
How to get investments from private investors. How to make your project attractive to investors. Step-by-step lifehak. What information may be interested in investors

We all came from other professions (related and not very), but we were united in one thing: a terrible interest in what was going on in the network.

If you have a "I want to become a siechnik" in your head and you don't know where to start, listen to dinosaurs. We had a long way with stones, pitches, steps, rattle snakes, and so on. Once even almost extinct;) But the jokes to the side, the time of exciting stories about how we learned SEO from scratch.

Oleg Vasilyev

Believes that the profession is the Cees begins with a detailed study of duties.

Tips from Baku, if you attracted SEO Vacancy:

Looking for better: Whether you are just to those who are looking for a job or a student, there are many similar vacancies on the market, you will even help you learn how to optimize completely free :)

Do not be lazy: find and read what SEO is, who is such a soster and what is included in his duties. For what? In order not to spend your time or the time of your leader who will direct you. Yes, yes, it is to direct. Basic information you will assimilate yourself.

Know and conquer: In order to learn how to literate SEO promotion of sites, you need to fully immerse yourself in your profession, quickly delve into your customers in the subject matter and be prepared for the fact that there is no magic pill, which solves all the tasks. There will be no template projects and solutions. And yes, if all three points describe you, then you place in the "semantics".

Daria Kuznetsova

Content marketer. Trying to learn SEO for free by free time colleagues

I want to become a siehnik. No, true! I have long been walking around yes, but I still do not master this science. Of course, I know how to optimize the text, I can collect a tolerable semantic kernel for the article and know that there is a "gray", and that "black", and still know most of the factors affecting ranking. This knowledge is not enough to promote the site, but with content I can fine.

The idea is to learn SEO, I came back long ago, when I tried to become a millionaire, just like Zuchenberg. What I then did:

  1. I read the exact definition of SEO's word in various sources (both English and Russians).
  2. I read the book Ashmanov and Ivanov "Optimization and promotion of sites in search engines", little understood.
  3. Began to blindly read the blog Devaki.
  4. Revised a bunch of rollers on YouTube.

How to become a good soster, honestly, I did not recognize. I just did not understand how to link the knowledge gained and folded from all the scraps of a holistic picture.

My advice is such: To learn SEO to promote sites, you need to hang out with soshechniki. No, not with your classmates / classmates who believe that they are cool guys and it's time to create your business. And with those who practice SEO has long been successfully. For example, with us;)

Our blog is full of articles that are available to the newbie all you need to know to avalize the dream about the profession of the Ceeshnik. Welcome!

Vladimir Shestakov

Became SEO specialist independently due to his curiosity

I used to be a webmaster. I looked at my colleagues for a very long time and hung him very much. It seemed to me that they have a very interesting job and, as it turned out later, I was not mistaken. Soon the envy strangled me so much that I decided to throw the heated place of the plankton and become still a non-professional search engine optimization. Thanks to a long-term personal interest in web technologies, I quickly crossed the essence of the question. At first I tried to learn SEO Site optimization from my already former colleagues. They advised me books, blogs, told what and how they do. To keep up with trends and prospects, I became an avid reader of many optimization blogs that helped me learn SEO not only from the technical side of the question. Finally, I visited several seminars that gave me even more understanding of my work.

Later I began to practice and carry out instructions and routine work of the guys who were my mentors. And later began to take projects on Freilance. For several years of experiments, pursuit of trends and a complete immersion in the question made me a real professional.

And everyone who wants to become a Ceeshnik, I would like to say that: passion for technology helps to succeed. If you are curious, you like to get to the essence of the question, you want to have some "secret knowledge", then yes, everything is ahead.

Anna Serebryakova

Head of SEO Department. Advises to fully immerse oneself

It would be like this: in 2010, when I was sitting on maternity leave, there was nothing to do, I came across a blog shakin.ru and read it all over the week. I literally hooked. Then the Forum Sercha, then a lot of data ... I read just without stopping. After I found (or she) an interesting vacancy: "The state of the studio needs a siene." So I began to learn SEO promotion.

In general, the most important thing in SEO is daily training, full immersion in the profession and the desire to reach the truths that you want to comprehend. There are also its nuances: the result in promotion depends on many factors and find the perfect combination - real art. As they say, it is possible to randomly play bad, but it is not accidentally impossible to play. It is possible to become a specialist from scratch from zero only through full immersion in work despite the fact that projects must be versatile. In this case, the approval "The more, the better" works 100%. Let first you will do something wrong, but then there will be an understanding of the face works / does not work.

Roman Muller

Thinks you just need to try

How did I become an SEO specialist independently and practically from scratch? The first time I tried to engage in SEO in 2012, in the spring, as I now remember how I collected the LF for my site mobile applications Just a dust to the depth then else "Magadan". The keys I collected incorrectly, got a drop from the potential sea, but still, Junuki somehow were. Also was the experience of SEO online cinema optimization (according to Russian TV shows, to be more accurate). Again, there was an incorrect approach to work and the maximum was about 1k Yuknuki per day, monetized mainly by the tizers and advertising in the player.

Eh, the class time was when it was easy to spam references and get into the top. Now the links are needed high-quality and work with sites need more detailed, scrupulously. The situation changes for the better for users, in extradition now more than high quality sites, but to learn SEO promotion is increasingly harder and more difficult. There are advantage of this advantages and cons: there are already hundreds of various SEO plugins on popular engines such as WordPress that will undoubtedly facilitate life.

How to learn SEO promotion? The advice is simple: try, even if you doubt, even if you are sure that it is not possible to try, just try. Well, this is advice not only for the SEO;)

Igor Ivanov

This internet dinosaur and in addition the head of the studio. I am sure that a good seo specialist from scratch can only be through suffering

Started with Sercha in 2006, at least some helpful information Was only there. To get at least the crumb of something worthwhile, had to look through tons of r # VNA and all nonsense. I experimented on my projects, more precisely made projects to test something. The money spent the sea ... Already scary. But only so came an understanding. Yes, and now. Nothing has changed. Information on the network can give a reason and direct thoughts in the right direction. But one way or another, everything is equal to everything and it is necessary to analyze.

After Seria, standing information began to appear in the blogs of Ceeshnikov, "homeless", Sulch became generally somehow trash. For the past years, three blogs have already disappeared or writing about what. Now the webinars or social networks are interesting: in the ribbons of specialists you can find a lot of interesting things.

To become a SEO specialist from scratch need practice and only practice. Only a lively can be understood as everything works in myself (or not working). And it is also important to understand that practice is not one or two projects, but several dozen.

IN modern world There is more and more interesting business ideas that require incarnation. But for the promotion of any project, you need money that is not always the author's idea. Therefore, the question of finding investments to open a business is relevant. However, entrepreneurs and companies begin with scratch risk to face strong competitors in their chosen niche. And to realize the idea and find the funds necessary for this, you need to know all chips to attract investors.

We will tell you how to make your project attractive for investors and what needs to be taken for this. The road is aswaling going, and the business is the one who is ready for the new one.

  • 1 Where to look for investors
    • 1.1 Classic ways to attract investment
  • 2 Attracting investments through mainstream
  • 3 Platforms for Investor Search
  • 4 How to act. Basic rules for attracting investors
  • 5 How to make a project attractive: what the investor will pay attention
  • 6 How to prepare for communicating with the investor: from Pitch before the conclusion of the contract
  • 7 How to prepare a presentation: 5 Chips for Investors

Where to look for investors

The opportunities for finding investors are much more than it may seem at first glance. And you can find money by resorting both to the long-existing ways of investment and modern, which appeared with the occurrence of the Internet.

Classic ways to attract investment

You can get money on a business through investment funds , foundations to promote small businesses. This is a rather difficult task. In addition, a novice entrepreneur is obliged to find serious grounds for obtaining investments, part of the funds should be investing itself, but for this not everyone has the opportunity.

You can seek help in venture fundsHowever, it must be borne in mind that they provide funds for the development of projects that have prospects. First of all, in the field of innovation and IT technologies.

Another option is a special platform for investing in business projects, business-engineercul. But to get money, you need to win the competition and pass the interview.

Potential investors can be successful businessmenwho would like to have a passive income. Find investors and make them partners - the most acceptable and simple way. And for this you need to be able to prevent your project well, prove its consistency and demand.

Attracting investments through mainstream

One of the most popular ways to attract investment - crowdfunding, which is a collection of funds for business from ordinary people. On the Internet there are crowdfiding platforms intended to be able to leave proposals for the collection of funds for the project, or to invest their money in the project. But to resort to such a way, you need to be a well-known person, or it is necessary to be very well to advertise my idea that, unfortunately, it is not done on crowdfunding sites.

You can also try attract investment through cryptocurrency and electronic payment systems . It should be noted that some popular cryptocurrency today, for example, Etherium, were created for money users.

Platforms for finding investors

If you do not know where to look for investors, we offer you some major platforms for their search.

business-platform.ru.. Federal business platform. In addition to projects and suggestions for the sale of a finished business, here you can find the base of investors. The main task of the platform is to combine investors and authors of business projects in online mode.

beboss.ru.. The resource provides the ability to search for investors for any industry, as well as a franchise catalog, business plans and business ideas.

napartner.ru.. The platform offers various services for startups and investors, such as the maintenance of the transaction. Beginner businessmen will need to describe the nuances of their project so that investors receive as much information as possible.

investclub.ru. The resource involves extensive opportunities to search for investments and investors.

rusinvestProject.ru.. Playground to search for investors both in Russia and in the CIS countries.

How to act. Basic rules for attracting investors

Wishing to receive investments a lot and competition is large enough, so before finding an investor, you need to learn several rules.

The more you provide information for investors, the more you will be trusted.

If you know how much you can earn how your project will develop - you can safely go on a conversation with an investor. Calculate how much exactly you need money and for what.

Example - Startup Talkdesk. Its authors offered to develop cloud technologies to be used in call-centers. Before meeting with a representative of the Venture Foundation of the Silicone Valley, from which the project team later received $ 12,000,000, she already had investments from other investors in the amount of $ 4,000,000 and received 1,000,000 profits. Investors conquered the skill of the team save and fully surrendered to work. All conclusions they made on the basis of the information provided about the project.

The more you know about the investor, the more opportunities you have to interest it.

What prefers the style of communication? How does it go? How quickly makes decisions? Any the most insignificant trifle may be important.

Example - Getting an investment for the GlowForge project. Before contacting the investment, the author of the project looked through the Blogs of the Fund's partners. Studying them, he concluded that, making a presentation, not to be based on the numbers, but on the product. In total, the project attracted $ 9,000,000 for the production of laser 3-D printers from Venture Foundry Group and True Ventures in 2015.

The project also set a crowdding record, as it was able to attract another 28,000,000 dollars on the courts. That is, the author of the project Dan Shapiro successfully used the second rule, but most importantly - the third rule.

The more you are confident in your success, the more others will believe in it.

Investors prefer competent and persistent people who know what they want and able to justify their plans. Prove that you are able to do what you offer. Refuse the words "I want" and "wish," say "I do" and "act." Concentrate for purposes. Properly set goals will certainly lead to success.

How to make a project attractive: what the investor will pay attention to

According to statistics, out of ten projects investment receives only one. What should be done in order for your project to be interested in investors?

  1. You and your team

First of all, any investor will be interested in what people he will have to work. Interesting as the personal qualities of the author of the project and its motivation, willingness to go to the end. You must prove that you can go ahead, despite the difficulties. This is important as you achieve the goal, as any investor appreciates its time and money.

  1. Right calculations

Unfortunately, 95% of the beginners of entrepreneurs seeking investors are poorly impaired on what income they can count on. The figures presented by them on the presentation sometimes do not correspond to reality. Constantly growing sales and millions of profit, which the authors of projects are offered, often nothing in common with the real position of things. Look for how to optimize costs, specify what exactly you want to receive investments.

  1. Project potential

One of the most important points in communicating with the investor is to define the potential of the project. The investor should know when the project will bring income as you define potential customers finally when the project fully pays off. Preferably, during the year, a maximum of three years.

To decide on potential customers, it is not bad to spend a crowdfunding campaign. In the event that users are interested in your project, you will have a chance to cause interest among investors.

How to prepare for communicating with the investor: from Pitch before the conclusion of the contract

The period occurs when the investor believes that he must choose from your project. On average, the businessmen take 3-9 months from exploring the investor before the conclusion of the contract. It is possible that you have to prepare not one version of the business plan and respond to many questions to which you are not entirely ready. Therefore, carefully get ready not only for the presentation, but even to a short meeting and telephone conversation. Each stage of communication requires its preparation.

Stage 1. Acquaintance

It can be both full-time and absentee. Here the main thing is to interest the investor with its project. For this you can use the following methods.

Ulegator Pitch. Or presentation in the elevator. A short presentation is named so because businessmen and start-ups "caught" potential investors in elevators and imagined their business idea in 30 seconds. Your mini-presentation must be included:

  • the problem you decide;
  • product Description;
  • method of monetization.

The main thing is to draw attention to which you can use interesting Facts or numbers. For example, the SPACEX presentation consisted of only three proposals: on the cost of launch, which was not declining decades, the possibility of its decline to 90 percent and an impressive amount that can be earned.

Unvator Pitch can be used on large forums and business contests.

Correspondence. It is quite possible to establish a connection, conducting correspondence by E-MAIL. For individual appeals, this method works best. The letter, except for the appeal, should include:

  • product description or services;
  • description of consumers;
  • business model;
  • base for investments.

Stage 2. Business meeting

Presentation. If a potential investor became interested in a presentation in elevator or your letter, he will invite you to a personal meeting, to which it also needs to be prepared. When going to the meeting, you need to decide what you want from it specifically. If you get money, then you need to say about it. Such Call to Action is quite applicable and works.

Now about the presentation itself. It should be short and bright. It is good to follow the rule 10/20/30. Try not to dwell on the details and meet the 20-minute presentation, which consists of 10 slides and scored 30 fonts.

Appearance.The fate of your project will depend not only from a good presentation, but also from your behavior and external view. Therefore:

  • do not be late;
  • come in a business suit;
  • follow the etiquette rules.

Your ability to keep yourself confident, your energy and charisma are very important.

Stage 3. Obtaining financing

Finance, finance and finance again. For an investor, the main thing - making money. This must be remembered above all. Therefore, even if your project should "save the world", but does not have a good business plan and financial plan, it will not be interested in a potential investor. A financial model is needed, which the investor itself can be corrected. Good to have:

  • marketing research results;
  • letters from suppliers.

It is better to prepare three options at once: optimistic, pessimistic and basic. But, in any case, the model must be carefully adjusted. Only with such a situation can be hoped for the conclusion of the transaction. It is important to show that you know the market well, to convince the appropriateness of the introduction of your product. The investor must believe that investing the money in your idea, he will be able not only to quickly emphasize the investment, but also to make well.

How to prepare a presentation: 5 Chips for Investors

A presentation is very important, which will largely depend on the receipt of investments. Many entrepreneurs, preparing for the presentation, do not understand the interests of investors and do not know how to present their project. What items should contain a presentation?

  1. Defining a problem. If it is, it must be confirmed. Demand confirmation should be determined by real numbers.
  2. Solution to the problem. Your decision cannot be the only right. But this is your solution, and you need to convince the investor in that it works that people are ready to buy a product. It is best to come to investors already with certain results. For this you can take such steps:
  • do product testing;
  • inform about making changes to the project;
  • maxue with existing results.
  1. Search for product sales options.Readiness to buy does not mean that the product will be well sold. Even if a person is buying a service or a product once, no confidence that he appeals to you next time. Therefore, it is necessary to take into account the profit and loss per client, the so-called unit economy, as well as ways to attract and retention of customers.
  2. Market search and determination of the release strategy. You need to look for those markets that grow, and do not disappear, such as the market for repairing cell phones.

If the presentation is presented as your income will grow in 3-5 years, then your financial model will cause interest among investors.

  1. Determination of the amount of investment. At the last stage, it is necessary to tell the investor to what you need money and what amount you want, as well as what amount is ready to invest.

The right choice of an investor, a serious preparation for a conversation with him, as well as a good presentation of the project will help get a chance to invest in your project.

Andrei Merkulov

Investor, Founder of the Project Territory Investment
Owner of a number of assets - Profitable house, profitable apartments, income sites
Businesswoman, Traffic expert, Business replication and business systems

If you want to start a small business, you will need initial capital. One option is to attract investors. In the modern world you will find many potential investors, but you need to determine who exactly will support your project, and then draw up a convincing presentation. At each stage of its life cycle, the business needs financing. Regardless of how good the idea is, it requires certain resources for its implementation, both financial and material. You need to think about how and where to look for investors. So let's see what you need to small business to attract a reliable investor.

Where to get financing for your business?

At the initial stage, you can use the initial capital, which is provided by the start-ups themselves using crowdfunding. The initial capital is necessary to finance the initial market research, business plan and the creation of a product prototype. At this stage, the most difficult to find an investor for business, since the initial investment is considered very risky. For this reason, the founders of the business are trying to get the first investments at the expense of their own resources and begin to look for investors when their business has gained a certain form and already have something that "show". Next, we will tell about how to find investors to open a business.

Myths about small business financing

Before we proceed to the most viable options for business financing, let's dispel some popular myths about financing. It is better to deal with the reality with which you can work.

Myth number 1: Venture capital is a growing opportunity for business financing. In fact, venture capital financing very rarely and practically does not provide sufficient growth. Venture capital is money that is allocated to create a new business with the potential of both high growth and high risk.

These companies are usually focused on health care or new technologies, including things such as software, Internet and network technologies. However, such money is allocated only to very few fast-growing companies with powerful management teams. Such funding is not suitable for small business.

Myth number 2. Bank loans are the most likely option of financing a new business. In fact, banks do not finance business startups, as they can not invest in depositors in unjustified and risky enterprises.

Myth number 3: Business plans sell investors. In fact, it is not. A well-written and convincing business plan presents your business for investors in detail, but they invest in your business, and not just in the plan. You must create a team and develop a product, only after that you will have a real chance of attracting investors.

No one invests money in ideas or plans. A rare exception is a special case when investors know the entrepreneur well and are ready to invest in it in the early stage of its development. In this case, they invest in the entrepreneur, and not to the plan.

Why small business is looking for private investors

Ensuring small businesses in large banks Usually difficult. Even if you go to the bank with a detailed plan, you are likely to leave empty-handed, because small business represents the risk for the bank. Small businesses receive smaller income than large corporations, and more likely they do not pay a loan. Small business lending index reports that only 24.1% of low-business financing requests have been approved by large banks.

If you refuse to credit in the bank, do not worry. There are alternative options for financing small businesses, including the assistance of private investors. Private financing comes from non-bank individuals and firms. Private investors for opening a business offer several advantages compared to other small business financing strategies. Often private lenders specialize in a certain field of business. In addition to financing, they can give you their experience and recommendations.

How to find an investor for small businesses from scratch

The process of searching for money must comply with business needs. Where you are looking for money and how you are looking for money depends on your company and what money you need. There is a huge difference between the fast-growing company associated with the Internet and the local retail store, just looking for help in development. Below we will list a few steps that will help you find potential investors. How to find an investor for small businesses?

Step 1. Ask about investors from familiar businessmen. It is best to conduct a survey in the area of \u200b\u200bthe deployment of your future business. Meet with other small business owners or go to the local trading chamber. Ask, whether they know investors for your business. Private capital is money that private individuals and firms invest. In exchange for funds, private investors joint Stock Capital Get your own share in business. The purpose of the private investor is to sell its share in business after several years of investment to make a profit.

Step 2. Check online crowdfunding. You can contact investors around the world using an online crowdfunding site, such as Equity.net. These websites provide you with access to hundreds of investors who can help you complete your business plan and develop your business. However, over the past decade, the Internet has become a new source of financing.

Using crowdfunding sites, such as Kickstarter, entrepreneurs, artists, charitable organizations and individuals can post online handling for cash. For example, in 2013, the Hollywood Writer and Producer Rob Thomas used Kickstarter to collect $ 5.7 million to finance a film project based on the cult series "Veronica Mars". More than 90,000 people have invested small amounts of money for the realization of Tomas goal. By 2015, the Kickstarter platform attracted more than $ 1.6 billion for more than 200,000 individual projects, of which more than 81,000 were successfully financed.

Potential entrepreneurs who are looking for financing on a crowdfunding platform should understand the rules of the game. Some crowdfunding platforms store funds collected as long as the specified purpose is reached. If the goal is not achieved, the tools can be returned to donors. Platforms also take part money collected - So they finance their own operations.

Many crowdfunding efforts were not crowned with success. The Asstechnica magazine reports that the attempt by Canonical in 2013 to attract $ 32 million to develop a high-quality super smartphone failed after it attracted only less than half of the money of a million dollars at the popular Indiegog's crowdfining website. As a result, Canonical did not receive any means of their efforts.

To attract attention - and money - individual donors, you need to have a good story. In addition, business is likely to have to promise donors something in exchange for their money - a free bonus, such as a T-shirt or a sample of the goods to cause enthusiasm from depositors. A good idea will emphasize their personal commitment to business, emphasizing time, effort and cashthat you have invested yourself. Adding a video message often also helps.

Step 3. Contact your family and friends. These are people who know that they can invest in your business, especially since they see your determination. Do not forget to approach them the same way as any other investor. Friends and family will want to get some returns from their investments, like other investors.

You can be more flexible in what you offer. For example, instead of making them private owners, in return you can provide them with free products or services. You should also think about asking people you know about a loan, and not about investment. With credit, you do not need to refuse property in your business. In addition, if your business fails, you can repay the loan through bankruptcy.

Step 4. How to find an investor for business? Hire a business broker. These brokers have networks of potential investors with whom they can contact. You can find a business broker on the Internet or talk to other companies that used broker.

Step 5. Think whether venture capital is suitable for you. Venture capital is available for fast-growing startups. Typically, venture capitalists face a higher risk in their investments. But investments often have the potential for high profits. Venture capital - a longer investment than traditional bank loan. Investors in Venture capital are actively monitored. They participate in the decisions of the Board of Directors, Marketing Strategies and Business Structure. Venture capital is the term used to describe various investors, including private joint-stock companies, venture capital and investor companies. Although they differ, they are similar to:

  1. They assume big risks for potential large financial benefits. Accordingly, venture capital usually invests in the industry with high growth potential, such as technology or biomedicine. Very few enterprises have the right to finance venture capital.
  2. They are actively involved in your business. For example, they will probably require a place on your board in exchange for investment capital. Nevertheless, they often have experience in your industry and can help you grow.
  3. They have a longer investment horizon than other forms of financing.
Business venture capital is often understood incorrectly. Many entrepreneurs complain about the company venture capital for the inability to invest in new or risky enterprises. People talk about venture capitalists as sharks because of their allegedly predatory business practices.

Venture business is just a business. People who we call venture capitalists are businessmen investing the money of other people. They carry professional responsibility for the maximum risk reduction. They should not take on greater risk than it is absolutely necessary to obtain a risk / profitability ratio, which is asked for sources of their capital.

Venture capital should not be considered as a source of financing for any, except for very few exceptional enterprises. Venture capital cannot afford to invest in startups if there is no rare combination of product capabilities, market opportunities and verified management. Venture capital professionals are looking for companies that, in their opinion, can lead to a significant increase in business value in just a few years. They know that most of these risky enterprises fail, so the winners should win quite large to pay for all the losers.

They are focused on new products and markets that may wisely predict an increase in sales in huge quantities in a short period of time. They are trying to work only with proven management teams that deal with successful startups in the past. If you are a potential venture capital, you probably already know it. You have members of the management team who have already passed through it. You can convince yourself and a room full of smart people that your company can grow ten times in three years.

If you are looking for an investor for the project and want to know whether your project is suitable for venture financing, you can compare it with other projects. People in new fast-growing industries, multimedia communications, biotechnology or in the field of high-tech products, as a rule, are aware of the possibilities of venture and venture capital.

Step 6. Commercial lenders

Banks are even less likely than venture capitalists invest in business. However, they are the most likely source of financing for established small enterprises. Beginners Entrepreneurs and small business owners criticize banks and financial institutions for the inability to finance new enterprises. Banks should not invest in business and strictly limited in this regard by federal bank laws.

The government does not allow banks to invest in business, because society, as a rule, does not want banks to save savings from investors and invested in risky business projects. Obviously, when (and if) these commercial enterprises fail, the money of bank depositors are in danger. Would you like your bank to invested in a new business (except for yours, of course)?

In addition, banks should not give loans to novice companies in many of the same reasons. Federal regulators want banks to keep money in very conservative loans secured by reliable support. Novice enterprises are not safe enough for bank regulators and do not have a sufficient collateral.

Why then do we say that banks are the most likely source of small business financing? Because small business owners take loans from banks. The business that has existed for several years generates enough stability and assets to serve as a deposit. Banks usually provide loans to small enterprises provided by the company's reserves or receivables. There are usually formulas that determine how much can be borrowed, depending on how much in stocks and in accounts receivable. Most of the business financing in shopping centers It is carried out through bank loans based on the personal support of the business owner, such as property ownership. Someone will say that homequate capital is the largest source of small business financing.

Drawing up presentation

If you need an investor to open a business, start with the compilation of the right presentation. The key to the search for a good private investor is thorough preparation. Make sure you are ready to take on the creation additional capital Small business before contacting investors. Investors for small businesses want to see that you have an organized plan, potential for growth and healthy finances.

Step 1. You need to know how much money you are looking for. If you need small sumYou can easily find an investor to open a business. However, if you need an investor to open a business from scratch, you must calculate all expenses.

Calculate how much money you need for your small business. Also think what part of your capital are you willing to give investors after the successful business development. Investors for opening a business from scratch do not give loans. Instead, they receive a share of ownership in exchange for money. You must take the terms of the investor and first play on their rules. For example, if your business will cost 1,000,000 rubles, and you want 250,000 rubles of investments, you will need to give about 25% of the company's capital.

Step 2. Update your business plan. Your investors will be interested in your business plan that you had to create. The plan will determine your market, competitors and will include financial forecasts for five years. You must also summarize the resume to your plan. Investors often miss the other parts, but focus on the summary, so we spend extra time on it. Make a business plan bright and enable graphics.

Step 3. Explore the investor. Many investors focus only on certain industries, so you will save time if you decide in advance with their orientation.

  • Look on the Internet to check which companies they have invested.
  • Look at their profile to see if you know common people. If so, ask if an investor can be interested in your business.

Find out as much as possible about your potential investor. It works well for both investors and venture capitalists. Learn about your past investments, try to determine what their interests are, if possible, find out whether they have investigated such projects before. Of course, some information can be confidential, but it will cost efforts to be ready to meet with your investor, having studied their experience. In addition, it can give your meeting a positive start, showing a potential investor that you are serious about this issue.

Step 4. Specify the meeting details. There is no single way to contact the investor. If someone recommended the investor to you, specify the name of the recommender in your email letter or when you call. In addition, you can send your email to the recommender, and they can then send it to the investor.

  • In the letter, clearly report exactly what you do.
  • Specify the age of your business. Are you a beginner? Have you been to business for ten years?
  • Determine other investors with whom you worked. For example, an investor could give you a starting capital five years ago.
  • Specify the dates when you are ready to meet. Try to be as flexible as possible.
  • Check your email so that it looks professional.
  • Attach something to show your business to the investor. For example, you can create a short video that shows your products or services.

Step 5. Know your story. Investors are investing not only in business. They also invest money in a person - in you. Accordingly, they will want to learn something about you. You must be able to explain the following:

  • Which of your past led you to the desire to create a business?
  • What benefit did you get from previous experience in business? Be prepared to indicate specific achievements.

Step 6. Get ready for general issues. You can not foresee all that the potential investor will ask. However, there are some common questions that you must think about:

  • What big mistake did you allow in your business?
  • How do your competitors exceed you? What for?
  • Is something against your business, such as new rules, demographic changes, etc.?
  • Why are you looking for financing?
  • What are your long-term growth plans? How are you going to achieve business prosperity?

Consult a potential investor with a clear and reasonable description of what investments are necessary and for what time. At the same time, imagine an honest and convincing picture of how your startup has advanced and what you have already reached. The investor should get an objective idea of \u200b\u200bwhen his contribution may begin to generate income. Make a detailed business plan with an indication of achievable goals and practical steps to achieve them.

Meeting with potential investors

Step 1. Create a clear presentation. You will probably make a presentation for investors that can take various forms. For example, you can make a presentation in PowerPoint or create a booklet for an investor. With other investors you will just sit and talk. Regardless of the form of your presentation, it is important not to just repeat the content of your business plan.

  • The investor wants to understand your financial indicators, so you have a convenient business plan so that they can be taken and read.
  • Show your product or service to the investor. If you are expanding a confectionery business, have a baking assortment with you. If you provide a service, you can create a short video that shows your business in action. You must give an investor a specific idea of \u200b\u200bwhat makes your business.
  • Remember that pictures are more memorable than words. If you create PowerPoint, do not fill it with text.

Step 2. Be brightest. Your presentation should not take more than 20 minutes. If you are using PowerPoint, then it should be no more than 15 slides. Practice your presentation until it reaches the right duration.

Step 3. Ask the Council at the first meeting. Do not ask for money from the go. A potential investor needs time to ponder your business idea before he can decide whether he wants to invest. Accordingly, you must hold the first meeting, studying the investor. Nevertheless, you can finely hint at the required amount. For example, you can say: "I thought I would need 500,000 rubles to open new shop In this place, but I would like to hear from you, is there any hidden costs that I can not know about? ".

Step 4. Be honest. The investor will not allocate money until he is confident in your sincerity. He will want to look at the financial indicators of your business closer, and will reveal all your distorted information. Always be honest in your business plan and in conversations with potential investors. Admit you when you do not know the answer. The investor will appreciate your honesty. If you lie to one investor, then it will communicate with others in his community. You will earn a bad reputation and you will not be able to find investors on business development.

Naturally think that investor seduction numbers are the most effective way to get financing for a new project. In fact, everything is the opposite. Nothing is so undermining investors' confidence faster than projecting your business through rose glasses. Careful or even negative forecasting shows investors that you are honest with them, as well as are able to realistically evaluate the potential problems of your project. Underestimation - your best choice, and critical assessment of strong and weak Parties The project is crucial.

Step 5. Show your mood. Potential investors want to see that you believe in your business. Avoid arrogance, which shows that you are not sure. Instead, demonstrate confidence in the following relationships:

  • Be careful and die listen. Uncertain people all the time chatting and embarrassing laugh to fill silence. Get ready to listen and silent.
  • Store straight. Take the shoulders back when you sit and stand.
  • Install the visual contact when you say and listen to someone.
  • Avoid anxiety.

Step 6. Do not forget to ask questions to the Investor. Any investor will receive a stake in your business. Accordingly, you also need to check it out. Specify the following questions before agreeing to work with someone:

  • What other projects do they invest? Check if they are similar to your business, or they are in different industries.
  • When were their latest investments? If the investor has not invested for some time, they cannot be serious.
  • How do they plan to increase the cost of your company?
  • What factors will you take into account before making an investment decision?
  • How active they want to be in business? Wins an investor to take a place in the Council, engage in everyday operations, etc.?

Step 7. Contact the investor. After the first meeting, thank the investor by sending him a letter. It is unlikely that they will agree to invest only after one meeting, so keep the communication channels open. Short, professional letter with gratitude can help you establish further contact. You can also keep the investor in the course of the development of your business. For example, if you implement new Product, let him know how it works.

Important: Stay with professionals if you are denied. It is difficult to say why people prefer not to invest in business. You may not come up, or they may have already decided to invest in such a business. Regardless of the cause, you can control your reaction. Be a professional and thank them for your time. Remember that you may encounter an investor later when they want to invest in you. Now there is no reason to burn bridges.

Step 8. In case of failure, continue your search. Avoid discourability, if you do not get a lot of offers, or if each presentation leads to deviation. Perhaps you have not found a suitable investor. Continue to search, because the ideal investor can still be near.

Step 9. Fastening the transaction. After you have proven yourself as a reliable and trustworthy businessman, you will not have struggle to try to attract investments. Make these steps in advance to increase your chances of making a deal:

Prove that it works. After you have successfully built a business, even small, investors are more likely to believe in you. Develop an idea and achieve small success to show that you have an incentive to understand everything.

Create an atmosphere of trust. Each person you meet is a potential investor or contact person. It is impossible to collect money if you do not like investors. Engage people and be friendly. Look fresh and emit positivity.

Help and support

At the initial stage of launching small businesses, another type of resources can be required - those that are in the form of support. Young business may need office space, technical devices, access to high-speed Internet, and for this there are also solutions.


Coworking, which rightfully received the unofficial name "Space, as a service," is an excellent solution for entrepreneurs who want to run business without increased costs. Despite the lack of funding and, on the contrary, charging fees for their services, the coworking premises help significantly reduce initial costs on startup. Coworking space will save you from headaches when renting an office space, the choice of office equipment, the conclusion of a contract with an Internet provider, organizing premises for negotiations with potential customers and investors. Such objects are already throughout the country in sufficient quantities.

If you plan to launch your business not only in Russia, then you use the WEWORK service. This is a global cavking network, which heads the majority of coworking ratings, describes their service as follows. "You are focused on your affairs, and we will take care of everything else." Indeed, you will find a comfortable space for your office with essential equipment and services, as well as conference rooms, cafes and recreation areas. The advantage of the coworking sites is that they charge a monthly fee, therefore there is no need for long-term investments.

Business incubators

Unlike the coworking, business incubators offer not only funds and tools for doing business, but also a whole range of research, consulting and training services. There you can get advice on various aspects of business management - financial, legal, intellectual property, human resources and a lot. Incubators can collect you along with marketing experts that will help you in the preparation of the market research, management coaches. They will help you create a startup team, professional coaches who will tell you about the best practices of modern business.

Another big advantage of business incubators is that they can associate you with potential investors for your startup or organize a bank loan if you prefer such a strategy. It will help if you have never found where to find an investor for small business. Some business incubators work only online, without providing coworking services and concentrating on consultations and assistance.

In fact, the purpose of business incubators can be seen directly from the name - their goal is to help developing companies to "incubate" their business ideas, grow them into a prototype to attract investors and, in general, to support a beginner business before it plants the wings. Business incubators can be part state programs from government financingWhile others are funded by venture capital or major corporations. An example of a business incubator is the international IdeaLab service, which is looking for promising ideas and helps them become a successful business.

Business accelerators

They are on a step in front of business incubators, because it is here that small business can provide certain initial investments. At the same time, business accelerators have some input barriers and conditions that the business must fulfill to qualify for initial accelerator investments:

  • The accelerator programs are open to all applicants, but not all of them are selected. Percentage of acceptance of the most famous accelerators not higher than 3%
  • Accelerators usually reluctantly take individual candidates, preferring start-up commands. The general approach lies in the fact that the team has more chances to start a business than an individual entrepreneur.
  • Startups adopted for acceleration programs usually get small investment In exchange for some capital in favor of the accelerator.

Acceleration programs have a specific schedule, plan and term. During the program, novice enterprises are provided intensive consultations, assistance and training, and by the end they should be able to submit a demonstration. The demonstration is shown to businessmen, media representatives and potential investors to make a decision on further investment in a specific project. Startups included in the accelerator programs receive benefits not only from mentoring they receive, but also from the only fact of choice. Thus, the team applying to the program must submit a truly outstanding application to convince the Board that their idea has real value.

TechStars is a global network of accelerators with headquarters in the United States, working in Russia, Israel, Germany, South Africa, Australia and other countries. In 2017. cEO And the co-founder Dmitry Sushko took part in TechStars Boston as a technical staff that helps start prototypes and automate business operations with the support of remote JavaScript developers from the DA-14 command. TechStars formulated some simple recommendations for startups, hoping to take their programs:

  • Submit an application for the board ahead of schedule to learn the project and the team and follow their progress
  • Show quick execution by updating the app with actual achievements
  • Prepare a short, but impressive video and a brief description of the project
  • Provide links and describe the history and experience of your team.
  • Demonstrate a person to show that the project is people

In essence, these recommendations may be useful for applicants for any accelerator program. They all show that you have a great idea and you know how to make it in life. There are many programs to speed up startups, so you can choose the one that suits you most.

Key factors of successful cooperation with the investor

Find investment for business is just as important as attracting investors. That's what we advise novice entrepreneurs to look for in their investors:

Diversity. The more diverse your investment group is, the better they will be approached to solve the tasks facing your company. Look for investors with different experience and knowledge.

Confidence. Positive people can be the difference between the success and failure of the project. No company can grow without problems. Search for people who remain confident at this time can increase your chances of success.

Investors are much longer than just providing cash. Depending on the agreement, a suitable group can become an informal consulting firm or even help in everyday work. After an exhaustive search, you will definitely find an investor, ready to invest in your business. Many of them have the skills necessary to manage a large platform, and capital necessary for making improvements in your enterprise. Of course, some investors prefer to stay at the distance of an elongated hand. In any case, your team of investors can give impetus to the development of your own business. Always come to potential investors honestly and confidently, and do not forget, pickyly choose suitable people for cooperation.

be careful

Unfortunately, financing and private investments in small business are associated with money, and money generates some predatory business practices, fraud and the like. Here are some reminders that will help you avoid traps.

  1. Do not perceive private accommodations, friends and family as good sources of investment capital only because they are described here or perceived seriously in some other source of information.
  2. Some investors are a good source of capital, and some are not. With these less established sources of investment, it should be treated with extreme caution.
  3. Never waste other people's money without fulfilling proper legal work. Prepare documents from professionals and make sure they are signed.
  4. Never waste money that were promised, but not delivered. Often companies receive investment obligations and agree on expenditures, and then investment fails.
  5. Keep in mind that contacting friends and family for investment is not always a good idea. The worst time when you do not have supported friends and family, it's when your business in trouble. You risk losing friends, family and your business at the same time


If you are not a millionaire yet, then co-financing to launch a new business requires serious planning and effort. A diligent entrepreneur must weigh the advantages and disadvantages of the available financing options and determine which sources of funds provide the greatest flexibility at the lowest costs.

But you do not need to limit these options. Many small businesses begin with money derived from different sources. Even if you get a significant bank loan, you still may need additional money from friends and families or from yourself to bring to life your dream of launch. And there will always be unforeseen events and expenses. Fortunately, the emergence of new sources of financing, such as crowdfunding and peerbital lending, means that the potential small business owners now have at their disposal a wider choice of financing options than ever before.

Finally, the search for an investor for small businesses is a difficult way where no one is insured against failures. However, if you are well prepared and configured, you will be able to find an investor for production. Then your success will be in your hands at startup. Regardless of whether you choose a bank loan, a private investor, a government grant or a business incubator, each of these sources of financing have its advantages and disadvantages, as well as the criteria for evaluating your business.

- Subscription for underwear. If you are also thinking about developing your startup or run something from scratch, then our experience will surely be useful to you.

We spent a few of our money on the project to check the viability of the idea, but for the growth and testing of serious marketing hypotheses of funds have not been missing. Then we began to look for investments and found.

"Trusiblex" is not in its net form of technological service, but it definitely has a development potential towards IT, so we were looking for investments exactly. Technological projects often require long and complex development, and the result is measured not only by such metrics, which we are used to based on the university economy lessons 10 years ago. So if you want to open a beauty salon or auto repair shop, then you are my advice, alas, do not fit. But if you came up with a program that facilitates the work of the auto repair shop, you can find investments in the project, following our experience.

Anna Gorodetskaya

My documents: what to prepare

At the first stage of the project, a lot of documents are often recommended: a description of the concept, the mission, the necessary regulations - that is, materials, without which new members of the team with difficulty will understand what your project is about. It is not a fact that all the files will need to be needed in work, but they will definitely use you when you will compile key documents for investors.

  • Detailed presentation of the project
    You must have a document, from which a person who does not have ideas about the sphere of your project will understand what you are doing for whom and how. The document responds to the usual questions: what we do, for whom we do this, how we do it, who we are, what are our plans for our competitors. If you, like me, are introduced into a working stupor open empty files, then use the presentation template for Canva.com - there are already structured templates with minimal designs and icons that you can visualize processes and numbers.
  • Project Business Plan
    Even if you have not done any other sales, you still have to be an idea of \u200b\u200bwhere in your project money, let it be small and not soon. But if your project in principle does not imply earnings, then it may be relative to the social or art sector, and not investors will help you better than the sponsors.
  • Road map
    The document in which it will be painted, which, when and how much you are planning to achieve. It should consist of several milestones and descriptions of processes and resources that will help you come to them.

LinkedIn Sales Navigator / Unsplash

Where am I: Determine the Stage of the Project

To correctly choose a potential investor and the project presentation strategy, you must first decide what you have. For projects at the first stages of development there is a simple classification.

  • Pre-seed- You have an idea, a team, a prototype, hypotheses about the audience and sales channels, confirmed by small numbers. That is, you have a project in which there are some people, and the project is confident, albeit on small speeds, it works.
  • SEED - You went around all traps of the previous stage, did not go crazy, did not go to Nepal and are now ready to grow sharply.

At what stage your project is located, your investor search strategy will depend on: some funds can specialize in projects of different stages. When you contact a specific foundation, you will need to specify what the current project status you have.

If your stage is confident pre-seed and you have not yet released, essentially, nothing, it does not mean that you can not find an investor. The first investor search option will not require the availability of a finished product.

About the benefits of Khakatonov

If you have a team of developers, let it be small, then be sure to participate in thematic or corporate hackans. Khakaton is a short-term event (most often they are held on the weekend), on which teams or individual developers solve one problem voiced by the Organizer. In addition to the possible winning of the impressive prize, which you can start the development of the project, you will get acquainted with serious people in your industry.

Companies that hold hakathons are obviously interested in additional products if your project like it, you have a serious chance to attract the organizers of the Hakaton as an investor, as it was immediately with three teams on Khakaton "Gather University". The list of upcoming Khakatonov can be viewed.

If Khakaton does not fit you, then nothing prevents you from contacting the investor directly, because thanks to the documents that you have already prepared, you know what amount you need (although this item is just discussed).


Where to looking for

1. We go on the trail
If your product can definitely be attributed to "something tech" (medical technologies, financial technologies, and so on) and it solves a certain understandable problem, then pay attention to large companies In your sector, many of them have their own investment solutions. For example, QIWI has a separate platform through which you can contact the company with an investment request.

2. Search for neighbors
If you carefully and carefully prepared a presentation of your project, then you probably know all competitive startups in our industry. Information about transactions is a major infoovod that is very rarely hiding. You can check on the Internet, whether your competitors have received investments in the last year, and if yes, then who. Boldly contact the funds that have invested in projects similar to yours: this means that the Foundation is already working with your subject, something in it understands and will be able to evaluate your project for subsequent investment.

3. Apply directly
The easiest and most obvious advice, which for some reason no one uses: just write to the investment funds. The Firrma website has the most active rating (that is, those who spent the most transactions) of venture capital funds for the year. There are sowing, and new funds. The algorithm in this case is as follows: you need to go to the Invest Incendand website, try to find a project presentation template there, fill it out and together with the accompanying letter to send to the address specified on the site. Investment funds really read letters that come to them. They earn money on investment and, of course, do not want to miss interesting options.

I strongly recommend finding a specific stock presentation template and work with it, because you in any case will be asked to provide information in a standard form, and you simply lose time and some credit loan, if you do not use an open access document.

cartierawards / Instagram.

One of the formats of access to investments are startup contests. Most often for their organization, an investment fund and some large firm are combined, and the winners receive prizes from both: in the form of investments, in the form of services of the company or both. For example, the Competition "First Height" is carried out jointly by the consulting giant McKinsey & Company and the Winter Capital major investment confusion. But the most famous competition of startups in Russia is generations. In addition to the main competition in it, every year there are different nominations, the process of filing an application and expert checking in them may be easier, so check if there is a special forine system on the subject of your project, and if there is, I boldly apply on the site (list of special formalities Located below main page site).

Separately pay attention to contests that stimulate the development of women's entrepreneurship. So, the famous Cartier jewelry house has a competitive program for women - business leaders from around the world.

By the way, individual women's acceleration and investment projects There is not only Cartier. More information about the special features in IT for women PINK already.

Choosing an investor

Important and responsible business. Because the investor gives you not only money - he gives you ties and the opportunity to make this money even big money.

In addition, investment money is not allowed so - you can get them only in exchange for a share in the company. That is, putting another participant in his project, whose interests will have already exceptionally commercially, you must be prepared for your actions as a project manager should take into account possible benefits for the investor.

This is the main difference between investments from lending: a loan can be simply returned and forget, and the investor will remain with you until it comes from the project (I will not sell my share). So if your project involves a conditionally simple development cycle and requires not so much money, then it is likely that you will be easier and faster to take a loan on business development, and already involve larger investments for scaling the project.

Whatever option you choose, I wish you good luck and courage: regardless of the outcome of your hunting investment experience with the funds and the preparation of presentations will remain with you forever.

The article is written by an experienced entrepreneur who has experience in attracting investments in its own innovative projects and third-party startups, cooperating with such companies as IR Finam, Sbar, private capital, etc.

First, a small, but very important entry:

Find an investor who wants to invest in a new business and simple and difficult. How to find, I tell below, but at first I want to ask you: "Why do you want to attract an investor in your own business"?

No, I do not reject such an important and useful institute for novice business as an investor. In most cases, without an investor and attract third-party money, the business simply does not create and not run.

I ask about something else:

"Are your resources exhausted"?
"Does your business need an investor in general?"

Are you sure you need your project? Do you think the investor is solid "chocolate" and manna heaven? You are not mistaken?

Whatever to deal with these uneasy questions is more closely, I propose first and necessarily read these articles:

Article: "Is the investor with money always need a startup?"
Article: "Investments in the startup, what problems may be"?
Article: "Investor search for a startup or why the investor says" no "?

Where to start investor search for business?

You need an investor to open a business, and you do not know where to find it? From that and begin.

First of all, I want to say the most correct and the most banal: "To create an investor's business, you can find anywhere." Everywhere. At every step. Even extending the hand, you can feel the "friend's strong shoulder", which can become an investor of your new project.

Therefore, for those who are looking for an investor for a beginner business, it is more important to understand where to look, but how to search and most importantly - how to convince a person or a group of people to invest in your business.

Find an investor is not a problem, the problem is to make it a partner.

Below we will look at most of the possible "places" where you can and need to look for an investor, and now I will try to concentrate your attention at one of the most important moments - prepare for the search for the future investor.

On the Internet now, for many years, the bike walks as someone went into the elevator and literally two minutes later, told about my project, I got almost millions of dollars from the investor.

Completely, I can assume that this is a truthful story. Little Malachol and rich wakes up the world.

Perhaps someone on this came. But in life everything is much more difficult and finding an investor "from Kondachka", without preparation will not work.

To understand why, I will ask you: "You are ready to give an unfamiliar person my blood-earned 25.000 rubles. Just because he promises the Golden Mountains "? I think no.

You will study the offer, promises, etc. Why then many of those who are looking for money on the project thinks that this money can be found without careful training?

In order to find serious money in a serious project, the minimum that you should have on your hands, this is a future project business plan and its presentation with the provisions on the benefits of the possible investor.

The business plan can be replaced by the TEO (technical and economic rationale) but it is better to have a full-fledged business plan. Anyway, then the correct investor will be such a business plan to demand to maximize their money.

After reading in Wikipedia and realizing what kind of business angel's investment applicant can be prepared (creating a business plan and presentation) and contact the most serious organization of Russia to help involve private investors in business - "Sbar" (Community of the Russian Business Angels) . There are other similar communities, but I advise first of all to appeal to them.

The fact is that I moved one of my inventions a few years ago through Sbar.

I want to say that my project never received the investment you need.

But communication with the representatives of Sbar, his managers preparing projects to the investment session and with those investors who were found with their help, "forever" cleared my brain regarding my innovation.

And understanding the innovation business in general.

Yes, I did not receive the investment in the project with the help of a Bar, but those knowledge and experience that I received promoting the project with their help helped me get investments on another project in operational and comfortable mode. "Knowledge, like money, does not happen much."

By the way, I offered my project and in the National Network of Business Angels "Private Capital", which in the city of Moscow. There my project immediately rejected. But I was not frustrated and continued to search.

What and you wish: do not fall in spirit when refusing and continuing the search for an investor.) In general, if you once again refuse that it does not mean that your project is bad. Perhaps he is not a breakthrough and will not turn the world, but the more stubborn you will promote it, the more chances you have success.

Where and how to take money for startup

In this video, it is described: The legendary, Russian Internet entrepreneur Anton Nostess shares his considerations and developments about how and where it is necessary to look for their investors and how not to make a mistake.

Where to find investors for business online?

Now on the Internet, you can often see ads of about this type: "I am looking for an investor in a small business." On bulletin boards, special resources for beginner entrepreneurs and innovators.

You can also take advantage of this opportunity and submit your announcement. You may, so you will find your investor, but the chances of success will be minimal. It is best to turn to investors address.

What I mean, saying: address. This means that it is necessary to prepare, collect a list of those Internet resources through which you can refer to future and real investors.

Do you know why you need to contact the investor address? I will try to explain on the basis of your own experience. A few years ago, I decided to create my own and extensive resource base, where it is possible to announce a declaration of investment in one very interesting project.

I approached the collection of data with all the responsibility and for the month I gathered everything that at that time could be found in RuNet. Including overseas investment funds. Greob, as they say everything that came to his eyes and barely "moved."

What a result turned out after my offer I sent to all these funds, communities, centers, technoparks, etc.?

Zero! Clean and virgin!

Russia and Ukraine is the first step to the beginning of a successful business with a light and simple start.

Deciding on the purchase of franchise is necessary with the professional recommendations of the section:

O myself latest news and business trends with franchise can be read

Do you know from whom did I get "encouraging" answers and an investment offer? From those who provided paid services Search for investment. Mall: "You have a wonderful project, you with our help will turn your idea with our help, ... but first we need to pay the N-th amount of money." All clear?

Do not waste your time on similar empty troubles. No, I do not deny that on similar bulletin boards, forums, etc. You can find your investor. This is possible, but the chances are small.

Most of the "investors" on such resources are those who have no money, but there is a desire to dively diligently for money. And they are bred. And how to dilute!

What is me all about sad!

Look for money for the project on collective investment services. In my opinion, today the best crowdfunding platforms in Russia are the following resources:

  • boomstarter.ru.
  • planeta.ru.

If your business is created on innovative idea, I advise you to contact the Skolkovo Foundation https://community.sk.ru/news/ or in technopark "Strogino". These are government or near government structures, it is not easy to get into them.

An example of such a "hit" can be: CorteOS project and project "On Great".

In Russia works productively Russian Startup Tour. This is the longest tour of the regions of leading experts of Russian development institutions with the participation of venture capital funds and the largest corporations. Perhaps your business or your innovation will be interested in a large corporation, and will it provide his investment?

Recently met with a proposal from the creators of the service "City of Money". Money city - this site online loans for business and investment. I don't want to give a link, I did not use myself, find-google, but as stated on their website - this is a platform on which investors and borrowers can contact each other directly, without intermediaries.

Well, the most likely - take money in the bank. Either according to the program of helping beginner business, for example from Sberbank, or in the form of consumer credit. Many novice entrepreneurs started. They took money in the bank in the form of a consumer loan and started their business. Many it turned out.

The main thing is to find an investor

In this video, it is described: Interview with the creator of the legendary online store "Ozone" Alexander Egorov in which he talks about the difficulties of finding investments and difficult relationships with investors who led to the sale of business.

Investors for business in Moscow

Ads type: "I am looking for investors for business development in Moscow" or: "I am looking for an investor for business Ukraine" in my opinion, are incorrect.

In the first case, the investor is not particularly important where the business created on a breakthrough technology or the idea is deployed, and in the second, to search in Ukraine an investor in our time (well-known political events) does not make sense. Which of serious investors will invest in a business in a business in the country with a falling economy?

Let us dwell on the search for an investor in Moscow. I personally would not make the differences in the geographical attachment of the investor, but if it would do, I would add to such resources as "Club managers - E-XECTIVE". Do you know why? Yes, because there are 90% managers from Moscow, and who have money.

Moreover, there are many managers with money that has already been "ripe" for your own business. Do you understand? There is money, the desire to create a business is, the experience is, but it's time to devote yourself to a new business, no.

From the post of the general manager of some oil company, even for his own business is not all ready. Exit: Find a generator of ideas with your head, put in it, his team and his idea of \u200b\u200bmoney and everything will be in chocolate.

This is informative: Strategy for startups

In this video, it is described: Very interesting and peculiar speeches of Yuri Lifshitsa, which can be entitled with humor: "Startup is not all life." Yuri tells how to organize and build a startup strategy that will be key in your success.

Investor is looking for business projects and ... does not find suitable

90% of projects for creating a new business do not receive investments because the business initiator is to blame. Its main guise is that he either incorrectly makes emphasis in the business plan for the investor, or incorrectly creates a presentation of the project.

Here it is necessary to understand the most important thing - as an investor's applications consider.

In 95 cases out of 100, the investor sees only the main indicators that provided the initiator of the project:

  • whether its financial indicators of the project are arranged;
  • the payback period of the project;
  • project risks;
  • and exit options from the project.

The remaining indicators of the investor will read and consider only when he will be interested in those points that I listed above. Many are more interested in the presence of the project team, but this is not so important moment in my opinion. Rather, important, but then.

I will tell you how one of our projects were viewed in IR Finam.I will say ahead, we, with a partner, creating a presentation a little schitri. Knowing in advance that we will send your presentation to the fins, we carefully prepared.

Having learned what projects to invest this Dear Foundation investigate in Russia, found the general "features" inherent in our project and those projects in which the foundation has already invested. And these "features" and features emphasized in their presentation.

Explore the numerous experience of other entrepreneurs created successful business With a franchise, you can in the section of our website:

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"Focus" passed, and we were invited to conversation. Did we deceive the fund or not? Yes No, of course, we just did your presentation correctly. Will it help us in the end? Not. Our project fines did not finance.

But we found investments elsewhere and other investors, talking about the fact that our project received very good reviews in Finame.

Now about how to make a business plan, the example of which will satisfy everyone. Rather, the small features of this compilation. So to say: "Business plan for an investor, an example of my own life."

What you write the type: "The project will earn up to $ 100 million in two years," no one is especially interested in anyone. In my practice, any applications of this type are very quickly checked.

The main thing is what it is necessary to make an emphasis in the business plan - carefully and responsibly treat the creation of items:

  • what problems of people solve the project;
  • project risks;
  • investor outdoor options from the project.

Describing the risks of the project, it is necessary to clearly understand what your suggestions may arise in the process of its incarnation and in the future. Including competitive risks and risks called force majeure.

Describing an investor output options from the project, it is necessary to clearly write to what you agree to build relationships with the investor. Here it is necessary to understand the main thing - an investor investing in the project wants to tritely earn money. Get profit. It is desirable explosive profit.

All other motives that are important to you personally, for example, to create a unique business, be the first in the industry, to prove something to my wife ... Investors do not worry perfectly.

Therefore, he must clearly understand how and when he can sell his stake in the business created.

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