
Monetary subsidy servicemen. Algorithm for action for obtaining a housing subsidy servicemen. How to make a compensation for servicemen

* - This calculator is based on
** - military personnel, the total duration of military service of which ranges from 10 years to 20 years and which are indicated in paragraph 13 of Article 15 of the Federal Law "On the status of servicemen", the correction coefficient increases to 2,375 (as at a service from 20 years to 21 years)

What is a housing subsidy - ener or otherwise a lump-sum cash payment for the acquisition or construction of a residential premises (hereinafter apparent at housing) for servicemen and how to calculate it.

He also conducted a meeting of the interdepartmental group on which he agreed on the housing subsidy issues with all interested departments.

- What documentary confirmation is still at housing the military exists today.

Given the most important interest among military personnel to innovations in this crucial matter (after all, it is almost the only one who has not exceeded more benefits) We made a calculator either at the housing of the military - housing subsidy located on this page, which is based on the above-mentioned information.

Now all interested will be able to calculate subsidy - a one-time monetary payment for the acquisition or construction of residential premises

We understand that the data obtained from the EVER-housing subsidy calculator is not final and it is likely that MO and the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation can still adjust the order, but the military should have an idea that they are waiting for them. For its part, we promise to update the calculator so that the calculation of a one-time cash payment - a housing subsidy for the acquisition or construction of residential premises to military personnel remained relevant.

for the 2nd quarter of 2020

for the 2nd quarter of 2020

This online calculator allows you to calculate for 1 quarter 2020 The size of a one-time cash payment for the acquisition or construction of a residential premises provided by former military personnel and members of their families, which took place before January 1, 2005 for housing through military commissariants in local government bodies (OBSU) on the elected place of residence, as well as former military personnel of Ukraine and Increased persons who have become citizens of the Russian Federation, after the adoption of the Republic of Crimea to the Russian Federation, in accordance with the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of March 22, 2018 No. 116 "On providing residential premises of certain categories of citizens of the Russian Federation living in the territories of the Republic of Crimea and . Sevastopol.

Online calculator allows you to calculate yourself for 1 quarter 2020 The size of a one-time social payment for the acquisition or construction of residential premises to employees of institutions and bodies of the penitentiary system, the federal fire service of the State Fire Service and the Customs Authorities of the Russian Federation and former employees of the Federal Service for Drug Control of Drug Trafficking, which made it on housing records after January 1, 2013 ., In accordance with the Government of the Russian Federation of April 24, 2013 No. 369 "On the provision of a lump-sum of social payments ...

An online calculator allows you to calculate the amount of cash compensation for hiring (for use) of residential premises paid in 2020 Fizers, including generals, ensigns, as well as other categories of servicemen undergoing military service, or dismissed from military service, and members of their families In accordance with the Government of the Russian Federation of December 31, 2004 N 909 (ed. from 09/18/2015) "On the procedure for payment of monetary compensation for hiring (for) residential premises.

Online Calculator Allows you to calculate the amount of cash compensation for hiring (for use) of residential premises paid in 2019 Fizers, including generals, as well as ensigns passing military service under the contract, or dismissed from military service, and members of their families in accordance with the Government of the Russian Federation from 31.12.2004 N 909 (Ed. from 09/18/2015) "On the procedure for payment of monetary compensation for hiring (for) residential premises.

Online calculator allows you to calculate yourself for the 3rd quarter of 2019 The size of a one-time social payment for the acquisition or construction of residential premises to employees of institutions and bodies of the penitentiary system, the federal fire service of the State Fire Service and the Customs Authorities of the Russian Federation and former employees of the Federal Service for Drug Control of Drug Trafficking, which made it on housing records after January 1, 2013 ., In accordance with the Government of the Russian Federation of April 24, 2013 No. 369 "On the provision of a lump-sum of social payments ...

Online calculator allows you to calculate yourself for the 4th quarter of 2019 The size of a one-time social payment for the acquisition or construction of residential premises to employees of institutions and bodies of the penitentiary system, the federal fire service of the State Fire Service and the Customs Authorities of the Russian Federation and former employees of the Federal Service for Drug Control of Drug Trafficking, which made it on housing records after January 1, 2013 ., In accordance with the Government of the Russian Federation of April 24, 2013 No. 369 "On the provision of a lump-sum of social payments ...

This online calculator allows you to calculate for the 4th quarter of 2019 The size of a one-time cash payment for the acquisition or construction of a residential premises provided to former military personnel and members of their families, which took place before January 1, 2005 for housing through military commissariants in local government authorities (OBSU) in the selected place of residence, in accordance with the Resolution.

This online calculator allows us to calculate the size of the social payment for the acquisition of residential premises 1st (first) half of 2020, provided on the state housing certificate (GZHC) to military personnel and citizens dismissed from military service, standing on housing records as at the place of military service and in local government bodies in the chosen place of residence, as well as citizens who have the right to squeeze from closed military towns.

This online disability military pension calculator for 2019-2020. For former servicemen allows former servicemen to calculate a disability retirement October 1, 2019 to October 1, 2020 . This pension is appointed by the servicemen who did not listen to the required period for the appointment of the "military pension" for long service.

This calculator allows you to calculate in view of the increase from October 1, 2019. The so-called "mixed retirement" former military personnel, having a common work experience of 25 calendar years and more, of which at least 12 years of six months is military service, and (or) service in Internal affairs bodies, and (or) service in the State Fire Service, and (or) service in the controls of drug trafficking and psychotropic substances, and (or) service in institutions and bodies of the penitentiary system. The calculator takes into account the presence of a qualifying category in flight composition, the district coefficient.

Housing Calculator Allows online calculation of a housing subsidy on the 2nd half year 2019

Calculator allows you to make an online calculation of the housing subsidy on the 1st half year 2020 For the acquisition by military personnel of residential premises, taking into account the number of family members, the right to an additional area of \u200b\u200bresidential premises and the duration of military service (driving services). This subsidy is paid to the servicemen from January 2014, instead of providing housing in kind. In which cases, the housing subsidy is paid instead of providing residential premises in kind.

This military retardation calculator for the length of service allows you to calculate the size of the military pension for the length of service for the period from 01.10.2019. To 2020, the calculator takes into account the area coefficient, qualifying resister of flight composition (surcharge for class qualifications, classity). Using an online calculator, it can be understood how a military pension is calculated, as the military pension changes, depending on the date of the prescription of the pension, the changes in the official salary or the salary on the military rank, the allowance for long service, the presence of a district coefficient, a qualification surcharge of the summer composition (classroom surcharge ). Configuring an increase from 01/01/2019 the minimum length required for the appointment of a military pension from 20 to 25 years. This online calculator Calculate a military retirement and the servicemen who have already acquired the right to the specified pension. The calculator takes into account the area coefficient, qualifying resister of flight composition (the premium for the class qualifications, classity). Using an online calculator, it can be understood how a military pension is calculated, as the military pension changes, depending on the date of the prescription of the pension, the changes in the official salary or the salary on the military rank, the allowance for long service, the presence of a district coefficient, a qualification surcharge of the summer composition (classroom surcharge ).

A calculator of a one-time cash payment for the acquisition or construction of residential premises for 2 square meters. 2018, provided by former military personnel and members of their families, staging until 1.1.2005 at housing accounting through military registration and enlistment offices in MSU

Online calculator allows you to calculate yourself for the 2nd quarter of 2018 The size of a one-time social payment for the acquisition or construction of residential premises to employees of institutions and bodies of the penitentiary system, the federal fire service of the State Fire Service and the Customs Authorities of the Russian Federation and former employees of the Federal Service for Drug Control of Drug Trafficking, which made it on housing records after January 1, 2013 ., In accordance with the Government of the Russian Federation of April 24, 2013 No. 369 "On the provision of a lump-sum of social payments ...

The choice of a profession is influenced by several factors at the same time. Unfortunately, the interests of the young man are worth, by no means, not in the first place. Often you have to pay attention to the compliance with social guarantees in one or another sphere. Today, thanks to the work of some government programs, certain categories of citizens, assistance from the budget for the acquisition of housing is provided. This assistance can be provided in the form of preferential lending or free of charge. Such programs, like military mortgage, work for military personnel.

Partly due to social security, the professional army began to enjoy popular with young people. Indeed, it is enough to serve under a contract for 10 years and one can count on the fact that the housing subsidy of military personnel will be allocated from the budget. Despite the fact that the state is primarily obliged to provide housing for those who have long been on the queue, the volume of funding allows you to gradually reduce this issue.

Annually for the implementation of a program that allows us to receive a soldier apartment, about 10 billion rubles stands out, and the subsidy is fully formed from these funds. This allows you to close the apartment issue for three and a half thousand families. Naturally, such rough calculations do not give a complete idea of \u200b\u200bthe work of the program, but it is just known that it is an effective and quite promising.

Planned indicators

Subsidize cash state Beginning relatively recently. The start of the program is celebrated in 2014. When forming the budget, a certain proportion is laid on financing subsidies. From theory to practice, it allows that monetary problems have passed into the competence of the state budget from the Ministry of Defense.

According to preliminary forecasts, about 35 billion rubles should be allocated until 2019. This will ensure more than 5 thousand families with housing, the cost of which is about seven million. Currently, representatives of the Ministry of Defense announced the readiness of the state to allocate these funds during the year. Accordingly, this will lead to the fact that the subsidy for military personnel for the purchase of housing in 2018-2019 will receive additional funding.

If we consider that only a part of the servicemen can take advantage of the conditions provided, then this is quite a good indicator. The point is not that the state places strict requirements for selection. Many prefer to use other government programs. For example, a military mortgage allows you to purchase real estate after three years.

In accordance with the Federal Law "On the status of military personnel" No. 76-FZ, the state assumed additional responsibility to ensure personnel military assistance in the form of a cash payment (subsidies). This is not the only method of supporting a housing issue, however, subsidies for military personnel on the purchase of housing are of great importance.

Terms of granting subsidies for military personnel

Having a document on the payment of a monetary subsidy, a soldier and his family, has the right to take advantage of them for the acquisition of a living area or investing these funds. Thus, there is a significant time savings and the lack of need to wait for its turn.

According to the order of the Minister of Defense dated July 21, 2010 No. 510, to support for the purpose of obtaining or improving housing conditions, enslave the claims and officers of the following categories that are established by the ABZ. 3, 12 Paragraph 1 Art. 15 of the law "On the status of military personnel":

  • persons who concluded a contract before January 1, 1998 (the exception is the cadets of military universities and other educational institutions) and their family members who are recognized as needed in housing;
  • military personnel dismissed from military service to achieve their limit age, to reduce the states and health status, have managed to serve ten or more years, their family members who need to improve housing;
  • twenty years of military who served a service apartment;
  • fired after at least ten years of health services, reducing either by age citizens who were given a service housing.

Important! The subsidy of military personnel on housing is cashless money, it is possible only once, introduced as an alternative to an ordinary queue for the provision of residential premises fired to military personnel and personnel workers.

The subsidy is a social payment that is framed in the form of a certificate (certificate), which gives the right to preferential acquisition of housing, financed thanks to the funds of the federal budget of Russia.

Compared to other methods of supporting this category of citizens, a cash subsidy for the purchase of housing for military personnel has some advantages:

  • it makes it possible to buy built or ready accommodation in an apartment or private house;
  • the right to subsidy occurs since the emergence of legal foundation;
  • attracting for the acquisition of new housing, along with monetary subsidy of other preferential funds;
  • subsidy for servicemen for the purchase of housing has a progressive nature.

Social payment of military personnel is right, they can at their own discretion to use it if there is a compliance with the terms of the order number 510 dated 07.21.2014 (for example, after entering the reserve or by the end of the service). At the same time, the size of the subsidies to the servicemen for the purchase of housing will increase as the military service duration.

But there are situations where such payments are charged without the consent of the serviceman:

  1. in case of refusal from the proposed residential premises at the place of military service or a selected place of residence, which meets the established requirements;
  2. when making the specified face of the desire to change the previously elected place of residence after dismissal from military service.

The procedure for recognizing a serviceman in need of housing

In accordance with the law on subsidies for housing servicemen No. 76-FZ, military personnel can be recognized as in need of authorities at the place of their service on the basis of the provisions of Article 51 of the LCD of the Russian Federation in the manner established by the Government of Russia (Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 06/29/2011 No. 512) .

To do this, you need to write a statement to the Department (the executive authority of the subject of Russia) and submit additional documents:

  1. certificate of birth and copy of passports of all family members of the military personnel;
  2. certificates that confirm the service life, as well as an extract from the station list, etc.;
  3. copies of the termination certificate or the conclusion of the marriage union;
  4. an extract from the house book, as well as reporting of personal accounts for five years, which precede the application;
  5. copies of documentation that confirm the rights to other social benefits.

Important! The decision on request for the payment of subsidies to the servicemen for the purchase of housing must be taken in writing for thirty days.

Calculation of subsidies for the construction or purchase of housing servicemen

Subsidy for the purchase or construction of residential premises to military personnel is calculated as a work of 3 factors:

  1. housing area laid by a serviceman;
  2. the value of the cost of housing in the country (average size in the country, which is determined once every six months);
  3. the coefficient of service of military service (1.85 at the experience of ten to fifteen years, then the coefficient increases).

The area of \u200b\u200bthe living space is calculated according to the approved standards, depending on the composition of the family of a serviceman, that is, one military should be 33 square meters. meter, and for two family members - 42 square meters. m, if in the family 3 people and more, each should be 18 square meters. m.

The procedure for obtaining subsidies for housing servicemen

What is the procedure for obtaining subsidies for housing servicemen? Consider the example of the procedure for calculating the subsidy on the standard. In accordance with the rules, it is calculated by the formula:

P \u003d n x with x ks;

where n is the norm of the total area of \u200b\u200bhousing;

C - price square. m normally in Russia;

COP - correction coefficient, which indicates the timing of the military service.

Example. Take the applicant for social assistance, the number of people in the family of which is four, the regulatory value of the rank. The meter is 34,350 rubles (established by order of the Gosstroy dated July 18, 2013 number 269), the service duration is 18 years. For the military with this deadline, a coefficient of 2.25 is set, and the total rate for each family member is 18 square meters. m. We substitute this data in the formula:

P \u003d (18 x 4) x 34350 x 2.25 - as a result, it turns out 5,564,700 rubles.

Also, obtaining a subsidy for the purchase of housing servicemen provides for a decrease in the overall regulatory core in cases of committing military personnel by themselves or members of their families of civil law transactions during the residence per territory. They are aimed at the alienation of its part in the property or the transfer of part of the square, which occupies a social hiring agreement, which issued it to the organization.

Important! Housing subsidy can be accrued with some features. So, if in this example, the military will die or dictates to achieving the maximum age of the service, the coefficient for the calculation for his family will be increased to 2.75.

So, a serviceman to purchase a residential premises by subsidies, you must follow the following:

  • conclude an agreement for opening an account in a bank where the subsidy will be translated;
  • establish an application to the body that is engaged in housing, about the accrual of a subsidy to an open account in the bank;
  • conclude a contract for the construction or purchase of housing - it is possible to spend the subsidy on the primary, and in the secondary market.

Cash must be received on the account within a month after writing a statement, so you can buy an apartment for a subsidy quickly.

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One of the types of state assistance to military personnel is to provide them with housing. Until 2013, officers recognized as needing an apartment (or an increase in existing living spaces) received square meters from the Funds of the Ministry of Defense.

Due to the fact that the number of departmental apartments did not correspond to the number of needing improvement, the housing queue could stretch for several years. For this reason, legislative documents were adopted, allowing them to realize the right to receive housing servicemen through the design of a unified monetary subsidy.

Grounds for obtaining housing subsidies

Obtaining a payment from the state for the purchase of housing is guaranteed only by those military sections that were accepted for housing accounts until 2005. Servicemen who received the status of residents in those who need housing in subsequent years can count on purchasing an apartment only within the military-mortgage program. In Article 15 of Law No. 76-FZ "On the status of military personnel", the grounds for which officers may apply for housing money payments:

  • conclusion of military contract in the period up to 1998;
  • lack of property of housing;
  • availability of the status of needing an apartment or improving existing conditions;
  • long service for at least 10 years;
  • dismissal from military service to achieve maximum age or health condition (if there is a 10-year experience);
  • officers living in office apartments and having a service for at least 20 years.

The provision by the state of financial assistance is exclusively targeted. The soldier can spend the money received for the purchase or construction of housing - both in the new building and in the secondary market.

The right to choose the type of residential premises and its geographical location remains for the recipient of the subsidy.

What depends the size of the housing subsidy for the military

The magnitude of the state housing subsidies allocated to the servicemen directly depends on the following factors:

  • living space, relying applicant on the basis of legislation;
  • installed average value of the square meter;
  • the correction coefficient proportional to the military will face the waiting.

Size area for granting subsidies

Housing standard for granting subsidies is defined in Resolution No. 76 approved by the Government of the Russian Federation and the procedure for determining the size of subsidies.

In accordance with these documents, the state guarantees the housing servicemen in the following sizes:

  • for single officers - 33 square meters;
  • for a family of two people - 42 square meters;
  • for families consisting of three or more people - at least 18 square meters for each.

Basic standards for the provision of housing can be adjusted in one direction or another if there are objective grounds.

An increase in the existing living spaces when calculating the subsidy is allowed for the following beneficiaries:

  • teachers of military educational institutions or relevant departments in civil universities;
  • officers who have scientific degree or honorary titles adopted in the Russian Federation;
  • servicemen who have served to high ranks - marshals, generals, colonels, or those who have a commander.

If there are several grounds for increasing housing relying, the soldier has the right to choose only one of them.

The size of the pattern established to calculate the cash payments may be reduced in the following cases:

  • if the soldier over the years of service acquired real estate in the property (in Russia or abroad);
  • if in the last five years before the approach to the subsidy, the potential survey sold existing housing;
  • if the officer and his family occupy an apartment on the basis of the social contract and have the possibility of its privatization.

In these situations, the magnitude of the "paid" square meters, laid for the calculation of the subsidy, is set out by the deduction of the living space, which served as the basis for reducing the element.

To obtain 100% financing for the purchase of our own housing, servicemen living in municipal apartments on social hiring conditions are entitled to hand over an apartment owner an appropriate apartment. Termination of a contract of social hiring and the refusal to the possibility of privatization is issued in writing.

The cost of the cost of housing

The basic value of the average production cost of the square meter of living space is calculated by the Ministry of Construction and Housing and Public Utilities in accordance with the prices operating in a particular region. Calculation of the standard for the purposes of calculating state subsidies is performed twice a year. So, in the first half of this year, the price of 1 square meter was recorded, equal to 37208 rubles.

For individual cities of federal significance and individual regions, Minstroy calculates individual standards for the cost of 1M 2 living space.

First of all, this applies to Moscow and St. Petersburg, where the price of a square meter is respectively 90400 and 58112 rubles, as well as to the Moscow and Leningrad regions, the Crimean Republic, on Sakhalin.

Adjustment of the serviceman's driving coefficient

The magnitude of housing financing directly depends on how many calendar years gave a military wait for the service home. Resolution No. 76 of 03.02.2014 lists the dimensions of the correction coefficients that are used in the calculation of the subsidy:

Algorithm for calculating a housing subsidy

Veterans of military service, having a service exceeding 21 years, the annual increase in the coefficient by 0.075, subject to the continuation of its duties. The maximum value of the correction coefficient is 2.75.

The formula that lies at the basis of the mechanism of calculating the serviceman of the apartment subsidy, looks like this:

Sun \u003d PM * NSZH * KK, where:

  • Sun is the value of the subsidy;
  • PM is the size of the commissioned method, depending on the number of family members of the officer;
  • NSG - mounted by the mining cost of the value of the square meter;
  • QC - correction coefficient.

All values, with the exception of the average value of the square meter, are variables and are accepted in the calculation for each specific case.

An example of calculating one-time payment on housing

A soldier in the rank of Colonel, who holds the position of head of the military department at the university, has a serving of 17 years.

The number of family members living with him is 3 people. It consists of accounting and has the status of in need of housing since 2003.

When calculating subsidies, the following data should be made:

  • the size of the pattern according to the standard 4 * 18 square meters \u003d 72 square meters. meter. In addition, benefits applied to an increase in permissible housing on one of the grounds - the title or occupied position. The general method, taking into account the benefits, will be 72+ 15 \u003d 87 square meters. meters;
  • standing value for 2017 (first half of the year) \u003d 37 208 rubles;
  • the adjustment coefficient in 17 years of service will be 2.25.

The total amount of uniform housing subsidies will be:

Sun \u003d 87 * 37208 * 2.25 \u003d 7 283 466 rubles.

In situations where 2 or more family members are living in one family, applying for a housing subsidy, it is necessary to choose one, the most favorable option. Housing subsidies on individual family members are not subject to summation, the state will pay money only to one of the waits.

If a soldier died after reaching the maximum age of the service or died during her carrying, the family of the deceased (deceased) waits an increase in the corrective coefficient when calculating the amount of state aid.

Documents for the production of housing subsidies and the procedure for obtaining it

The design of the housing subsidy is made on the basis of the documents collected by the beneficiary:

  • personal identity cards of the session and all family members (passports, childbirth certificates);
  • a certificate of marriage or its termination;
  • a document confirming the actual status of the need to improve / acquire housing;
  • certificate of availability and the size of military experience;
  • extract from the housebook or the personal account of the tenant in the last five years;
  • certificate from EGRN about the lack of a registered real estate registered at the military
  • documents confirming the availability of benefits by calculus.

The listed papers necessarily apply an application for the payment of subsidies, in which their own signatures of all family members should be present. An indispensable attribute is a bank account agreement for the transfer of state appropriation.

The formed package of documents is transmitted to the territorial housing department of the Ministry of Defense, where the information provided for 20 days has been inspected. At the same time, the jilotdel sends a request to the Rosreestra authorities on confirmation of the beneficiary's right to receive financing.

Through the period established by law, the life of the housing support authority of the Ministry of Defense is obliged to make a decision on the provision of subventions for the acquisition of real estate. The maximum period allocated by the legislator to one-time preferential payment cannot exceed 30 calendar days. For refusal to transfer money, there is only one basis - if the soldier has lost the right to improve the area due to changes in its living conditions.

The law allows for the possibility of acquiring a serviceman-waiting apartment, which will exceed the established standard, taking into account all benefits. In this case, the surplus will be paid for by the servicemen themselves at the calculation of the average value of the square meter. When calculating an extra template, the design features of purchased housing are taken into account. The decision to provide funding in an increased amount is not mandatory and is made by command depending on specific circumstances.


State subsidization of the housing of representatives of military professions is not devoted. In particular, in separate regions, the price of 1 m 2 significantly exceeds the normatively calculated value.

However, with the introduction of the financing mechanism, gives a real opportunity to purchase an apartment for officers and their family members in almost any city of the country. And taking into account the possibility of simultaneous use of military subsidies, maternal capital and other preferential tools, one can claim to buy solid real estate.

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