
What you need to know when the deposit is opened. All about deposits in the bank. Skirt Likbez Novka. What to do in bankruptcy bank

What contribution to choose?

When choosing a media accommodation, pay attention to the basic deposit parameters

1. What is a bank deposit?

Bank contribution is cash or securitiesplaced on storing a bank for a certain period on behalf of a physical or legal person who is charged a certain percentage.
When choosing the most optimal accommodation option in a bank, pay attention to the 5 main deposit parameters:
* Deposit type;
* deposit period;
* Deposit currency;
* deposit amount;
* interest rate.

2. Decide the deadline to which you want to leave the money bank.

Usually, the longer deposit period, the higher the interest rate on deposits that the bank is willing to pay the depositor for the use of its money.
In the Civil Code, all deposits are divided into two types: to demand and urgent. Already in their names are reflected and deposit timing.
* Contribution to demand (current account) is a deposit without a storage period. Advantages: You will be able to use your money throughout the entire period of the deposit agreement. If necessary, money (together with accumulated percentages) is returned to the first requirement of the depositor. Disadvantages: usually the most accrued on these deposits low interest, less than 1% per annum.
* Urgent contribution - deposit at interest, made for a certain period and carried out completely after this period. Advantages: Enough high percentages. Disadvantages: sum urgent contribution It is established round sums and often should be unchanged during the entire term of the contract. If the contributor wants to change the amount of the contribution - to reduce or increase, then it may terminate the current contract, remove and reorganize its contribution to the new conditions. In case of early seizure, the deposit is even a small part of the fund funds, the Bank may refuse to pay percentage provided for by the Treaty.

Please note: according to Civil Code, The deposit amount is the property of the depositor, it must be returned to it anyway, and the Bank is obliged to issue the deposit amount or its part on the first requirement of the depositor, even if the contribution is urgent.

3. Select the currency of the deposit.
Today, banks offer deposits of several species:

* currency (in one of the foreign currencies);
* ruble;
* Multicurrency.

With the first two everything is quite simple. And with respect to the third it is worth knowing several important details.
Multicurrency deposit allows you to place savings simultaneously in several currencies. For example, in Russian rubles, US dollars and euros. The main task of this deposit is to minimize the risks of currency exchange rates. When opening the contribution, you open not one, but several accounts (one in each currency), and distribute funds to accounts in any proportion, if necessary, convert them. For each currency, the bank establishes a separate interest rate.
Depending on the situation on foreign exchange marketsYou can translate funds within one contribution from one currency to another. To do this, you just give the bank to the instructions to translate funds from the account of this currency to another deposit account (naturally, with a preliminary conversion). Rates, term, other deposit conditions - everything remains in force.
Disadvantage: such a contribution must be constantly engaged. Not everyone is ready to regularly track fluctuations in currency exchange rates, make estimates and give instructions to the bank.

4. Decide what amount you beat the bank.
Usually, the deposit amount is higher, the higher and the percentage of the contribution. Today, many banks offer good interest on deposits with a high minimum placement. Trusting your blood credit institution, remember that in the event of the bank's elimination insurance amount Makes 400 thousand rubles. The rest of the money can be waited very and very long.

5. Examine additional deposit parameters.
Set the Bank's employee additionally the following questions:
* The ability to automatically prolong the deposit;
* percent capitalization;
* Possibility of partial removal or additional contribution;
* Payment schedule percent.

6. Specify whether to replenish the account?
Deposits with the opportunity additional contributions Allowed to add money to the deposit at any time. This approach allows you to save money. Putting at the expense the minimum amount, then you can add funds as far as possible.

7. Ask, how are things going with the prolongation of the contribution?
Prolongation (reinvestment) of the contribution is the automatic extension of the deposit agreement after its completion. Advantages: Prolongation is carried out automatically, that is, without visiting the Bank by the client.
Disadvantages: the prolongation of the contribution contract is carried out under the same conditions, including for the same period, but with the interest rate on this contribution current at the time of the deposit prolongation. And it can be lower in the original one.
If multiple prolongations are prescribed under the contract for the deposit consumption, you need to visit the bank in terms of each subsequent extension of the contract. Otherwise, you may not be income.
Example. Client put it small amount On a 6-month-old dollar deposit with repeated prolongations in one of the branches of Sberbank of Russia and did not check it for two years, counting on what money is working. It turned out that in the period before the third extension, the Bank decided to close this type of deposits. The client was not notified about this, although his contact details were in the contract.
When the next term for the extension of the contract came, it was not extended, and silently suffered funds for a specially open account with the interest rate accrual - "to demand". On this account, the contribution was more than a year, and the percentage loss was more than $ 120.
This, to put it mildly, not entirely correct, the behavior of the Bank's employees formally did not violate the terms of the contract, so the claim was to present a certain one. As a result, keep in mind the future to avoid similar unpleasant surprises, do not be lazy to go to the bank check the condition of your contribution.

8. Find out whether the capitalization is possible.
Capitalization of interest, or " compound interest"This is an accrual interest percentage. That is, periodically, for example, monthly, accrued interest is added to the amount of the contribution and in the next period the interest accrual occurs on an increased amount. If the capitalization of interest is provided, it comes at the time when the Bank carries out the prolongation of the contribution. Calculation of capitalization may differ in banks (first of all periods of capitalization), which, in turn, will reduce or increase income. Opening long-term contribution (3 years or more), the advantage of the contribution with capitalization increases.
Advantages: The bank will be credited to the new (extended) contribution as the principal amount of the contribution and the interest accrued on it. Further, with the next interest accrual, they will already be calculated on the entire amount of the deposit, taking into account previously capitalized interest.
If capitalization is not provided, then only the main amount of the deposit is "extended", the accrued interest is paid to the client's account, or "to demand".
Please note: deposits with capitalization / interest percent until the end of the term are less beneficial for the bank, so interest rates on them are usually lower.

9. ask how interest will be paid?
Interest on the amount of bank deposit are charged from the day following the day of receipt of money in the bank, until the day of returning the amount of the depositor. Interest may be charged at the end of the deposit period or periodically, until the end of the deposit period. For example, once a month. Accrued interest may be added to the deposit amount.
Accrued interest can be paid immediately (on a card account or account "to demand"). True, in this case, the amount of the contribution will not increase, and the final income on the contribution will remain "Standard", but the depositor will be able to receive a permanent income in the form of interest.

10. Watch out for the deposit
Please note: income from the deposit also depends on the refinancing rate Central Bank Russian Federation (CB). Banks very rarely set rates on deposits above this parameter. After all, according to the law, the difference between the refinancing rate and a higher interest rate of the bank is subject to income tax individuals and creates an inconvenience for the bank and the client to design these tax payments.
For currency deposits, income from interest is not taxable if the bank's annual contribution rate does not exceed 9% per annum.
Reducing the refinancing rate may be a signal to reduce interest rates on deposits and reduce investors' income. Recall that the current refinancing rate (September 2007) is 10%.
Upon learning what Central bank Russia has changed the refinancing rate, do not be lazy to check your deposits for lower interest rates. A decrease in rates on already existing contributions occurs at the time of prolongation of deposits for the next term.

11. Are the right of partial removal stipulated?
If the depositor requires a contribution to early, interest is usually accrued at the request "to demand". But in deposits with the possibility of partial removal, the maximum amount (or the minimum residue) is stipulated, which can be removed without losing accrued interest.
The advantage of such a proposal is obvious: interest will continue to be accrued and after partial removal to the balance of funds in the deposit. As a rule, deposits with the possibility of partial removal also allow the additional introduction of funds.
Advantages: Usually, in deposits with preferential early removal, the size of the interest rate is specified, according to which interest on the contribution will be accrued, depending on what time the agent has passed on the contribution.
Disadvantages: interest rates set by deposits with preferential early removal, as a rule, fewer normal.
Keep in mind the types of deposits (deposits), the storage time of deposits and the presence of prolongations by each bank is determined independently and periodically change. Fresh information on these issues can be obtained in any bank operating department or on its website.

12. Properly manage deposits
After placing a deposit in a bank, you will need to learn how to competent management with your deposit. There are several principles that will help avoid many risks.
* Move the deposit on more profitable contributions based on the deposit rates and interest accrual method;
* Keep track of the refinancing rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation;
* Take into account the level of inflation. If the inflation rate is above the interest rate according to your contribution (deposit), then even taking into account interest income, your contribution will gradually depreciate, regardless of the type of currency.

Bank deposit is a means of attracting funds to conduct their activities by banks. Instead, depositors receive a certain income in accordance with the terms of the agreement. The use of it revealed a lot of nuances, with some of which and we will understand.

Regulatory regulation

The basic array of norms is contained in the GC, some points are governed by the norms of legislation on banking activities, deposit insurance. The bank deposits are subject to the ability to combat income laundering.

The relationship with citizens is subject to the law "On the protection of consumer rights", protection against unscrupulous competition, personal data, etc.

Thus, the Bank's client, who believes that his rights are violated, it is entitled to contact the FAS, Rospotrebnadzor and the Central Bank. Complaints are considered in accordance with the provision on these organizations and specialized regulatory acts.

All banks on their Internet resources are laying out of contract samples for each deposit program or provide them to familiarize them with the Jaws in the Bank's Office. It is also allowed to familiarize themselves with the Rules of the Bank: List of conditions on which deposits are made and accruals are made.


The contract shall begin not from the moment of signing the documents, but from the moment of the transfer of money to the bank account or credit organization. As a rule, the responsibilities are only available at the recipient of money, the client speaks only by the beneficiary.

The bank deposit agreement relates to the client remains to agree with the proposed conditions, the introduction of changes in them on its part is not provided.

Deposits are considered public contracts - the bank has no right to refuse to make money. Despite the additional measures to protect the rights of citizens - consumers of services, the difference in conditions in comparison with legal entities is almost not envisaged. The proposal of different conditions is estimated as a violation of antitrust laws due to the creation of discrimination.

Insurance deposits

The service applies only to the bank deposits of individuals, and organizations or publications (municipalities, the government of the subjects) do not have relevant protection.

The bank, taking money, is obliged to report on the conditions for ensuring the contribution, to provide information on what rights is the client possesses. If the contributor is a legal entity, provision provisions are included in the contract.

Failure to comply with the conditions of security conditions or their deterioration give the right to terminate the contract and the recovery of damage in judicial order.

Types of deposits

GK offers two types of bank deposits:

  • cash is returned to the first requirement of the depositor or its representative;
  • cash is returned within a period specified by the Agreement.

The law does not prohibit the use of other forms of the contribution, subject to their compliance with the norms of current legislation.

For example, various terms of the agreement are offered, minimum dimensions Amounts, interest rates, conditions for extension or termination of the contract.

Bank deposit can be opened in the name of a third party or access to it is provided in connection with a certain event (the onset of majority, entry into Bark, the birth of a child, etc.).

Contributions with simultaneous use of multiple currencies with different interest rates are proposed.

Form of conclusion of the transaction

The following options are practiced:

  • registration of a full-fledged contract;
  • filling out an application or questionnaire, after which a certificate is issued or other document confirming the fact of the deposit;
  • one document is issued, which confirms the fact of concluding a contract and contains a sufficient amount of information.

Confirming documents must meet the legislative requirements or regulations of banks, if such papers are not provided for by legislative acts.

Failure to comply with the written form gives reason to consider the contribution invalid. The parties are returned to its original position, the payment of interest on the deposit is not provided. True, the client has the right to demand payments for the use of foreign cash.


Financial organizationattracting deposits is prohibited to act without permission from the state in the form of a license.

Another condition to attract deposits is to participate in the insurance fund.

Any organization or citizen can act as an investor. The state or subjects of the Federation (or municipalities) formally have the right to open deposits in banks, but do not use it. In order to store capital increases, other methods are applied.

Citizens have the right to make contributions from the moment they will be 14 years old. The permits from parents or trustees are not required.

Instead of a deceased citizen, heirs are spent on his side, in the case of the termination of the organization's existence, the successor or liquidation commission.

Terms of action of the contract

Suggested the most different conditionsNaturally, bank managers try to attract as much money as possible for longer periods of time.

The most popular is the bank deposits for the year. Today confidence in financial System Low, and the proposal to invest money for a longer time is unpopular.

More often in contracts contain an item on the extension of the contract if the contributor did not appear on time. The delay at least one day is sufficient to automatically extend the agreement for the same period if it is provided for by the document. Otherwise, the contribution is translated into the status of demand.

Termination of the Treaty

Amendments made the right to a citizen to demand the amount of the contribution and accrued on him or part of the amounts to the Citizen. The exceptions are deposits for which savings certificates are issued with a ban to pick up money before the expiration of the deadline.

Refusal to the right to early return of the contribution is prohibited and is considered insignificant, with the exception of contracts with a savings certificate.

Terminating the contract early and at the initiative of the Client, the Bank is obliged to pay accruals at the rates that are offered on demand deposits.

The procedure for issuing money is provided directly to the contract. Passport and power of attorney are imposed if someone instead of the owner appeared to the bank.

Savings Certificates on the bearer cash out to anyone who declared the issuance of money.

Banking rates on deposits

The amount of interest that customers receive as profit should not be deviated by two calculated points from the size established by the Central Bank. If the bank comes out for the designated framework, fines are imposed on it. For this reason, there is no significant difference in the amount of accrued amounts.

At the time of writing the article, the average in the country was 7.25%.

Accrued percentage of P. monetary deposits Below, however, their profitability in the recalculation of rubles is the same.

Change rates

The rate is determined by the terms of the agreement. With its absence, calculations are made on the basis of the key rate of the Central Bank.

The bank has the right to change interest on deposits made to demand, unless otherwise spelled out in the Client Agreement.

The bank has no right to change interest rate on deposits made for a certain period. Exceptions are envisaged

In the case of legal entities, the change in the rate on such deposits is permitted under the provisions and law.

IN deposit Contracts and savings certificates of interest rate change law does not allow.

Percent accrual rules

Accrual interest on bank deposits is made from the next day after making money to the account. The day of return or write-off means is also included in the period of time for which accruals are made.

Accruals are paid quarterly. If they were not paid, then they join the contribution, and accruals are also available on them. The amount on which accruals are made are increased quarterly.

Deposit account

An account opened on which the funds made are stored. In this regard, the Bank and the Client arises a number of rights and obligations.

First, the owner of the account is entitled to give instructions on the movement of funds (for example, transfer the payment to a third party).

The bank is obliged to keep the secret of the deposit and perform operations in accordance with the provisions of the law and its own rules. Delays with enumerations are paid at the expense of the bank by accrualing interest according to the scheme of the use of foreign funds.

Service rules bank account and bank deposits should not contradict the proposal provisions. For example, the Bank does not receive a fee for services rendered as a result of the opening and use of the account. The client is limited to the use of funds and removing them from the account, based on the deposit conditions.

How to open the contribution to the bank do not know only those who do this for the first time. Putting funds on a deposit fairly easy. If there is no queue in the branch, the procedure will take only a few minutes. Open the same contribution online or using the terminal even faster. To do this, you will not even need to visit the bank.

What is worth opening a bank deposit

The main objectives that depositors pursue when the deposit is opening, can be divided into 4 types:
  1. Use your contribution as a peculiar monetary airbag. The amount put on the deposit will be inviolable several months.
  2. Accumulate the attached amount for a large purchase or an important event. For example, you can open a replenished deposit for half a year and make money every month. After the arranged term, the depositor will take the funds with accumulated interest.
  3. Save money for unexpected or current expenses. For this, replenished accounts are provided. From them accumulation can be removed from parts and not lose interest.
  4. Create and increase capital. On a deposit can be put large amountwhich will be untouchable, and accessible interest to use for current spending.

Opening of the bank deposit: order and features

- The most popular financial instrumentused all more people. Experts predict its distribution due to significant advantages:

  • Minimum risks. All the investor money is insured if the bank responds the license.
  • Simple and affordable deposit opening procedure.
  • Easy calculation of interest from the term deposit. If you observe all the conditions, the receipt of income is guaranteed.

At the time of opening the deposit, the depositor should be 14. But until the 18th anniversary, it will have the right to fully dispose of the score only with the written consent of the parents or guardianship authorities.

Documents for the opening of the contribution

A set of paper for opening a contribution is different for citizens of the Russian Federation and foreigners, for individuals and legal entities. Standard List of Documents provided to the Bank:

  • Internal passport or in its absence - temporary identity card.
  • For military personnel - military ID.
  • Pension or student certificate, birth certificate - for special contributions.
  • Migration card for citizens of other states

On average, the signing of documents lasts about 15 minutes. An employee of the Bank will issue an agreement on the opening of the deposit, one copy of which remains at the depositor. In addition, if this is provided for by the bank, a savings record can be provided, where the movements of funds in the account will be reflected. Almost in all Fin. Agency instead of books issued debit card When opening a contribution to which interest will be accrued.

So, the discovery deposit deposits This happens like this:

  1. The client reports the manager's type of deposit, the amount, the shelf life.
  2. The depositor provides its passport and INN.
  3. The manager records the information provided and makes copies of documents.
  4. The parties draw up documents - an application for the opening of the deposit, a contract, a map with a signature sample.
  5. Depositor introduces or lists the funds on and gets court order And the savings book, if provided for. Some banks also offer a gift when opening a contribution.

The traditional time of banking presents for investors is winter holidays or selences. As incentives, small souvenirs with symbols of institution, household or digital equipment, jewelry are offered. But the most popular gifts are our own products. It can be higher interest rates, free debit or credit cards.

Many banks have gifts when opening a contribution in 2015 differ depending on the size of the contribution and its term.

Important moment: Before leaving the bank, you need to recover carefully, whether all the data is moved correctly into documents, is there any errors, whether the seal is set. Even the slightest inaccuracies can lead to problems in the future.

Details and nuances concerning the opening of the contribution will explain a specialist who will advise the most profitable option. For example, the opening of the online deposit is more convenient than the traditional deposit and has higher bets.

Opening of the deposit online

Using the service, the user saves time considerably. You do not need to go to the department and start receiving interest from the deposit, you can already the next day. The opening of the online deposit takes place in 3 hours:

  1. The client on the website of the institution fills and sends an application (it takes about 5 minutes). An employee of the bank confirms the receipt of the application.
  2. The parties sign an agreement of the deposit with the use of digital signature.
  3. The depositor instructs on further action and provide additional information.

Important moment: Banks have different regulations regarding the conclusion of online contracts. But in any case, you have the right at any time to get the original documents in the office of the institution.

Each depositor is fixed by the manager who will conduct a business and will answer all questions by phone or in the bank branch. The specialist should explain to the depositor, which profit can be calculated by putting a certain amount, and when it is worth expecting income.

The opening of the deposit through the terminal is something cross between the design in the department and online. Those. Bank does not need to visit, but from home will have to come out. There are no differences in terms of conditions and interest rate. The accumulation will occur under the terms of the contract, and it is possible to cash out the funds within and after the expiration date of the contract.

When opening a deposit, with help, documents are not needed, confirmation of the transfer of funds is the electronic code of the depositor. But it is first necessary to conclude an agreement with the bank, which will make the opening of an account on the contribution in this way. All customer data will fall into the electronic database and the contributor will be identified in an ATM network.

After completion of the procedure for opening a contribution through an ATM, the client will receive only a check in which the amount will be indicated. A copy of the contract will be available in the bank branch where all data is sent.

The disadvantage of this method is that not all types of deposits are available through an ATM. But Fin. Apultures are constantly expanding the list of services and soon promise to add new features.

  1. Choose the bank depending on the types of products that it offers. We will help navigate online selection services.
  2. Before signing the contract, check on the website of the Deposit Insurance Agency (CER), whether the Bank is owned by the Bank. Its participants are all owners of the license of the Central Bank.
  3. With the operating conditions of the contribution must be determined in advance. This is: View, term, amount, currency and interest rate. And also the ability to automatically extend, replenish and early closure.
  4. If the amount of attachment is impressive, it is better to store it in different banksbecause the insurance system protects deposits only to a certain size (no more than 1,400,000 rubles).

To date, the most popular passive form of accumulation and conservation cash are deposits.

What is such a form of money accumulation?

What is a deposit?

Deposit or bank deposit - a monetary mass posted in a bank of physical or legal entity For storage and receipt of income. The shelf life and accumulation may be agreed by both parties or to demand. Agreement options may be several. It all depends on the individual selection of the depositor and the conditions offered by a specific bank.

As a rule, any bank requires a certain minimum of money supply for a certain type of contribution. The interest rate on the deposit and the deposit conditions depend on the interest rate.

A deposit can be opened in any currency offered by banks of Russia. As a rule, these are Russian rubles, US dollars and euros.

What form of the deposit to choose to accumulate money?

Having a free amount in his hands and deciding to take it on a deposit, you should not hurry. To begin with, get acquainted with the conditions offered by the banks, and decide on the terms of the deposit. To facilitate monitoring banking services And the thought process, we offer you some tips.

First you need to answer a simple question: how long do you need your money? Deciding with the answer, you will know the timing of your future deposit. As a rule, banks offer various deposit conditions in time. From month to several years. If you need your amount on a certain day, not a problem, just make this date with a bank clerk in the contract.

However, there are force majeure in life that entail unforeseen expenses. Therefore, it is worth choosing the deposit that will make it possible to remove the money before the agreed period without losing interest over the past period.

As a rule, deposits can be divided into several types. They differ in terms of the terms of the monetary mass during the term of the deposit.

A classic deposit: For the period of the term of the deposit, the depositor cannot carry out any operations with its contribution. That is, neither report money to the account, nor remove from the main money supply part of the amount, but to use the interest rate on the deposit.

Deposit, allowing to report funds, but does not give the opportunity to take the previously agreed period.

Deposit, allowing partial removal Money mass with the possibility of replenishing the initial amount of the deposit.

To decide on the type of deposit, you need to answer the second question: what purpose do you set yourself by opening a deposit? If you want to accumulate money as much as possible, then you should choose a classic deposit. The principle is simple. The more you trust the bank and give him freedom in relation to its cash, the more percent He pays for you. That is, the maximum interest rates will receive the depository of the classic deposit option.

Opening a deposit, you should decide with currency. It is quite difficult to predict here. To consider the prospects, you can prominitate economic and banking messengers, but there is always a chance of unpredictable any currency on the world financial market. Therefore, it is easier to use everyday wisdom - keep eggs in different baskets. Distribute your cash on deposits in several currencies.

The last task of the future deposit owner is the choice of the bank. Bank deposit insurance has somewhat facilitated the situation in the deposit market. In any case, with any adverse circumstances, the state will reimburse you your contribution to a certain amount, which is now 1 million 400 thousand rubles. Consequently, it is worth staying on the bank, which gives the maximum interest rate on the deposit.

You can find on our site banks that will allow you to open the most favorable depositas a means accumulating money. Some of them are the bank's quota and crossinvestbank.

And remember, before opening the deposit, carefully read the contribution contract and find out about banking Commissionso that there is no reason for surprise and disappointment afterwards.

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