
When will the children be issued in June. List of types of assistance. Minimum maternity benefit

Benefit Timings

  • At birth
  • Maternity (Maternity)
  • Caring for a child up to 1.5 years
  • Putin's for the FIRST

5. Maximum child allowance for employees in 2019

It is determined depending on, or they are called the limit value, the limit of the base for calculating insurance premiums to state off-budget funds. We will show the calculation of the maximum benefit

  • 2017 is - 23,089.04 rubles. ((670,000 rubles + 717,000 rubles): 731 days x 40% x 30.4).
    The maximum earnings for the billing period (365 + 366), and not by 730. And all due to the fact that 2016 is a leap year.
  • 2016 is - 21,554.85 rubles.
  • 2015 is - 19,855.82 rubles.

Note: that the average daily earnings for calculating the maternity allowance and the monthly childcare allowance cannot be more than the value obtained by dividing the sum of the contribution base limits for the previous two calendar years by 730.

6. Maximum maternity allowance 2019 = 301 095,89 rub.

2018 = 282,493.15 rubles

2017 = 266,191.78 rubles

2016 = 248,164.0 rubles

2015 = 228,602.74 rubles

If the insurance period of a woman is less than six months, she will be paid an allowance not exceeding a full calendar month.

Table of child benefits 2019

CHILD allowance indexation coefficient for 2019 table


COMPENSATION for child care from 1.5 to 3 years

All employees who are on maternity leave under three years of age are required to pay monthly compensation at the rate of 50 rub.

The procedure for appointing and paying compensation was approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 3, 1994 No. 1206. It says that compensation is assigned at all places of work. And taking into account regional coefficients.

An allowance of 50 rubles is paid from the beginning of parental leave until the age of 3, that is, you must pay it from the very beginning. It is paid only at the request of the employee, if there is no application, you may not pay. And for the month it is paid in proportion to the days of vacation.

Note : This type cash payments for their legal nature in fact, it is a state benefit, in connection with which, on the basis of clause 1 of part 1, for compulsory social insurance in case of temporary disability and in connection with motherhood.

When, from what week they go on maternity leave in 2019, how the allowance is paid and accrued. What week does maternity leave start? What should you expect if you are a new mother and are going to take maternity leave from work? The article tells everything in detail how to calculate maternity payments in 2019, as well as how maternity payments are calculated and paid for all women.

What are the amounts for child support? This and other questions regarding the timing and schedule of transfers, the procedure and nuances of payments are of interest not only to parents, but also to employees of accounting departments and social security authorities. A detailed answer to them is available in the proposed article.

What benefits are paid monthly in 2016?

The existing system of benefits in the Russian Federation today is quite complex, it is regulated by various normative documents, and therefore confusion in the order and timing of payments is a common thing. Therefore, before considering the question of how many child benefits are calculated in 2016, we will briefly talk about the system of benefits itself.

Article 3 of the Law “On State Benefits to Citizens with Children” of May 19, 1995 No. 81-FZ provides for 8 various kinds benefits that are paid from the moment of pregnancy until the child reaches the age of 16:

  • when registering in the early stages of pregnancy (once);
  • in connection with motherhood (once);
  • at the birth of a child (once);
  • up to 1.5 years (monthly);
  • up to age 16 (usually monthly);
  • when transferring a child to a family (once);
  • the pregnant wife of a conscript (once);
  • per child of a conscript (monthly).

The listed payments are single, when the entire amount of the benefit is paid once, regardless of the timing and method of accrual, as well as monthly. If the allowance is paid by the organization where the parent works, it is issued with the next salary. If the benefit is paid by the social security authorities, then the payment for the previous month must take place no later than the 26th day of the current month.

Features of each target payment we will consider separately.

What are the dates for pregnancy and maternity benefits?

For working women, serving or studying, maternity allowance is paid at the place of work or in educational institution. The administration has 10 days from the date of submission of the application and supporting documents for the accrual of funds.

If a woman does not work for 12 months due to the liquidation of the organization until she is recognized as unemployed, the social security authority will pay the allowance, in accordance with the order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation “On approval of the procedure and conditions for the appointment and payment of state benefits ...” dated December 23, 2009 No. 1012n. Funds will be paid by the 26th day of the month following the registration of the application.

The benefit for pregnancy up to 12 weeks is paid simultaneously with the maternity benefit in a similar manner. According to paragraph 19 of the above order, it is an additional payment to the maternity benefit, therefore, both benefits are paid together.

Don't know your rights?

Payment schedule for child care benefits

This allowance is entitled to receive not only mothers, but also fathers, guardians or other persons who actually care for the child until he reaches 1.5 years. However, only one person can receive the benefit. The allowance is paid monthly for 1.5 years from the date of birth of the child. Since the payment period is superimposed on the maternity benefit, after the birth, the parents can choose only one benefit. Accordingly, after the expiration of the period for paying maternity benefits (if the choice was made in his favor), an allowance for caring for a baby up to 1.5 years old will be accrued.

If the parent caring for the child is subject to social insurance or is an employee of law enforcement agencies or the Ministry of Defense, then the allowance will be issued every month with the next salary.

All other citizens, after registering the application, the allowance is paid every month, while the payment for the last month is made before the 26th day of the current one. The payer will be the local social security agency.

10 days are allotted for the calculation of the first payment from the date of receipt of documents, however, the above rules regarding wages and the payment schedule in social security remain valid.

IMPORTANT! When deciding how many allowances are calculated for children from 1.5 to 3 years old, it is worth remembering that, as such, they do not rely on benefits. However, the parent's right to leave remains until the child reaches the age of 3.

During this period, the parent is entitled to compensation in the amount of 50 rubles. (as of 2016), the procedure for its payment is the same as for benefits. Due to the obvious insufficiency of this money, most parents are still forced to work, and in such a situation they are deprived of compensation.

When is the allowance paid to the child of a citizen drafted into the army?

The allowance for the child of a conscript soldier is paid according to the social security schedule, i.e. until the 26th day of the next month. The recipient is the spouse of the conscript or the guardian of the child in the event of her death, detention or deprivation of the right to education. The allowance is paid from the moment of birth until the child turns 3 years old, regardless of the availability of other benefits or compensations. Accordingly, the specified 3-year period is limited to the period of conscription, i.e. most often one year.

How much is child benefit for a child under 16 years of age?

The amount and procedure for paying these benefits is determined in each region separately, single document regulating these issues, no. However, practice proceeds from already established and proven methods of making payments.

If the child's parent works or serves in law enforcement agencies, then the administration of the organization must pay the allowance. Accordingly, the same rule regarding the frequency of payroll payments remains.

If the parent does not work, then all payments are made by the same social security authorities. Here, too, the approach is usually uniform.

The mother of the child usually receives the allowance, except in cases of her absence, detention, deprivation of the rights of a parent.

It is worth remembering that benefits are also paid for children under 18 years of age, if they continue their education at school.

What to do if there is a delay in payments?

The schedule for paying child benefits is established by the already mentioned order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation of December 23, 2009 No. 1012n and is mandatory for both public institutions as well as for any other organizations. However, in practice, late payment of child benefits is a very common phenomenon. If we are talking about social security agencies, then such situations are caused by untimely transfer of funds from the regional budget. In a number of subjects of the Russian Federation, delays reach one and a half months. This is especially true for 2016. Nevertheless, there should be no reason for concern, since the money will still go to the recipient's account.

A new family dreams of their first child and a natural question that arises in a young family is the question of what financial assistance they are entitled to at the birth of their first child, and also about what benefits they can count on from the state?

Answering the question of how much money they give for the first child in 2017, first of all we will talk about that state financial support which they are entitled to by law. And the law provides for a lump sum payment, as well as monthly allowance. Moreover, if this is the family of a serviceman, then the allowance will be paid in an increased form with a coefficient of 1.5. And if we are talking about a single mom, then with a coefficient of 2. (That is, in double size). That is, the amount of payments for the first child will be different and this is due to the social status of young parents that they have. Speaking about the types of payments for the first child, these are various lump-sum benefits, monthly payments, and they are provided both in the form of cash payments and in the form of non-monetary forms of social support.

Early pregnancy benefit for first child

A one-time allowance in the amount of 613 rubles 14 kopecks a pregnant woman will receive in the early stages of pregnancy after registration with antenatal clinic. This allowance is additional to the basic allowance for pregnancy and childbirth.

If a woman is entitled to a basic maternity allowance, then it is quite legitimate that she can count on additional payments in early pregnancy.

This type of benefit is due to all women who have an insurance policy and citizenship of the Russian Federation, a sick leave certificate and are registered for pregnancy up to 12 weeks. A pregnant woman who registers on time will not only be able to receive the specified financial assistance, but will also minimize all medical risks and complications during pregnancy, since early observation will undoubtedly contribute to a successful pregnancy and normal childbirth.

Where can I apply for child support?

If a woman is officially employed, then you need to apply for the appointment of benefits early in the personnel department and accounting department at work. If at the time of pregnancy the woman did not have labor relations, then for benefits you need to apply to the department of social protection of the population at the place of registration.

What documents are required for the first child allowance?

You must write an appropriate application for benefits, get medical document in women's clinic.

Maternity allowance for the first child

All working maternity allowance is paid in the amount of the average wages calculated for the period of the last two years, and if the average salary is lower than the minimum wage, then its payment will be in the amount of the minimum wage.

Those who do not have official earnings, the maternity allowance for the first child consists of a monthly payment in the amount of 613 rubles 14 kopecks. Pregnant students are provided with benefits in the amount of scholarships they receive. The duration of the payment of maternity benefits is the entire period maternity leave, consisting of two periods: the period before childbirth and the period after childbirth. The allowance is paid for 140 days, of which half of the period is before childbirth, the other half is after childbirth.

The duration of payment of the maternity benefit is extended up to 194 days if there is a multiple pregnancy or a pregnancy with complications.

The amount of the maternity benefit in 2017 varies from 34,520 rubles to 265,827.

After the birth of the first child, the family receives a monthly allowance in 2017 until the baby is 1.5 years old.

One-time payment for the first child

For the birth of the first child, a one-time payment determined by law is due. This type of government incentive is undoubtedly aimed at stimulating the birth rate in the country. This payment is paid by the Social Insurance Fund. Both working and non-working young parents can receive a lump sum payment. Why do you need to collect and submit documents to the department of social protection of the population at the place of residence no later than when the first-born is six months old. The said incentive in 2017 is 16,350 rubles.

Paid postnatal leave

While the first child grows up, his mother is given parental leave. The maximum period of such leave is 3 years, of which the first 18 months are paid. Paid postnatal leave financed by the employer in the amount of 40 percent of average salary workers and cannot be less than the minimum wage (3065 rubles 69 kopecks).

Non-cash benefits for first child

In addition to financial assistance, in connection with the birth of the first child, parents are entitled to various benefits and privileges in the form of in-kind assistance and tax deductions. In addition, there are social measures of regional support for families who have given birth to their first child. Regional payments are accepted by the legislation of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and their financing is carried out from regional and municipal budgets. They are different in different territories, so the amount of such payments must be specified in the regional departments of social protection of the population.

Summary table of payments for the first child

In conclusion of the review of payments due for the first child in 2017, we present a summary table with the amounts of these payments:


Payout amount

as of 01.01.2017

on 01.02.2017

maternity allowance for workers

Calculated for 2 years in the amount of the average salary

Maximum dimensions

  • 265827 rub. 63 kop. - during normal childbirth, with a decree term of 140 days
  • 296207 rub.93 kop. - childbirth with complications, with a maternity leave of 156 days
  • 68361 rub.15 kop. - multiple pregnancy, with a decree term of 194 days

Minimum size

Until 07/01/2017 - 34520 rubles. 55 kop.

After 07/01/2017 - 35901 rub. 37 kop.

Maternity monthly allowance for the unemployed

581 rub. 73 kop.

613 rub. 14 kop.

Types of lump-sum benefits

Help in early pregnancy

581 rub. 73 kop.

613 rub. 14 kop.

Allowance for the family of a military serviceman

24565 rub. 89 kop.

25892 rub. 45 kop.

Birth allowance

15512 rub. 65 kop.

16350 rub. 33 kop.

Monthly payments

Child care allowance up to 1.5 years old, working
not working

40% of salary, monthly

  • Minimum 2908 rubles. 62 kop.
  • Minimum 3065 rubles. 69 kop.

Payment to the family of a military serviceman

10528 rub. 24 kop.

11096 rub. 76 kop.

Survivor's benefit to a child of a serviceman

2117 rub. 50 kop.

2231 rub. 85 kop.

For a child in the Chernobyl zone

  • 3000 rub. - up to the age of 1.5 years
  • 6000 rub. - from 1.5 to 3 years

Regional payments

Subject to local laws

As you know, "children" are benefits that are accrued upon the birth of a child. As stated in the “On State Benefits for Citizens with Children”, child benefits include:

  • allowance for applying for a consultation and registration for early term pregnancy (up to 12 weeks);
  • a one-time allowance at the birth of a child (on the basis of a certificate from the maternity hospital);
  • monthly allowance for caring for a child up to the age of 1.5 years;
  • maternity allowance (payment sick leave);

Everything enumerated benefits a woman who gives birth to a child receives from the employer. Everyone needs to know the principle of accrual, as well as the upper and lower levels of child benefits - both managers and mothers themselves.

Increasing child benefits in 2019

It must be remembered that from January 1, 2019, the minimum wage was increased to 11,280 rubles, which affected all types of benefits.

This year, "children's" benefits, according to , have increased since February 1, 2019 - by a factor of 1.043. This means that in January benefits remained at the same level, and changed only in February.

And now - attention: look at how benefits have changed at the beginning of 2019:

  1. Allowance for registration up to 12 weeks: from January 1, 2019, a woman received - 628.47 rubles, from February 1, 2019 she began to receive - 628.47 rubles. × 1.043 = 655.49 rubles.

This allowance is paid only once. It is for women who:

  • registered with medical institutions up to 12 weeks of pregnancy and provided a relevant certificate;
  • are entitled to maternity benefits ().

If a certificate of registration is provided later than 12 weeks, then the allowance is paid within ten days after the grant, provided that the application for the allowance followed no later than 6 months after the end of the maternity leave ().

  1. Lump-sum allowance at the birth of a child: from January 1, 2019, a woman received - 16,759.09 rubles, from February 1, 2019 she began to receive - 16,759.09 rubles. × 1.043 = 17,479.73 rubles
  2. The minimum monthly allowance for caring for a second child and subsequent children up to 1.5 years old: from January 1, 2019, a woman received - 6,284.65 rubles, from February 1, 2019 she began to receive - 6,284.65 rubles. × 1.043 = 6,554.89 rubles
  3. Monthly allowance for caring for a child up to the age of 1.5 years: depends on the minimum wage. If average earnings per month does not exceed the minimum wage, then the allowance is calculated in the amount of 40% of the minimum wage. It is worth considering that from January 1, 2019, the minimum wage increased to 11,280 rubles, as a result of which the minimum amount of the allowance for caring for the first child also changed. Now it is 11,280 rubles. × 40% = 4,512 rubles.

For 2019, the maximum monthly allowance for child care is 26,152.33 rubles. (maximum possible average earnings 65,380.82 rubles × 40%).

Note that when calculating this allowance, certain criteria have been legislatively developed, their levels in 2019 are as follows:

  • at the birth of the first child, the lower criterion - from January 1, 2019 was 3,142.33 rubles, from February 1, 2019 it is 3,277.45 rubles.
  • at the birth of a second and subsequent child, the lower criterion - from January 1, 2019 was 6,284.65 rubles, from February 1, 2019 it is 6,554.89 rubles.
  • the upper criterion for employees - from January 1, 2019 - 26,152.27 rubles, from February 1, 2019 - has not changed and also amounts to 26,152.27 rubles.

5. Payment for pregnancy and childbirth ("maternity"): the basis for it is the sick leave submitted by the woman from medical institution, and the calculation is made on the basis of real earnings for a period of time in the previous two years (that is, 2018 and 2017).

The amount of benefits is calculated from the number of days of sick leave. They are valid from January 1, 2019. The February indexation did not affect them.

Minimum size for employed women:

  • RUB 51,919 - with a standard vacation duration (140 days);
  • RUB 57,852.6 - in case of premature birth (156 days of vacation);
  • RUB 71,944.9 - with multiple pregnancy (194 days of vacation)

Maximum allowance for working women:

  • RUB 301,095.02 - with a standard duration of the decree (140 days);
  • RUB 335,506.08 - for 156 days of vacation;
  • RUB 417,231.92 – in case of multiple pregnancy (194 vacation days)

The above allowance is paid to women once upon presentation of sick leave.

Maternity leave of a woman and the calculation of its payment

The rules for calculating maternity leave in 2019 have not changed: as before, you need to take into account the employee's income for the previous two years, and the salary is taken in full, with personal income tax.

To calculate the allowance, the annual amount of income must not exceed limit value bases for paying contributions to the FSS:

  • RUB 718,000 - in 2017;
  • RUB 755,000 - in 2018;
  • RUB 815,000 - in 2019.

To calculate the amount of actual average daily wage employee, use the formula:

Average daily earnings = Earnings for the previous 2 years / Actual number of calendar days in billing period— Number of days excluded from the billing period

When using the formula, keep in mind that:

  • for calculation, earnings for the previous two years are taken, which are subject to contributions;
  • there are 731 days in a leap year, hence the actual number calendar days in the calculation period there can be 730 days, 731 days and 732 days (if one of the two previous years was a leap year). However, 2017 and 2018 are "normal" non-leap years.

So, the lower limit of daily earnings for calculating maternity leave in 2019 is 370.85 rubles.

And the upper limit of daily earnings is 2,150.68 rubles. Calculated according to the formula: (755,000 rubles + 815,000 rubles): 730 days, where 755,000 rubles. - the maximum earnings from which the allowance is calculated in 2017; and 815,000 rubles. - the maximum earnings from which the allowance is calculated in 2018.

In 2019 maximum size maternity benefits will be calculated as follows:

  • with normal childbirth: 2150.68 rubles × 140 days = 301,095.20 rubles;
  • with complicated childbirth: 2150.68 rubles. × 156 days = 335,506.08 rubles;
  • with complicated multiple births: 2150.68 rubles. × 194 days = 417,231.92 rubles

The benefit is paid at a rate of 100% regardless of insurance experience workers, but on condition that it exceeds 6 months.

It happens that in the billing period a woman was already on maternity or parental leave. Then the corresponding calendar years can be replaced by previous calendar years at her request, if this "replacement" will increase the amount of benefits ().

The minimum amount of maternity

As known, minimum size maternity directly depends on the size of the minimum wage. Since from January 1 of this year the minimum wage has increased to 11,280 rubles, then you need to calculate the minimum average earnings as follows: 11,280 rubles. × 24 months / 730 days = RUB 370.85

Do not forget that earlier, in 2018, the minimum wage changed several times and amounted to: from January 1 to April 30, 2018 - 9,489 rubles, and from May 1 to December 31, 2018 - 11,163 rubles.

The minimum maternity allowance is for those whose insurance period does not reach 6 months, who had earnings below the minimum or had no earnings at all in the billing period.

Now let's calculate the minimum maternity benefit from February 2019:

  • with a sick leave duration of 140 days: 370.85 rubles. × 140 days = 51,919 rubles;
  • with a sick leave duration of 156 days: 370.85 rubles. × 156 days = 57,852.60 rubles;
  • with a sick leave duration of 194 days: 370.85 rubles. × 194 days = RUB 71,944.90

Do I need to recalculate the allowance up to 1.5 years?

This question can be answered unequivocally - no. General rule states: the benefit for caring for a child under 1.5 years old is assigned once and only on the start date of the vacation.

The allowance will need to be recalculated if, after February 1, 2019, the employee left the parental leave for at least one day and then went on vacation again. This time she will leave with a new calculation.

Plans to increase child care allowance

From 2020, the allowance for caring for a child aged 1.5 to 3 years will be significantly increased. At least such intentions were announced by Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev. Now women on maternity leave after the child reaches the age of 1.5 years receive a monthly payment of 50 rubles.

Officials believe that the allowance should not just be increased - it should be targeted, that is, paid to those who need it.

Also, according to Medvedev, the issue of increasing the period of maternity leave counted in the length of service from 1.5 to 3 years needs additional discussion. First of all, it is necessary to weigh both the financial and social aspects of this idea, he noted.

Maternity capital in 2019

The size maternity capital for the second child in the current year has not changed and amounted to 453,026 rubles. Last promotion certificate happened four years, and since then the amount has not changed.

The next indexation of maternity capital is planned only from January 1, 2020 - up to 470,241 rubles. And herself federal program will be valid until at least the end of 2021.

What changed:

  • Signed, which changed the acceptance period pension fund decision to issue a certificate - from 1 month to 15 days.
  • Previously, maternity capital was allowed to be spent on preschool education of a child, that is, now there is no need to wait until he is three years old. And for the second child born after January 1, 2018, it is allowed to issue a monthly cash benefit from maternity capital.

The other day, Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev approved an initiative to use maternity capital funds for the construction of a residential building for permanent residence on the suburban area(i.e. it should be capital structure). According to him, it is necessary to change the relevant norms and allow the spending of maternity capital for these purposes.

Maternity Calculator

You can easily and free of charge calculate the amount of payments using a special maternity calculator. Just enter the data from the sick leave or information about the child and the duration of the vacation into the form, indicate the information about the employee's earnings for two recent years(or previous years - when replacing years) - and find out the amount of the benefit. If there is a regional coefficient, do not forget to mark it in the maternity calculator.

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