
Fill out the payment order of the UFSSP. Payment procedure on the executive list, payment order. Insurance premiums: how to fill out a payment order

The executive system in Russia is built in such a way that all debt, which are charged by the actions of UFSSP employees, according to the latest orders, initially enter the service account. Reporting in this system must be coordinated with applicable law. CBK P. executive List Bailiffs in 2018 requires knowledge of all legal changes that occurred to this point.

What is a payment order by bailiffs

To fulfill court decisions in Russian Federation The management of bailiffs was created. His staff are obliged to perform the following tasks:

  • Find persons who have debts (for example, on loans).
  • In various ways to notify debtors about existing arrears and their repayment options.
  • Looking for legitimate opportunities to pay for debts.

These measures, of course, are becoming relevant if the citizen himself evades his duty to fulfill the court decision.

One of the ways to pay for debts are those cash issues that lists the employer of the defaulter from its official income from production activities. Bailiffs must in turn submit to the company's accounting department at which the debtor employs, all documents that can serve as a basis for the execution of court decisions. This includes an executive list. All necessary details must be specified in them. cash accruals. A sample of the payment order on the executive leaf can be viewed on the Internet.

Bailiffs are engaged in debt collection on the basis of payment order

In practice, there are several forms of such receipts:

  • To make payments covering tax debts.
  • For non-tax hold.

The purpose of the payment document is to justify the deductions that are made from the employee's income. These monetary amounts are primarily entering the account of the SSP. Subsequently, they are already translated to persons in front of the debt arose.

As the main functions of the payment document, the following can be distinguished:

  • They confirm the legitimate validity of produced deductions from the salary.
  • Help maintain order in accounting reporting.
  • Simplify the procedure for implementing financial statements.

Persons responsible for sending payment documents should always remember the need to scrupulously approach them. Errors B. this case May lead to the fact that money will be shipped to the wrong address. And this, in turn, will already lead to penalties on the part of the Federal Tax Service.

Questions related to the formation of payment documents considers Civil Code RF. According to the GK, they are in obligatory Must include:

  • Budget classification code (CBC).
  • Nuances for LLC.

Payment order fill rules

Persons who faced the need to make funds in favor of the baits should be aware that the procedure for filling out payments is different. It depends on the nature of the monetary deduction. This means that for taxes and for non-tax payments of the employee (for example, alimony or traffic police penalties) it does not coincide.

Depending on the types of payments, the document is filled in other rules

If the document is needed for not budgetary recovery, then any official rules for designing payments are not provided. He has no need to fill tax fields, Sliding the status of the payer, CBC, etc.

In such a task, you must indicate the following information:

  • The nature of payments (for example, alimony retention).
  • Details of the executive list for which the deductions charge.
  • Executive proceedings.
  • Facing information, payments are made in whose favor.

Additional information that should be paid to payment can always be clarified from Employees of UFSSP.

When transferring taxes, the payment document must include the following information:

  • Inn is the person who is a payer.
  • CPP citizen from which to hold.
  • The name of the payer is an organization that carries out the transfer of money charged with individual.
  • The status of the payer. In this case, it will be 19.
  • The code. If the payer has an identifier, then it should be made.
  • CBK. In such documents, they put 0.
  • The classification by OCTMO leads the one that refers to the location of the branch of bailiffs, whose account pays.
  • The unique number of the document, which can act as an individual identifier (for example, the number of the general passport, SNILS, etc.).

Translate money into account payments can be various available ways.

To see how the payment orders are filled by the bailiffs in 2018, and download the corresponding form, you can on all sorts of legal sites on the Internet.

Payment methods

At the moment there are several options for repayment of debt and translation money On account of the SSP:

  • From a mobile phone account.
  • Taking advantage of the electronic payment of robokass. In this case, it should be borne in mind that a simultaneous payment may not exceed the amount of 15 thousand rubles and the commission is charged in the amount of 3% plus an additional 20 rubles.
  • Through Kiwi - Wallet. Payment also may not exceed 15 thousand rubles.
  • With the help of the webman's e-wallet. Everyone who has the opportunity to take advantage of this resource can translate any amount without restrictions.

The sample of the CBC (for 2018) to list the bailiffs on the actuator is as follows:

Filling out a payment order is a task requiring at least attention. It is necessary to observe the order of making all the numbers. Even who faces this system needs to be posted by filling the CBC and other information for the contribution of the executive bidding of bailiffs in 2018.

The video will be told about the executive work:

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In the case of an actuator and need to hold part wages Employees, by the court decision, it is necessary to form a payment order. This article will allow you to prevent errors when filling out a payment order by bailiffs.

In what cases is the payment order?

The payment order is an established form of a document that regulates the indication of the account holder to produce non-cash transfer in favor of the recipient of funds. An indication is sent to the bank in which the payer's account is served. Money transfer is carried out from a deposit account. If the score for any reason is missing required money amountBut in the contract between the bank and the payer provided overdraft, the translation will be implemented. This document must be drawn up and transferred to the bank to execution in electronic or paper form.

Payment orders can operate individuals without opening a bank account. At the same time, the order to the Bank from an individual can be drawn up in the form of a statement in which it is necessary to specify the following information:

  • payer details;
  • details of the recipient of funds;
  • details of the payer and recipient banks;
  • cash amount;
  • purpose or purpose of payment;
  • other information set by the bank.

Based on the order, the Bank's employee forms a payment order.

When drawing up an order to the bank in in electronic format It is very important to correctly indicate the payer, the recipient of the translation, the amount, the purpose of the payment.

Filling a payment order

The filling and form of payment order is regulated by the Regulation of the Bank of Russia of June 19, 2012 No. 383-P "On the rules for the transfer of money."

Payment order by bailiffs: how to fill?

The payment order by the bailiffs is filled in the following cases:

  • tax deductions;
  • nanalogue retention (alimony, recovery by court decision, etc.).

In the event that a payment order is formed with respect to non-tax retention, a number of rules should be taken into account:

  • not indicated by the CBC;
  • fields needed for tax payments are not filled;
  • payment information is indicated in the field "Purpose of payment": the executive list data, the data of an alimony case, the period for which is paid).

In the event of a payment order formation, the bailiffs regarding tax retention takes into account the following rules:

Field of payment order Filling
60 (Inn Payer)The Inn of the individual in respect of which a payment order is formed.

In the event that an individual inn is missing - the value "0" is indicated.

102 (PPC)0
8 (payer name)The brief name of the organization that produces the transfer of tax on the executive leaf for the employee.
101 (payer status)19
22 (code)In the event that the Win is known (a unique charge identifier) \u200b\u200b- it must be specified. Win consists of 20 or 25 characters.

In the event that the Uin is absent - the value "0" is indicated.

104 (CBK)The CBC in this case is not provided - it is indicated by the value "0".
OKTMOOCTMO is indicated by the location of the specific service of the judicial principles
108 (document number)Indicate information identifying an individual:
  • passport details (Series, number);
  • Reduss;
  • driving license data;
  • data Certificate of Registration vehicle (serial number);
  • seafarer identity data;
  • military ticket data, etc.

The identification data indicates the document code:

01 - passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;

03 - Savory passport;

04 - a document confirming the identity of the serviceman;

05 - military ticket;

06 - Temporary Certificate of Citizenship of the Russian Federation;

07 - Reference certificate;

08 - Document certifying the identity of a foreign citizen;

09 - residence permit;

10 - temporary residence of stateless persons;

11 - refugee certificate;

12 - migration card;

13 - Passport of the USSR citizen;

14 - reduss;

22 - driver's license;

24 - passport of vehicle registration.

In the event that the Inn data is made - it is possible to specify the value "0".

106 (Foundation of the document)0
107 (tax period)0
109 (document date)0

An example of filling payment orders by bailiffs

In ABV LLC entered the executive list of 10.10.208. No. 9876/54321 against Myshkin M.M. The subject of the executive list served as the debit of land tax debt.

Payment order by bailiffs will be filled in the following parameters:

Field of payment order Filling
60 (Inn Payer)Inn Myshkin M.M.
102 (PPC)0
8 (payer name)ABB LLC
101 (payer status)19
22 (code)0
104 (CBK)0
108 (document number)01; 12 34 567890
106 (Foundation of the document)0
107 (tax period)0
109 (document date)0
RecipientControl Federal Service bailiffs in Alapaevsk
Priority payment4
Purpose of payment

The payment order is as follows:

Degree to bank boards. Writing off with sch. boards.
Payment order number 45 20.10.2020
datePayment type
in words
One thousand one hundred forty rubles 10 kopecks
Inn 123456789.CAT 0.Sum1140-10
Sch. No.40702810094000009876
PJSC "Ubrir" Bik044030002
Sch. No.
Payer Bank
North-West Bank of Russia Saint Petersburg Bik044030001
Sch. No.
payee's bank
TIN 7820027250.PPC 782001001Sch. No.40101810200000010001
UFK in St. Petersburg
View of op.01 Board boards.
Named. Overel.4
RecipientThe codeMore
0 40307000 0 0 01;123456789 0
Land tax on the executive list of 10.10.2020 No. 9876/54321
Purpose of payment
Signatures Bank marks

Questions and answers

  1. Our employee went to work, after a week they received an executive list for alimony. The problem is that this person has no Inn. What to do with a payment order?

Answer: In fact, there is no problem in this. In the absence of an individual, the Inn in field 60 indicates the value "0". All the necessary information is specified in the "Purpose of Payment" field, where information on the executive list and the purpose of payment will be indicated (alimony).

  1. Does it be necessary to indicate the short name of our organization in the formation of a payment order by the bailiffs?

Answer: The brief name of the organization is necessarily instructed, because It is your organization that acts as a payer for a payment order.

Based on this payment request from bailiffs, the accounting service at the place of work of the debtor must fulfill the retention of funds from the debtor's wages in favor of the bailiff service. It is important to note that the failure to fulfill the prescription of the bailiff service may entail not only administrative, but also criminal liability. Formats of payment order by bailiffs Payment order The bailiffs service is a special document containing detailed information By appointing payment. This payment order has the strength of the Executive Judicial Sheet.

Payment order bailiffs - sample 2017-2018

FSSP? How to fill out the executive production payment and where to download its sample? What will happen to the failure of the lawsuit? In what cases is the payment in FSSP? The payment on the actuator in the FSSP is most often formed by an economic entity due to the fact that:

  1. He, being an employer, received an executive list from the bailiff service to hold from the salary of a worker of certain debts, for example:
  • by alimony;
  • loans;
  • taxes.
  1. He himself is a debtor and he is charged with one or another payment, for example:
  • for taxes related to entrepreneurial activities;
  • accounts payable;
  • salary.

In this case, regardless of who is the debtor, the debt is distributed by the order.

Payment on the executive list Payment order

All nuances are reflected in the position of the Bank of Russia No. 383-P dated 19.06.12. An important factor It is the purpose of payment. If the enumeration of the appropriate type will be performed in the miniph, then its prescriptions should also be taken into account.

Basic regulatory document It is the order of the Ministry of Finance No. 107n dated 12.11.13. The most essential nuance, which should be remembered in the first place - no passage of individual fields is not allowed.
All of them must be completed. Otherwise, the Bank simply will not accept a similar document for the execution of payment on it. If there is a field that for some reason is unnecessary or there is no data to fill it - simply affixed digit 0.

Payment order Bailiffs: Sample

At the same time, if the beneficiary will suffer from the actions of the employer, he will receive the right to recover compensation for the illegal retention of funds (Art. 395 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation). *** Payment for payment on the executive list The bailiffs may be drawn up in connection with the need for the company's debt or debt deduction with the employee's salary. In the payment, it is important to correctly indicate the details of the debt recipient bank, the basis of payment and its sequence, determined in accordance with Art.
855 Civil Code of the Russian Federation. For the failure to pay payments on the executive list on the enterprise can be imposed of fines.

CBK on the executive leaf of bailiffs 2017

For clarity, consider filling the payments to FSSP to solid example. Suppose, LLC "X" on the basis of an executive list of 01/18/2018 No. 1234/56789 holds the amount of its employee to repay its debt on transport tax.


Payment order The Organization will fill in as follows: Points the Inn of the worker, in the PPC, it will give 0, the payer will indicate itself; As the status of the payer will indicate 19; The physician identifier will be a passport, so in the field 108 the organization will give code 01 and through a point with a comma series and the employee's passport number; The payment of the payment will be the Office of the Federal Bailiff Service for Moscow; instead of Win will supply 0; Priority of payment 4th; OCTMO - the one that is installed at the location of the management of FSSP; In the fields 104, 106, 107 and 109 will stand 0.

How the payment by the bailiff is formed in 2018


To the main issues, to explore which must be in advance, are as follows:

  • what it is?
  • document assignment;
  • normative base.

What it is? Today, under payment, the attacks are meant a special document that contains detailed information on the purpose of the payment of the type under consideration. In this case, there are several different formats of such documentation.

All papers of a similar type can be divided into the following categories: to hold arrears on ordinary taxes - for hold on all kinds of non-tax payments, loans, alimony and otherwise in case extrabudgetary recovery are carried out - special rules When drawing up payments, it is not necessary. That is why in this case you can use the format of a standard payment order.
Home → Accounting Consultations → Payment Order Update: April 6, 2017. Most often, bailiffs are sent in the organization a payment order.
The payment order for the executive collection is a document that regulates the repayment of debt debt. For example, to keep funds from the employee's salary to repay alimony debts or communal services. Payment on the executive list: payment order The main function of the bailiff service is the recovery of funds from the debtors. The recovery mechanism is different, but the simplest and used - the direction of a special payment order at the place of work of the debtor.

Plaside on the executive list in the FSSP sample

Go back to the executive list 2018 with the fact that the procedure for filling out bills to attachments will be different for tax deductions and on non-tax payments of the employee (for example, by alimony, judicial recovery). With regard to the non-budget recovers of special rules, as well as official instructions on the procedure for issuing payments.


Therefore, we believe that an ordinary payment order is issued on them, without filling out the "tax" fields, including the status of the payer, CBC, and others. At the same time, all identifying payment information is provided in the "Purpose of Payment" field.

Thus, it indicates the type of deduction (for example, alimony for such a period), the details of the executive list, an alimony case, one can bring information about the recipient withheld from the employee of the amount. The specific composition of information can be clarified by attachments.

In this case, it should be remembered that in the case of the formation of such a document, there is no need to specify the CBC. Field No. 104, which is used to designate this information, should remain empty. Nuances for Ltd. The format of the type of payment order is fully standard. That is why any difficulties usually do not occur when you first get acquainted with legislative acts. In this case, depending on the organizational or legal form is also absent. An example of filling as it is desirable to familiarize yourself with the example of the preparation of this order in advance. All similar documents are standard. The exception is only the need for deductions from employee wages. In this case, the rules are used that are regulated for relevant contributions to the budget.
Despite the fact that the "Appointment of payment" field of the payment order is formed in a sufficiently free format, the required list of data for it must be clarified by bailiffs, because Incorrect indication of information in this field may cause an incorrect transfer of funds. Placement Pierces: Sample This document is used for:

  • confirmation of the legality of established write-offs from the salary of an officially employed employee;
  • ordering accounting;
  • simplify reporting process.

Sample payment order for the executive list The main purpose of the payment order for the executive list. Confirmation of the validity of deductions from wages of a cash resource for repayment of debt. Write off funds occurs in favor of bailiffs.
There are several different sample formats of the payment order by the bailiffs:

  • to hold the amount of tax arrears;
  • to hold the amount of debt on non-tax payments (for example, alimony, loans, etc.).

Sample payments by bailiffs: non-tax payments during extrabudgetary recovers of special rules for compiling payment no: as a sample can be used by the format of a model payment order. It does not reflect codes budget classifications, Payer Status and Tax Fields. All required information will be indicated in the "Purpose of Payment" field. Enumeration by execution sheet: Purpose of payment for non-budget recovery The main information about the payment is contained in the details "Purpose of payment".

Today, the main purpose of the bailiff service is the recovery of funds from the debtors. And this procedure is carried out in various ways.

The easiest and fastest - sending a special payment order at the place of work of a specific defendant. On the basis of bailiff payments, the accounting service is obliged to make the transfer in favor of the relevant person.

It is important to remember that non-fulfillment of such requirements faces not only administrative, but also criminal liability. Therefore, it is necessary to familiarize yourself in advance with all the nuances, in any way associated with this kind of documents.


Property participants I. tax relations Sometimes you have to go to court to solve controversial issues, to resolve the contradictions that have arisen, urge the rules of rules to be responsible and the proper fulfillment of their obligations.

For the loser side, such affairs and processes may have serious financial consequences.

A typical situation - the court makes a motivated decision that obliges the defendant to implement certain payments in favor of the plaintiff.

Such a judicial verdict is often the basis for the opening of the courts of enforcement proceedings on the recovery of relevant debt from the obligated person.

To produce the necessary payments on the executive list of the Federal Bailiff Service (FSSP), the payer must form an order serving bank On the listing of the desired amount of funds for the provided details.

It should be found out how such a disposal is made.

When is the payment in FSSP?

To ensure the recovery of certain payments appointed by the court, the bailiffs send the payer - the obligated person - the corresponding order, which contains the proper requirement, indicate the necessary details.

In fact, this prescription is an executive list, which gives it a necessary legal force.

Document demanding the repayment of obligations judicial decision can send a payer either at its place labor employment (In this case, the debt will be officially held from the payer's earnings), or at the address of its actual accommodation (if the obligated person is not employed).

In the practice of the work of bailiffs, it is customary to share the executive sheets of the following types:

If, for example, the money appointed by the court to pay, is held under the executive leaf of the salary of the obligated person (payer), the employer organization accountant is and sends to the servicing bank a special payment by the bailiffs.

As a rule, an authorized FSSP officer who oversees (leads) concrete executive production, officially provides an employer organization a sample of such an assignment that already contains all the necessary details.

In this way, financial institution Performs designated payment transactions according to these regulations, lifting money directly to the FSSP authorities.

The bailiffs take the appropriate payment, register it in the prescribed manner, and then redirect it to the actual (target) recipient, which is the beneficiary of enforcement proceedings.

Funds this payment can be directed budget structure, business entity, other organization or a specific physical person.

How to fill in the enumeration of the actuator?

Holding directly addressed to the bailiffs is listed on the executive list on the basis of the relevant payment orders, the design of which should always be carried out properly.

For FSSP, however, it is not provided for a special form of payments approved by any regulations.

Consequently, the payment order by the bailiff is compiled according to a typical pattern, commonly used for any bank transfer.

When filling out such payment, it is important to take into account some differences between instructions for tax recovers and orders for non-tax hold.

Non-tax debts

If the payment directly addressed to the FSSP authorities is compiled for recovery tax debtIt does not provide for the fill in the so-called tax fields.

In other words, it does not indicate the CBC, as well as other information relating to the tax specificity.

All key data characterizing cashless payment The recovery of non-tax debt is reflected in the field.

Here are indicated necessary information executive sheet, paid period and other identifying information.

Tax debts

If the payment order by the bailiff is issued in order to recover tax debts, it should be compiled by the rules provided for for transfer to the budget.

So, when filling out the payments, the following mandatory details must be indicated:

  • If the amount of tax debt is held from the salary of the debtor employee, the field 101 (user status) in the payment order is assigned to the value of 19.
  • In the field 60, where the Inn Payer is indicated, the Inn citizen (employee) is prescribed, in respect of which enforcement proceedings. If this physician does not have INN, the value of 0 is affixed.
  • In the field 102, where the payer's gearbox is indicated, the value of 0 is reflected, since funds are listed for a hired employee.
  • The short name of the business entity (employer), holding and listed on the actuator, is prescribed in the field 8 of the payment order, where the name of the payer is reflected.
  • Field 22 is intended for instructions ( unique identifier accrual). If this code is absent in the rusting of the bailiff, is affixed 0.
  • In the field 105, it is necessary to register the code that determines the dislocation location of the territorial body of the FSSP, which makes the recovery of debt on a court decision.
  • In the field 108, the document number is properly reflected, unambiguously certifying the identity of the payer (debtor employee). Before identifying information in the line, the identification code of the relevant document is prescribed (for example, a civilian passport - 01, military ID - 05).
  • In the field (104) - value 0.
  • In the dates of the document (109), tax period (107) And the base of the document (106) is affixed with the value of 0.

Download Sample

Sample payment order when transferring the bailiffs on the executive sheet of tax debts -

Sample payments in FSSP for non-tax debts -

Useful video

How to fill out a payment order for payment by bailiffs, detailed in this video:


The payment, through which the recovery of tax / non-tax debts by bailiffs is drawn up on the typical form of an order to transfer money from a bank account.

However, when it is completed, it should always be guided by certain rules. Details, be sure to reflect in such a payment order, it is recommended to specify in advance in the FSSP bodies.

This will avoid problems with the correct formation and timely execution of the payment document.

Today in accordance with legislative standards recovery of debt of different types Special bodies are engaged - bailiffs. These bodies can compile special documents of a specific type. They can perform a variety of functions. At the same time, most often in all sorts of organizations, the institution comes exactly by the payment. It is a document that prescribes the repayment of debt on any debts. For example, deductions from the employee's salary due to the need to repay the debt on alimony or other payments.

  • Important aspects
  • Sample fill in the form of payment order by bailiffs in 2018

There are many nuances of all kinds of types associated with this document. The payment of the bailiff has the strength of the executive judicial list.

Payment order bailiffs - sample 2017-2018

All the nuances are reflected in the position of the Bank of Russia No. 383-P dated 19.06.12. An important factor is the appointment of payment. If the enumeration of the appropriate type will be performed in the miniph, then its prescriptions should also be taken into account. The fundamental regulatory document is the order of the Ministry of Finance No. 107N of 12.11.13.
The most essential nuance, which should be remembered in the first place - is not allowed to pass individual fields. All of them must be completed. Otherwise, the Bank simply will not accept a similar document for the execution of payment on it. If there is a field that for some reason is unnecessary or there is no data to fill it - simply affixed digit 0.

Changes in payment from March 2018 by transferring the bailiffs

For clarity, consider filling out the payment by FSSP on the conditional example. Suppose, LLC "Iks" on the basis of an executive list of 01/18/2018 No. 1234/56789 holds the amount of its employee to repay its transport tax debt. Payment order The Organization will fill in as follows: Points the Inn of the worker, in the PPC, it will give 0, the payer will indicate itself; As the status of the payer will indicate 19; The physician identifier will be a passport, so in the field 108 the organization will give code 01 and through a point with a comma series and the employee's passport number; The recipient of the payment will be the Office of the Federal Bailiff Service for

Moscow; instead of Win will supply 0; Priority of payment 4th; OCTMO - the one that is installed at the location of the management of FSSP; In the fields 104, 106, 107 and 109 will stand 0.



To the main issues, to explore which must be in advance, are as follows:

  • what it is?
  • document assignment;
  • normative base.

What it is? Today, under payment, the attacks are meant a special document that contains detailed information on the purpose of the payment of the type under consideration. In this case, there are several different formats of such documentation. All papers of a similar type can be divided into the following categories: to hold arrears on ordinary taxes - for hold on all kinds of non-tax payments loans, alimony and otherwise, if extrabudgetary recovery is carried out - there is no need for the compilation of payments.

That is why in this case you can use the format of a standard payment order.

Online magazine for accountant

Go back to the executive list 2018 with the fact that the procedure for filling out the bills to attachments will be different for tax deductions and on non-tax payments of the employee (for example, by alimony, judicial recovery). With regard to the non-budget recovers of special rules, as well as official instructions on the procedure for issuing payments. Therefore, we believe that there is an ordinary payment order for them, without filling out "tax" fields, in t.

h. The status of the payer, CBC, and others. At the same time, all identifying payment information is provided in the field "Purpose of payment". Thus, it indicates the type of deduction (for example, alimony for such a period), the details of the executive list, an alimony case, one can bring information about the recipient withheld from the employee of the amount. The specific composition of information can be clarified by attachments.

How the payment by the bailiff is formed in 2018

So it will be possible to minimize the probability of an error assumption during the preparation of documentation, the subsequent transfer of money. The process of forming the type of document under consideration has a large number of various features. With all of them, if possible, it is worth understanding in advance.


This will avoid a variety of difficulties. If for some reason there is simply no appropriate experience on the preparation of such documents, then it will be necessary to carefully read the sample. This will avoid a large number of many different difficulties. To the main questions, consider which will need to be in advance, should include:

  • step-by-step guide;
  • indication of the CBK;
  • nuances for LLC;
  • example of filling.

Step-by-step management The process of completing the payment order must be carried out in a certain order.

Payment order Bailiffs: Sample

In this case, it should be remembered that in the case of the formation of such a document, there is no need to specify the CBC. Field No. 104, which is used to designate this information, should remain empty. Nuances for Ltd. The format of the type of payment order is fully standard.

That is why any difficulties usually do not occur with first familiarization with legislative acts. In this case, depending on the organizational or legal form is also absent. An example of filling as it is desirable to familiarize yourself with the example of the preparation of this order in advance.

All similar documents are standard. The exception is only the need for deductions from employee wages. In this case, the rules are used that are regulated for relevant contributions to the budget.
OCTMO leads to the location of the bailiffs. Document number (field 108). How to fill out a payment order for transferring a bailiff in accordance with tax and customs legislation. Order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated November 24, 2004 No. 106n "On approval of the rules for specifying information in the fields of settlement documents on the transfer of taxes, fees and other payments in budget System Russian Federation "Alimony in issues and - answers Tax Service Changed its position regarding the filling of the field 101 "Payer Status" in the payment of insurance premiums. Now the legal entities are recommended to use the status "01", and IP - "09". Bailiffs are needed in order to control the implementation of decisions taken in judicial order, in the course of legal trial.

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But be attentive: the order of payment of the "Children's" hospital remained the same!< … Онлайн-ККТ: кому можно не торопиться с покупкой кассы Отдельные представители бизнеса могут не применять онлайн-ККТ до 01.07.2019 года. Правда, для применения этой отсрочки есть ряд условий (режим налогообложения, вид деятельности, наличие/отсутствие работников).
So who is entitled to work without the cashier until the middle of next year?< …
Account number Field No. 10 Panel Bank FIELD №11 It is necessary to specify a bank identification code FIELD №12 Bank account number. Field №13 is prescribed by a carrier field No. 14 bank identification code No. 15 indicates the bank account number, which is the recipient of this payment field No. 16 Recipient Field number 17 Person account number, which is a recipient of funds Field No. 18 View of the operation of the operation Field No. 20 Code Purpose of payment Field №21 Priority of payment Field №22 Value of props Field №23 Backup field №24 Purpose of payment Field No. 60 Inn Other fields are required to fill depending on the various kinds of additional factors, the indication of the CBC is one of the fields of almost all without the exclusion of payment orders is the code of the budget classification.
Moreover, they control not only the implementation of the decisions taken by the court in the material plan. On their shoulders there are also penalty amounts. That is, they perform such actions:

  • Find a face that owe to the state budget
  • Notify it about the debts and the consequences of their non-payment
  • Find legal ways Recovery S. of this person amounts of his debt

How to make a fine of one of these, is the obligation of the debtor's employer, to transfer the amount of the amount of step in the state budget by finding it from the wage that the owl of the employee is accrued. At the same time, naturally, all calculations must have the rationale and confirm their legality documented. Bailiffs obliging the employer to recover from the state budget will provide him required documents For validity of the procedure in accounting.

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