
Deposits with high interest per year. Deposits. Deposits in Ugra Bank

On the territory of the Russian Federation there are many credit institutions. Many of them provide services for both individuals and small, medium and large businesses. One of the most popular products, along with consumer loans, is a bank deposit.

But if the loan has to be repaid to the bank in almost double the amount, you may not lose the deposit, but rather earn it.

What it is

Contribution is cash, which are accepted by a financial organization authorized for such actions, from citizens, individual entrepreneurs or legal entities, on the terms of full refund and profit accrual, provided for by the terms agreement.

In other words, a citizen or organization has free funds. They lie “idle” and do not generate any income. Why not make money from them?

The potential investor also comes to the same conclusion and finds the bank that offers the most profitable deposits, and places money.

The parties to the process are the depositor and the bank itself. The agreement confirms the existence of legal relations between the parties bank deposit.

This is a document that is drawn up in writing and contains the terms of the transaction, the rights and obligations of the parties, details and other provisions.

According to the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the deposit agreement is recognized as public. This means that, unlike consumer loan or mortgage, no bank can refuse to conclude a deposit agreement. Everyone who applies must be provided with the appropriate service.

Conditions for individuals in 2017

The conditions for deposits for citizens in 2017 are not too different from the conditions in force both in 2016 and a couple of years ago. Major changes in banking system V Lately has not been made, so you should not expect any changes in terms of deposits.

Essential terms of deposits that you should pay attention to first:



1 Type of deposit They can be urgent and on demand - the former are issued for a fixed period, the latter - indefinitely
2 Interest rate As a rule, the higher the interest, the less “flexibility” is provided on the deposit.
3 Interest periods For some products, the rate is not valid for the entire period, but only for a certain period, after which it can either decrease or increase
4 Replenishment Replenishment means the opportunity to deposit additional money to increase profitability
5 Partial withdrawal Allows you to withdraw initially deposited money from your deposit, in some cases with loss of profitability
6 Prolongation Prolongation allows you to extend the term of the deposit, usually for the same period for which the deposit was originally issued
7 Interest capitalization Capitalization implies the accumulation of accrued interest on a deposit; accordingly, the following interest is accrued on the increased amount
8 Interest payment procedure They can pay to a separate account, or they can pay to a bank card
9 Frequency of income payment Possible options - monthly, quarterly, every six months, every year or at the end of the term
10 Early dissolution Can be provided on regular or preferential terms

Which bank can I open it in?

Let us not reveal the secret that the service for placing deposits is provided by any financial organization operating in the Russian Federation. The only question is the conditions, interest rates and opportunities provided. You can make a deposit in absolutely any bank.

Another aspect in favor of large organizations is deposit insurance. Not every small bank participates in the system state insurance, accordingly, cannot ensure the safety of funds at the proper level.

  • Trust;
  • Unicredit;
  • Promsvyazbank;
  • Credit Europe Bank;
  • Gazprombank.

Interest rates on deposits

Interest rates on deposits may depend on a huge number of factors:

  • deadline for registration;
  • deposit amount;
  • currency;
  • presence or absence of interest periods;
  • capitalization or interest payment;
  • seasonal or permanent offer;
  • the presence of additional options (replenishment, withdrawal) or their absence.

The most high stakes on deposits can be received in the following cases:

  • the deposit is made for a fairly large amount - as a rule, more than 100 thousand rubles;
  • currency - rubles;
  • placement period – from six months to 1 year;
  • interest is capitalized;
  • the number of additional options is minimal or non-existent;
  • seasonal product selected (if available).

By observing these simple conditions, you can choose the most profitable deposit.

Now we present a comparative list of banks with quite favorable interest rates by deposits:

Name of credit institution

Deposit name Bid Sum


Svyaz Bank Maximum income 8,8 % 10 thousand 1 year
Unicredit For friends 8,8 % 15 thousand 3 months
Gazprombank Savings and protection 8,8 % 50 thousand 6 months
SMP Bank Dynamics 8,75 % 3 thousand 1 year
Credit Europe Bank Urgent 8,75 % 3 thousand 1 year

Rating of banks by deposits

  • first installment – ​​100,000 rubles;
  • placement of funds for a period of 1 year;
  • income payment, other functionality(replenishment, withdrawal, extension, etc.) – any.

Name of the credit structure

Product Bid Min. down payment Coming Consumption

Payment of income

ICD All inclusive (TP Maximum income) 8,5 % 1 thousand rub. No No When closing the contract
Binbank Spring 8,5 % 50 thousand rubles. No No When closing the contract
Sovcombank Maximum income 8,4 % 30 thousand rubles. Yes No When closing the contract
Rosbank 150 years of reliability 8,3 % 15 thousand rubles. No No When closing the contract
Rosselkhozbank Classical 8 % 3 thousand rubles. No No When closing the contract
Unicredit First class 8 % 15 thousand rubles. Yes No Every month
Russia Spring mood 7,8 % 100 thousand rubles. Yes No When closing the contract
Promsvyazbank Solid percentage 7,5 % 50 thousand rubles. No No When closing the contract
Bank "Saint-Petersburg Strategist 7,1 % 10 thousand rubles. Yes No When closing the contract

None of the above products allows you to withdraw money before the end of the deposit period.

7 credit structures out of 9 presented, upon early termination of the contract, accrue income at the Demand rate. And only Unicredit and Promsvyazbank allow you to cancel the agreement on preferential terms.

How to calculate interest

Almost every bank has its own official website, which contains a list of available deposits, as well as software tools that allow the depositor to make a preliminary calculation of profitability.

It is enough to enter the amount of the deposit, the period for placing funds and, in some cases, indicate the necessary options (replenishment, withdrawal, capitalization, if the deposit allows it). After this, the system will output the following values:

  • interest rate, applied in the calculation;
  • total deposit amount at the end of the term;
  • income for the period of placement.

In this simple way you can get preliminary information about how much you can earn.

Important! Calculators presented on the websites of credit institutions make preliminary calculations. Accurate information about income will always be provided by a banking specialist at the nearest bank office.

How to open

Many banks allow you to make deposits in several ways, including:

  • in the organization's offices;
  • through remote services (Internet banking, mobile bank, ATMs, etc.).

As a rule, the investor can independently decide which method to use.

Note! Some banking institutions provide increased rates when opening deposits online. You can always consult about the availability of such benefits in branches or by phone hotline jar.

Opening procedure in the office, in general case, looks like that:

  • the investor chooses a credit structure with the most favorable and attractive conditions;
  • selects a product according to information on the official website or in consultation with a bank manager;
  • provides a package of required documentation (for a citizen of the Russian Federation - a passport, for a person with another citizenship, the list of documents should be clarified at the bank);
  • concludes a deposit agreement and deposits funds in cash or by bank transfer.

To open online, the client must be active. It is necessary that he has previously used any bank service - for example, taken out a loan, opened a deposit or used a debit card.

During the initial application, most banks enter into an agreement with the client comprehensive service, giving access to all provided services of the credit institution.

After concluding a comprehensive service agreement, the depositor can open a deposit without visiting the office. Relevant instructions for registration can be obtained from a specific bank.

Advantages and disadvantages

Advantages of bank deposits:

  • simple design;
  • the ability to choose the opening method - remotely or in the office;
  • only one document is required for citizens of the Russian Federation;
  • passive income without any labor effort;
  • flexible conditions and good profitability;
  • control over finances 24 hours a day, 7 days a week through remote services;
  • state deposit insurance;
  • the possibility of early termination at any time, albeit with a significant loss of income.


  • income often does not cover the inflation rate;
  • hidden commissions;
  • in some cases, complex and confusing conditions for deposits;
  • the risk of depositing money in an unreliable bank that is ready to go bankrupt at any moment.

Deposits have long been considered reliable financial instrument. However, from a sure source of profit, a deposit can turn into a way to lose money.

If you invest money in an unreliable bank that does not participate in the insurance system, there is a high risk of losing everything. To prevent this from happening, you should approach the issue of choosing a credit institution with a special degree of responsibility.

Video: What are deposits and loans?

Those wishing to open deposits under maximum percentage should know that Russian banks do best deals(in rubles, currency) in the fall on the eve of the New Year and in the spring on the eve of March 8, Victory Day. That's what they do financial organizations those in the top group and everyone else. But there is no need to wait specially for the holiday offer, since favorable deposit can always be opened.

The maximum interest on deposits in rubles in Moscow banks for today

Today, the top 50 deposits in Moscow banks at the maximum interest rate for 2017 are open to offers from little-known financial institutions. For example:

  1. Ural Bank reconstruction and development proposes to open deposits at a considerable 9.5% in rubles. Each client of the institution will receive stated income, if you trust financiers with your money for a year. The deposit is called “Classic”. Deposits are opened here at the maximum interest rate if the amount is significant, but even the owner of 10 thousand “wooden” will receive good income in the form of 9% per annum.
  2. Bank Zarechye allows you to open deposits at 10.6% in rubles if only one condition is met: the period for which the money will be invested must be no less.
  3. Bank Solidarnost will allow investors to earn 10% in rubles if clients entrust them with money for 6 months - 1 year. At a maximum percentage of this institution They even take small amounts.

All of these banks are not included in the top group of domestic financial institutions, but long-term work in the market and rating indicate that they are quite reliable. If a person wants to invest funds not just at the maximum interest rate, but also entrust them the best financiers country, then you should contact the Bank of Moscow. There, until the end of January 2017, deposits are opened at 10% in rubles, that is, at the maximum percentage among top institutions.

Deposits in Moscow banks for pensioners at the maximum interest rate

All banks offer special conditions every pensioner, but most profitable investment such individual can do in Bank Solidarnost, where at 9% in rubles a person can invest from 3 thousand rubles. Moreover, he will be allowed to perform various income and expense operations. What makes these deposits not just profitable, but also convenient. Among the country's top institutions, the Bank of Moscow offers pensioners the most. There they offer up to 10% in rubles (until the end of January 2017). These are the most for today profitable offer for pensioners.

Time deposits in Moscow banks at maximum interest rates

Now you can open deposits in Baltinvestbank, they are ready to provide up to 11% in rubles. There is a drawback: the invested amounts must be large (from 1.4 million rubles), in addition, during the first few months the rate will be lower. But a person who opened a physical account with only 10 thousand rubles. can count on a considerable 10.2%. Among the top institutions time deposits at the maximum interest rate they are accepted at the Bank of Moscow. The maximum period for which these banks will accept funds is 3 years.

Deposit with capitalization at maximum interest

The following banks will open deposits at the maximum interest rate with capitalization:

  1. Standard Credit— there, every ruble will bring an income of 9.5% (taking into account capitalization). The disadvantage is that deposits in this institution can be opened if there are large sum: in rubles from 100 thousand. They will offer maximum income if you have an impressive 5 million rubles, foreign currency will require an investment of 2 thousand dollars
  2. VUZ-Bank offers 9.25% income in rubles (including capitalization)
  3. Bank Union offers to open deposits with a yield of 10.5%. To do this, you will need from 100 thousand rubles, accounts can also be in foreign currency

Although all of these institutions are not included in the banking top, they are quite reliable, as evidenced by their ratings.

Foreign currency deposits in Moscow banks at the maximum percentage top 50 offers for 2017

The top includes foreign currency deposits ActiveCapitalBank, there are proposals called Snowman and New Year's. In the first case, each client can count on 1.75% income, while the investment amount can be small (from 200 dollars/euro). New Year's currency accounts are more profitable (2%), but the institution will require an investment of 2 thousand dollars/euro.

Credit Europe Bank will allow you to open foreign currency deposits at 2.7% if the currency is dollar, but when the account is opened in euros, the yield will be low - only 0.5%, and this will be the case if the money is transferred to bankers for a year. if the period is shorter, the profit will be from 0.05%.

It is better to open multi-currency deposits in Moscow banks in Binbank. The account owner can easily change its currency depending on the rate of any of them, thereby increasing profitability. In domestic currency, the investor can receive 8%. In dollars and euros, income is much less (in dollars - up to 0.7%, in euros - up to 0.15%), but currency fluctuations can significantly increase profits.

Deposits in Moscow banks in dollars at maximum interest

Foreign currency deposits are not the most profitable, but they provide a guaranteed way to save money from inflation, because of which Russia suffers greatly in last years. Good conditions now offers ActiveCapitalBank, they promise an income of 2% if a person opens a New Year’s deposit for a year. More will be offered Credit Europe Bank, if a person is willing to invest $100 or more for a year (from 2.7%). You can also find profitable options in other institutions, for example, Legion Bank opens such foreign currency deposits at 3% if a person invests $5,000 or more.

In Euro

Deposits in euros in Moscow banks at high interest rates in 2017 can be opened in Tempbank. There, similar foreign currency deposits are opened at 2%, when the amount transferred under the management of bankers must be from 2 thousand euros. Such financial institutions, How Prime Finance And BankVVB provide clients with a return of 1.9%. The first option is more profitable for those who do not have a large amount, since the minimum deposit amount is 500 euros.

Each person saves money for different purposes. However, many do not understand that keeping savings at home is not The best decision. Instead of bringing income to their owner, they only lose their real cost due to inflation. In addition, people often do not restrain themselves and spend money. However, deposits in Moscow will help you not only preserve your finances, but also increase them in accordance with the agreement.

Today this product is a universal investment tool. Unlike the stock market or precious metals, you do not need special knowledge or constant analysis of the economic situation. You simply find a suitable offer and sign the contract. Moreover, in most organizations there are no restrictions on minimum contributions, and if there are any, they are small.

The contract itself is very important, so you need to familiarize yourself with the text in person before signing it. To do this, ask the bank employees to provide a sample in printed or in electronic format and read all points carefully, especially those written in small print and marked with an asterisk. With the help of such tricks, unscrupulous organizations try to mislead a potential client and include conditions that are unfavorable for him in the agreement.

Description of important points

The main advantage of the service, in addition to a stable income, is reliability. Consumer accounts are protected by the state at the legislative level through the program compulsory insurance. Therefore, in the event of liquidation or revocation of the license, you will be paid compensation. However, it is limited to 1.4 million rubles, which does not prevent you from dividing the amount exceeding this limit and placing it in several organizations, eliminating various risks.

The next aspect we will look at is account types. The first one is urgent. In this case, you place funds for a certain period of time. Of course, you have the right to apply for early withdrawal, but with a high probability the bank will refuse to pay the accumulated interest. Wherein this type The deposit is divided into savings and accumulative, which is provided for periodic replenishment (popularly called a “piggy bank”).

The second option - on demand - comes at a low rate. The thing is that it is not profitable for an organization to keep finances for itself, knowing that the owner has the right to demand their return at any time. Such a product is preferred by that category of customers for whom the fact of reliability is enough, and potential profits are of little interest to them.

Online assistant

On the website you will find current products on the market. Reliable information is collected here, which our specialists check and update daily. By comparing services according to their main parameters - and this is the interest rate, opening cost and commission, you can make the right decision, and the ratings section will help you in choosing an organization. the site is the largest financial supermarket Runet, successfully operating for more than ten years. All offers displayed on this page are the best or most profitable solely in the opinion of Banki.ru experts

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    What deposit should you open in a bank? What steps do you need to take to open online? You will find the answer to this question in the “Deposits” section on the Banki.ru portal.

    in rubles and foreign currency, changes in interest rates, insurance - this is the information necessary for every client - an individual. After all, in order to get the desired income, you need to choose the right deposit. On our website, betting data is updated daily. You can get and compare up-to-date information about the types of bank deposits: multicurrency, investment, etc. The procedure for payment of income by the bank is no less important for many consumers: some are interested in deposits with monthly interest payments, while others are interested in receiving everything at once at the end of the term. Opening conditions may vary from bank to bank. After carefully studying all the current offers for individuals, you can easily decide which bank to open. You will also learn about what the very concept of a bank deposit is, what clauses are especially important in the contract, how the insurance system works, how to receive compensation in the event of revocation of a credit institution’s license, and how to choose the best, most profitable time deposit with high percentage

    . Now the most popular among the population are deposits in, rather than deposits in and. At the same time, a certain part of citizens prefer to choose a multi-currency deposit and insure against losses in case of sudden changes in exchange rates. All offers displayed on this page are the best or most profitable only in the opinion of Banki.ru experts.
    • How to choose a profitable investment?
    • Pay attention to the parameters:
    • Interest capitalization – whether the deposit amount includes the amount of interest accrued for the previous month.
    • Replenishment – ​​whether it is possible to deposit additional amounts into the account.
    Which one is the most favorable rate by deposit as of March 16, 2020?

    The most favorable rate is 8.5% per annum.

    How many offers are valid today?

    The site presents deposits from 322 of the largest banks in Russia.

    The retail giant traditionally leads the market. However, many credit institutions have “under” offers, and you will be able to choose the bank that best suits your needs. The data on our website is a guarantee that you will always be aware of the latest changes, be able to compare bank offers and post your cash savings with maximum benefit by choosing exactly the deposit that you really need.

    Users of the Banki.ru portal from different regions of Russia can select profitable deposits and send them for opening under special conditions. View ratings of offers from Banki.ru experts

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