
Economic informatics. Economic Informatics Economic Informatics whose subject was

Basic concepts economic informatics are:

Information and economic information;

Task and economic task;

Data - these are messages about objects and processes presented in a structured or unstructured form, on any material carrier (paper documents, magnetic disks). In order for the data to be processed by a computer, a series of input operations must be performed on them: first, they are considered as the result of observations or measurements, then they are recorded on a material carrier (paper documents, signals, etc.) and, finally, data are transferred to a computer, where they are structured and stored in the form of databases or other formal means.

In a broad sense information is defined as information about one or another side of the material world and the processes taking place in it. The term “information” is most often understood as the content aspect of data, as opposed to data (“data” is a fact).

From the point of view of science, information is a measure of the elimination of uncertainty regarding the outcome of an event of interest to us. That is, the concept of information is associated with the probability of the implementation of an event.

Information cannot exist on its own, therefore, the presence of an object (source) and a subject (receiver) is implied. The object reflects, and the subject perceives information. The material component of the processes of storage, transmission and transformation of information are information carriers, communication channels, transmitters and receivers.

Information, first of all, is distinguished by subject content, it is one of the main resources for the life of society, but, unlike natural resources its volume does not decrease with time, but rather only increases.

There are the following information properties:

1. Reliability and completeness.

Information is reliable if it does not distort the true state of affairs. Information is complete if it is sufficient for understanding and decision making.

2.Value and relevance.

The value of information depends on what tasks are solved with its help. Up-to-date information important to have when working in the ever-changing conditions of our world.

3.Clarity and understandability.

Information becomes clear and understandable if it is expressed in the language spoken by those to whom the information is intended.

According to the type of human activity, information is divided into scientific, technical, industrial, managerial, economic, social, legal, etc. Each of the areas of human knowledge operates with its own type of information. Economy, economic activity operates with economic information, which is subject to both the general properties of information and the properties that reflect it characteristics arising from its nature.

Economic Information- this is information that reflects and serves the processes of production, distribution, exchange and consumption wealth. Economic information serves as a management tool and at the same time belongs to its elements. In this case, economic information is considered as a kind of management information

For economic information characteristic:

· Large volumes.

Quality Management economic processes impossible without detailed information about them. The improvement of management and the increase in production volumes are accompanied by an increase in the accompanying information flows.

· Cyclicity.

For most industrial and business processes the repeatability of their constituent stages and information reflecting these processes is characteristic. This property of economic information allows you to reuse once created a program for data processing.

· Variety of sources and consumers.

This property is due to the variety of production and economic activity people.

· The proportion of logical operations in processing.

Boolean operations provide the appropriate ordering of data in arrays (primary, intermediate, constant, and variable). A significant place is occupied by such types of work as ordering, distribution, selection, selection, association.

Tutorial developed in accordance with the program of the discipline "Economic Informatics" and is intended for students studying in the specialties of the direction of training 036401 (customs), in the preparation of seminars, course projects, practice reports, theses.
The guide reveals state of the art information technologies in the economy, the basic principles of using information systems in professional activity economic specialists, as well as the main categories of computer software used in economic calculations.

1.1. The main categories and concepts of informatics.
The study of such a discipline as "economic informatics" is advisable to start with the formulation of definitions key concepts and categories of computer science as a basic science that studies the structure and general properties of information. Information is one of the basic concepts of science, which forms the basis of the modern scientific picture of the world.
A feature of this concept is that it is intuitively understandable for almost everyone, but there is no generally accepted interpretation of it in the scientific literature. It should be especially noted that, as a scientific category, "information" is the subject of study for various fields of knowledge: philosophy, computer science, systems theory, cybernetics, etc.
It is well known that the term "information" comes from the Latin word "informatio", originally meaning exposition or explanation. Due to its generality, volume, vagueness, "information" is often understood inaccurately and incompletely, not only by students. Information is interpreted in different ways, for example, as:
- any entity that causes changes in some information-logical (infological - consisting of data, knowledge, abstractions, etc.) system model (mathematics, system analysis);
- messages received by the system from outside world in the process of adaptive control, adaptation (control theory, cybernetics);
- negation of entropy, reflection of the measure of chaos in the system (thermodynamics);


1.1. Approaches to the definition of information.
1.2. Structure, form, measurement of information.
1.3. Informatics and information technologies.
1.4. Basic information aspects of management.
2.1. Object, subject, tasks of economic informatics.
2.2. Basic concepts in economic informatics.
2.3. Information technologies in economics.
2.4. Informatics and information systems.
3.1. Price and value of information.
3.2. Features of information as a commodity.
3.3 Economic information as a commodity and an object of security.
4.1. The concept of resource in economic informatics.
4.2. Information as an economic resource.
4.3. Informational resources in the economic system.
4.4. Information as a management resource.
5.1. Information systems in the economy.
5.2. Automated systems management.
5.3. The structure of information systems.
5.4. Functions of information economic systems.
6.1. Information technology for working with documents.
6.2. Information technologies for information processing and real-time management.
6.3. Information Technology general purpose to work with documents.
6.4. Information technologies of general purpose for work with documents.
8.1. Basic terms and concepts.
8.2. Test work.

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Topic 1.1: Theoretical foundations of economic informatics

Topic 1.2: Technical means of information processing

Topic 1.3: System software

Topic 1.4: Service software and the basics of algorithmization

Economic informatics and information

1.1. Theoretical foundations of economic informatics

1.1.1. Object, subject, methods and tasks of economic informatics

The intensive introduction of information technologies in the economy has led to the emergence of one of the areas in informatics - economic informatics, which is an integrated applied discipline based on interdisciplinary connections between informatics, economics and mathematics.

The theoretical basis for the study of economic informatics is informatics. The word "informatics" (informatique) comes from the merger of two French words: information (information) and automatique (automatic), introduced in France to define the field of activity involved in automated information processing.

There are many definitions of computer science. Informatics is the science of information, how it is collected, stored, processed and provided using computer technology.

Computer science is an applied discipline that studies the structure and general properties of scientific information, etc. Informatics consists of three interrelated components: informatics as a fundamental science, as an applied discipline and as a branch of production.

The main objects of informatics are:

  • information;
  • computers;
  • Information Systems.

General theoretical foundations of computer science:

  • information;
  • number systems;
  • coding;
  • algorithms.

The structure of modern informatics:

  1. Theoretical informatics.
  2. Computer Engineering.
  3. Programming.
  4. Information Systems.
  5. Artificial Intelligence.

Economic informatics is the science of information systems used to prepare and make decisions in management, economics and business.

The object of economic informatics are information systems that provide a solution to entrepreneurial and organizational problems that arise in economic systems ( economic objects). That is, the object of economic informatics is economic information systems, the ultimate goal of which is the effective management of the economic system.

Information system is a set of software and hardware, methods and people that provide the collection, storage, processing and issuance of information to ensure the preparation and decision-making. The main components of information systems used in the economy include: software and hardware, business applications and management information systems. The purpose of information systems is to create a modern information infrastructure for company management.

Subject of discipline "Economic informatics"- ways to automate information processes using economic data.

The task of the discipline "Economic informatics"- study of theoretical foundations computer science and the acquisition of skills in the use of applied systems for processing economic data and programming systems for personal computers and computer networks.

Theoretical foundations of economic informatics

Object, subject, methods and tasks of economic informatics

The intensive introduction of information technologies in the economy has led to the emergence of one of the areas in informatics - economic informatics, which is an integrated applied discipline based on interdisciplinary connections between informatics, economics and mathematics.

The theoretical basis for the study of economic informatics is informatics. The word "informatics" (informatique) comes from the merger of two French words: information (information) and automatique (automatic), introduced in France to define the field of activity involved in automated information processing.

There are many definitions of computer science. Informatics is the science of information, how it is collected, stored, processed and provided using computer technology. Computer science is an applied discipline that studies the structure and general properties of scientific information, etc. Informatics consists of three interrelated components: informatics as a fundamental science, as an applied discipline and as a branch of production.

The main objects of informatics are:


· computers;

· Information Systems;.

General theoretical foundations of computer science:


number systems;



The structure of modern informatics:
1. Theoretical computer science.
2. Computer technology.
3. Programming.
4. Information systems.
5. Artificial intelligence.

Economic informatics is the science of information systems used to prepare and make decisions in management, economics and business.

The object of economic informatics is information systems that provide the solution of entrepreneurial and organizational problems that arise in economic systems (economic objects). That is, the object of economic informatics is economic information systems, the ultimate goal of which is the effective management of the economic system.

An information system is a set of software and hardware, methods and people that collect, store, process and issue information to ensure the preparation and decision-making. The main components of information systems used in the economy include: software and hardware, business applications and information systems management. The purpose of information systems is to create a modern information infrastructure for company management.

The subject of the discipline "Economic Informatics" - technologies, ways of automating information processes using economic data.

The task of the discipline "Economic Informatics" is the study of the theoretical foundations of informatics and the acquisition of skills in the use of applied systems for processing economic data and programming systems for personal computers and computer networks.
1.1.2. Data, information and knowledge

Basic concepts of data, information, knowledge.
The basic concepts that are used in economic informatics include: data, information and knowledge. These concepts are often used as synonyms, but there are fundamental differences between these concepts.

The term data comes from the word data - fact, and information (informatio) means clarification, presentation, i.e. information or message.

Data- this is a set of information recorded on a specific medium in a form suitable for permanent storage, transmission and processing. Transforming and processing data allows you to get information.

Information is the result of data transformation and analysis. The difference between information and data is that data is fixed information about events and phenomena that are stored on certain media, and information appears as a result of data processing when solving specific problems. For example, databases store various data, and upon a certain request, the database management system issues the required information.

There are other definitions of information, for example, information is information about objects and phenomena environment, their parameters, properties and state, which reduce the degree of uncertainty and incompleteness of knowledge about them.

Knowledge- this is the processed information recorded and verified by practice, which has been used and can be reused for decision-making.

Knowledge is a type of information that is stored in a knowledge base and reflects the knowledge of a specialist in a particular subject area. Knowledge is intellectual capital.

Formal knowledge can be in the form of documents (standards, regulations) that regulate decision-making or textbooks, instructions describing how to solve problems. Informal knowledge is the knowledge and experience of specialists in a particular subject area.

It should be noted that there are no universal definitions of these concepts (data, information, knowledge), they are interpreted in different ways. Decisions are made on the basis of the information received and the available knowledge.

Making decisions- this is the choice of the best solution in a certain sense from the set of feasible solutions based on the available information.
The relationship of data, information and knowledge in the decision-making process is shown in the figure.

To solve the problem, fixed data are processed on the basis of existing knowledge, then the information obtained is analyzed using existing knowledge. Based on the analysis, all feasible solutions are proposed, and as a result of the choice, one decision is the best in some sense. The results of the decision replenish knowledge.

Depending on the scope of use, information can be different: scientific, technical, managerial, economic, etc. For economic informatics, economic information is of interest.

Economic informatics is a field of knowledge that considers as a subject - information systems used to prepare and make decisions in the field of economics and business. As a method of "Economic Informatics" considered business processes. The presentation of information systems includes a description of the architecture of information technology (programming, hardware, telecommunications and data), business applications (, DSS, SCM, CRM) and information systems management. In addition, an important component is IS, which discusses the problems of assessing costs and benefits at the stages of implementation, operation and development of IS within the framework of the adopted management structure.

Dictionary of business terms. Akademik.ru. 2001 .

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