
Can they not be released abroad due to unpaid tax. They will be allowed abroad only if there are no tax or other debts. Conditions for imposing bans

Half a million Russians were unable to travel abroad in 2014. And these are only those who owe the banks. Taxes, alimony, fines - all this can add up to a tidy sum, which some find out only when tickets to warm countries have already been bought. We will tell you how to protect yourself from such troubles.

The court will come

To experience deep disappointment, being detained by officers of the Border Guard Service of the FSB of Russia right at the airport, it is not enough just to owe someone. It is necessary not to fulfill the obligations imposed by the court. Translated into human language, this means that a trial should take place, to which you will certainly be invited.

The defaulter will receive a notification from which he will be able to find out about the reason for the ban, the timing and the organization that is responsible for limiting his right to leave. For fidelity, this citizen may have a foreign passport withdrawn or a ban may be adopted on issuing this document to him if it has not yet been received.

A prerequisite for detention is the presence of a judicial act, which was sent by the court to border control.

In debt as in silks

Imagine: you have committed administrative offense and were fined by a police officer. The fine must be paid within the next thirty days. If you pay, but do not send confirmation of the repaid debt to the traffic police, the materials are sent to the bailiff. So your honest name will spin in a bureaucratic funnel, which over time will collect everything, even the most seemingly small debts, into one heap.

Fines must be paid within 30 days. How long should elapse from the moment of delay until the citizen receives a judicial act is a philosophical question.

But it's too early to despair. More recently, in parts 1 and 4 of Article 67 of Law No. 229-FZ "On Enforcement Proceedings", amendments were made and a specific amount of debt was indicated, at which a citizen can be stopped at the border. It amounted to 10,000 rubles. If you managed to accumulate several judicial acts, and their total amount still does not exceed ten thousand, no prohibitions on departure from the country will follow. Nevertheless, it is better not to take risks and not neglect seemingly penny debts.

If you have several or one judicial act in the amount of more than 10,000 rubles, a ban is imposed on leaving the country.

There will be no surprises

Of course, the chances that you will find yourself on the "black list" and know about it only by the time of departure are incredibly small. In reality, such cases occur when a court decision is made in absentia. For example, a person left for another city, did not pay utility bills, housing and communal services filed a lawsuit, which ended in an absentee decision to prohibit leaving and falling into the ranks of notorious defaulters.

The traffic police, tax, customs, police, veterinary service, labor inspectorate and other structures can initiate prohibition measures. On the basis of their decisions, you may find yourself among defaulters. This means that at least you will receive letters on debt repayment, subpoenas, all sorts of notifications and, finally, a bailiff's order. That's why the best solution will quickly notify government agencies about where you are in fact.

At a minimum, you will receive letters on debt repayment, subpoenas, all sorts of notifications and, finally, a bailiff's order.

Check in advance

To avoid unpleasant moments, inquire in advance if you have unpaid fines, alimony, loans, etc. Fortunately, most debtors find out about their debts not at the airport passport control with a suitcase in hand. and on the websites of the State Service or the Federal Tax Service of Russia using the "Find out your debt" service. You only need to fill out the form (indicate your last name, first name, patronymic and TIN). This service has the ability to print receipts for paying debts.

In addition, you can find out about the debts on the official website of the Federal Bailiff Service of Russia in the section "Data bank of enforcement proceedings". The address of the FSSP service is also indicated there, at which, if something happens, you can contact. In this regard, the Unified Portal of Public Services is also useful. An application for the mobile systems Android, iPhone and Windows Phone for the databank has been developed, allowing everyone to be aware of their history of debts.

Time is running out

Having learned about the debt, pay it as soon as possible in one of the bank branches through electronic terminal- inform. Today, with the help of informants, you can pay traffic fines, taxes and housing services of many management companies. Next, you need to send to the bailiff-executor payment document proving payment. Do not forget that even after the prompt payment of the debt, the travel ban can remain effective for a long time - up to several weeks.

To release or not to release - this decision is made by the border guards solely on the basis of their database, which is updated once a week.

In emergency cases, there is a different approach to the problem of the ban on departure - you can ask the plaintiff to withdraw the application, and then the process will be terminated. Such measures are used, for example, when there is an urgent need to perform an operation abroad. To resolve this issue, the debtor, together with the plaintiff, as a rule, apply to the local department for the execution of judicial acts. Therefore, the agreement reached between the parties is a big plus.

Photo: thinkstockphotos.com, flickr.com

As a rule, a long-awaited vacation is so rare that it begins to turn into a pipe dream. And when there is a chance to go to warmer lands, all plans collapse with the following verdict: "Departure is closed." Most often, this situation occurs due to their own inattention, when a person simply forgets to pay the apartment bill or tax. Therefore, it is important for every traveler to know what debts are not allowed abroad.

Who turns out to be "restricted to travel abroad"?

If a citizen has a fear that there is a ban on traveling abroad, it is necessary to check this as soon as possible. Otherwise, you will have to find out that the trip is canceled at the airport. In this case, it will be almost impossible to change the situation. In addition to controlling the payment of your own debts, you need to make sure that the person does not belong to one of the following categories:

  1. The state has the right to call for military service or has military obligations in connection with the concluded contract. The only exceptions are persons who have official permission from the military command to travel to another state.
  2. Civil servants with a high level of secrecy or are in the service of the authorities national security country.
  3. Persons under investigation or have the status of a suspect in a crime.
  4. Citizens in arrears bank loans, alimony or unpaid fines for traffic violation.

The most popular reason for the ban

As a rule, it is the last item from the above list that turns out to be relevant for consideration, since almost every person has taken out a loan at least once or had fines for traffic violations. To exclude the ban on traveling abroad, to check if there are outstanding debts, which ones and how much you need to pay in amount, you can use special online services.

How is the ban established?

In reality, the mere fact of overdue debt cannot prevent a citizen from traveling abroad. However, any debt serves as a weighty reason for the issuance of an appropriate court decision on this issue. The process of imposing travel restrictions for debtors usually takes several months. While the whole thing "hangs in the air", everyone can safely leave the limits Russian Federation.

When judgment to collect a certain amount from the debtor for certain obligations was issued, he has only five days to voluntarily pay off the debt for an apartment or on a loan. Otherwise, further enforcement measures are applied. It is important to know that it will become impossible to travel abroad from the moment the debtor's property is seized. In addition, the decision to ban travel abroad is exclusively the prerogative of the bailiff. No one else can establish it: neither the creditor bank, nor the housing and communal services, nor the police officers. To protect your rights, it is important to know which debts are not allowed abroad. The list of citizens restricted to travel includes those people whose rent or loan arrears exceed 10,000 rubles, there is a formed writ of execution, which is still valid, or enforcement proceedings have been initiated.

How to check debts?

There are several ways to check your unexecuted debentures... First of all, this can be done through the official resource of bailiffs:

  1. On home page site, you must select the appropriate region of residence.
  2. Fill out the proposed application form indicating your personal data.
  3. Pass the verification by entering the verification code, which confirms that the system is dealing with a person and not a bot.

As soon as the application is sent, the site will provide all the necessary information, including whether the person has any debts. In addition to the very fact of the existing debt, you can even find out which employee is engaged in this case, his contacts and data on the executive case.

The second way to find out the information of interest is to go through Personal Area to the website of government services. If your bank card has cash, then the existing debt can be paid online through official resources. This will greatly facilitate the entire process of fulfilling debt obligations and save a lot of time. However, the information that the debt has been closed is updated only within ten business days, since the organization to which the money is transferred will see them no earlier than five business days.

Overdue fines for traffic violations

A person can lose vacation due to a variety of unfulfilled obligations. Therefore, it is important to know with which debts they are not allowed to go abroad. These also include the "letters of happiness" that sloppy drivers often receive. However, it is worth knowing that an unpaid fine only becomes a debt after the 70-day payment deadline has passed. Until that moment, every driver can leave the country without any obstacle and not worry that he may not be released.

Therefore, the presence of unpaid fines is not always the basis for a ban on leaving. The question of whether to pay immediately or not is up to individual consideration and the possibilities of each citizen. While the payment term is still valid, not a single traffic police officer will submit the documents to the court, since there are no grounds.

Payment of taxes

Quite often, citizens worry about whether they will be able to travel abroad if they have tax debts natural person or their other types. To get all the necessary information, it is necessary to enter identification data on the official resource of the Federal Tax Service.

In a short period of time, the system will immediately open a list of debts with a breakdown of what exactly the taxpayer must pay for. In addition, the site has the option of instant payment, which significantly speeds up the process of solving the problem. Since it will take a certain amount of time to update the information, it is recommended to take care of the payment as early as possible so that there is no misunderstanding at the border. If the arrival is already approaching, and the information has not been updated, you can print the paid receipts, which will serve as direct evidence of the fulfillment of all obligations.

Other types of debts

In addition to taxes and traffic fines, there are a number of other types of debts that can become a significant reason for the application of the ban on traveling abroad. For example, many people going on vacation are interested in: if rent arrears will be released abroad?

Debt for housing and communal services, non-payment of alimony in the amount that was set in judicial procedure, state fees, non-payment of credit obligations - all this may be the reason for the ban on departure.

As a rule, all information can be found on the "Gosuslugi" portal. However, you need to do this not at the last moment, but at least a month before the planned trip. It is also worth noting that in the light of recent events, many are interested in the question: if there is a debt for overhaul, will they be released abroad. To date, there have been no cases in practice when the debt for this service really hindered the movement of debtors, since most often the recipient is a non-governmental organization.

A conscientious traveler will find out in advance what debts are not allowed abroad, and will fulfill all his obligations. So that later there are no problems with the customs authorities, people who go on vacation can be given a few tips. In order to competently deal with this issue and protect yourself from the occurrence of unpleasant situations and further misunderstandings, you need to do the following:

  1. It is better to pay for the receipt in the organization where it was issued, since in any case it will have to be shown to the bailiffs.
  2. V mandatory you need to check whether the organization saw the funds sent and whether the payment was credited to the repayment account.
  3. After a few days, it is recommended to contact the Federal Migration Service and clarify whether the ban was lifted and whether you need to take any additional documents with you so that there are no questions at the control.


For the majority of Russians, it has become common and necessary to spend time on vacations outside the country. But it is not always worthwhile to purchase a voucher, apply for a visa, if necessary, and pack your things in order to implement your plan. In some cases, leaving the territory of the Russian Federation may be closed, for example, when a fine or taxes have not been paid.

Is it possible to leave the country with existing debt

Unfortunately, debt payments are not uncommon today. This is due to the fact that many Russians prefer to take out a loan to implement their plans, rather than collect the required amount over several years. Many are convinced that debt to banks or others financial institutions leads to a certain veto, in particular, restricting travel to any country. This statement is partially wrong.

According to the current legislation of the Russian Federation, in case of non-payment by the debtor of the court order without good reason and non-payment of arrears, such a measure as travel restriction may be applied to him. The information will be forwarded to the border service. Six months - this is exactly the validity period of the document, in case of non-payment within the specified period, the measure is extended for the same period.

What should be the amount of debt to limit travel

From October 1, 2017, Russian legislation established the amount of debt limiting the departure of citizens from the country - 30,000 rubles. For debtors who in the executive document contain requirements for the recovery of alimony, compensation for harm in connection with the death of a breadwinner, compensation for harm caused to health, property damage and (or) moral harm caused by a crime, travel abroad is prohibited if the amount owed exceeds 10 000 rubles.

Such a measure is provided only if the debt is confirmed in court. The legislative documents stipulate that not only the bailiff, but also the claimant can restrict the exit.

It is also important that the above amount can be summed up for several court decisions. Moreover, it does not matter the resulting debt on credit obligations or unpaid fines from the traffic police.

In the event that the debt does not exceed the previously specified limit, no one is able to restrict travel to another country.

Read about who can impose restrictions and how to remove it.

Duration of restrictions

The ban on traveling abroad with debts has the right to impose only the courts. And they can do this only for a period specified by law, as a rule, it is six months. To reintroduce this measure, you must go through the procedure again.

Traveling abroad with an outstanding loan and mortgage

If there are no grounds, then neither the migration department nor the border service will interfere with the departure.

The grounds that restrict travel outside the territory of Russia are spelled out in FZ-229 "On Enforcement Proceedings". But, only the court has the right to impose a ban. The competence of the bailiffs includes the implementation of the decision of the aforementioned legislative body, the direction of the decree prohibiting travel to the relevant authorities.

Types of debt obligations that prevent you from leaving

In order for the court to issue a ruling prohibiting departure, the amount owed must be confirmed. If a citizen admitted a loan debt, and the bank employee did not go to court with a claim, then this fact is not an obstacle to leaving.

In case of non-payment, citizens with debts can restrict travel to citizens:

  • Tax liabilities;
  • Alimony;
  • Delinquencies under loan agreements;
  • Housing and communal services and utility bills;
  • Debt to individuals confirmed in court;
  • Administrative fines.

For example, traffic police officers send materials to court only if the debtor has not paid the fine within two months. The same actions are taken by police officers if the offender does not make payment on time and neglects penalties.

Any debt, confirmed in court, may lead to restrictions on travel outside the Russian Federation.

How to check for debt obligations

As a rule, a citizen himself knows about late payments for housing and communal services and under loan agreements, about unpaid fines and alimony. He is also aware of the consequences of his inaction in these situations: the court's decision comes by mail, the bailiff also sends a summons. But it often happens that the presence of debt is a complete surprise. For example, a person does not live at the place of registration, but a letter about payment of a fine from the traffic police comes exactly to this address. Consequently, it does not reach the violator. There may be cases when the ex-spouse files for alimony without notifying the father of the child. There are many options.

In order not to get into a similar situation when leaving the state, it is necessary in advance. This is not at all difficult to do.

Of course, this information is available to the border services and bailiffs. It is worth remembering that the FSSP is interested in the debtor making payment, if you contact the above service, then the citizen can provoke a situation when the own initiative will send a request to judicial authorities in order to restrict travel outside the country. The best option will send an official request to the border service. Before planning a trip abroad with debts that you do not know anything about, it is worth checking information about such in official sources.

Check by name in the FSSP register

Debt under loan agreements can also lead to restrictions on travel outside the Russian Federation. To find out about the amount of debt, you need to contact the bank in which it was concluded loan agreement and to clarify information on the outstanding debt.

In case of a personal visit, you should take your passport with you. Clarification of information by phone will require obligatory answers to a number of clarifying questions from the operator.

How to remove travel restrictions

The most correct and in a simple way to remove the existing limitation, of course, is the payment of the resulting debt. This must be done a few days before the planned trip.

Why should you pay off debts in advance? The mechanism for removing the restriction will not work instantly, since the removal, as well as the imposition of the restriction.

And here the human factor matters, he needs to make sure that the payment of the debt has been made, only after that he will issue a resolution to lift the restriction. This information is sent to the regulatory authorities, which exclude the debtor from the list of restricted to travel abroad. The procedure is lengthy and can take up to several weeks.

Do not reassure yourself that the receipt of payment will be strong evidence for the border guards. If you are listed in the database of debtors, then no one will release you from the country.

How to bypass the travel ban

Most of the debtors enjoyed unhindered travel through the Republic of Belarus until February 2017. However, the border zone introduced in February with mandatory verification of documents restricted this exit. Border control posts are now equipped with terminals that provide access to a variety of systems, one of which is the debtor base. Traveling abroad with debts through the Republic of Belarus is impossible in 2018.

Departure via Kazakhstan

Also, one of the options for leaving the country in the presence of debt obligations is to travel through Kazakhstan. To get around the imposed restrictions, a person can do this:

  • buy two tickets, one to Petropavlovsk, the other transit;
  • to cross the border, the traveler will not arouse suspicion from the authorities and border services if he is traveling on a transit ticket;
  • after successfully crossing the border, provide the border control with a ticket to Petropavlovsk and continue in the indicated direction;
  • get off at the city station and travel to the destination country.

Departure via Kaliningrad

This option can only be considered by holders of a Schengen visa. A citizen buys a ticket to Kaliningrad, but he disembarks in Vilnius. From this point it is already sent to any point in Europe.

This is not to say that the above methods are completely illegal. Typically they are based on spaces in Russian legislation... Border services of Kazakhstan, Lithuania, Belarus are absolutely not interested in debts foreign citizens, and they do not have information about the presence of debt. You can return to the territory of Russia in any way - no one can deny entry. But it is quite possible to remain without a passport upon returning home - it can be withdrawn.

What debtors should know

  • Visiting the official website of the FSSP to check for open enforcement proceedings against you;
  • Before rendering judicial ruling you can find out about the probable debt on the website of justices of the peace, in the menu item "litigation";
  • You should not contact the bailiff for information regarding the prohibition, since there is a possibility that, due to his employment, he simply has not yet had time to deal with your question, and the creditor does not yet require this;
  • If it seems to you that there were no legal grounds for restricting travel, then you should file a complaint with the prosecutor's office. This can be done by filling out an application on the website of the regional prosecutor's office;
  • To avoid being banned from leaving, make all payments on time. In case of the possibility of a spontaneous trip outside the country, it is worth preparing, as they say, in advance, just in case;
  • Do not forget that lifting the ban is a lengthy procedure and may take several weeks after the outstanding payment has been successfully paid.

A late paid fine is sufficient grounds for a ban on leaving the Russian Federation. In order not to overshadow the planned trip to hot countries and not to face an unpleasant situation when you can simply forget about the trip, make sure in advance that there are no arrears in payments and fines.

You arrive at the airport, full of hopes for a great trip, and instead of a trip you get the most unpleasant news about debts ... Blogger Sergei Anashkevich has prepared excellent material that will save you from such situations.

The man in the green uniform says that you are not allowed to travel abroad. Did you find yourself in such a situation? I hope no. Because, according to the Federal Bailiffs Service, temporary restrictions on travel abroad have already been turned against more than 2 million Russian citizens. Outstanding loans, fines, alimony, etc. - these and similar debts may not worry you much as long as you quietly live in one place, but become unpleasant surprise as soon as you are going abroad. Now debtors often find out about the ban imposed on them due to debts only at the airport, already having a paid tour and air tickets and not being able to correct the situation on the spot. From 2018, bailiffs' offices are to appear at border checkpoints throughout Russia - they will be able to quickly pay off their debts and obtain permission to travel abroad. Until then ...

So, useful information about who is at risk of being blacklisted and how to act in such situations

How do they get blacklisted?

A typical reason why tourists are temporarily restricted to travel abroad is non-payment of mandatory taxes and fees, fines, including those imposed by the traffic police, alimony, housing and communal services, as well as delays in bank loans.
Sometimes the sanctions apply to completely law-abiding citizens. For example, a person is registered on the living space of relatives, but lives separately. Suddenly it turns out that the apartment has accumulated a debt on utility bills and from him, as a family member, part of the payment is also due. They also present claims to loan guarantors if the borrower does not fulfill his obligations to the bank.

The procedure for imposing a temporary restriction on travel abroad is as follows.
Lender - tax office, bank, Management Company and so on - goes to court. Having considered the application, the judge issues court order to collect sum of money and sends it to the Federal Bailiff Service (FSSP), where enforcement proceedings are started. At the same time, the bailiff has the right to issue a decree on a temporary ban on leaving the Russian Federation, which must be sent to the debtor by mail or delivered in person. In parallel, the information is transmitted to the Border Guard Service of the FSB of Russia. The debtor is entered into the database of border guards, and at the passport control at the airport or other point he will not be stamped allowing him to leave the country.

Who cares and who can safely pack their bags?

The mere fact of having outstanding debts does not mean automatic ban leave the Russian Federation.
There is no reason for concern for those whose debt amount does not exceed 30 thousand rubles. (from October 2, 2017, until this date - 10 thousand rubles), - the corresponding amendments to the federal law"On enforcement proceedings", according to which such citizens should not be stopped at the border, was signed by President Putin in July 2017.

However, the increase in the bar will not affect all debtors. As before, the ban on traveling abroad with a debt of 10 thousand rubles or more may fall into alimony debtors, as well as those who are in arrears in the payment of compensation for harm to health, compensation for harm due to the death of a breadwinner, as well as in connection with property damage or moral harm and in the event that the debtor with a debt of 30 thousand rubles was delayed in meeting the requirements of the court for more than two months.

But the opening by the FSSP of enforcement proceedings on debts over 30 thousand rubles also does not lead to an inevitable restriction on travel abroad. The decision is made by the bailiff, who is in charge of the debtor's case. If there is a debt, but it has not been transferred to the bailiffs, then there may not be a ban. If there is no debt, but the bailiffs think there is, a ban may appear. There are cases when, even with the amount of obligations in the hundreds of thousands, a decree on the prohibition to leave the borders of the Russian Federation was not issued.

If the decree is issued, the debtor still has a chance to go on a trip for about two weeks - during this time, information from the FSSP usually comes to the border guards.
In the most unenviable position are those who are not aware of the travel ban imposed on them, as well as those who have already paid off their debts, but still face problems when crossing the border due to the belated passage of data between regulatory agencies.

Below are a few life hacks for such travelers that will help prevent troubles.

1. Bailiffs are obliged to send the debtor a decision on temporary restrictions on his travel abroad, but in practice this does not always happen. Resolutions are not published on the FSSP website fssprus.ru, but if you know about the accumulated debts, it will be useful to check on this resource whether enforcement proceedings have been initiated on them. If so, it is likely that a travel restriction has been established, and information about this has been transmitted to the border service.

2. After paying off the debt, the bailiffs lift the travel ban within 10 days. It is possible to speed up the process to one day only if a trip abroad is necessary for medical reasons. In this case, you need to provide an appropriate certificate from a doctor to the FSSP authority.

3. The ultimate authority that makes the decision to release outside the Russian Federation is the Border Guard Service of the FSB of Russia. Therefore, after the FSSP has lifted the travel restriction, it is necessary to make sure that the debtor was also excluded from the "black lists" of border guards. To do this, it is recommended to send a request to ps.fsb.ru. The official answer usually comes at email not earlier than in 10-12 days.

The border guards are guided by their own database. Therefore, the presentation at airport checkpoints, etc., of receipts for payment of debts or an FSSP order to lift the temporary travel restriction will not help.

With the entry into force of the law on raising the debt threshold, the mechanism for transmitting information about canceled fines will also change. It should speed up significantly with the introduction electronic document management between the FSSP and the FSB - it will take no more than 24 hours from the moment of payment for the order to lift the restrictions. Pilot project they are already preparing for implementation in the Belgorod Region.

4. Those who do not have time to wait for an answer from the border service sometimes check their right to leave in the following way. They purchase a ticket for any visa-free destination: either the cheapest, or, on the contrary, expensive, at a refundable rate with a minimum penalty in case of cancellation of the flight. Only check-in for the flight and passport control, where it is found out belonging to the "black list". This idea sounds crazy, but some people do it.

5. Travelers who have paid off their debts have in their hands a decree to lift the travel restriction, but were not released at the checkpoint due to the inconsistency of the actions of the FSSP and border guards, it is recommended to claim compensation for costs through the courts. There are precedents for decisions in favor of plaintiffs. As evidence, it is necessary to provide not only a paid tour or air tickets, but also documents indicating a failed attempt to leave - boarding passes for a flight, a written refusal of the border service to issue outside the Russian Federation.

On the Internet forums there are many tips for debtors on how to travel abroad through neighboring countries that do not have border control with the Russian Federation. However, lawyers advise to treat this method with caution, since soon the "loophole" will be closed, the Ministry of Justice is preparing an interstate agreement in this regard. Therefore, the most reliable way staying away is trying to make mandatory payments on time and not act as a surety for dubious borrowers

How not to be in debt at the airport and how to leave a country with debts if time is running out.

My Planet talks about how debt can ruin your vacation. Now you will definitely know your rights (and responsibilities)!

To whom and when travel abroad is closed

There are several reasons why you may be prohibited from leaving the country *. The most common is any type of debt: administrative fines, including the traffic police, alimony, loan delays and debts for housing and communal services.

If the payment of the debt is overdue and the bailiffs have already initiated enforcement proceedings, the debtor is closed exit. That is, you can enter anywhere, but you are a delinquent in your country, and you will not be released from here.

The decision is made by the bailiff for up to six months. The expiration of a six-month period from the date of the decision means the abolition of the restriction on the debtor's departure, however, by order of the bailiff, the restriction may be prolonged.

On this moment The State Duma adopted an amendment to the law "On Enforcement Proceedings", according to which the amount of an individual's debt, under which the border control authorities have the right not to release it abroad, was increased from 10,000 to 30,000 rubles. and more. The law comes into force on October 1, 2017. However, there are limitations in the amendment: the debt threshold of 30,000 does not apply to persons who pay alimony or property damage, and also materially compensate for the harm caused to the health of another person. For this category of people, the maximum debt remains the same - 10,000 rubles.

Important: If you have ever been on the list of debtors for any of the parameters, then, just in case, when leaving the country, you should take with you a receipt for the termination of enforcement proceedings.

Checking if there is a debt

To start federal Service bailiffs (FSSP) will send a notice to the debtor at the registration address on the initiation of enforcement proceedings against him. Regardless of whether he lives there or not, read the letter or not, it will be considered received as soon as the postman throws it into the mailbox.

To check the debt, just go to the FSSP website and check all the information in a special window on the main page of the site. Enter your full name, date of birth and / or registration number of individual entrepreneur if you are an individual entrepreneur.

To avoid a situation like the one above, check your debts well in advance.

About traffic fines and legal debts can be found on the Portal of Public Services, as well as on the Autocode portal (registration is required).

If you have an overdue loan at a bank, then you need to contact this bank directly. And your general credit history is easy to find out at the bureau credit histories, information about it is requested on the website of the Central Bank of Russia.

Important: From a legal point of view, it does not matter to whom and how much you owe - it is important whether the bailiff restricted your travel or not. From the moment the debt arises to its receipt by the bailiff, it can take from several months to several years. Enforcement proceedings initiated only by a court decision.

Payment of arrears

According to the law, five days are given to pay debts from the date of issue of the decree bailiff, after which the exit is limited. If you have a debt and you find out how much and for what you owe, you can pay it immediately with the help of bank card on the FSSP website.

The second payment option is payment terminals: QIWI, WebMoney, Yandex.Money. Here you need to select the section "Payment for services", then go to "Fines, state duties", then select "FSSP" and enter the number of enforcement proceedings.

The third payment option is a branch or official website of Sberbank. In the first case, a bank specialist will help you; in the second, you need to install the Sberbank Online application and select “FSSP of Russia” in the “Transfers and payments / payment for purchases and services” section.

And the last option is to pay the fine personally to the bailiff. In this case, you will receive a debt repayment receipt with the official seal of the FSSP.

And most importantly: now it is necessary for the bailiff to revoke his travel restriction.

Important: Keep in mind that the commission for making a payment on various resources can be 1-3% of total amount... The procedure is free on the Sberbank website.

After payment

After paying online, you are not required to personally appear at the bailiffs to transfer documents and confirm the fact of what happened. However, you can speed up the process by contacting the FSSP by phone and reading the number of the payment receipt.

Enforcement proceedings will be closed only when the funds are transferred to the department's account and the bailiff receives documentary confirmation of your payment. This can take anywhere from two to three weeks. Plan your trip in advance with these circumstances in mind.

Important: What if you are already at the airport? The Border Service checks all citizens without exception for travel restrictions. Many airports have payment terminals for such situations. But this, unfortunately, will not help you fly abroad and go beyond the terminal. As it was already written above, it will not be possible to solve the problem overnight.


There are several ways to leave Russia with debt. However, each of them is risky and remains on the conscience of the debtor. These methods are associated with crossing the border of those countries where there is no border control with Russia. All that can be checked here about a tourist when passing the border is whether he is in the international wanted list.

There is a Union State agreement between Russia and Belarus, according to which citizens of both countries can freely cross the border with an internal passport. Since there is no a single base debtors, no one can find out about your debt. This option only works when crossing the border overland: by car or by train. It should be borne in mind that the agreement will not last forever, in recent times negotiations are underway to resume border controls.

If you have a valid Schengen visa, you can cheat in the following way. Buy a ticket from Moscow to Kaliningrad, but get off the train in Vilnius and fly from there to the point of the world you need. Not the cheapest option, but definitely a workaround.

* Other reasons why a person may not be released from the country:

- involvement in the storage of state secrets or the need to undergo a mandatory military service;

- the corresponding court decision within the framework of the correctional punishment;

- attraction to criminal liability;

- the presence of a refusal of one of the parents minor child release it abroad. In this case, you will need a notarized copy of the permission from both parents.

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