
Housing for the military at Polina Osipenko. Unfinished houses for the military are being prepared for delivery. Such an unlucky left bank

- Tell us the story of the problematic neighborhoods?

It began 5 years ago, when, by order of the Ministry of Defense, "SU-155" began construction at the addresses: st. Bolshaya Ochakovskaya (10 high-rise buildings for 1796 sq.), St. Sinyavinskaya (15 high-rise buildings for 4731 sq.), Khoroshevskoe highway (12 high-rise buildings for 3648 sq.), St. Levoberezhnaya (23 high-rise buildings for 5856 sq.).

The total number of apartments has exceeded 16 thousand. In total, the SU-155 received a total of over 68 billion rubles. But by the beginning of 2015, the construction of 4 residential neighborhoods was almost completely stopped. The company did not fulfill its obligations under the contracts.

In 2014, when the Su-155 practically froze construction, the Department of Housing (DZHO) of the Ministry of Defense, in response to a wave of indignant letters, began the preliminary distribution of apartments in high-availability buildings that had not yet been commissioned. Each person on the waiting list, having received a notification, could come to his apartment, assess the layout and quality of interior decoration. Many did so. In total, more than 7 thousand notices of preliminary distribution were sent.

- Did the military also find themselves in the role of defrauded equity holders?

Yes. But I would clarify: the Ministry of Defense turned out to be a conditional defrauded shareholder. It should be clearly understood that the financing of the construction of these micro-districts was carried out within the framework of government contracts.

- What are you doing so that people can move into the promised apartments?

Since October last year and throughout this year, we have been gradually renting out houses for military personnel in all four Moscow microdistricts. There are 18 high-rise buildings in total. As a result of attracting own and credit funds new buildings were put into operation on the street. Bolshaya Ochakovskaya. These are 10 buildings with 1,796 apartments.

The microdistrict is already inhabited. In the Molzhaninovo area on the street. Sinyavinskaya "SU-155" left us 6 unfinished buildings (in total there are 15 buildings for 4,731 apartments, 8 buildings were commissioned earlier). On our own, we completed work in buildings No. 1, 10, 13, 15.

We plan to commission two more buildings by the end of the year. We are also settling in two houses we have leased in the microdistrict on Polina Osipenko Street. And we rented two more houses on the street. Left-bank - buildings 10 and 14. There is also a planned settlement.

- Do the military people on the waiting list themselves know that their problem is being dealt with?

We inform them regularly. At each site, our representatives met with people, explained to them the situation and our actions. More than 100 such meetings took place during the year. An electronic reception has been opened on the Oboronstroy website specifically for questions regarding these new buildings.

- Goes trial with the developer?

By the ruling of the Arbitration Court of the Moscow Region, our claims to SU-155 in the amount of 17.3 billion rubles were accepted for production. But for today court hearings to consider the issue have not been appointed. To put it mildly, it is difficult for us to collect an unused advance payment from the SU-155.

- And how do you see the way out in this situation?

We continue to finish building house after house at the expense of own funds... But, despite all these difficulties, over the past year GUOV completed 18 high-rise buildings for SU-155 and put into operation 3,895 apartments. By the end of the year, we will commission 5 more buildings: two in Molzhaninov (1197 apartments), two on Levoberezhnaya (288 apartments) and one in the Khoroshevskoye highway area (320 apartments).

Now the issue of financing the construction and the time frame have been agreed with the Ministry of Defense. The military department has set us a specific task - to complete the work next year.

March 9th, 2017

I have repeatedly spoken about the so-called “Moscow homeless regiment”. This is an amazing, nowhere registered "public organization" that sets as its sole purpose a public and, if possible, a massive protest against the Russian Ministry of Defense. Whatever it was, this well-organized group with a very mysterious funding always has one single complaint - the Ministry of Defense is bad and it, the ministry, allegedly deceived them into giving out apartments.

Here is this strange protest:

The fact is that as part of the program for providing servicemen with permanent and service housing in 2011-12, by order of the Ministry of Defense, JSC SU-155, under the leadership of the current Moscow City Duma deputy Mikhail Balakin, has begun the construction of four large-scale microdistricts in Moscow. New buildings are located at: st. Bolshaya Ochakovskaya (10 high-rise buildings for 1796 sq.), St. Sinyavinskaya (15 high-rise buildings on 4731 sq.), Khoroshevskoye highway (12 high-rise buildings on 3648 sq.), St. Levoberezhna (23 high-rise buildings for 5 856 sq.). The total number of apartments was 16031 units. In 2011, the Ministry of Defense, led by the firm hand of the now amnestied citizen Serdyukov, signed a contract with SU-155 for the construction of housing at the above-mentioned addresses and transferred advance payments for each of the micro-districts, which (attention !!!) amounted to 90% and were paid to 2011-2013 Amounts? You are welcome! In total, from 2011 to 2013, the SU-155 Group of Companies received 68 billion 212 million rubles in advance. But by the beginning of 2015, the office of citizen Balakin stopped the construction of four residential neighborhoods due to ... lack of money and the impending bankruptcy.

That is, the money was received, apparently, it was safely sawn, but the military did not receive the apartments for which the Ministry of Defense paid.

The Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, already under the leadership of Sergei Shoigu, and its structure, JSC "GUOV" financial resources complete construction and commissioning of buildings abandoned by SU-155. Employees of JSC "GUOV", performing work on the so-called "conservation", provided in the winter 2015-2016. heat all unfinished houses, so as not to freeze the water supply and heat supply systems. JSC "GUOV" has done and continues to do this at its own expense, incurring serious financial losses, paying, including technical connections to city networks (water, electricity, heat) and repaying debts of millions, including GK "SU-155 ", Before the city resource organizations. As a result, JSC "GUOV" completed all necessary work for the commissioning of a new building on the street. Bolshaya Ochakovskaya (10 buildings for 1796 apartments). The microdistrict is already inhabited by more than 95%.

During the year of its operation, the RF Ministry of Defense completed 18 high-rise buildings for the SU-155 Group of Companies and put into operation 3,895 apartments. By the end of 2016, JSC "GUOV" (Main Directorate of Arrangement of Troops) plans to complete 5 more buildings and put them into operation: in the microdistrict "Molzhaninovo" on the street. Sinyavinskaya 1197 apartments (two buildings), in the area on Levoberezhnaya street 288 apartments (2 buildings), in the area of ​​Horoshevskoe highway 320 apartments (one building). Military builders, as promised, handed over all of these five houses at the end of December. Their settlement began. However, despite this, protesting activists calling themselves the “Homeless Regiment” and believing that “everything is not the way they want”, wrote down an appeal to the Patriarch in January, where they continued to say that nothing was being done.

Moreover, they tried to join the movement of equity holders who were deceived by the SU-155. And we held a joint action with them. But the capital's "homeless" servicemen did not arouse sympathy and understanding among people who actually paid their money and did not receive square meters in return. Investors not only know that military housing is provided free of charge, they see that there is a specific, real company completing the construction of houses for them.

But in 2016, when most of the participants in the spontaneous protest received Moscow housing, some activists who had recently hid behind the backs of others suddenly turned from “spontaneous” into quite organized and funded ones. They called their movement, as mentioned above, "the homeless regiment." Yes, yes, I was not mistaken - the Moscow "homeless" regiment.

What's the secret? Of course, in money. In large ones. As it turned out, most of the new protesters, the military, who receive free housing at the expense of the state, refuse to move into ready-made apartments of the same size in the Molzhaninovo area on the street. Sinyavinskaya, 11, which they were offered more than once, and require the issuance of apartments in a more prestigious, almost central area Khoroshevsky highway, at st. Polina Osipenko, 8., as well as Levoberezhnaya. The fact is that Molzhaninovo, where, according to the official statement of the Ministry of Defense, right now (!!!) free (at the expense of the state !!!) professional protesters are not satisfied with this. They, according to them, “do not want to go to the ghetto,” and demand an apartment in the prestigious and expensive area of ​​Khoroshevka and Levoberezhna. That is, the donated horse is actively looked into the teeth, and while the majority of Russian military personnel would gladly receive excellent apartments in New Moscow in Molzhaninovo, the capital's "homeless regiment" insists on more expensive housing on Khoroshevskoye Highway and Levoberezhnaya Street.

About the leaders and organizers of the "Moscow Homeless Regiment" Valeria Malyshev, Evgeny Morin and Alexander Zorin,

, and I talked about their good business "on protest" last fall. After a lot of money and a vital interest of certain characters in organizing a fake protest were discovered, the wave of the “Moscow Homeless Regiment” subsided somewhat and the protest began to decline. Moreover, there was essentially nothing to demand - servicemen were given apartments with enviable regularity.

So after my previous publication, Valery Malyshev disappeared from the rallies. Gone and his "active life position" to support the protest in in social networks... The fact is that organizing rallies and protesting together with the "homeless", he happily lived in his own apartment, received free of charge from the Ministry of Defense in the most prestigious, in the opinion of the military, the capital's microdistrict along Khoroshevskoye Highway.

Andrei Zorin, who first spoke at the rally with accusations of both the builders (GUOV) and the Ministry of Defense, also changed his mind. But later, apparently, as a smart lawyer, he figured out the situation and asked the Prosecutor's Office to answer the question - who is to blame? And he received a completely official response, which was posted on the Voensud forum, which says that the Prosecutor's Office has materials confirming the misuse of the SU-155 funds, which they received for the construction of housing for servicemen. And these materials are transferred to law enforcement agencies to initiate a criminal case.
But the "homeless" stubbornly do not notice this and diligently DO NOT accuse the SU-155 (except for one joint rally with equity holders, there was simply no other way there). They insist that the current minister and his team are to blame, which is actually completing and raking the Augean stables behind the ex-defense minister and the SU-155!

Moreover, now the military builders have resumed public control of the progress of work on the completion of the "SU-155" of the capital's microdistrict on Levoberezhnaya Street, vl. 4, 4A.

In addition, military builders officially announced in February that five more houses in the microdistrict. on the Left Bank will be commissioned in mid-spring. It was discussed at the Voensude in Levoberezhka. But all the same, with persistence and enviable stubbornness, activists push people to protest actions. Moreover, not sanctioned, such as the actions planned for this Saturday on the Frunzenskaya embankment, whatever you call it - a meeting, or a gathering, or a gathering - the meaning does not change; there is no permission to hold it, and therefore the police will be absolutely right if they disperse all these protesters and may even delay the utterly insolent organizers of these metropolitan loafers of blast furnaces led by citizen Morin.

March 10, at 10.00 at the construction headquarters on the street. Levoberezhna will host a working meeting with servicemen and members of their families waiting for an apartment, where plans for laying heating and electrical networks will tell the representatives of PJSC "MOEK" and PJSC "MOESK". The head of SU-1 of JSC "GUOV" Alexey Poskotinov will speak to the servicemen. It was him construction management the task has been set to commission the largest new building in Moscow on a turnkey basis. Alexey Poskotinov will tell you in detail about the organization of work and the dates of the settlement of the next buildings. Future residents will be introduced to the new project manager Igor Kuksin, who headed the engineering team of the Main Directorate for the Arrangement of Troops directly at the construction site.

Oboronstroy even asked all those on the waiting list to take part in the working meeting to approach 9.55 at checkpoint 1 from the side of Levoberezhnaya Street.

Yes, it was not so. On one of the branches of the Voensud website, run by “activists” and “fighters” from the Ministry of Defense, a call for the next rally of the “Moscow homeless regiment” appeared, of course, on March 11 - immediately after the meeting with the leadership of Oboronstroy. The "organizers" call for the gathering of "all, all, all" again, and the reasons for the rally are named as follows (attention!):

“There is NO real work on construction sites !!!
No work on external communications - NO !!!
Allocation of funds for the completion of construction - NO !!!
A significant number of workers at construction sites - NO !!!
Punished for crimes in full - NO !!!
There are NO forecasts of successful resolution of the situation !!!
Ready housing premises at other addresses - HIDDEN !!!
The proposed so-called "housing subsidy" - NOTHING !!!
The work on providing housing for military personnel is practically PARALIZED !!! "

And now I want to give some photographic facts. Each of the photos and videos I have taken over the past few days clearly refutes the calls of the provocateurs. See for yourself:

Most of the photographs explain the essence of the provocative statements of the "Moscow homeless regiment" that there is allegedly no " real works at construction sites ", there is no" significant number of workers at construction sites "and" work on providing housing for military personnel "is paralyzed. Everything that is necessary for the successful and speedy completion of construction is there, gentlemen, protesters, and I, and many others, including the military personnel on the waiting list, saw everything that was happening at the construction site. And so there is no need to lie, earning the attention of those who are behind the pseudo-protests, behind the "Moscow homeless regiment."

PS . Many reserve servicemen who have received apartments from the Ministry of Defense have long noticed the unhealthy activity of the so-called protesters called the “Moscow Homeless Regiment” and openly declare this. Here,

for example, a letter from reserve lieutenant colonel Mikhail Terekhov, telling about the real state of affairs with housing for military personnel and the unclean games of "Protestants".

Striking low quality installation works... Photo from the site www.voendom.info

When it comes to military development, one should not forget about the social protection of veterans. And it is obvious that young officers, seeing the bad attitude towards military pensioners, are unlikely to consider military service as a matter of their whole life, which will definitely negatively affect the combat effectiveness of the Armed Forces. Caring for veterans is a pledge of confidence of young professional servicemen in their future, a pledge that officers who are on active military service will devote themselves to it without regard to the fact that in old age they may simply be thrown out into the street as unnecessary waste material.


On one of the fine, sunny days in mid-August, on the square near the Metro station "Airport" at the monument to the German communist, Reichstag deputy (from 1925 to 1933) Ernst Thalmann, reserve officers and members of their families gathered to remind the powerful of this world about their existence ... It was a day off, Saturday, the square was not crowded, the silent picket of the audience and their posters practically went unnoticed. The few onlookers passing by are not counted. By the way, this is not the first such picket and, perhaps, not the last.

And what is most outrageous is that people who have served in the Armed Forces for more than 20 years are forced to fight for what the state should provide them in accordance with the laws.

On this day, only a few gathered at the monument to Telman, in fact, if everyone who had not been provided with legal housing by the Ministry of Defense came here, there would not be enough space on this square and all the streets in the district, and we are talking only about those who have the right to accommodation in the city of Moscow.

The problem is as follows: by order of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, the general contractor "SU-155" undertook to build four housing complexes, 60 houses in total. 12 houses should be erected on Bolshaya Ochakovskaya Street, 15 houses in the Molzhaninovo microdistrict, 13 buildings in the Khoroshevskoye Highway area and 23 houses on Levoberezhnaya Street.

To date, only the microdistrict on Bolshaya Ochakovskaya has been fully commissioned and is being populated. Three more houses have not been completed in Molzhaninovo, only two buildings have been commissioned in the Khoroshevskoye Highway area, and three more are planned to be completed in September this year. The worst of all is on Levoberezhnaya Street. Only two houses have been commissioned there, and the general contractor promises to complete three more this year. The official website of the Ministry of Defense has information about the partial settlement of houses at the indicated addresses.

It cannot be said that the Ministry of Defense does not at all fulfill its obligations to provide permanent housing for officers who are transferred to the reserve, the fact is that this process is proceeding in accordance with the queue that is formed by the Department of Housing (DZHO) from those in need of housing and in accordance with the internal by the instruction of the military department. But it so happened that some of the people on the waiting list were assigned apartments in the buildings at the above addresses, and they, naturally, were taken out of the queue for housing. The general contractor ("SU-155") went bankrupt, construction work at all four sites stopped. The trouble is that, in violation of all existing regulations, the builders received an advance payment in the amount of 95% of the cost of all construction and installation works. Since this money has already been spent by the bankrupt general contractor and the military department has no other funds to complete the construction of houses on these four sites, further work is going on with a big slip. The obligation to complete the construction at some point was assumed by the open joint-stock company The Main Directorate for the Arrangement of Troops (JSC GUOV), but it did not cope with this either, the lack of funding eventually becomes a stumbling block. As a result, people dropped out of the queue for housing and did not receive apartments, while those on the waiting list had already moved into houses built by other contractors.


The smallest district of Moscow - Molzhaninovo - is located outside the Moscow Ring Road, practically within the northern part of the city of Khimki and is close to the territory of Sheremetyevo International Airport. Here, in 2014, in general, the construction of a residential neighborhood for military personnel was completed, its address is defined on the Internet as st. Sinyavinskaya, possession 11. There are 15 houses in this microdistrict. These are buildings standard series I-155MM, I-155MK and several experimental towers of the I-155NB project. By now, most of the houses are inhabited. The microdistrict, houses and the surrounding area are on the balance sheet of the RF Ministry of Defense. Utilities are provided by the notorious Management Company JSC "Slavyanka". Let me remind you that not so long ago, 25 criminal cases were associated with the name of this company, combined into one proceeding. The media published information about embezzlement through this organization in the amount of more than 4 billion rubles, in which its previous management took part, then it was still a limited liability company. New general manager decided not to change the name of this business structure, only the form of its ownership was changed, that is, it became a joint stock company.

The retired officers who were provided with housing in this microdistrict note a number of significant disadvantages of its location. Firstly, it was built on a part of the Podrezkovo industrial zone and production facilities are located in the immediate vicinity. According to the sanitary rules and norms (SanPiN), housing should not be built here, but only production and cultural facilities. There is information that in March 2011 the Moscow mayor Sergei Sobyanin informed the Minister of Defense about this fact. At that time, Anatoly Serdyukov was the head of the Russian military department.

Secondly, the microdistrict borders on the old, but still operating Cherkizovsky Northern cemetery. Again, according to the requirements of SanPiN, “the sanitary protection zone is an obligatory element of any industrial enterprise and other objects that may be sources of chemical, biological or physical impact on environment and human health ". At least for the construction of residential buildings, the general contractor had to take into account the sanitary protection zone and carry out soil reclamation - neither one nor the other was done.

Thirdly, which is very important, the high-rise buildings of this microdistrict were built in the dangerous take-off and landing zone of aircraft of the Sheremetyevo international airport, without agreement with the management of the latter. It has been documented that at one time the Moscow Arbitration Court ruled to recover a fine from SU-155 for this violation. Moreover, there are SanPiN requirements limiting housing construction near airports, aerodromes, heliports, associated with atmospheric air pollution by substances harmful to health and exceeding the levels of noise, vibration, electromagnetic radiation.

V jurisprudence Russian Federation There is a precedent when the Volzhsky District Court of the city of Saratov admitted that the developer had illegally erected two 10-storey buildings near the airport without the consent of its owner, the SarAvia aviation company. As a result, the court ruled to demolish these houses, since they were located in the dangerous take-off and landing zone of aircraft and interfered with the operation of the airport's radar complex.

For the picture to appear in full, it is worth quoting a paragraph from the letter of the waiting officers addressed to the Supreme Commander-in-Chief Vladimir Putin: "Sheremetyevo is building a third runway, where heavy aircraft will land, already now the noise level exceeds the permissible standards, and it will be even worse" ...

The second building of this microdistrict is made according to typical project I-155NB (developed by "SU-155") is a 25-storey tower, taking into account the technical floor. And this tower, after the completion of construction and installation work, gave a tilt, of course, they did not begin to populate it. To those on the waiting list who received apartments in it, even when he was SU-155, the representative of this organization Mikhail Balakin said that due to low-quality geological surveys for reasons unknown to the builders, the building tilted more than it is stipulated by the standards. Since the conclusion in the form of "unknown reasons" indicates the obvious incompetence of the representative of the general contractor, we had to contact the Production Research Institute for engineering surveys in construction (PNIIIS).

A specialist from PNIIIS explained to me that most likely at the base of the foundation there were soils with different compressibility. In the monograph of the academician of the RAS V.I. Osipov, it is indicated that this territory is characterized by their presence: from weak to strongly compressible (from moraine loams to fluvioglacial sands, peat and peat soils). Variability in their horizontal strike is also characteristic of this area. Probably, the foundation of this building fell on soils of different compressibility, which gave a different draft, as a result of which there was a roll. But the expert made a reservation that without additional research, the true reasons for the tilt of the building cannot be determined and it is quite possible that it arose due to the mistakes of the builders. The opinion of this expert can certainly be trusted, PNIIIS in Soviet time was the main institute of the USSR State Construction Committee, and now it possesses unique, richest scientific archives (most of which are still classified). It is currently on display federal agency"Rosimushchestvo" is for sale, that is, in fact, this institution is awaiting liquidation. I am afraid that in the near future there will be no organizations in Russia that are able to carry out high-quality engineering and geological surveys for construction and correct numerous errors of insufficiently competent design and survey firms and construction organizations.

In addition, the microdistrict on Sinyavinskaya Street (possession 11), where the settlement is already in full swing, is still not connected to a permanent power supply system. There, out of four pumps of the sanitary sewerage system, only one is in working order. If it fails, the microdistrict will drown, you know what.


The persons who were present at the picket at the monument to Ernst Telman spoke of serious claims to the quality of construction of residential buildings in the above-mentioned microdistricts. The installation of panels in almost all houses was carried out extremely sloppy, in some places the builders installed them, mixing up the top and bottom, the interpanel joints were made with large gaps, significantly exceeding the permissible by building codes.

During construction production technological violations were allowed, which can lead to partial destruction of the supporting structures of the houses being built with unpredictable consequences. In some houses, a complete defrosting of the heating system was allowed. Neighborhoods on Khoroshevskoye Highway and on Levoberezhnaya Street stood without heating throughout the winter from 2014 to 2015. Moreover, in some houses the roofing and sealing of interpanel joints were not executed. How can you assess the fact that these houses have already been decorated with interior cosmetic finishing - whitewashed ceilings and glued wallpaper? Well, the wallpaper can be re-glued, but the main problem is that water that has penetrated the interpanel joints and cracks in reinforced concrete structures is a destructive force, especially in winter.

The situation was aggravated by the fact that by August 2015 SU-155 became financially untenable and curtailed all construction and installation work, not fulfilling its obligations to the customer, JSC GUOV. In September 2015, General Director of JSC GUOV, Timur Ivanov, during a meeting of the Public Chamber, said that the organization he leads is committing itself to the completion of construction. In October, this organization began work already in the role of not a customer, but a general contractor.


Representative initiative group The “homeless regiment”, which introduced itself to the NVO correspondent as Nikolai, described the current situation using the example of a microdistrict on Levoberezhnaya Street. Since the money to complete construction works the Ministry of Defense does not have it at the specified facility, the subcontractor is curtailing work here. The arrangement of communications for the 24th, 12th, 5th houses has not been completed. But also in those buildings where plumbing and drainage system there is already, there is no exit of these communications to the city network.

In February 2014, the Chief Military Prosecutor's Office inspected the progress of construction work on the SU-155 at the above-mentioned facilities and concluded that “the constructed and distributed housing does not have permanently connected engineering communications and built with violations. " But it seems that the opinion of the Chief Military Prosecutor's Office this time did not interest anyone, since its intervention did not in any way affect the course of housing construction in the listed microdistricts.

On June 2, on Levoberezhnaya Street, the commissioning of residential buildings took place, in accordance with the new schedules. The general contractor did not have time to complete the work by this time, and it was decided to launch the sewage system according to a temporary scheme and pump out the contents of the sanitary sewer into the city network with two pumps. The device is not finished there. storm sewer... According to the general contractor, the work will be completed before the cold weather, but such an outcome is hard to believe. Since the contractor of these works, the subcontractor LLC SK INZHSTROYBETON, is curtailing its activities at this construction site due to lack of funding and is transferring people and equipment to another facility. To the indignation of the future residents of this microdistrict, the foreman of the builders said that nothing would be done on the Left Bank until the money was transferred from the GUOV. By the end of July, it was planned to commission four houses. Five more buildings - №№ 2, 5, 6, 7, 8, according to the schedule, should be completed as soon as possible, but there is no money and the work has been stopped. It turns out that those houses that are nevertheless rented out will become hostages of a temporary sewage system, with which anything can happen in winter. To top it all, it is not known where the storm sewer drain is organized. It is possible that rainwater is discharged into the plumbing drain. If this is the case, in the event of unexpectedly heavy rainfall, residents of the microdistrict are threatened not only with floods, but also flooding with the contents of the sanitary sewer.

You don't have to be an expert to assume that storm runoffs will again become a problem in unfinished homes in winter, where work is currently suspended. These buildings are still not mothballed, and all the same, the roofs of not all of them are covered with roofing materials, the waterproofing of interpanel joints and seams is not always performed.

In houses where there is a roof, due to the lack of heating in winter, drains are defrosted, and in structures of this type they are laid inside the heating circuit. That is, the water frozen in the gutters breaks the storm pipes, then during thaws and during the rainy season, it spills over the entire structure of the house. Under the influence of this phenomenon, all structures of the house gradually begin to collapse. Solving this problem, the builders took temporary measures, storm runoff was brought out through the open windows of the upper floors. Well, we can congratulate the general contractor on this "brilliant" engineering solution.


There are also a number of pressing issues that require coverage. When allocating permanent housing to servicemen of the Ministry of Defense, the area of ​​the provided apartment is determined in accordance with the intradepartmental regulatory documents, based on the position and military rank of the person on the waiting list. What happens when a job is cut or an officer is transferred to an orderly? In this case, the officer is deprived of the right to receive additional space in accordance with the position held.

When retired to the reserve, servicemen rent out a service apartment and remain without registration (or temporary registration) until they receive permanent housing. For this period, they become unavailable social benefits: medical support, placement of children in schools and preschool institutions and receipt of electronic debit bank cards... Having lost their service housing, the storekeepers receive a leaflet "Deregistration and Departure" in their hands, which is not recognized by any of the institutions as a document capable of replacing registration. People who gave their best years military service, indefinitely find themselves between heaven and earth.

At times, the Department of Defense can easily relinquish its obligations. In this aspect, the story of Colonel Igor Borisovich Davydov, in the recent past, a senior officer of the Main Armored Directorate of the Ministry of Defense, is indicative. In 2008, he was removed from the state due to reaching the retirement age. In 2009, he fell into the category of the so-called rulers. In 2010, there was a decision by the military garrison court to provide him with housing on an extraordinary basis. Then the housing commissions were liquidated, the rules for providing housing to military personnel were changed. The newly formed Housing Department informed him that the court decisions and housing commission do not matter anymore, and he was put on the general queue in accordance with the new standards - by the date of registration of the application in the JO.

In 2014, the reserve colonel Davydov became disabled of the 3rd group. In accordance with the departmental documents of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, within a month after the military medical commission (VVK) declared a soldier unfit for military service, he must be dismissed from the Armed Forces with the provision of housing. But Colonel Davydov, as he was in the category of commanding officers, remained in it. JOE still ignores the order of the Minister of Defense, referring to the schedule for the delivery of houses on Levoberezhna, which is constantly changing, and the deadlines for its implementation are being delayed. Davydov appealed to the prosecutor's office with a complaint that the JOE does not comply with the decision of the military garrison court and the order of the Ministry of Defense, and that it is delaying the process of providing him with permanent housing, which has been going on for six years. The result is the same.

Igor Borisovich was lucky to talk on the phone about his problem with the head of the 2nd department of the JO Kuznetsov. To all the arguments of Colonel Davydov, the official answered him in a raised tone: “Colonel, why are you twitching, if you don’t like something - go get housing subsidy and do not deny yourself anything, in Moscow if we now begin to give everyone, as it should be, housing, do you know what the queue will be? " It is not the content of his remark that is outraged, but its crude form. This is what I want to turn Special attention and to force functionaries of all grades to speak politely with citizens of the Russian Federation.


Since the decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 604 of May 7, 2012 in its plot contains the line "To the Government of the Russian Federation to provide", it means that the list of perpetrators is headed by the Prime Minister, which continues further (down) by command. This list cannot be reflected within the framework of one article, since it is very voluminous.

In accordance with Federal law No. 76 of May 27, 1998, servicemen belong to a special category of citizens with a special status, and they are guaranteed to receive permanent housing, which can be provided both in kind and in the form of a monetary subsidy at the expense of the federal budget.

Servicemen prefer to get "living" apartments for the simple reason that since 2005 the military department has been giving them a subsidy based on the average cost of housing in Russia, and this, in accordance with the order of the Ministry of Construction No. 419 (which is constantly being updated), is 37,208 rubles. per square meter... For example, for civil servants in Moscow, a loan is allocated based on the cost of housing 90,400 rubles. per square meter, that is, servicemen wishing to settle in the First See, there is clearly not enough money to purchase apartments that are due to them by law. However, the subsidy at the rate of 90,400 rubles. per square meter for the purchase of residential space in Moscow is also insufficient. If you look at the average values ​​of the cost of housing in the capital on the Internet, then below 120 thousand rubles. per square meter, perhaps, and not find. In addition, one must be aware that cheap housing by Moscow standards can only be bought in unattractive areas, such as Biryulyovo or Vykhino, in old, sometimes dilapidated houses.

In conclusion, it should be said that the Department of Defense is probably not coping with the provision of housing, either in kind or in shape. cash subsidies, otherwise why should the head of the DZHO Sergei Pirogov make such a categorical statement: “By and large, in kind, the Ministry of Defense will not issue apartments from 2016 onwards. Everyone who came to the service later than 2005 - all of them will be provided only by a funded system, there will be no cash payments and no apartments. There remains only one form of housing for servicemen - the mortgage-savings system. "

Almost two thousand apartments located in Moscow were handed over to the military on the eve of the new year.

"The Main Directorate of the Arrangement of the Troops transferred 1805 apartments in the capital's new buildings, completely ready to receive new settlers, for settlement to the Department of Housing of the Ministry of Defense of Russia. Work on putting housing into operation was completed as soon as possible in order to fulfill housing obligations to the military.", - reported in the press service of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, reports RIA Nedvizhimost.

We are talking about houses in the Northern District of Moscow on the street. Sinyavinskaya, 11 (buildings 3 and 4), st. Levoberezhnaya, 4 (buildings 11 and 18) and on the street. Polina Osipenko, 8 (building 2). All new buildings are commissioned, connected to engineering networks and transferred to the balance sheet of the management company.

The Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation clarified that after the delivery of two buildings on the street. Sinyavinskaya completely completed the settlement of this microdistrict for the military. There are a total of 14 apartment buildings for 4587 apartments.

Residential area on the street. Sinyavinskaya is the second metropolitan area fully populated by military personnel. The first was introduced a microdistrict of 12 houses on the street. Bolshaya Ochakovskaya in the Southwestern District of Moscow. Commissioning of apartment buildings in the microdistrict. on the street Levoberezhnaya, 4 and Polina Osipenko, 8 are scheduled for completion in 2017.

After the commissioning of all the remaining new buildings, servicemen recognized as needing housing until 2015 will be provided with apartments. Servicemen registered in 2015-2016 will be provided with a housing subsidy.

/ Thursday 22 December 2016 /

The Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation transferred over 1.8 thousand apartments to servicemen in Moscow on the eve of the New Year. This was announced by the Department of Information and Mass Communications of the Russian Ministry of Defense.

“On New Year's Eve, the Main Directorate of the Arrangement of the Troops transferred 1, 805 apartments in the capital's new buildings for settlement to the Department of Housing of the Ministry of Defense of Russia. . . . . . Currently, servicemen are offered apartments on the street. Sinyavinskaya, d. . . . . . Polina Osipenko, 8 (building 2). . . . . .

The Russian Ministry of Defense noted that a residential area on the street. Sinyavinskaya became the second fully populated metropolitan area for military personnel. . . . . . Bolshaya Ochakovskaya in the south-west of Moscow. . . . . . 4 and Polina Osipenko, 8 is planned to be completed in 2017. ", - stressed in the ministry.

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Apartment buildings located in the north of the capital on Levoberezhnaya Street and Polina Osipenko Street, and intended for military personnel, are planned to be commissioned within a year. After that, all military personnel who are recognized as needing housing before 2015 will finally receive housing. This is reported by TASS with reference to a source in the Ministry of Defense.

"Currently, servicemen are offered apartments at 11 Sinyavinskaya Street (Buildings 3 and 4), Levoberezhnaya Building 4 (Buildings 11 and 18) and on Polina Osipenko Street, Building 8 (Building 2). . . . . .

Recall that at present in Moscow, a microdistrict for military personnel on Bolshaya Ochakovskaya Street in the South-West Administrative District is already fully populated, where there are 12 houses. In the near future (after the commissioning of two more buildings), it is planned to complete the settlement on Sinyavinskaya Street in the Northern Administrative District - here in the town there are 14 houses with more than 4.5 thousand apartments.

"The commissioning of apartment buildings in microdistricts on Levoberezhnaya and Polina Osipenko is planned to be completed in 2017", - told in the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

. . . . . Those who registered in 2015-2016 are planning to provide a housing subsidy.

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