
How to track your investments in mutual funds. Mutual funds of Sberbank - profitability and reviews. Rating of mutual funds of Sberbank and how to make money on investments. Choice of a management company

How to invest in mutual funds and is it reasonable? What are the advantages and disadvantages of this type of investment. What funds exist, how do they work. Are there any risks, and what guarantees can the Management Company give. We will talk about this in this article.

What is a mutual fund? A mutual investment fund (UIF) is a property complex based on trust management of a management (specialized) company.

The purpose of the fund is to increase the value of its property. Its assets consist of property - shares - of the founders, who handed over the reins of the management company.

The management company carries out trust management within the framework of the law and in the interests of investors. The share of investors depends on the number of investment units. An investment share is a security that certifies the owner's ownership of the property and shows his share in the fund.

How to choose which mutual fund to invest in with the greatest profit?

By investing in a mutual fund, the investor acquires his share. The fund will combine securities purchased with the funds of its investors, as well as funds that have not yet been used for the acquisition valuable papers. Thus, the portfolio of the fund is created. The investor receives a certain share of this portfolio, depending on the funds contributed. The further future of the entire investment fund depends on the literacy and balance of the selected shares.

Investing in mutual funds is quite simple. To do this, you need to choose a management company and buy the desired number of shares of the investment fund. You can use the services of specialists - financial advisors- when choosing a management company.

Units can be bought directly from the UK, through agents, by mail, via the Internet, on the stock exchange (for private investors, in fact, also through the network).

Choose mutual funds by profitability and the last few years. At a minimum, it should be higher than the average rate offered by banks on deposits.

Your profit from mutual funds depends on many criteria:

  • professionalism of the management company (we study the statistics of work in recent years),
  • management strategy and investment object (portfolio).

According to financial analysis stable but small profits, with minimal risk, are provided by mutual funds that invest in bond funds.

If you invest in stocks of companies in a particular sector for a long time, then you can get high profits, but the risks are maximum.

It is believed that mutual funds bring stable and high earnings. mixed investments. But based on the ratings of last year, most of them became unprofitable. However, if you are ready to have a hand in the distribution of funds yourself, choose a Management Company in which you can transfer funds between mutual funds, so by changing, for example, unprofitable industries to growing ones, you will remain in profit.

Also, if you are ready to take risks, pay attention to interval funds.

In each case, the choice is between risk and return.

Types of mutual funds

Mutual funds have the following classification: open, closed and interval.

  • An open investment fund makes it possible to redeem and acquire shares at any time.
  • In a closed-end fund, units can only be purchased at the start of the formation of the fund and can only be redeemed when it is closed.
  • In an interval investment fund, the acquisition and redemption of units is carried out within a specific period, but at least once a year.

According to the areas of investment, mutual funds are divided into the following categories:


  1. This is a more risky instrument than fixed income solutions ( bank deposits) or even structural products.
  2. Part of the profit goes to pay for the services of the management company, and here several types of payments take place at once (details are in the contract with the company).
  3. A significant part of the funds are unprofitable (it is enough to study the ratings and statistics).
  4. What is stopping you from putting together a similar portfolio on your own? And you don’t have to pay a commission (you will pay a commission even if you go far into the red). Concerning index funds, then here there are no actions of managers by choice as such, just following the index.
  5. You do not make decisions about which securities to buy.

How much money do you need?

Novice investors should decide on the amount Money that they want to invest in a mutual fund. In general, many management companies set a small entry threshold, if you have 10,000 rubles, you can start investment activities. However, the profit from such an amount will be very small, since, even with a significant increase in capital, the percentage of profit will be very small.

It is believed that it is worth starting with an amount of 50-100 thousand rubles. A beginner needs to assess the risk investment activity, it is worth considering in which industry it is better to invest. To do this, it is worth studying and analyzing the situation on the market, comparing it with the types and portfolios of funds, their statistics.

Why you should invest in mutual funds

To understand why it is worth investing in mutual funds, it is necessary to note their main advantages.

  • First, it is a quality money management. Many investors do not have the professional knowledge and skills to operate independently in the financial markets. And high-quality professionals work in investment funds. The investor can only analyze the risk of invested funds, and then monitor the change in the value of the share.
  • Secondly, the investor can use the share as collateral or transfer it by inheritance.
  • Thirdly, funds can be received at any time (however, experts recommend focusing on investment lines from 3 years).
  • Four is a low entry threshold.
  • Five: a transparent investment infrastructure: the contributions of shareholders are stored in a specialized depository, separate from the money of the Criminal Code.
  • Six: strict legislative regulation.
  • Seven: No action is required on your part other than choosing the Mutual Fund itself.

Leading mutual funds of Russia

Selected reviews of various funds:

Mutual funds (UIFs) are funds collected from many investors and invested in certain assets (real estate, stocks, bonds, and more). At the same time, the management of common funds is carried out by professionals (Management Companies). Private investors choose only the type of assets they want to invest in.

How profitable is it to invest in mutual funds?

As in any investment campaign, investments in mutual funds are also associated with financial risks for the investor. As a rule, the higher the yield of a mutual fund, the higher the risk of losing the invested funds. In order to wisely invest in mutual funds, it is necessary to evaluate possible losses and possible profit, view the history of the selected direction.

To minimize the likelihood of financial losses and increase the chances of a significant increase in investment, it is recommended to adhere to the following principles.

Diversify your investments

You should not invest all your free money in one mutual fund. It is highly desirable to choose at least two. Investment in mutual funds usually requires a relatively small minimum contribution. This allows for diversification. Novice investors are advised to choose one mutual fund with high returns and medium-high risks (for example, stocks). And the second is to secure the first - with low risks and, accordingly, low returns (for example, investing in bonds). If a profitable and risky mutual fund brings income - well, if not - it's not scary, the losses are compensated by the second mutual fund.

Invest for the long term

Asset value growth is a slow process. Investments in less than one year usually do not justify themselves. A period of two years is optimal for most mutual funds. In the case of investments in bonds or other mutual funds with a low level of risk, a year is enough. If investments are made in shares, it is better to wait 3-5 years, this is how long the economic full cycle lasts.

Make investments in selected mutual funds permanent

Repeated regular purchases of units in a mutual fund will help a novice investor increase the likelihood of making a profit on a mutual fund. According to statistics, this technique also allows you to significantly increase the final profitability. Of course, it is more efficient to buy shares when they are falling in price and sell them when they are rising. However, only professionals have a chance to predict the situation on a mutual fund, and even then not always. Therefore, if an investor takes his first steps in the investment business, then regularly buying shares in selected mutual funds is a more acceptable strategy for him than trying to predict the market.

Mutual investment funds for retail investors. How to invest correctly and how to choose an acceptable level of risk?

Mutual funds (mutual funds) are one of the most popular investment instruments. In order to invest in mutual funds, you don’t need any special knowledge, you don’t need to take specialized courses, and you don’t need large sums of money to invest. At the same time, mutual funds provide an opportunity to get more profit than investments in, and this attracts many private investors to them.

However, in order to make money on investing in mutual funds, you need to choose the right fund. Otherwise, you risk losing not only the potential profit, but also part of the invested capital.

In this article, we will look at how to choose a mutual fund and what you should pay attention to in the first place.

If you are not familiar with the concept of a Mutual Investment Fund, then first I recommend reading my other articles on this topic:

Amount, term, risk and return

Before acquiring a share in a mutual fund, an investor must decide on his goals. Here it is important to consider the following parameters:

  • How much are you willing to invest in the fund?
  • what is the investment period;
  • (i.e., in fact, how much are you willing to lose in pursuit of greater profitability);
  • the expected income you want to receive.

It is necessary to choose a fund taking into account all these factors, since they are all interconnected.

To choose the best fund, you need to decide what exactly you want. For example, if you plan to invest only a small amount and on short term(up to a year), then it is better to choose open-end mutual funds, since minimum amount investment in such funds is usually not very large - it can range from 1 to 30 thousand rubles.

If you are going to invest a significant amount (over 100 thousand rubles), then you should choose from closed or interval mutual funds. Such funds usually raise funds for the long term and have higher returns than open-ended funds.

However, you have to be very careful here. Yes, closed mutual funds offer investments in potentially more profitable assets. However, these assets are at the same time quite high risk. For example, Closed-end equity funds invest in shares of second-tier companies.

There is another feature that should not be forgotten. You can exit an open mutual fund at any time (i.e. sell your share to the fund). From interval fund you can also leave, however, at a strictly specified time in the contract. But you can't get out of a closed fund. To get the money back, you will have to wait for the expiration of the trust management agreement.

In addition, you should always remember: the higher the expected return, the higher the risk!

Therefore, when you decide on the potential amount of investment, you must take into account the fact that in the unfavorable development of events, you can lose this amount. That is, You always have to be prepared to take some losses.. Therefore, when calculating the amount of investment, you need to start from how much money you will not be sorry to lose. True, it is unlikely to come to this, I mean the complete loss of money, but psychologically it is better to tune in precisely to the complete loss of money.

In the operation of any mutual fund, the risk depends on its investment strategy . Here, first of all, it is necessary to pay attention to what assets the fund invests in attracted capital. If so, then the risk is high. If , then the risk is minimal.

It is more profitable to choose funds that do not work with any one type of asset, but invest in, these are the so-called mixed investment funds, when money is invested in both stocks and bonds. Here, as a rule, the risks are balanced, and the income will be higher than when investing in bonds alone. An example in the figure below:

Choosing a management company

Now that you have determined how much, for how long, you are ready to invest in a mutual fund, and have also chosen the right one for you, you need to choose a reliable management company (MC).

Since the property of mutual funds is managed by the management company, the reliability of a particular fund directly depends on the reliability of its management company.

To do right choice should take into account a few important indicators that characterize the activities of the management company. The main indicators can be found in the official ratings of the UK, which are compiled and published by rating agencies. In Russia, the work of management companies is assessed by: "National Rating Agency" (NRA), Rating Agency "National Association of Stock Market Participants" (RA NAUFOR) and Rating Agency "Expert" (RA Expert).

Here it is important to pay attention to the following ratings:

  • AAA– maximum reliability;
  • AA– very high reliability;
  • A– high reliability;
  • BBB– sufficient reliability;
  • BB– average reliability;
  • B– satisfactory reliability;
  • CC– low reliability;
  • C– low reliability;
  • D- category "".

All management companies that are included in the reliability rating from AAA to B are recognized as reliable. It is possible to work with such companies. You can also work with everyone else, but these are less reliable companies.

You can get acquainted with the reliability rating of Russian management companies on the official website of the NRA http://www.ra-national.ru/?page=raiting-uk-individual

In addition, you can compare the level of reliability of the selected company according to the rating from RA Expert, which is also regularly published on the official website rating agency at: http://raexpert.ru/ratings/managing/

The size equity companies characterizes its reliability and gives investors confidence that if the investor incurs losses due to the fault of the management company (for example, legal requirements are violated or normative documents), then the losses will be compensated from own funds management company. In addition, the larger the equity capital of the management company, the higher the quality of service in this company.

Sum net assets shows efficiency. This value is defined as the difference between the company's assets and its liabilities. As a rule, in large management companies that have a large net asset value, there is more room for action and investments in them are less risky.

Nevertheless, it is important not only to assess the size of net assets, but also to consider their dynamics over time. If there are sharp jumps in one direction or another, then this indicates improper management and unreliability of the company.

You can get acquainted with the rating of management companies by the value of own assets on the website investfunds.ru at http://pif.investfunds.ru/funds/rate_management.phtml

This ranking shows how popular is the management company among investors, and how much she managed to attract. However, here you should also pay attention not only to the amount of capital raised, but also to the number of customers.

For example, the participation in some funds of this management company of a small number of equity holders with large shares can lead to the fact that when one of them leaves the fund, the total value of the company's assets will decrease sharply. However, the fact that a management company currently has a very large number of investors also does not always indicate its reliability. It is possible that this is the result of a competent advertising campaign.

Like other indicators, the capital raised and the number of clients of each management company you analyze must be considered in dynamics over the past few years. And the more years the fund exists, the better. Since the fund's performance for 2-3 years is not the same as the performance for 5-10 years.

In the short term, a fund's high performance may not be entirely believable. For example, if in general stock market there was a rise, as it was from the beginning of the 2000s to 2007, it was a sin not to show profitability. At that time, the market was growing and it was not necessary to make special efforts in order to generate income. From 2007 to 2012, the market was unstable. In such conditions, in order to show good results, real professionalism is needed.

In addition to the rating indicators listed above, when choosing a management company, it does not hurt to find out who owns it. If the founder of the MC is a large well-known bank or financial company, this allows us to speak about the reliability of the MC. However, such a company cannot guarantee a high income, since this indicator depends only on the effectiveness of management. And no big name can replace that.

Choosing a mutual fund

Finally when reliable company(or the range of companies) is defined, you can proceed to the direct selection of a mutual fund. Here, too, you should pay attention to several important parameters. Let's consider them in more detail.

The duration of the mutual fund

The term of the mutual fund can be called one of the most important and indicative criteria when choosing. The advantage of old funds is that you can follow the dynamics of their work and evaluate the stability and profitability. That is why the high profitability of the fund, which has been operating on the market for several years, can be considered reliable and can be trusted. But the high profitability of a newly formed fund does not mean anything, since at any time such a fund can become unprofitable due to management errors.

Return on a mutual fund

No mutual fund guarantees returns to its investors. This indicator depends on various factors, therefore it is considered the most controversial indicator of the reliability and effectiveness of a particular fund. You can not rely on the high rates of return demonstrated by the fund at the present time. There is illustrative examples when the leaders of this rating, seemingly very successful and reliable funds, were rapidly losing ground.

Therefore, it is necessary to evaluate the profitability indicators for several years. Since it is necessary to understand that the return shown by the fund now does not necessarily have to be preserved in the future.

You need to choose the mutual fund that consistently brings its investors, if not the maximum, but still profit, and is also regularly among the leading funds.

Of course, you can take a risk and invest in a new fund formed by a young management company. Sometimes such funds in the first year of their work show record profitability (50% or more). But in this case, you must understand that you can suddenly lose everything. If you are ready to take this risk, you can try to catch your luck.

let's consider example of evaluating the work of two funds: young and old, which are among the most profitable for the last quarter, according to investfunds.ru.

  1. Troika Dialog - Infrastructure (UK Troika Dialog). This is a young mutual investment fund, which has been operating since February 25, 2011. Full information about the fund here: http://pif.investfunds.ru/funds/2103/
  1. TKB BNP Paribas - Russian electric power industry (UK TKB BNP Paribas Investment Partners). Relatively old fund, has been operating since 01/24/2003. Full information about the fund here: http://pif.investfunds.ru/funds/75/

Graphs of change in the value of the share and the value of the net assets of the Troika Dialog Fund - Infrastructure.

The fund has been operating quite recently, however, it demonstrates a pronounced positive dynamics of the growth in the value of the share. This is clearly visible on the graph. However, on the graph of changes in net assets (NAV), sharp jumps are noticeable, which may indicate some instability. Do long-term investments into such a fund can be risky.

Consider the following example of TKB BNP Paribas - Russian Electricity.

Graphs of change in the value of the share and the value of the net assets of the fund TKB BNP Paribas - Russian electric power industry for 3 months of 2012 and the last 3 years.

This fund has been operating for over 9 years. The graph shows a clear relationship between the return and the change in the value of the fund's net assets. In 2011 there was a sharp decline and a decrease in profitability.

However, studying the indicators of the last 3 months, we can say that there has been a clear upward trend, so it may be profitable to invest in such a fund now.

Size of the investment fund

The size of a mutual fund is determined by the value of its net assets in rubles. You can find out the size of each fund in the mutual fund rating by net assets, which is regularly published on the investfunds.ru website at http://pif.investfunds.ru/funds/rate_sca.phtml

Experts advise avoiding too small and too large mutual funds. The former may not be able to cover their current expenses (staff salaries, rent, etc.), and, therefore, will offer inflated commissions and earn on their depositors. The latter are less maneuverable, as they incur additional costs when selling or buying large assets in their portfolio.

Costs and payments

Before entering into an agreement with a mutual fund, find out what payments are provided for, as well as how much the services of a management company cost.

First of all, find out about the commissions charged by the management company from their shareholders. There are two main ones:

Surcharge - a commission that is charged from a shareholder when buying a share in the fund. As a rule, it depends on the amount of the share (than more contribution the lower the commission). It is charged immediately upon purchase, and can reach 1.5% of the share amount.

Discount - the commission charged by the management company when redeeming a share. The amount of the discount depends on the term of the deposit, the discount can be up to 3% of the value of the unit.

These commissions are direct damage, they directly reduce your potential income, therefore, it is necessary to take into account their value when choosing a mutual fund.

For clarity, let's take the funds discussed above.

The Troika Dialog Infrastructure Fund has the following markups and discounts.


  • 1.5% when buying a share up to 1 million rubles, 1% - from 1 million to 5 million rubles, 0.5 - more than 5 million rubles. (when submitting an application to the agent of ZAO Banca Intesa).
  • 1.2% when submitting an application to an agent of OJSC Sberbank of Russia, regardless of the amount.
  • 0% when buying a share from the UK itself.

The discount is 1%.

For the TCB fund BNP Paribas - Russian Electricity, slightly different parameters are set.

MC premium: 1.5% when buying a share worth up to 50 thousand rubles, 1% - from 50 to 300 thousand rubles, 0.5% - over 300 thousand rubles.

MC discount: 2% if the share holding period was less than 180 days, 1% - from 180 to 365 days, 0 - more than 365 days.

The difference, as you can see, is obvious. If you purchase a share from the management company itself, then you save a lot when buying a share in the Troika Dialog - Infrastructure fund.

In addition, there are other costs that are imposed on total amount fund and are deducted daily from the value of its assets.

This is the remuneration of the management company, payment for the services of the registrar, depository, auditor, etc.

Here is an example of one management company:

However, there is a peculiarity here. When the management company shows you the performance of the fund, it is already calculated minus these costs.

Those. if the company's services are expensive, but it brings a lot of profit, it is better to choose it, rather than cheaper to maintain, but less profitable.

Costs should be considered when choosing index funds. In this case, the result of management of different companies will, in principle, be the same. It just doesn't make sense to pay for service.

Possibility to sell shares in the secondary market

This characteristic is important when investing in interval and closed-end mutual funds. It doesn't matter for open ones. The secondary market makes it possible to sell and buy investment units, regardless of the opening time of the intervals. In fact, the circulation of shares of various mutual funds is carried out without the participation of management companies. Often shares are redeemed by banks or financial companies included in one financial group with the management company of your fund.

For interval and closed-end mutual funds, the presence of a secondary market for shares is a big plus. Since you can always realize your share before the interval expires.

Summing up

So, when choosing a mutual fund, first of all you need to:

  1. determine your goals (deposit amount, investment period, acceptable risks and desired level of return);
  2. choose a reliable management company by evaluating the performance of several suitable management companies for several recent years;
  3. from the funds offered by this management company, choose the most stable mutual fund that meets all your requirements.

P.S. If you want to expand your knowledge in the field of investing and get your hands on proven instructions for choosing the most attractive financial instruments, with which you can get high profits, we recommend that you study the training course ““.

1. Decide n When are you ready to part with money?

The basic difference of each type of funds is the way of organizing the purchase and redemption of investment units issued by the fund, i.e. . at what time and how shareholders can buy or sell shares.

Mutual funds are divided into three types:

  • Open mutual funds. In an open-end mutual fund, a unit can be purchased on any working day, and in the event that an investor sells a unit, the UIF is obliged to buy it back within the time period stipulated by the Rules of the mutual fund, but no later than 15 days from the date of application.
  • Interval mutual funds. In an interval mutual fund, the purchase or sale of units is possible only in a certain period, established by the Rules PIF, but at least once a year.
  • Closed mutual funds. In a closed-end mutual fund, units are bought under special projects and until the project is completed, the shares are not redeemed. The terms of such projects are different and can range from 1 year to 15 years.
2. Think about what assets you should invest in?

Depending on the assets in which the management company (MC) invests the money of shareholders, mutual funds are divided into the corresponding types:

1. share fund;
2. share fund of bonds;
3. mutual fund of mixed investments;
4. mutual money market fund;
5. index mutual fund;
6. real estate mutual fund;
7. venture mutual fund;
8. mortgage mutual fund;
9. mutual fund of funds.

As a rule, from the name of a mutual fund it already becomes clear where the management company will invest money. For example, equity mutual funds hold money in shares of companies, and funds of funds work with money by investing in other mutual funds, etc.

All background information the numerous pros and cons of these mutual funds can be found on the websites of the National League of Managers www.nlu.ru or on the website www.investfunds.ru.

3. Choose the right investment strategy.

Each type of mutual fund, depending on the assets, has its own strategic policy and, accordingly, investment objects:

  • Bond mutual funds - less profitable, but more stable due to the stability of prices for these securities;
  • Equity funds are the most risky, but they are also one of the most profitable;
  • A mixed investment fund is a fund with varying returns and risks depending on which securities are included and which dominate. Mixed mutual funds are suitable for those who want to somewhat reduce the risk of investing in shares.
Investments have their own characteristics, depending on the type of fund:
  • An investor interested in investing in an open mutual fund should keep in mind that the objects of such a fund are often the shares of large promising enterprises.
  • A closed fund can specialize in venture capital investment. In the latter case, investments can potentially promise sky-high returns, but at the same time be extremely risky.


Modern financial system offers a variety of tools to increase your own savings. One of them is the shares of Sberbank, which allow you to get your share in the organization's chosen investment project and the subsequent income from it.

What are mutual funds

There are many ways to increase your savings. The most popular and easiest way for ordinary citizens is to participate in mutual funds. Mutual funds are a collective tool for multiplying finances by pooling funds into a special fund. It is managed by organizations that have a special license. Sberbank mutual funds are among such companies.

How mutual funds work

Various segments of the population invest in investment funds. Traders and other people in the organization manage these finances by buying and selling securities. The difference from the purchase and sale becomes profit or loss. This is the basis for the trust management of Sberbank and other companies working with mutual funds. Sberbank am ru users can buy shares online.

How to make money on mutual funds

Investment funds receive their main income from the sale of securities. To quickly make money on mutual funds, you need to buy shares at the time of their decrease in value, and sell them at the time of growth. There is another group of investors who make balanced deposits for a long period of time. The advantage of this trading and share management tactic is the statistical approach, which says that the value of securities increases after a few years.

Sberbank mutual funds - profitability

World and domestic financial markets unpredictable, as evidenced by the reviews of shareholders. With a 100% probability, no one will be able to foresee what investment deposit in Sberbank will bring you a large sum money, and which one will become unprofitable. All responsibility for the shares lies with the investors themselves, therefore, especially for the convenience of customers and financial planning in personal account There is a mutual fund yield calculator.

Investment projects of Sberbank

The company is engaged in the implementation of medium and long-term financing. Sberbank's investment portfolios are diverse. You can invest in natural gas and other resources, or donate it to small businesses. It is possible to buy shares in America. Any adult citizen of the country can invest in Sberbank. Thanks to trust management, the client does not need to learn the intricacies of stock trading. On the home page The site of investment projects presents the profitability of mutual funds by years.

Sberbank of biotechnology

The program is based on an investment in the iShares NASDAQ Biotechnology ETF. The shares of pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies participate in the turnover. The value of shares is determined by the dynamics of NASDAQ Biotechnology. The program is designed for long-term investments. Over the past 3 years, the mutual fund of Sberbank biotechnology has shown a steady decline in share prices and excessively high risks.

PIF Ilya Muromets Sberbank

Investments under this program are directed to domestic companies operating at the state, municipal and corporate levels. The profitability of Ilya Muromets PIF has grown over the past 3 years. The program demonstrates a low level of risk and is suitable for novice investors. The minimum deposit is 15,000 rubles, and it must be kept for at least a year.

Global Internet Mutual Investment Fund Sberbank

The program is aimed at financing enterprises operating on the World Wide Web. Mutual Fund of Sberbank Global Internet demonstrates stable growth of shares along with a high level of risks. Funds are invested not only in Russian, but also in foreign enterprises operating in the field of the Internet. The average investment period is 3 years. A sharp decline in the value of shares is possible in the short term due to fluctuations in the global technology market.

Sberbank - risky bond fund

Under this program, all investments are directed to enterprises of the second and third echelons. Sberbank's risky bond fund shows an average share price increase of 39%. Asset diversification among industries is high. Before choosing an object for investment, Sberbank traders analyze it credit history. The risk level of this program is average, as is the minimum investment period of one year.

PIF Dobrynya Nikitich Sberbank

The program is aimed at investing in companies related to oil and gas industry. For 3 years, the Dobrynya Nikitich Sberbank fund showed a 43% increase in share prices. The basis of the investment portfolio is made up of liquid shares. Some finances may be used to purchase shares in promising second-tier enterprises. Shares are selected after checking companies for reliability. The main share of the portfolio is made up of fixed income instruments. A decrease in the value of shares is possible in the short term due to fluctuations in the financial situation of the markets.

Sberbank Eurobonds - PIF

The program offers to invest your assets in promising enterprises in Russia and the CIS. Low level risks are achieved by converting funds into a currency other than the ruble. The yield on Sberbank Eurobonds reached 96% over 3 years. The minimum investment period for this program is 1 year, which makes it ideal for beginner shareholders with a large starting capital. Diversification of assets by industry is high. Investors can independently manage their financial portfolio.

Mutual investment fund of Sberbank Consumer sector

Investors under this program will be able to sponsor any Russian enterprises. Basically, this fund includes organizations involved in the production of consumer goods, maintenance of telecommunications networks and finance. Shares of Sberbank Consumer sector have risen in price by 92% over 3 years. But along with the growth in the value of shares, investors must be prepared for a high level of risk. A large share of the shares of this program belongs to foreign enterprises.

How to invest in mutual funds of Sberbank

A profitable way to invest in financial institutions, except shares investment funds, are deposits. Their main advantage is a stable but small profit. If you decide to invest money in mutual funds of Sberbank, then first read them annual charts returns and risks. It is better for novice investors not to take risks and transfer finances to funds with low risks. As you analyze the market and learn the basics of investing, you can move on to projects with a high level of risk and a percentage of profit.

Sberbank - current values ​​of mutual funds

The price of shares directly depends on the stability of the financial situation of the country. Show the highest increase in value investment products Sberbank with a high level of risk. The growth of the share price in low-risk projects reaches 25% in 3 years. average cost shares sold by the company is 850 rubles. 48 kop. The Ilya Muromets fund has the highest share price. You can study the current cost of Sberbank mutual funds of any program of interest on the official website of the company.

Rating of mutual funds by profitability

Investments in any organization must be effective from a financial point of view. The rate of return is an actual indicator that confirms or refutes the profitability of securities. In order not to make a mistake with the choice investment project and not to lose your own savings, we invite you to study the rating of Sberbank mutual funds.

Fund name

a brief description of

Sberbank - Power industry

The shares are distributed among Russian network, sales and generation companies. The fund's portfolio is diversified.

The share price increased by 84% in 3 years. Average level enterprise reliability.

High level of risk. Ruble investments. The investment period is at least 3 years.

Sberbank - Telecommunications and Technologies

The fund's portfolio consists of shares of regional telecom operators, enterprises operating in the field of information technology and the media sector.

Investments in foreign currency and ruble. Increase in the value of shares by 14% over 3 years.

Sberbank - Global Internet

Investor shares are distributed among the major Internet sector ETFs and Internet enterprises.

Increasing profitability by 36.5% over 3 years. Investments in foreign currency and ruble.

High level of risk. The investment period is at least 3 years.

Sberbank - Active Management Fund

The fund's funds are transferred to Russian companies with high growth potential and a high level of volatility.

Share price increased by 59% over 3 years.

High level of risk. The investment period is at least 3 years. Deposits in rubles.

Sberbank - Small Capitalization Equity Fund

Investor shares are distributed among second-tier companies that demonstrate high rates of growth and reliability.

Investments can be ruble and currency. Profitability for 3 years increased by 58%.

High level of risk. The investment period is at least 3 years.

Sberbank - Emerging Markets

The fund's finances are invested in the Vanguard FTSE EM ETF, diversified across countries and industries.

The share price increased by 61% in 3 years.

High level of risk. The investment period is at least 3 years. currency deposits.

Sberbank - Gold

Finance is invested in the PowerShares DB Gold Fund ETF, designed for long-term capital gains.

Increase in value over 3 years by 30%. Suitable for diversifying savings.

Average level of risk. Investments in foreign exchange assets.

The investment period is at least 3 years.

Sberbank - Biotechnology

The portfolio contains shares of the iShares NASDAQ Biotechnology ETF.

Possibility to carry out passive money management.

High level of risk. Currency investments. The investment period is not less than 3 years.

Decrease in the value of shares by 17% per year.

Sberbank - Risk Bond Fund

The funds are being transferred into ruble-denominated Russian bonds of companies in the consumer and financial sectors from the second and third echelon of reliability.

Increase in the value of shares over 3 years by 40%. Acceptable level of reliability of companies.

Average level of risk. The investment period is at least 1 year. Investments are only in rubles.

Sberbank - Ilya Muromets Bond Fund

Shares are distributed among state, corporate and municipal companies.

Low risk. Stable share price growth of 19% over 3 years.

The investment period is at least 1 year.

mamipizza.ru - Banks. Contributions and deposits. Money transfers. Loans and taxes. money and state