
Evaluation of mineral deposits profit approach. Evaluation of deposits, business for mining and licenses for the right to use subsoil. Why it is worth choosing our company to evaluate the field

Evaluation of deposits

MineralsX ( a. evaluation of Mineral Deposit, Assessment of Mineral Deposits; n. LagerStattenBewertung, LagerStatteneinsChatzung; f. evaluation des Gisements Mineraux, Estimation Des Gisements Mineraux; and. valoracion De Los Yacimientos de Minerales) - Definition prom. The significance of manifestations and mrenions of minerals with the help of the GEOL complex. methods (geol.) and economy. Calculations (Economy Evaluation). It is carried out at all stages of their study, intelligence and prom. Development - from regional prediction to complete development, however, the OSN. It acquires a value immediately after the detection of Mr. (under the aim of solving the issue of the feasibility of organization on it exploration), during the transition from the preliminary. Intelligence to the detailed, before the transfer of Mr. for prom. Mastering and on the eve of the completion of the development of identified and explored deposits p. and.
HA 4 early stages of the geol exploration (regional study of the territory, geological work with general searches, search and evaluation) based on general geol. The data is assessed by the possible prospects for one or another area as a whole (ore province, zone, ore pn or;, structure, etc.). Based on a certain geol. Concepts (Geochim. P-on and complex of breeds, favorable tectonich., Magmatich., Lithological-stratigraphy., Structural and other prerequisites), on Geol. and a specialtic. (geological and formation, etc.) Cards of the appropriate scale (1: 500000 - 1: 50000) Area (zones, pools, structures), subject to more detailed study. PO analogy C etc. P-us and with accounting of the necessary correction coefficers. For these areas are calculated by category P 3. If there are previously recorded signs of the desired species p. And. Such reserves can be tied to more restricted. Squares - zones, structures, etc. At the same time, the forecast resources are qualified according to category P 2. The area of \u200b\u200btheir distribution is objects for the setting of detailed specialties. Search or search and revision and evaluation work. Categories P 1 is usually detected in the local forecasting process (1: 50000 - 1: 2000), we will expire. On the flanks and deep horizons of the grouping or exploited by Mr.. It is reflected in the detailed structural and forecast cards specifically compiled for this and serve as a reserve for expanding the raw material base. existing enterprises and the basis for planning more detailed geol exploration. Geol. Evaluation of identified manifestations of p. and. It is made according to the results of targeted search and exploration and lies, on one side, in determining the quality (by testing outputs), paragraph and. and the scale of its possible propagation (by power, area and depth), and the other - in establishing the prospects of P-on for this p. and. (according to geological and tectonich. Positions of the object being studied, accessory it to a specific genetic. and geological-prom. type, geohim. P-per specialization, its geophyism. parameters, etc.). When put. Results of Geol. Estimates are made before. Economy. Calculation of the purpose of determining the minimum permissible scale of the object, which is in the data of the geographic-efficiency. and mining geol. Conditions would satisfy the requirements of Prom-STI (so-called brave).
The prospect of P-on is estimated by the division of all identified manifestations of paragraphs and. On the low-job "roots" destroyed by erosion deposits p. and. (immediately rejected); Self. Bodies of a different scale (subject to intelligence in case of compliance with the mains. Parameters are conditional requirements); Indicators hidden at the depth of larger deposits n. (The most promising option, allowing to quite positively evaluate the entire studied structure, Fig.).

An example of a forecast and indicator estimate of the ore output: 1 - ore output; 2 - an extrapolated part of the ore body; 3 - predicted at the depths of ore deposit. A-B - Evaluation of the ore exit as: a - "root" part of the eroded ore body; B - independent ore body; B - macroindicator hidden at a depth ("blind") ore deposit.
With reference to televermared MMs, the optimal ratio of 3 of the selected groups of oreroyments is usually 20: 10: 70, a for the most high-temperature skarn and pegmatite raquetal ms about 60: 30: 10. When predicting the hidden deposits p. And. The initial evaluation criteria are: the scope of the distribution of this species p. and.; Multi-line of its localization (eg, the number of lithologically favorable horizons in the geological section of P-n); The presence in overlapping rocks of certain signs of p. and. (scattering halois).
Kroma actually manifestations. Geol. A variety of geohim is also being estimated., Geofiz. and other anomaly, as well as promising structures. The estimate is initially carried out according to the reader processing of the materials obtained (for example, Geochim. Anomalies are dispersed on the basis of identifying the leading role of navel or legacy indicators), with the subsequent intersection of single exploration workings, most often by search and structural drilling wells. The result of the work carried out is the reasonable solution to the degree of prospects of the object, on the basis of the Quino, the recommendation of the feasibility of the organization on it will be given. Intelligence, enhancing it to the Reserve Fund, or in recognizing this manifestation of unpromising, not worthy of attention and further study. At the same time, a number of efficiency are also taken into account. Factors: The degree of deficiency of this type of mineral raw materials, the need to compensate for redeemed stocks in p-non-existing enterprises and others.
B process finish. Intelligence, carried out on a specially component of the project, the question of O prom. The significance of the revealed Mr.: its shared scale and quality p., incl. tehnol. Properties, possible conditions for working out, etc. Ha-based explored stocks (usually in category C 2, partly C 1) are carried out by technical and economic. Calculations allowing to identify the main indicators of prom. Masking with several. Conditions that take into account the scale of production and others. Parameters, which is reflected in a specially component of technical economy. Report (TED). HA stage finish. Intelligence is equally important as geol. Assessment of the studied Mr. and its P-per and economy. Assessment of explored sections of Mr. The first is a detailed study of the conditions of localization of p., An objective assessment of the degree of reliability of revealed reserves and establishing all possible reserves for their further expansion; The second is in the calculation of all types of costs (on the crossing of the mining. Enterprises, roads, electrolytes, creation of infrastructure, etc.), which must be done when prom. The development of the object, and the expected efficiency. Effect. HA Detailed Intelligence Stages One of the main tasks of Geol. Estimates - Determination of the degree of reliability of explored and calculated reserves by the purpose of preventing negative consequences With their discrepancy with subsequent production. The morphology of bodies p., Their position in space, quality and tehnol. Properties p., technical and economy. Terms of development, etc. Geol.-Economy. Evaluation of the grouping of Mreni p. and. It is based on the calculation of the revealed reserves based on the condition (temporary or constant). Technical economy. The rationale for the calculated condition (TEO) is carried out on the basis of the wholesale prices for the corresponding form of mineral raw materials, the degree of its deficiency, the conditions of development, tehnol. Properties and other indicators. For Mreni, especially scarce species of mineral raw materials, when they are evaluated, use instead of wholesale prices "closing" costs calculated according to production data. Activities of the least profitable mining. Industry enterprises.
When preparing the Mreni to Prom. Mastering is carried out by multivariate comparative efficiency. Evaluation and selection of the economically most profitable object from among the intelligent same type of msi, the purpose of which is to determine the degree of profitability of the development of explored deposits p. and. C taking into account the time factor: the sooner the object will be put into operation, the faster the funds spent on its intelligence will be reimbursed, and the lower the cost of produced mineral raw materials. Preference is given to objects located in economically mastered P-na or in P-na, where it is necessary to expand or create new terr. Complexes (Siberia, D. Bostok, etc.). B in the latter case with economy. The estimation of Mr. will be provided. Infrastructure costs. Literature : MARGOLIN A. M., Outcome of reserves of mineral raw materials, M., 1974; Astakhov A. C., Economic assessment of mineral reserves, M., 1981; A. B., Kobachidze L. P., Kobachidze, Geological and Economic Assessment of mineral deposits, M., 1985. B. P. Fedorchuk.

Mountain Encyclopedia. - M.: Soviet Encyclopedia. Edited by E. A. Kozlovsky. 1984-1991 .

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Cost estimate subsoil

The cost estimate of the subsoil is determined by the economic value of the contained in them. mineral resources. Market and investment value This value acquires at the time of extracting minerals from the subsoil. Market and investment costs are equal to income that is calculated as the difference between the realization price and the cost of extracting minerals. Depending on the purpose of assessment in the calculations, both world and domestic prices for mineral raw materials can be used.

In the assessment of the subsoil may be determined: 1) the effectiveness of various embodiments of deposits and conduct geological and exploration works; 2) the cost of subsoil use rights - licenses available from the company; 3) the investment value of mineral deposits and subsoil areas; 4) the cost of mining; 5) the cost of shares of mining companies; 6) Cost or economic value of the deposit for the owner.

Estimates can be carried out on macroeconomic, regional and local levels. Certain areas and regions, reserves of mineral raw materials, separate deposits, as well as their sections and geological blocks can be estimated.

Thus, the object of assessment for the purposes of determining the national wealth is the reserves of all types of minerals contained in the depths of Russia. Assessment object market value The field is all field or part of it, for example, a licensed site transmitted to the mining company.

Methods for estimating the cost of mineral deposits

In Russia, the main methods of estimating mineral deposits are the methods of an income approach, mainly capitalization potential income or discount money flow.

Evaluation of deposits by the method of an income approach

The cost of the field is estimated by the formula

where C is the cost of the mineral deposit; T.estimated period deposit operation; - commodity value mineral raw materials or gross income from the sale of mineral raw materials, taking into account the distance recoverable components calculated in market prices; ZT - the upcoming operational and capital costs carried out in t-M. year of operation of the deposit; r. - discount rate.

Commodity value of mineral raw materials CA

where Q. - the amount of mineral mining in t.-m year or recoverable mineral reserves taken into account when evaluating; TO1 - the extraction coefficient of mineral raw materials from the subsoil; TO2 concentrate extraction coefficient (for metal minerals); The Central Committee is the price of the final (first commodity) product in international or domestic markets.

The discount rate is made equal to an acceptable rate of income or return on the investor, i.e. At such a level, which will allow the investor not only to compensate for the risk, but also to get the required profit. For highly liquid minerals (for example, oil and gas) usually apply reduced rates Percent defined international markets credit resources (for example, LIBOR rates).

The costs taken into account in the calculation of the cost of the field may include expenses for geological and exploration work carried out at the expense of the investor, the costs of transporting raw materials to a station or shipment port, the costs of land reclamation, as well as costs for compensation for environmental harm and risk insurance causing damage to natural environment.

Structure of the main elements:

Depending on the objectives of the assessment, the costs or are included, or taxes and other payments associated with the extraction and use of minerals are not included.

Methodical recommendations for the feasibility study of the Conditions for calculating stocks of solid mineral deposits (except coal and combustible shale), it is recommended when assessing in order to determine the efficiency of mining enterprises to calculate in two versions:

  • - excluding taxes, deductions and payments to determine the volume of potential payments to the state (viewed as a basic version of economic value for the owner);
  • - taking into account taxes, deductions and payments to determine investment value Deposit (average world or internal market price of minerals without value added tax; coefficient changes in the level of world prices; export duty; coefficient of changes in the level of export duties; mining of minerals, taking into account technological losses for export; the average metal content in ore, etc. .).

It should be noted that the rights of use of subsoils typically confirmed or licensed to license are intangible assets Mountain companies that have received these licenses. Assets of this type are classified by international and European assessment standards as intangible property, and they are usually considered economic analysts as the company's main asset.

Estimation of security costs and restoration ambient When evaluating deposits

These costs may include the following types of expenses:

  • - Initial capital investments in environmental protection measures;
  • - additional capital investments in environmental protection measures;
  • - operating costs;
  • - costs for insurance against predicted harmful effects of mining production;
  • - various kinds of compensation payments as compensation caused by environmental damage.

Initial capital investments in environmental protection activities may include the costs of reforestation, water disposal and protecting water bodies, to protect the air basin, to land reclamation and other costs.

In our practice, we often face the need to evaluate deposits in the context of business, the only (or only significant) asset of which is a license for the right to use the subsoil site. Such companies are usually registered recently and are at the initial stage of development. They have not yet managed to proceed to the direct development of the field and have not yet acquired the property, which is necessary for the production, processing and transportation of raw materials. Obviously, in this case Evaluation of the business of such a company and evaluating its license for the right of mining (intelligence) of minerals, by and large, the same thing.

Cost assessment of deposits, or business for their commercial operation can be held three main estimated approaches.

From the point of view of the costs made on the creation of a mining company and obtaining an appropriate license for the right to use subsoil, it is not possible to determine the cost of the enterprise - it is enough to add all costs and increase them on the size of the intelligent income profit. According to general principles The cost approach, the cost of an enterprise that has a license to use subsoils can be expressed by the formula:

V \u003d (C1 + C2 + C3 + CL) * ki, where

V - the cost of the enterprise;
C1 - registration costs legal entity (state duty, payment of services for lawyers and notaries);
C2 - the cost of selection of qualified personnel (if the staff has already been recruited);
C3 - other costs of creating an enterprise if they are needed and were produced;
Cl - the cost of acquiring a license (usually through auction);
Ki - the coefficient for accounting for the reasonable profit of the investor in the current market conditions (For example, if the reasonable profit of the investor is determined at 20%, then ki \u003d 1,2).

However, this formula, like other cost estimate methods, regarding the license for the right to use the subsoil site is rather theoretical nature and is almost never applied in practice for several reasons. Firstly, this method of calculation does not take into account the impact on the cost of the enterprise of its main trump card - future revenues from the development of the subsoil site. Secondly, in our country, the official costs of the licensee for the acquisition of a license (those costs that the appraiser can take into account and substantiate in evaluating) rarely reflect their true magnitude.

According to the reasons (the opacity of the license issuance process, the lack of available pricing in a wide range of comparable deposits, large differences in licensing agreements, strong high-quality differences from each other) are rarely used and a comparative approach to the assessment of licenses for the right to use subsoils.

In practice, the main (and very often the only one) method of assessing deposits (licenses for the right to use plot of subsoil) is discounted method cash streams (profitable approach), Which we will consider in more detail.

Calculations by the DDP method consist of the following steps:

1) Determined by the duration of the forecast period. When evaluating deposits (licenses for the right to use the subsoil area), the duration of the forecast period is advisable to establish equal to the remaining license.

2) the flows of income and expenses are determinedarising during the forecast period when mastering the estimated field. The central place in the calculations on the income forecast occupies these parameters of the deposit indicated in the license agreement as the amount of reserves, the content of minerals in concentrates and their extraction.

According to the classification adopted in Russia, mineral reserves on the subsoil section are divided in four main categories - A, B, C1, C2; where A is exactly proven reserves, with clearly defined geological boundaries, in pre-explored reserves with exemplary geological boundaries, C1 - explored reserves in the deposits of complex structure or reserves defined with extrapolation; C2 - promising reserves that are outside the explored deposit parts.

Since useful fossils, as a rule, it is impossible to immediately remove from the ground in pure form, the extracted breed is usually enriched to obtain a concentrate, which can be sold, transporting, or further to extract the clean product from it. This process is characterized by such important for the evaluator as content as content. useful elements In the concentrate obtained from ore at this field using standard technologies and the extraction of pure elements from ore in concentrate. Based on these parameters, the total number is determined. useful productwhich can be removed from the estimated field and, accordingly, the amount of income from the implementation of this product.

Consider a model example. Suppose we estimate the lead deposit with common reserves of 100,000 tons of ore and the total lead content in the amount of 5,000 tons. From the data of geological exploration provided in the license agreement, we know that when enriching this lead ore, a concentrate is obtained with a lead content of 75%, and the metal extraction in the concentrate is 90%. This means that ore reserves at the field allow you to produce 6,000 tons of 75% concentrate with a total lead content of 4,500 tons. Now, knowing current prices For lead, it is not difficult to calculate the potential amount of income from the sale of this field for the entire period of its development (taking into account the planned mining and processing facilities).

An example of the structure of the calculated table for estimating income from sales (numerical values \u200b\u200bare not related to the previous example):

2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014
Production-waters of the Pork-Tso-Forest Kon-price-tra-ta, t Market price for 1 t, RUR Market price for 1 t, USD Annual income, rur Godo income, USD
0 26 415 980 0 0
0 26 415 980 0 0
4 000 26 415 980 105 660 000 3 920 000
8 000 26 415 980 211 320 000 7 840 000
8 000 26 415 980 211 320 000 7 840 000
8 000 26 415 980 211 320 000 7 840 000
8 000 26 415 980 211 320 000 7 840 000
8 000 26 415 980 211 320 000 7 840 000

After calculating forecast income, it is necessary to calculate costs. It should be remembered that the main areas of expenditure of the mining enterprise are the costs of prey, processing and transport.

Calculation of expenditures on the development and operation of the zero deposit is a very difficult and time-consuming task, therefore, appraisers are usually used by the data of a ready-made technical and economic justification (TEO), which is an annex to the license agreement and already contains the amounts of expenses and capital investments By mastering the field. In the event that the TEO was drawn up for more than a year ago, it is necessary to bring the prices specified in it to the level of prices for the evaluation date - for this use the coefficient - a deflator or sectoral coefficients of price increases, calculated by Rosstat.

Below, for example, the main costs of expenses for each of the expense directions of the mining enterprise (mining, processing, transportation) are given.

Approximate structure production expenses mining enterprise:

races 2010
Quality-Char, RURPerera-Bot, RURTrans port, RURTotal, RURTotal, usd% OT
Basic and Po-Mo-Ma-Tel-Mate-Ri-Alla 65 175 000 53 500 000 4 000 000 122 675 000 4 551 323 30,53Production-Water-Growth 3,500,000 6,800 000 200 000 12 500 000 463 758 3,11VAT (18%) 12 721 500 10 854 000 756 000 24 331 500 902 715 6.06OPL-ATA TRU-DA 35 000 000 20 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 2 151 838 14,44Amor-Ti-Options of Over-Ru-Da-Via 3 651 345 127 657 233 18 244 842 149 553 420 5 548 530 37.22Amortization of license 75 920 0 0 75 920 2 817 0.02Druzhiya Ras-Ho-droi 9 500 000 5 000 000 0 14 500 000 537 960 3.61Nepred-Vi-Denny Racing 3 100 000 1 031 000 1 082 000 5 213 000 193 406 1.30O'DO-WHE-WATER WATER-DIRECTED RAC-HOO, TOTAL 134 723 765 224 842 233 27 282 842 386 848 840 14 352 346 96,28ON ADMA-NIS-TATIVE RAC-HOO 9 000 000 000 000 000 950 000 14 950 000 554 655 3.72O'DO-YES RAS-HO-DH, A total of 143 723 765 229 842 233 28 232 842 401 798 840 14 907 001 100.00

After the alleged expenses are defined, it is necessary to make the profit forecast and losses of the enterprise when doing business. The purpose of this forecast is to obtain data on the annual net profit for the entire period under review. The forecast is drawn up for each forecast year.

An example of a forecast of income and expenses of an enterprise for the extraction of ore and the production of lead and zinc concentrates:

2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 - Pier-Tso Kon-price-spending 0 0 4 000 8 000 8 000- Qing-co-CON-cent-RAT 0 0 7 000 14 000 14 000Market price for 1 t, USD- Pork-Tso Kon-price-spending 980 980 980 980 980- Qing-kon-price-spending 1 250 1 250 1 250 1 250 1 250Godo Oh Mouth, USD- Pier-Tso-Kon-price-spending 0 0 3 920 000 7 840 000 7 840 000- Qing-co-co-price-spending 0 0 8 750 000 17 500 000 17 500 000God's overall, total, USD0 0 12 670 000 25 340 000 25 340 000 Tax on up-to-school useful statements, 8%, USD 0 0 1 799 342 3 598 684 3 598 684Net-you-hand-ka, USD0 0 10 870 658 21 741 316 21 741 316 Production-WHERE RABLES, USD:Basic and Po-Mo-Ga Tel-Ma-Ter-Yalay 0 0 2 275 662 4 551 323 4 551 323Production-Water-Grow-Ho-dyel 0 0 231 879 463 758 463 758VAT (18%) 0 0 451 357 902 715 902 715Warm 0 0 1 075 919 2 151 838 2 151 838ADMI-NIS-TATIVE RES-STOP 333 906 333 906 444 280 554 655 554 655Other races 0 0 268 980 537 960 537 960Non-prediction-en-sized races 0 0 96 703 193 406 193 406Production-WHERE RABLES, total, USD333 906 333 906 4 844 780 9 355 655 9 355 655 EBITDA, USD.-333 906 -333 906 6 025 878 12 385 661 12 385 661 EBITDA,% 0% 0% 55% 57% 57% FINANCE-SO-SAYS, USD 831 697 2 222 720 2 368 770 2 368 770 1 795 495Amor-Ti-Option of Kap-Talny VLO-Same, USD 0 1 631 921 4 242 994 5 548 530 6 527 683AMOR-TI-ZIAZY, USD 2 817 2 817 2 817 2 817 2 817Prior to Nalo-Oblie, USD -1 168 420 -4 191 364 -588 703 4 465 544 4 059 666Tax on the priest 24%, USD 0 0 0 1 071 731 974 320Numbers-Tai Used, USD-1 168 420 -4 191 364 -588 703 3 393 813 3 085 346 Net profit, %0% 0% 0% 16% 14%
Number of production productions - but-goon-price-tra-ta, t

3) the discount rate is determined. In case of an assessment of a license for a field (mining enterprise), the discount rate is defined as in and other cases of business assessment by the DDP method, i.e. Any of the common methods - with the help of an assessment model of capital assets, a cumulative method, or using the model of the weighted average cost value.

It should be noted that the capital assessment model and the cumulative method are used for cash flow for own capitalAnd the model of the weighted average cost of capital is used for cash flow for all invested capital.

What method is to apply in each case, the appraiser chooses based on the purposes and objectives of the estimate, the availability of information and the selected cash flow model.

4) Calculation of cash flows and bringing settlement values \u200b\u200bfor each of the forecasts to the current value at the date of the assessment (discounting).

An example of the structure of the calculation table by the DDP method:

6) the cost of reversion is determined, that is, the current cost of the enterprise after the end of the forecast period. When assessing the business of mining enterprises, the Cost of Reversion is usually small for the following reasons.

As a rule, mining and mining and processing equipment by the end of the field of operation of the deposit has a sufficiently high wear and its sale does not bring big money. Real estate (buildings and structures) When fullying the deposit also almost completely loses its consumer value. Long term operation of deposits (which can reach 20-30 years or more) lead to the fact that the current value of the positive reversion in absolute terms is very small. In addition, the cost of reversion decreases even stronger if necessary for reclamation and other works related to the implementation of state environmental requirements upon completion of the deployment of the field. By virtue of these reasons, if there is no reason to consider otherwise, the cost of reversion during the estimation of the deposit can be taken equal to zero.

7) the values \u200b\u200bof discounted cash flows for all forecast years are together with the cost of reversion, and as a result, the magnitude of the market value of the business is designed (license to the field).

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Evaluation of mineral deposits (as evaluation of mineral deposits, assessment of mineral deposits; n Lagerstattenbewertung, Lagerstatteneinschatzung; f evaluation des gisements mineraux, estimation des gisements mineraux; and valoracion de los yacimientos de minerales....) - the definition of industrial relevance manifestations and Mineral deposits with the help of a complex of geological methods (geological assessment) and economic calculations (economic evaluation). It is held at all stages of their study, exploration and industrial development - from regional forecasting to complete development, but it acquires the main importance immediately after detection (in order to solve the issue of the expediency of the organization on it exploration), in the transition from pre-exploration to the detailed, before Transmission of the field for industrial development and on the eve of the completion of the development of revealed and explored deposits of minerals.

In the 4th early stages of the geological exploration process (regional study of the territory, geological work with common searches, search engines, search and evaluation) based on general geological data is evaluated by the possible prospects for one or another area as a whole (ore province, ore belt, zone, ore Area or node; swimming pool, structure, etc.). Based on a certain geological concept (geochemical specialization of the area and complex of rocks, favorable tectonic, magmatic, lithological-stratigraphic, structural and other prerequisites), on geological and specialized (geological and formation, etc.) of the appropriate scale (1: 500000 - 1: 50000) Eliminate areas (zones, pools, structures), subject to more detailed study. By analogy with other districts and, taking into account the necessary correction coefficients for these areas, the forecast resources are calculated in category P3. If there are previously recorded signs of the desired form of minerals, such reserves can be tied to more limited areas - zones, structures, etc. At the same time, the forecast resources are qualified according to category P2. Square of their distribution - objects for the formulation of detailed specialized search or search and revision and evaluation work.

Forecast resources of category P1 are usually detected in the process of local forecasting (1: 50000 - 1: 2000) mainly on the flanks and deep horizons of diligent or exploited deposits. They are reflected in specially component for this detailed structural and forecast cards and serve as a reserve for expanding the resource base of existing enterprises and the basis for planning more detailed exploration. The geological assessment of the revealed manifestations of minerals is made according to the results of targeted search and exploration and lies, on the one hand, in determining the quality (by testing outputs) of minerals and the scale of its possible propagation (in terms of power, area and depth), and on the other - establishing the prospects of the area on this species Minerals (according to the geological and tectonic position of the object being studied, its belonging to a certain genetic and geological and industrial type, the geochemical specialization of the area, its geophysical parameters, etc.). With the positive results of the geological assessment, a preliminary economic calculations In order to determine the minimum permissible scale of the object, which in these geographical and economic and geological conditions would satisfy the requirements of the industry (so-called brewing condition).

The perspective of the district is estimated by the division of all identified manifestations of minerals on low-planning "roots" by erosion of mineral deposits of minerals (immediately rejected); independent bodies of a different scale (subject to intelligence in case of compliance with their basic parameters with conditional requirements); Indicators hidden at the depth of larger depths of minerals (the most promising version, allowing to very positively assess the entire studied structure, Fig.).

With reference to teleterminal fields, the optimal ratio of 3 of the selected groups of oreroyments is usually 20: 10: 70, and for the most high-temperature skarn and pegmatite reductional deposits of approximately 60: 30: 10. When predicting hidden mineral deposits, the initial estimates are: vertical scope of the distribution of this type mineral; the multi-tier of its localization (for example, the number of lithologically favorable horizons in the geological section of the area); The presence in overlapping rocks of certain signs of minerals (scattering nuts).

In addition to the actual manifestations of minerals, various geochemical, geophysical and other anomalies, as well as promising structures, are also subject to geological assessment. Their assessment is initially carried out according to the reader processing of the materials obtained (for example, geochemical anomalies are dispersed on the basis of detection of the leading role of navel or legal elements indicators), followed by the intersection of single exploration workings, most often by search and structural drilling fluids. The result of the work carried out is the reasonable decision on the degree of prospects of the object, on the basis of which the recommendation is made on the feasibility of the organization on the preliminary intelligence, bringing it to the Fund for Reserve Objects, or in recognizing this manifestation of unpromising, not deserving and further study. At the same time, a number of economic factors are also taken into account: the degree of deficiency of this type of mineral raw materials, the need to compensate for redeemed reserves in the area of \u200b\u200bexisting enterprises and others.

In the preliminary intelligence process carried out on a specially component of the project, the issue of industrial significance of the detected deposit is decided: its common scale and quality of minerals, incl. technological properties, possible conditions for working out, etc. based on explored stocks (usually in category C2, partly C1) technical and economic calculations are carried out to determine the main indicators of the industrial development of the field with several versions of the condition that take into account the scale of production and other parameters, which finds its Reflection in a specially component of a feasibility report (TED). At the pre-exploration stage, both the geological assessment of the studied deposit and its district and the economic assessment of the explored deposits are important and the economic assessment of the explored deposits. The first is a detailed study of the conditions of localization of minerals, an objective assessment of the degree of reliability of revealed reserves and establish all possible reserves for their further expansion; The second is in the calculation of all types of costs (on the construction of a mining enterprise, roads, electrolytes, the creation of infrastructure, etc.), which must be done in the industrial development of the object, and the expected economic effect. At the detailed intelligence stage, one of the main tasks of the geological assessment is to determine the degree of reliability of explored and calculated stocks in order to prevent negative effects in their discrepancy with subsequent mining. Refine the morphology of bodies of minerals, their position in space, quality and technological properties of minerals, technical and economic conditions for working out, etc. The geological and economic assessment of the deployed mineral deposits is made on the basis of the calculation of revealed reserves based on the condition (temporary or constant). The technical and economic rationale for the calculated condition (TEO) is carried out on the basis of the wholesale prices for the corresponding view of the mineral raw materials, the degree of its deficiency, the conditions of working out, technological properties and other indicators. For fields, especially scarce species of mineral raw materials, with their assessment, instead of wholesale prices "closing" costs, calculated according to the production activities of the least profitable mining enterprises of the industry.

In the preparation of deposits for industrial development, a multivariate comparative and economic assessment and the choice of the economically most profitable object from the number of explored the same type of deposits are carried out, the purpose of which is to determine the degree of profitability of the development of explored mineral deposits taking into account the time factor: the sooner the object will be commissioned, the faster Funds spent on its intelligence will be reimbursed, and the lower will be the cost of produced mineral raw materials. Preference is given to objects located in economically mastered areas or in areas where it is necessary to expand or create new territorial production complexes (Siberia, the Far East, etc.). In the latter case, economic evaluation The deposit provides additional infrastructure costs.

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