
Where to get 1 million rubles in debt. Where to take money for free. Help money without bank participation

As statistics show, many Russians are not satisfied with their salary. Money somewhere quickly disappear, do not have time to notice them. The need for funds exists constantly. Where to take money to freebie right now?

Where urgently take money right now

You can find the right amount of money and without working. It is not about winning the lottery or inheritance.

1. Take money for free of friends or relatives

Family friends can only get small amount. Otherwise, relatives will be asked to provide a receipt and return debt through time. The main advantage of this method is that the money in the hands turns out to be now at the right moment. But not always the relatives can be the amount of money you need.

2. Ask for an advance at work

According to labor legislation, the employer must pay a salary at least once in a half months: the advance and the remaining part of the salary. The first payment arrives at the expense at the end of the current month, and the second is at the beginning of the following. But if you are a specialist in a specific area or simply perform your work qualitatively, you can take an advance in advance. There are different situations in life, including financial complexity. If you are appreciated as a specialist, then, most likely, will not refuse to ask. In addition, the advance is an incentive for an employee to perform work better, develop and improve its qualifications.

3. Take a cash loan or make a credit card

Today, banks distribute credits to everyone in a row to customers. Most often it is not name maps international Systems Visa or MC, which are released instantly. First provided minimal limit at 3-5 thousand rubles. If a person is constantly using the card, then the limit increases with time. To make a credit card you need to provide a passport and write a statement. The easiest way is to get a card in a bank, which previously decorated the usual loan. Having a certain history of cooperation, the institution will give a card with a higher initial limit. You need to use the credit card very carefully, if you do not pay off debt on time, then the rate of 0.01% will turn into 50-55% per annum.

Make a cash loan more difficult, it is necessary to provide help from work and argue the need for money. On the other hand, a cash loan is really to make a large amount (up to 1 million rubles) by providing a deposit. Maximum limit On the map of banks is limited to 250-300 thousand rubles.

How strange it did not sound, but the money really can be obtained for free. For example, become owner gift cardwhich can be exchanged for goods of a certain store. If the cost of goods exceeds the cost of the certificate, then the difference will have to pay independently.

1. Ask for them as a gift from native

On the eve of his birthday or any other holiday, you can ask for loved ones to give money. So at the same time it will be possible to resolve two problems: relatives will not think about what a gift to you will be presented, and you will have the opportunity to solve the financial question. Preferably purchased gift to demonstrate to donors, proving that the money was spent on their intended purpose.

2. Win card, lottery, casino

Lovers of gambling may try to happiness in maps, lottery or casino. You can play both against a living person and with a computer program. In both cases, logic and certain game strategies are involved. Jackpot won lucky and those who persistently follow their strategy and misses any game.

Superval people additionally use conspiracies and rituals to win. For card games, there are separate signs. For example, you cannot consider money to the game, otherwise the second place in the duel is provided.

3. Find out on the street, in my hut

Very rare, but some manage to find money right on the street. And it's not about small coins, but about large checkswho lost someone. Soviet relics: Store money in glass bank, in your pocket of clothes or in shoes. Therefore, do not be surprised if you find a snack in the excavations of old things that have long forgotten.

Get money through brokers

Today at every corner you can meet the announcement "Money per day. Without guarantors. " They are painted with black manels who are ready for a certain fee to help a person solve his financial question.

Macners offer help in making a loan in a bank. From the client, it is only required to fill out the questionnaire, wait a couple of days, and then come to the cash register for money. For your work, the broker takes 10% of the amount. And he needs to pay money immediately after receiving the loan. The bank naturally needs to return the entire amount of the loan, taking into account interest. The work of such brokers comes down to tell the client how to fill out the questionnaire to give "good", and then push this application through your person in the bank.

Resale credit

The second option is to take a "commodity loan" and resell his broker. The essence of the scheme is as follows: the client makes a loan for the refrigerator (typewriter, vacuum cleaner, etc.) and immediately resell the goods to the broker (at best for half the price). The borrower immediately gets the desired amount of money in the hands, but he will return the bank credit and additionally pay 10-15% per annum.

Before binding to black brokers, it is worth calculating how much money you have to give. It is best to avoid black brokers and look for alternative ways to get money.

Find one-day part-time

One-day parting can be no less interesting than permanent employment. One of the most sought-after vacancies is a secret buyer - a person who under the guise of a regular client checks the quality of service, knowledge of the staff for the owners of the business. The number of checks and work schedule The employee chooses independently. The level of remuneration depends on the complexity of the classes.

Among other one-day part-time parts can be allocated:

  • courier;
  • distributor leaflets;
  • loader;
  • advertiser ads, etc.

Lay gold or technique in pawnshop

Each person has things, technique that can be passed into pawnshop. Such institutions take absolutely everything: from mobile phones to precious things (except for untreated stones and semi-finished raw materials of diamonds). Some even take cars.

Lombards cooperate only with adult persons (upon presentation of a passport). They buy things at a price that is much lower than the market, and leave it on storage for a specific fee. After the client will pay off the entire amount of the loan, taking into account interest, the thing is returned to the owner. If the client does not have time to return money on time, then the stuffed things will be exposed to resale.

Sell \u200b\u200bunnecessary things or equipment

You can take and sell what you do not use: clothes, shoes, furniture, home products, books, etc. Today there are already a large number of boards on which you can post free ads for the sale of anything directly from the house. The success of the case is in high-quality photos of sold things. Unnecessary things can be taken and attributed to the flea market, arrange a garage sale or pass to the commission store.

Another option is to sell exclusive discount things. We are talking about really expensive things that are in good condition. Now via the Internet you can sell anything: collective clothes, antiques, brands collection, books, Soviet coins, anniversary rubles. It is necessary to make high-quality photos of the goods and set them on the ads. The more the discount amount will be, the faster there is a buyer.

How to get money online on free

Get money on freebies in the network is quite difficult. You can only earn money, and a penny - to get in the form of bonuses. They are usually distributed for attracting players (clients) to the site of the casino, lottery, broker, poker room, etc. If, on the existing participant, a new client is registered, the referral is paid a certain remuneration (usually fixed amount). Before becoming a partner, it is necessary to study in detail the rules of service. Brokers, casinos and poker rooms make it possible to bring money to the electronic wallet only to those participants who play games and make bets. That is, such an affiliate business is an addition to the main type of service.

Game sites

On online games really earn, although not a lot of money. The mechanism of operation of all online games is similar: after registering the account, you must learn the rules and start performing tasks. In the process of the game, bonuses accumulate, which can then be exchanged for electronic money. The first bonuses are given for registration on the site. Also money is paid for victory in quiz, as well as for the performance of quests in the game. Tasks can be the most different: from harvesting before creating your own fleet, from building a city before the development of space, etc.

Unfortunately, participation in online games is a temporary solution to the problem of lack of money. To dramatically change the situation, you need to look for other ways to make money.

Network Marketing, Sales

Network marketing is a sales strategy that is to build a distribution network of agents. Their task is to promote the goods and attract new partners. According to the described scheme, the goods of general consumption are promoted: cosmetics, biodendering, household chemicals. The success of the scheme is that the sellers are targeting the result and know sales technique.

This scheme in the Russian Federation appeared in the 90s, when the market was actively conquered financial pyramids. There was an advertisement on TV on TV in which the population was offered to buy something or tell a friend about the company. Indeed, the schemes of work pyramids and MLM marketing are similar. Their main difference is the term of work. The largest pyramids hold on the market for a maximum of 5 years, while network companies are successfully working for decades.


Writing articles, editing and translation of text from one language to another can also bring stable income. Work with copywriter on the Internet is very different from a similar in the agency. In the first case, we are talking about rewriting texts from other sites in your own words, and in the second you need at least a desire to create something new. The size of earnings in both cases depends on creative abilities. Only at the copywriter that works online it will initially be lower. Start prices fluctuate within 20-50 cents per 1000 characters. Experts who are engaged in professional filling site receive a minimum of 10 dollars for 1000 characters.

Money on the Internet can be obtained for the usual viewing of advertising. The amount of payments depends on the type of advertising and stay on the site:

  • Surfing - the transition along the links and view the site for 15 seconds (up to 0.05 rubles).
  • Reading letters with a subsequent answer to questions is estimated on average 0.06 rubles.
  • Passing tests with pre-prepared answers from the customer - 3 rubles.
  • Performing tasks according to the instructions - 25 rubles.

Sites, quick financial assistance

Through microloans sites, you can get a small (up to 50 thousand rubles) the amount of money in loans for a small time right now. Waiting for several days of approval applications do not have to. Funds are issued within an hour after receiving the request. For registration of the application you need to provide only a passport. Certificates of income and evidence target use No one will ask about money. At the time of the electronic signing of the contract, the borrower already knows what amount he will have to return. The main advantage of such sites is the rate of design. The application is applied online, it is considered for 10-40 minutes, and the money is listed on bank card. You can also repay credit via the Internet.

We decided to write this article for beginners in 1C. Suppose you firmly decided to start learning 1C, we have already collected some information on this topic, you have an already theoretical base, and now the question arose about how to start applying the knowledge gained.

And here the question arises, which we heard from some newbies. And where, in fact, take 1c for learning and, possibly, the fulfillment of the first orders?

Option number 1. Download the official free "version for programming training."

Version 1C For training programming, you can absolutely legally download on this link: http://online.1c.ru/catalog/Free/18610119/ You need to fill the name and your current email. Link to the download file you will get e-mail The address specified during registration.

It is worth saying that this is a special training version of the 1C 8.3 platform. It has certain limitations, which, mainly relate to the amount of data in the database and work with printed form. You can read about the limitations on the link.
This version can be used to study configurations, creating your configurations, you can refine configurations for real tasks, but it is impossible to use to keep an actual organization.

It is still worth saying that together with this version, books are supplied in in electronic formatIn particular, the administrator developer management, as well as methodical materials. So we recommend downloading the entire kit and periodically update it - it can be very useful.

Option 2. Register in the 1C cloud.

The second option to receive access to 1C is to register in the "cloud" and immediately start working with the already installed 1C on a remote server. The registration procedure is usually very simple, the connection instructions can be found directly on the provider's website. Be sure to choose a trial period at a rate that has a remote desktop (RDP), otherwise you will not get access to the 1C configurator.

Providers who provide 1C in the cloud service, and most of them have a free trial period during which the service can be tested. As an example, we can bring one of the well-known cloud 1C providers Service Cloud.

Almost all cloud providers have an online consultant directly on the site, which in the event of problems will help solve them.

Immediately after receiving the access, which will come in a letter by email, you get the opportunity to work in a real 1C, 1C configurator and with real configurations in the remote desktop mode, that is, your computer screen will display the desktop server on which everything has already been installed necessary.

Well, and how to get started with the already installed 1C, we hope you already know, then a book from the "version for programming version" can be helped, which is written above.

What to pay attention to when choosing a cloud provider.

First, on a remote server, you most likely will not be the Internet, that is, links from the configuration that lead to a certificate on the Internet will not work.

Hello! I often asked such a question, so I write here everything possible options, where to take money in debt, earn it, etc., if the money you urgently need it right now. Someone these ways use to take money for free or free, but I do not recommend, because any debt needs to be returned. And if you earn, then this is also not free, because you sacrifice your time. So, that's what methods I found, they turned out 15.


This is a good way to quickly take a small amount of money.

Features of a private loan

  • Need an honest investor. Now there are a lot of scammers. They require insurance or prepayment and disappear with your money. So that this does not happen, you need to carefully examine feedback from other people about this investor.
  • Receipt. To get a loan, it is required. It needs to be very careful. Even apparent at first glance, a slight mischief may entail bad consequences.
  • The mortgage property is determined by agreement of the parties. Here you need to show very greater caution, as it is basically a departure, a car, a car, land plot. If the debt does not work out, then, most likely, you lose the mortgage property.
  • .
  • Earnings on your own Internet project. This is a time-consuming process, which over time will be able to bring its owner good money.
  • Earnings in social networks. The essence of earnings is to perform simple tasks (put like, comment, and so on) on special stock exchanges.
  • Answer questions for money.
  • Earnings on affiliate programs (referrals). Pretty promising passive way of earning. It is nice to combine with the other main work. You are engaged in the main work. And income from referrals is constantly growing. So that the earnings were several times above, you need to have personal Internet - Project.
  • . You click on advertising and earn. Earnings are kept, but freebies.
  • Conclusion

    To be honest, I am always against any loans in the bank, loans, etc. But there are cases when money is urgently needed, God forbid, what happened to health, etc. Then any means are good.

    Try to better make money on your own, use part-time and then you will always have money for a black day.

    Hello, dear blog readers Website. Each of us and our friends faced the problem of rapid receipt of money for various needs. When the question arises where to take money right now, whether the wedding, or the opening of the business from scratch we begin to break your head and turn around everything in a row.

    Well, if you have many relatives and friends, ready to disinterestedly help and will not ask interest for the loan. But how to be if all banks refuse, and you need money right now?

    In this article we tried to collect real ways and methods to quickly get money and tried to answer the following important questions:

    • Where to take money right now without unnecessary problems;
    • How and where you can take money for free or on "freebie";
    • Where to take money in debt if all banks and microloans refuse and there is a bad credit history;
    • What methods can be used to get an urgent amount of money.

    Let's look at each section as much as possible and take a note.

    How urgently get the money? Tell pro the best ways where to take money if all banks and microloans refuse to issue

    Money is needed to all and always. In some cases, a person may appear amazing, but there may be no resources for its implementation. Then go to move various methods Earnings, such as the sale of property. Here you should figure out what exactly is called property. If we are talking about small things, it is one. If you plan to sell a car or housing (apartments), this is much more serious and the reason for such a step should be very, very weighty.

    Most often when the question arises where to take money to open a business (from scratch), they sell movable property, for example, furniture.

    By the way, if you look good, on numerous venues in the network you can find groups or individuals involved in the buying furniture, small and large household appliances at a decent price.

    The main condition is to ensure that the furniture is in good condition, and the household appliances worked. The main platform of the Russian-speaking Internet segment is Avito's website, which collects thousands of sellers and buyers.

    If you carefully look at, then you can find at home a huge number of things that have never used, well, or used from strength, 2 times in life. And it seems, already as everyone said that it was not necessary to score a trash apartment, most people hardly continue to bring home all sorts of nonsense, while her very carefully storing her. But in fact, this very nonsense can sometimes serve a good service and help a person in a difficult life situation.

    Running in old (and not very old) things, you can find things that can be sold. And let the price of them be not as high as I would like, it's still better than nothing. You can search for buyers on the Internet: in the thematic groups of VKontakte, in classmates and Avito. The only important advice is needed to be patient with perseverance, and then everything will definitely.

    If there are some valuable decorations and you need money right now, and without departing from the box office, you can pass them into the pawnshop. Lombards work on a very simple scheme: people bring what they would like to sell, and Lombard workers immediately pay them the cost of this product. This way of earning is especially convenient for those who urgently needs cashAnd who is not ready to wait.

    The only disadvantage of pawnshops is that they predominantly evaluate things for the price, much lower than real, and beautiful golden products can be bought as a gold scrap.

    Therefore, if there is some valuable, memorable thing in the pawnshop, you need to take care that as quickly as possible, redeem it back. It must be remembered that for every day of storage, the pawnshop takes a certain commission and the thing will return back, only when the full amount will be repaid + interest.

    In order to make a deal, only the identity card will be required.

    Tip №4. Earn online on the execution of one-time tasks

    The worldwide network is sometimes shot by various announcements about rapid earnings, however, you need to carefully read what exactly and under what conditions is offered. By the way, one of the common ways to make money is to perform various tasks on the Internet. The most famous ways is to visit certain pages, staying on specific sites a certain time, participation in surveys and research - for all this is charged a certain earnings, the truth is small.

    Another option is to register on the copywriting portal and writing texts (). If the texts are difficult and necessary to find where to quickly get money without issuing loans, there is also a special category of tasks, the essence of which is to write reviews or setting estimates of any organization with rapid payment.

    Where can I urgently take the desired amount of money? You can take from acquaintances. Of course, borrow money for many people is the usual thing, but there are several pitfalls.

    • Firstly, not all people love to think about money, despite the fact that they may not serve at the same time. Therefore, you can take once, a maximum of twice, but to do this with a constant habit - the occupation is risky. The man is one day, maybe at all answer this request to the refusal.
    • Secondly, you can not take too much large amountOtherwise, they may require a receipt, and many people, for some reason consider it an insult.
    • ThirdlyBy taking money in debt, you need to try to do everything possible in order to return the money in a predetermined time. Otherwise, confidence will disappear, and next time you will need to look around elsewhere.

    Where can I get money for free (for free): 10 way to prove

    Few people want to strain at the factory or construction, but at the same time wants to get light money. Fast money is always associated with illegal transactions or frauds with something or, but we will use only permitted ways.

    Method number 1. Give blood

    IN soviet timeIt turns out that it was not less common to hand over the blood than now, with the only difference that they paid more. Now the donation seems to make a fairly dubious way, especially since it is practically not paid, and if they pay, then a penny. Rather, they will write a certificate to work and give a jar of condensed milk, so you need to do it rather free.

    Nevertheless, if still the idea of \u200b\u200bpassing blood for money seems very attractive, then risks should be remembered and not to donate blood in doubtful and incomprehensible institutions. It is always necessary to observe the conditions of sterility, and also remember that it is recommended to donate blood more than once a month.

    Method number 2. Ask on the street from passersby

    Another dubious idea where you can take money when they are urgently needed, although many for some reason are sure that it will work. There, before you make such a decision, you need to get up to the place of passerby and think "and would I give money to this guy or a girl?" It's one thing when alms asks a cripple, a pregnant woman with three children on his hands or an old grandmother and is completely different - when a healthy young man stands on the street and sprinkler from passersby help.

    If you can help, it will be a single case and earn, so every day, it is unlikely to succeed.

    But, you should not despair - you can always arrange a mini-concert in the transition and subway and earn a few hundred, so, "for joke" and "for the soul".

    Method number 3. Summer donation

    A slightly more attractive way to earn money is to hand over cum. Yes, now there are cum banks, however, they are very little and pay there is not too much. Plus, this way of earning, by virtue of physiological features, is suitable exclusively to men.

    In Europe and the United States, for example, the survey of sperm is developed much more than in the countries of the post-Soviet space, there is even various bets By payment, depending on how high-quality will be "product". But if you still need to find where you can quickly take money, you can try yourself in this matter.

    Method number 4. Lend to a micro amount (they are easier to give)

    In every city or more or less large settlement You can meet dozens of banners with a proposal to contact the microcredit financial organization and get a loan. If a person is interested, where, this option is exactly for urgent loans.

    If you drop towards the numerous risks of this enterprise and assume that a person succeeds to pay everything on time, in such loans and positive parties:

    • To obtain a microloan, only a passport will be required;
    • Money is issued immediately without loan design;
    • Information about the borrower remains confidential;
    • Microloans can be obtained even to unemployed people;
    • The term of consideration of the application is only a few minutes;
    • Payment can be repaid early, unlike many banks, where early repayment You can get a fine.

    Method number 5. Complaining the city administration and social protection

    Social protection of the population, of course, provides for certain cases in which a person can be financially helped. However, in most cases, a person should have a really objective reason for this: temporary disability, childbirth, military service other.

    For the same to get unemployment payment, you will need to provide a large number of documents into government instances, and this is an extra time, nerves, certain spending and excess headache. Therefore, if you can say so, this method is not too successful idea for earnings.

    Method number 6. Resell things removed on free ads

    In order to embody this idea, these very things to start, you need to purchase. You can of course place an ad in the thematic groups from the series "I will accept as a gift", however, you should be prepared for the fact that people will offer things not the best quality. A huge number of things are given on Julia, Avito and other ads, including groups of VKontakte and Odnoklassniki.

    Consequently, once the respondents will give things to the gift, it means that they are not very necessary for them and, accordingly, to sell them will be even more difficult. But if this idea it seems not so hopeless, you need to highlight groups of things that will be sold better than others.

    Basically, it can be ancient players, cassettes, recordlastics, which represent at least some value for collectors. The usual clothes sells worse, but still there is the possibility that a couple of things will still buy.

    In a word, to implement this idea it will be necessary to stock major patience and do not wait for imminent results.

    Method number 7. Ask a rich friend or girlfriend

    Here enters a great saying, just for such cases: "I do not have a hundred rubles, and I have a hundred friends". If the circulation is wide enough, it is possible that there are several people with high enough. People secured can ask for money for a long time or without negotiating the deadline, but asking to give duty, if possible, parts.

    If we are talking about people who are sometimes looking for where to take money, then there is another situation. In this case, it is necessary to clearly specify the term and accurately at this point, try to return all debts. In addition, both in that, in another case, you need to explain what money needs, because so people will help much more.

    And finally: you always need to be prepared for the fact that a few failures will sound in response. Do not be offended or angry, just every person has its own, subjective attitude towards their money, and they have full law dispose of them at their discretion.

    Method number 8. Take a loan from the bank to the grace period

    Unlike numerous microcredit organizations, banks can give a large amount as percentage, and without them, the return of which can be stretched for a long month, and then years. Of course, if we are talking about small or medium amounts, the return period will be lower, and the conditions are less strict, unlike such long-term problems, as a mortgage, for example. But there is "but".

    Serious banks will never approve the application for a loan, even at percentage, who fell, again, unlike microcredit organizations. Then already talk about interest-free loans.

    In order to get an environment in a bank, otherwise interest-free, it is necessary to provide several important documents, including a certificate from the place of work, a certificate of income for the last 12 months (most banks are needed precisely such an amount), a positive credit history, and Also the presence of a guarantor. The most important advice: to take such loans only in banks, not in credit unions, not in financial groups, and in the bank. Everything else is high risks and great interest.

    Method number 9. Rent housing

    To rent housing for rent will be the ideal option only if there is another apartment. Then yes it will be an additional way Earnings, and you can make money on the delivery of housing very well. The only nuance - it is always necessary to close tenant very carefully, as any claims from neighbors (in the case of flooding or do not give a fire of fire), debt for utilities And others will show the owner.

    Most people prefer family couples or girls / women who, by definition, more cleanly and are neat in everyday life. Also, when renting housing, it is best to issue an official treaty in which all rights and obligations of the parties will be spelled out, as well as solutions in the event of unforeseen and force majeure.

    Method number 10. Win in competition or lottery

    This method can be called earnings, perhaps, in one case of one hundred, but there are such lucky people who succeed. Therefore, if you believe in your luck and luck, then forward. But, unfortunately, as a rule, a major gain occurs in one case out of a thousand, or even less often, but not to live on small winnings. Therefore, it is not necessary to take seriously to win a large amount in the lottery.

    Where to get money into debt urgently with a bad credit history: We will examine several useful advice

    Where to take money if all banks and microloans refuse: Top 4 ways to urgently get money

    Let's look at several fast ways receive financial resourcesif there is no other way out.

    1. Help sponsor

    Sponsors or private investors are people (maybe legal entities), which can provide free cash without percent or collateral. Sometimes there are situations that the deposit is needed, but it is relevant only if it comes to a large amount.

    Also, you will have to take money from the investor to a receipt in which it will be indicated which duty will be returned. Before you take money, you need to carefully examine the receipt, because any, wrongly understood word, can entail a lot of problems that will turn into loss of even more money.

    2. Bets in bookmakers

    Where to take money if banks and microfinance organizations refuse? For example, earn at the rates. But this is quite legal and possible method Earnings, if you know, on what principle to make bets. Speaking in general, the principle of operation of all bookmakers is that the client makes bets on various sporting events. Each event has a certain coefficient that is inversely proportional to the probability of outcome. That is, the more likely the victory of the team A, the lower the coefficient will be. Also, a large influence on the coefficients has a total number of rates: the more rates, the less the coefficient, again.

    It is best to bet on those sporting events in which a person knows perfectly. The newcomer may, of course, are lucky, but it is rather an exception than the rule. Bets in bookmakers can be done on the final outcome of the match and the intermediate results of the game.

    3. Throw the cry on social networks on help

    Despite the fact that many people are quite skeptical about this idea, there is nothing complicated in its implementation. First, now there is mass sites about crowdfundingWhere a person asks for His finances to implement some idea. You can of course describe your own particular case, the main thing is to observe a couple of rules: do not ask millions and honestly describe the situation. In most cases, responsive people (and, as it turns out, a lot) will definitely help than they can. As they say "With the world on a thread ...".

    You can of course write a great post on your personal page on the social network - the likelihood that someone will respond certainly less, but it can be attracted to the attention of familiar people, and they will be more willing money than those who see the first time in life.

    4. Performing one-time orders

    But it is closer to business. With a big desire, on the Internet, you can find masses of ways to earn and perform someone's requests or orders can actually bring a worthy earnings.

    For example, you can wear apartments - in fact, people who are willing to pay for this job to another person, an order of magnitude more than it may seem at first glance.

    Or as an option, you can walk with a dog or look after the cat for a trip. It is not difficult, under the power most people, and also suits everyone: that is the opportunity to earn, and the owner will be calm, that with their pets everything is in order.

    You can also perform requests such as taken and bring something, pick up or convey. In short, there would be a desire!

    Where to take money on business without a loan - Top 4 proven ways

    Few people want to overpay, but banks rule the states and break people as soon as they can. If there is at least some kind of probability of getting money without investments, then she needs to take advantage.

    №1. Investing young startup

    If you look good, you can always find people who will actually be investors. There are always those who want, and how can it be done without risk. Of course, the older and more experienced investor, more demands He will be subject to a novice businessman, but if you are all a hundred confident in my idea, then everything will definitely work out.

    In order for the investor to give money to the launch of a business, he must see real numbers, which means that without a business plan there is no way to do.

    Only if a person sees his own eyes, what exactly he will invest money, and most importantly, how much and when he gets back, you can count on a successful outcome of the event.

    №2. Take friends to business

    One of the most proven methods is to ask for help from a business partner. Such people are good because they have free funds, they see who they occupy and know what a person is engaged. But here there are pitfalls: before borrowing money, it is necessary to carefully calculate all possible outcomes, and also inform the exact date of return of money. Most likely, the business partner will be able to return his money in the form of profits, however, it is necessary to immediately place all the points over I and specify the conditions.

    Number 3. State subsidies

    Now there special programs Assistance to small and medium businesses, which means that a person can count on the aid of the state. Most of these programs come from the employment center, so first you need to go and find out whether such a program has such a program in a particular region and under what conditions it is carried out.

    There are also subsidies for the development of IP or LLC forms. The only minus of such programs - those who want to be too much and most importantly, to prove and show the Special Commission the seriousness of their intentions and the focus on the result. And still have to run with the design of bureaucratic procedures, however, it is already trivia compared to the fact that the application for subsidy will be approved.

    №4. Obtaining grants

    To get a grant for opening a business, you will need to obligatory Apply for participation in the grant and provide. The business plan should be black in white indicated which goals will go financial means, so you should always specify real numbers. In most cases, the monetary grant is not issued immediately, but gradually, in the form of money tranches, which are discharged to each individual stage of work. Each individual ruble must be spent only on those goals that were specified in the business plan.

    To submit an application for a grant will be required:

    • Extract Jerip
    • Copy participant (s)
    • Request
    • Constituent documents

    Conclusion + video

    So we considered the most effective advice and ways where you can get money free and without failures. Use any of the examples given and apply in practice. Each way can give a significant result if you act with the mind. Seeing soon meetings, and on the last, we suggest watch a video on the topic of the article.

    Greetings! Fors major can happen with everyone at any time (no wonder this word is translated as "Higher Power"). Such surprises are rarely free. Therefore, from time to time, we urgently we are looking for money for car repair or wedding gift to the best friend.

    Today I will try to describe all the answer options to the question: where to take money if they are urgently needed? And by the way, bank loans And loans in MFIs are not the only way out of the situation!

    I will start with obvious options where to find money. Dear, but faster and more or less guaranteed in terms of "get right now."

    Relatives and friends

    The first thing that comes to mind except the loan is to ask for a debt to relatives and friends. Plus the way: you can take money for a long time and without percent. Minus: Often debts (or rather, their definitions) long spoil the relationship between close people.

    Bank loan

    Consumer loan without ensuring is the easiest way to get borrowed from the bank.

    Consider the conditions for obtaining bank borrowed funds on the example of Sberbank. A loan in the amount of 15 thousand to 1.5 million rubles in a savage can be taken for a period of three months to five years. The amount of interest rate depends on the term and amount of the loan and on the category of the borrower: from 14.9% to 22.9% per annum. The borrower must confirm its documents financial condition and labor employment.

    By the way, now in Sberbank is a promotion: the range of interest rates is reduced to 12.9-14.9%. They act in the amount of up to 500,000-100,000 rubles.

    Minus bank loans: almost all russian banks Do not give loans to borrowers with a bad credit history and without income certificate!

    Department installment

    If it took not very large sum For an urgent purchase, and you can not take anyone, you can use interest-free installments:

    1. Halva (Sovcombank)
    2. Conscience (kiwi bank)

    Their essence is that you can pay for the purchase, and then with equal parts to close this debt. No percentage and cards are completely free.


    I will start with pluses of microloans. Microfinance organizations are indeed giving loans in one day, without collateral and guarantor. You can apply in online mode. Even late at night from Saturday to Sunday.

    MFO staff will not pay attention to the "Official" of employment and. The main thing is that the borrower was over 18 years old, had a passport and constantly lived in Russia.

    However, paying such "loyalty" will have to be from your own pocket. Interest for using microloans can, without exaggeration, call "robbing". Even 1% per day (the standard MFO rate) is 365% per annum!

    But on this list of minuses of microloans is not exhausted. The amount of borrowed funds usually does not exceed 30,000 rubles, and the repayment period is one month. In my opinion, MFIs can be used to borrow a small amount of money for a short time.

    I bring a list of proven MFIs of Russia:

    1. Moneyman.
    2. MiG Credit
    3. Zaymigo.
    4. Webbankir.
    5. Payps.

    Compare conditions, some of them give the first loan without percent.

    Private faces

    Unfortunately, about 90% of all the declarations of the format of money in debt throughout Russia "or" I will help get a loan "- offers from fraudsters or intermediaries. Do not get on them!

    Popular fraudulent schemes

    • Banal divorce

    Find an ad on the network, contact the lender. The conversation begins with the fact that the fraudster asks a small prepayment. Why do you need an advance? Legends can be the most different: insurance, to verify, on a bribe, a bank employee, for payment banking commissions. The result is one: having received a prepayment, the fraudster immediately disappears from the horizon.

    • "Black brokers"

    "Black brokers" offer:

    1. Arrange a "linden" certificate of income in the form of 2-NDFL, labor book or recommendation from work
    2. Fix credit history (By the way, it can be done)
    3. Remove from "black list" banks
    4. Provide fake guarantors with impeccable reputation

    Keep in mind that such "services" falls immediately under several articles of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. The borrower, at least, can attract for fake, sales and manufacture of substrate documents.

    • Intermediaries

    Intermediaries for 10% commission redirect the borrower in MFIs or banks. You can achieve the same result for free.

    How not to become a victim of fraudsters?

    Any transactions are made only at a personal meeting. All documents to assure the notary. "Remuneration" to give only after receiving the entire loan amount.

    What do you pay attention to when choosing a private lender?

    1. If the site needs to fill out the questionnaire - it is probably a mediator
    2. Real private lenders do not require prepayment
    3. Real partner gives a loan on bail or under sure
    4. Terms of private loans can not be better or the same as in the bank

    Where to look for private loans?

    1. On thematic portals and forums
    2. On ads on the web (Avito, "" from hand to hand "). Pay attention to announcements with transparent conditions. Today, all transactions are executed officially: through the notary and in the registration chamber
    3. On specialized P2P lending services

    For example, the site Fingooro.Ru (Finguri) is an online lending service, where you can take into debt percentage, without leaving the house. You need to register on the site as a borrower, fill out a questionnaire and check the check, similar to banking. Unlike banks and MFIs, Fingooroo is only an intermediary between a private lender and a borrower.

    What amount can you get on credit?

    The "limit" depends on the rating of the borrower: A, B, C or D. The novice is automatically assigned a rating of a limit of a loan to 13 thousand rubles. Rating with reduces interest rate and increases limit to 50,000 rubles. Rating and allows you to take any amounts for good interest.

    Loans are listed on the card, cash through the CONTACT system or e-wallets Yandex.Money, Webmoney or QIWI. Interest rates in Fingooro are comparable with bets in MFIs: about 1% per day.

    Related services: "Svddzh.ru" (already closed), Credberry, Zaymigo and others.

    WebMoney loans

    Participants can take money there with debt. WebMoney loans options:

    • Microloix (from 1 to 50 WMZ)
    • Normal loan (from 50 to 1000 WMZ)
    • Credit line (from 1000 to 50 000 WMZ)

    The loan period rarely exceeds half a year. Borrowed funds You can get the owner of the wallet directly either on the stock exchanges (Wmcoin, Zaimiwm.ru, Superlend and others). Day interest rate varies from 0.15% to 1% and higher.

    Lending conditions on each site will be different. For example, Superlend offers loans up to 6000 WMZ for up to 100 days with a bet to 0.15% per day.

    At the site of the borrower there are several loans options: test, micro, mini and maxi credit, as well as credit line And interest-free loan. Each loan borrower is brought by a borrower and allows you to go to a new level.

    Get an electronic loan is much easier if the borrower has a personal certificate, a high business activity (BL) and user confidence (TL). The more registration date in Webmoney, the solid reputation of the borrower.

    Where to get money free?

    Oddly enough, the necessary amount of money can be tried to collect and without loans.


    When money is needed to implement an interesting and useful project, try to assemble them - "People's Finance". If quite briefly: you represent the presentation of your project on the site - people from all over the world list money for its implementation.

    In Russia, there are two major platforms for collecting money for startups and not only: BoomStarter and Planeta.ru.

    How to collect the desired amount of money through crowdfunding?

    • for yourself and for sponsors
    • Create a project estimate: the required amount plus reward investors, administrative costs and 1-2% for unforeseen expenses
    • Think over the plan of promotion (the base of the media, blogs and publics in social networks, press releases for public pages, video presentation)
    • Determine the term for collecting money
    • Shape team
    • Think over the remuneration system to sponsors

    Note! Russian crowdfunding platforms work according to the "All or Nothing" scheme. In other words, if the project does not collect the necessary amount of money for the specified period - money is returned to the sponsors, and the author does not receive a penny!

    Sell \u200b\u200bsomething from the property

    Due to urgency selling real estate, garage, car or household appliances Have a big discount.

    You can offer anything anything: old furniture and tourist tents, baby carriages and toys, rollers and bicycles, collectible coins and stamps. Make beautiful photos, come up with "clinging" descriptions and put good price. Part of the goods will be sold out during the week, and may cost tens of thousands!


    What are taken in the pawnshop on bail? Jewelry (vintage coins, jewelry), digital and household appliances, hours and fur, dear designer things. From the documents, the borrower will need only a passport.

    Interesting statistics. Of the 100 clients who laid in the pawnshop "scrap" from precious metals, 20 do not return for him. Among the design items, the percentage of redemption is two times less - only 10%.

    By the way, not only marginalies are used by the services of the pawnshords. There are different situations.

    Somehow I read an interview on RBC with the owner of the pawnshop "Pledge of Success" by Alexander Oleinik. He told a bunch of interesting stories about his clients. For example, the girl flew to Moscow for affairs, and the bank card was blocked. She passed chanel boots to the nearest pawnshop to urgently get cash before unlocking the card.

    A huge plus loan in Lombard: you get money for 15-20 minutes. How much can you count on? Theoretically lombard assessment should be as close as possible to the market. But in practice it is 2-3 times lower real value Pledge.

    The principle of work Lombard is simple. You rent a valuable thing - and get money in your hands. The specific amount calls an appraiser. Taking the property after a while, you need to return not only this amount, but also interest. The storage rate in the pawnshop is accrued every day (about 1%). The later you buy your jewelry or iPhone, the more you have to pay for it.

    Another unpleasant moment. If the owner does not buy his value in the term of the term of the term of the term, the pawnshop has the right to sell it.

    Rent an apartment or a rental room with payment forward

    This method is sometimes practiced by residents of large cities. Options to make money on visitors several:

    • Live in one room, and another to rent
    • Remove the accommodation smaller, away and cheaper, and give your apartment to eat
    • Hide accommodation for rent And at this time to move to relatives or friends

    Take a recycle

    Reception items take waste paper, plastic, scrap metal and glass. For small volumes, it will not work out a lot. But if you disassemble the grooves in the attic or in the barn and download the recycling machine - the amount will come out decent. Sometimes a bunch of old magazines and newspapers and tons of rusty spare parts are groaning in storekeepings or segments.

    Gather debt

    Almost every Russian has debts before someone, and someone should himself. If the money was needed urgently - call all your debtors and explain the situation. Part of the debt is guaranteed to be returned!

    And where are you looking for money when they are needed very urgent? Subscribe to updates and share links to Fresh posts with friends on social networks!

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