
Basic concepts of economic informatics. Basic concepts of economic informatics Economic informatics, the subject of which was

specialty "Professional education". Quantity

lecture hours - 16. Number of lectures - 8.
Lecture 1. Theoretical foundations of economic informatics

1.1 Object, subject, methods and tasks of economic informatics

There are many definitions of computer science. Informatics is the science of information, how it is collected, stored, processed and provided using computer technology. Computer science is an applied discipline that studies the structure and general properties of scientific information, etc. Computer science consists of three interrelated components: computer science as a fundamental science, as an applied discipline and as a branch of production.

The main objects of informatics are:


General theoretical foundations of computer science:


Number systems;



The structure of modern informatics:

1. Theoretical computer science.

2. Computer technology.

3. Programming.

4. Information systems.

5. Artificial intelligence.

Economic informatics is the science of information systems used to prepare and make decisions in management, economics and business.

object economic informatics are information systems that provide a solution to entrepreneurial and organizational problems that arise in economic systems ( economic objects). That is, the object of economic informatics is economic information systems, the ultimate goal of which is the effective management of the economic system.

Information system is a set of software and hardware, methods and people that provide the collection, storage, processing and issuance of information to ensure the preparation and decision-making. The main components of information systems used in the economy include: software and hardware, business applications and management information systems. The purpose of information systems is to create a modern information infrastructure for company management.

Subject of discipline– technologies, ways of automating information processes using economic data.

The task of discipline- study of theoretical foundations computer science and the acquisition of skills in the use of applied systems for processing economic data and programming systems for personal computers and computer networks.

Basic concepts of data, information, knowledge.
The basic concepts that are used in economic informatics include: data, information and knowledge. These concepts are often used as synonyms, but there are fundamental differences between these concepts.

The term data comes from the word data - fact, and information (informatio) means clarification, presentation, i.e. information or message.

Data is a collection of information recorded on a specific medium in a form suitable for permanent storage, transmission and processing. Transforming and processing data allows you to get information.

Information is the result of data transformation and analysis. The difference between information and data is that data is fixed information about events and phenomena that are stored on certain media, and information appears as a result of data processing when solving specific problems. For example, databases store various data, and upon a certain request, the database management system issues the required information.

There are other definitions of information, for example, information is information about objects and phenomena environment, their parameters, properties and state, which reduce the degree of uncertainty and incompleteness of knowledge about them.

Knowledge- this is the processed information recorded and verified by practice, which has been used and can be reused for decision-making.

Knowledge is a type of information that is stored in a knowledge base and reflects the knowledge of a specialist in a particular subject area. Knowledge is intellectual capital.

Formal knowledge can be in the form of documents (standards, regulations) that regulate decision-making or textbooks, instructions describing how to solve problems. Informal knowledge is the knowledge and experience of specialists in a particular subject area.

It should be noted that there are no universal definitions of these concepts (data, information, knowledge), they are interpreted in different ways. Decisions are made on the basis of the information received and the available knowledge.

Making decisions- this is the choice of the best solution in a certain sense from the set of feasible solutions based on the available information. The relationship of data, information and knowledge in the decision-making process is shown in the figure.

Commercial bank" href="/text/category/kommercheskij_bank/" rel="bookmark"> commercial banks , government agencies etc.

So, the object of economic informatics is economic information systems, the ultimate goal of which is the effective management of the economic system. Thus, the main purpose of the information system is the creation of a modern infrastructure for managing an enterprise, organization, institution.

The variety of tasks solved with the help of IS has led to the emergence of many different types of systems that differ in the principles of construction and the rules of information processing embedded in them. Information systems can classify across a range of different characteristics.

Classification of information systems on the basis of structured tasks.

There are three types of tasks for which information systems are created:

Structured (formalizable);

Unstructured (non-formalizable);

Partially structured.

A structured (formalizable) task is a task where all its elements and the relationships between them are known.

An unstructured (non-formalizable) task is a task in which it is impossible to single out elements and establish links between them.

Information systems for partially structured tasks. Information systems used to solve partially structured tasks are divided into two types, creating management reports and focused mainly on data processing; developing possible alternative solutions.

Classification of the information systems market according to the scale of the system:

Local systems (1C, BEST, Info - Accountant, etc.)

Small integrated systems (Skala, Parus, Galaxy and others)

Medium integrated systems (MFG-PRO and others)

Large integrated systems (SAP/R3 others)

Classification of systems, which is based on the classification of business tasks.

Principles of classification of management information systems:

1. Level of strategic management (3 - 5 years)

2. Level of medium-term management (1 - 1.5 years)

3. Level of operational management (month - quarter - half a year)

2. Business applications (application programs):

Local information systems (1C: Accounting, Infin, Parus, etc.);

Small information systems (1C: Enterprise, Parus, Galaxy, etc.);

Medium information systems (PEOPLE SOFT, BAAN, SCALA, etc.);

Integrated management systems (ERP).

3. Information systems management is designed to manage and support enterprise information processes (personnel management, development, quality, security, operational management, etc.)

Thus, information systems, which are considered in economic informatics, consist of three main components:

Information technologies (hardware and software of computers, telecommunications, data);

Functional subsystems (production, accounting and finance, sales, marketing, personnel) and business applications (application programs for solving business problems);

Information systems management (personnel, users, IP development, finance)

At present, the most appropriate way to build an economic information system is to use ready-made solutions, which are implemented in the form of ready-made application programs.

Lecture 3

Introduction to the economics of information technology.

Organization- stable, formal social structure, which receives resources from the outside world and processes them into products of its activities.

The tasks of the information system are to ensure the decision-making process.

Information- information about the surrounding world, which reduces the existing degree of uncertainty.

The information is separate from the user, it can be accepted by the user or not. Information is transmitted through channels. Organizations exist in the information field.

Properties of the information society:





Economic Information- a set of information about the socio-economic processes that serve to manage the house. processes.

Specifications economic information:

Amount of information

Information integrity


Specific weight of values

Informational resources enterprises– individual documents or arrays about information systems.

Information technology- a system of methods and ways of collecting, accumulating, processing, transmitting, storing information.

Information technologies provide human activity. Automated information technologies presuppose the existence of technical means, the implementation of information processes, and a system for managing technical processes.

The purpose of information technology is to receive, process, transfer new information to the user. Its task is to improve the ways of processing, receiving and transmitting information.

Characteristics of information technology




Improve information processing method (algorithm)

New technology communications

Improvement of the integral technological system

Changing functions of users (specialists)

New Information Processing Technology

Interface improvement and information storage

Increasing the flow of the information environment

New technological solutions

Information system from the point of view of a managed information system (information system as a control object)

Control object

Operational level

tactical level

Strategic level

Information Systems

Department manager and functional manager

Project Managers

Directors, top managers

Functions of information systems

In finance and accounting:

Formation of the company's budget (1C)

Financial plan

Financial projections

Analysis and control

In marketing:

Sales management

Logistics (Shipping)

Analysis, control

Market research

In manufacturing information system:(ERM)

Quality control

Production planning

Production technology

External control

Strategic Management

Information technology products

1. Information (data, knowledge, software)

2. Communication, means of communication, transmission

3. Product oriented user (specific information conveyed to the user)

Consumers of the information technology market:


They are divided according to the type of system (line of activity)

Social division (segmentation)

Information threshold (critical)

Change in production volumes, deliveries

Changing the cost structure of an enterprise

Change in performance indicators of the enterprise

The accumulation of a critical mass is the basis for changing the information system.

The evolution of information systems


Types of information systems

Formation of paperless workflow

Document processing information systems for accounting machines, electromechanical accounting machines

Increasing the speed of workflow

Settlement functions, machines began to support the goals of companies (economic planning). Calculation of cash flow discounts.

Control systems

Acceleration of reporting systems (economic)

Management control

Decision support systems (a prototype of an expert system), since there were no networks yet. Users are focused on the goals of top management.

Development of rational solutions

The era of computer technology (Intranet, ExtraNet). Formation of information fields

Strategic Information Systems

Ensuring competitiveness

Classification of computer technologies

Types of processed information

Knowledge (oral)

Types of information technology

Text editors


Medium integrated systems

Large integrated systems

1C ( accounting systems)

Scale economic component of the company and the production system of small enterprises


ORACLE Application

Decision-making system - an interactive, automated system that uses decision rules and the correspondence of the model with the database, as well as an interactive computer modeling process that supports the adoption of independent and non-structural decisions (i.e. simple ones) by individual decision-makers to obtain specific implementable solutions to problems .

Class I decision-making system - performs the largest number of functional decisions of the enterprise (electronic turnover).

II systems for individual use. Structural decisions are made by a small group of people.

III Calculated for a specific performer, for example, Excel

Differences between expert systems and decision making system.

DDS decision system

Expert system

Solution support

Imitation of the work of an expert

Who Makes the Decisions



Making decisions

Transfer of information, replication to user groups

Support objects

Consumer groups

Consumer groups

Information used

Numerical representation

Symbols (symbol representation)

Task type

Unique Challenges

Repetitive Information


Procedural (discrete values)

Example of Creating and Defining Opportunities

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Basic concepts of economic informatics


  • 4. Information technology
  • Conclusion

1. Basic concepts of economic informatics

Object, subject, methods and tasks of economic informatics

The intensive introduction of information technologies into the economy has led to the emergence of one of the areas in informatics - economic informatics, which is an integrated applied discipline based on interdisciplinary connections between informatics, economics and mathematics.

The theoretical basis for the study of economic informatics is informatics. The word "informatics" (informatique) comes from the merger of two French words: information (information) and automatique (automatic), introduced in France to define the field of activity involved in automated information processing.

There are many definitions of computer science. Informatics is the science of information, how it is collected, stored, processed and provided using computer technology. Computer science is an applied discipline that studies the structure and general properties of scientific information, etc. Informatics consists of three interrelated components: informatics as a fundamental science, as an applied discipline and as a branch of production.

The main objects of informatics are:



Information Systems.

General theoretical foundations of computer science:


number systems;



The structure of modern informatics:

1. Theoretical computer science.

2. Computer technology.

3. Programming.

4. Information systems.

5. Artificial intelligence.

Economic informatics is the science of information systems used to prepare and make decisions in management, economics and business.

The object of economic informatics is information systems that provide the solution of entrepreneurial and organizational problems that arise in economic systems (economic objects). That is, the object of economic informatics is economic information systems, the ultimate goal of which is the effective management of the economic system.

An information system is a set of software and hardware, methods and people that collect, store, process and issue information to ensure the preparation and decision-making. The main components of information systems used in the economy include: software and hardware, business applications and management of information systems. The purpose of information systems is to create a modern information infrastructure for company management.

The subject of economic informatics is technologies, ways of automating information processes using economic data.

The task of economic informatics is the study of the theoretical foundations of informatics and the acquisition of skills in the use of applied systems for processing economic data and programming systems for personal computers and computer networks.

2. Data, information and knowledge

Basic concepts of data, information, knowledge

The basic concepts that are used in economic informatics include: data, information and knowledge. These concepts are often used as synonyms, but there are fundamental differences between these concepts.

The term data comes from the word data - fact, and information (informatio) means clarification, presentation, i.e. information or message.

Data is a collection of information recorded on a specific medium in a form suitable for permanent storage, transmission and processing. Transforming and processing data allows you to get information.

Information is the result of data transformation and analysis. The difference between information and data is that data is fixed information about events and phenomena that are stored on certain media, and information appears as a result of data processing when solving specific problems. For example, databases store various data, and upon a certain request, the database management system issues the required information.

There are other definitions of information, for example, information is information about objects and phenomena of the environment, their parameters, properties and state, which reduce the degree of uncertainty and incompleteness of knowledge about them.

Knowledge is the processed information recorded and verified by practice, which has been used and can be reused for decision-making.

economic informatics software information

Knowledge is a type of information that is stored in a knowledge base and reflects the knowledge of a specialist in a particular subject area. Knowledge is intellectual capital.

Formal knowledge can be in the form of documents (standards, regulations) that regulate decision-making or textbooks, instructions describing how to solve problems. Informal knowledge is the knowledge and experience of specialists in a particular subject area.

It should be noted that there are no universal definitions of these concepts (data, information, knowledge), they are interpreted in different ways. Decisions are made on the basis of the information received and the available knowledge.

Decision making is the choice of the best solution in some sense from the set of feasible solutions based on the available information.

To solve the problem, fixed data are processed on the basis of existing knowledge, then the information obtained is analyzed using existing knowledge. Based on the analysis, all feasible solutions are proposed, and as a result of the choice, one decision is the best in some sense. The results of the decision replenish knowledge.

Depending on the scope of use, information can be different: scientific, technical, managerial, economic, etc. For economic informatics, economic information is of interest.

3. Economic information and information technology

Economic information is a transformed and processed set of information that reflects the state and course economic processes. Economic information circulates in the economic system and accompanies the processes of production, distribution, exchange and consumption wealth and services. Economic information should be considered as one of the varieties of management information.

Economic information can be:

manager (in the form of direct orders, planned targets, etc.);

informing (in reporting indicators, it performs the function of feedback in the economic system).

Information can be viewed as a resource similar to material, labor and monetary resources. Information resources - a set of accumulated information recorded on material media in any form that ensures its transmission in time and space for solving scientific, industrial, managerial and other problems.

4. Information technology

Collection, storage, processing, transmission of information in numerical form is carried out with the help of information technology. A feature of information technologies is that in them both the subject and product of labor is information, and the tools of labor are computer technology and communications. The main goal of information technology is the production of information necessary for the user as a result of targeted actions for its processing.

It is known that information technology is a set of methods, production and software and technological means, combined in a technological chain that provides the collection, storage, processing, output and dissemination of information.

From the point of view of information technology, information requires a material carrier as a source of information, a transmitter, a communication channel, a receiver and recipient of information.

The message from the source to the recipient is transmitted through communication channels or through the medium.

Information is a form of communication between managed and control objects in any management system. In accordance with general theory management, the management process can be represented as the interaction of two systems - managing and managed.

The enterprise management system operates on the basis of information about the state of the object, its inputs (material, labor, financial resources) and outputs ( finished products, economic and financial results) in accordance with the goal (to ensure the release of the necessary products).

Management is carried out by submitting a managerial impact (production plan) taking into account feedback - the current state of the controlled system (production) and the external environment - the market, higher authorities management.

The purpose of the control system is to form such influences on the controlled system that would encourage the latter to accept the state determined by the control goal.

In relation to an industrial enterprise, with some degree of conventionality, we can assume that the goal of management is the implementation of a production program within the framework of technical and economic restrictions; control actions are the work plans of the unit, feedback data on the progress of production: the release and movement of the product, the state of the equipment, stocks in the warehouse, etc.

It is obvious that the plans and content of the feedback are nothing but information. Therefore, the processes of formation of control actions are precisely the processes of transformation of economic information. The implementation of these processes is the main content of management services, including economic ones. The following requirements are imposed on economic information: accuracy, reliability, efficiency.

The accuracy of information ensures its unambiguous perception by all consumers. Reliability determines the acceptable level of distortion of both incoming and output information, which maintains the efficiency of the system. Efficiency reflects the relevance of information for the necessary calculations and decision-making in changing conditions.

Computer science and information systems

The word "system" comes from the Greek systema, which means a whole made up of parts or a plurality of elements. A system is a collection of interrelated elements that function to achieve a specific goal.

The main characteristics of systems: purpose, inputs, outputs, feedback and external environment. Systems differ significantly from each other both in composition and in main goals. Systems include computer hardware and software, telecommunications, life support systems, education systems, etc.

TO economic systems relate: industrial enterprises, trade organizations, commercial banks, government agencies, etc.

So, the object of economic informatics is economic information systems, the ultimate goal of which is the effective management of the economic system. Thus, the main purpose of the information system is the creation of a modern infrastructure for managing an enterprise, organization, institution.

The variety of tasks solved with the help of IS has led to the emergence of many different types of systems that differ in the principles of construction and the rules of information processing embedded in them. Information systems can be classified according to a number of different features.

Classification of information systems on the basis of structured tasks.

There are three types of tasks for which information systems are created:

structured (formalizable);

unstructured (non-formalizable);

partially structured.

A structured (formalizable) task is a task where all its elements and the relationships between them are known.

An unstructured (non-formalizable) task is a task in which it is impossible to single out elements and establish links between them.

Information systems for partially structured tasks. Information systems used to solve partially structured tasks are divided into two types, creating management reports and focused mainly on data processing; developing possible alternative solutions.

Classification of the information systems market according to the scale of the system:

Local systems (1C, BEST, Info - Accountant, etc.)

Small integrated systems (Skala, Parus, Galaxy and others)

Medium integrated systems (MFG-PRO and others)

Large integrated systems (SAP/R3 others)

Classification of systems, which is based on the classification of business tasks.

Principles of classification of management information systems:

1. Level of strategic management (3 - 5 years)

2. Level of medium-term management (1 - 1.5 years)

3. Level of operational management (month - quarter - half a year)

4. Level of operational management (day - week)

5. Real time control level

There are other types of classification of information systems. Special programs have been developed abroad

Standards of information systems for enterprise management systems MRP, MRP-II, ERP, ERPII.

MRP is a system for planning the requirements for material resources (provides the necessary amount of leftover materials in the warehouse).

RP-II - designed for planning production resources, i.e. resources used to produce products.

ERP - designed for planning and managing material, production and human resources. SAP R/3 is an ERP (Enterprise Resourse Planning) system for enterprise resource management or SAP ER. ERP II - designed for resource management and external relations enterprises.

Information systems used to plan and manage various resources are called integrated management systems or corporate information systems.

The main components of information systems used in the economy include: software and hardware, business applications and management of information systems.

1. Software and hardware information systems:

technical means of information processing (computers and peripheral devices);

system and service software (operating systems and utilities)

Application software for office purposes (MS Office);

computer networks (communication equipment, network software and network applications);

databases and databases.

2. Business applications (application programs):

local information systems (1C: Accounting, Infin, Parus, etc.);

small information systems (1C: Enterprise, Parus, Galaxy, etc.);

medium information systems (PEOPLE SOFT, BAAN, SCALA, etc.);

integrated management systems (ERP).

3. Information systems management is designed to manage and support enterprise information processes (personnel management, development, quality, security, operational management, etc.)

Thus, information systems, which are considered in economic informatics, consist of three main components:

information technologies (hardware and software of computers, telecommunications, data);

functional subsystems (production, accounting and finance, sales, marketing, personnel) and business applications (application programs for solving business problems);

information systems management (personnel, users, IS development, finance)

Currently, the most appropriate way to build an economic information system is to use ready-made solutions that are implemented in the form of ready-made application programs.


Computer science plays important role in modern economics, which led to the allocation of a separate direction in the development of science - economic informatics. This new direction combines economics, mathematics and computer science, and helps economists solve problems of optimizing the activities of enterprises, make strategic decisions about the development of industry and manage the production process.

The developed software base is based on mathematical models of economic processes and provides a flexible and reliable prediction mechanism economic effect management decisions. With the help of a computer, analytical problems are quickly solved, the solution of which is beyond the power of a person. V Lately the computer has become integral part workplace manager and economist.


1. Information systems in the economy. Karminsky A.M., Chernikov B.V. Moscow: Finance and Statistics 2006. 320p.

2. Economic informatics: Textbook for universities. Konyukhovsky P.V. SPb.: Peter 2001, 560s.

3. Economic informatics. Kosareva V.P., Eremina L.V. - Moscow: Finance and statistics, 2002, 592s.

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1.1.1. Object, subject, methods and tasks of economic informatics

The intensive introduction of information technologies in the economy has led to the emergence of one of the areas in informatics - economic informatics, which is an integrated applied discipline based on interdisciplinary connections between informatics, economics and mathematics. The theoretical basis for the study of economic informatics is informatics. The word "informatics" (informatique) comes from the merger of two French words: information (information) and automatique (automatic), introduced in France to define the field of activity involved in automated information processing. There are many definitions of computer science. Informatics is the science of information, how it is collected, stored, processed and provided using computer technology. Computer science is an applied discipline that studies the structure and general properties of scientific information, etc. Informatics consists of three interrelated components: informatics as a fundamental science, as an applied discipline and as a branch of production. The main objects of informatics are:

 information;

 computers;

 information systems; General theoretical foundations of computer science:

 information;

 number systems;

 coding;

 Algorithms. The structure of modern informatics: 1. Theoretical informatics. 2. Computer technology. 3. Programming. 4. Information systems. 5. Artificial intelligence. Economic informatics is the science of information systems used to prepare and make decisions in management, economics and business. The object of economic informatics are information systems that provide a solution to entrepreneurial and organizational problems that arise in economic systems (economic objects). That is, the object of economic informatics is economic information systems, the ultimate goal of which is the effective management of the economic system. Information system is a set of software and hardware, methods and people that provide the collection, storage, processing and issuance of information to ensure the preparation and decision-making. The main components of information systems used in the economy include: software and hardware, business applications and management of information systems. The purpose of information systems is to create a modern information infrastructure for company management. Subject of discipline- technologies, ways of automating information processes using economic data. The task of discipline- studying the theoretical foundations of informatics and acquiring skills in using applied systems for processing economic data and programming systems for personal computers and computer networks. More...>>> Topic: 1.1.2. Data, information and knowledge

1.1.2. Data, information and knowledge

Basic concepts of data, information, knowledge. The basic concepts that are used in economic informatics include: data, information and knowledge. These concepts are often used as synonyms, but there are fundamental differences between these concepts. The term data comes from the word data - fact, and information (informatio) means clarification, presentation, i.e. information or message. Data- this is a set of information recorded on a specific medium in a form suitable for permanent storage, transmission and processing. Transforming and processing data allows you to get information. Information is the result of data transformation and analysis. The difference between information and data is that data is fixed information about events and phenomena that are stored on certain media, and information appears as a result of data processing when solving specific problems. For example, databases store various data, and upon a certain request, the database management system issues the required information. There are other definitions of information, for example, information is information about objects and phenomena of the environment, their parameters, properties and state, which reduce the degree of uncertainty and incompleteness of knowledge about them. Knowledge- this is the processed information recorded and verified by practice, which has been used and can be reused for decision-making. Knowledge is a type of information that is stored in a knowledge base and reflects the knowledge of a specialist in a particular subject area. Knowledge is intellectual capital. Formal knowledge can be in the form of documents (standards, regulations) that regulate decision-making or textbooks, instructions describing how to solve problems. Informal knowledge is the knowledge and experience of specialists in a particular subject area. It should be noted that there are no universal definitions of these concepts (data, information, knowledge), they are interpreted in different ways. Decisions are made on the basis of the information received and the available knowledge. Making decisions- this is the choice of the best solution in a certain sense from the set of feasible solutions based on the available information. The relationship of data, information and knowledge in the decision-making process is shown in the figure.

To solve the problem, fixed data are processed on the basis of existing knowledge, then the information obtained is analyzed using existing knowledge. Based on the analysis, all feasible solutions are proposed, and as a result of the choice, one decision is the best in some sense. The results of the decision replenish knowledge. Depending on the scope of use, information can be different: scientific, technical, managerial, economic, etc. For economic informatics, economic information is of interest.

Economic informatics is a field of knowledge that considers as a subject - information systems used to prepare and make decisions in the field of economics and business. As a method of "Economic Informatics" considered business processes. The presentation of information systems includes a description of the architecture of information technology (programming, hardware, telecommunications and data), business applications (, DSS, SCM, CRM) and information systems management. In addition, an important component is IS, which discusses the problems of assessing costs and benefits at the stages of implementation, operation and development of IS within the framework of the adopted management structure.

Dictionary of business terms. Akademik.ru. 2001 .

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  • Economic informatics. Textbook and workshop for undergraduate and graduate studies, Romanova Yu.D.. The main concepts of economic informatics are given, an analysis of problems is given information security, describes technologies for storing and processing economic data, using ...
  • Economic informatics. Tutorial , . The main computer technologies used in professional activity future economists. The main properties of economic information and requirements for ...

Economic Information- characterizes production relations in society (economic information about resources, management processes, financial processes). Properties: alpha-civr characters, val volume and post characters; discreteness, heterogeneity, persistence, reusability, long shelf life, change)

Economic informatics is the science of information systems used to prepare and make decisions in management, economics and business.

object economic informatics are information systems that provide a solution to business and organizational problems that arise in economic systems (economic objects). That is, the object of economic informatics is economic information systems, the ultimate goal of which is the effective management of the economic system.

Subject: technology and stages of development of systems for automated processing of economic information and justification of the feasibility of such processing, functional analysis of the subject area, algorithmic representation of the problem and its software implementation.

Peculiarities: presentation and reflection in the form of primary and summary documents, repetition of the stages of processing information, the predominance of arithms and a log of operations in the processing process

Analysis and design of business processes. Functional modeling, which describes the sequence of operations of a business process, as well as modeling the data used in it.

Analysis and design of enterprise information systems architecture. Here, the model apparatus is somewhat wider, along with the modeling of functions and data, it includes engineering methods for analyzing and predicting IS performance, statistical tools, economic analysis, etc.

Improving IP management solved by methods of management theory, including methods of operations research, organization theory, logistics, etc. Methods and models of project management are of great importance.

Analysis and improvement of the economic efficiency of IP various methods of economic analysis are used. Currently, we are talking about neoclassical tools, new institutional economics and management theory.

15. Technology. Information Technology. Information processes.

Technology- a set of methods, processes and materials used in any industry, as well as a scientific description of the methods of technical production.

Information Technology (information technology, IT)– a wide class of disciplines and areas of activity related to control and data processing technologies using computer technology.

information process - the process of obtaining, creating, collecting, processing, accumulating, storing, searching, distributing, using information.

Coding (recording to a media), signal transmission over a communication channel, decoding (converting to a received code), code processing.

Characteristic features of modern IT are:

Less processing labor, more quality;

the interactive nature of information processing, a wide range of users and the collective nature of work with information and computing resources;

providing a single IT information space, collective work with information and computing resources based on computer networks and telecommunications systems;

support for multi-environment (multimedia) IT, paperless technology.

Information technology can be divided into classes:

1. General purpose IT (working with text documents, calculations in spreadsheets, maintaining databases, working with computer graphics, etc.).

2. Method-oriented IT, providing the use of special models and algorithms for solving problems (mathematical apparatus, statistics, project management, etc.).

3. Problem-oriented IT, taking into account the specifics of the subject area, information needs of users.

Information technologies are developing in the following areas: computer technology; means of communication and communication; software; methodology for organizing design work to create IS.

IT development is connected with:

progress in the field of data processing hardware (computers, information carriers, means of communication and communication, etc.), industrial technologies for the production of the element base of computers;

development of methods and tools for software development, methods for storing and retrieving data on machine media;

16. Information society. Informatization of society at the present time. The concept of the information society was formed at the end of the 20th century, it is closely related to the concept of a post-industrial society, a new phase in the development of our entire civilization. Distinctive features of the information society: Information/knowledge is the main product of production; increase in employment in IT, communications and services; continuous informatization (Internet, TV), globalization of the information space; the growth of the role of the individual in the management of social and eco-relations, the development of digital markets, e-democracy/state

Project "Information Society" of the Russian Federation: e-government, improving the quality of life of citizens, overcoming the digital divide, security, digital content for museums and archives, developing the ICT market

Informatization is a complex social process associated with significant changes in the way of life of the population. It requires serious efforts in many areas, including the elimination of computer illiteracy, the formation of a culture of using new information technologies, etc.

The driving force behind the development of society should be the production of information, not a material product. In the information society, not only production is changing, but the whole way of life, the system of values, the importance of cultural leisure in relation to material values ​​is increasing. In the information society, intellect and knowledge are produced and consumed, which leads to an increase in the share of mental labor. The ability to be creative will be required from a person, the demand for knowledge is increasing. The material and technological base of society's information will be various kinds of systems based on computer technology and computer networks, information technology, and telecommunications.

Informatization of society- an organized socio-economic and scientific-technical process of creating optimal conditions for meeting information needs and exercising the rights of citizens, public authorities, local governments, organizations, public associations based on the formation and use of information resources.

The purpose of informatization is to improve the quality of life of people by increasing productivity and facilitating their working conditions.

The main criteria for the development of the information society are the following:

Availability of computers; level of development of computer networks Possession of information culture, i.e. knowledge and skills in the field of information technology

mamipizza.ru - Banks. Contributions and deposits. Money transfers. Loans and taxes. money and state