
High resolution satellite cards. Incredible photos from Space Astronaut Douglas Wiloca

Russia or the Russian Federation is a unique country with regard to European and Asian features. The map of Russia is striking: the country occupies a huge territory of 17 million km2 and is located simultaneously in the territory of Northern Asia and Eastern Europe.

143 million people live in Russia. The Russian Federation It is a kind of "melting pot of nations": representatives of more than 200 nationalities live here. The country is the federal republic with the presidential form of government. The territory of the country is divided into 46 regions, 9 edges, 21 republics, 4 autonomous districts, one autonomous region and 2 cities of federal significance. It is noteworthy that the Kaliningrad region is located in the European Union and has no borders from the Russian Federation.

Today, Russia is one of the dynamically developing states that prefer world politics. The Russian Federation is a member of numerous global political organizations such as the UN and "G8". Despite the relative stability and significant development of the country after the fall of the Soviet regime, the Russian economy depends largely on energy resources, in particular from prices for oil and gas.

The capital of Russia is Moscow - one of the most expensive and beautiful cities in the world.

Historical reference

The Russian Federation is the successor of several states. The country leads its history from 862, when Kievan Rus was formed. In the XII century, numerous Russian principalities were located in Russia, which in the XV century were united to the Russian state. Since 1721, King Peter I created Russian Empire. In 1917, the revolutionary movement of socialism overthrew the monarchical regime and first formed the Russian republic first, then the RSFSR, and in 1922 the USSR.

During the Soviet regime, the country from other countries of the world was separated by the "iron curtain", some consequences of which were still not liquidated. In 1991, the collapse of the USSR occurred, and the Russian Federation appeared.

Must Visit.

Russia is a country in which there are many cultural, historical and natural monuments. It is recommended to visit the business and cultural centers of the country - Moscow and St. Petersburg, Lake Baikal, the city of "Golden" and "Silver" rings, Orthodox monasteries and temples, the Caucasian Reserve, Kamchatka Volcanoes and much more.

Interactive map of Russia - Modern I. convenient way to find the desired map Any region or city. This map Allows you to view cities in both satellite mode and in a schematic map mode. You can look from the satellite with the ability to bring any city and switch between different suppliers and types of cards. Additional services are available - real-time cloud photos, traffic jams (only for large cities), photos of the area, weather layer with the display of current weather for each settlement, and brief forecast for the next 4 days.

For most objects on the map of Russia - Satellite photos of Google Maps are considered the best quality

The quality of the satellite photography often depends on the region, because satellite images need to be constantly updated. Therefore, different providers can have a different photo quality for a particular city or region. However, the best pictures of photographs in most cases turn out to be Google Maps.. Photos Yandex cards are often worse in quality, but they can be newer, so you can do it for new buildings and Yandex. Ovi Maps - to surprise in some cases possesses photographs, even on Google Maps,

Open Street Maps.

OSM is a phenomenon of a modern computer society, because the card is making simple people (Volunteers volunteers), (unlike the 2GIS card and others). But despite this, OSM is considered the most accurate and detailed map not only for Russia, but also for the whole world. Even such giants like Yandex or Google cannot make cards as accurately and effectively, as it makes the community of enthusiastic enthusiast cartographers. New buildings (namely, it is easy to determine the relevance and "freshness" of the card) are almost always present on OSM (and even the foundations of new buildings), while in Google and Yandex they may be present alternately, or not at all. In addition, Open Street Maps Probably the only card on which paths in parks and forests are displayed and many other additional objects that are usually not on other services.

Russia - physical Card. one file showing the most big cities, main ridges and plains. The map is very clear and simple for understanding, although not enough detailed.

Physical Card - Option 2

Russia is located in the northern part of the mainland of Eurasia. The country is washed by the Northern Arctic and Pacific Oceans, Caspian, Black, Baltic and Azov Sea. Russia has overall boundaries with 18 countries. The area of \u200b\u200bthe territory is 17 098 246 sq.km.

Plains and lowlands make up more than 70% of the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe country. Western regions are located on the Eastern European Plain, where the lowlands alternate (Caspian and others) and the hill (Midneyskaya, Valdai, etc.). The Eastern European Plain from the West Siberian lowland is separated by the Ural Mining System.

Map of Russia from the satellite online

Map of Russia from the satellite. Cities of Russia from the satellite
(This card allows you to study the roads and individual cities in various viewing modes. For a detailed study, you can drag the card in different sides and increase)

Russia is rich in huge stocks of fresh water. The largest rivers include: Lena, Angara, Yenisei, Amur, Volga, Ob, Pechora and others with their numerous tributaries. Baikal is the greatest freshwater lake.
Flora of Russia consists of 24,700 varieties of plants. Most of the plants in the Caucasus (6000) and the Far East (up to 2000). Forests belong to 40% of the territory.
Diverse animal world. It is represented by white bears, tigers, leopards, wolves and a huge variety of other animal representatives.
Petroleum reserves are explored almost throughout the country. The Siberian platform is rich in stone coal, potash and stone salts, gas and oil. Kursk magnetic anomaly includes the largest iron ore deposits, on the Kola Peninsula - the deposits of copper-nickel ore. On the Mountain Altai many iron ores, asbestos, talc, phosphorites, tungsten, molybdenum. Chukotka region is rich in gold, tin, mercury, tungsten.
Thanks to the geographical position, Russia belongs to various climatic belts: arctic, subarctic, moderate and partially subtropical. The average January temperature (by different districts) is indicated from the plus 6 to minus 50 ° C, July - plus 1-25 ° C. In a year, precipitation drops 150-2000 mm. At 65% of the country's territory there is an eternal Merzlot (Siberia, the Far East).
The extreme south of the European part includes the mountains of the Greater Caucasus. South Si-Biri occupy Altai and Sayans. The north-eastern part of the Far East and Siberia is rich in the middle of the mountain ranges. On the peninsula of Kamchatka and the Kuril Islands - volcanic territories.
Russian population by 2013 amounted to 143 million people. Representatives of over 200 nationalities live in the country. Of these, the Russians make up about 80%. The rest are Tatars, Chuvashi, Bashkirs, Ukrainians, Chechens, Mordva, Belarusians, Yakuts and many others.
Russian peoples talk to 100 and more languages \u200b\u200brelating to Indo-European, Ural, Altai language families. The most common conversational languages: Russian (state), Belarusian, Ukrainian, Armenian, Tatar, German, Chuvash, Chechen and others.
The most numerous Orthodox population in the world lives in Russia - 75% of Russians. Other common confessions are: Islam, Buddhism, Judaism.

In their way state Device Russia belongs to the Federal Republic of the Presidential Type. It consists of 83 subjects, including:
- regions - 46,
- republics - 21,
- edges - 9,
- cities of federal significance - 2,
- Autonomous districts - 4,
- Autonomous region - one.

Russia has a huge tourist potential. However, this sphere is still waiting for its development. On the this momentIn addition to the usual spa tourism, a new direction is developing, such as rural tourism. Exist different kinds rural tourism: ethnographic, agricultural, environmental, educational, culinary (gastronomic), commercial, sports, adventure, cognitive, exotic, wellness and combined.

Rural tourism (agricultural tourism) is primarily surrounding from all sides nature, architectural monuments and historical places. Petukhov singing in the mornings and pair milk to dinner, natural food and tourist routes replete with beautiful views, holy sources, monasteries, fields, beauty of forests and fields, fishing on the shore of the lake, familiarity with rural life, with traditional crafts, the opportunity to join the rustic Environment I. cultural heritage, Make hiking, cycling and horseback riding. In addition, rural tourism raises the role of local history.

This type of tourism flourishes in Europe, in Russia he is still incomprehensible wonder, however, those who want to relax in the style of Country becomes more and more.

Such a rest away from the city fuss and noise gives a colossal energy charge.

Many users would like to enjoy the Russian satellite map online, see any memorable places with which many bright and colorful memories are associated. This can help various network services that represent such a real-time opportunity. In this material, I will tell you where the network can be viewed on the map of Russia from the satellite, and which network services are the best in 2018.

You can find a large number of services in the network representing the possibility of viewing the territory of Russia with the help of a photo taken from the satellite. All the variety of such services should not be misleading - most of them use the API from "Google Maps", some are the capabilities of Yandex.Maps, units - the Bing service maps from Microsoft.

Work with such services is pretty simple.

At the same time, a number of services (the same "Google Maps" and Yandex.Maps) allow you to use the "viewing streets" mode, in which you can virtually walk along the selected streets, enjoying the look around you.

Consider the services that allow us to see the map of Russia from the satellite online.

Google Cards - We view the city of Russia from the satellite

The most popular cartographic service in the world is "Google Maps". It includes the mode of displaying the territory of the Earth from the satellite, the street map (including 360-degree panoramic review). Also, the state of street traffic in real time, laying optimal routes (for a pedestrian, cyclist, car driver), other convenient features. To view the most popular and beautiful places on our planet Google, has created a service in which the panoramic view is available.

In order to open a map of Russia from a satellite in Google maps at the bottom of the left, switch to the satellite map display mode. Then, in the search bar, enter the name of the toponym you need in Russia, and press Enter (or find it using the mouse).

To enable street viewing mode, there is a button with a drawn yellow man on the right below.

Google cards - the most visited card service in the world

Yandex.Maps - the best satellite map of Russia

Yandex.Maps are one of the most popular cartographic services in Russia. Its popularity among the Russian audience is not surprising - the service can boast the highest frequency of data update in Russia compared to competitors (which is especially important for displaying automotive traffic jams). At the same time, in its functionality, in addition to satellite cards and regimes "Panorama of streets and photographs" (similar to the street viewing mode from Google) included a tool called "Folk Card", which is a crowdsourcing data collection system at which the card can edit each user (with condition moderation).

  1. To fulfill Russia's view from the satellite, go to the Yandex.ru service.
  2. In the search bar on the left, you can enter the data you need the geographical location you need, or find the institution you need near, clicking on the corresponding button.
  3. To go to the street view mode, click on the "Panorama of Streets and Photos" below right on the right.

The initial screen of the service from Yandex gives you the opportunity to quickly find a nearby institution

Infokart.ru - detailed map overlooking the streets and houses

The domestic service infokart.ru is good primarily by the fact that it combines on one page of the site as functionality of satellite cards "Bing" from Microsoft and the cards of the non-profit web card project OpenStreetMap.org, allowing you to view the map of Russia from the satellite online.

Going to the page of the service infokart.ru, you can enjoy both satellite cards of Russia and a detailed map of many Russian cities.

Wikimapia with detail to cities and houses

The international project "Wikimapia" is a geographical encyclopedia of the online combining API from "Google.maps" with the principle of free editing of the data adopted in Wikipedia. The founders of the project were the domestic developers Alexander Koryakin and Evgeny Savelyev in 2006. Now the project combines more than 2.5 million users who have made information about tens of millions of objects to the system database.

The goal of the project is to collect and streamline data on geographic objects, information about which anyone can get.

  1. To work with the site, go to the site wikimapia.org.
  2. Select the Russian interface from above (instead of EN - RU), then enter the name of the object you want to view it in the right line to view it.
  3. To make your own data ("Add object" button), or edit existing (Editing button), you will need to register in the system.
  4. The "Category" button will allow you to search for the desired category (shops, stadiums, hotels, parks and so on).

Maps-online.ru - Cathedral Card Service

Feature card service Maps-online.ru is a catagidized due information. When moving to the resource, you can choose the area of \u200b\u200bRussia, then the area, and the settlement.

In the process of viewing, you can also choose which satellite cards you need - from Google or from Yandex.


With the help of the services listed by me, you can easily browse the map of Russia from the satellite online. You will be enough to run the service you like, dial the name of the desired name in the search bar social PointAnd then and then view the resulting image, zooming or reducing its scale using the mouse wheel. To display Russia, I can recommend cards from Yandex - they have a high level of detail and a good frequency of updated data.

In contact with

(Total 29 photos)

1. Forward, "Discovery"! On October 23, 2007 at 11:40, I first went to space on the "Discovery" shuttle. Opochremen ... It is a pity that this is his last flight. I look forward to going aboard the ship, and he will arrive at the station in November.

2. Earthly shine. The space station in the blue earthly radiance, which appears when the rising sun permeates the thin atmosphere of our planet, and the station is poured with blue light. I will never forget this place ... sow sow from such a type, and the heart wants a flight.

3. Astronaut NASA Douglas H. Wilok.

4. Huang De Nova Island in the Mozambic Strait between Madagascar and Africa. Amazing color scheme of these places can compete with the views of the Caribbean.

5. Northern Lights in the distance in one of the beautiful nights over Europe. The photo is clearly visible to the Davrian Strait, however, like Paris, the city of lights. A small fog over the western part of England, in particular, over London. How incredibly seeing lights of cities and towns against the background of deep space. I will miss this view of our amazing world.

6. "Fly Me to The Moon ... Let Me Dance Among The Stars ..." (take me to the moon, let's dance among stars). I hope we will never lose the feeling of the miracle. Passion for research and discoveries is a great heritage that can be left to your children. I hope someday we will rule the sail and go on a journey. Someday this wonderful day will come ...

7. Of all the places of our magnificent Planet, few can compete on the beauty and wealth of paints with. In this photo, our ship "Progress-37" is visible against the background of the Bahamas. How is our world all the same!

8. At the speed of 28163 km / h (8 km per second) ... We are rotating in the Earth orbit, making one turn every 90 minutes, and watching sunsets and dawns every 45 minutes. So half of our journey takes place in the pitch darkness. For work, we simply need lights on helmets. On this photo, I prepare the handle of one device ... "M3 Ammonia Connector".

9. Each time when I look out into the porthole and see our beautiful planet, my soul sings! I see blue skies, white clouds and a bright blessed day.

10. Another exciting sunset. In the orbit of the Earth, we see 16 such sunsets every day, and each of them is truly valuable. This beautiful thin blue line is that it highlights our planet among many others. In space it is cold, and the earth is an island of life in a huge dark sea of \u200b\u200bspace.

11. An excellent atoll in the Pacific, photographed with a 400-Milimmeter lens. Approximately 1930 km south of Honolulu.

12. Beautiful reflection of sunlight in the eastern part of the Mediterranean Sea. Cosmos does not see borders ... From there, there is only an exciting view of the spirit, such as, for example, the view of this island of Cyprus.

13. Above the center of the Atlantic Ocean, before the next amazing sunset. Below in the rays of the setting sun, the spirals of Hurricane Earl are visible. An interesting look at the life of our sun. Solar rays on the left side of the station and in Hurricane Earl ... These two objects collect the last particles of energy before immersion in the dark.

14. A little further east, we saw the sacred monolith of Uluru, the more famous called the rock of Ayers Rock. I have never had the opportunity to visit Australia, but someday I hope that I will stand next to this miracle of nature.

15. Morning over Andami in South America. I do not know for sure the name of this top, but it was simply amazed by her magic stretching to the Sun and the winds of the vertices.

16. Over the desert sugar, approaching the ancient lands and millennial history. The Nile River flows through Egypt by Pyramid Giza in Cairo. Further, the Red Sea, the Sinai Peninsula, the Dead Sea, the Jordan River, as well as the island of Cyprus in the Mediterranean Sea and Greece on the horizon.

17. Night view of the River Neil, stretching snake through Egypt to the Mediterranean Sea, and Cairo, located in the river delta. What a contrast between the dark lifeless desert of North Africa and the River Nile, on the shores of which life boils. In the distance in this picture made by the beautiful autumn evening, the Mediterranean Sea can be seen.

18. Our drone 'Progress 39p' is approaching the ISS to refuel. It is full of food, fuel, spare parts and all necessary for our station. Inside there was a real gift - fresh fruits and vegetables. What a miracle after three months of nutrition from tubes!

20. The module of the Union 23C "Olympus" is docked with a side of the nadir. When our work is over here, we will return home, to Earth. I thought you would be interested to see this spectacle through the dome. We fly over the snowy peaks of the Caucasus. The ascending sun reflects from the Caspian Sea.

21. A flash of color, movement and life on the canvas of our amazing world. This is part of a large barrier reef at the Eastern Coast of Australia, filmed through the lens of 1200 millimeters. I think even the great impressionists would be amazed by this natural picture.

22. All the beauty of Italy is clear summer evening. You can see many beautiful islands adorning the coast, Capri, Sicily and Malta. Naples and Vesuviy volcano stand out along the coast.

23. In the southern end of South America lies the pearl of Patagonia. The amazing beauty of the rocky mountains, massive glaciers, fjords and the open sea are combined in amazing harmony. I dreamed this place. I wonder what it is like to inhale the local air. Present magic!

24. "Dome" on the side of Nadir Station gives the panoramic view of our beautiful planet. Fedor made this snapshot from the window of the Russian docking compartment. In this photo I sit in the dome, preparing a camera for our evening flight over Hurricane Earl.

27. Clear star night over the eastern part of the Mediterranean Sea. Ancient lands with a thousand-year history extend from Athens to Cairo. Historical lands, fabulous cities and tempting islands ... Athens - Crete - Rhodes - Izmir - Ankara - Cyprus - Damascus - Beirut - Haifa - Amman - Tel Aviv - Jerusalem - Cairo - they all turned into tiny lights in this cool November night. From these places, it seems to be grace and tranquility.

28. At this time of year, you can fully enjoy the beauty of polar mesospheric clouds. With the help of our high illumination angle, we were able to capture a thin layer of silvery clouds at sunset.

29. Shannon, I and Fedor in our Sokol costumes in the MRM-1 module. We got into the "Olympus" capsule for sealing and checking leaks on our costumes. All systems are running, the countdown went.

Can you find satellite photos for which you will be able to trace the stages of destroying the Donetsk airport as a result of artillery shelling?

To answer this question, three online applications for searching for historical satellite photographs will be considered in this article:, Terraserver and Digital Globe.

For different territories, satellites take pictures of the surface of the Earth with different frequency - depending on the population of the territory and interest of users. Therefore, large cities will have more photos than villages.

Before you begin searching for historical photos, you need to determine the geographic coordinates of the desired places - longitude (Longitude) and latitude (Latitude). One of the most simple ways - Use Google Maps.

For example, to get the coordinates of the Donetsk airport, first need find it on the map Using the Google Maps search engine (in the upper left corner). Next, right-click on the site of the card, which interests us (on the airport building) and in the list that appears, choose "What?".

Google Maps, "Shaoo here?"

In the upper left corner of the screen under the "Search" line, a brief description and geographic coordinates of the Donetsk airport will appear - 48.067663, 37.741608.

You can also use the convenient online service of MyGeoposition.com (uses Google Maps) with an understandable interface.

You need to install the Google Earth program, that is, download the link. https://www.google.com/earth/ - and go through the installation procedure for 5-10 minutes.

In the upper left corner in the "Search" line you need to introduce either coordinates (48.067663, 37.741608), or the name of the object ("Donetsk Airport"). After the program will show the latest satellite image of the area. You can approach the object or extend using the navigation panel as in Google Maps in the right corner of the program.

Google Earth. Navigation

To get the opportunity to view historical photos, you need to select "View" - "Images in time" in the program menu.

In the upper left corner there will be a blue bar on a black background, where the valid temporary photo search range will be specified. Light blue vertical strips displays the dates of available photos. Using the slider or the "Back" / "forward" button, you can move through the timeline of historical satellite photos.

In our case, the last available image of the Donetsk airport from Space was made on September 3, 2014. Pressing the "Back" button, you can observe the process of destruction of the airport building. For example, in the photo of July 21, 2014, such damage is no longer visible.


If it does not work find satellite pictures A certain period in Google Earth, you can try to search for an American commercial site Terraserver. For high-quality photos will have to pay (from $ 25 to $ 225, depending on the size of the image). But can help free images.

On the main page You need to enter either the longitude / latitude of the object (coordinate), or specify the country / city / street (address) of the search area.

Terraserver will show the latest image available. To view historical photos from the satellite, you need to press the button on the iR button, after which the list will appear on which the date and time of the available satellite images will be indicated.

- Also an American company that daily photographs millions of square kilometers of earth surface, supplying images of NASA, Google, Terraserver.

To go to a section with satellite photos, you must click on Menu - ImageFinder.

On the ImageFinder page, as in similar services, you can search or by the name of the object, or by coordinates. To specify the coordinates, select the ENTER COORDINATES button in the POLYGON menu.

DigitalGlobe. Search by coordinates

On the new page in the CENTER POINT tab, you need to specify the coordinates of the Donetsk airport, and enter, for example, 1 (square kilometer), and press Continue. In the CORNER COODRS tab, you can specify the area search parameters by specifying the coordinates of the upper left and lower right angles.

The next step is to click on the SEARCH button on the right on the screen.

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