
The procedure for accounting for extraordinary income and expenses. Accounting for extraordinary expenses: accounts. What applies to extraordinary income and expenses

In accordance with PBU 9/99 and PBU 10/99, extraordinary income and expenses are income and expenses arising as a consequence of extraordinary circumstances. economic activity enterprises (natural disaster, fire, accident, nationalization, etc.).

Not all circumstances can be considered extraordinary. So, according to the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, extraordinary circumstances are not:

1. violation of their obligations by partners of the enterprise;

2.the lack of material necessary for the enterprise on the market production stocks(goods, raw materials, materials, etc.);

3.the enterprise lacks the necessary Money.

This list is closed. Consequently, other circumstances in certain cases may be recognized as extraordinary. Consider these circumstances.

In accordance with The Civil Code RF, extraordinary circumstances include natural disasters, accidents, epidemics and other circumstances of an extraordinary nature. According to the Federal Law of December 21, 1994 No. 68 FZ "On the protection of the population and territory from emergencies natural and man-made ", an emergency is a situation in a certain area resulting from an accident, hazardous natural phenomenon, catastrophe, natural or other disaster that may result in human casualties, damage to human health or the environment, as well as significant material losses.

The source of coverage for losses resulting from events that are not extraordinary circumstances will be own funds organizations. The fact of occurrence of extraordinary circumstances must be documented. For confirmation that the losses incurred by the enterprise were really the result of an emergency situation, it is necessary to contact the services that deal with the elimination of the consequences of such situations (the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the State Fire Service, the internal affairs bodies, etc.).

Extraordinary income is income from extraordinary circumstances. Such receipts may, in particular, include:

1. insurance indemnity;

2. cost material values remaining from write-off of property objects that are not suitable for restoration and further use.

Income from reimbursement of incurred losses for tax purposes is included in the non-operating income of the enterprise. Material assets remaining from the write-off of property items that are not suitable for restoration are recorded at the price of possible use.

Extraordinary expenses are included in the non-operating expenses of the enterprise. It can be:

1. uncompensated losses from natural disasters;

2. destruction and damage of production stocks, finished goods and other material values;

3. losses from production interruption;

4. costs associated with the prevention or elimination of natural disasters.

Income and expenses related to extraordinary circumstances in the activities of the organization are reflected in the accounting records directly on account 99 “Profits and losses.

4. Accounting for income and expenses common types activities

Accounting for income and expenses on sales transactions provides a comparison of revenue with the costs of receiving it for each transaction of selling goods and products, delivery of completed works and services to customers. Comparison of income and expenses for the same sales transactions allows you to identify the financial result (profit or loss) from sales.

Check 90 "Sales" is designed to summarize information on income and expenses associated with the ordinary activities of the organization, as well as to determine the financial result of them. This account is synthetic account of the first order, therefore, transactions related to it must be taken into account on the appropriate sub-accounts, reflecting all the indicators that form the financial result from the sale. The following sub-accounts can be opened for account 90:

90/1 "Revenue",

90/2 "Cost of sales",

90/3 "VAT",

90/4 "Excise",

90/9 "Profit / loss from sales".

Account 90/1 "Revenue" is intended to reflect and summarize the revenue of the organization, as part of its income from ordinary activities. Revenue is credited to the account and summarized as a credit balance showing the cumulative amount of revenue since the beginning of the reporting year. Account 90/1 is closed at the end of the reporting year. On the basis of settlement and payment documents formalizing a specific purchase and sale transaction, the amount of proceeds is reflected as follows: Dt 62 "Settlements with buyers and customers" Kt 90/1.

Cash sales that go directly to the cashier of a trading enterprise are reflected in the accounting records: Дт 50 "Cashier" Кт 90/1.

Sales operations in which the buyer submits a settlement account for payment plastic card or a check are recorded on the accounts: Дт 57 "Transfers in transit" Кт 90/1.

The amount of the cost of goods, products, works, services sold related to the recognized amount of revenue is debited from the credit of accounts for accounting for production costs and sales costs to the debit of account 90 "Sales" subaccount "Cost of sales": Dt 90/2 Kt 20 "Main production ”, 41“ Goods ”, 43“ Finished goods ”, 44“ Costs of sale ”, 45“ Goods shipped ”. The amounts of discounts (capes) related to the goods sold are reflected in the debit of account 90 "Sales" subaccount 2 "Cost of sales" and credit of account 42 "Trade margin" by the red storno method. In the case when, in accordance with accounting policy accepted in the organization, expenses of an administrative and commercial nature are recognized by the organization in the cost of sold products, goods, works, services in full in the reporting year, they are recognized as expenses for ordinary activities, they, as conditionally permanent ones, are to be written off to the debit of account 90 in full : Dt 90/2 Kt 26 " General running costs", 44" Selling expenses ". At the same time, the amount of taxes and fees is reflected in the accounting of the organization, the obligations to pay which arise for the organization at the time of recognition of the proceeds from sales: "Settlements with different debtors and creditors."

On account 90, it is advisable to maintain third-order accounts for grouping types of revenue (on account 90/1), types of cost price (on account 90/2), VAT or excise taxes by type of revenue (on accounts 90/3 and 90/4), etc.

During the month, entries on account 90 are made in the usual way. At the end of each month, the totals of the turnover for the above sub-accounts are compared - the sum of the totals of the debit turnovers on the sub-accounts 90/2, 90/3 with the total of the credit turnovers on the sub-account 90/1. the result identified is the profit or loss on sales for the month. This amount is recorded by the final turnover of the reporting month on the debit of account 90/9 and credit of account 99 "Profits and losses" (if there is profit) or on the debit of account 99 and credit of account 90/9 (if a loss is detected).

Thus, at the end of each month, there is no balance on the synthetic account 90 "Sales". However, all sub-accounts of this account have a debit or credit balance, the amount of which is accumulated starting from January of the reporting year. Until the end of the reporting year, as a rule, there should not be any write-offs on sub-accounts of account 90 "Sales".

At the reporting date when drawing up the annual accounting statements after writing off the financial result for the specified month, final entries are made within account 90 "Sales" on the closure of all subaccounts. For this, the turnovers from all sub-accounts write off the corresponding balances to sub-account 90/9. Subaccounts 90/2, 90/3 are closed by credit entries in the debit of subaccount 90/9. The amount from subaccount 90/1 is debited from the debit to credit of subaccount 90/9. As a result of the entries made as of January 1 of the new reporting year, none of the subaccounts of account 90 "Sales" has a balance.

Analytical accounting for account 90 "Sales" is organized for each type of goods sold, products, works performed, services rendered, etc. In addition, analytical accounting can be kept by sales regions and other areas necessary to manage the organization.

5. Accounting for other income and expenses of the organization

To summarize information on other income and expenses (operating, non-operating) of the reporting period, in addition to extraordinary income and expenses, the account is designed 91 "Other income and expenses" ... On this account, it is necessary to reflect information in such a way as to ensure, on its basis, the completion of the relevant articles of the profit and loss statement, as provided for in PBU 4/99 "Financial statements of the organization" and receive the necessary analytical information to control or disclose it in the notes to the statements.

Other receipts are recognized in accounting in the following order:

1. receipts from the sale of fixed assets and other assets other than cash (except for foreign currency), products, goods, as well as interest received for the provision of the organization's cash for use, and income from participation in the authorized capital of other organizations (when is not the subject of the organization's activities) - in established order... At the same time, for accounting purposes, interest is charged for each elapsed reporting period in accordance with the terms of the contract;

2.fines, penalties, forfeits for violation of the terms of contracts, as well as compensation for losses caused to the organization - in reporting period, in which the court made a decision on their recovery or they are recognized as the debtor;

3.the amount of accounts payable and accounts payable, for which the term limitation period expired - in the reporting period in which the limitation period expired;

4. the amount of revaluation of assets - in the reporting period to which the date relates, as of which the revaluation was made;

5. other receipts.

Sub-accounts 91/1 “Other income”, 91/2 “Other expenses”, 91/9 “Balance of other income and expenses” can be opened to account 91 “Other income and expenses”.

Subaccount 91/1 takes into account receipts of assets recognized as other income (except for extraordinary). Receipts are recorded on the account:

1.from transactions of transfer of their assets for use by other organizations, if they do not relate to the ordinary activities of the organization;

2. from the sale and disposal of fixed assets and other assets, except for products and goods, transactions with which are reflected in account 90 "Sales";

3. receipts from participation in joint activities;

4.from the return (crediting to income) of previously accrued estimated reserves, reserves for conditional facts of households. activities and others.

Receipts of other operating income are reflected in the credit of account 91/1 "Other income" in correspondence with accounts:

62 “Settlements with Customers and Customers” for the amount of recognized income from lease transactions and granting of intellectual property rights to third parties, as well as from the sale of property, plant and equipment and other assets;

76 "Settlements with various debtors and creditors" for amounts received from joint activities under a simple partnership agreement;

96 "Provisions for future expenses", 63 "Provisions for doubtful debts", 59" Provisions for impairment of investments in securities ", 14" Provisions for depreciation of tangible assets "for amounts recovered from previously accrued reserves.

The value of residual material assets received from disassembly

liquidated objects of fixed assets, is recorded in the debit of account 10 "Materials" in the credit of account 91/1. Their cost is determined by the prices of possible use.

The surplus revealed during the inventory is credited to the accounts of material assets and cost accounting. In this case, accounts 07 "Equipment for installation", 08 "Investments in fixed assets", 10" Materials ", 15" Procurement and acquisition of material assets ", 20" Main production ", 21" Semi-finished products of the main production ", 41" Goods ", 43" Finished products ", 45" Goods shipped ", 58" Financial investments ".

Income from the sale of property, from rental and other similar transactions is reduced by the amount of value added tax received from buyers, tenants, etc. In this case, a posting is made on the debit of account 91/1 and on the credit of account 68 "Calculations of taxes and duties".

When participants in a simple partnership make contributions to common property partners in non-monetary form in accounting, the transfer of property is reflected in the debit of account 58 "Financial investments" in correspondence with the credit of the accounting accounts of the transferred property. In this case, the difference between the assessment of the contribution reflected in account 58 and the value of the property is reflected in the accounting of the participants of the simple partnership on the credit of account 91/1 as operating income (if the assessment of the contribution is higher than the value of the property).

The income received from fines, penalties, penalties for violation of economic contracts, from compensation for losses by third parties and persons are reflected in the credit of account 91/1 in correspondence with accounts 76 "Settlements with various debtors and creditors", 50 "Cashier", 51 "Settlement accounts" , 52 "Currency accounts". Amounts of losses reimbursed by the organization's personnel are recorded on the debit of account 73 "Settlements with personnel on other operations" and, accordingly, on the credit of account 91/1.

The profit of previous years recognized in income is reflected in the debit of accounts for accounting for settlements with organizations and individuals and in the credit of account 91/1. Amounts accounts payable credited to income after the expiration of the limitation period - on the credit of account 91/1 and on the debit of the accounting accounts of the corresponding settlements.

Exchange rate differences are reflected on the credit of account 91/1 and on the debit of account 52 and accounts for accounting for financial investments and settlements on transactions expressed in foreign currency, as well as accounts 50, 55.

Recognized income from property received free of charge or in the order of receipt of state. subsidies are accounted for on the credit of account 91/1 and on the debit of account 98 "Deferred income". The amounts of property revaluation recognized as income - on the credit of account 91/1 and on the debit of the property accounts, the value of which was revalued.

On subaccount 91/2 "Other expenses" other expenses (except for extraordinary) are taken into account. The grouping of data reflected on the account should provide analytical information for control and management, for disclosure of data in the notes to the financial statements.

The account summarizes information about the expenses of the organization:

To provide assets for use by third-party organizations or persons, if such transactions are not related to the ordinary activities of this organization;

Related to the sale and disposal of property, plant and equipment and other assets, other than cash in Russian currency, products and goods;

For the formation of estimated reserves and reserves for contingent facts of economic activity;

To pay for services credit institutions(except for interest) and others.

The aggregate of other expenses is reflected in the debit of account 91/2 in correspondence with the accounts:

01 "Fixed assets" for the residual value of retired items of fixed assets. In this case, a subaccount “Disposal of fixed assets” can be opened to account 01, to the debit of which the value of the retiring object is transferred, and to credit - the amount of accrued depreciation.

03 " Profitable investments in tangible assets "for the residual value of the sold (retired) objects belonging to the category of profitable investments;

04 "Intangible assets" for the value of retired objects intangible assets and depreciation deductions for objects, non-exclusive rights for which were transferred to third-party organizations, as well as for objects written off due to the expiration of their term useful use... This cost is reduced by the amount of depreciation accrued over the period of use.

07 "Equipment for installation" for the cost of equipment sold;

08 "Investments in non-current assets" for the value of sold objects of construction in progress;

10 "Materials" for the cost of inventories written off due to damage or transferred free of charge to third-party organizations and persons;

51 "Settlement accounts", 52 "Currency accounts", 55 "Special accounts in banks" to pay for the services of credit institutions for maintaining accounts, processing transfers and other services;

58 "Financial investments" on actual cost sold securities and other financial investments, as well as the difference between the assessment of the contribution to authorized capital(or into the common property of partners), produced in non-cash form, and the value of the transferred property

96 “Provisions for future expenses”, 63 “Provisions for doubtful debts”, 59 “Provisions for impairment of investments in securities”, 14 “Provisions for depreciation of tangible assets” for the amount of deductions to the corresponding reserves.

Expenses for dismantling and packing of retired fixed assets, additional expenses for leased property, expenses arising in the course of joint activities and other similar ones are reflected in the credit of account 40 "Release of products (works, services)" in correspondence with account 91/2 "Other expenses".

The book value of receivables sold in accordance with the legislation to other organizations is written off on the debit of account 91/2 in correspondence with the accounts of settlements on which it was recorded.

Fines, penalties, penalties for violation of households recognized for compensation. contracts, losses to other organizations and persons are reflected on the debit of account 91/2 and on the credit of account 76 "Settlements with various debtors and creditors".

Expenses for the identified losses of previous years are reflected in the credit of the accounts for accounting settlements or accounting for assets, depending on the cause of the loss: as a result of errors in calculations or erroneous valuation of property in correspondence with account 91/2.

Receivables, written off as expenses after the expiration of the statute of limitations, and bad debts are recorded on the debit of account 91/2 and the credit of the accounting accounts of the corresponding settlements.

Recognized expenses exchange rate differences are reflected in the debit of account 91/2 and the credit of accounts: 52, 50, 55, 58, as well as accounts for accounting settlements denominated in foreign currency.

The depreciation amounts of property written off as expenses are reflected in accounting on the debit of account 91/2 and the credit of the accounts of property that was revalued.

The actual cost of works or services sold, performed or rendered in connection with the formation of the organization's operating income (for example, services rendered in connection with the disposal of fixed assets); reflects the costs associated with the cancellation of production orders (contracts), the termination of production, which did not give products, as well as the costs of maintaining production facilities and facilities that are on conservation, are reflected in the debit of account 91/2 "Other expenses" and the credit of accounts 20 "Basic production ”, 23“ Auxiliary production ”.

The creation of a provision for the depreciation of investments in securities is reflected in accounting on the debit of account 91/2 “Other expenses” and credit of account 59 “Provisions for the depreciation of investments in securities”. The creation of a provision for doubtful debts is reflected in the credit of account 63 "Provisions for doubtful debts" and the debit of account 91/2.

Interest for using a short-term loan or loan is reflected in the debit of account 91/2 "Other expenses" and credit of account 66 "Settlements for short-term loans and loans "; accordingly, by long-term loans- on the credit of account 67 "Settlements for long-term credits and loans".

Calculation of wages to employees, as well as compulsory deductions for social needs from the accrued wages in the case when these employees are engaged in activities that differ from the usual activities of the organization, are accounted for as other expenses on the debit of account 91/2 and credit of accounts 70 "Payments for wages" and 69 "Payments for social insurance and provision ”.

Entries on sub-accounts 91/1 "Other income" and 91/2 "Other expenses" are made cumulatively during the reporting year. Monthly comparison of debit turnover on subaccount 91/2 and credit turnover on subaccount 91/1, the balance of other income and expenses for the reporting month is determined. This balance is written off monthly (final turnovers) from subaccount 91/9 "Balance of other income and expenses" to account 99 "Profits and losses". Thus, the synthetic account 91 "Other income and expenses" has no balance at the reporting date. At the end of the reporting year, all sub-accounts opened with account 91 "Other income and expenses" (except for sub-account 91/9 "Balance of other income and expenses") are closed by internal records on sub-account 91/9. By itself, account 91/9 "Balance of other income and expenses" is a service account. It is intended for the monthly reflection and transfer of the overall financial result, which is added to the accounts of other income and expenses, to account 99 “Profits and losses”.

Analytical accounting for account 91 "Other income and expenses" is kept for each type of other income and expenses.

6. Accounting for the profits and losses of the organization

Profit as the end result of the functioning of production at the firm level is an element of the relationship of all participants in the production process. At the expense of profit, the company evolves the production process, carries out capital and financial investments, finances social needs. Table 4 presents the factors of formation, distribution and use of profits. There are the following types of profit:

Accounting- the part of the firm's income that remains from the total revenue after reimbursement of external costs;

The economic(net) - what remains after deducting all costs (external and internal, including in the latter the normal profit of the entrepreneur) from the total income of the firm;

Balance sheet- the difference between the proceeds from the sale of products and the amount material costs, depreciation and wages... It is this profit that is the source of the distribution and use of enterprise funds.

To summarize information on the formation of the final financial result of the organization's activities - total profit (loss) before tax and net profit(net loss) providing an increase (or decrease) equity capital organizations - the account is 99 "Profit and Loss" .

The taxable base for income tax is determined by the rules established by the Tax Code Russian Federation, and these rules are not identical with the provisions on accounting formation of profits. It is quite possible that an organization indicates a loss before tax in the financial statements, and at the same time charges income tax, which increases the amount of net loss for the period.

The information recorded in the profit and loss account should provide the necessary data for the compilation of the income statement. The information required for drawing up the report is also contained in accounts 90 "Sales" and 91 "Other income and expenses". The figures generated in these latter accounts are also used for detailed disclosures in the income statement.

The financial result of economic activity is reflected in the profit and loss account in the form of a balance characterizing the comparison and comparison of all income and expenses (profit and loss). Income and profit are reflected on the credit side of account 99, and expenses and losses - on the debit side. Therefore, the credit balance on account 99 represents the excess of income over expenses, that is, profit. Accordingly, the debit balance - the excess of expenses over income - reflects the loss to the organization. Income and expenses, profit and loss are recorded on the account on an accrual basis from the beginning of the reporting period - the profit and loss account reflects the dynamics of the process of making a profit. This account is organically linked to the balance sheet and allows you to identify the inflow and outflow of capital for each transaction.

General Profit and Loss Account:

Reflects the movement of part of equity capital during the reporting period;

Allows to take into account the dynamics of formation indicators financial results from the beginning of the reporting period; the result is reflected in the form of a balance of income and expenses of the organization;

Closely related to the balance sheet - the financial result is a comparison of the net worth at the beginning and end of the reporting period, it follows from the entries on the asset and liability accounts of the balance.

The information function of the profit and loss account makes it possible to obtain generalized and detailed information on profitability indicators and the level of income and expenses; reasons for achieving this level financial results; sustainability of income and expenses; the possibility of distributing profits for the payment of dividends and other purposes.

During the reporting year, the cumulative total on the account reflects:

1. profit (loss) from sales generated on account 90 "Sales";

2. profit (loss) arising from the comparison of other income and expenses on account 91 "Other income and expenses";

3. extraordinary losses, expenses and incomes arising from natural disasters and other extraordinary circumstances;

4.Costs of taxation of profits, including penalties for violation tax legislation- in correspondence with account 68 "Calculations of taxes and fees";

5. the balance of net profit, net loss, as the final indicator of the organization's activities for the reporting period.

The information structure of account 99 "Profits and losses" can be formed on the second order accounts of the following content:

99/1 "Result of sales operations";

99/2 "Results of other operations";

99/3 "Extraordinary Income";

99/4 "Extraordinary expenses";

99/5 "Income tax expenses";

99/9 "Net profit / loss for the period".

Account 99/1 forms a significant part of the profit from ordinary activities before tax or, accordingly, loss. On the credit of the account, the profit from sales is recorded, on the debit - the loss, in correspondence with account 90/9 "Balance of profit / loss from sales". On account 99/1 "Result of sales operations" data is recorded cumulatively. The account balance is closed only at the end of the reporting period in correspondence with account 99/9 “Net profit / loss for the period”.

Account 99/2 reflects the balance of other income and expenses for the reporting period and forms the second main part of profit (loss) before tax. The balance of profit on operations constituting other income and expenses is recorded on the credit of account 99/2 in correspondence with account 91/9 "Balance of other income and expenses". The balance of the loss is recorded on the same accounts, but in reverse order - debit account 99/2, credit account 91/9.

Accounts 99/3 and 99/4 are intended to reflect information on income and expenses arising from extraordinary circumstances. These incomes are recorded in accounting on the debit of cash and settlement accounts and on the credit of account 99/3 "Extraordinary income". Extraordinary expenses recognized in the reporting period, accounting are reflected as follows: on the debit of account 99/4 "Extraordinary expenses", on the credit of accounts 01 "Fixed assets", 03 "Profitable investments in tangible assets" (for the residual value of lost property) or on the credit of accounts 10 "Materials", 43 "Finished goods" and other accounts accounting of goods and materials(on the book value lost) or on a credit of accounts of settlements (for expenses on liquidation of consequences of emergency circumstances).

Account 99/5 is provided for the bookkeeping of those calculated on declarations and other tax reports payments for income tax, for the recalculation of this tax, as well as the amount payable tax sanctions... The accrued amounts are recorded on the debit of account 99/5 "Expenses on income tax" and on the credit of account 68 "Calculations of taxes and fees".

Account 99/9 "Net profit / loss for the period" is intended for monthly calculation and reflection of the final financial result for the reporting year (in accruing amounts from the beginning of the year).

As a result, on account 99 "Profits and losses" the net profit of the organization is revealed - the basis for declaring dividends and other distribution of profits. Instruction of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation on the application of the Chart of Accounts for accounting stipulates that account 99 “Profits and losses” is closed only at the end of the reporting year in correspondence with account 84 “Retained earnings (uncovered loss)”. That is, by the final entry in December, the amount of net profit (loss) of the reporting year is written off from the debit (credit) of account 99 to the credit (debit) of account 84.

Profit received by a taxpayer is recognized as an object of taxation for corporate income tax in accordance with Chapter 25 Tax Code RF. For accounting purposes, income tax calculations are regulated by PBU 18/02 "Accounting for income tax calculations".

7. Profit and loss statements

The amounts of income and expenses are not reflected in the balance sheet. It contains only information about deferred income and expenses, deferred reserves. There is a direct link between the balance sheet of the organization and its income statement. The balance sheet reflects the final characteristic of the ratio of income and expenses of the organization - its net profit. Index retained earnings in the balance sheet characterizes the amount of net profit accumulated since the beginning of the organization's activities.

The net loss of the organization, as a negative value relative to retained earnings and capital in general, is also reflected in the balance sheet as a cumulative total from the beginning of the net loss. The cumulative total of the net loss is shown in the balance sheet of the organization until a decision is found to cover it and write it off the balance sheet. ( Balance sheet see Appendix 1).

Financial result - profit or loss for the reporting period - the most important indicator economic activities of any organization. For business entities, it is not the overall financial result of activities that is significant, but the result, characterized by indicators of net and retained earnings, uncovered loss... Information about the formation and use of profit contained in the profit and loss statement is considered by users as the most important part financial statements organizations. (Income statement see Appendix 2)

Report about incomes and material losses Russian organizations in last years has undergone very significant changes, became more compact and convenient for use, in its content approached the requirements international standards financial reporting. Mandatory minimum of items in the income statement and additional disclosure of information on income and expenses, which has essential to understand the reporting items of profits and losses, the reasons and factors of their formation, it is stipulated in PBU 4/99 "Financial statements of the organization".

To date, the profit and loss statement (Form No. 2) contains in its sections information for the reporting and previous periods:

1. On profit (loss) from the sale of goods, products, works, services (the cost of selling goods, products, works, services, business expenses and administrative expenses if they are accounting policies stand out from production cost and debited to sales accounts);

2. On operating income and expenses with the allocation of interest receivable and payment (the amount of interest on securities and the amounts due from banks for using the balances of funds on the accounts of the organization), income from participation in other organizations and other operating income and expenses;

3. On non-operating income and expenses, profit (loss) before taxation, income tax and other similar payments, on profit (loss) from ordinary activities;

4. On extraordinary income and expenses and net (retained) profit (loss) of the reporting period, which is received by adding extra income to profit from ordinary activities and subtracting it from the amount received extraordinary expenses.

For reference, the report contains data for the reporting and previous periods on dividends per one preferred and one ordinary share and on the expected income for the next year per one preferred and one ordinary share. The breakdown of individual profits and losses provides data for the reporting and previous periods on certain types of profits and losses (fines, penalties, penalties; profits (losses) of previous years; exchange rate differences on operations in foreign currency, etc.). The profit and loss statement in the form recommended by the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation is given in the appendix to this course work.

IN international practice there are two main approaches (formats) to the preparation of profit and loss statements. The first format is based on the disclosure of production costs by cost element, the second is based on the cost of production. Both formats allow obtaining completely identical results, but disclosing data on the formation of financial results in different ways (see table 4).

Operating profit by cost format.

The first item in any income statement is sales turnover and revenue receipts. This article includes the following items:

1. Income from the sale, rental and leasing in the ordinary course of business;

2. income from services rendered by the organization; insurance claims for goods sold;

3. income from royalties, interest and dividends (these incomes are included in revenue in accordance with the IFRS).

Revenues are reduced by the amount of value added tax and other taxes included in the price of the goods, as well as the cost of returning the goods from customers. Changes in inventories of finished goods and work in progress are calculated as the difference in balances at the beginning and end of the reporting period.

Work performed for own needs, capitalization in the organization: equipment of its own manufacture, the cost of commissioning machines, equipment, other facilities, reconstruction and expansion of the organization.

Other types of household income activities - proceeds from other sales that are not typical for the organization. Production and operating costs activity:

The cost of raw materials and materials, expenses for industrial work and services from outside, for the purchase of electrical, thermal and other energy, etc.

Staff costs, various monetary compensation;

Expenses for social Security; statutory mandatory contributions; pension and medical expenses; mandatory contributions to Pension Fund etc.

Depreciation deductions and other amounts written off to cover the cost of tangible and intangible long-term operating assets.

Other operating costs (advertising costs, freight, different kinds communications, etc.).

The operating result from the sale is obtained by adding up all income for items 1-4 and subtracting all expenses for items 5-8 from the resulting sum.

Operating profit by cost format.

1. Sales turnover includes income from the sale of goods and services of ordinary economic activity, unnecessary inventories, own semi-finished products, and other income. Changes in the value of inventories and work in progress are excluded.

2. The cost of products, goods and services sold. Gross operating result from sales (position 1 - position 2). Business expenses; accounted for in the reporting period to which they relate. This includes the costs of sales, advertising, marketing, etc.

Administrative and administrative expenses for the reporting period.

Operating financial result from the sale (position 3 - position 4 - position 5).

3. Other income and expenses included in the income statement. These are revenues and results not directly related to sales operations (revenues from equity participation in other organizations, dividends, interest, etc.)

The overall financial result is calculated according to the following scheme:

total profit before tax (+);

atypical income (+) or expenses (-);

tax on atypical income (-);

other taxes (-).

8. Accounting for income and expenses for LLC "Kamplex"

Extraordinary income is considered: income arising as a consequence of extraordinary circumstances of economic activity (natural disaster, fire, accident, nationalization, etc.); insurance compensation; the cost of tangible assets remaining from the write-off of assets that are unusable for restoration and further use, etc.

The structure of extraordinary expenses reflects expenses that arise as a consequence of extraordinary circumstances of economic activity.

When generating extraordinary income and expenses, it should be borne in mind that extraordinary circumstances of economic activity are circumstances that are of a single nature. For example, if an organization is in a zone of periodic flooding of the territory as a result of spring or autumn floods, the resulting consequences are related to operating income and expenses for ordinary activities, respectively.

In accounting, the receipt of extraordinary income is reflected by the record: Debit of account 76 "Settlements with different debtors and creditors" - Credit of account 99 "Profit and loss".

The write-off of extraordinary expenses is reflected by the entry: Debit of account 99 "Profit and loss" - Credit of account 01 "Fixed assets", 10 "Materials", etc.

Losses and expenses related to emergency circumstances are debited to account 99 debit from the credit of accounts of material assets (lost or expended in the elimination of the consequences of emergency circumstances), payments to personnel for remuneration (for employees engaged in the elimination of the consequences of natural disasters), cash and etc.

When writing off the value of property lost as a result of extraordinary circumstances, the depreciable property is charged to the debit of account 99 to residual value(from the credit of accounts 01 and 04), and the rest of the property - at the actual cost (from the credit of accounts 08, 10, 11, 20, 21, 23, 29, 41, 43, 50, 58, etc.). At the same time, organizations that take into account materials at discount prices, to accounting record on writing off materials at accounting prices (account 99 debit, account 10 credit) make up an additional accounting entry for writing off deviations attributable to lost materials. The amounts of deviations are written off to account 99 from account 16 "Deviation in the value of material assets" by the method adopted in the organization.

In the debit of account 99, losses from insured events that are not compensated for by insurance indemnities are written off (from account 76 "Settlements with various debtors and creditors"), as well as the cost of animals killed or slaughtered in connection with an epidemic, natural disasters and other emergency circumstances (from the account credit 11 "Animals for growing and fattening").

  1. Formation of financial results in accounting and tax accounting

Comparing accounting and tax accounting, it can be argued that there are some differences between them both in the composition of income and expenses, and in the conditions of their recognition.

An important difference in the structure of income and expenses in accounting and tax accounting is that in accounting they distinguish income and expenses from ordinary activities, operating, non-operating and extraordinary income and expenses, and in tax accounting they distinguish income from the sale of goods, expenses related production and sales and non-operating income.

For example, income and expenses for the lease of property, income from participation in other organizations, expenses for payment of services of credit institutions, interest receivable or payment, etc. in accounting they are referred to as operational, and in tax - to non-operating. It is also noteworthy that other operating income and expenses from the sale of other property are included in tax accounting as income from sales and expenses related to production and sales, respectively.

An interesting point concerns the property received free of charge. In tax accounting, the value of property (works, services) received free of charge is included in non-operating income in the period when the income was received. In accounting, the cost of such property, upon receipt, is charged to account 98 "Deferred income", and to account 91 "Other income and expenses" income is written off during the service life of the fixed asset as depreciation is calculated (for other property - as the production).

Attention should be paid to the reflection of interest on debt obligations in accounting and tax accounting. So interest on loans and borrowings received for the advance payment of inventories, in accounting until the posting of inventories is included in their cost, after posting - as operating expenses, and for tax purposes as non-operating expenses in the accrual period. The situation is similar with interest on loans and borrowings directly related to the acquisition and (or) construction of an investment asset: for accounting purposes, interest is included in the value of assets, and for tax purposes, in non-operating expenses in the accrual period.

In addition, a number of differences in the formation of the financial result in accounting and tax accounting arise from the taxpayer's right to determine income and expenses based on two options: as payment is made or as products, goods, works and services are shipped. Considering that in accounting, data are formed taking into account the assumption of the temporal certainty of the facts of economic activity (the accrual principle), when applying the first option for taxation purposes (as paid), the organization has difficulties with the formation of the taxable base, especially in terms of expenses accepted for deduction ...

A number of differences arising in accounting and tax accounting are due to deviations from norms, limits and standards. Despite the fact that all actual costs associated with the production and sale of products, goods, works and services form their cost, for tax purposes a number of costs are accepted within the established state restrictions.

Differences can also arise due to the use of different methods of calculating depreciation for accounting and income tax purposes. So, according to PBU 6/01, depreciation of fixed assets is carried out in one of the following ways:

    linear method;

    diminishing balance method;

    method of writing off the value by the sum of the number of years of useful life;

    method of writing off the cost in proportion to the volume of products (works).

According to Art. 259 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, depreciation is calculated using two methods:

    linear method;

    nonlinear method.

In this regard, the amount of depreciation that is accrued in accounting may exceed that calculated according to the rules tax accounting, and vice versa, the amount of depreciation charged in tax accounting may be greater than that calculated according to accounting rules.

Any taxpayer to one degree or another may suffer from natural disasters, man-made disasters, terrorist acts or other emergency circumstances. In most of these cases, the organization incurs costs and losses associated with damage and destruction of property. However, sometimes income also appears.

Extraordinary circumstances of economic activity? these are natural disasters, fires, accidents, epidemics, etc. This follows from clause 13 of PBU 10/99 and clause 9 of PBU 9/99. For taxpayers, the consequences of these events can be very different: from minor damage to inventories, goods, materials, fixed assets and other property belonging to the organization, to its complete destruction. What should be done by an organization in an emergency, and what are the features of recognition and documenting expenses and incomes received as a result of such a situation? Inventory of property of an organization that has suffered from unavoidable circumstances, first of all, it is necessary to establish the amount of damage caused. To do this, she must take an inventory. According to paragraph 2 of Art. 12 Federal law from 21.11.96 № 129-ФЗ "On accounting" (hereinafter - Law № 129-ФЗ) inventory is mandatory in the event of a natural disaster, fire and other emergencies caused by extreme conditions. In the course of the inventory, the amount of damaged and destroyed values ​​is determined, and the surviving property is also established. Inventory taking and registration of its results is carried out in accordance with Methodical guidelines inventory of property and financial commitments, which were approved by the Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation of 13.06.1995 N 49. This document can be used not only for accounting purposes, but also for tax purposes. Inventory results are recorded inventory records... According to the results of the inventory, property unsuitable for further use is written off, and materials (spare parts, scrap, etc.) received when writing off this property, which can be used or sold, are accounted for. Write-off and registration of property damaged as a result of unforeseen circumstances is drawn up by the corresponding primary documents. Thus, inventories that are unsuitable for further use are written off at their actual cost on the basis of an act in the form No. MB-8, approved by the Decree of the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation dated 10.30.97 No. 71a. For the write-off of fixed assets, forms No. OS-4 "The act of writing off an object of fixed assets (except for vehicles)", OS-4a "The act of writing off vehicles" and OS-4b "The act of writing off groups of fixed assets" (approved by the Resolution Goskomstat of the Russian Federation from 21.01.03, No. 7). Property, plant and equipment are written off at their residual value. The tangible assets remaining from the written off property, which can be used in the activities of the organization, are credited on the basis of a write-off act and a claim-invoice No. M-11. Also, Form No. M-35 "Act on the Posting of Material Assets Received During the Dismantling and Dismantling of Buildings and Structures" is applied. These tangible assets are accounted for at the price of possible use. Recognition of “extraordinary” expenses Cost of damaged and destroyed property? this is only a fraction of the costs incurred by the organization in the event of unforeseen circumstances. After a natural disaster, fire or accident, as a rule, it is necessary to eliminate their consequences. For example, tidying up the territory, dismantling the debris of a burnt-out building, etc. The costs for these purposes also relate to the costs associated with emergencies. Reflection of expenses in tax and accounting In tax accounting, costs arising from extraordinary circumstances are included in non-operating expenses. So, in sub. 6 p. 2 art. 265 Tax Code it says that losses from natural disasters, fires, accidents and other emergencies, including the costs associated with the prevention or elimination of their consequences, are taken into account when calculating income tax. The expenses for the liquidation of fixed assets decommissioned, including the amount of uncalculated depreciation on these fixed assets, decrease tax base on income tax (subparagraph 8 of clause 1 of article 265 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation). A decrease in the tax base also causes the costs of liquidating construction in progress and other property, the installation of which has not been completed (costs of dismantling, dismantling, removal of dismantled property). In accounting, all costs arising in connection with the elimination of the consequences of extraordinary circumstances are related to other costs. According to the Chart of Accounts, they are reflected in the debit of account 91 "Other income and expenses" (subaccounts 91-2) in correspondence with property and cash accounts (01, 04, 10, 43, 50), settlements with staff on remuneration (70 ), etc. It should be borne in mind that the costs of eliminating the consequences of a natural disaster, fire, flood, etc. cannot be included in the costs of ordinary activities, since they are not associated with the production and sale of products, as well as the performance of work (provision of services) carried out within the framework of the organization's activities. According to general order, established in clause 18 of PBU 10/99, in accounting, "extraordinary" expenses are expenses of the reporting period in which they were incurred. At the same time, expenses in the form of the cost of written off inventories and other property are recognized in the month in which the inventory was completed (clause 5.5 of the Methodological Instructions). Example 1 LLC "Amvrozia" is engaged in the processing of chicken meat. As a result of an accident at the power plant at the enterprise on October 5, 2010, the electricity was cut off. This led to the termination of the operation of refrigeration equipment and damage to the finished products stored in it. In addition, due to voltage drops in the network, one of the refrigerators is out of order and needs to be repaired. In the course of the inventory of inventory items (completed on October 8, 2010), it was found that products in the amount of 87,000 rubles were damaged. The cost of work on the repair of refrigeration equipment, performed by a specialized organization, amounted to 46,020 rubles. (including VAT RUB 7020). These works were completed and accepted by Amvrozia LLC according to the October 15, 2010 act. In tax accounting, the organization in October 2010 has the right to include in the non-operating expenses the cost of written off products? RUB 87,000 and other expenses? the cost of repairing refrigeration equipment? RUB 39,000 (RUB 46,020? RUB 7020). The following entries were made in the accounting records of Amvrozia LLC: As of October 8, 2010: Dt91-2 - Kt43? decommissioned worn out finished products in the amount of 87,000 rubles; On October 15, 2010: Dt91-2 - Kt60? the cost of work on the repair of refrigeration equipment was taken into account in the amount of 39,000 rubles; Dt19 - Kt60? VAT charged on repair work in the amount of 7020 rubles. Documentary confirmation of expenses As already noted, the value of property damaged as a result of emergency situations and unsuitable for further use is written off on the basis of the relevant acts. The costs of paying for work to eliminate the consequences of emergency circumstances must also be documented. To substantiate the need for these works, the head of the organization should issue an order on the creation of a commission responsible for eliminating the consequences of a natural disaster, fire, accident, etc., and on involving employees in work to eliminate these consequences. This order also indicates the amount of work that needs to be performed and the timing of their implementation. The fact that the work has been completed is confirmed by an act signed by the above-mentioned commission. Although, specified documents and confirm the commission business transactions, they are not enough to recognize the above costs as other expenses in accounting and as part of non-operating expenses for the purpose of taxation of profits. These documents must be accompanied by documents from the relevant executive authorities confirming the extraordinary circumstances. To confirm the occurrence of an emergency as a result of a natural disaster, you should contact Roshydromet, fire? to the fire service of the Russian Emergencies Ministry. A power outage certificate is issued by the organization serving the power grid. The road traffic accident is confirmed by a certificate issued official Traffic police. The failure of the heating system, as a result of which the office of the organization was flooded, is confirmed by the DEZ. The fact that there are no guilty persons in the theft of property and documents is confirmed by a certificate from the internal affairs bodies on the termination of the criminal case. Specifics of Confirming the Cost of Recovering Lost Documents Often, as a result of extraordinary circumstances, not only the property of the organization is damaged, but also the accounting and tax accounting documents. They can burn or get wet from water. The main task of the organization in such a situation? take all necessary measures to restore the destroyed documents. This is especially important if the documents are missing for a period for which a field tax audit has not yet been carried out. Immediately after the incident, a commission is created in the organization to investigate the causes of the death of documents and identify the perpetrators. This is stated in clause 6.8 of the Regulations "On documents and workflow in accounting", approved by the Ministry of Finance of the USSR of 07/29/83 No. 105. If necessary, the work of the commission is attended by employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia, internal affairs bodies, authorized persons of the organization in charge of the operation and maintenance of the building, and other departments. The results of the commission's work are documented in an act in which the fact of loss or damage to documents must be recorded. This act is approved by the head of the organization, it should be accompanied by a certificate from the relevant department about fire, flood, electrical substation failure, as well as a list of lost (damaged) documents. Such documents are identified based on the results of an inventory of the remaining documents, which in this case the organization is obliged to carry out in accordance with paragraph 2 of Art. 12 of Law No. 129-FZ. In addition, written explanations must be obtained from the persons responsible for the preservation of documents. Despite the fact that according to paragraph 3 of Art. 17 of Law No. 129-FZ, the head of the organization is responsible for organizing the storage of accounting documents, as well as accounting and reporting registers, these explanations are usually taken from the chief accountant, since it is he who is in charge of primary documents, tax and accounting registers, tax documents and accounting reports. After the list of lost documents is established, the organization should begin to restore them. A responsible person is appointed for this, as a rule? Chief Accountant... Restore accounting documents the organization can on its own or with the involvement of third parties (for example, audit firms, counterparties, servicing bank). After the completion of work on the restoration of documents performed by third-party firms, it is necessary to draw up an acceptance certificate for the work performed. The documents listed above will serve as the basis for reflecting the costs of the organization for the restoration of documents in accounting and tax accounting. These costs, as well as other expenses caused by extraordinary events, are recognized in accounting as other expenses, and for the purpose of taxation of profits? in non-operating expenses ( sub. 6 p. 2 art. 265 Tax Code). Recognition of “extraordinary” income In tax accounting, receipts from extraordinary events are recorded as non-operating income. At the same time, the cost of material assets obtained during dismantling or disassembly during the liquidation of fixed assets being decommissioned is taken into account for the purpose of taxation of profits on the basis of clause 13 of Art. 250 Tax Code... The date of recognition of such income is the date of drawing up an act on the liquidation of depreciable property, drawn up in accordance with the requirements of accounting ( sub. 8 p. 4 art. 271 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation). The insurance payment and the amount of compensation reimbursed by the guilty person increase the tax base for income tax in accordance with paragraph 3 of Art. 250 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation. According to this clause, non-operating income includes receipts in the form of amounts of compensation for losses or damage recognized by the debtor or payable by the debtor on the basis of a court decision. The date of receipt of such income is considered the date when the relevant court decision entered into legal force... The basis is sub. 4 p. 4 art. 271 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation. The above procedure for recognizing income applies to taxpayers who determine income on an accrual basis. If the organization uses the cash method, then the cost of materials received when writing off fixed assets is reflected in tax accounting on the day these materials are received, and insurance payments and the amount of compensation from the perpetrator? on the day of receipt of funds to bank accounts and (or) cash desk. This is indicated by clause 2 of Art. 273 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation... Proceeds arising in connection with the elimination of the consequences of extraordinary circumstances of economic activity are related to other income of the organization (clause 9 of PBU 9/99). They are reflected on the credit of account 91 (subaccounts 91-1) in correspondence with accounts of material assets, cash, etc. Basically specified income in organizations are formed from two sources: the value of material assets remaining from the write-off of unsuitable for restoration and further use of fixed assets, and the amount insurance compensation received from an insurance company in the event of loss (damage) of the insured property. If the culprit of the emergency situation is identified, then the above income also includes the amounts received from the guilty person in compensation for damage. Income in the form of the value of suitable tangible assets remaining from the write-off that are not subject to restoration and further use of fixed assets are reflected in accounting as soon as they are identified, and income in the form of insurance compensation is recognized in the reporting period in which the insurance company recognized the amount of damage to the insured. As for the income in the form of amounts of compensation for the organization's losses subject to compensation by the guilty person, they are included in other income in the reporting period in which the culprit agreed to reimburse them or the court ruled to recover these losses from him. Example 2 ZAO Felicita on September 25, 2010 burned down a warehouse that was insured for the amount of 1,200,000 rubles. Based on the results of the inventory conducted on September 27, the organization identified and accepted for accounting materials suitable for further use, in the amount of 45,000 rubles. Insurance Company On October 15, 2010, she recognized the amount of damage to the organization and on October 19, she paid the insurance indemnity in full (RUB 1,200,000). CJSC "Felicita" recognizes income and expenses in tax accounting for profit tax purposes on an accrual basis, therefore the company has reflected in the structure of non-operating income:
  • September 27? materials identified during the inventory in the amount of 45,000 rubles;
  • October 15? insurance compensation in the amount of 1,200,000 rubles.
The following entries were made in the accounting records of Felicita CJSC: As of September 27, 2010: Dt10 - Kt91-1? materials received as a result of the write-off of fixed assets were capitalized in the amount of 45,000 rubles; On October 15, 2010: Dt76-1 - Kt91-1? reflected as part of other income the amount of insurance compensation in the amount of 1,200,000 rubles; On October 19, 2010: Dt51 - Kt76-1? received the amount of insurance compensation in the amount of 1,200,000 rubles. Reflection of "extraordinary" expenses and income in tax and accounting reports In the declaration on income tax of organizations approved by the Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated 05.05.08 No. 54n (as amended by the Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated 16.12.09 No. 135n), income and expenses caused by extraordinary circumstances are reflected as follows. The total amount of such income is indicated on line 100 of Appendix No. 1 to sheet 02. This line, in particular, indicates the amount of insurance payments from insurance organizations, the amount of compensation for damage to be received from the perpetrators, as well as the cost of materials or other property received during liquidation and repair of fixed assets. In addition, income in the form of the cost of materials or other property received during the liquidation of fixed assets is reflected in line 102. "Extraordinary" expenses are reflected in Appendix No. 2 to sheet 02. They are indicated in the total amount on line 200. The indicator of this line includes expenses in the form of the cost of written off inventories and fixed assets, as well as the costs of eliminating the consequences of emergencies. At the same time, expenses for the liquidation of fixed assets decommissioned, construction in progress and other property are also indicated in line 204. For accounting purposes, income and expenses arising from unforeseen circumstances are reflected in the form No. 2 "Profit and loss statement" of the accounting reporting in the section "Other income and expenses" in lines 090 and 100.

In the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, there is no definition of the concepts of "extraordinary income" and "extraordinary expenses". Such terms are in accounting.
Let's start with income. They are dedicated to the Regulation on accounting "Income of the organization" (PBU 9/99), approved by order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated May 6, 1999 No. 32n.
In accordance with paragraph 9 of this document, extraordinary income is funds received as a result of extraordinary circumstances (natural disaster, fire, accident, nationalization, etc.). These incomes include:
the cost of material assets that remained after the write-off of property unsuitable for restoration and further use;
insurance compensation.
According to subparagraph 13 of Article 250 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, material values ​​obtained after dismantling and disassembling the liquidated fixed assets are non-operating income of the enterprise. Of course, this procedure also applies to fixed assets destroyed as a result of extraordinary circumstances. In other words, for tax purposes, materials that remained after the destroyed object was written off are included in non-operating income. Also, the amount of insurance compensation belongs to non-operating income. This is stated in paragraph 3 of Article 250 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation.
Now let's talk about extraordinary spending. In clause 13 of the Accounting Regulations “Organization's Expenses” (PBU 10/99), approved by order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated May 6, 1999 No. ЗЗн, it is said that expenses that arise after extraordinary circumstances are considered extraordinary. In particular, such costs may be:
the cost of destroyed and spoiled production stocks, finished goods and other material values;
costs associated with the prevention or elimination of the consequences of natural disasters.
Losses from natural disasters, fires, accidents and other emergencies, as well as the costs of preventing or eliminating them, are non-operating expenses that reduce taxable profit. This is stated in subparagraph 6 of paragraph 2 of Article 265 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation.
So, for the purposes of taxation of profits, extraordinary income and expenses are written off to non-operating income or expenses, respectively.
Note: in order to reduce taxable income by the amount of emergency expenses, it is necessary to have documents confirming that the company has lost part of its property due to an accident, natural disaster, etc. fire service, etc.).
And one more remark. After a fire, accident or natural disaster, it is imperative to take an inventory of the property. This is stated in paragraph 2 of Article 12 of the Federal Law of November 21, 1996 No. 129-FZ "On Accounting".

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