
When will there be child payments for April. Paid postpartum leave. In what numbers are maternity benefits and maternity benefits given?

Many young parents are interested in the question of why child benefits are delayed. Sometimes information is received that the allowance was delayed for 6 months or more. Is it legal? Can this be prevented? How to ensure that the detained money is received as soon as possible?

What are the legal deadlines for paying child benefits?

To deal with all of these issues, you need to carefully study the laws governing the payment of child benefits. Only in this case will you know your rights and will be able to demand their observance.

The timing of the transfer of funds largely depends on whether the benefits are paid to you through your employer or directly from the social protection authorities. If social protection does this, then you can wait for payments the next month after submitting the application, but no later than the 26th.

When the allowance is paid directly by the employer, he transfers these funds on the next day when the employees of the enterprise are paid their wages. But again, the deadline is the 26th of the next month.

If the delay is longer than this period, you can safely contact the employer with claims.

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What reasons usually lead to delayed payments?

Typically, there are two main reasons for delayed payments. The transfer of funds may be delayed by the Social Insurance Fund, which, in turn, receives money from the federal or regional budget. V this case this is entirely the fault of state bodies. But, as a rule, such delays do not exceed 1-2 months and must be paid as soon as regular funding is restored.

Another common reason is the delay in the funds already transferred from the Social Insurance Fund by the employer. Indeed, in some situations (for example, when several employees of the enterprise are on the decree at once) it happens that the employer simply does not have the necessary funds listed from the Social Security Fund. This problem can be easily solved - the company just needs to apply to the Fund with an application for the transfer of the necessary funds, and the payment will be made within a few days.

It's another matter when funds for child benefits were transferred, but the employer uses them for other purposes. Of course, crises occur in every company, but this is not a reason to use funds for paying children to solve their problems, while leaving the family without state support. In this case, it is possible and necessary to deal with delays in the payment of child benefits, since this is a direct violation of the law.

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What if payments are delayed?

The first thing that needs to be done when the funds due to you according to the law have not been received is to find out in what time frame they should be transferred. If there is still time to transfer them, wait - perhaps in a few days the delay will be eliminated.

When child benefits are delayed, this always entails various difficulties. Many families simply cannot live fully without this support from the state. Therefore, you should not wait - if all the deadlines established by law for transferring money have already passed, you need to act, not wait.

Many women receiving child benefits know where to go if they haven't received the money on time. If the employer lists the allowance, then it is worth starting by contacting him. However, if for a long time you have not been given a clear answer to the question of when the funds will be available and for what reason they are not paid on time, you can contact the employer in writing to get an official answer. With him, it will be much easier for you later to defend your rights in government agencies. In addition, in some situations, an official request can scare the employer and force you to transfer all the funds due to you.

If the employer does not want to solve the problem in a peaceful manner, you have the right to apply to the Social Insurance Fund with a written complaint and then bring this matter to court. Be prepared for the fact that this is not a quick deal, but the problem will definitely be solved.

Unfortunately, delays in child allowances are not uncommon. V recent times this situation occurs quite often, since some enterprises are now in a difficult financial situation and are trying to use the money for their own purposes. Since this is illegal, you can demand that your payment be paid immediately. In the most difficult situations, when it is impossible to resolve the conflict peacefully, you always have the right to solve this problem in judicial procedure... In any case, you can rest assured that the law will be on your side, but it may take some time. The main thing is to ask for help in time.

Terms of payment of benefits

  • At birth
  • Maternity (BIR)
  • Caring for a child up to 1.5 years old
  • Putin's on the FIRST

5. The maximum amount of child allowance for workers in 2019.

Determined depending on, or they are called the limit value, the base limit for calculating insurance contributions to state extrabudgetary funds... Let's show the calculation of the maximum allowance

  • 2017 is - 23,089.04 rubles. ((670,000 rubles + 717,000 rubles): 731 days x 40% x 30.4).
    Maximum earnings for settlement period(365 + 366), not 730. And all due to the fact that 2016 is a leap year.
  • 2016 is - 21 554.85 rubles.
  • 2015 is - 19 855.82 rubles.

Note: about the middle daily wages for calculating maternity allowance and monthly childcare allowance, cannot be more than the value obtained by dividing the amount limit values base for assessing contributions for the two previous calendar years at 730.

6. Maximum maternity allowance 2019 = 301 095,89 rub.

2018 = 282,493.15 rubles.

2017 = RUB 266,191.78

2016 = 248,164.0 rubles.

2015 = 228,602.74 rubles.

If a woman's insurance experience is less than six months, she will be paid an allowance not exceeding a full calendar month.

Child allowance table 2019

Indexation coefficient of the size of the CHILD allowance for 2019 table


COMPENSATION for caring for a child from 1.5 to 3 years old

All employees who are on parental leave under three years old are required by employers to pay monthly compensation at the rate of 50 rub.

The procedure for the appointment and payment of compensation was approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 3, 1994 No. 1206. It says that compensation is awarded at all places of work. And taking into account the regional coefficients.

The allowance of 50 rubles is paid from the beginning of the parental leave until the age of 3, that is, you must pay it from the very beginning. It is paid only at the request of the employee, if there is no application, you can not pay. And for a month it is paid in proportion to the days of the vacation.

Note: This type of cash payments by its own legal nature in fact, it is a state benefit, in connection with which, on the basis of paragraph 1 of part 1, for compulsory social insurance in case of temporary disability and in connection with motherhood.

When, from what week they go on maternity leave in 2019, how the benefit is paid and calculated. What week does maternity leave start? What can you expect if you are a young mom and are going to take maternity leave from work? The article explains everything in detail how to calculate maternity benefits in 2019, as well as how maternity benefits are accrued and paid for all women.

The new family dreams of their first child and the natural question that arises in a young family is the question of what financial assistance they are entitled to at the birth of their first child, as well as what benefits they can count on from the state?

Answering the question of how much money is given for the first child in 2017, first of all, we will tell you about that state financial support, which they are entitled to by law. And the law provides for a one-time payment, as well as monthly allowance... Moreover, if this is a family of a military man, then the allowance will be paid in an increased form with a coefficient of 1.5. And if we are talking about a single mom, then with a coefficient of 2. (That is, in double the amount). That is, the amount of payments for the first child will be different and this is due to the social status of young parents that they have. Speaking about the types of payments for the first child, these are various one-time benefits, monthly payments, and they are provided both in the form of cash payments and in the form of non-cash forms of social support.

Early pregnancy allowance for the first child

The pregnant woman will receive a one-time benefit in the amount of 613 rubles 14 kopecks in the early period of pregnancy after registration with antenatal clinic... This benefit is in addition to the main maternity benefit.

If a woman is entitled to the basic maternity allowance, then it is quite right that she can count on additional payments in the early stages of pregnancy.

This type of benefit is due to all women who have an insurance policy and citizenship of the Russian Federation, issued sick leave and registered for pregnancy before 12 weeks. A timely registered pregnant woman will not only be able to receive the specified financial assistance, but also minimize all medical risks and complications during pregnancy, since early observation will undoubtedly contribute to a successful pregnancy and normal childbirth.

Where can I apply for First Child Benefit?

If a woman is officially employed, then you need to apply for the appointment of an allowance early in the HR department and accounting department at work. If at the time of pregnancy the woman did not have labor relations, then for an allowance you need to contact the department of social protection of the population at the place of registration.

What documents are needed for first child support?

You must write an appropriate application for benefits, get medical document in the antenatal clinic.

Maternity allowance for the first child

All workers are paid maternity benefits in the amount of the average wages calculated over a period of two recent years, and if the average salary turns out to be lower than the minimum wage, then its payment will be in the amount of the minimum wage.

For those who do not have official earnings, the maternity allowance for the first child consists of a monthly payment of 613 rubles 14 kopecks. Pregnant female students are provided with an allowance equal to the scholarships they receive. The duration of the payment of maternity benefits is the entire period maternity leave, consisting of two periods: the period before childbirth and the period after childbirth. The allowance is paid for 140 days, of which half of the term is before childbirth, the other half after childbirth.

The duration of the payment of the maternity allowance is extended to 194 days if there is a multiple pregnancy or pregnancy with complications.

The size of the maternity allowance in 2017 varies from 34,520 rubles to 265,827.

After the birth of the first child, the family receives a monthly allowance in 2017 until the baby is 1.5 years old.

One-time payment for the first child

For the birth of the first child, a lump sum payment is determined by law. This type of government encouragement is undoubtedly aimed at stimulating the birth rate in the country. The Social Insurance Fund pays for this payment. Both working and non-working young parents can receive a lump sum payment. Why do you need to collect and submit documents to the department of social protection of the population at the place of residence no later than when the first-born is six months old. The specified incentive in 2017 is 16,350 rubles.

Paid postpartum leave

While the first child is growing up, his mom is given parenting leave. The maximum period of such leave is 3 years, of which the first 18 months are paid. Paid postpartum leave is funded by the employer at 40 percent of the average salary workers and cannot be less than the minimum wage (3065 rubles 69 kopecks).

Non-cash benefits for the first child

In addition to financial assistance, in connection with the birth of their first child, parents are entitled to various benefits and privileges in the form of in-kind assistance and tax deductions... In addition, there are social measures of regional support for families who have given birth to their first child. Regional payments are accepted by the legislation of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and are financed from regional and municipal budgets. They are different in different territories, so the amount of such payments must be clarified in the regional departments of social protection of the population.

Summary table of payments for the first child

To conclude an overview of the payments due for the first child in 2017, we present a summary table with the amounts of these payments:


Amount of payment

on 01.01.2017

on 01.02.2017

Maternity allowance working

Calculated for 2 years in the amount of the average salary

Maximum dimensions

  • RUB 265,827 63 kopecks - with ordinary childbirth, with a decree period of 140 days
  • RUB 296 207 93 kopecks - childbirth with complications, with a maternity leave of 156 days
  • 68,361 rubles 15 kopecks - multiple pregnancy, with a decree period of 194 days

Minimum size

Until 01.07.2017 - 34520 rubles. 55 kopecks

After 07/01/2017 - 35901 RUB 37 kopecks

Maternity allowance for unemployed people

581 r 73 kopecks.

RUB 613 14 kopecks

Types of one-time benefits

Early pregnancy allowance

581 r 73 kopecks.

RUB 613 14 kopecks

Family allowance of a conscript

RUB 24565 89 kopecks

RUB 25,892 45 kopecks

Birth allowance

RUB 15512 65 kopecks

RUB 16350 33 kopecks

Monthly payments

Payment for the care of a child under 1.5 years old, employed
Not working

At the rate of 40 percent of salary, monthly

  • Minimum RUB 2908 62 kopecks
  • Minimum RUB 3,065 69 kopecks

Payment to the family of a conscript

RUB 10528 24 kopecks

RUB 11096 76 kopecks

Payment on the occasion of the loss of a breadwinner to a child of a military serviceman

RUB 2117 50 kopecks

2231 RUB 85 kopecks

For a child of the Chernobyl zone

  • RUB 3000 - up to the age of 1.5 years
  • RUB 6,000 - from 1.5 to 3 years old

Regional payments

In accordance with regional laws

From the very first days of pregnancy, a woman has the right to claim certain payments from the state. Such social assistance can be provided both at the federal level and within the framework of regional programs, which are a good addition to the amount of the main benefit. State structures make transfers social payments in about one period, towards the end or at the beginning of the month. It also depends on the type of benefit and the period for applying for it.

The current legislation of Russia provides for all kinds of child benefits, which are paid both before the birth of a child and during his immediate birth. Moreover, in the presence of certain conditions, such material assistance can be transferred to the maintenance of a minor until he reaches a capable age.

The only problem is that some parents do not know about the compensation due to them. Many are interested in how many child benefits are listed, and why sometimes payments are delayed. The current legislation of the Russian Federation provides for a number of measures for material assistance to families with children. And all the options for benefits can be divided into two types:

  1. One-time, the accrual of which is carried out when a certain condition is met (for example, maternal capital paid at the birth of a second child). In this case, the entire amount of the benefit is accrued once, regardless of the method or timing of accrual;
  2. Monthly, credited to the account every month for a certain period (this category includes maternity benefits paid until the child reaches one and a half years).

In the latter case, the exact date when the benefit will be credited depends on the dispensing organization. If this is a company in which the parent works, then they are issued along with the salary.

Social security authorities carry out the calculation no later than the 26th day of each month.

It should be noted that the system of benefits in the Russian Federation, acting on this moment, is characterized by significant difficulties and is regulated by a number of normative documents... All this can lead to confusion, so the first thing to consider is the system of aid allocation itself.

Today, Federal Legislation provides 8 different types benefits, the payment of which is carried out from pregnancy until the child reaches the age of 16.

These include:

Terms of accrual

Depending on the type of payments, a different number of days will pass from the moment of filing an application to the relevant authorities and until the receipt of funds. However, then regular payments are transferred in approximately one period - the parent should clarify the number of transfers for a specific type of assistance in the authorized bodies.


Women who work, study or study can apply for such an allowance. military service... Funds are paid by the accounting department educational institution or at the place of work. Typically, the time for calculating benefits is 10 days from the date of the application.

But what should non-working mothers do? If a woman is unemployed during the year due to the liquidation of the enterprise, then she can also apply for such payments. But they will be issued by the body of social protection. The allowance is calculated until the 26th day of the current month for the previous one. Thus, after submitting the documents, the waiting time for payment can be 30-40 days.

Payment of benefits issued for early dates pregnancy, is carried out in parallel with social assistance for maternity, considered as an addition to it. Thus, both compensations are credited to the card at the same time.

For child care

Not only the mother has the right to receive this type of assistance from the state, but also the father, guardian, and also another person who actually takes care of a child under one and a half years of age. But it should be remembered that only one applicant can receive benefits.

Payments of such material assistance are made every month within one and a half years from the date of the birth of the child. This type of compensation cannot supplement the maternity benefit, therefore, in this case, parents will have to choose only one type of social assistance.

In this case, it is better to proceed as follows: after the birth of the baby, apply for a maternity benefit, and as soon as payments for it stop, apply for assistance in caring for minors. The latter is provided until the child reaches one and a half years.

If the formal caregiver (parent or guardian) of the child is subject to social insurance, then the issuance of funds will be carried out monthly along with the salary. The rest of the citizens receive an allowance on a card at the local social security body, no later than the 26th of the current month (for the past).

The first payment is calculated taking into account the following factors:

  • from the moment of submission of documents to the issuance of funds, it takes about 10 days;
  • when calculating funds, the date is taken into account official salary applicant;
  • if the latter is unemployed, payments are determined according to the social security schedule.

Many parents are interested in the peculiarities of calculating payments for a child in the period from one and a half to three years. But there is no official benefit in this case. The mother retains the right to parental leave until the age of three.

During this period, the state pays only 50 rubles per month per child. And, since this minimum is in no way enough to support a minor, many parents go to work, deprived of the opportunity to receive given view help.

When conscripted into the army

If one of the parents of the baby is a conscript soldier, then the benefits are paid in accordance with the above-described social protection schedule.

In this case, the official recipient of funds is the mother of the child or his guardian, if the second parent:

  • is under investigation;
  • deprived of parental rights;
  • died.

This allowance is paid from the birth of a child until the child reaches the age of three. In this case, the presence of other compensations is not taken into account. But since the period of payments is limited to the period of the call, then most often they last no more than a year.

Up to 16 years old

Such payments are of a regional nature, and therefore their size and procedure for charging are determined by the local authorities of each specific region. At the moment, a single legislative act that regulates such issues does not exist.

Most often, child benefits under 16 are paid poor families... If the child is disabled, he or she can also expect to receive this compensation.

As a rule, the nature of payments depends on the organization that makes them. Therefore, the following options are possible here:

  • if the parent is officially employed, then the allowance is issued directly by the administration of the organization in which he works (the calculation is carried out together with monthly salary payments);
  • unemployed parents receive benefits from the social security authorities according to the above schedule.

Compensation is usually provided to the mother of the child. But in some cases, the father or guardian of the minor can also qualify for payments.

If the child continues his studies in a general education institution, then the payment period for him can be extended to 18 years. To do this, the parent must be provided in authorized body documentary evidence that the minor is continuing his studies.

Delays in payments

The payments of child allowances are regulated by the relevant order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, which makes them mandatory not only for government agencies but also for other organizations. But this does not negate the possibility of delays.

Why payment is delayed child allowance? For example, a couple of years ago, delays of up to one and a half to two months were quite common. This was explained by the fact that funds from the regional budget were transferred irregularly. As a result, such failures led to the delay in issuing money. Despite this, the money was transferred to the recipient's account and was paid to all those in need in full.

This was most often observed on the part of social protection agencies serving the category of unemployed citizens. If we talk about employed persons, then in this case the accounting department deals with payments. specific enterprise the employee of which the applicant is listed. However, this money is deducted from the country's budget or social insurance, but in no case from personal funds employer because financial difficulties organizations should not be taken into account, and such companies have no right to delay payments.

At the moment, the issue of delays has already been finally settled, so such situations should not arise. But if the transfer was not credited on time, then the recipient has full right not only to complain to the appropriate authority, but also to go to court if there is a significant debt.

Since the current government in every possible way stimulates the birth rate, then when a child appears, a family, regardless of social status, can count on a certain material assistance... It should be remembered that benefits from the state are due to all citizens of the Russian Federation who have become parents, and therefore it is necessary to submit documents in a timely manner to receive funds.

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