ziyang(since September 1979 - Premier of the People's Republic of China), was held family contract experiment. It was based on the old idea of ​​Deng Xiaoping - "assigning tasks to peasant households." The results were stunning: the production of grain and other agricultural products increased dramatically, and the incomes of the peasants increased. It was decided to extend this practice throughout the country, which was approved by the Plenum of the CPC Central Committee in September 1979. Purchase prices were increased by 30%. In the early 1980s the dissolution of cooperatives began. A large-scale restructuring of agriculture began in the summer of 1981. The most important measures:

a) peasant markets, subsidiary crafts are allowed;

b) the area of ​​land allotted for personal plots;

c) increased state allocations for the development of agricultural infrastructure;

d) the industry is reoriented to the production of small agricultural machinery;

e) they gradually reduced, and since 1985 they completely abandoned the mandatory supply of agricultural products; they were replaced by the system government contracts, and the products needed by the population came through the market.

By that time, the system of production responsibility had spread throughout China: the arable land of production teams was divided and assigned to individual families. They were given assignments; after the delivery of the prescribed amount of products, the family could dispose of the surplus at its discretion.

Gradually jobs have been replaced by taxes, established taking into account the quantity and quality of land. True, government agencies have tightened control over its use. In particular, soil erosion was not allowed, it was forbidden to use arable land for other needs.

There was no private ownership of the land. Lease was introduced, its terms were constantly increasing: 15 years, 50 years. Subsequently, it was introduced lifetime lease with the right of hereditary use and transfer of land to other hands for an appropriate fee. Formally right private property to the ground is not in China to this day; land, for example, cannot be sold, mortgaged, etc.

These measures led to a rapid increase in agricultural production - by 11.7% per year. By 1987, China had solved the problem internal provision of food and agricultural raw materials and started exporting food products.

True, this increased social stratification in the countryside, which explains the rejection of the reforms in certain sections of society. But in general, material well-being rural population significantly increased (annual revenue growth amounted to 8.1%).

Increasing the efficiency of production exacerbated the problem of excess labor in the countryside. The state has become encourage the development of local industry, allowing large enterprises to establish their branches in the villages, where they will have much less problems with the recruitment of labor, housing, utilities, etc. Such enterprises were provided soft loans, discounts were made in taxation. Rural enterprises absorbed the released workers - by the beginning of the 1990s. 85 million people worked there, producing a third of all industrial output, some of which was exported. This helped alleviate the problem of employment, but by 1990 there were over 150 million surplus workers in the Chinese countryside.

Industry modernization

The task was not limited to updating equipment, enterprises should receive constant incentive to innovate. This required the destruction state economy, implement market principles, develop competition, “open up to the world”.

It was important to preserve the social well-being of the population, to survive the inevitable rise in prices. The specificity of China was also a huge number of unprofitable enterprises with primitive technology; they cannot be closed immediately, as the employment problem will worsen.

In its most general form, Deng Xiaoping formulated the following provisions:

a) reduce the scope of prescriptive planning and distribution

b) eliminate excessive centralization, expand economic
new independence of enterprises and regions;

c) use the opportunities of small private enterprises;

d) remove restrictions on wage and income growth.
Reduced prescriptive planning first time

in Sichuan province; in 1979, an experiment began there: enterprises, having fulfilled the state order, received independence in the distribution of the remaining profits.

The result exceeded expectations: production growth amounted to 80%. Since 1981, the system has been extended to the whole of China. Government orders have been given to all large enterprises, but not more than 50% of their capacity. Above this, the enterprise can produce anything and sell it at market prices.

At the same time allowed wholesale at free prices. This had an effect, the enterprises became interested in the results. True, over time, negative trends also appeared: double prices for the same goods (free and state goods) arose, attempts were made to speculate on the difference in prices.

AT 1987 narrowed the scope of centralized control. With directors state enterprises began to conclude contracts; in case of non-fulfilment, the directors waited criminal liability. As a result, in the very first year, 80% of the current directors voluntarily resigned, because under the new conditions, they were required to have different qualities: professionalism, ability to analyze, and economic readiness.

FROM 1979 in China, the creation of private enterprises: initially only in retail and household services; then it spread to other sectors of the economy. The permissible scale of private entrepreneurship was also gradually expanding: at first it was allowed to use hired labor in the amount of no more than 5 people, then - 15, 50 people, and so on until all restrictions on the number of employees were lifted. By 1987, about 25 million private enterprises were operating in the PRC.

The private sector not only helped to defuse the surplus labor situation - already in 1985, 35% of the gross domestic product was produced in this sector.

attraction foreign capital began with the creation of 1979 4 free economic zones in southern China: these closed administrative formations have become a kind of market economy enclaves in the PRC. There were special rules for the circulation of foreign currency, the transfer of profits abroad, low taxes, etc. But the administration of the zones was Chinese, permissions to open enterprises were given by the Chinese, the creation of export-oriented enterprises, i.e., producing the best products, was encouraged. quality. An example would be the Shenzhen zone, created on the border with Hong Kong. In addition to attracting foreign capital, were widely used overseas experience, new technologies, administrative skills. Free zones have become engines of progress in China, their number has been constantly growing, covering all new regions.

Summer 1979 was accepted law "On joint ventures": their area of ​​action is constantly expanding. China has turned to foreign loans, which has never been done before. Since 1984, the country began to receive concessional loans through the IBRD (International Bank for Reconstruction and Development) and the IMF (International Monetary Fund), making this a serious competitor to India. Gradually, Chinese exports began to grow, especially rapidly since 1985; replenished and foreign exchange reserves.

industrial growth reached 16% in some years, real growth wages at urban enterprises - 9%. The well-being of the population has increased: by 1987, already 93% of urban families had their own televisions, 60% - washing machines, 52% - tape recorders. The Chinese economy began to develop.

Modernization of science and technology

First of all, China's attitude towards the intelligentsia and educated people has changed dramatically. Furthermore, education has become the main criterion upon appointment, i.e., it became prestigious.

Increased government spending for all types of educational institutions, increased wage teachers. Capable students began to be sent to study abroad, to the best universities in the world, and at the expense of the state. In relation to this, however, there were doubts: whether there would be a flight abroad, but such arguments were not taken into account.

In addition, families were given the opportunity to educate their children abroad at their own expense. But still, it was not easy to repair the damage done to education during the years of "building socialism" and especially during the "cultural revolution".

It should be noted that, objectively, China needs to translate hieroglyphic writing into a phonetic basis. This would expand the possibilities of obtaining technical education, would contribute to the borrowing of innovations. In recent decades, the issue of an appropriate reform has not been removed from the agenda, but there is a problem of different dialects (dialects in southern China are especially different). Thus, although hieroglyphic writing unites the Chinese language into a single whole, there is no unity in the language in phonetic terms.

Defense Modernization

This modernization was assigned last on the priority list first of all, by due to lack of funds. After limited conflict with Vietnam in 1979 began reduction in military spending. To In 1984, the share of military spending in the budget was more than halved compared to 1979. The reduction in the size of the Chinese army also began: from 1979 to 1981 it was reduced by 1 / 3 in 1985, another major reduction was made - by 1 million people. Now the size of the Chinese army is up to 3.5 million people.

The conversion of the military industry began: enterprises began to be transferred to the production of civilian products. Many military facilities, warehouses, bomb shelters, etc. were subject to privatization.

At the same time, at the root military doctrine itself has changed in China: the authorities abandoned their previous focus on "guerrilla warfare", began to pay more attention to the technical equipment of the army.

Special attention development in China nuclear weapons and its means deliveries: since 1982, China has adopted the first ballistic missiles; since 1983 it has been developing satellite communications.

AT last years army has become a huge independent economic strength: her property turned out to be factories, factories, agricultural enterprises, mines, mines, trading firms and even distilleries. The military gradually switched to full self-sufficiency, without requiring funds from the state budget.

III. Difficulties on the way of reforms

Resistance to change in China from the very beginning of the reforms. The reforms were opposed primarily by the left in the leadership. CCP activists party, secondly, showed dissatisfaction army.

Since the early 1980s in the PRC, a massive fight against bribery is being carried out, thousands of ganbu have been arrested and put on trial. The reduction of the apparatus began, its number at that time had already exceeded 20 million people. In September 1982, the resistance in the ranks of the CCP was significantly weakened as a result of the decision of the XII Congress to create commissions of advisers in the party, under this pretext, many admirers of "socialism" were eliminated.

The new cadres were distinguished by their youth and professionalism; the intelligentsia, educated people began to be drawn into the party. Went separation of party and state functions in the device.

AT army environment dissatisfaction is explained by a sharp reduction public spending for military needs since 1979 and changing the whole military concept in China. The leader of the resistance was the Minister of Defense, the elderly E. Jianging,- he was removed. Mass reductions in the army began in October 1982: incompetent officers and political workers were fired, and there was a general reduction in the number of troops.

As we moved towards a market economy, society became more and more independent from the authorities: a significant part of the population worked in the private sector, the peasantry also did not feel a particular need for rural party organizations. It was clear that gradually add up prerequisites for changes in political sphere. This prompted the adherents of the old to a new attempt to go on the offensive and save "socialism". It was decided to take advantage of the social discontent of certain strata.

As a result of the reforms, not only accelerated the economic growth, but it happened social stratification, unemployment increased and inflation increased. By 1986 the pace economic development slowed down. The devaluation carried out in 1987 caused a sharp rise in prices, because almost half of the goods were already sold at market prices.

In November 1987, at the XIII Congress of the CCP, as leader of the party Hu Yaobang, accused in liberalism. His successor was Zhao Ziyang, and Li Peng was elected as the new premier of the State Council. perked up discussions about the reform of the political system. Criticism of the communists grew, and demands for the abolition of censorship, the abolition of the sole power of the CPC, and the further development of democracy sounded louder. It would seem that the course of the government has become more liberal. Deng Xiaoping stepped aside for a while. Dissatisfaction with corruption was universal.

Spring 1989 Hu Yaobang died. His funeral in Beijing gave rise to mass student demonstrations and youth. They were joined by dissatisfied workers and intellectuals, there were unrest in 80 major cities. At this critical moment, Zhao Ziyang was on a trip abroad, but after his return, he became sympathetic to the demonstrators, while in official publications they were angrily attacked.

At that moment, the visit of M.S. Gorbachev to Beijing, he had to be delivered by helicopter to the official residence of the Chinese leaders. The visit was a mess. The student riots in Tiananmen Square continued, with a crowd of about 1 million students gathering there. Gathered demanded political reforms.

May 20, 1989 in Beijing introduced state of emergency. June 4, 1989 Deng Xiaoping gave the order to disperse the demonstrators. Force was used: people were shot from heavy machine guns and crushed by tanks; hundreds of people died, including dozens of journalists, including foreign ones. Dissidents have been arrested. But in other cities, such as Shanghai, unrest was avoided.

Followed and personnel changes: filmed by Zhao Ziyang, appointed in his place Jiang Zemin, a native of Shanghai. Market economy reforms were suspended. Opponents of change revived again, they began to talk about a “rollback”, and suspicions about the “new Chinese” revived in the country.

Governments all over the world expressed their outrage at the massacre of demonstrators, but it did not last long. The US Congress imposed sanctions against China in connection with the violation of human rights and even postponed for a year the granting of the most favored nation in trade to this country. However China's relations with industrial countries did not worsen.

Soon the United States held informal talks with the Chinese to resolve the situation. US President D. Bush took measures to limit the sanctions, and the most favored nation treatment for China was restored.

China has become too powerful a state in the world, so that any sanctions can be applied to him. This was an indirect confirmation of the success of the reforms, but the fact that they stalled remained an undoubted fact. And it was not known when they would resume.

Society in China has become more independent of the authorities, which is why the issue of political reforms has been put on the agenda. At the same time, this could lead to a weakening of the central government in China, and the collapse of the communist regime could turn into anarchy.


1. China's refusal to "build socialism" was the result of a complex combination of internal and external factors. The decisive prerequisite, however, was a change in the political climate in society, in the CCP and its leadership, although this did not lead to a change in the political regime.

2. When carrying out reforms in China, they were guided by a number of principles: all reforms came from above, under the control of the center, and were adjusted taking into account social consequences. At the same time, the appearance of the former course “toward socialism” was preserved so as not to irritate some people who were committed to the former ideals.

3. The result of the reforms in China was the introduction market elements into the Chinese economy, it was increasingly moving away from the former, centrally controlled. This led to the fact that society became more independent of the communist ideology and authorities, and prerequisites were created for the elimination of political dictatorship.

4. As reforms deepened in the second half of the 1980s. the resistance of the supporters of "socialism" increased. escalated and social problems increased polarization of society. Demands for political change were decisively suppressed in June 1989; further reforms in China are on hold.


China at the end of the 20th century

I. Resumption of reforms in 1992

After the events in Tiananmen Square in June 1989, the impression was that the reforms were over. Censorship has been strengthened again, dozens of dissidents have been arrested, and "leftists" have become more active.

Western sanctions against human rights violations in China proved ineffective and were discontinued. The period of uncertainty lasted two years. It would seem that there is no hope for a change in policy. Especially since in 1991 Deng Xiaoping resigned his last official post - Chairman of the Military Council of the CPC Central Committee; he was already 87 years old. But it was soon confirmed that he still retains a leading position in the country.

spring 1992 Deng Xiaoping travels to Shanghai, Wuhan and the south, where he visited special economic zones. During the trip, Deng spoke for the first time about the need to resume market reforms; this was a signal - the resistance of the "leftists" was easily broken.

In October 1992 The 14th Congress of the CPC took place. The new party leader Jiang Zemin, who had already strengthened his position, delivered a report at the congress. He gave the signal for the resumption of market reforms. They came down to this:

1. As early as 1992, large-scale price liberalization began; the centralized system of state distribution of resources was abolished. As a result, already in 1993, only 5% of goods in China were sold on fixed government prices. Free grain prices were introduced; in 1993, only 10% of all Chinese agricultural products were sold at state prices. These were key measures that the Chinese leadership could not decide on for a long time.

2.Since 1992, China has introduced a double the state budget A: regular and development budget. The first is replenished from taxes, the second - from non-tax revenues: it goes to the needs of reforms.

3. In 1994, China held tax reform: lowered single rates income tax from enterprises to 33% (from 55%); for low-margin industries are set for two years reduced rates taxation to give them time to make changes. 15% of taxes began to be returned to enterprises to replenish working capital.

4. In 1994, a single, floating exchange rate yuan; in China, the circulation of any foreign currencies, all foreign exchange transactions came under the control of the state.

5. In the same 1994, adopted foreign trade law: the state monopoly was generally abolished; now enterprises could independently enter the foreign market. The state monopoly remained only on 16 types of products!

February 19, 1997 Deng Xiaoping died- "father of reforms". However, by that time, Jiang Zemin had strengthened his position enough to continue reforms even in the absence of the patriarch. In September 1997 XV congress of the CPC. He confirmed the old strategy and adopted a grandiose "Public Sector Modernization Program".

State-owned enterprises contributed only 30% of the gross domestic product, but absorbed the lion's share of capital investments and state financing. The state was in charge of 100% of the entire infrastructure of the country ( railways, aviation, energy, communications, post), approximately 90% of all banks, enterprises of metallurgy and chemistry, 60% of mechanical engineering and construction firms, more than half of all foreign trade. At the same time, about half of the enterprises were unprofitable, losses were repaid at the expense of the treasury.

The congress decided to leave only one thousand enterprises in state ownership, mainly the main infrastructure facilities. They must turn into corporations with broad economic independence, adapted to operate under market conditions. All the others (about 17,000) must determine the form of management themselves: corporatization, transfer of property for rent or sale to private hands.

This was not an easy decision, as it involved removing the main obstacles to reform.

Spring 1998 new prime minister China appointed Zhu Rongzi. Prior to that, he served as the first deputy of Li Peng and was considered the main initiator of the corporatization of the public sector. Zhu Rongzi is from Hunan Province but worked in Shanghai for a long time, along with Jiang Zemin. During the tragic events in Beijing in June 1989, Zhu Rongzi did not allow any clashes in Shanghai. He is a very hard-working, energetic person, set in favor of quick reforms; in China he is called the "king of the economy", abroad - "Chinese Ludwig Erhard" (father of the German " economic miracle» 1950-1960s).

After becoming prime minister, Zhu Rongzi launched a drastic reform state apparatus, having set the task cut it in half. Old officials were ruthlessly dismissed: they were replaced by younger ones (under the age of 50) and professionally trained. Staff cuts have begun and state enterprises: in 1999 alone, more than 3 wp\, human. Zhu Rongzi launched an offensive against the positions of the military, first of all, he demanded to curtail the entire economic and commercial activity in the army, a special two-year plan has been adopted for this. At present, there is not a single military member in the Standing Committee of the Politburo of the CPC Central Committee in the PRC.

In November 2002, the 16th CCP Congress was held. There has been a change in top management. Jiang Zemin resigned from the post of general secretary of the CCP. Hu Jintao, 59, was elected to take his place. He also took over the post of chairman of the CPC in early March 2003. Another younger leader, Wen Jiabao, became the premier of the State Council at the same time, replacing Zhu Rongzi.

In the program of "four modernizations" agriculture is put in the first place.
But this by no means means that the Beijing leadership intends to concentrate all its efforts on its rise.
Initially, it was planned to "majorly carry out the mechanization of agriculture" in 1980 4, to increase the fleet of conventional tractors by 70% and horticultural tractors by 36%. For China, this would, of course, be a serious step forward, although it does not eliminate backwardness. However, plans have been revised. Although the communiqué of the December plenum of the CPC Central Committee did not explicitly mention the mechanization of agriculture, the People's Daily announced in early February 1979 that it "put forward new course and a number of political guidelines" on this issue: instead of the continuous mechanization of agricultural production, we will limit ourselves to the creation of so-called "commodity bases", while in the predominant number of regions "semi-mechanization and manual labor" will remain.
Phenomena in Chinese countryside suggest further erosion collective property, its crushing. The distribution of production tasks by links is carried out, which in practice results in the distribution between them of plots of land, equipment, draft animals, and even public funds grains. The links are turning into the main self-supporting unit instead of brigades.

This measure, which, according to the intention of its authors, should increase labor activity in the countryside, is considered locally as the first step, followed by the distribution of land and production tasks among households.
In the summer of 1978, a campaign was launched in the Chinese press to "easing the burden of the farmers," which opened up a picture of the oppression of the Chinese peasantry. The "people's communes" and brigades are confiscated free of charge cash, human and material resources. Contrary to the constitution of the People's Republic of China, arbitrariness is allowed in the issue of personal plots.

Peasants are forced to make obligatory deposits in savings banks, and they are forced to sell livestock, food and the public property of the brigades. They are arbitrarily fined with money and grain for failing to attend meetings, failing to complete public procurement assignments, and absenteeism. work due to sickness, non-use of contraceptives, etc., and even food provided for meals is withheld. Personnel workers, including secretaries of party committees, insult the human dignity of the peasants, engage in manhandling, and maim people.
There were cases that they were driven to loss of reason and even to suicide. At the end of 1978, the People's Daily wrote in an editorial that the instruction "to ease the burden of the peasants" was still not being implemented. The Hongqi magazine in February 1979 confirmed that some cadres "suppress democracy, ignore the laws, use the power and position given to them by the people, beat and insult people, mislead the masses, strike in retaliation, and subject them to illegal arrests."

mamipizza.ru - Banks. Contributions and deposits. Money transfers. Loans and taxes. money and state