
Provision of housing for servicemen transferred to the reserve. Available state guarantees for servicemen in the form of housing upon dismissal. Receiving housing for military personnel upon dismissal

The law defines several categories of military personnel who are prohibited or retired without providing them with a separate living space. In order to seek an apartment or a house, a former military man must have the necessary length of service and be registered with housing, but that's not all. Providing a serviceman with free subsidized housing upon dismissal depends on many factors, which will be discussed in this material.

Conditions for issuing living space to storekeepers and retirees

The main rule that regulates the housing issues of the military is Article 15 of the Federal Law of the OSVS. It is in this article that those general parameters are determined in accordance with which employees are guaranteed to receive housing at the expense of the federal treasury. Details of housing guarantees are set out in by-laws that specify and regulate and structural units Of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

Thus, clause 17 of article 34 of the "Procedure for the passage of the Armed Forces" defines the categories of military personnel who are prohibited from being fired until they are provided with housing. Only after the dismissed person has been removed from the queue for the living space, an order can be issued to exclude him from the state of the unit.

The provision of living space for those liable for military service who need it can be carried out in the following forms:

  • provision on the terms of a social loan agreement;
  • transfer of living space to ownership;
  • payment of subsidies;
  • issuance of a housing certificate (GZhS).

Such an obligation arises for the state to those servicemen who have 10 or more years of service and are dismissed from the Armed Forces on one of the following grounds:

  • according to the age;
  • for health;
  • in the order of staff reduction.

The law does not establish priorities between these 3 groups of dismissed. If a military man is expelled from the state in connection with organizational and staff measures (to reduce), but has 10 or more years of service, and is also in the queue for receiving housing, then he cannot be expelled from the state of the unit until the provision of an apartment or housing subsidy in within the norms established by law.

The standard rate for the military is 18m² per person who is part of the family. This indicator includes residential and non-residential premises of an apartment / house.

In cases where the footage of apartments to be distributed among employees goes beyond the norm (for example, a family of 2 claims 36m², but there are apartments of 40m² for distribution), the norm may be exceeded. Maximum limit excess - 18m².

If, after submitting the initial application for inclusion in the queue for housing, the circumstances of the military change (marriage, the birth of children, and so on), then he gets the right to apply for additional square meters. However, such a right can only be exercised if the employee himself submits documents in time to amend the housing register.

If you leave the Armed Forces, and want to receive free living space from the state, make sure that you have the necessary length of service, check your data in the housing registry, and do not write a statement about.

Dismissal cases without issue of housing

It is possible to fire a serviceman without providing housing for several groups of reasons. Even one is enough for refusal.

The first group of grounds is the reason for dismissal. The dismissed cannot claim square meters:

  • of their own free will;
  • on negative grounds;
  • being laid off, and not having the required length of service.

The second group - the military, not listed in the register for housing:

  • who did not submit an application for registration on time;
  • taken off the register due to the identification of the fact of intentional deterioration of living conditions;
  • who violated the procedure for staying on the register, and did not appear to receive housing;
  • those who have already received housing from the state in one of the provided forms (social rent, subsidy, certificate, etc.).

There are several more categories of storekeepers and retirees, who, firstly, can be dismissed from service until the issuance of housing or subsidies, and, secondly, remain after the expulsion from the state of the part of the housing register. The state undertakes to provide them with an apartment or a subsidy even after being excluded from the unit.

So, it is allowed to fire a military man who leaves locality service, and applies for housing in another city or town.

In this case, the storekeeper or retiree is excluded from the staff of the unit, their accounting documents for housing they are sent to the DZHO (Department of Housing) at the new place of residence, and this DZHO already deals with the issue of housing to the arrived storekeeper.

It is also allowed to fire homeless employees who are participants in the savings and mortgage program.

The military who, after being fired, did not receive housing or subsidies, in mandatory temporary office space is provided.

The procedure for issuing housing to dismissed military personnel

The law does not provide for a special procedure for providing free, which fall under dismissal. They cannot receive preferential promotion in the existing queue, and must wait for their apartment in the general manner.

This situation creates a number of difficulties for the commanders of military units, because according to the law, it is impossible to dismiss without housing or subsidies, and it is also prohibited to ask for an apartment out of turn.

The most optimal option in this case- to negotiate with the dismissed that they switch to a subsidy. In this case, the probability of a quick solution to the housing problem is high.

If a retiree or a storekeeper flatly refuses money, and intends to wait for the required apartment, then most often the commanders leave such a dismissed person at the disposal (out of state) until he is provided with housing.

General procedure for providing living space:

  • a soldier, during the period of service, submits documents for inclusion in the Register for housing, and receives a decision on registration;
  • after receiving a notice of the availability of housing for distribution, submits to the JO required package documents;
  • if a soldier, prior to the provision of housing, occupied another apartment under a social tenancy agreement or used an office space, then he must submit documents that he is ready to hand over office space within two months.

If within 30 days from the receipt of the notification, the employee does not submit documents to the JO, then he may be fired without providing housing. This sanction does not apply when set time missed for good reason.

The lack of timely and reliable information on the current living conditions of the military in the JO and the register is a serious reason for refusing to provide free housing.

The procedure for calculating and issuing a loan

Applying for a lump sum payment for the purchase or construction of a home is the fastest and convenient way for the military to improve their living conditions. In Russian law, this payment is called a “housing subsidy”.

To receive this subsidy, a military person who is retiring or in the reserve must:

  • be in the housing register;
  • open a bank account;
  • submit an application to the JOE for the payment of a subsidy instead of providing an apartment;
  • find housing on your own, and make a deal.

The JOE calculates the amount of the subsidy independently. For the calculation, the norm of the living area, the price per square meter of housing and the correction factor are taken.

The standard of living space for one person is 33m², for two - 42m², the third and subsequent family members are entitled to 18m² each, that is, a subsidy for the purchase of 96m² can be paid for a family of 5 people (parents and 3 children).

The price per square meter is determined at the federal level. Today the average is about 38.5 thousand rubles per square meter.

JOE notifies the dismissed about the amount of the subsidy and the timing of its payment. After cash will be transferred to the employee's current account, he is removed from the housing register.

If you are aware of cases of violation of the rights of military personnel regarding the provision of housing upon dismissal, or you yourself were looking for a way out of a difficult situation, share your story. Most likely, your experience will help those who are now going through this difficult stage and are trying to defend their rights.

The procedure for providing housing for servicemen and their family members is regulated by Federal Law No. 76. However, today there is a situation when many officers, leaving for the reserve, do not have their own or departmental apartments. It should be remembered that the right to receive housing is retained even after the serviceman is discharged to the reserve. Recent amendments to “ Military Status Law»Were introduced on 01. 07 2017. Based on the amendments to the law, a military pensioner has the right not only to receive ownership or rent of living space. As compensation, he can be provided with funds for the purchase of real estate (or a one-time housing subsidy). The right to choose the format for solving the housing issue remains with the military. These measures are designed to fully provide housing for all military pensioners in need until 2023.

Providing military pensioners with apartments

In Art. 15 clause 2.1 of the Federal Law No. 76 explains which categories of servicemen who have left for the reserve retain the right to receive housing. These include:

  • Former military personnel dismissed for health reasons or in connection with organizational and staff activities and having military experience of at least 10 years.
  • Former military personnel who have gone into the reserve and have a mandatory length of service, which today is 20 years.

The separate requirements for providing funds for the purchase of apartments will be explained below.

Military mortgage is the most promising way to quickly get housing

For the purchase of housing by military mortgage a soldier, in addition to general requirements, must fulfill additional conditions, namely: be a member savings and mortgage system at least 3 years. The amount of accumulative contributions for the last 3 years is:

  • 2015 and 2016 - 245 880 rubles;
  • 2017 - 260 141 rubles.

After dismissal in the reserve for seniority, OSHM or health conditions, an NIS participant can claim the entire amount accumulated on his account, but use it only for the purchase of housing or improvement housing conditions.

The advantages of solving the housing issue through a military mortgage:

  • The savings are issued to servicemen, regardless of the availability of living space.
  • A military pensioner can independently choose a region to determine a place permanent residence and, accordingly, the acquisition of real estate.
  • A dismissed soldier can add his own funds to the amount of mortgage savings, which will allow him to purchase real estate larger than legally required area and / or of a higher class (Business, Premium).
  • A pensioner can also use mortgage funds for the construction of a private house or for the purchase of a ready-made private home ownership.
  • An apartment can be purchased in any city and it is possible to make a profit from it, here is how it is described.

Lump sum cash payments and housing subsidies for military retirees

On 01.01.2017, a new amendment to the law came into force, regulating the procedure for issuing ZhS and EDV to the categories of military pensioners listed above. Cash is calculated in accordance with current regulations, taking into account all family members:

  • Lonely pensioner - 33 m 2;
  • Family of 2 people - 42 m 2;
  • Family of 3 or more people - 18 m 2 for each member.

In addition, the law provides for an increase in the guaranteed minimum living space by 15 m 2 for the following contingent:

  • the teaching staff of military universities;
  • commanding staff (from the rank of colonel);
  • with a scientific degree or title.

The amount of EDV is calculated from the total length of service. The coefficient is applied to the duration of military service:

  • 10-16 years old -1.85;
  • 16-20 years old - 2.25;
  • 20-21 years - 2.375;
  • from 21 years old - 2.45.

For each additional year prior to retirement, officers have an additional coefficient of 0.075. The maximum coefficient that a military pensioner can count on is 2.75.

Benefits of EDV and subsidies

  • EDV and housing subsidies can be received by pensioners who, during the years of service, used service apartments and were not part of the NIS.
  • Unlike military mortgage, in which the buyer becomes a full owner only after full repayment by the bank of the loan, the apartment (house) becomes the property of the buyer immediately after the conclusion of the contract. The owner has the right to exchange, sell, donate, mortgage or perform other operations that do not contradict the law.

Housing under a social rent agreement

All servicemen who signed a contract before 01.01.1998 and transferred to the reserve have the right to receive living space on the basis of a social employment contract. The region of permanent residence (allocation of an apartment) is chosen by a military pensioner. Those transferred to the reserve after 01.01.1998 are given housing in those regions where it is available.

The square footage of the living space is calculated at the rate of 18 m 2 for each family member. Singles can (but do not have to) be provided with a preferential 10 m2. An additional 15 m 2 may also be claimed by officers who retired upon reaching their service life limit.

Apartments received under a social rent agreement can later be privatized and become private property.

Important! A serviceman who has at least 20 years of experience (10 years for persons who have terminated service for health reasons or OSHM) cannot be dismissed without providing housing or money for its purchase. In order to take advantage of the right guaranteed by the state, you must have the status of a person in need of living space, in other words, to be registered with the apartment.

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Housing for military personnel- the problem is urgent. Therefore, the state has developed a separate program that is designed to solve it. The program allows this category Russian citizens get housing on preferential terms or free of charge. In this article, we will analyze in detail the options for acquiring living space by military personnel, the norms for housing meters and other details of this procedure.

Options for purchasing housing for military personnel

In accordance with current legislation, there are several options for the acquisition of military housing by families. We will not talk about the allocation of service housing for military personnel, since everything is relatively clear here - within 3 months from the moment the family moves to a settlement in which the military does not have his own living space, he must be provided with a room to live with his family. The family does not have any rights to the apartment received, with the exception of the main one - the right of residence. After the end of the contract or when transferring to another duty station, the soldier vacates the occupied living quarters.

The first and most common option to purchase an apartment in ownership is to participate in the accumulative mortgage system, created in 2004. The essence of the program is that from the moment of entering service under the contract, a soldier begins to participate in such a system. In this case, the means of accumulation are allocated from federal budget... After 3 years of service, the contractor has the right to use the accumulated capital for the purchase of residential premises. In this case, the soldier applies to any bank that provides mortgage lending and agrees to provide a targeted housing loan.

It should be said that the size of the purchased apartment depends on the composition of the family. But the norms of living space will be discussed below. In the meantime, it should be noted that in the case when a soldier wants to buy a more spacious apartment, he has the right to do so, but only with the involvement of his own finances.

The peculiarities of the program should also include the fact that it is possible to obtain a mortgage even before the start of using the funds accumulated under the NIS program (before the expiration of 3 years from the date of entering the service under the contract). But in this case, the mortgage will be issued for general conditions, and after receiving a certificate of the right to a housing loan, you will be able to use the accumulated funds to repay it.

A special scenario is provided for persons who have served in the armed forces for 20 years or more. In this case, their loan is repaid by the state, regardless of the remaining amount. The cancellation of the mortgage also occurs in cases where a soldier has served for at least 10 years and was dismissed due to reaching the maximum age allowed for military service; for health; in connection with organizational and staff changes in its part; as well as in the presence of family circumstances stipulated by the legislation of the Russian Federation. In addition, extinguishing mortgage loan carried out also in the event of the death of a serviceman. It should be noted that the creditor does not have the right to demand payments from the family members of the deceased soldier, the state in the person of special bodies will be responsible for the obligations, but the family members will acquire the right of ownership.

Don't know your rights?

Savings system and mortgage for military personnel

As mentioned above, every soldier has the right to participate in the funded system. We emphasize: it is a right, not an obligation. This means that for the subsequent receipt of funds and their accumulation, the employee must apply with the appropriate report. After 3 years of service, you must submit another report, in which you declare your desire to receive a Certificate of the right of a participant in the savings and mortgage system to provide a targeted housing loan. It should be noted that the report should be addressed to the headquarters of your unit. After that, the soldier needs to wait a little while he will be given such a Certificate. At this time, you can search for an apartment that you want to buy, as well as a credit organization that deals with mortgage lending and is ready to provide you with a loan on suitable terms. Take your time, look for the most favorable conditions for you. Please be aware that the terms and conditions offered may vary significantly from organization to organization.

After the Certificate is received, and the apartment is selected, it is necessary to sign a housing loan agreement with the bank and the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. Then you need to conclude a sale and purchase agreement for the selected property or conclude a mortgage agreement. Next - register an agreement with Rosreestr and receive an extract from the USRN on the ownership of the residential premises. Everyone, from this moment on, the soldier is the happy owner of his own real estate.

An important difference between the special mortgage program for military personnel is that the amount of the loan issued and its conditions do not in any way depend on the income level of the military or his family members, since the loan received is not paid from personal funds, but at the expense of the accumulative system.

Features of the acquisition of housing by military personnel

The purchase of residential premises under the program of the accumulative mortgage system has a number of features:

  • In accordance with the current norms of law, the registration of an apartment sale and purchase agreement within the framework of NIS takes place within a period not exceeding 5 working days (7, if the application is submitted through a multifunctional center).
  • The loan term depends only on the age of the potential borrower. All banks set an age limit for lending, that is, the age of the borrower until which he is obliged to fully pay the debt to credit institution... In most banks this age is 60, but generally ranges from 55 to 70.
  • The initial payment can be made both at the expense of the borrower's personal funds and at the expense of the accumulated amount. By the way, some banks are considering for themselves the possibility of providing a home loan without paying down payment... But be careful: first, it can negatively affect interest rate, and secondly, the loan term increases.
  • You can purchase not only a finished living space, but also the area in a building under construction, by concluding an agreement shared construction... But the purchase of housing under construction for military personnel is fraught with some difficulties, since a prerequisite is the cooperation of the bank with the developer organization.
  • Limited period of validity of the Certificate of Eligibility for a Housing Loan. Until 2011, the issued Certificate was valid for only 3 months. Since 2011, this period is six months. During this time, you will need to find housing, conclude a sale and purchase agreement and register the property in accordance with the established procedure.

Housing standards for military personnel

When familiarizing with the current system of accumulation of funds, a natural question arises: how much money will be transferred? The state allocates funds, which should be sufficient to purchase residential premises of a specified size. It is very simple to find out the required size of the living space - for a lonely soldier, the area of ​​an apartment should be 33 square meters, for a family of 2 people - 42, and if there are 3 family members or more, the norm will be taken at the rate of 18 meters for each.

As noted earlier, this calculation does not limit the soldier. You may well buy an apartment larger area, but already with the introduction own funds against the missing amount.

The state annually transfers to the military savings account established by the Government sum of money, which consists of the main part (that is, a fixed amount established for the current year) and a part of the interest that is due to the military in connection with the investment of his accumulated funds. In this case, the amount due for payment will be paid in equal installments during the year on a monthly basis. General annual amount in 2016 is 245,880 rubles. Consequently, 20,490 rubles were transferred to the serviceman's account per month. and the amount of interest on investment. In 2017, the annual amount is RUB 260,141.

By the way, the legislator does not restrict servicemen in the possibility of using the funded system. Not only citizens in need of housing can become participants in the program, but also the military who already own housing or who need to improve their living conditions.

Cons of a military mortgage

The main disadvantage of such a system is the dependence of the serviceman on the length of service (at least 10 years). The day in order for the state to write off the debt (for mortgage payments), you must serve in the armed forces for 20 years; or at least 10, but if there are certain grounds (we mentioned them above). On the other hand, the will of the legislator is clear: you want to get preferential mortgage- repay your debt to the Motherland.

Do not forget that the amount transferred per year is not always enough to make monthly payments, although it does cover a certain part of them. In this case, everything depends on the place of residence of the soldier. Of course in small towns where buying a home is more or less affordable, the allocated funds will be sufficient. But in large cities investing personal funds is indispensable.

And last but not least, the term of the home loan. Under the current mortgage system, the average loan term is 20 years. Sounds intimidating. On the other hand, there are advantages to the system - you no longer need to wait until houses for military personnel are built (the wait sometimes drags on for many years), but you can immediately move into your apartment and settle in it.

Russian legislation classifies military personnel as a special category of citizens who are guaranteed housing conditions, and the current procedure does not allow dismissal without providing housing. In this case, it is assumed that not only the apartment or house itself will be provided, but payment of equivalent funds is also possible.

Arriving officers and their families must be provided with accommodation during the quarter for the entire period of service in this garrison. If for some reason this is not possible, then with subsequent compensation for the costs incurred. The amount of this payment is also regulated by regulations.

Housing can also be provided within the framework of social rent with the preservation of the possibility of its subsequent privatization. But if the housing stock is located in a closed military town, then it will be extremely difficult to do this, since the facilities are listed in the property of the Ministry of Defense.

Eligibility for housing

Despite such a complete protection of the right of a serviceman to housing, cases of dismissal without housing are not uncommon. And in a number of cases, the court finds this measure justified. Let's dwell on these nuances in more detail. So, each serviceman for the period of residence in a military town is provided with a service apartment, respectively, upon dismissal, she will need to be released. But where to go not only to the officer himself, but also to his family members?

Receiving service housing retains them for five years the right to their previous housing, and also leaves them on the waiting lists for the category of those in need of housing or improvement of its conditions. Thus, the termination of service in the ranks of this military unit retains the officer's right to participate in military mortgage programs or receive a lump sum payment for the purchase of a residential property.

If a soldier, upon arrival at the unit, refused to occupy a service apartment, then he, in turn, will be allocated housing under a social contract. It is guaranteed that servicemen whose dismissal is associated with an apartment can be obtained from the state. for one of the following reasons:

  • military service is at least 20 years, and the termination of the relationship is associated with retirement;
  • the length of service is 10 years, and organizational-staff measures () or the officer reaching the age limit for the performance of military duties have become.

Only in these cases can one expect to receive housing in ownership or under a social tenancy agreement in the region of the country that will be chosen for subsequent residence. At the same time, the area of ​​the future apartment is calculated according to the current norms of housing provision in proportion to the number of family members.

In all other cases, the dismissal occurs without the provision of housing and with the loss of benefits for receiving subsidies. So, if the order indicates a violation of the terms of the contract, then the provision of housing at the expense of public funds becomes impossible.

The procedure for providing housing

If the length of service is more than ten years, the dismissal was forced - for medical reasons, age restriction or as a result of organizational and staff activities, and the placement on the waiting list for housing was made before 2005, then the military has the right:

  • get real estate ownership;
  • get an apartment in the framework of social rent;
  • receive a subsidy for the purchase or construction of housing.

The form of exercising housing rights is up to the contractor himself, but in any case at the expense of budget funds. When determining the area of ​​a future apartment, they are guided by the current standards in this area, and even the apartment buildings themselves may be subject to assignment to the military units of a separate constituent entity of the Russian Federation. Families of those killed in the performance of their military duty can also improve their living conditions. If the last option is chosen - a cash payment, then its size will be calculated in proportion to the housing standard and the service life in calendar years.

A small legal incident arises when concluding a social employment contract, since according to the requirements of the law at the time of its signing, the contractor himself and his family members must have already left the service housing. At the same time, social rent housing is distributed in turn and the military has to rent square meters so as not to literally stay on the street. However, the state provides for compensation for such costs, the amount of which for large families increased by 50%.

The nuances of providing living space when leaving the reserve

What are the reasons for the transfer to the reserve without housing? The answer to this question is directly opposite to the above:

  • less than 10 years of military experience;
  • dismissal for reasons not related to organizational and staff activities, health or age of a serviceman;
  • the consent of the defender of the Fatherland to such an option (required in writing).

A career officer who has served at least twenty years cannot be dismissed without providing housing. If he leaves the service after receiving a state apartment, this does not impose on him any legal obligations or restrictions in terms of disposing of its further fate. If a soldier was dismissed in the period from 10 to 20 years of service on the grounds regulated by law, then he may not be allocated housing, but the right to receive it in the future on a general basis is retained.

In the event of a move, he can use the lump sum to purchase or build his own family nest with no size limit, since the law does not prohibit adding his own funds to this subsidy.

The legislation provides for a different procedure for providing servicemen with living quarters.

First of all, servicemen who do not have housing at the place of military service must be provided with service housing for three months.

The right to receive residential premises in ownership or on the terms of a social employment contract is held by military personnel who are recognized as needing residential premises upon reaching the total duration of military service of 20 years or more, as well as those subject to dismissal or dismissed due to reaching the age limit for service, according to state of health or in connection with organizational and staff activities, the total duration of service of which is 10 years or more.

Certain categories of servicemen have the right to receive a state housing certificate, social payments for the purchase of housing, to become a member of the accumulative mortgage system of housing for military personnel.

It should be noted that obtaining a subsidy for the purchase of housing, participation in mortgage program and obtaining a state housing certificate, as an alternative to the right to receive an apartment directly, is carried out at voluntary basis, only if the soldier himself expressed such a desire.

2. What is the procedure for admitting that military personnel need living quarters?

The procedure for recognizing military personnel in need of improving their living conditions is established in the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation "On the procedure for registering military personnel subject to dismissal from military service, and citizens dismissed from military service to the reserve or retirement and service in the internal affairs bodies, as well as military personnel and employees of the State fire-fighting service in need of housing or improvement of housing conditions in the chosen permanent place of residence. "

To do this, the soldier submits a report to the commander of the military unit with the attachment of documents confirming the need for living quarters. The list of documents was approved by the Government.

On the basis of the report and the attached documents, a decision is made to place a soldier on the waiting list for a living quarters.

The military commissariat includes a soldier on the waiting list for receiving housing or improving housing conditions and sends a copy of the list and original documents received from the commander (chief) of the military unit to the appropriate local government body.

3. What is the procedure for the provision of housing to the property of military personnel?

Housing is provided to servicemen in the order of priority of registration.

4. On what grounds can a serviceman be deprived of the right to housing?

If the serviceman independently solved the housing problem.

However, in practice, there are cases when a serviceman is excluded from the lists of those in need or is generally denied registration on formal grounds, for example, there is no certificate of lack of service housing at the former place of service. And there is no such opportunity to provide such a certificate, since the archives have been lost due to numerous reorganizations. Then the issue is resolved in court.

5. Are there any benefits for paying housing for servicemen?

Family members of deceased servicemen are provided with compensation payment to pay for housing and utilities.

6. How many square meters are required for a soldier?

Living quarters are provided to servicemen at the rate of 18 sq. M. total area per family member. This rate can be increased by no more than 9 sq.m. the total area of ​​the apartment.

7. Are family members of a serviceman entitled to living space in the event of his death? If so, what is the norm for the provision of housing?

Firstly, members of the families of military personnel who have lost their breadwinner cannot be evicted from the living quarters they occupy without providing them with other comfortable living quarters free of charge in case of termination by family members labor relations with the relevant organizations, after the death (death) of a serviceman, they retain the right to improve housing conditions.

For members of the families of military personnel who died (died) during military service, and family members of citizens who underwent military service under contract and who died (died) after dismissal from military service upon reaching the age limit for military service, state of health or due to with organizational and staff measures, the total duration of military service of which is 20 years or more, the right to receive housing is retained. In this case, the living quarters are provided to these persons as a matter of priority.

The housing provision rate is the same as for military personnel - 18 sq. M. For a family member, taking into account the characteristics of the living quarters, this area can be increased by no more than 9 sq. M.

8. What is the cost of a serviceman for the purchase of housing?

When it comes to housing certificates, the cost of housing purchased with the help of a certificate is calculated based on the requirements for a soldier square meters total area and standard cost of 1 sq.m. the total area of ​​housing in the Russian Federation.

The standard for the total area of ​​\ u200b \ u200bthe living quarters for calculating the size social benefits is set in the following size:

  • 33 sq. m - for a lonely citizen;
  • 42 sq. m - for a family of 2 people;
  • 18 sq. m for each family member with a family size of 3 people or more.

The right to additional space is also taken into account. selected categories military personnel in the amount of 15 sq.m.

Cost standard for 1 sq. m of total housing area Russian Federation is determined once every six months by the federal executive body authorized by the Government of the Russian Federation.

To date, the cost standard is 1 sq.m. Total area in the Russian Federation approved in the amount of 28,000 rubles.

Thus, for example, for a family of two, the state provides housing certificate for the purchase of housing worth 1,176,000 rubles. If the purchased apartment is more expensive, you will have to pay extra from your pocket.

9. What is the system for purchasing an apartment for military personnel?

Servicemen and members of their families who are registered as needing better housing conditions are provided with living quarters from the housing stock of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

This housing stock includes premises received from housing construction Ministries of Defense and acquired by the Ministry of Defense, received from federal executive bodies, executive bodies of constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local self-government bodies in houses of state and municipal housing stock, received from refurbishment non-residential premises Ministry of Defense.

Distribution of applicants to military unit living quarters between military personnel housing commission military unit in the order of priority based on the time of their registration and inclusion in the lists in need of housing (improvement of living conditions).

10. How many requests have you received from servicemen regarding housing?

Most often, requests from servicemen are associated with illegal dismissal without providing housing.

The fact is that servicemen recognized as needing better housing conditions, having a total duration of military service of 10 years or more, without their consent cannot be dismissed from military service upon reaching the age limit for military service, health status or due to organizational and staff activities without providing them with living quarters.

Currently, there are massive layoffs of military personnel in connection with the reduction in the number of military personnel. Under such circumstances, of course, there is not enough housing for everyone.

In some cases, there are reasons for refusing to register a serviceman as needy, sometimes people are “persuaded” to use housing certificates.

We would advise the military to clearly state their disagreement with the upcoming dismissal due to the lack of housing during conversations with their superiors and in reports.

Illegal dismissals without providing housing should be challenged in court, while asking not only to be reinstated in the lists of personnel, but also to pay all types of allowances for the time of illegal dismissal.

There are also problems with the issue of state housing certificates.

11. Is a soldier eligible for additional housing and under what circumstances?

If a soldier is provided with housing, he has the right to provide service housing if his service takes place in another area.

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